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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 21 Jan 1960, p. 9

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?N!mSDAY. TAN 2I~. ig& T~E CAYADIAN STATESMAK, EOWMAKV]LL~, ONTAMO WAG~ ~ -re-dedication. following which' very satisfactory reports were UA -tAi* 1Agiven by the aiuofies e on the work carried on by the w s e IUI~.,i~~2JJ pf11aBranch during the past year.. tosh presided for the re ar m p r v business meeting and welo-M p o e 'j9 el two new mnembers. MrJ Gordo Agn w, Edfor hoite3621 Camneron and Mrs D. Cun- ___________________________________________________________ningham and two former - _____________________embers, the Misses N. and: cqi eS AHorrockcs. Messages of'c r eN i greeting and good wshes; ýNew aste Na ivewere sent to tiiree sick memn- ilewcastiebers. Miss C. Butler, Mrs. C.: i i wcast/ Ca on . W A ienR. Lovekîni and Mrs. S. An- CanonR. W.Allen derson. A portion of the studv book on Africa covering the open-1 Social anc1 §/Jersona/ Passes in Toronb eii........ ------ t... .. .. 1 1 poration and the by ex-1ai Mr. and Mr z Fifi j Wni, The Rcv M. C. and Mi . Newcastle - Anothet îîa- on Sunday, July Ist, 19â6, iii diseussed and also the re-op-1 taker and Miss Linct Wh" Fisher werc in Toronto onl tîve of Newcastle who has commemoration of the %,'I-jenin- of the Anglican Mission' taker, Mx. Tom Luîa a nd Mîir., Muiidixy cenmng Lu attend theI lived a long and useful life! lage's lOth bîrthday. His in-rin Ghlana in 1904 which was à. Wm. Baldwin of Torin to were graduation at St. Michael's i passed away in Toronto on timate recollections on this forimed into the Diocese uf Sunday guests with 'Mr. and Hospital of their daughter Saturday morning in the per-~ occasion of the origin and Accra in 1909. In 1951, the Mrs. G. H. Hodgson.. Velrid who graduated as anison of the Rev Canon Robertigrowth of Newcastle revealed Rev. E. D. Martindale, an Af- Metr. nd hme o th weki-ede tray ecning at the ronei-iWallbridge Allen former rez- a very unrerstanding rican. was consecrated assist- retunedhomeon l:i wek- d lir tainig a theTorn-!tor of an Anglican Church in forged from a deep affection: ant Bishop of Accra where aîn end following a rnoSt enjoy- f0 Gencral Ho.pital whicre Brampton. as an earnest suppliant of increasing nuimber o! African able holiday spertiiiîî Florida Ehe îý;110w on Staff. The late Mr. Allen was born Newcastle. Clergy arc working, for the past six wech 's. Mr. and Mrs, R. B . Rickard' in Newcastle 82 years ago toiTe a CnnAlnrt- Ithsam ya teDo Messrs. Stanlev Biilwil and fand Mrs. Frank Hoar werç"the late Mr. and MI:s.. . d Telto an on Allen l aoince~ se ae ar fthe Dio- George Bonatha ei iMi ,vjsitng ru Tornto on Tucýs-Allen. He rcceived his elern-i i1lakyl om e~sao1 formned Ecclesiastical Prov- Rnaoo Sourdfa, e r aentarv and secondarv school and hla bennfall ilga th1 mfc c of West Africa. It is herc rono o a tuîd t h M-.and MAs PaL Case ut ieducation in the village where sine ltfarme . Hins LatenWifthat Miss Rota Smith. one of Furniture Sowinthe tt fn:oronito were S dy isitors t lve intil lie forer AnesLawinceour Canaclian W. A. Mission- Elizabeth Building ii the C.1with Mr. and Mrý. Carl Gou ld go into the ministry around Kent redeago at s e isting arie~s is now working. NE. grounds. and familv _____________ theatrn o!the cntury when the tr tee n rc eive hSt. George's cemcetery, New- The inexi sewing imeeting] lieattnde ad rceied iscastle. He is survived b swill bc held on January 26th M.A. degree in theology at dultr s.G D.b bis at the home of Mrs. Georgel * Figure 5Skating Instructor TiityCoilege, Toronto. He mange, Mrs.G . D. Balioe, r-ta and tebuss eting entre th mnitryofth an hs sstrMrs Carf s .Groal andtebrurss eving ) ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~Anglican Church in which lieanhisstrMs.C resE at thec home of Miss Thorn on v. ,7~ eaeaCnn Clarke, of Toronto. February 9th, when Mrs. D. ~ ~ The late Canon Allen was; Funeral service was coni- R. Dewdney will preside and ,s the guest speaker at a com- ducted in St. Thomas Angli-1 the Mission Study will be munity religious service held can Church, Hur-on St., Tor-1conducted byv Mrs. Harold S* on the comflunity hall grounds onto, on Monday morning. Gibsoji. iss Lyntie Bagneli of Bowmanville, %vl- is on leave of absence from the Ice Follies, hes beemi socureel as instructress for the Newcastle Fiçuu-e Skating Classes. Classes are hcld in the Menoîz'ial Aiena each IVonday and Thursday afternoons Ir am '3:30 Lo 5:'30. Local 'Hockey Leagues Go Iniýto Action Again Newcastle -- 'tle Clppers eveuîiug \when they took Lb-eý won he iîst -yaiie in tb-e Orano squad by a score o! 81 Town Leagu e on Suuîday1 ta 4 amnd the Pansies trimmedi _______Newtonville 6 La 3. In tLI e lirst gaine Hovvard Quinney wss tht'- top scorerý FARN S RVICE or Il e Clippers wiLh thrcee DEAD.OLL>~& CRIPLD couonteus. Othet' scorerswec DE A R OD, STCIPED BriPrn Roxve 2, Jae Louis a nt RenRM'e STO~C ~slltlr'n nsl1ield., xith onol Immediatr I J.Sriu T 'Cv arleton'. Eric Catie-1 .Ask tour 'OI)Crator tfl' uit, Langstaff and Eddie ZEnliiJlii66550 'cguau xec fbeO-n No T~j (ba cPutoaltie-. e.f, i'ianded outý Niek Pecon;.. Peterboroughi Le Sheri Shieldis, Btmd Wagmi', ______ -Bob Stephenson anti Briani HU>NEY HOLLOW IIIESTAURANT NEWCASTLE -A Gond Place f itýn Just C.j Il Nei%,cstle 3206 and your order will be ti.-ady in minutes foi' yois t» pick up. We ýSpecia1ize in S. uthern Fried Chicken F~rench Fried Shrimps Ci tant Deluxe Hamburge. (wvitb ail the' trimmings) l i, Sandwiches 't- (Chickcn, Turke.3, Beef, Pork, Etc.) flot Dogs Wc arc prepared 1» cater to Fainly Sunday Dinners- SniI Banquets and Fainily Receptions Phone Newcastle 3206 FOR RESERVATIONS Volunteer Firemen' ~iIIlage s Equipment ýmailAuxilîary Truck ...... ,Read,, Lynda1 Uemon: Auditors. .Pottis: Prepare 7ble, M4rs. W. T l was cîccidec S. Ann-iversarx une 26, and sug 'e nmusic commi iy service, JutiE oveî'îdge. Mrs. L ýlackburn. Concert Corur *wlinig, Kennet]l ;ac-khumn; Mii ittcc, Rev. J. Rev. Jackson el ith prayer. The Newcastle Volunteerl.lob ini renovatinn and equip- ai-d have uised their tinie Potits, MnS. L. Fire Department, due to com-iing the truck to carry the good advantage in preventaiý D Cmernplaints of overloading of the auxiliary iiump and 500 fe,À ttive woîk and preparation foi' ,e Communion Martin. pumper by the Fire MarshaLl'i ýof 1"-, inch hose, all tools foran emergency. 3 tohol ou Deartmntsouht rrm s-! ewok.scas all se,-'The pctuire shwbSeeve n. I tohol au Deartent soghfperis-vice niasks. pooket air packs, J. Cunninghani and Co)uncil*' von Suinday, sion from the village coiin-rop shovel.s. liglits. first aid loi Fred Couch the newly al: perJul ls. cl 1 purchase a used panel kits and ail chemnical extin-1pointcd fire comniittee of tho, ittee for Sun- truck ta be used as ai, auxi[_'guishCi's. ýcouncil aloîîg with Fire Chiel ec 26, is Mrs. L. Siemon, W. iary truck to the ptiniper toi The aiixiliar.\ truick bas been Frank Millar. Deputy Chl<ý carry the exccss load Of cquýipped with sicen, lights Lawrence Gaines, Secretafy, mitte. r . quimen gaherd oer .neetc., at the expense of the de- Albert Navlor and Doug Millb nitee.M . ~eqipmnt aterc ncr ncpartment who have ,;petit more er, C. Miller, Calvin MurraPj li GrahamW. years bv the depanliont. Ihian $,100 in addition to many Ron Toinkinsoru. JackI~ iseil o- The village purchascdl the, long hours of work in iinprov- Mainus, Fred Glanville, and. ackk s on, -T. truck from the Port Hope 1 mg the efficiency of the de- Bill Couehi. Absent whien pic~ Telephone Company and tum- Pal tment, which luckily ha.î ture was takeri are John Al- losed meeting.ed it over to the volunteer not had a heavy schedule a! dread, Frank Hoar and Harold firemen who have done a fine-firefightinug over thc past year Co>uch. - ~.~r1~Gor 70B r Doneless Round-' Sirloin or lump Roasi .Porterhouse, Wing TABLE RITE BEEF RED OR BLUE BRAND Steaksor Roasts Ail Food Veatures Effective ,lanuary 21, 22. 23-, We reserve the r'ight tn lîi't qtimiftitieq. - IGA ROYAL GOLI) M IL D CHEESE Lionettes Club Elects IIAYDON D irectorsfor i1960 Dic nso ldhe in PTiîrevsupporf Newcastle -TheJanuarydfrectoi's bciîg elected. Lioiîîthe jaaîtiCuflars, see Coming dinner meeting af the New-~ ettes Pauline Storks. Mabeýl Evenisý. atiYupIso castle Lionettes Club was Goode. Marjorie Dcisn The Teacher adILPl fS held inLb-e Lions Room of the Grace Toms, Marion Gilkes, l-aydon School are baving a J community hall on Monday Eva Hoar and Helen Carveth. social evening an Friday even- T evening when a deliciaus A îiew member. Mrs. Fileen inîg. Everybodv welcorne. casserole dinner with straw- Britison, was introduced toý The' Sundav meeting for the berry pie and whipped cream the members and initiated illiio election of officers for 1960 was was served by the committee, b-e club. Alter some discus- held Dec. 13th: 1959. Rev. J composed of Lionettes Char- sion it was decided to canc-il Jackson opened the meeting TI lotte Rickard, convenar, and the proposed trip to Toronta. witth sciptiire reaclirîig and da Helen Carveth, Pauline Storks, It was announced Lbat the Pra\'CI. Grace Toms, Jean Rickard and club had bad the piano in Electioui or ufficers resulted B] Dora Kelsey. the Lions room tunecd and iL as fcllows Supt., Wilbur Bla- Lionette President Dora was now in good condition. ckbuilr:Ssit Supt. Keniieth Cc Kelsey presided and aftcr the IL was decided to pui-chase two Grahaini: Treas., Mrs. J. Potts; B3 delîiaus dinner conducted pairs of skates~ for two needy Secv.. MIrs. B-. Crossman; As- mi the business of the meeting.1 children. sist.. .Ieani Bertrini; Pianists, Pc The 1960 Directorate fromrn The members decided to Lynda Po;ils, Ina Beryl Read; which the officers will e hold the Mareh Installation Flowei- Comitte r.W elctd aschosen at. thisi meeting in the Elmhurst Ho- Marf iii:Ciadle Roll Supt.. Mrs. - meeting with the followîng tel onMarch 2lqt. K. Cnwling. _____ - - l. was decided to gîve pins for, regular attendance at Sun- day School. Sonig Leader lor Mrs. Garnet Rickard eitiesCaMr.Ahu 'New President of W.A IaBey 1 1 and Jean Bertrim; Begînners Newcastle --Tlhe egular meeting when the minutes o! clas-s, Mrs. Potts, Mrs. J. Jones; meeting of the Woman's As- tb-e last meeting were rcad Junior classes. Mrs. C. Garr- sociation of lb-e United Church and the treasurer~s report was ard, MVr. W. Blackburn; Inter- was held in the Sunday School given. The slate oir of tirs modiate Senior class. Kenrieth auditorium on Thursday af- for 1960 was read b-y Mrs. J. Grab-sm. ternoon. when Mrs. M. C. H. Jose and the new officers. Rev. Jackson elosed meet- Fisher~ spoke to the associa- werc installed b-y IMrs. Fisher. ing with prayer. ion on plans for meetings Reports Of lthe vanious Mr. a.nd _Mrs. J. Potts anud during tb-e coming year. group meetings held in lthe faniiv and Ms W. Martin During Lb-e devational ser. homes were given by thel werc tea guests of Mir. and Mrs. vice Mrsý. Jase read the scrip- four group leaders.i Arthumr Trewin, Sunday. ture lessoiî froma Proverbs. and The new p.esidcit, 'Mus.1 Mrs. W. Thonipson vîsited Mrs. Fisher explained the Garnet Rickçaia spokc mostl relatives al, Bowrnan'ville on scripture saying, "If we light ably oin a prograni for 1960 Thitrsd1ay. aur candle froni the Lord we and plans were mode foi- Lhc Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Siemon shahl be lights for G-ad". cangregational SLiper 'la o and Mr. Milton Slemon were held on Januaury 27th. recent tes guests ait Mr-. and Mis. Chas. Cowan presided Following a good discusýion Mrs. Russell Gilberts, Bow- efor the business part o! tho of vaniaus phases of the asso- manville, Ilhe occasion Mr. Mil- Bciation's work Lthe m~eeting ton Sleman.'s bu-Lb-day. 1Rowe for the Clippers while was brought La ê close with -Mr. and Mrs. Ron Rahnî andi Erie Carleton was given the the serving of a ('Up a! tes. family were Sunday supper 1only penalty on the OraoYI The next meeting o! the as- goests ai Mr. and Mis. Mm. rsquad. sociation will be held n h Dawson's, Orono. e! I the second game Irv. Me- Sunday Sehool room n Fb January W.A. meeting was cCullough and Dave Rickard ruary. jheld at, the homne of Mis. J. 1with two cachî and Patul and Jones on Thursday afternoon. cDave MeC ullough with ance _____________ President Murs. J. Jonces opeoed 'ese were the seorers for tb-e the meeig i.LodSc IPahsios while Ellis with 2 and mon presented the Devotjonal. iTrim wrre the scoreis for rnom unitv 1Mrrz. Arthur Trewin hartthe Newtonville. I folowiing programrile F-- ead-! iPenalties were handled outi f ingçs, Mrs. Artfitiî' Tiionipscir býf Rickard. Paul and Dave Bowlvingllard Mels. X. Cowling, Piano McCtilough of the Pansies - Solo, Lynine Read_ MI's. Lloyd 1while Jim Gilmer was the f a Ashton gave a alk an leader- only Newtonville player pen- R¶esults shilp: Piano Solo, Mrs. Lloyd aiized. 8Slenon - Mino Legue EWCSTL - Mn b 1l- Severai items or business Mino Legue EWCSTLE-MLn bol-,were deait with. W.A. are hav- Oui lfonday, January 111h, ing 225 or over in the Men's, ing cupboards buili in tb-e fb- thBebels took Lb-e Jets 7 to 4 league last week were. Bob, chtrch. iin the village Banlam lecague* Glanville 293. Roil FHockiin Meeting ciosed aild (unch Peter MeCitllough was th-e 278, John McVecn 248, Haydn was served by Mrs. Trewin 's enly scorer for Lthe Jets with Griffith 242. K. Whitncy 241,igroîîp Febrndarv meeting wil1 4 goals on assists by JirniAIl- Jae Louis 240. Bill Hamrisoni be held at the home o! Mesý. dread and Wayne Peai'ce. Pein- 232 andi Stani Powell 228. JE. Topple a week lator lb-an alies were given to Jirn Ail- Monlday Ladies' Leaguc 2 uîm li. c.1h, on accourtt dreati. Wayne Peaice andi Geo. andi over, floreen MeLesir 223,1of llaydon Ttirkcy suîpper' Hen1dr-x- Routi Coucb- 209 antiAne Mr antii Mi-,,. Gerairl Sb-aclIç-, *Five of Uic e cmRhhiTreleaven 200. leticiouandi jaui lx.v. -.M. goals were scoreti bv .imn Thîursdav Mixeci League'20 Blackbiurn Salerri, were Sat or-I Scott with Stsnilc\* Cobbloclick'cor aver, Brian Rowe .0 day eveningf visitors al, Mr. andi anti Terry Wallon scoring one Carence Melvoi' 212, Joel Ms. W, Bla.ckburn's anti Mis.! each. Assists we-e pieked utp Louis 208 anti Bill Harrison K. Cowling's. by Jini Baskerville, Stanley'ý 203. iMr. and Mrs. Mur'ray Tab! Cobbledick and Bob Carpeil- ,Fridlay Mîxeti League 201f)r anti tsmily. Bawmanvillc, were ter. Tery Walton was the over,' Irvin Mcçullough 200, Sun'day callers at Mr. and Mes. anly player penalized. Albert Pearce 210, Mary Blackbumus andi Mrs. Coi- In the second game the Cubs Dewdney 207, Tracy Embley ling's. took Lhe o Rckets by a score 231. Jack Lees 258, K. Wbit- Mr. ai-d Mrs. George Bertrim a! 3 to 1.- Harry Cuffe witb- 2 ney 213 and George Kimbal n aiy aitn r.R amnd Fred Alîdroati were Lb-e 200. attml, Taaun ston, Mr. t secorers for Lb-e Cubs withi Wednesday Ladies Leagtue, andIm, shaM.a, iitend fMr. tlarrv CCuffe andi Fred AIl- DorothY Wh'itnev, rolleti theý dreatil getting Lb-e assists, andl higb single in this leagure Iast ily.M, icdont l I - l-î'en teol wè ih 5 h le h mhgh Mu . nGrahan! and lGar- incua~ ra eîrg L-e nlyI wek wth 51 ;'l thb-hfieW Po-wmnanv-llr. celton players peta1ized. 1tiipflrof i607 was roi cd b-v: n,. ;,Id i- rsi, Graham, Joa ui-mCmnnghi scared the Alice Rowe. alToi'po-enrtmd only goal for the Rackets and; Teenage Leagme -- Lai'. ;ai Toni p ilfrfs on ertrarîe penalties were handled oui toi Pearce was Lb-e high man alsn gilf ,tso atudy Tim rayandEri Nayor.larundin te Tetige eagt the occasion G-il's bi-thday. Tim ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~ ~~~1 Gryad reNalr aon bteTeng Laue Misi Ina Beryl Read visited Players on the tour teamsý last Satorday aflemnoam x-t Miss lelenl Knox, Saline unt fb-e Newcastle Bantam Lea-'a higb single of 239 andi rail-: aime are listeti bolow: - iog a total of 590 points in the The icannutal Congregational~ REBEL.S-- Coach. Doug ihree ganies. Meeting was helti Ian. l2th., i~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Wa1-.Pae',~î orar. Lau tnig 960. Rev. Jackson opened the' Jaoim PaerilErc e Bernaod.: î eat Stanings meeting witb- Scripturc, Mathb-- Jerr, aevBlonSayn oHa. Fyr -14-- -- --.-.- Mew 7, 13-29, tOllowed by p rav- cok.Stn obIeJk HGeadmns--------- -----er. Mrs, J. PoLis was electeti cock Sta Cobledck.GlenRascls . .'!3fSeeretary for meeting. Rowc and Bob Carpenter. i Sbarpshooters 2,Rp~ eegie - .S S JETS - Coach. Irv. McCul-1 _Reort________-b S S iouigh. Players. Jim Alidreati, Treasiirer Mrs. J. Potls; WA Geore Rikard Petr. MCol, Secretory Mm's. C. Garrard: M.' ~logh WynePerc. ob; jLe rn and M. Trearuurer., Mrs. L. Gra- Bandstra. Bian Pickering,: 9hem; Steward's report. ,Mrs. Gary, Forgit and George Mer.- 1AIi-tur Reati, ail showinga \AIIA 5 gcoalbalance Rev'.TJackson, Adrat. HrrW ote.Dog . rha. . ov--ge1 H -8 oz. tins ', Il). nkg. Rol 100 ft. TABI TURKEV Of FRC p 2 pkgs 4 c 49c 51c. 25c LET'ESTED r-C HICKEN RBEEF )ZEN lIES 49c- THE VEGETABLE POWERHOUSE - CANADA No. 1. NEW BRUNSWICku Potatoes EASY TO PEEL NAVELS SUNKIST ORANGES 10-il' ha IL 49< Siz3'11 458 GARDEN FRIESHI, TENDER, GREEN No. I1tîood Size NEW CABBAGE (U.S.)2 ed SHOP j Bol Toms 29c c AND SAVE ATr. wmanville IGA Market SG MAN VLLE - GNADI IGA Market nEwcasTLE, vc 2 BRIGH'S - SAVE 9c APPLE JUICE AUSTRALIAN SAVE 6c SEEDLESS RAISINS IGA - SAVE 4c~ WAXED PAPER IKENT'S - BOYSENBERRIES, APRICOTS, BARTLETT I>EARS FRUIT BAR 315g TRMDAV. JAN -.114. 196n PAGE WM TUE CANADIAN STATFSMAN, BOVngANVI=, ONTAPM i 2-oz. pkg. d4o5 c 1 1 1

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