'~PH'UR8EAY, 313t, leu I SocaIl& £/-ersonial Phone MA 3-3303 Mass Rutuh Wilkins, Oshawa, 1Mr. and Mni-. Ken NIi upet Mondy wltii ler cousin, Canipbel»foral. is. Bert Golwell. Mr. L. B. Niohola lias MJis. Isôbel eynoldls spent turnied hume aftc'r spcn Chri9tnmas Day wttx ler son Christmas wîth bis son, Arthur aa auy Hampton. andl Mrs. Douglas B. Nic] Mrm. Frank Oke spent Chris- in Kflgaitoi. Mas Hélidays with Mrs. Walte-r Mism Uai-éd Downey liai Patte and Mnr. Dean Patte in tuinced after apending Ch, Oshawa. icas wituh ler brother, M4r. Mcr. an-d Mrs. James Law. Mrs. George Downey and 1 rance spent Christmas with hler 11Y, Gait, Ontario. lion, Mr-. Reyce Lawr-ance, Mir. and Mrs. Thom"sGo, Guelph, ont. and family axe qending 1&- andl Mrs. Ed. Witheridge, Ohiauis Holiday@ with1 Kinton, were with his par- Cowan's Parents, Mr- and1 ents, M?&. andl lJis. Ed. Wither- R. Lanie, li Windsor. idge Sr-., for Cliistmnas. Chnstnias guests withl Mdu Allie Bragg, St. Catti- and Mrs. Robert Kent, arines, was a Clristmnas visit- and Ann were Mr. John Ki or- With iMx. andl Mrs. P. E. Ottawa, and, Mr-. and Mr Greenuield, Llberty Plece. thur Kent, Toronto. My. and Mrs. Water pR,.. Dr- and Mms. Oea. W. jar ields and David spent Christ- were in Menti-cal for Clii Mas Holiday with MJr. andl M"s. nms ande the Holiday week Boyd Taylocr at Blyth ' Ontaio. ith their son Mi-. and 1-Y lJis. W. Minifie, Cobourg. Wm. G. James andl fan-diiy, âPent Christmas wlh lier dau~- Mr. and Mies. Harod!Hu ghter andl non-in-4aw, Mr. and ncd, Sharon anal Muri MJ-s. T. Wideinan, Duke Street. wei'C-Holiday guests or Mr.m Mrs. W. H-. Densem and M"ra Ms. f'rank Proeut, Piokeri H. Huiphriéses tChismaV.s Murray remnainedi for a holid witii Mr. and Mis. L. Scotît Miss Mary Lewis, Univers Densein inai Scoft J'., Wiliow- o.! Toi-ento, la spending Cli dale. mes vacution with her moth Gueste with Mirs.. .iîet ,iuiy Mrf. H. Lewis andl grunipi Wére Mrs. Cordlon Jury, Wt en;ts, r andl Mrs. F. C. V erdown, Miss Mai-y Jury and tne- Miss Marjorie Hutehenson, Toi-- M". 1NoraiuifAJlin, Ceni onto. Sti'eet, h-as retumueal from sp< Mi-. amti Mu,-ri.arî'y Alfin, ding Christmaa withl her dl 19tobicoke, were Christ ma s W'ter and sni-iaw, Mr .a weekend guests of the lafter's lJis. Criaig LangIfle ai-jrd 'ai father, Mi-, W. J. Berriy, KEiig Otwa st. Eastz Mr-. ai-d NMlS.ccii Oîibor Mr ad ii ch! i ,andl Mr.and Mm~. Alan Osbor visiWtomr withi ti'eir cluuglter gister. Mr-. andM"r. Les Flag and son-in-law, Mn. anid Mrs. son and family, Oshawa, 1 Te d utVer . N l M yPe . ! nti its. rT. W esley Ce% Mi.aun! M. N-ilMay l'-t-ker spent Chiuistmswlth fhe erborough, analMiss Ruth Han- Lion, Mr- anal Mn. Char-les Ca-N eock, Newcastle, spetit Christ-. ker' andl famuly, guestla of M4 mas with Mi-. and Mrs. Wil- andl Mes. C. H. Davldson, Cam bei-t Teeple. bellfordi, Ont. Masters t>Xavid andl Richard MESs Lindk (olwel-1, nu'si Brealin, wih tkir sister Mms. in-tiaining at O*siawa Gener Pearl Creenliauni, spenut Christ- Hospital, speni C*nristmes wee nias weekend skiing in îhe with bier parents, Mr. and Mx Laurentians. Eric Coiwell, Horsey Sti'e Mr. andlMs Sain J3ack, anal brother Bruce. Terry ad Janice, apent Christ- Mr-. J. 13. Derraion, Mn, air mms with tIe former's sister, Jis. A. W. Balon and amil, Trinity Unied Church Minïster-Rev. Wmn. K. 1-ousarider, B.A., B.D. Organist-M:'. Arthur Collison, Mus. B«, L.R.S.M. Il aî' MORNING WORSHIP 'Sfrengih Àccording tb Ihe Days" 7 P.m. - EVENING WORSHIP "If Chrisf Came Today" 12-10 p.m. - SUNDAY SCHOOL 8:05 p.M. - YOUNG PEOPLE,'S UNION EVERYONE WELCOME REHOBOTH CHRISTIAN REFORMED CHURCH Scugog Stret, Dowmanvil MORNING SERVICE o-ô1:0 aa. L- Engligh -EVENING SERVICE- 7:30 pant. Dutch Sunday School imniediately aftea, Sunday morning service. "Back To God Hour"' Broadcasi CKLB, Oshawa, at 3 p.m. every Sunday 8:30 a.m. every Sunday, CFRB Inter-Ch urch Week 0f Prayer Services January 4 to 8e 1960 SPEAKER Rev. James D. C. Jack, B.A., St. Andrew's Preubyterian Chureh, Cobourg THIEME THE FORGIVENESS 0F SINS MONDA Y, 4th, 8 p.m.-St. Andr.w's Preshyterian Church Substitutes for Faith - Our Situation TUESDAY, Sth, 8 p.m.-Pentecostal Church The Return of the Prodigal WEDNESDAY, 6th, 8 p.m.-St. John's Anglican Church ' Te Ethicu of Forgivenes, - Is It Right? THURDAY.7th, 8 p.m.-Trinity United Church FRIDAY, Sdi, 9 p.m.-Salvation Army Citadel The Love That Forgives Under the direction of The Bo% nîanvillc Ministerial Associatin re- Mr. 18 ne- rist- ~and thle Mes. M!rs. Mr'. Ar- Altes ýend .ray and ing. 1ay. sity ýar- an- tre ind .iy, pecall oeasriif,- cea - me n...-laien- e wi.. he .-talent meC MrIs. J. -t, Middup retuiu'ned te lointh organization Men- Mrs Ken Courtice was aiso re. ind undu fo a fw wili er-sip ee is 75 cents a. vear.1Iwarded with tremrendou P- iee Miss Laure, LaBeUe and Miss The recent annual meeting TIase when she recitud the for Heln Fraser Who lied attended was oedwth h cout excellent oemn she had coin the Cobbledifck-,Murdwjch wed- Mothers' Prayer and Promise posed for _thoý occasion, whjch w-ding on Boxing Day in the recited in unison, It was an- included mention of every mem- eir Churclh of St. Augustine or nounced that the Boy Scout ber of the Staff. W- anterbury, Trno Apple Day had eleared $300. in Dancin.g was enjoyed to thIe discussing activities in which mrusie of a rhythmic dance or- [r. Mr-. Edward Ciolweil, Vic- the Scouts or Cubs inia assist, chestra from Toronto. The able L- tokrift College, Toronrto, spent it was emphasized that each caller for the square dances Christnmsr with his mother. wear sorme identification, suchj was Bob Fowler, tlie senior 5e Mns. Bert Colwell. This week as a Scout hat, or scarf, or pre- driver or the c'ompany. rai lie is visitîn5, with Miss Molly ek Bennett at hes- home, Spencer- *s. ville, Ont., andl with Rev, and et rs âri o St ay Red Cross Wil HoId Ro1îdiay visitrS-gwt r n rî Ms.Bo ila were Mr. First Blood CIinic of '60 - tt!ran, Sarnia; Mn. and M-s: Arthur Reynolds, Delbbie, SteveIn O s a, nu r 7 and Jisain. Hampton; Mr. and T'he fiîst Red Cross Bloiýc Mand iR0enoris, Onai. Jo n ot. ;Chitin 1960 foi.,the fil îdert o compensate for andRobrtArv, Otiao. Oshawa. Dat liîngon, Couri(C lth<-e accumnulated shortages IRed 'Chri,4tni«a Day guests with and Bowmanvîlle area w il l ie Cro«ýss officiais are setting a Mr-. and' Mixs. FTred Smith and heid on Thursday, January 7, ai rnonîhîy goal of 400 pints of filly were Mr. and Mrs. Fred Saint Gregory's Auditorium, on' blood for, the Oshawa area. Smjith, Long Seuit.Mi-. A. Simcoe Streelt Nort h in Os.. SpeciaJ facilities wul1 be pro- Lunn, Town; Mr. R. Woodiward,, awa. il was announced this vided to handie donors as gen- Mr- and M're. C. H. Taylor. week by Society officiais. Itiy and efficiently as possible Mes Pafricija Taylor, Master "Wc lhopr thaf able bodîed withi a minimum cf discamfort Ron Taylor, Oshawa. and Mr, 'itizens capable ci giving biood andi deiay. Doug Taylor, McMaster Unive- wiil help us to start the flCw Tr lnchur ilb sity Heilt~i.y'car off righi by resolving t 1:30 o 4:00 n.n'. and front,6:00 Ahappy party met on Christ- support the very first Clinic," tta'9:0()0 p.on Thursday with msDey wheni Mm .Wmn. Street Mr. Robet i-. Stroud, Clinic a special "matine"l for busy an fasmly got togéther for Chairman said. donors trom n 2:30) to 4:00 who Christimas dinner at thf-e F'Iying Nineteen f ifty -fi' was îlot d1 cannot spend tan much time Dutchm'an Miter Hotel. Those very succes.4u1 year for the for this important civic duty. preSent were Mr. and Me. W. Oshawa B]ood Clinje plagued Appointments can be arranged J. CuUy and famiiy M:-. and by chronic shortages and, heav by phoning the Red Cross in Mis. W. G. Street and famiIy, demands for blood by the hos- Oshawa at RAndoiph 3-2933. alg of Toronto, Mr. and Mrs. pifai. Out cf clcven clinics on ___________ Jack Parker and al iaîly. Ajax-, only two occasions was the Mîr. n r. Ross Wrlght and Imiffnium mionthly quota cf 300 ari , rs. Street and Jean, pints reached. This serious G a sirnilar r',onditioîî elsewhe e Mir. anal Mi. 4airic (l'at) n the Province- lhreatens taei K i1Usd l PrOctor, Sia fni Linilsey. menace f lie free transfusio Brückv.ille, Mr. and Mrs. J.- - - - - ~ . ' (ntîudfa aeoe C. SnIOwe' andl Miss Gillian C tnlbdro paen) Wadswerth, Toronto, Mr. and tri Woodrîîffe If n ed' vestigaterl this accident. Mrs. W. B. . Miller, Oshawa, Church, Ottawa. AI, 10.14 on Saturday rven- Mr. nd ack lli an 01)Thu-Sda, Dcenber 4th irig theî'e was an accident on fM. anal Mes d M. aAlnd . a nd MThuî'ark Deceii b e 4t Hi91wa.v 115 forth of Enter- famiy. obaîr~andMr. nd i'.a'n Mr. Mak Reni'k 'C-prise Hil1, î'esuling fromn a skid Mrs. Lorne Alim and Jua, ceived a most intcresting letter whien a 1954 Monarch driven Town, -were wi'lh their parents. trom theix' son, Dr. .1. P. Ma Ibv Alexander' Preston, age 23, 1%i-. and!Mn.. Han-y Allun. Ed- berry who is in Japan. lit BvrlvSret Ohwa a sall Ave., and their -stefr, Miss Ipttei, Dr. Mayberry relates damaged. Constable Jim Mc- Margaret Alin, for Christmas. tihlat recently lic attended a Donal, P.ineiaed Mrs. Pro-cter andl ehildren re- Christmias Car'ol paryin Ilu Scia Iigted naýined for a iiit %vitlh her a s',ibtirb of Tokyo. wlierr lie i Two cars were considerably Parentg.met, Miss Sakko Takahashi. lnu da maged on Saturday evening Parn~.the ernsuing c'onlver'sation ni-. ai 7 o'clock ini a collision on Mi-, A. L. Cationi. Toronto. Mdyboî'ry lea'n'ed t'hal Miss hi ghway 35 aithe1 north en- spent a few days with his sis-Tikahashii d altended Ille trance fo Orono. The drivers ter Mi's. N. C. Yellowlees at Universit,- of T[oronto o * were Herberi Williams, Dew- the home of Mi% and Mi's. Frank RoayPlosi coa- h uî'st Avenue. Toronto, and Wright, Grart and Bex'. Pr-os- He înformed the young lady La wrence Harris, R. R. North, peot Street. andl also wiilh them that hf knew Tloronto weil as Oî'ono. Constable P. .C. Hai-te- for Christmas Dey were: Mr'. lis parents, Mr'. and Mis. Roc- Maxwell, OPP, was the inves- andl Mrs. Ivan El]icott, Sandra itigating officer. tiigk, resideal in Bownmanvilic-, and Donald. Peterborough; Mr'. a short distance t'romi Toronto. Threc cars î'eceived some andl M's. Dick Rowan. iiin I is hard bu tell which was damag~e on Sunday afternoon and Cheryl anal, Caro]. Donna more surpriseal as Miss Taka- at foui' o'celock in'a series of aind Marylin Yellowlees. En- hashi theî1 tolal Dr. Mayberry rear enid collisions on Countv nulakiEllen rn Vr.E Hock'- VIat site haci vîsitec inl Bow- Roal.57, three miles north of ada, velnlIcou and Jean maniville dui'in'aRoryî~ Bowmanvilie. The drivers weire of Solîna. tgnaioai tuoetaryeket-dDavid Mairs, Liberty Street Mr. andl Mrs. Siani Payne. Ca- held by the local ciÛ'b, andl had North, George N. Brooks, tharine and! Bob Lynchi were in indeed met lus parents at t.a George Street, and Chester Mc- Hespeler, on Christmnas Eve ta time and they laed tolal her Queen. R. R. 1, Bawxmanville. attend the weddqng of Mr-. Har- he was in Japan. It reallîv s Constable Dort Foulds, OPP, ry Lynchi and Miss Mariene a smail world. Lest Sundýay 'lt.* was the investigating officer. Portier. The groom, Mî's. Pay- andl Mrs. Roenigk r eceiveal a Coi.stable' .im McDonald, ne's second edset son. is cm- most weieome telephon<' cal] OPP, invcstigated ant accident PlOyed With Bell Telephonc in frorn thei' soir and familv. that hîappened et 3.27 p.m. Sun- ChtTrnt ii ite biedey on No. 2 Highway, west cf la a Kindergarten teachl M _1istrnas;. guests With Mr. Courtice, when a car driven 1bv Nortlh York. Tne wedding Look atnd Mrs. H. J. Babcock on11 Ftalik Zamnmit, R. R. 3, Bow- Place in thie Lutheran Chtirt'h Chxistmas Day were. Dr. G. C. nianville, went eut of! control ini Hespeler andl thb c eeptxon and Mrs. Ashiton. Guelphi; Mr. and iWas considerably damageal w'as held' aa. Leisure badge nepar antI Mrs. John Ashton, Robert' wheîx il struck a hydre pale. Prestoni. Mr'. aa us y and MMesP.cknig;WLg A liait hour laVer there was will make ttieir home on Janc Cmdr. A. L. andalMes. Ashtoni, St. in Do'wnview. Richardl anal Cathie, Centîiaia another accident an No. 2 AU. andl Mrs. New'ton, Ashton, Highway. This one was west On' SM'urday, December 2fith. Joanna andl Brenda. Napanee, Df the Mapie Grove Road and Mfr. and Mia. Sydney Veutox Mi-. and Mrs. Roy Ashton., Lai-ny two cars were iflvolved in a and Mr. and Mrs. Dona,-ld Ven- andl Sharon, Toronto. At noan collision. The 1953 Pontiac dri- on, Wes-,trn. attended the x.~ed- al] sat down to a ioveiy Christ- yven bv Hermanese Woodatra, d-ing in Ottawa of Mr'. Sydney mas dinnex' with ali the tii R. R. 3. Bowmanvilie, was un- Venton's nephew, Geotfre\- Ri- mings. In thle afternoon thne mnta damagbu te e a te ,ka.rd ef Farnborough,. Eng- 3'oung folk w'ent for a Walk. a1953 F ord drivn yGadonth lanal. tio Miss Constance Miteh- wbulc the older ones onjoycd 1h53eFor. dR 3 bowmarnvle ll ef Ottawa. Donald was bcst themiselves iu a tricky anal Constable McDonaid aise inves-I mari for his cousi, ' \%ho was Iatighable contesl won by John tîgateal this accident. n exChange teac'e' r i Etu!-i- andl Marjorie Ashton, eadh ce- 94 Pnicdieib oke for a year anal -.'as a fr-e- ceiving a small gift. Then the >tAn1954 M otiac, ingaton, zunt~isitor with is only chilalcen entertain-eald t sorne ; was cansiderahly damaged in Zunadian relativ es. The ,%ed- 8ongs an-d a pantomime q uiz a ciet nSna evenin g i* eereMonýv was performeti pfograin Which Overyone en-fanat .5ccidentoSn Na. y th ýn Westboro United Chu.rch by joyed. After supper Joyn Ash- way east of Newcastle. Consta- Rev. Fred Joblin a former Si. ton showed some verY lovely bic Peter Den Hoed, OPP, In- .aui's minister. The Plickards pictturrs on tIe c ete whieîh vestigated. A 1960 Ford driven vil] reside near London. Eng- lie t.ook when ci vacation hs b,,, Frederic'k Boyse. age. 27. Én'd, aftear a short honeymoon summer. The enjoyable day IHelena Avenue,. Toronto,wa n Menti-cal and Que-bec Oit. ended-aft 9 p.m. wheai the badlv damaged in an accident+ 1 KîngMm. ;Mr. anal lJ5s H.R. 4C ut *h r 1Sn'.le andl foenily of OttawaSc a 1wexre airiohim wekend guests o h r' l c o! Mnr. C. J. Smale. i ewYers uetswbl M.1 ew Ofier fr1960 i and Mn. R.lph Ames ai-e Mr-. andl Mrs. R. E. Dutnall, Isling- ton Mr n r.J .WkDuring Annuail Meeting sonSeaboroulgh andl Mn. and Mn.. Fi-cc Martin, Torto. TIe electxoi, or afficer, i foi eabi'. full uniform. It was ex- For Ch'rstmas Day anal week- 1960 was leldal VtIch annualj laîneal that hs would help -ed Mnr. anal Mrs Ken Cox wene ifmeetinig oethVe Bowmanviî-e fth publie akow o h gwith theur diaugliter, Mr. anal'Scout Motîers' Auxilîany whîch work done bv'Scouts and Cubs. Mr.Aa Greville, Oakviile, 1 waSS helal neeently at Vhe Lions I was announceal that 31 new Ont.. anal lu London wti t tir Cemmunit'. Centre. Mrs. .1cm Cub a' ana I ieBw daupliten, Mr. anal Mrs. Jack iDevitt %wiii be tIc Past pu'esi- 1niS anve CubPack sthe flg.st J y t [dent, anal tIc new officers for', Septiln ber a ks f It a goo M'. anal Mrs. P,-. J. "anrey r. Ie ati r earae: Presid nt nirbct; cf boyis have joineal MaseMrS1s. Kv telins Vie-i--thle Scouts iin that cenloal. Mnd.Kimd Mr.is. T rt-y . te- deni Ms. fRose McDotuald. ' anal~~~~ KiM.aa Mn.Tdjeea' Mrs. RaY Shîackleton, jPlans weî'e discusseal for lte Frey, Mr. Bob Fairey andl t1ai icr. uIEvi orning season. 1V was decided, i'ss VÎRigiâ aBrown were with Sewirig Cativenoi' Mns. Bannie , aUNxiliary wiil again irelativea ie Newmarkef on TVlDIoad Sick Convenor Mi.<aVec foi' spvenal of tIe Liens jChris'tmas Da.y. BM"'»Nt-ot.Club's dinnens, andal ase for thei Cfiistia6 guesth witilî MI.IFi,'%E uMew riniîs io lite lunch at the annual meeting1 anl Mrs. James Kin'ble, King Sou bMlers' Auxiliary, Mrs. ofthe îBo SoutAsoiatdion. t St., Eafft. WeeMi-,-M. anal Mrs. P. Dc'otliy Crnso. Mrs. Beatrice oi OYSut fli someetin . e Doi.an ai-id beys, Town, Mr-. . Blake, Mrs. Helen Buudett, Mrs. licicus lunc hcfmCeisunga Cake Keso T'ldc O M' ~. Ar ee trok nlM.An and cookies was serveal by Mris. t1hur Kls fTrnac i. Porter, wcnc welcamed ai, tIc Aune Satinders and Mrs. Bon-t so^Bobcaygeon. meig J. els aiMnrs. .jcanî Devitt. flie presi- nie McDonal anal a social heur Christ mas gacsts witli Di deint, poixîteal eut thtaf ail mo- was enicycal. andl Mrs. KeitR-rSlenuon were Dr. thens iii Bownia-uville, wholiîa'.i- t anal Mrs. Haroldal Seton, Tor, a sou in either Vhe Boy Scouits ornte; Mîr. auid Mrs. j. Thomp'. or iui Cubs, are cligible 'ai- son, Mr. and MlJis. J. B. Thomp- iieiiibersluip i the Iowiîani sçhcu uc t son, ail of St. Cathîarines, anal ville Scout Mothers' Auxîliaix. Dr. J. R. luompson of Ottawa. She stresseal tIc faci thai aS't seaon as a bov joins a Culb Pack o da Youn.g Davidl Eres-hn, son tof bis nothet'k isqtalifleal to lJis. M. Breslu. was heard mnemhershio in_ the auxiluar-y (Contînued fi-cm page one) Christnmas Day ovni- CBC al A warni n,îvÎtatiorî teanuoth- store anal showroom at Cou,,. a 3:30 p.nî. i a ehanming plaY ers cf Scouts and Culs ta joifiee, Mi'. Found aunounceal. He ' "lJernonies of Christmas". Da- the auixiliary was issuecal lv Mrs. pointeal eut it will lie fhe most vid's noie, though flot large, Deviti. She expiainea liflai liche niodena disPlav building of itsC was portnayed exremely wel. uegular meetings cf tIc atixil- kinal in Ontario, enabling pa-cl Ur-. anal M-rs. RalpI- Wood lany ar helal on the sectindi trous In view aispîsys, and anal Eldene. Bobcaygeon; Mr. Tlîusdx eiig if, 4( carhi nake ifieiur selections from a L anal lJis. Jack Rahm, Blaci'.- niotfl 1i rigi &ocfock in tflicwide a'u'ay lu a -perfect setting. pi stock: Mr. anal- s. Allan Raflin Green Room at the Lions Coii.IJuig the evenieg a clever-c aind alhullalun, Cheryl anal Ricky tuiVyenrT]yuxlar vamusing skit was sta-ged lby r, of Pot rt -ny, were with Mr- wouid le giad Vo have nuothcr-s so-ne uofthtet staff meîbcris. th~ es.d lJi- Qir Venning for et Scouts or Cubs, visif oeeof Stan Gamemnu andl John Venning wý Chi twff g rtIhenmeetings, andalwouid lie P,--wero tht' star, anald lightedj c E r s c d iu F h il R t t ,f~ n To Our Customers WBESAY "Thanks to you in '9 its very !ast day, In"6" we hope te do weII; And rnay your car J ..... ...... "Excel with Shieil!" fi 'ai ' w w 01 Uls MIts. AGNES SWALLOW Trhe deafli occuri-ed suddenly at Memeorial Hospital, Bow'man- ville, on Tuesday, December 22, 1959, of Agnes Phipps, wi- daw o!flice late Fi-nois Swal- bow. A daugh-ter of tie laVe Mn. anal Ms. Stilill Phipps, Vhe dueccaseal was boru at Clinten, Ontario, Fcbruary 22, 1876, anal moved te Toi-onta wliecma- ied ini 1900. Since 1912 she las residedat I Maple Gi-ove, B3owmanville, anal bas been a faifhful member o! Maple Grove United Churoli andl W.M.S. She was active in flic lite o! the community, wherc lie lad maey friencis. Predeceasea by lier li-usba-d November 3rd, 1949, she leaves ta meut-n ler loss a son Clif- fard, anal a daugliter, Edna (Murs. Wm. Laird), bath of Ma- ple Gi-ave. Funeral service was canduct- cd by her minister, Rev. H. Staintor. af NorthcuV anal Sith Funenal Home, Bowman- ville, on De-corner 24th. Inter- ment wa-s le Mount Pleasant Cemeteiy, Toi-ctoa Pail-learers were Lloyd Snowden, Fred Stevens. Stuart Monton, Paul Kawal, Bill Laird Year End Clearance. of 1959 "'Taf" Tomltnson Fraànk's Garage 1HLL9 andSericeStaion ieS - Repairs Tune-up - Lubrication I DEMONSTRTOROS DUY NW AT GREAT SAVNG Art Pierce - Mileage 5,082. transmission. Tinted glass, wheel discs, Drive-n by Salesman 6-cyl., Power Glide windshleld washers, 1959 CHEV. BEL AIRE SEDAN Drive-n by Salesman Stu Preston - Mileage 4,618. 6-cyl., Power Glide transmission, custom radio, whitewall tires, wheel discs, wlndshie-ld washers, backup lights, fender minrer, 1959 CHEV. BEL AIRE COACH Drive-n by Roy Nichais - Mileage 5,470. V-S with Power Glade transmission, wheel disc«, windshicld washers. Aspen Green. ILL 3 CARS CARRY FULL NEW CAR WARRANTY ROY B O Mlduoi Chevrlt ai r var a Phn USIA 3LEC4Moe Tuk W. NICHOLS Phono NA 3-3353 COMMVTIE Phone MA 3.392 e wz1 qffl m m Rý Stormu LONG SALJLT F D a a e #'- analMm-. AllamiBaker lof D anuoge eken w iMr. (Continued tran, page ote) (Continueal fromn page one) andl lJis. Gordon Baker. nt. be rctorcal at once, bu-t MT. SianleY Fletcher, Tor-i-- Toronto era Hospital. everyone was ressonable and ente, spent tie Chnistinas week- Jack Michitiuk, 187 Dundas undersfood tflat our mec were enad with his parents, Mr-. anal Street East, Toronto, ws thli doing fleur utmost te i-epair the Murs. Gordion. Fletcher. driver o! the other car icvo]v- power- breaks quickly," tac local Mi-. andl Mis. F. G. Smith cd lit the accident. He escaped Ontario Hydre Manager salal. were Christmnas Day guests of lnjury. Bowmanvillc Detacli- lJauy customers riankeal that Mr M brs.F. 0. SmAth, Blow.nient a! the Ontarie Provincial thia was the fit-st disr-uption ofnanii Police ai-e investigating. hydre here since Hurricane Hae- inl October, 1954. Mr.~ analmrs. Gabriel Kovact, There were seven the' aci- He aso pokeor he geatMIS.. Sopie Kovacs w c r e dents in thil district since AMai- Heisen ypo pe wthele Chu'isýtuas Day giuests o! Mn. day morning, but !ortunately he thve by peo wo tele-analMi-s. Fred Parfiir, o ne n ecsc wsinjureal. The phoneor VIepHydreoOfficeon mutscow storinanal tac icy condi- drove ln, ta report exactly where yypty ffe cmn tions a! the roads made diliving somne breaks were, This was of 15 extenedlto Mnm. F. Partncr dangerous. gie t assistance anal saveal anal Misq. G . K ayacs in, the sud.- _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ nudh fine. The knawn loca- dan posufing of a lving sister tiens Were ncpaired first, anal andl alUt wiho Pasacal away lin then fthc crews seai-cheal for the Toronta. OBITIJÂRY ofheî' breaks. Mudr. an-d M .. . 0. Sm îhR B R J O CI TIsie-e were 45 hydlo pales Gloria anal Bob, Mi'. A. Lunne, HEE J.OC! broken by the stanm, andl a vast Bowmanvitle; -MT. anal Mi-. j. Aiter an ilineasscf several number ai conductar breaks duc C. Cool%,Mr'. anal Mis. G Fiet- wceks there panscal away in flie ta fallen fi-ces-smashed by the citer, Mi-. Robeit Sim wene Memorial Hospital, Bawman- ice. The damage was an aimost pi-e - Chistmas wor.k stppe' ville, on December 2nd, 1959,J continulous pi-acess goîng on for rue.sts nI M,%'.n,,d Mrj. F. G. Hebei John SoucI, a highly i-e- two days o! Vhe stanm. If was Smuith. specteal citizen cf Orono. He frustra i ug for repair c iew s afte n rz > - i il , ~ ii i s n h . 8 t e r werkieg hard for severai heurs C "Vonas ýe Merk pn 1ewsinhs8t e te repair a break, campieting Cristi'tuîdkeff with ber TIc deeeaugd was boî'n on flue. the job, only to lave biak n uu;hcr, Mn. RüberV MeCleill Town, LUne of Dariington andl trees agi isu srcein andl, Tas a. Clar-ke Township, andal ater. lis almyost flic samne place within a Haf.ppy New -L ii lu Every- mari-age ta Mary Evelyn Rick- short time. oe by on October 21, 1903,1 moveal Outsde rewstha cam tota thc fat-m on Lot 35, Conces- Otsidte lcaresta aiie e Sien 5, Clar-ke, where he resideal two crew s fi-rn Fenelon Fals,fe 43 y a s O n h r t em t a foi-ester cncw from Beilevile, UD el" holemaed ite i-enaugte ,m hs. one fro ni P eterborough, a lice W M - b r e w t i a g t r J- . iew anal a foiester crew ram . ai-iy Baiey. Norwood, s foi-ester crcw fi-uni l ohI ifflWs Mi-. SoucI was a memben cof Lakcfield, a foi-ester crew fi-rn the fai-mer Methodist Church Fr-ankford, anda l ine crcw as (otne rn aeoe anal ltex'etVe ioua Unitedl wcll as a ferester crew fian (orultrainpagscte) Ch rholi w hele wss a member'- Cobourg. Cobourg lied troubles candy, ceokies, .îam. nuts, pot- of tac Session. He had been From, flicStorm, but the situation atoes, pudding powdcns, mince- Superintenalent cof the Suftdav Leie was net as serieus as lif meat, soup, juive., fi-uit, park Sdcol four 34 yea-s.lHe wa-s was in tais district, and fthe axia beans, oranges, apples, devoteal te bis church andl bis 4ydro Office there was able ta peas,, cern,, Itani (6 lb.) soft fauîiiy. ;are mec te help linthflc struggle inIs. Chiestmuas cake, Christ- br power restaiaion i-. this nas pudding. toys ana l cothing Mr-. Souch is sur'vived by his Ieal (whene neessary) anal chîlal- wife, Vwa dauglters, Eilee-t, lJis, The nine crews from t flc east ren's books whieh wex'e donat- Carl Billings anal Ddrothy, Mi-rs ht werkcd ln Vhis arcs left an cd bv a local citizen. Rami-y Bailey anal two grand- Vedne-sday marnig te assisf în In addition ta flic work-k L childi-e Wyne.a a- he difficult work of power volveal in C-hristmas Cheer, theT h ye fBal. kpac n esforatian wesf of Brampton, local SalvaVian Anmy Band al s~Tefnnlckpaea iu ic! in Woac!brialge, Richmond! playeal c.dnols l icn trhe day, Decemibe- 4ta, 1959, ae MIi acd Northl York. Bowmdnville anal district, as.20 ..ta Q-u iié Clarke- Township wasf111 lwcîî as t the Memeial Hospi.. Churol wth Rev. BasP Long ithout teleplone service on tai n Christm-as EVe. "Sun- cnducting tic service, inter- 'cdnesday anal mast cf le shine Bags" containing swect- ment was lu Orono Cemetery. ratio district i. aise without the meats etc., wene distributedal t The palîbearers were: lJessr*e e of! fele-plones. fhlolcal hospital anal at fIe Alex Watsan, Gai-dan Power-, i-est homes lu Bowmýacville, Cyril Fi-ech. Bob Kent, Reg- 1 "If 1 r 1 , f , 1 1 THE ICAMADL« ST.ATESM«. ]§OWMANVMLZ. ewý,&rj Bowmanvî1le 1959 CHEV. BEL AIRE COACH 1 1