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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 7 Jan 1960, p. 10

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I -. ~ - qlW * (AVA.T1.I.ZLTA . i ..V Pq fA LTAD?'A * -A EMu 'QWMANVLLE, ONAMO 9'tnaV la, u. z, lum=.,. The Orono News Mrs. James E. Richards,, Editor Mrs. BC Sherwinand her sis-~ Mr. and Mrs. Roy Powens, Fred Brooks and Chris, Oshawa, ter, Mrs. Chas. Reesor, Mark- Scarborough, Mrs. L. Weather- Mrs. Geo. Crowther and Jamie, lham Ieft Malton by 'plane on ilt, Toronto, Mrs. Cecil Powers, Newcastle, visited Mr. and Mrs. Saturday to attend the funeral Mrs. R. R. Waddell and Miss Chas Wood. of their cousin, Mr. Maxwell Alma Cutteli were dinner Mrs. Herb Murray spent New Bellamy, only son of Mn. andI guests of Mn. and Mrs. Chas. Year's and last weekend with blrs. Harry Bellamy (the for- T. Miller on New Year's. Mr. and Mrs. Albert Randal mner Bertha Chapman of Or- Mrs. E. Wilson, Toronto, Mn. and family, Whitby. oue) in Winnipeg on Monday, and Mrs. Albert Randail and Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Major Jan. 4th. family, Whitby, were holiday and daughters, Bowmanville, Irs. Harry Mercer with Mrs. guests of Mrs. Herb. Murray. Mn. and Mrs. A. Clough, Mrs.1 Mary Luxon, Mrs. Win. Mer- Mn. and Mrs. Laverne Patter- J. E. Richards, were New Year's cen and daughters, Mrs. Vancei son and'Garry, Mr. and Mrs. guests of Mr. and Mrs. Jim Ma- Allun and Mns. E. Couroux of Ken Baîl, Bonnie, Susan and jor and family. >Xendal, left on Saturday on a Ricky, Mr. Milton Birch, Mr. Mrs. L. Halfyard and Miss 2notor trip te Bradenton, Fler- Everett Stapleton and Howard, Audrey Halfyard, Barrie, Mr. !da.I Mrs. Jim Baîl, Mn. and Mrs. Orme Miller, Pontypool, were Mn. and Mrs. R. J. Hodgson, Len Pears, Lynda and Alan, guests of Mr. and Mrs. Win. Hanmpton, Mn. and Mrs. Ray- were dinnen guests cf Mrs. Miller on Chnistmas. mnoud Clapp, Tyrone, Mn. and Robt. Patterson on New Yea's., The Sacrament cf the Lord's Mrs. Dean Hodgson, Mn. and Mr. and Mrs. Ross Gilbart Suppen will be observed on Mrs. Glenn Hodgson and David, and family, spent part cfth Sunday, Jan. lOth at Orono Bowmanville, Mn. and Mrs. Vic- h olidays with her parents in United Chunch at the regulani ton Robinson and Robent, were Willowdale.r hour of worship. guests cf Mn. and Mns. . . Mn. and Mrs. Glen Tennant Will the many readers stili 1{oopen on New Year's.G. and famîly 'have moved frorni without thein 'phone service Mns. E. Evans, Mn. an d Mrs. B lackstock into the J. Winten 1 please send in thein Orono news Gordon Power and James, Mr. h ouse they recently purchascd items by othen means to Mrs. and Mrs. Carlos Tamblyn and Mn. and Mrs. Chas. Johns, J. E. Richards for the next few faniily, were among the gucstsj Bowmanville, Mn. and Mrs. weeks. who spent New Year's with Mn. and Mrs. James Stark and family, Stankvilce. Consumer, Bs right arm lin a cast the resuit cf a fali on the ice. Donna and Brenda Hogg, Frasenville, spent part of theêlr Sig nposts of thme 60%s holidays with Mn. and Mrs. Wm. Robinson. Mn. and Mrs. Chas. E. Miller Too ofterî, and in rny opinion who preach Marxist dogmia and: and sons stayed with her mo- r quite xvongly, the advocate cf its outdated notions about cap-r then, Mrs. Fred Tamblyn-due' free enterprise is regarded sole- italism, are few in number. te the ice sterms resulting in ly as lhe champion of big busi- From them Canada's competitive ne hydreon 'phones in Kirby ness. But nowhere are the pria- enterpnise economy bas littie to district.1 ciples of free enterprise more fean. Fan more dangerous to Mn. and Mrs. Fred Suis, Mrs. clearly illustrated than la t.he those pninciples in which ail cf Ross Flintoff, Oshawa, Mr. and! operation of xvhat is common- us here believe are those xvho Mrs. John Connolly and Chrîs- ly described as small business. advacate policies which, if pu-- tine, Toronto, were dinner Here we sec at first hand the sued piecemeal, would no less gucsts cf Mn. and Mrs. O. Cow- workýi-iigs of the prefit-and-loss sunely bing about the destruc- an on Sunday. systemi. Here the rewards cf tion of the pivate enterprîse Mn. and D. Lapharn, succeSs are seen unmistakably systen. Camel Chute, Miss Margaret as being the result cf prefer- "'Finst in this latter category Lapham, Oshawa, Mn. Ed. Blake,' ences given by consumers in are those who might be called Mn. and Mrs. Dave Lapham and recognition of superion effici- statistis. These are the People Danlene,- Bowmanvilie, spent ency, i esourcefulness, adapta- wh ete yfuta iono New Yea's evening with Mn. biity and iategrity. the free market with the cry, and Mrs. Len Pears and fam- Notwithstanding the growth "Thene ought te be a law." Sin- lly. of big business made necessary cere but mistaken, these are the Mn. and Mrs. Horace Best and: iw modern techinology, I am amateur tinkerers who, refus- family were gucsts of Mn. and 1 confident that small husiiness iug te Icarn the lesson cf his-, Mrs. George Best and family, wili always flounish and be the tory, are ready te tamper with Clarksou, ou New Ycar's. ma instay under free enterpnise the delicate automatie mech- Mr. and Mrs. Harold Skinner,1 because of the scope and OP- anisms of the market at the T'yrone, speut Monday cvening portunity it offers for ingenuity, drop cf a hat, neyer realizing with Mn. and Mxfs. D. G. Hoop-. initiative, brains, guts and cl- that tampcning breeds more er. bow grease. tampcning until stagnation en-- i Mn.' and Mrs. Hkspen Dean Nowhere is the free enter- sues. have moved inte thein new prise system botter represented "I do net question the night1 house rccently buit at Dean's than by the businessman who of anyone te advocate such Corners. is seîf-empîeyed or who knows vicws. What I do question, how- Mar. and Sanra, LefîeWod, on rsonally ail the empîcyces even, is t'he dlaim cf those w1ho' Gailand anda, Lkefeldonbis pay-roll, ail his custom- do se te hold a monopolv cf so- Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Wood spent crs and every facet cf bis busi- cial conscience. The truth is! New Year's with Mrs. Geo. ns.ta hnw pa ftevi Crowther, Charles and Jami'esshtwe esekc h i Newcastle. - Governmeat. it is truc, has tai noie of free enterpnise we Mn. and Mrs. Harry Mercen, been the instrument cf social act in defence of a basic sociall Mnr. and Mns. Bruce Mercen, progress. But it should be a intcncst. Surely as businessmen bruc Jr, ad Vlere, er~matter of pride among business- 'we are not se lackiag in imag- dinnen guests cf Mn. and Mns. men as well as among those ination that we cannot make Jack Mercen and famiiy on ln Public life that the lion's it penfcctly dlean te ail that the New Year's. share of the revenue uecdcd free economy is in fact the liv- Mn. and Mrs. Brooks Cowan te finance social pnogrcss lu the ing symbol net only of oppor- and fanuiy wcre New Ycar's realm cf the productive achie- tunity, but aise cf pienty, of; guests cf lber mothen, Mrs. M. vernents under pivate enter- human dignity and of security Osborne, Monrish. prise cf business and lndustry fer ail Canadians. Mns. Albert Menton and Mrs. and their millions cf eniploy- "One eutstanding fact which Howard Walsh were dinner rQýe and .nvestors. Indecd, social dîstinguishes the free enter-! gucsts of Mrs. Win. Cobbledick. legislaticn has nemoved the prise systcmi frein ail others is k Mn. Harny Lewis is a patient enly valid citicism cf free en- that, iu the final analysis, theý ln Memorial Hospital, Bowman- terprise-namely the exposure consumer is the boss. By wayj ville. of individuals te the occasional cf contrast, under aay of the Mn. aud M&s. Albert Mitchell bardships of the ebb and flow sevenal formns cf statist societv J aud family spent a few days o! the market economy. the officiai is boss. The consumn- over New Year's with bier par- "Topping the list of those en, unden the free entvc± prise ents Mn. and' Mrs. Win. Emoey, who hold the free market up system., may net always be Whitby. te ridficule and centempt anc night. But the risk cf disloca- MlIxs. John Morris held a fam- the doctrinaire adhenents of tien cf the economy by a few ily gathcning for dinnen and Marx. Blind te the economie lapses from. consistent wisdom suppen on New Year's Day. facts of life they talk iu stri- by the consumer are sligliît Mn. and Mrs. Wmn. Millen dent toiles about the inevitable compa'red with the dangers in- spent New Year's wîth Mn. and coliapse, of capitalism, just as herent lu even one on two Mrs. Orme Miller Poutypool. they did a century ago. They lapses fnm consistent wisdomn Mn. and Mrs. Henry Smith, mutter dire warnings about the ou the part cf officials who as- Barry and Ronald, Gnavenhurst, rich growing icher and the sume rcspesibility for making visitcd Mrs. D. N. Myles. poor growing pooren unden the most on ail ecenemic decisions. Mn. and Mrs. Chas. Cooper capitalist systeni. And they The State, when ail is said and spent New Year's with Mn. chatten incessantiy about pub- donc, cannet justly dlaim te en- aud Mrs. O. Cowau. lic owne'rship of the meaus of joy a monopoly cf wisdom lan Mn. Tom Wnlsh, Buffale, vis- production as if it werc a eue- knowing what is best for the Itcd bis aunt, Mrs. Howard wa-y ticket te Utopia. public iriterest." Walsh on Sunc¶ay. "Iu Canada, at lcast, those -From an address by H. R. Crurnp, Presideut cf thei IJanuary iCPR. SALEM Clearance 1956 STUDEBAKER CHAMPION with overdrive and airconditioning $1395 1955 CHEVROLET. 4-DR. radio, twvo-tone, air conditioning, Iow mileage ------- --- $1395 1952 STUDEBAKER HARDTOP with overdrive. Two-tone, air conditioning ----- $ 595 1951 STTDEBAKER V-8 automatic, radio, air conditioning- $ 450 1951 STUDEBAKER STANDARD COACH air conditioning $ 375 1951 CHEVROLET SEDAN heater $ 375 1950 PONTIAC SEDAN radio and air conditioning, one owner $ 450 One Only 1959 NEW STUDEBAKER %-ton TRUCK air conditioning. Graham's Garage STUEDAKER SALES & SERVICE COlfax 3-2233 R.R. 1, Bowmanville ai A Communion service was conducted by Rev. F. Jackson at church on Sunday. Members of the Sunday Sechool enjoyed a crokinolej party at the church Saturday evening. Prizes for highest scores were won by Leslie Welsh, Mrs. Doug Reynolds, Cindy Craig and Murray Twist. Members of the Young Peo- pies Union enjoyed a bowling party on Thursday evening. Lunch was served at the school. Mr. and Mrs. L4. Richards and family were New Year's guests of Miss Ruby Lane, Town. Mr. and Mrs. E. Twist, Ka-r thy and Murray were New Years Day guests of Mr. and' Mrs. Fred Twist, Whitby. iMr. and Mrs. Clarence Bell adfamily, Town, were Sun- day visitors with Mr. and Mrs. E. Twist. Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Shackle- ton were New Year's Day din-, uer guests with Mrs. N. Cole and Miss Stella Blackburn,; Mr. and Mrs. F. Blackburn! and family, Mr. and Mrs. L.; Welsh and family were New ' Year's visitors wîth Mr. and. Mrs. L. Savery, Oshawa. Mr. and Mrs. F. Blackburn', and Brian were Saturday even- ing visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Frances Thompson, Town. Mrs. M. Blackburn spent New Year's Day with Mr. and Mrs. Wilbur Blackburn, Haydon. M r. and Mrs. K. Shp.ckleton and family with her parents, 114x. and Mrs. Wm. Allia, Kir-, by, for New Year's dinner. Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Hall and family returned to Cha- tham on Sunday after spendin'g Christmas and New Year's hol-. idays with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. Hall. Miss Dorothy Tay- lor, Toronto, was aiso a visitor. Mr. and Mrs. K. Shackleton and tamily, Mr. and Mis. Ger- &Id ShackLetoal and fanù1y~, Mr.I 1 door prize. h and Mrs. Roland Shackleton, itors with her parents, Mr. and y 8 P e e t a a p o supper guests of MIr. and Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. Ross Lane and Gordon Shackleton. lfamily, Shaw's; Miss Ruby or e . ..In Mr. and Mrs. Mark Marchant Lane, Town, were with Mr. and rH o me & S' AA M eei n and family, Mr. Murray Mar- Mms. Lloyd Richards, Christmas chant and Ricky, Mrs. LeahlDay. The December meeting of with 98 present.. Marchant, Mr. and Mrs. Tom Mr. and Mrs. E. Twist and the Hampton Home and Schooll The President, Mrs. Coutts., Gallagher and Sandra, Town, family visited at Mn. and Mr-s. Association was well attended'was in charge and the meetingi IMiss Delores Marchant, Tyrone, Clarence Bell's, Town, Christ-. opened with "O Canada" fol with Mr. and Mrs. Matthrz w1 mas Day and entertained Mr. loe 'th1ods ryr Marchant, , and Mrs. Fred Twist, Whitby, S. Buttery. Othen caîlers were oe yteLr~ ryr Mr. and Mrs. Sam Buttery,i and Mr. and Mrs. Win. Laird Mr. and Mrs. C. Welsh, Town, The minutes of the previous Miss Marion Buttery, Mr. and! and family, Maple Grove, at, and MnL. and M>Is. Willard Lock- meeting were read and p Mrs. K. Buttery and Wayne, supper on Saturday evening.1 hart, Niagara Falls, N.Y. proved. The treasurer's repa'rt T-rwas given by Mrs. Killens. Mr. and Mrs. Herb Craig, Osh- Mr. aud Mns. Lyle MeMahon, 1 Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Pinie, , A report from Horne and, awa, Miss Phyliss Kiern, Mon- Town, were Wednesday even-1 ronto; Mr. Victor Bar rie and1 treal, Mr. and Mrs. B. Lehman1 ing visitors with the Twists.1 family, Barrie; Mr. and Mrs 1 School council was given 5 M' . and family, Brooklin, Mn. and Mrs. George Goddard, Miss Herb Craig, Oshawa, Mr. and. Coutts, also attecnding was MrS. Mrs. D. Reynolds and family,j Louise Goddard, Courtice; Mr.. Mrs. Bruce Lehman and faîn_ MeReelis, Mrs. Fowler and Mn. and Mrs. W. Craîg, Misses Stanley Jones, Maple Grove, ily, Brooklin: Mr. and Mrs. Mrs. C. Yeo. Bea znd Gerda Craig, were were with Mr. and Mrs. L. David Craig and family, Ty-: A motion was made that the New Year's guests of Mr. and Welsh on Christmas Day. rone; Mr. Bob Davies, Oshawa; Home and Sehool meetings be Mrs. Bob Craig. They also Ms .CwigMsr.Mr Mrs. Lillian Brine and family, held the second Tuesday of helped to celebrate Cm dysj r nd la Cowling, esr eu-e Town; Mr. andl Mrs. Doug Rey- January 1 and February inste-id birthday. with Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Smith, 1od n Mrs. of Wednesday due to the six Intended For Last Week Tyrone, for Christmas. Bob Craig and family werei weeks training course held ln Sorry there was no news iMn. and Mrs. Douglas Rey- Christmas holiday visitons at' Oshawa for ail interested in last week but the telephone, nolds and family were with his Mn. and Mrs. W. Craig's. Home and School work. The was out of order until Thurs- parents, Mr. and Mrs. C. Rey- Mr. and Mrs. I. Cook, Mrs. E. course begins January 13 from day. nolds, Claremont, for Christ- Lutes an*d Gary, Scarborough, 8:00 to 9:30 p.m. .Mr. and Mrs. Walter Black- mas. Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Avery Mrs. Hall's roomn won the at- burn and family, Don Milîs; Mn. and Mrs. K. Shackleton and family, Miss E. Knapp, En- tendance prize with 30 parents Mn. and Mrs. Wilbur Black- and family were with hen sis- niskillen; Mn. and Mrs. Bob present. burn &nd family, Mrs. K. Cowl- ter, Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Little, Wilson and Bnian, Oshawa; Mr. The teachens very kindly ar- ing, Haydon; Mrs. Nettie Cole, Agincourt, on Christmas Day. and Mrs. Cyril Avery and fam- ranged the program.-Mrs. Hal Miss Stella Blackburn, Town; Mn. and Mrs. Will Chapman, ily, Newcastle; Mr. -and Mrs. was in charge, on behaîf of Mn. and Mrs. Gerald Shacklp- Mn. and Mrs. R. Shackleton, Roy Avery and family, Til- Miss Peel, Miss Kellar and Mrs. ton and family, Mrs. M. Black- Hampton, wene with Mn. and bury, Mr. Frank Dorland, Mn. Gilbert. "Silent Night" wvas burn, were Christmas Day Mrs. Gordon Shackleton on and Mrs. K. Tineline and fam- sung by ahl with Mrs. Percy guests of Mr. and Mrs. F. Christmas Day. ily, Town, were Christmas Day Dewell at the piano for the Blackburn. Mn. and Mi.s. Bob Craig and guests of Mr. and Mrs. Norman,'singing of the Carols. Mr. and Mrs. M. Marchant family were Christmas Day Avery. Mrs. Lutes and Gary[j Five pupils from Miss Peel's and Susan were Christmas vis- Idinnen guests of Mn. and Mrs. remaîned for a holiday. room sang a Christmas Carol.- MIDm-INTER àjATURALIZERS VN HIGH AND ILLUSION HEEL Reg. ý'14.95 Novi - - a7.95 to12,95 BLACK KMD u(xACIA OXFORDSi $1 .9. WOMEN'S DRESS SHOES Reg. $6.95 fo $11.95 3.95 -4.95 -_5.95 - 7.95 WOMEN'S ARCH SUPPORTS KID OXFORDS D, E, EE Widths Bey. $lO.95 - N 0'W m m - - . $71.95 i PHONE MA 3-5941 ELLIS SHOE 49 KING ST. W. STORE DO WNAN VILLE PACM TM! Reg. $14.95 N 0 7 - - - - -» - - 0F USED Haydou They were: Judy Lyon, Nancy Mackiu, Charlene Macna,. Johnny Rogers and Bifly fi- royd.y Mrs. Hall's room gave a 3-aci play, "Christmas in Australia". IAct 1 vas given by Linda Both. twell and Sandra Rogers; Act %, Donna Terrili, Chris Balsori, Kenny Rice, Doreen Bryant, David Bryant, Marilyn Farrow and Carl Box, Act 3, Donna' Terrill, Kennyý Rice, Linda Bothwell, Sandra Rogers, Chris Balson sana "J in-le Beils" and *'wyin a Manger" T)3u gýlas Dewdill from Mm& Giibert*s room favoured with two piano solos. "0 Little Town of Betillehemn" was sung by ail Darlone Hall from, Mrs. Gil- berfs room. gave a speech on "The St. Lawrence Seaway"l. Miss Kellar's room sang "4NO Room. For the Saviour", April Rice, Ginger Balson, Sherry Chant, Dawn Thompson, Dou- glas Killens, Terry Smith, Jer- ry Wright, Christine Hoskin, Carolyn Dewell. Mrs. Borek then gave an in- teresting talk on "Christmias in Poland". "Hark the Herald Angels Sing" wvas sung by ail. Mrs. Verîcysen then told us about -"Christmas in Belgium"l which was also interesting. "Joy to the World" was sung and the meeting closed with "God Save the Queen". Mrs. Gerald Balson won the ,.Nuwquwqu 1 SLIPPER CLEARANCE - NOW $1-m$ -« - $3.95 WOMEN'S SEIL Nylon andi Rubber Overshoes SPCyL MID-WENTER CLEARANCE « ---$4.95 S N OW BO OT S LEATER SOW BOTSRed, Black and Beige LEA HE S OW BO TSReg. $7.95 fo $8.505 CLEARANCE $d4.95 ID-WINTER CLEARANCE -- À09 OUR COMPLETE STOCK 0FCHILDREN'S SHOES BY SAVAGE REDUCED 50c A PAIR Savage TE-EN AGE FLATS. INSULATED HI-CUTS Reg. $7.95 $1 . Sisman Bushmasler MID-WINTER CLEARANCE - - - J 5* Reg. $21.95 - NOW - - - - - - ------- 5. OTHER MAKES ON SALE Greb Hi-Cul---------159 $2.98 ta, $4.95 Others a-----------------$13.95 MEN'S IMPORTED MEN'S ONE-BUCKLE TOE RUBBERS $1@89 CASHMERE OVERSHOE.Ç ,$395 MEN'S LOW MEN'S NYLON OVER RUBBERS $1.89 ZIPPER OVERSHIOES $4-99 ON SALE --«»........ ON SALE - Dacks SCOTT McHALE SHOES Black and Brown OxfordsRg.$85 ON SALE-- I Reg. $ 19.50 OhrLnsadSye ON SALE ----.1595 hrLie ndSye Othe Dacs ReucedGreally Reduced for ""2his Sale Men's Black Gare Loafersb BOYS' S-HOES R~5 eg. $1O.95 Io $11.95,<9 Sizes 1 fo 6$39 ON SALE - - ---$89 WE HAVE MANY OTHER STYLES 0F SHOES AND WINTER FOOTWEAR ON DISPLAY AT MONEY-SAVING VALUES! 'OWMANVrLtZ CMAM * THMIMAT. JAlq- "b- lem

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