?I!URSDAY, JAN. 7th, 1960 TEE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BO'WMANVILLE, ONTARTO PAGE IlVU 120 Couples Padminton The* Bowmanville Badminton Club was transformed by smart clecorations in a colour scheme of silver, pink, and pale blue Jnto a festive setting for the ?'club's annual New Year's Eve Dance. Music for dancing was supplied by Cy McLean's ex- cellent orchestra from Toronto. and 120 couples enjoyed the HAMPTON The Women's Missionary So- ciety held their Christmas meeting at the home of Mrs. Merwin Mountjoy wîth a good attendance. Miss F. Werry pre- sided at the meeting. Owing to the illness of Mrs. Reed, President, the members each re- inembered hier by card. Many Christmas Carols were sung. The Januarv meeting and in- stallation of new officers were, planned for, also meeting to- gether cf officers to complete annual reports on December 29th at the home of Mrs. Mer- win Mountjoy. Worship and programme were in charge of Mrs. Axford, being assisted by Mrs. Salter with the worship. Program on Africa Disturbed, also changes in Africa. Ms., K' rsev told of what many Afri- i c--n womnen are (iOifl. 1~s Blanchard toid of schooi teach- i e-rs' problems in Afnica, which! is a very interesting study. NqONEY AVAMAW~lE FOR1 NORTOAGES RALPH S. JONES Barrister and Solieltur 130 King St. E. Oshawa RA 8-6246 IRIE IN COMFORT.. STEVI TAÀ '4Safe, Satisfyit TWO PHONES TE MA 3-5822 Ail Passengei 100 KING ST. E. Happy Little FeIIow Pascoes, Christmas Day. i Enjo Christmas callers and visitors E oywith MNrs. R. rfiwe:M. Club Dance Mr. and Mrs. F. ifnad son, r. ndMrs. F. Samis and party. children; Mrs. Neil Smith, Col- Jack Munday was the dance urnbus; Mr. and Mrs. Les Wot- convenor and others in charge ten, Oshawa. o! arrangements were: Art Mr. Frank Cowling, Hampton; Hooper, orchestra; Miss Lydia 1Mr. and Mrs. Bill Carr and Bates, decorations; Mrs. Fred Brenda, Long Sault; Mr. and Cole, reservations, and Mrs. A. Mis. Bruce Ormiston and Bar- Lucas, lunch. Ail the members bara, Columbus; Mr. and Mrs. of the board o! directors assist L. Stephenson and Ron, were ed. at, L. Cochrane's. A gay canopy formed by: Mr. and Mrs. F. Griffin 'and silver, pink, and pale blue'i sons were with the N. Smiths, streamers had been erected1 Columbus. over the orchestra stand. Sim-1 The L. Cochranes, E. Lees iiar streamers added to the1 and L. Stephensons attended a effective decoration of the large; Christmas night gathering with room, and the walls were adorn-. Mr. and Mrs. H. Cowlmng, Whit- ed with clever replicas of top by. bats, canes, party caps, fans and' Mr. and Mrs. E. Howes, God- champagne glasses.1 erich, spent Christmas with The tables were arranged1 their daughter, Mrs. Ron Oke around the spacious dance floor, and children. Mrs. Oke and and aiso in the balcony. En- children stayed with relatives tertaining favours were present- in Napanee during the holiday.s ed to ail the guests and during Mr. anid Mrs. H. Ormiston, the evening a cloud o! balioons Mi1. and Mrs. I. Ormiston, Bon- were released over thre dancers. nie and Brian, were Christmas visitors wîth the S. Gray's, Oshawa. E FE DMr. and Mis. Ivan Omso to aNew ear' Eveparty. Mr. and Mrs. Don Taylor and Miss Kathryn Siemon, Ennis- children, Solina, Mr. and Mrs. killen, visited with Miss Laura A. Abernethy and children, Mr: Bowman. and Mrs. F. Abernethy, Man- Rev. and Mis. R. B. Green ilia; Miss Corsina Samis, Osh- and daughters, Brighton, were awa, Mr. and M&s. F. Sarnis New Years luncheon guests and famiiy, were Christmas with the J. W. Bowmans. The guests at M. Samis'. W. Bowman and Green fam- Mr. and Mrs. F. G. Tamblyn ilies had New Year's dinner and children, Hamiilton; Mr. with the J. Siemons, Enniskil- and Mis. J. C. Tamblyn, Jean: len. arnd Marilyn, Mr. J. J. Tamblyn,1 Mr. and Mis. A. Carson and Judy and Bryan. Orono, Ivr.'Mrs. R. Best were holiday vis- and Mis. G. Bowers, Mr. and:itors at W. Bowman's. Mrs. I. Sprackling and Amy, Glenn Pre.scott, Kemptville were Christmas guests at thre Agricultural School, spent the W. Bowman home. holidays at borne. Mr. and Mrs. H. Beaton. Ian M r. and Mrs. Gordon Taylor IBeaton, Warren Smith, Miss and children, Mrs. T. Taylor, Bessie Pascoe, Mis. L. C. Pas Allen and Donald Taylor, Miss coe, Oshawa; Miss'Evelyn Cun- Louise Hartman, attended a ningham, Brantford; Miss Ev- Christmas gathering at R. elyn Pascoe, Carl Sargent, Pe- Tayior's, Oshawa. terborough; Mr. and Mirs. Keith Mr. and Mis. H. Prescott and Davey and EVaine, Tyrohe; Mr. Rodger, Mr. and Mrs. R. Parr and Mrs. G. Bowers and the G: and children were at a Christ- Bowrnan !amily, were with the mas gathering at H. Wotten's, -- _______------.Blackstock. Mr. and Mrs. A. W. Prescott, Hampton, were with H. Pres- COttS. CALL Mr. and Mrs. Ray Taylor, Mr. T. Taylor, Jack and Ross, OsIr- awa, Mr. and Mis. Keith Tay- EN S 'lor and children, were at thre Taylor home. Mr. and Mri. H. Beaton, Miss Bessie Pascoe, Mrs. L. Pascoe, MVr. Warren Smith, Oshawa; X I Miss Ida MeCullocIr, Toronto, 6 x 1were New Year's guests at G. Bowman' s. ing Service" Mr. and Mis. Cawl, Toronto, visited with the Jones family. Although the telephone re- '0 SERVE YOU pairmen have finally got our telephones connected after a week of silence, we find that MA 37201diaiing is quite unreliable. The items of news have not been Ss Insured completed. and no family ga- therings have been left out de- BOWMANVILLE liberately, but a!ter a few bours of muddling through we gave Up. the enjoyable event. Rh-ythmic music in perfecti tempo was provided for danc- ing by the "Sapphires". Comrade Ed Rundie, thre pre- sident of Branch 178 of the Canadian Legion, in a short address extended best wishes for the coming year. Comrade James Firth, Deputy District Commander, and Comrade Don Wright were in charge o! thre Special Draw. The fortunate prize winners were Mrs. Pat Luxton and Miss Audrey Flet- cher. A delicious lunch was served, and colourful festive hats, noisemakers, and favours were distributed. Hundreds of bright- ly coloured balloons were re- leased over the dancers short- ly after midnight. The Bow- manville Ladies' Auxiiary to the Can.adian Legion catered for thre lunch and was in*charge of the decorations with Com- rade Florence Knight, the pre- sident of the auxiliar, as the convenor. There were go cou- ples at the enjoyable party. BURIKETON On Sunday morning at 11:00 a.m. January loth the Sacra- ment of Holy Communion wil be observed. A cordial invita- tion is extended to one and ail. Choir practice will be held at the home of Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Turnbuil on Thursday evening, proceeding after with a meeting of the Sunday School teachers and officers. The C.G.I.T. will meet on Wednesclay evening at 7:30 in the church hall. Thre Burketon W.A. will meet on Thursday, January l4th in thre church hall. Mr. and Mrs. Frank AlIlison and family, Oshawa, spent New Year's with Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Allison and family. Mr. and Mrs. Norman Gien- nie and Sharon, Mr. Stanley Riddell, spenit New Year's with Mis. Pearl Avery. Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Weston, Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Vickery and baby, Miss Maryla Stinson, Cadmus, spent New Year's withi Mr. and Mrs. A. C. Stephen- son. Mr. and Mrs. R. T. Harvey and family, Oshawa, spent New Year's with Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Turnbuil and farnily. Mr. and Mrs. E. M. Adams spent New Year's with Mr. and Mrs. Albert Adams and family, Bowmanville. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Howard, Oshawa, Mr. and Mrs. Stanley McCullough, spent New Year's with Mrs. Esther Carnochan and farnily. Mr. and Mrs. George Carter and family, Bowmanviile; Mr. and Mrs. Robert Carter and family, Whitby, spent New Year's with Mrs. A. Carter and Fred. 1Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Argue and family spent New Year's wtih relatives in Ballyduff. Sorry to report that Mrs. A. Carter bas infection in her eye. We hop~ her condition will soon Ire improved. Mr. Jasper Vendenhof is ocn the sick list. We hope that bis condition will soon be improv- ed. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Wadding- ton and family, Toronto, cail- ed on friends in the village on Sunday. *Mr. and Mrs. Orvus Smith and Chris, Mrs. Susie Van Volkenburg, Mr. Edward Van Luden, Peterborough, were Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. Jack Smith. Mr. and Mrs. Fisher and Kelvin, Rev. Tubby and son, Sharbot Lake, were Saturday guests of Mr. and Mrs. A C. Stephenson and family. 553 Couples Enjoy Annual Lions Dance Thre New Year's Eve Dance beld by the Bowmanville Lionsi Club was enjoyed by 55 couples. A varied program o! good music for dancing was provided by thre Swingmasters' Orchestra, Whit- by. RalpIr Kelly was chairman of thre committee in charge of arrangements for thre successful event. Thre large ballroom was at- tractively decorated in a Yule- tide theme. Red, white and green streamers extended over the dance floor from thre four corners of the room. Streamers in the same colours extended from thre ceiling to the floor at each end o! the stage and !ormed a frame setting for the orchestra. Seasonal decora- tions o! belîs, Santa Claus, and gay wreaths were interspersed with greenery on the walls, and tables for the guests were on two sides and at the far end o! the room. A delicious lunch !eaturing turkey and other delicacies was served by the Women's Aux- iliary o! Enniskillen United Church. Following the singing of "Auld Lang Syne" a multi-. tude of balloons were released from a net below thre ceiling. After the Storm (By Marion Ford) Tread gently, the Earth's a Fairyland! Speak gently, do flot disturb the magie 0f the mountainous ice. Do we stand On the same ground which hostessed a plcnfe Once upon a time? Nature has taken command 0f the Earth, Lily-llke the trees bow Like the sands on the far distant strand, And once tagain I hear an organ play. Now Ail the magic passes, when we know that silent Are the machines that milk the humble cow, ReaIiy, 18 it not a reminder, like a tent Sheiters us ail from the ramn, that God Is in His Heaven yet, and promises everyone Who touls upon bis Earth and turns the sod 0f righteousness, that Rich, Poor, Sick or Well, WE ARE ONE! - We are flot Alone! Our Cleanirig Is Sure to Please . See us if you want a sure thing when it cornes to cleaning clothes! We guarantee satisfaction a . . yet our superior methods cost you flot a penny more! Try us soon. Cliffcrest Cleaners 71 KING ST. E. BOWMANVILLE PHONE NA 3-7061 PICK-UP AND DELIVERY [ LORNE MeQUARRIE, Prop. BRESLINs ce a rs the way fo 1960 a a Fabulous Ail Suzes At a Great Saving ON SALE =.- 47c pair LADIES' DRESSES An exciting value! . . . You shouid find a dress for every occasion in our large selection . . . Included are semi-forînal, cocktail, tailored and afternoon dresses. Reg. to $45.00 ON SALE -- CAR COATS By such style designers as . . . Posluns and Sun Valley. Every car coat in our entire selection is reduced for clearance . . . yesterday you would have paid $29.95 for these coats. Ail sizes and colons 10W ONLY- CRINOLINES Delievo il or not ! Reg. fo $2.98 ON SALE--. $1.o0 E D-On F dYE BLOUSES Store-wide clearance of our attractive blouses, in the ever popular Terylene, Dacron, Cotton and Crepes. Sizes 12 to 44 ON SALE - - a w S $1.88 R CILE LADIES! SLIPS Choice of full or haîf slips Nylon, Tricot, Crepes and Cotton Tailored and lace trimmed Reg. to $4.98 ON SALE m m m m a - __________________________________________ w __________________________________________ LADIES'V The savings are great in fhis excepiional offering of beaufiful failored and dress coats of imported fabrics BEC. TO $69.95 $ 0.00 ALL SIZES AND COLORS No refunds or exchanges 011i sales final BRESLIN'à,S Bownugnville LADIES" WEAR Whitby R CE LADIES' SKIRTS Ail the latest styles, colons and fabries Reg. to $16.95 ON SALE- m . a $.5.00 LADIES' DRESSES This year's styles in light-weight wools, crepes and figured Sizes 7 to 24% Reg. to $25.00 ON SALE a 0 $1 0.00 CAR COATS Some parka style, others fur-trimrned In sizes 12 to 20 Reg. to $16.95 ON SALE-- $1 0.00 -SWEATERS UM Wehave them ail! .. . Pullovers or cardigan.. Short sleeve and long sleeve and V-neck. Ban-L-on . .. Shag . .. Orlon . .. Bulkys SAVINGS UP TO 50o%'OFF I i Il LADIES' HOSE Full Fashioned.. First Quality r;', .. .. w ... Eighteen-month-old Stephen Percival Hartley shown above is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Roy Ilartley (nee Retta Cann fornierly of Bowmanville), Oshawa. His grand- parents are Mrs. Mary Cann, Bowmanville, and Mr. and Mrs. Lister Hartley, Oshawa, and he is the only great- grandson of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Cann, Mr. and Mrs. Herb Rundie, ail of Bowmanville; Mrs. J. Smith, Weston, Ont., and Mrs. L. Hartley, Sheffield, England. -Photo by Ireland Studio Legion Dance Was Gay New Year Event ý 1 ý 1 i 11MUDAT, JAN. 7th, 1960 The successful New Year's Eve Dance of Branch 178 o! the Canadian Legion at the Legion Hall was a delightful event. Thre spacious hall was beauti- fully decorated with silvery streamers, greenery, and glit- tering Yuletide ornaments. A banner bearing the message "Season's Greetings" in spark- ling letters was extended over the orchestra at the front cf thre stage. Comnrade James Fair, thre en- tertainment chairman, and the members o! bis committee wereï in charge o! arrangements for1 PAGE rffl THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO $1.49 $17,95 $17.9,5