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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 7 Jan 1960, p. 7

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?BT7MDAY, ..TAIi. Tth, 1980 TEE CANADIAW STATESMA!~. BOWMANVILLE. ONTARTO fl A #~U~ W~* Mis. F. S. Phillips is visiting relatives in Owen Sound, Ont. h2rs. Stella Woodtg, London, W'a guest of Dr. and Mis. Gea. W. James for New Year's week- en~d. Miss Ruby Aldworth, Toron- ta, spent Christmas and New Yeaw's with relati v e s and friends here. Dr. Keith Billett has been in Toronto attending a three-day clinic in Techniques of Fitting Contact Lenses. Mrs.e C. A. Bartlett bas ce- turned after a very enjoyable Christmas vacatdon in St. Pet- eusburg, Florida. Mr. and Mis. Gordon Byers an-d fam-ihy, Toronto, visited her Parents, Mr. and Mis. Garnel Mahood, last Sunday. Miss Dianne Davis, Ottawa, spent Christmias and New Year's with hec gcandmother, Mis. T. Wright, Chuich Street. O.P.P. Constable Chacles and Mis. Fletcher, Picton, spent Christmas with his parents, Mr. and Mis. AI Fletcher. Mr. Elfred Cax, Toronto, vis- ited his father, Mr. John Cax, hast Monday ta help celebrato the Iatter's 84th birthday. Mr .and Mis. L. .M. Annis and daughters, Toaronto, spent New Year's with hec parenrts, Mr. and Mis. W. J. 1-. Cann, Centre Street. We are happy ta report that Mr. Morley Vanstone, who has been a patient in Western Hos- pital, Toronto, is now conval- escing at home. Mrs. Frank Thompson and Mrs. Murwin Dickinson, Osh- awa, were Saturday dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. W. F. Quick, Elgin Street. Mis. Rilda Davey, Flint, Mîch, was a New Yeaî's weekend guest of hec niece, Mr. and Mis. M. C. Brown and family, Nelson Street. Mr. and Mis. R. Gui, Iving, Dixie and Pat arnived home Monday afternoon from a won- derful two-week vacation in Mexico and Califoinia. Mu. and Mis. Lew Rundle, Lynda an-d Betty Lou and Mrs. Franik Rundie visited the lat- ter's sister, Mus. Sidney Rugh- son, Toronto, last Sunday. Mr. and Mis. Orville K. Os- bonne spenht Christmas with tiheir daughter, Mr. and Mis. Alex Wiglht, Marilyn, Kenneth and Keith in Edmonton, Alta. Mc. L. R. Wood, founder of Wwd's Sonate, who had the .*~ortune ta faîl last Satur- day suffering a broken hip, is a patient iMemorial Hospital. Mr. and Mis. John Welsh, Jmmy and Jil have returncd to Tweed after spending the holidays with T&. and Mrs. Percy Luxton Sr., Hunt Street. Mr. andi Mis. Ronald Hall, Nancy and Jimmy retucnod ta Ohathani on Sunday aftcr spen- ding Christimas hohdejays with his parents ,Mr. and Mis. James Hall. Miss Ingrid Conway hias re- 'uimed ta Western University, London, Ont., afteu spending bolidays with her parents, Mr. andi Mis. Maurice Conway, Town. Mis. T. A. Garton heft yes- terdiay by 'plane fou a visit with her daughter, Mr. andi Mis. Thomas Cable (Mavis) and family, of Sacramento, Cali- forrma. Mir. and Mis. G. Martin Éind Doris were dinner guests with their son, Mr. and Mis. Alec G. Martin and Masters Tommy andi Dannie, on Sundiay, Jan- uary 3rcL In the list of survivors appear. ing in the obituary of the late Mrs. Herbert N. Scott, the name of Mrs. Scott's only sister, Mrs. Wm. Smith of Oshawa, was inadvertenthy omitted. Mr. înd Mrs. Gardon Martin attended the Christmas dinneïr at Ontario Ladiles' Coilege, Whitby, on Decernber 18tli bringing their daughter Do'ris hoine for the holidays. His many friends in Bowman- ville and district wil be glad tc leacn that Mr. R. D. Preston, who is a patient in Memorial Hospital following a heart at- tack, is progressing favorably. Mr. and Mrs. H. D. Sutton, Mrs. W. H. Densemn and Mrs. H. Humphries atten'ded the "Open House" held at MrU. and Mis, W. L. Rawe's, 16 Leland Ave., Toronto, on New Year's Day. Dinner guests TuesdAy even- ing with Mr. and Mis. C. Mar- tin and Doris were the Rev. and Mis. M. C. Fisher, New- castle, and the Rev. and Mis. Wm. K. Housiander and Gary. Town. A baby girl helped usher in the New Year at Memorial Has- pital. Proud parents of. the New Year baby, who arrived at 4:17 a.m. Now Yoar's Day, are Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Rowe of R. R. 5, Bowmanville. New Yoar's Eve guests with Mr. and Mcs. G. Martin were Mr. and Mrs. Jas. T. Brown, Mr. and Mrs. Alf Graham and Janet, Mr. and Mrs. Ken Dean and Mary Mr. and Mrs. Aif Perrin and Mri. and Mis. Stan Allin. Dr. and Mrs. V. H. Storey spent Chrstmas with their daughter, Mi. and Mrs. C. H. Musclow (Margaret> and fam- ily, Brockville. Mr. and Mis. R. J. Quay of Islington were New Yeair's guests of Dr. and Mrs. Storey. Dr. and Mis. H. B. Rundie, Howard and John acampanied by Mrs. Rundle's sister and nephew, Mis. George Squire and Warren of London, spent C'hristmas with Dr. Rundle's mother, Mrs. H. C. Rundle of Brighton, Ontario. Mr. andi Mus. Rae Rundie and family, Deseronto, *visited bis mother Mis. Frank Runtile duîing New Yeac's weekend. Rae has recoveced fcom his in- juries received in a car accident hast November and returncdti t wock hast Monday. Mi«ss Jean Bragg lias retuin- cd ta North Bay having spent the holidays with hec parents, Mr. and Mis. O. Bragg, Shaw's. Miss Joyce Bragg R.N., Pem- broko, was unable ta be homo as she is stili a patient in the Civic Hospital, Ottawa. Breslin's Ladies' Wear Is pleased ta announce that Mis Ricky Wavecsveit, Liberty St.,I South, was the lucky winner of anc of the 4,000 importeti flannel skirts awaided as pîi- zes by thse Shamîock Co. in their recenit Shamrock cantest. Travelling by 'plane Mr. and Mis. G. Kenneth Fletcher and their son Barry of Clearwater, Florida were with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. AI Fletcher, Qucen Street, for Christmas and New Year's. Thoy left by 'plane Iast Sunday for their Florida home. Scott Rudell, son of Dr. and Mrs. W. M. Rudell, who is a B.H.S. Grade IX student, re- ceived facial injuries while playir.g hockey this week. A severe eut on his cheek requir. cd five stitches, his nase w'asi FREHOBOTH CHRISTIAN REFORMED CHURCH Scugog Street, Bowmanville MORNING SERVICE - 10:00 a.m. - English EVENING SERVICE - 7:30 p.m. - Dutch Sunday School immediately after Sunday morning service, "Back To God ilour"" Broadcast CKLB, Oshawa, at 3 p.m. every Sunday 8:30 am. every Sunday, CFRB Trinity United Church Minister-Rev. Wm. K Housiander, B.A., B.D. Organist-Mr. Arthur Collison, Mus. B., L.R.S.M. il arn. - MORNING WORSHIP The Sacrament of the Lord's Supper "The Log in Your Eye" 7 p.m. - EVENING WORSHIP A film - "John The Baptist" 8:05 p.m. - Young People's Union SUNDAY SCHOOL DEPARTMENTS 11:00 a.m. - Nursery - Beginners 11:20 a.m. - Kindergarten - Prixnary 12:10 p.m. - Junior, Intermediate, Senior EVERYONE WELCOME. - 1 The specfal speaker at the meeting of the Canadian Club of West Durham to ho h.ek this evening at 8:15 o'clock ir the Lions Comnmunity Centre will be Major-General W: H. S. Macklin, C.B.E., C.D., B.A.Sc. Ho has an outstanding reputa- tion as a speaker and has ar- oused much interest by his out- spoken views on militiary mat- ters and defence pireparation. His topic this eveni-ng will be "Some Popular Military My- thology.' Mr. and Mrs. John Paynte, Vanbrugh Ave., Scarborough, recently' cclebnalted ilheir gol- den wedding annivelrsary. With themi were their five chilciren, Jack, Rose, Walter, MVarnie and Violet and their nine grand- children. The couple are for- nier residents of Bowraanville. Mrs. Payne is the former Susan Clayton an'd is a sister of Mis. Arthiur Kilpatrick, Third Street, Mrs. Charles Burgess, Mrs. W. C. Kilpatrick, Scu-gog Street and Mis. Allen Clayton,. "W!ha± kind of an adiîlt would you like your cbhild to ho and how are you g'oing to work toward that goal?" This will be The toplo of a punel dis- cu s.sion to ho he-ld nfext Wed- resdiay cvoning at the Father's Night meeting of the Home and Schoo4 Association in tho Lions Centre. Mr. Robert Kent will bo the moderator and the parel members Mrs. K. Sumersford, Don Williams Tom Turner andi Rev. G. E. Leno. This sounds like a most interesting evening and well worth making an ef- fort ta attend. Santa Claus cvidently follaw- cd Mr. and Mrs. Fritz Marti of Bowmanville ta St. Andrews, Jamaica, W.I., where they had gone ta spend Christmas holi- days with hec parents, Mr. and M hrs. John King. For an air mail letter was received here Tuesday with the annaunce- mont that on Christmas Day, 1959, Fritz and Betty Marti had become the proud parents of their first chîld, Walter Fred- erick Marti, weighing 8 lbs., 91/- ozs. Good aid Santa Claus was very considerate in having this blessed evont happen in the warm climate of Jamaica rather than in the blustery, wintry wcather at Bowmanville. Our congratulations go toalal con- cerned. Morrish Party Honors 25th- An niversarv -aa ' àI .#0 0U*R1 On Friday evening, January lst, saine 40 relatives and friends gathered at the homo l of Mr. and is. Frank Byers for a presentatian in honour of Mr. and Mis. George Byers of Toronta on the occasion of the 25th anniversary of theiri wedding. The first part of the evening was spent in dancing, afteî which an addîess was read by Mis. Alex Barrie ta the bride and groom Of 25 years, follow- ing which they were present- cd with a silver cream and su- gai set with tiay, a tri-light lamp with a Pair of matching table lamps. Mi. and Mis. Byers made suitable replie-, thanking al present for the lovely gifts. During the cuttrng of the twa- tier wodding cake ail joineti in sînging "For They Are Jolhy Good Feilows". A dainty lunch followed bringing a very pleas- ant evening ta a close. Congratulations and New 1Year greetings wece exchanged before a final zood-nig4t. - Zoné Comd. Rose Bate Con ducts Installation 0f Auxiliary 0f ficers 7. ;e LS n T h -S 0 fractured and his upper jaw Iwas also fractured. tMir. Robert Kerr and Mr. Ross Metealf have returned froni a vacation in Daytona Floridta. They left he're Tues- day, December 22nd, 1959, re- turning Saturdiay, Jaîvary 2, 196A. Whàle in Daytona they made several motor trips ta variaus locales in Floridu. Last week we did not have the names of the pallbcarers for the 1 obituaîy of Mrs. Era Maie Purdy Freeman. These were two cousins, Neil Mutton and Ernest Turney, and four nephews Don- nis Piokard, Morley Flintoff, al of Bowmanville; Ernest Gîlbank, O0rono, and Ross Allin, New- jcastle. Mr. and Mis. Gardon Martin and Doris spent Christmas at their daughter's, Mr. and Mis. F'rank Bingham, Toronto, jour- neying on ta, Galt the following Sunidiay to attend the christen- ing of their grandson, David Wright Martin, infant son af Mr. and Mis. Lloyd A. Martin, Dorval, Que.bec. New Year's guests with Mr. and Mis. Albert Colo were Mis. Warren Brown, Saginaw, Mich., U.S.A., Mi. and Mis. Bruce Caverly and Brent, Mcý. and Mis. Donald Colo, ail of Osh- awa; Mr. an'd Mrs. Ken Caver- ly, Hampton, Miss Marjorie Colo, Mr. and Mirs. Doug Caver- ly. Linda, Mark andi Gail and Mýrs. Lydia Sud'ds, Town. R. B. Reynolds, Bowman- ville's Town Clerk, left on Wedne-sday morning from Mal- ton Airport ta fly ta San An- tonio, Texas, whore he wilbe met by his wife, who drove ta Texas last week. Mr. and Mrs. Reynolds will take a matai tnip ta Mexico for a short vacation, and will return ta Bowman- ville by tho end of the month. New Year's guests with Mrs. Mina Colwell and Mvrs. Bert Colwell and Irwin were Mrs.I Annie Bradley, Mr. Gardon Bradley, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Su- therland, Misses Margaret, Mar- ion and Doris and Master John Sutherland, Mr. Wm. Brethett, Mr. Bruce Davey, ail of Bond Head, Mrs. A. J. Lymer, Will- iam anîd Douglas, Mc. and Mrs. Ray Lymer, ail of Oshawa, and Miss Molly Bennetît, Town. Mr. Ted Colwoll was home for New Years. By Extension Branch, Department of Agriculture, Blowmanville. Friday, January 8th-Ducham Potato Growers' Trip-Postpon- ed until fuither notice. Satuîday, Jan. 9th - Junior Farmers' Association of Ontario Annual Wintec Conference Provincial Public Speakîng and Music Events, King Edwacd- Hotel, Taronto. Public Speaking staîts at 9:30 a.m. Tuesday, Jan. l2th-Annual Meeting, Durham Soul and Crap Improvement Association, Par- îsh Hall, Temperance Street, Bowmanville. Theme of mneet- ing, Soils, Doug Logsdail, Sals Spocialîst, speaker. Also a pan- cl discussion on Pasture Man- agement. Door Prizes. Ail faim.- ors welcome. Business meeting staîts at 10:30 a.m. Genecal pro- gram starts at 1:30 p.m. Wednesday, Jan. l3th-1:30 p.m.-Central Lake Ontario Conservation Authority meet- ing, Brooklin. Friday, Jan. 22nd.-10:00o a.m. ta 3:30 p.m.-District 4-H Club Leaders Meeting, Department of Agriculture, Govornment LONG SAULT Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Cameron spent New Year's Eve with Mr. and Mrs. Bill Vivian, Tyrone, a nd were Sunday suppor guests at Mr. and Mrs. Earl Penwar- den's. Mr. and Mrs. Bort Johnson and Jean were at the Bill Johnsons for New Year's. Mrs. G. MeLaggan and fam- ily spent New Year's Day at the G. Baker's and Sunday evening at the Stan Goble's, Tyrone. The lambing scason has start- ed roal early this year at the McLaggan's - saine_ arrived hast Monday night. Mrs. Pat Wright and Muriel, Bethany; Mr. Norman Davis, Taunton; Mr. and Mrs. Glen Pugsley and Duane, Oakville, and Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Parken- son and family, Fenella, were New Year's Day guests of Mr. and Mrs. Rye Gibson. Mr. and Mrs. Stan Gable and Bruce, Tyrone, were New Year's Eve visitors of Mr. and Mrs. R. Gibson. Miss Sandra Gibson and Mr. Norman Davis were Sunday evening visitors of Mr. and Mrs. Spracklîng, Enni*illen. Intended For Last IWeek Mr. and Mrs. F. Johnston, Solina; Mr. and Mrs. Ray Os- borne, Courtice; Mr. Jim Ryder and Mrs. Vivian Lince, Port Perry spent Christmas Day with Mr. and Mrs. J. Johnston. Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Cameron and family were Saturday evening visitors of MVr. and Mrs. Chas. Penwarden and Sunday dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. A. Woods, Tyrone. Mr. and Mrs. Rye Gibson, Sandra and Norman Davis,! spent Christmas Day with Mr. and Mrs. Glen Pugsley and Du- anc at Oakvile. The family of Mr. and Mrs. Bert Johnson were ail home for Christmas Day. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Trivett, Toronto, wcre Christmas Eve guests; Mr. and Mrs. Herb Camn- 1 eron, Tyrone, on Christmas Day; Mr. and Mrs. Clayton Brown and Lyncha, Mr. and Mrs. Roy Penwarden, Pýicker- ing Beach, were Christmasi dinner guests at Mr. and Mrs. 1 Robt. Cameron's. The Camer- ons were at Mr. and Mrs. A. Woods', Tyrone, for supper. Mrs. Penwarden spent Christ- mas with Mr. and Mrs. Clay-1 ton Brown. Mr. and Mrs. Ken Lewins, Bowmanvîlle, Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Penwarden and family, MVr. and Mrs. Kellet and fam- ily, Janetville, were at the Earl Penwardens for Christmas Day. Turu GId Furnilure Kio Cash with1 STATESMAN CLASSIFIEDS ilPhono MArket 3-3303j1 Building, Lindsay. January 27-30-Annual Soil and Crop Improvement Asso- ciation Convention Coliseum, Toronto. Also ORFEDA Conven- tion, Coliseumn Exhibition Park. Potato Meeting-January 27th, Morning and Afternoon. Seed Growers-January 27th, After- noon and Evening. Turnip Growers-January 28th, Morn- ing and Part Aftcrnoon. Busi- ness Meeting - January 27th, Morning-All officiai delegate to be present. Banquet-Janu- ary 28th, King Edward Hotel. February 4-5-Extension Souls Conferonce, O.A.C. February 9th-1Oth - Ontario Faim Safety Convention, O.A. C., Guelph. February l4th - 20th-Provin- cial Rural Leadership Forum 1960, The Guild Inn, Scarbor- ough. For information contact,ý President, Durham Caunty Fed- cration of Agriculture or Exten- sion Branch, Ontario Dopait- ment of Agriculture. March 25, 26, 27, 1960-Prov- incial Junior Farmer Conference and Annual Meeting, O.A.C., Guelph. National Farm Radio Forum -January 4th-The Problem of Adjustment, Number of Faims, Who should Leave? Who should Stay? Who should Decide? What Programs are Necessary? Jan. llth-The problem of adjustment. Price supports. Are they hindering or helping. Jan. 1Bth-The Problem of Adjustment Credit. The farm- er's dilenima, how ta case it. Jan. 25th - Fouîth Nlght Broadcast. Council Strikces (Continued from page one) Deputy-Reeve Ivan Hobbs, and caîried unanimously. Commit- tees for 1960 are as follows: Finance Committee - Chair- man Deputy-Reeve Hobbs, Councillor Ross Stevens, Coun- ciloc O. J. Presson, and Caun- cilloi Keith Lathangue. Court of Revision - Deputy- Reeve Hobbs, chairman; Coun- cillai Stevens, Councillor Pues- son and Councillor Lathangue. Negotiatian Committee - Councillor Presson, chairman; Deputy-Reeve Hobbs and Coun- cillai Lathangue. Roads and Streets Commit- tee - Councillor Lathangue, chairman; Reeve Little, and Cauncillor Wesley Fice. Public Property Committee- Councillor Glenholme Hughes, chairman; Reeve Little and Councillor Kon Nicks. Civie and Relief Committee Spot Bemover - L.D.A. Brand - 4 and 10 10 Schiek Injector Blades with Schick Injector Razor Comrade Rose Bate, the Zone Commander, officiated at the installation of officers and the executive for the coming year of the Bowmanville Ladies' Auxiiary to the Canadian Le- gion at the Legion Hall on Monday evening. Those installed in office in the impressive ceremony were the past president, Comrade Florence Knight the president, Comrade Mille Butes; lst vice- presîdent, Comrade Audrey Bate; 2nd vice-pros., Comrade Mary Westover; secretory, Comrade Helen Wallis; treasurer, Com- rade Ruby Palmer; the ser- geant-at-arms, Comrade Edythe Rundie; the standard bearer, Comrade Audrey Fletcher; and the following members of the executive, Comrade Ann Piper, Comrade Jean Firth, Comn- rade Audrey Fletcher, Com- rade, Ada Dadson and Comrade Rose Overy. Committee chairmen appoint- ed for 1960 are: Kitchen, Coin- rade Elda Brown; Sick, Com- rade Ann Piper; Social, Com- rade Marvel Harper; Birthday Box, Comrade Grace Murdoch; Sympathy, Comrade Audrey Bate; Chaplain, Cçmrade HiIda Humphrey: Pianist, Comrade Susie Graham; Table, Comrade Florence Knight; Entertain- m m m ounce - Reg. 1.00 value 79c1 ment, Conirade Mary Westover; Telephone, Comirade Jean Firth andi Bulletin Editor, Comiadel Douothy Richards.1 On behaîf of the Auxiliaryi Camiade Florence Knight, the past president, presented a girt ta Zone Commander Rose Bate. A transfer of membeîship from the Whitby Ladies' Auxiliary ta the Canadian Legion to the Bowmanvilie Auxiliaiy ta the Canadian Legion was receivcd for Comiade Lillian Hancox. A letter was receiveti from Branch 178 of the Canadian Le- gion thanking the Auxiliary for its assistance during 1959, and. congîatulating the members on the fine work and achieve- monts of the Auxihiary during the yeaî. Plans were discussed for ca- teîing for the Burns Supper ta ho held in the Legion Hall on Saturday evening January 23rd. Comînde Miîhie Bates, the pic- sident, was appointed canyon- or,. Camiade Florence Knight, the past president, was named convenor for the Beefeaters' Banquet ta be held at the Lions Community Centre in Febru- ary. A social bouc was enjoyed by the members afteî the meeting, and a delicious lunch was seîv- ed by Comiade Jean Firth. I CoMPTITIVE PEICES PLUS PERSONAL SERVICE I *oD IIUIiITtL[uIF SPECIAL VALUES AND MIDR FOR THIS WEEK Th. evoeMy Day" Way te Hectic pace getting you down? Xt'a sa casy ta reZa,» *PHOSPHO-PLUX]C Relieve that ju mpy; * tired ailth ime' * feeling. Enjoy life Sm dc at pett>. onnoyances PMOSPHO-PLEX cU is the evcry day way to relLeve nervous tension 100 PHOSPUIO-P[EX TABLETS vtath B compound vifamlis $4.25 50 o i*M m $2.50 AUOLUNCIEWEEK TREATMENT mm 1 le & £ OMM , kmI . utb. Omvb I NNSTONGER 700 [ I WET OR DaY BECAUSU n'a MELOBONDEDI RROULAI 2 For 43c MAN-Si"E 2 For 65c 33c, 59C 40c, 75ec £ £AH lr.OlH.ýA l' ~g~CHECKS RAD BREATHf *FIGHIS 1001H DECAY like KLEENEX* DELSEY * IROILS35c PRESCRIPTIONS A SPECIALTY Alex. McGregor, Drugs We Deliver Your Local lIDA. Drug Store Phone MA 3-5792 -Reeve Little, chaîrman; Coun- cilor Hughes and Councillor Fice. Fire Committee - Councillor Fice, chairman; Couneillor Nicks and Councillor Hughes. Industrial Committee -Coun- cillor Nicks, chairmnan; Coun- cillor Stevens and Councillor Lathangue. Police Committee - Chair- man Councillor Presson, Reeve Little and Councillor Lathan- gue. Board of Works Committee-- Councillor Stevcni-s, Chairman, and ail mem boraof the Town Council. Counc*ml plans (Continued from page one) ed that he feit rather as Council- lor Presson did on the subject. "I arn afraid that if the prov- ince makes regulations it might be swayed by Toronto and other large centres to make the day- light saving period too long. Daylight saving in the fali is detrimental to school children when it extends long after a school starts,"I Councillor Stev- ens pointed out. Councillor Ken Nicks expressed agreement with Councillor Stevens. Mayor Carruthers remarked that the resolution from Wood- stock was for the purpose of some uniformity so that r>l could work together and not be dominated by the large cities. "At present there is nothing but confusion," he added. Council votcd to endorse the resolution. Turn Down Resolution A request was rcceived from the Town Council of Tilbury asking Bowmànville Municipal Council to endorse a rosolution requesting the Ontario Govern- ment to increase grants 50 per cent to arenas with a maximum of $25,000 and the grants to community halls also 50 per cent with a maximum of $15,000. These grants are for the build- ing of arenas and community halls. Councilior Ken Nicks stated that he was opposed to asking the government to add to ex- penditures unnecessarily which would resuit in increased taxa- tion. He moved, seconded byl I s' I I Toile! Tissue - - - - - 2 For27c I.D.A. Brand - Pink, YeIlow, White - Reg. 2 for 29c Friction Toy Car with Family Size Col!Jale Dental Cream 98 -Sc Etiquet "Pink" - Reg. 98c Deodorant Stick - ----79c j &j Baby 011- Reg. 75e 2 For 1.33 J& J Baby Powder Reg. 75e 2 For 1.33 Economy - 48's Regular - Reg. 1.86 Kolex - - - - - - - - 1.69 Lady Esther - Reg. 1.19 Four Purpose Cream -89 -Sc Williams "White" Lather - Reg. 65c Shave Cream - - - - - 2For 98C Trial Size Bayer Nose Spray with 87c size Bayer Aspirin Tablets - î00s 87c COUGH and COLD REMEDIES AIka-Seltzer ~39c, 78e Anacin Tablets 26c, 53c, 85c, 1.29 Bromo-Quinine Tablets ______- 59c, 89e Buckley's Mixture ---59c, 85c Buckley's Cinnamated Capsules ---------45c, 89C Bufferin --------------------- -39c, 79c, 1.23, 1.89 Bronchida Cold Capsules- 1.25 Bronchida Cough Syrup 85e Bronchida Chest Rub - -____59ec Idaphedrin Spray - 95e Drops - 65c Idasal Tablets ______________ 39c, 89e Pertussin ---75c, 1.25 Pinex Concentrate ____________ 85e Pinex Prepared - 65e, 1.00 Wampole's Kold Ease ___________ 1.25 WAMIMOLU 1 Councillor Glenho]nie Hughes, that Bowmanville Council not endorse the Tilbury resolution, and the motion was carrled. Join Good Roada Association It was decided ta pay the $15 membership fee for the Ontario Good Roads Association, It was announced that the Ontario Good Roads Convention is te be held in Toronto on February f22nd, 23rd and 24th. Members of the Bowmanville delegation will be appointed later this month. Appoint Public Works Supi. It was moved by Reeve Little, secanded by Deputy - Reeve Hobbs that Thomas K. Stewart be appointed Board of Works Superintendent at a salary of $5,500 a year. It was pointed out that 12 applications were considered for the position, and that Mr. Stewart was the n'ost hiighly qualified applicant, also that ho is a resident of Bow. manville. The motion was car- ried unanimously. Mc. Stewart formeîly held a similar position in Darlington Township. A by-law authorizing the town ta borrow money from a bank for current expenses was given first, second and third readings, passed and numbercd By-Law 1751. Trafflo Guards Want Ralse A letter from the Trafflo Guards in the town asking for an increase in salary was rè. ferred ta the Finance Commift- tee. It was decided to renew the town's subscriptians ta the Municipal Woîld and that sub. seriptians ta the peciodicals for Police Chief Bernard R. Kîtney, and Clarence Oke, the Assessar, also be taken. Ratepayers' Best Wishes The follawing letter from the Bowmanville Ratepayers' As- sociation was received: "'The Bowmanville Ratepayers' As- sociation wishes ta extend con- gratulations and best wishes te Bowmanville Town Council for the caming term, and hopes te worlt together with council for the good of the people of Bow- manville. As secretary, I sin- cecely wish you success. Signed, Annie D. Oke". Mayor Caîcuthers informed the council that a nice Christ- mas card had been received byr him fram the Works Dopait. ment extending best wishes ta the Mayor and Town Coundil- lors. v l.u TEU tSDAT, ZAN.' M 1M THE CANADIAN STATESMAN BOTMANVMLE ONTARIO Durham County Agricultural CalendarI ipAnr. alevim

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