AW A AW W W~D RA -- - - hlfluary 1- 1 Çnties of Northumberland! Dr. Edwin Ewert, Rosthern. and Durham to bring motion to .Sask., wîil take up practice set aside the results of the hi- here next week. Dr. and Mrs. q~uor vote onl two questions of Ewert and their three children, the five submitted in the re- will reside on Frederick Ave, cent election. Comrade Ed Rundie was the! Bowmanvilie will be the linanimous choice to head up1 site of a new Grand Union 1959 officers of Branch 178,1ISupermarket this year, accord- Canadian Legion, when the an- 1îng to a news release received nual election «1 officers wa.i this week from the Publie Re- held Dec. 28. lations Dept. of Carrol'l's Ltd. Thirteen hundred childrei who operate the Grand Union àqttended the free theatre mat-I Stores. mnecs provided by the Merch-1 January 15th- ants' Association and Chamber, r 4eet ig h a ofnr C B-wce been office manager of Spec- January 8-jialty Paper Products Co. of The Town"s new cOulIcil in-; Bowmanville, assumed the post augurated Mond a Y eveningI of Assistant General Manager. were Councillors Ken Nicks, Apoalw. ecîe o Ivan Hobbs, Lloyd Preston,,îithe Town's winter work pro- Keith Lathangue. Albert H.1 gram which will include two Sturrock and O. Jim Presson, j projects. The Town will con- Deputy - Reeve Jack Brough, tribute $,0 oteporm Reeve W. Dave Higgon andth $00t the progicalgv ram, en Mayor Wilfrid D. Carruthers. $2500 prncihefeal govern e A Fiat was obtained frorn ment $5,000. .fudge J. deNavarre Kennedy January 22- in County Court o! the United l'en town méiyors slice 1929, Milton j. E1'iott, Dr. Geo. W. FAIMSERICEJames, W. R. Strke S. Li tie, DEA, O» ad CIPPED tone Nelson E. Osborne, H. L. FD ODaIM dSTCK PPED Quin.R. O0.Jones and G. A. Rm edFAreSTO!Chage Edmondstone received souvenir1 Rerove Fre o Chrte bookends at testimonial civic Inmmedlate 24-Hr. Service dinner. The latter three were ASK TOUR OPERATOR FOR unable to be present at the din- 1 ZEnith 66550 eGarnet B. Rickard was elect- t No Toil Charte ed warden of the United Coun. NMck Peconi - Peterborough fies- a first for Darlington. 1 Durham District High School d SPECIAL' r Milenu 'Served from 12:00 nooe" oi Choice of three Juices ltoast Turkey andi Stuffiiag Mashcd Potatoes Green I'eas '1urîîip Giblet Gravy Ilome-inade Roîls Hfot Mince Pie Phone Newcastle 4271 Situated on Highway 115 One Mile North of Newcastle W. will be pleased to accept your advance orders PLAYING DEC. 30 TO JAN. 2 (SAT.) Matinee Saiurday - 2 p. RAY WALSTON ERANK TASHLIN- ROBERT O'BRIEN Complete shows at 7 and 9:15 NEW YEAR'S EVE MID-NITE SHOW Dec. 31 - Thurs. Nid-nit. Blood of thec Vampire in foo Aiso "Mons fer on the Campus'ý, Aduit Enteî tainment MON. TO WED.* - JANUAIY 4 - 6 "The Young Philadeiphians'e Aduit Entertainmen t .fromn Board for 1959 will be headed Stamford. by A. A. Strike o! Row'man. Miss Donna Akey was crown- ville. ed Teen Town Queen at annual January 29- Easter Prom. Council considers withdrawal Quick campaiga launched by from Duirham High School Area; Newcastle Lions helps re-es- Darlington recomxnends outsîde tablish burned out family of arbitrators ta settie high sehool Mr. and Mrs. Jack Lees andsie their six chiidren who weresite . - left homeless when a raging A l 6 fire destroyed their home oný Canning*factory purchased by Manvers St. during a blinding Schwarz Bros., local livestock snowstorm. ,dealers. A meeting ta organize a Redý John Cruickshanks, Hampton, Cross Branch in Bowmanville' was named oats champion et the wiil be held in the Leg on HallCentrai Ontario Spring Show. orad evening. Miss Jopie Duivesteyn was on Fidaychosen Miss Cartwright High Comrade Florence Knight Sehool at the first annual "At was installed as president Of Homne" the Ladies' Auxilia*ry ta the April 23- Canadian Legion. Misunderstaîîdit ini Clarke1 Februry ~delaying new hospital wing. A Canadian Tire Associale Two of the West brothers oft1 Store wal open on the site of Orono, stars of local hockey the former Simpkin building teams for several years, have 1 and will be operated by C. Ste- taken on a side-line that should1 wart McTavish. provide them with even more The fifth conseutive Mo-lexcitement than scoring goals.j ther's M.arch o! Dimes Blitz Both Junior and Keith "Gramps", collected $1,900 in one hour. West have bought race horses Council passes by-law to of the paccr type. keep dogs and cats from run- Police to t'race roamuig cat E ning at large. and dog pets -2~ offenders will About 60 head of purebred be prosecuted under a new by- lioisteins were saved when law that provides for a fine of fire destroyed the large barn up to $50, on the Muir farm in Courtice April 30- et 7 p.m. Wednesday. Angry ratepayers will protest February 12-_ re-location o! town's dump in il Due to the excessive acuwm- South Ward section. i .iiation of ice and snow on the Bowmanville's "big-leaguer" t roof of Memorial Arena, the in the world of hockey, W. M. ]E building was elosed Wednes- "Bill" Morrison, N.H.L. lines- day as a precautionary mea- man, is in Europe to officiate p sure. Re-opening will depend during the five-week exhibition o on the wh*im o! the weather. c At the annual convention of flon I K the Ontario Weekly Newspa- Busness ll urectory pers Association in Toronto'e--.---..... R~oyal York Hotel, the Canad- sir Îan Statesman was awarded the tcco ln ta nc y P Au-rori Banner Trophy for c general excellence in commun- RATY.J. DILLINGc ties o! 4500 or over and was Certfed Puiblic Accountant C alse dwarded; second prize foi 93 Church Street 0 the Best Front Page. MArket 3-3861 The Carillonie Beils ini Tri- ty United Church wilh be ded- WM. 3. H. COGGIN5 fL iated on Sunday in memory of Chartered Accountant f Dr. L. B. Williams. Second FloorH ebrar 19 Cr.New Library Building 0 FeCole ce19-r Cor. King and Temperance Sts. fi Mir. F. JackCoeclbad Phone MArket 3-3612 fî 5 yearis in the barbering bus-. mess on February llth. TALE, FRIEDLANDER, Ji Durham Chapter 181, Order MUNTER & Co. fP the Eastern Star celebrated Accountants and Auditors cc Is 31st birthday on February Licensed Trustee in Bankruptcy ir [Oi. 64 King St. E. RA 5-1621 of Miore thati 200 enjoyed the Oshawa, Ontarioau innual At Home held by Jer- B. L. Yale, C.A. b' isahema Lodge AF and AM at P. Friedander, B. Com., CPA. in ;e Lions Community Centre MOTIR OTET ;aturday evening. M RTIEHL & <110. fi ?ebruary 26- Chartered Accountants r *At an imnpressive cereînotîy 135 Slmcoe St. N., Oshawa m cout Jim McDonald wé4s pre- IRA 5-3527 ited with his Queen's' Scout Bowmanvi[lle - Cail ZEnith 45750 Wj adge. Partners: p Elmore Scott of Hope Town- Hon. J. W. Monteith, F. C. A. Ju Up was re-elected head o! A. B. Monteith, B. Comn., C.A. anaraska Conservation Auth- G. W. Riehl, C. A., R. I. A. ec rity. (LÎoensçd Trustee) fai Bowmanville J uvenile Le- G. E. Trdthewey, C.A. Bc onnaires captured the East.. R. F. Lightfoot, C.A. or 'n Ontario Juvenile Minor asý A" Championship. farch 5-- o Office workers at the Good- Ch r pr c i 'ar Tire and Rubber Com- G. EDWIN MANN, D.C. Or any (Canada) Ltd. plant here Office: Chrpaco1 il receive $11.24 more per 15 Elgin St., cor. of Horsey St. elE ionth under the provisions of hieM 350 e new agreement si*gned last Office Hours: By Appointment ju, ddHap" Philp was ane of the ealers honored for top sales D e n t a ICo nd service during lest year ________________su( tthe British Amnerican 011 Dit. W. M. RtUDELL, D.D.S. tic anquet held recently in Tor- Office: Jury Jubilee Bldg. ito. 40 King St. W. Bowmanviile thE Mick Brown's big party at Office Hours: Sel ie Town Hall drew rnany 9 a.m. ta 6 daily ral iends- nearhy. 600 o! theni. Closed Saturday and Sunday Ma hey enjoyed the superb ehow, Office Phone - MA 3-579o Sul >k home prizes and consumed Plouse Phone - Newcastle 3551 Jui cases of pop and 80 dozen1 ughnuts. DR. E. W. SISSON, L.D.b., D.D.S. L arch 12- Office in his home Li 100 Liberty St. N. - Bowmanviile t rhe entire procecds o! Minai Office Hours: Mia >ckey night, March 25th., go 9 a.m. ta 6 p.m. daily 'M the famnilles of the boys kili- Phone MA 3-5604 on in the tragic Listowe! Arena Closed Wednesdays and Sundays . ident. Nrill Ed. Kowal, soli of Mr. and DR. C. F. CATTRAN. D.D.S. Prn xs. Peter Kowal Sr., a firsi Office strt ýa student ait the Ontario 23 - ilig St. E. - Bowmarville $60 gricultural College, wvas de- Office Hours: cha red the best ail-round show- 9 a.m. ta 6 p.în. daily Crc an ai the recent College Closed Saturday and Sunday .. )Yaî. Telephone: Office MA 3-5459 ciii; rch 1- nre a Licf - ..1- u tario hockey finals, -- - W. KAT LYCETT, B.A. and rhrough the Chaxnber of Barrister and Solicitor Kedî mmerce office we learn that In the offices of ci Slocal plant o! Canadian E.LR. Waddell, Q.C. ho ners wiIl definibely not op- Main Street, Oronc,, Ontarlo Pel e this year.j Friday, 7 p.m. ta 10 p.m. Wel. ril Z--Saturday: 9 am to 5 p.m. Le lanand four Purebred cat- Mort buredatMaple Grove rg a g e s pr m of S. S. Morton and Son; MI ,000 loss suffered. 1SADIE HAMILTON - ORONO and Bowmanvlle Midgets and Phone 1 r 16 Chai ,niles wilI both face Stàum- Virat Mortgage Funds Lesl 1hockey teamns for Ontario Residences.- Farina 'lis es. Business Properties Mille liairs from four' eburvhca, John's Anglican, St. An- ï3 w's Preshyterian, St. Paul's O p o m e r ynr tedandTriityUnited, un- P the direction of Mir. Arthur KEITH A. BILLETT, O.D. at IV ion, sang the sacred can- Jptoinbfrist at h ,"Olivet to Calvary" in 141 fung S: E. - Bowmanville Jr.'t, iity United Church oni Good Of~fice Hours: By appointmmtM ?&. layevnic.Telephone MArket 3-328 and! m~'evnl<.Monday ta Saturday J. Gi 19-...9 amn. to 5 pan. Mr dgets wini Ontario backey Wednesda.»t 9 to j2 Mis. In three-game sertes with Thuruday eveninga were Satesnt a,, of Mr. and Mns. W. Rahmi. home of MW Mr-. aind Mrs. Jim Beckett Staintun and and! Garth of Foxwarren Menu- Mrs. R. E to*,a, arc visiting bis fiather Mi. manville, wi O. Beckett. M. Hamilton Mr. and Mira. James Simnpson Mrs. John and f'amily, Germany, reburned Miss Irene R4 home ta Canada hast week and Mir. ans! Mii spent C'hristmas with lier fath- Mr. and, I er, Mr. Leonard Bradley at the Mr. and! Mi% series between Boston Bru"n and New York Rangers. Building permits issued by the town this April authorize wor< valued at qver $155,000. This whopping figure represents the most construction ever ta be undertaken in the town in an April. May 7- Linda Roberts of Newcastle and Arthur Hester of Maple Grave were picked as the best- dressed cadets on parade at B. H.S. cadet inspection. Darlington residents appose Zoning By-Law; 990 sign pe- tition for plebiscite. Durham Tractor Club. elecis its first officers with Bill Tamblyn as president. May 14- Evans Lumbet' and Buildeî's Supply Ca. Ltd. o! Sudbury acquired ahi properties owned by Sheppard & Gill Lumber Ca. Ltd. Former Avro ernployee, Don- ald Miliigan, buys Cawkr's 1,G. A. store. Bowmativîllc î'atepayers plan second meeting - hope ta inter- est other wards before forming organizatîon, May 21- Heavy rains cause flood al drains brout pond. A fire on the hôliday even- ng, Monday, May 18, caused ap-I uroximately $25,000 damage toa the farm awned by Sam Powell, Base Line, Claike Township. d Murray Larmer was elected prcsident o! the Kînsmen Club >n Tuesday after an excibing contest. MIay 28th- Candidates fart the coiningi provincial election are: Con- servatîve nominee Alex, Car' I rutherté, Port Hope; Liberali candidate, Ted Woodyard o!' )rono and Bawmanvilhe; andi C.C.P. candidate Roy Armstrong f Janebvîlle. Council joined, the Canadian .egion in sponsoring a banquet rr fthc Bowmanville Mldget iockey Team, winners o! the >ntai'io tible, and the Juvenile ïockey Tcam which reached the nals for the Ontario Juvenihe ýhampionship, lune 4- Ovcr 300 people attcnded the :mplimentary banquet hunor- ng Garnet B. Riekard, Warden if the United Counties o! North- imberland and Durham, hehd >ybch Township of Darlingion nNewcastle Comnunity Hall. Counil passed a by-law for he expenditure of $35,000 for 'pisand alterations ta the lemorial Arena. Don Welsh and Jiini Coombes in Summers Memorial Tro- des for stock judging. une Il- Filhing a new position, creat- il reccnbly, Bernard Lawton, :rmerly o! Oshawa, joined the lwmanville Post Office staff nJunc lst. He will be the ssistant postmnastcr. Winner of bbe Mis& Oî'ono Dnbest staged at a Hi-Teen ane in the township hall, 'aona, was 18-year-old Miss farilyn Cobbhcdick. Robert Trimble, Zion, was lcted president of Darlington atepayers. une 18- Alex Carufthcrs, Progessive onservative candidate, was iccess!uh in the Provincial edcc- on. "Lord Elgin" ia the nîaineof ie ncw Bowmanvillc Public boa]. Carol Sheehan o! Cent- iand David Goheen o! Vincent ýassey each receivcd $4.00 for ibmitting the winning naine. ine 25- Inî a major~ expansion inove, nder Hardware & Electrit d. o! Bowmanvillc aiînounced at they have purchased bbcl artyn Bowling AIley property iKing Street Easb. Aill members o! thc Bowman- le Debacbment o! the Ontario ovincial Police were given in. ruction in bhe use o! the new 00 inhalator-resuscitator pur. ased recently by bbc local Reai ss Branch. Bowmanville*s young and aid zenis set a new record or, ýsday when 1,054 turned oui lie Sc'hool Concert held in aCommu.nity Hall, Dec. 22, is a splendid sucess. The hall iswelh packed. Týhe pro,*î'aiîn, 7n by thc chiloren M'as ufl- rtihe capable direction of ir feachers, Misses Jean bertaan and! Anne Morelond, th Miss Marchand as pianisb, dPaul Moore as chairman. nta mqrvcd ta cdstribube the ts. Door proceeds $41.00. Dinr gueste, at Mi. and Mis. lph Glaspeil's Wednesciay, c23, were MS~. P. B. Glas- 1,Mrs. Alex MfMiasteî and! nily. Mri. and Mie. Gierry speli and famiiy, Mr. and! sT. C. Glaspeil, Zion; Mr. IMrs. George Hilts, Oshawa, iMr. and! Mm. Ray Scott, dron. 'hrietnîas Day guestsataIthe îe o! MýI. and! Mrs. R. Glas- 1were Mis. W. E. Lewis, Icme; Mr. and! Mn. George vis and! family, Toronto; MW, LMru. J. A. Reynolds and! .ans! Mrs. Albert Tieke., -Hope Ir. and! Mr. Henry Wood 1family, Mr. and Mira. Ken mn-berltun and! !axnuy, Mr. ic Hunit, O"wu; MiWs hy- Mayinard, Salemn; Mis, W. ler with Mr. and! Mie. R.oy vnard and! Mr. John May- Cfor Ohristmes. 'mily gatherings were held Mrx. and Mis. H. Hall's and Mre. ais! Ms. Walter Park ý?-and Mmre W. Rad=, ans! 3&s. T Phillip's, Mrt. lWxw. Lloyd Skinner's and! lbb's homes. I.and! Mrs. J. E. Grîffin, .N. Bennett, Eniikillen, eSaturdey eveinsg &git Fie iand! Mmr. Donald d sons. 3. Ham ilton, B w ith Mr. and Mrs. nHome, Grimsby, louse, Toronto, with s.Arthur Ham-Ilton. Mis. Frank Werrv, eft witih Ma-. ansi Mis. Lloyd A. Hoar arKi farn- Alldroed and Ma~ne Îly, Mir.,S. T. Hoor spent Christmas wifih Mr. and Mis. George White, Bowmawil]e%. Mi. and! Mis. J. Holdstock, Bowmanvilie; M. and Mrs. Ï., Beckett and! Grf, Foxwarren, Manitobba, fMx. O. Beckett, Mr. Fred Page, Miss Arvilla Beck- Swift's Premiunli - Fully Cooked Smoked Picnics Swift's Fresh Poir-k Ham Roasfs Shnlelb. d43 c Boneless lb,. 63 Sw'f t s Prem:u'kî Sliced - 1i bý sealed pkg. SIDE BACON Swift's Premiuni - By the piece HAN DOLOGNA lb. 49c BEST BUY - SAVE 8c CASH michllsAPPLE JUICE 48oz. îi> 3 for 79c BEST BIJY - SAVE 5c CASH SOLO MARGARINE 1 i,. pkg. 2 for 47c BEST BUY - SAVE 3c CASH Ayler TOMATO SOUP .10 oz. tilM lOc BEST BUY - SAVE 10e CASH Re &WhteINSTANT COFFEE 8-07j'9C "Feature" - Save 6c RS R D C Red Rose - 60 Bags T~~~~~ E Fi -7c1 nest Florida Seedless - 48%u GRAPEFRUIT "Feature" - Save 4c Cash *Ayliner - 11 oz, bottie TOMATO CATSUP 2 'or 35c, FOR9 ' Select- No. 1 14 oz. cello pkg. "Feature" - Save 20e 1 Palmn Garden Burns' - 11/ lb. tin 6 TOMATOES -- 29c CANNED HAN $1.39j ' d- eun ___________________ NISH ONIONS - 2 For 23c Feature" - Save 6c Cash e Ocean Spray - Certified Weston's - 1 b. pkg. éCRANDERRIES Lb .PKX 25c SALTIE CRCKERS31c* Nutritious and Delicions SALTNE CACKES 3 SWEET POTATOES 3 Lbâ. 25c "Feature" - Save 6e Cash "["cature" - Save 10«- Weston's - 8 oz. pkg. Hostess - 10-o,. pkg. CAPRI WAFERS 19 lc POTATO CHIPS - - c "Feature" - Save 4c Cash 'eature" - Aylmer Stuffed Manz. - 8-oz. ice box jar SUPREME BISCUITS 'OLIVES - - - - 37c Full 1 lb. pkg. - 25 Biscuits per pkg. "Feature"- Save 8c Cash Strawberry Creams - Duplex Creamu Treeswect- 6 oz. tin Banana Creams - Chocolate Creams LEMON JUCIE - 4 Fr 35c3 pk.85 "Feature" - Save 6c Cash 3 pg.85 Dyson's - Plain or Garlic 24 oz. jai D I L L S - - - - 29C Lipton's "Feature" - Save 3c Cash ONION SOUP MqIX 2 thg§. 35C Kleenex - 40 per pkg. Mracle Whip - 16 oz. jar TABLE NAPKINS - 29r, SALAD DRESSING 47c "Feature" - Save 6( Aylmer - 16 oz. jar 25 ft. Rol SWEET GHERKINS 33c SABAH WRAP - 39c "Feature" - Save 10c Kraft - 8 oz. pkg. McLAREN'S PARTY PAR VELVEETA CHEESE -35c Sweet Pickles 8 oz. jar Ail 3 for Kraft Cracker Barrel - 12 oz. wedge Sweet Gherkins 8 oz. jar OLD CHEESE 59c Stuffed Olives 8 oz. jar 7 c BOWMANVILIE- Wm. H. Tate MAPLE GROVE - Maple Grove Groceteria KINGSWAY SUPER MARKET KIIG ST. - &UST 0F TOWN UN ORONO - Cornish Marketeria BLACKSTOCK - Blyth's Market .1 1, I \4 / 2 PAW m J,>,- Iligh ilght lie w ?Yearcs i Chef Salad Beverage $2.00 PER PLATE FIRESIDE BAR- B mQ ROYAL 80 WMAN VILLE MA 3-5589 -'11 t-- lqu m 1 ;m Tm lkmlw"AwwwTý mý.- RED&WH ' ITE . 1 .- - riles 69C TYRONE THERES A RED AND WHITE STORE NEAR YOU