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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 17 Dec 1959, p. 7

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TKURHDAY, D~. 17W, ZIGS TEE CANADIAN STAT~MAN. ROWMANVILLU. ON'PARTfl _________________________ 4 ~ ~ V ~A~V gcSociaI & (ersona/ Phone MA 3-3303 .W. L. B. Nichols spent the weekend with his son, Mr. and * Mms. Douglas N'ichols, Kingston, Mr. George Perfect, Nelson -Street, has returned from Osh- awa Hospital and is convales- cing at Its home. Belated congratulations anbd beM wishes t0 Mr. Alfie Shrubb Whio celebm~ted a birthday last Saturdiay, December l2th. Mr. and Mrs. W. R Edger, Debbie and Randy, Peterbcr- Ougli, recently visited his mo- ther, Mrs W. JA. Edger, Welling- ton Street. S.Andrew's Church December 201h 11:00 a.rn-WORSHIP "Gm tTime" Service of Baptiam 7.19 p.m.-CHRISTMAS VESPER "ýEven Un. Bethlehem" The Choir, asited by Mr. lem Metcaif, gueat soloiat Rev. Aloi. G. Scott, Minister Min~ Leta Bragg, A.R.C.T., Organist Bowmanville Baptist Church Nelson St. near Liberty Pastor Alfred C. Beni Mir. Paul HolIiday formier pastor o! Bewmanville Raptiat Church Wfl be speelal speaker at the welcoming service of Mr. Elmore Boomer Saturday, Dec. 191h 8:00 P.. A cordial welcome to ail PJ Mr. and Mm-s Lucas Nichoils, 1Prospect Street, have moved to Oshawa, where tiiey will take Up residence at 895 Sdmcoe Street Nort, Apt. 5. Peter Vanstone, son of -Mr. and Me-, Byro-i X anstone. King Street West,, recently suffered a broken leg the resuit oci a tobogganing accident. Guests wifli Mrs. J. H. H. Jury, Silver Street are lier sis- fer, Ma-s. Gordon Jury o! Wa- terdoýrvn, Ont., and lier sist or- in-law, Mis. J. McLaurin o! Toronto. 1 Misa Sally Price o! the «Ice FoUies" is spending lier Christ- mias vacation with Miss Lynne Begnell and Lynne'a parents, Mr. and Mra. W. W. Bagnell, Scugog Street. Mrs. M. Morrill Division Street, is in Sia Barbara, Oalif., where aIe plans to spond the winter monts with lier son, Mr. and Mrs. Fergus Morrili and Paf. Mr. Charles H. Carter o! the Carter Family Bakery, was elocted a director of the Na- tional Council o! the Baking Indusfry at the annuel meet- ing held in Toronto recently. Mr. and Mrs. Ron Kifson, who have just recently arrived in Canada !ollowing their wed- ddng in Zwiebrucken, Germany, are visiting lis parents, Ms-. and Mrs. Wil!red Kitson, King St. West. Constable John Bird lias re- turned home and is making set isfacfory progres ollowing an acuto appondectomny ini Memonial Hospitrr, Bowinan- ville. We hope lie will soon be back on duty. Mr. J. F. Heyland lied the misfortune f0 slip on the icy surface o! lis yard last Mon- day suffei-ing a break in his r6glit log between tlic ankie and knee. He is a patient i Mémnorial Hospital. His friendis and fellow stu- dents will be happy to learn thet Alan Houper, 13, son of Mr. and Ms-s. R. Hooper, lias recovered aufficiently from his recent iliness lu return home from Oshiawa General Hospi- tal. Late afternoon anid early ening shoppers have thepl sure of hearing favou r Christmas Songs and Cw played on St. Johru's Angli Ohurch chimes. Many tbs to tihose responsible for1 Yuletide treat. Thie three choirs of Tri !United Chureli, Junior, Int mediate and Sensor, willp ticiparte in, the aul Ca Service to be held in Trin United Ohurcli next Sund Deceinber 20th, at 3:30p when the Christmaes Storyv be told as- a narrative.i Owen Niobolas will e solà ST. PAUL'S -UITED CHURCH Minister - Rev. H. A. Turner, BA, B.D. Organist - Mrs. Reta Dudley, A.T.C.M., LC.& 9-50 arn. - SUNDAY SCHOOL iar.. Chriuias service Special Music by Senior Choir 4 p... - Carol Service led by Teen and Twenty Club Sunday School Christmas Entertainment la Lions Centre, Monday, Dec. 2lst, at 7:45 p.& Everyone Welc.rne Trinity United Church MWolter--Rev. Wm. M. Housiander, B.A., B.D. Organist-Mr. Arthur Collison, Mus. B., L.R.S.M.L il aML - MORNING WORSHKIP "Let Heaven and Nature Sing" 12:10 p.m. - SUNDAY SCHOOL Amual Carol Service Chrwsmas Eve Service -3.30 p.. 8 So'clock EVERYONE WELCOME REHQBQTH CHRISTIAN REFORMED CHURCH ScumogSbtt, owmaavill "MUNNG SERVICE - 10.-@a.m. - But"lh EVENIG SERVICE - 1:30 p...- Duteb *SUNDAT SCHOOL AFFER MOENING SERVICE "Back To God Hour"' Broadcast b m- CKD"01W. ut 3 pu.M wey SM&d &X3 am every Sunday, CFEB ,ev- ùea- ite sols lican anks this n&ity kter- par- arol 'nity day, P.m. will Mr. Dist. ville in 1951 to accept an ap. kindness, urxselfLshnessý, an the pointment as. Parish Priest of eloquence of his sermons. Dur- the Sacred Heart Church, Trout. Creek, Ont. Two years later he ing World War II Father Coi. became parish priest of St. fey was a Captain in the Cana. Luke's, Downeyville. dian Arn-w Chaplaina Service% Father Coffey will be long and was the Roman Catholie remembered by the members oif chaplain of the Prisoners of his former pariali here for his War Cam-p, Bowxnanville. I ILokg Çorward toi Bowmanville Public Sdiool Girls' Choir, undrer the direct- ion of Mr. M. L. Beaton, Direc- toi of Music for Bowmainvifle Public Schools, participated in the program when blind per- sons from Bowmiawyille district arud Oshawa were entertained by the Oshawa Lions Club last Tuesday evening, December 15th. Two weeks ago a boys' and girls? group called the Happy Chii1den.'s Hour o! East Beach was formed under the direction of Mr. anid Mrs. George Meeks. Twernty - six children., whose ages are fTom three to thirteen, were at the initiial meeting. Al chldren o! the area will be niede most welcome at the meetings held from 6:30 te 7:30 p.m. at Mr. and Mrs. Meeks' home on Thursday niight of eadij week. Six infants received the Sac- rainert of Baptism last Sunday ini Tringity United Churcli. There were Joan Rut, daugh- fer of Mr. and Mrs. Meredith Little; Mark Stephen, son of Mr. and Mirs. Jack Mundiay; Catherine Anne, daughter of MA-f. and Mrs. Don McGregor; David.Geraird, son of Mr. and Mrs. G. Schm~idti; Donna Marie, daughter of Mr. anid Mrs. Ray Munday and Gordion Wallace, son of Dr. and Mirs. Allan B. Sylvester. Exam Time 1At B. H.S. Soon Be Over Studentsata B.H.S., mosi et them ciad inijeans, are undergoing a stronuous time this weck. If la examina- tion trne. Next Tuesday, ail schoois la the area wiii close down for the Christmas holidays, which undoubtediY wili be Most weicome. -They will return to achool the foliow- tutiIMda7,. January 4th. Churches Finalizé* Their Plans Special Christmas Services Roger & Gaillet Soaps - 3 for 2.0 Tweed Cologne .-.- 1.50, 2.0< Tweed Purse Perfume -_ 3M2 toilet woter, tai4 chet, & bath crys P.1; Bath SOUtS- Spray Cologne- 0 Talcum - shaker tg Toilet Water 1 Cul ex bwvlioeeufSr houfi.,gertilp Transparent plastic box set si iilustrated hoids polish, pol. Ishi and cuticle removers, nail white pencil & other manicure ocessories. LOI25 3. gmc.Muy styUed Shock resistani <~ Unbreakable aryst -Ont Vay manl sze goUdcobloEaoe n Isqfi hinor tonneau shpe. Stokd sta Dk ac ny oe 'To look your ioveliest for cil the Yuletide seoson, treat yourseif to a new home-styled de .in >ressmoker Baffles Je 12.00 As lias been customary in past years, special Christmasi services will be held in :..ost of the dhurches in town, eiter on Sunday, Dec. 204ih, Christ- mas Eve or Christmas Day. Al members and Visitons are in- vifed f0 join i tese services. St. Pnul's United Church will have a spocial Christmras Ser- vice, Sunday, Decembor 20th., at 11 a.m. ivhen Rev. H. A. Turner w111 deliver a Christ- mas message. A Carol Service wlil be held in the e! ternroon of the same dbay at 4 p.m. when the Teen and Twenity Club will ocoupy 'te choir loft un- der the direction of Mr. Ron- ald Scott. Capt. Normaen Coles will be in charge o! the Salvation Army's Christmas Services at the régular times on Suriday, Deceml:er 2)ith. The Carol Sc- vice wilil feature the Junior choir. In Trinity United Ohurdli, Rev. W. Housiander will delii- ver the sermon aft te reguler morniing service on Sundjay, Decemnber 2(111. At 3.30 p.m. of the same day thero will be a Ohristmas Carol Service. On Thursday, December 24t, the Christmas Eve Service will be af 8 Rev. A. G. Scott wil have a special message at the morning service in St. Andrew's Pros- byterian Ohurch on December 20th at the usual hour and in the evening tiere will be a Choral Vespér Service at 7.15, p.m. In the ERapbist Chus-dl spec- ial Christmas Services will be hlid morning and evening at the usuel times, Mr. Elmore Boomer, thin new pastor in charge. Regular services will be hlid Stores Open Every Night 'Tii -Christmas Foilowing fthe announce me.nis m*at * iaued b1) thc Chamber et Comnmere aextra" gef t foany wamam rsotimct of quoli ty poper in sof t, pastel Skl Oum 10 1.50 Lou .ucb.udber WoIb Max Factor t. -"SopistiCot"Perfume Io purr-fect and un. le usual gift perfume 1.95 e* Cologne in Primitif or Hypnotique 2.25, 4.00 ,e, Hi-Society 'Lipstick in el nmirror case .-. 1.95 Mennen Gift Set containing Mentholized Lather Sharve, Skin Bracer, Talcum and Spray Deodor- ont -..-2.25 - 2-piece Set 1.25 Skm Bracer --1.00 "Af ta" 'Shave Lotion -- 1.25 &bout store heure, t was surprising to find t1xat many stores were paying no at- tention to them. They were openint and closlng as they lndlvlduaily saw fit. 80. for the benefit of eus- tomers who like to do their Christmas shopping ln flow- manville, we can only teli you that many of the stores are open every niglit fron now until Christmas. If you corne te Bowman- ville during the evening, we suggest you leave enough tixue to drive around the streets t. view the decora- tions on homes which are rapidly belnc erected. Some of them are quite beauti- IUi. in St. Joseph's Roman Catholic Church on Sundiay, December 20t. On Christmas Eve cerols wîll bo by tIe choir prior te Midnigli Mass and on Christmas Day Mass will be at 9 arn. and il am.. In St. John's. Newcastle, Mass will be at 9.30 Christmas morning. Rev. G. E. Leno will conduct the moilning service at the Pen- focostal Churd i ethte usual hour on Sundiay when there will be a Dedication of Infants. In the evcning at 7 p.m. fliere will be a oandlelight service wifh the Junior Choir partici- paf ing. Rehoboth Christian Reform- ed Churcli will have regular services on Sunday, December 20t.h. On Christmas D>ay there will tbe a service et 10 amn. in Effglish and one at 7.30 p.m. in Dutch. At St. John's Anglican Churdli, Rev. A. C. Herbert will conduct negular monning and evening services next Sunday. Iere will be Holy Comimunion on Christmas Eve af 11.30 p.m. and on Christmas Day at 8 a.m. and 10 amx. On Sunday, Dec- ember 27t., there will be Holy Communion at 8 a.m. and ser- vice at 11 a.m.. Festival of Christmas Carols wlll le af 7 P.m. Sunday, December 27th. ]y 16 years. Ho leff Bowmen-I. seeing you CHRISTMAS DINNER, at the - Coronation Destaurant Celery Hoarts Radishes . . s Fruit Cocktail Choice of: Rost Young Turkey wlth Cranberry Sauce Rost Goose with Apricot Sauce Rosat Prime Rib Beef with Horse Radiuh Sirloin Steak with Mushrooms Roast Chioken wifh Jelly Lobster Salad Mixed Nuts and Fruit Steamed English >Pium Pudding with liard Sauce Hot Mince Pic Te& * Coffee - Milk ý$2125 PER PLATE Sweet Pickles Olives Cream of Tomate 9 King St. W. Boivmanville MA 3-5412 stort by shooting" the- .opening of gifts on Christmas morning. < Visit aur photo diepart. % - ment. We have a com- <r plete selection of cam- t>-ee ero outfits for snap. shots, color slides or homne movies. TUÉ. PerfeCt gifi for 'flashfm as! Syi SM Mguperll.sI"Fwhbulbs A gift that will realy be oppreciated by flash camera enthusiosts. Pictures token Onywlere and anytime are sharp and bright when Syl- vonio flashbulbs Iight them. Buy - the dozen packs. H r- Blpans, fowntin pan.s, arridge- pans, pocket Pan sets, desk sets in a wide range to suit your puise.b NorbAit Cmhutdse A superb bail point pen with o motchlng lead pencil. A noturof gift fôr- almost anyone - 1.98 NORTH-RITE "90"Baim Pen 98e ueo"g.fer Williams ave tlton-7z ,1.25 Lectric Shave - 79t, .1.50 th. amw ftea ma% sbavb.g pmble. Sunbeam SLADE-ELKTkIV Shaves as close and clean as saap and biade with the speed, comf art and corwenience of eIectric shavir. A treot ta use. PRESCRIPTIONS A SPECIALTY *~'*Àà. lex., McGregor, Drugs We -Deliver Your Local I.D.A. Drug Store MA 3-5792 O'DURATONE" 4 Playing Cards 10 Piostic-cooted Singles Doubles 1.59 3.10 Perkins Deluxe Continuous Rail GUFT WRAP PAPER Assorted desîgns. Eoch rall is 20 inches by 40 feet. .-9 secur ySrgift wroppings ~~ quickly . .. safely Scotch Brand C»IFT WRAP TAPME Choice of decorativ Christmas designs. Add a tauch oi winter ta your decorations! Fr@sty Snow Spray it on your trce ond de- comote windows, minrois, etc. 6aounce 12 ounce <with 98c 20O stencils> 1.39 SEAI.S, TAGS, WRAPPING PAPER 10e 15c 25e CIGARETTES in 50,s -.ý-.. 90 Export, Matinee, DuMaurier, Roth- man'sPlayers, Block Cat. PIPE TOBACCO-1/2 ibs. .- 1.55 Up Aika- Seltzer in0agoy et J j, A URGE ~'toruas3 ff4#j SIZEI 1 1 1 91 , 1 LEATHER BILLFOLDS - 1.79,2.50 to 10.0 GILLETE BLUE BLADES --2.50, 5.00 010 SPICE GIFT SETS -- 1.35 ta 9.00 PIPES - assorted shapes - - 1.00, 1.95 up Fother Coffey - (Confinued from page one) cornIer 18th, at 11:00 o'clock. If is expected that a number o! his former parishoners from Bowmanville wil attend the funeral service. Aithou gl Father Coffey lad ,suffered a severe illness a fewv years ago, le hlad not been iii rocently. He lad flot been in the best of lealth, but le lad been able to attend to the du- fies of his parish regularly. His sudden deafli camne as a slo-ck to the people of Downeyvile, lis friends hore and tîrouglout the Diocese o! Peterborough. Father Coffey was parish priesf o! St. Joseph's Roman Cetlolic Church here for near- 1 - b WIWFJMAT, DZQ 171t, WU TEE CANADLAX STATESM". BOWMANVnJ.-& ONTAMD PAMIE lqVvim 9 for MA 3-5412 3e- K- Bowmanville -wmwý

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