~' k, V THURSDAY, JAN. 2ist, 196o Tm CMiADIM< STATESMMI. EOWMMniLe, ONTAMO PAGE ffzvm1 Mixed Bow ~-Cec 'Yuttuii's teani bIatcL out a -0l 'ini over Bud Ed. rnondf.-onYscîcw Friday nigi to iiici i.dc thc'îr lim one pairi edge lu thrce pointb over Fred Luxtons"ý runners-up Art Sp:. cer's outliJ. in second Iazi Sweek, slippedi back to third P-ý;espitc winning 4-3 over Jiiî ,ý*Coxs club Luxtuîî trouniced Jack Bond' bowlers 7-0 to move a poin: past Spicer Elton Erock', team took over the fourt.i tung, on the strengthi of z 7-0 victory over Pat, Yco" ceUlar - dwellers. Bob 'vlitci- fell's squad defeated Joc Now- Lan's teami 5-2 in the remaiin ing attraction. With one week remainini, the first schedule titl ie l bc decided amiong Muttor, Spicer and Lux ton. Onie EtlIhr Ihd 1heî'sel d really big iiiglit, rolîing gaines of 311, 268 and L'49 for a tre- mnendous 828 triple. Elto.l r ock paced flic men i wll 1793 total. comiprised Of àm of 30:3, 26and LOI, 'thc;, higil I [iples welit f ap Palrner 688, Morley Etciuc e9, Gord Stringer 637, Jacle 'ond 618, Arnold Slecp 611. iud Edmondson 611, Cec Mut- in 602 and Em Stringer 596, Toi) single efforts wec iviied in by Morlcy LtchL î6, Gord Stringer 2165, Ha. almer 263, Jack Bond, Cec futton and Bud Edmondson 13, Bob Yake 240, Bil harles 234 and Arnold Slie 31. Fu; hfic ladiesý, LinStrii ýr rolled 227 and Carol Rey- tlds had 221. Team Standings Cain w L pt týu t0îî --------- 25 1Il -) Lixton------23 13 53 1pe--------2 3 13 31 --o ------------ 19 17 43 Idlmondson ----- 17 19 :,9 ond-_-------------- 17 19J39 -------------------- 16 2 towlan-------------- 17 19 : rtcheli ----------1 42 213 eo ---- 9 27 20 Averages Il1on Brock ----- 36 22ýii ýnfic Etcher 36 '21 Toilev Etelher - 35 206 ap Palmer..«------- 36 20 à No WONDER THEY SMILE! >is fantily lias h -Ilan - n Lite insiraiîce plain - ti feguard its future. Iminc ate incarne for the farnil: provided in case the faîlîr îauld die preniatuu-clý îauld the faîher live ta lr4 enieîît, he tua receives ,aranteed incarne. And thi tildren are astiured of a col ge education. Thesc, and a te ther advantages ar hi g a Sun Life policyliolder ive the parents a sense o icurity and peace of mind es, this ramily syniles. Ant D wonder 1 lrn .mire that 1 r-an lfej ou Mie trit plan t Io i out, rcquiremerits. (Gan 1 bi s .er-vc? Banner Passant! RepreseJitative *3-3258 53 Brown BowvmanvifiI N LIFE 0F CANAI a y u 5-2 scores as the Cor * ** .~ won over the Lead Pi ina LecigLIe Belts upset the ies the Office downed the d 1Hilda Brock -- 36 '05 Belts. jJack Bond ---- 36 ,0)5 Art Spicei and Arnold L t, Art Spicer 36 90)4 tied for the higl triple il ~ ~ ~ q aei Mto 3 7J,06 total. followed byJ !d Fat Yco 214 198 Bond 702, Frank Mohun iArnold Sleep 36 197 Ron Maynard 645 and FI :t Em Stringer .3o 95 Bradd 639. d, Bob Yake '1 6 1.94 Art Spicer made sure1 inJoe Nowlan 36 [.ý lie didn't have ta share .Jac Brogh . 3~187high single with anyone fl owvaid Bronel -- 33 134 rolling a terrifie 330 gam( it yn Wilcox 36 1, sweep the honours. C1 iFredt Luxton ------- 36 180 high scores were rolled hKcn Luxton--- 33 130 Tommy Graham 275.J a Bob Mitchell ----- 36 178 Bond 274, 237, Frank Mo s Buid Edniondson - 36 176 2)65,.'228. Floyd Bradd 262 - Gordon Stringer-- 33 17;) Arnold Lobb 256, 245. îDukec Brunt - 6 1-10 Final Team Standings 1Doug Reynolds 27 169 1-ose .---. --- --- Pat Bartels --- 33 168 Combines----------------- -- îg Carole Oke - --.- 36 167 MAcline Shop -------. Il1 Ruth Mitchell ---- 36 167, Office --- -- .. .. ------- 'Il Rick Gould ------ 36 167 Lead. Press.----- Essie Cox . --- -- 36 167 Tigers ---- ------------ ---- a Bill Charles--------- 36 166ý Braiders --------- -------- s Jean Evans---------- 36 165j Fan Belts .............-------- - lon MVltton ------ 36 16,1 Cornets --------- ------ Oi Emmna Bromel---- 33 164 Beits ------------------ I Dore Mitton - 36 162 Bowling Averages 'Î A'îdre v Sleep 36 162 Arnold Lobb ------ 4 - -James Graharn 3 162 1 Farewell Blackburn --- 1) Cliff E\ anh 3T; 1611 Jack Bond ----------- ,ç Ainy Winacott 3:3 160 Ron Maynard -----«-ý---- :l Carule Reynolds -- 27 10'1) Art Spicer ---------------- ,MikL Heenan ----- 29 159 Johni Stainton --------- Ferne Bradlcy ------ 36 158, Frank Mohun -...--- ---- 6-! Ada Luxton - - . 30 155'i Joc Piper---------------- CJim Cox - --- 36 l152ý, ack Geddes...........--- rLeo Curtin -----36 152 Jimn Houck -- --------- 1):Jessie Heenan 30 1521 Ray Westlake ------- ----- ' Don Bradley ------- 36 1491 Bill Nicholson----»---------- ýa M ýarie Yeo. 30 149 t Jim Murphy - ------ l'!Darecn Charles 36 1 481 Charlie Vanstone--------- 'Ruthl Yake - 36 141 Ron W'hite -- -------- Duaine Palmer ------ 36 1 42 Tommy Masterson - - ---- -Kay Luxton --- 36 139: Ken Flint . ----------- -Mary Nowlan -- 36 137' Murray Grant -----.. --- Everett Win'acott- 18 1 31 1 Archie Cowey -------- - Marie Curtin ----- - 33 124f ýWalter Goode----------- (S:Betty Brougb ---- 33 1 22'Bill Holroyd------------ 8 Dot Edmondson - 3(1 111 Bill Shottei ------------ i)Walter Rundie-, 3:3 120 Stu Carson -------- 4 N'iy Rundle --- 33 1 12 Hioward Bromel--------- '5jRuby Spicer : ---30 112 Benny King - ----------- ý9Kay Graham -----3 3 10,5 Ted Tice --------- ý9;Pearl Kilpatrick 6i 105. Jack Honcyrnan........----- W Ladies High Single - 1 Maurice Conway -------- o8 Onic Etcher- 311, Ralph Campbell -------- !3 Ladie, Highi Triple 1 Tommy Graham........----- !0 Onie Etcher 82)8- Jack Potts ----------- Men's High Single - Pete Bathgate --------- !i Elton Brock .... ,(33'Fredt Smith ---------- .5 Men's High Triple- Ralph Cole -------- ---- )6 Elton Brock 793 ,Lloyd Forsey -.. --- ---- iHoward Edmonson -- ---- Jim Allin ------------- iRurFloyd Bradd -------------- uJuvenies B r George Dadson--------- Ver n Connors --------- Jack Dun.n------------------ ~iW hitby 10-3 Ted Halîman..........------- Mrray Bate -------------- Bowmaîîvillc Juveniles con- yr---Sellers...... ttinued to steamroll over their Georg elr ----- opposition, as they demolisi-l Frank Wright -------------- led Whitby 10-3 last hus 'ypal Armstrong ----- ý'nig-ht in W1itby'. Trda y"Cuc" riht BynH-Ernie Hansen----------- 111ighes and Gary "Machine Gun' ar Ppe M-Cullough bath collected Kr ie M."Jake" Brown ----- - n0dlrbv tricks Io Pace t'le at-,ri eui ----- tack.IrilBape- * Ivîig "ancho' Guii adled' Winston Vanstone a pair while Brenton H1ughes AlfRafldle-------- 1 il Joli - -- ----- - - - and Terry Black supplied sin-. Glenn Prout ------- gles to deteal the deflated Lawson Kirkton----.----- Whî,itby club.Ar arw ------- * coring threc goals in thie'AtFro f irst and middle periods,WabrlAas- -- Bowmanville bulged the twincý, Alex Cameron---------- for tour miorc in the fina'i Bill Harrison ------ ---- perod o casthumc with ani- Jim Bedford ---------- ýother scalp lu their e î B b No le ----.------ 1growing collecf eoli.whitb-fanH ne - gave it a real try. but Mike o lin Bicrse Osbornc*s band \vcre in AtonRicard fettî, astheycompltelyou.!Stan Hodgsorî fetle a teYcoplte 'y Li-.John Henderson classed the lasers in 'everyl Ross Nesbitt ----- wav. - Henry Stainton Around the hîiR ____ a Ga'.v McCullougli played a ~.jtremendouIS game up fiont a B tm s L s plough house antth oi-wa-d' Il line. T ÂL&~ -- Rit-k Peteusoni ,t(o outniunlTo VYiIIIy the e ocence. altiorigli tune lu terni, ail the bîrie line brigade Bowmaniville N.H.L. B shone. tain Al-Stars dropped ali I. i - -fought 3-1 decisieuî ta Whi il G *Bantams, an O.M.H.A. cl r n an exhibition contestS G oodyear ;urday afternoon at e r nI- l Arena. t Atter a scorelesopen Pe Bow Ilngperiod Barchuk and Tay1 WitO tit place sately tuck- ta scnd the visitaI-s initfi ed away, the Hase Roun îe- liItie rmiddle stanza. laxed cuîouli. hta let the Bi-aid- Bîiaîî Farscy taok a i) ers takc a 5-2 xin, as thc lurnm Bob Sleep la prLi t. Goodlycai, League's first sclic- lacals back in the garne cile canîC le a close laut i 1:30 ufthflicthiud. DaIl Tii nrsda y nighli. 'lhec urnlei- narker iu thue tiual secci LIî1) Coiibincs dcecatec thie, of play put the ganie oui IA aclinue Shap 5-2. As a mat-,t'ai- the lauger. îmore exp( icicf tact, aIl camres cnded' enccd Whitby club- mrets! 'ress,i andi Fan~ .obb with Jack 676, 7 loydf that the e ta ther' 1by Jack ohuii and A -however adtwre jx fJé,4.r~u.~bld to get the eulzrso JoiiArouiid thei Rink aai ButJohndgetist owIcionce ga But idg ts olda dangerous man up firont for Bowvmanville as hie counted. twice, xvhile performing, sa GclIT le -idly allI night. To T ke ame 5-4Jim Finn. the lhelnieted if -inger- went ve11 and set. Last Saturdav night tlhe despite the liectic ,hege Ajax John up neatly for the \%:in. Ajax wolf huffed and puffed mustered during the balancC ner. as well as noîchin- ons at the Bowmanville Midget's1 of the period. John Twisýt' uimself. hemp hut. but David Higgon.1drilled two foi- the BoNwmarn. Pickle. xvas the pick ufthtje and his stalwart crew refused ville crew. with11Sommer.,- Bowmanville rearguards, play- to waverî- winning a 5-4 thrill- cales. Bruce Ogden. and Jim ing a sîeady brand of hockey 'er. Finn adding singles. anddaiga sîî Jh Twtsgolat 10e AMax's mlost (lsîailiding Denny Freeman, tOc Ajaij 14:23 mark of the final per- ' forwýards. Dan O'Shea and goaltender, pulled off bome bd rovd o b th wnne,1 Jack _Jamieson . xvere proiinîn- lovely- saves as did Dave H-ig- 61!5 40 < 381 A Iri-i~~fn 360 OnFridav afternoon, Jan- 2.5av St in the Afternoon - . - Ladies' League high single Il -~ hanouis went to Jean Lobb ~- ~ ith anice 268. while high 207 wt mnwn -'double for the atternonw-n 203Ir to Shirley Davis with a 428. I I Shirley Davis 237 and Mai- 199 ionCoe29 198 .q~ Canaries, Spaî-rows and 19-1OUTBluejays took two points fi-cm 9ý1the Robins, Wreîis and Blu- 1931 Rbirds respectively ta put the %murSparrows out front by 5 PUT HIMpoints and ta bring the Can- L ONICEailes out of the cellar by tie- 137 Èing with the Wrens in points, but taking the lead because 186 they have more pins te tieti- -185 a a mme y Team Standings -1845Hi , Is I"'"HOCK'YTeani 1-1 s *184 WEEK IN CANADA Sparrows 16 lel3 TAKE D014Bluejays ---------------------i M3 SVS YOUR BOY Bluebirds -----------. ----1 -'~ TO TIE STAlM 0Robins .------ ----------- --- 101 ____ Wrens Averages *they must count on the Mats!i Ena Etcher----- -- 180 171croppîng their two. Ollie Patfield __-- 177 17 7ý S coring L eaders Shirley D avis ---.--- 175 l'i R.Wet FB 22 16 381 Sadie' Bucknell--------. 1651 176 E 4 U r L. Hamilton (FB)- 17 19 36 Barb. Courtney .. 1--- 176 N , a D. Masters (O) ----- 19 14 33 Doris Holroyd----------- 1.,7 l76an c f s o t H p B. Fairey (FB) 6 18 241 Alyce Hodgson. - --- 157' 1-0 g/1B. Marjerrison (O) 9 14 231 Bonnie McDonald - 115 l ý:3 ~B. Lyle (O) - 12 9 2juaTei 5 1 " For 8 -3 1'riurnph T . Fairey (M) 8 1AuarWieman152 173' H. Qu.inne\ '(M) 11 5 16f Marc lonWieman- ------ 152 173 Pot oe.prtemig n osiaiîtl.y licîassing the Porl B. Cowlc (>8 8 16f Hilda Simnick --- 151 173' their own ice lieuse last Mon- Hope forwards. F. Mehun (0) 6 9 1s Evelyn Large --. 149 172 day night had difficully pet, Two 01, Porif Hoes lhr-ce, B. Sheridan (M) - 9 5 14 Muriel Crough -- ---- 149 171, etratl:ngIthe Bawr-nanville dr- goals w.eî-e scored wheni Bren-,D. Grardi (H) 7--- 7 14 " Bea Sellers ---1.1144 170 fenre, and eventuall 'v scceanu tan Hughes î--oled his bladc-ý C. Ferguson (MI) 7 f 'AglsMCloh14 170'ý ed to a five goal onslaught oi in the sin blil. Brent aton-sd A. Cressey (M) 4 7 l Ag e conloc---- 144 170 the final peried ta drop an fori, his semnewh-it bv inotch- M. Richards (FB) 4 6 10 MargonMconald--------- 3 169 8-3 decisien. ing a geai and two assisîs. penalty Leaders Mars lo----Crow------139 Around the Rinki John Ford (M) 30 Daisy e Rl - -------139 1697 Despite sonie *rrîatic shoot- Kcn Coveuly. who has pe:r-' Don Prout (H) - -- 10 Helt elly Rund-e------ ----_136 16 9 i g on b o th (lobs , B o w m an - f<rn i d sead il y o't e e -: R g il et ( ) ---- ---- B ettg y e - - -- - ------ -13 4 1 6 6 v fi l e 'h l d a 3 - 0 e d g e a f î c i - t w ý o ý fn c e f r B \ i i i ý i l , r a l o " O l " ( )1 i M l h t - - - - 3 164 periods. Alec Wisemanl, anid fneti oiaxilrul onFwe-() - hMli ht---- 3 163Terv "et"Blak bth ouni- ose te the licights Ibis garne Bill Ly-1e (0f 71 Hleen Rogers .- ---- --133 13Trv JtBac behtucias hO_,truslrated flic port, Jack Bond (0)- -----------7Hilda Mooney--- ------_132 163' the rnefrto xtl oeee unrerouis Oc- f Gary Cooper (M) 5v t l6~ gles going ta "Butchlî' z- casions'ý with his sm otlîe iino Johni Osborne (M ) 1 0 5l a K ts n ----- 2 1621 el r Pacho Gilerv .l- tcibonilîchir drives. ---Mabel Kitlason----- ----- 126 ton iltuilles, Mc Afan Pinv Woleli anîFetes -. -126 chine Guiî" MeCLîhloghi. j h'înmîa-defence 'postl Mi"nor ocey Wek Nelhi ce ------. ------124 56 While sîîipeîs on both lean- efvnc eland was'H ce a!i Aî ic 2 proiidwlAnn White 124 153 ed away ini the wide OPeii bustling. aggressive tvOrkM --_ affair, theiî- accn.raex- was OtI for Bownialiville on flic la r - ernoRaosrena Marl n Ma-Donl------ - ----122 1th t ai-gelfoi- Sic biYggct '- pâý ort 1Hope ict- surfaceoe. Cowaîî . - - 1 21 fO grn.BowrnanvillŽY Alc ismaî ho January 25 i»"30 Ll ufa artilleî-v booed often, bul been steadil -v inprov-iig as to JneClrk their taulty shootiîîîg kelît 1h( seasvn rinfolds. picked Up twa 1491 score firn meuitiiig. goals anîd lwo assisîs as weQll 14; 'fli granite liard lecals' d1- as gjvjjj, a steilai, pei-term- lsfensuve wall xvas hOc staiîd-ý aiîce1.________________________________ 14iOut IcatIreCof the gamle, witO ilY . (sbornc - aînd Bu'Yai 109 Ken Coverly bcing tOc nîiost; ughes were îîef ii heie he- prorninent performeî- on tiOn!iup forî fuis game. aînd beth bluoinie. Keîî erased mme'offliese relow~s ai-e a couple- ousPoi Hoe c i,: , i as f'\-aluablfc-assoh inianv I ice- e played ichie uni ut'. coti op.T iT o ;e goal-keeper blatiketi îg tit 't' -Jet'Bhî 1 îi'ved îîîajarity ot vahber the Nm tou f alpest-th fli'c Poilie club tlîrew h is xa- Alfaii club, ,cnrjjj,,,vte. and add- Woodlock and Affan -Pinkr '- iing fhi-oc assistzý in a sohid at-Cale werc îight ilu sîridi-. effort. ~l F A ~ ~ f iiti lru Sa n iiii ta pa -oi pau t] li( )el, .~,. I - id Announcing *e RE-OPENING of Snuffy's Body Shop Friday, January 22nd Shop completely renovaied and remodelled aller our receni lire We Are Now Prepared to Give You Prompt - Courteous - Immacul ate Seý.rv*ICE PHO NE MA 3-3042 181 Ring Si. W. (WEST OF(1- IAI'S BA STATION) Bowm,,mville Legion Bowling Keith Yco's teainiLook o\ ci A. ,t irst place in Legion Lea'Ue T. ýstandingýS. by unle pont, on t heW. strength of a 5-2 \viiiox c F. Bill Veitli's celar occupanIts.W. Lasi w(ck5s lcadcIes both sun -R. ýt pcd tc; seconîd. Erniie Perfte ,ýJ. *outtît downect Doug Tayloî ýýM. Sfirst schedtîle champ,, C eand Bill Bates' bow ler i pSet.1L j Frank Saii crexv 5-2 f i )\.I- Ml. catie Illec Clli. J.. Toinîny Grahaîe ýcî tic .i pace in both divisions. \viiii a R. 710 triple. mncl' ding a big 2(PR gaine. Bill Veitch regisiercd. L 701 total, and Keith Yeo voli- P ad 69,5. N Nicl, Adair liact a 2.63 gati V lolloxved by Bill Vcitch \ 1. 2 61. R Bowliing Aie'ag-es 1 Up tu and Ineluding Iaii. 'j Naine GarnesAvce. . D. Taylor 3 5 22LI, V.1 J. IMartyn : . 30 223'R . E. Perfect ---------- 33 218 N. K. Yeo - --------- 36 209ýW .- Grvahamii Bules Sailis 1Jeitr-l Wrivghît F'air Trorvin Bu tclu Ged dos Peu- t Cale Stocker- wc i.h EuI Ogui e Ad air Cuti iîrs Beau p)rie Kiigli R 0 p' et s Lunklîui Nu'.'.:nai doit tis)t Beuî t h ut Wheatou Moouie.- Wallis -1 23c; 1791 f376 j 7 16 a f14. H82 156 141 18 Goodyear Hockey Lge.I irsl îplace n nu ilite i l playoffs position i veuîaiîî la doubi - tollowin Suiday af- ternoon's Goenl>caî- double- fîcader, ut whiciî fie leaguc- leadiuîg Fani Belts downec the. t-cllir'-dclhliiig 1-ose 7-2, aund Ille htiieu-up Ou fiee edgcy-o the- Mats 3-2. lu1 thie tirst gaine leadîuîg point-getter, Raye West, blin- iked the red light foui- limes' ta vace the wiuiiîcrs' attack. iLloyd Hamilton rollected a goal uand twn as--usts te bel' seconud spot, two points bail. IBob Fairey and Dan Farder notclîed the atheî- Fan Bell t ales. Ailci- Wc&ts first gea'. Don Prout ktiotted tlîe coui. bui flic]L-aguî-lcadcvs l'rappel *11 five un a rexx hefuve Juggý. - Cowling was able la score thie lasers' final markc:- late ini the game. tThceuightcao wa., a se,- savv baIlle al 0w wreuix fice Offcrcl gIr i c I i a1 minute ai r1 sru î t u -1 giLsei- the -vui, in the finali five minutes.1 Ted Faie uit'e e ileicst' uuîg ult 1t:35,'nid a îlot tc!i mnurtes, Dotn.lalescvecIint ih rup. Aliolliit îeui iiunutc.; xvent b ' betove Il arr-aid Quiri. îîey breke in abte t0 putthie Mtslitf ronit agaiti. The Office hli(fii tne jüseI:' off flic score shooet rhile 'Butch' Cale wa.j off fouý freeziîîg the puck, and then immediately following his rc- tomn ta tle ire, defenceman, Bill Lyle u-oved ifast *0 cash iii a îebeuîîd fiteît- înig tall%\. Saiin Thompseni fired tihe wxvinncvr ith foui-, minutes rernaining. The second ganie xxiii y the Office kepl theni ln conI- tenîlon foi the, first. a single ioiuit lchi!idl h :Fat B- TIiese- txxoip rlub.-- ie -i cach otiier iii ,hicseconid gain. Sonda ' \ atternooni. 'lho Hase w'ere ltappy- lu sec thi- Offior- ptull il ouf, as a Maf vict-v xould iîavr- nu', il'iffti Ilru i(.hi - ci f l'uumu t hti- uîced a paiur et eluisi hue iwo î-emainung ýgames, while, I ent ini the visitors' mark.-- gon for Bownianvillc. mesi.O'Shea. strong-sçai- Bill Brown of Bowmianvidle ing centre. rapped in twu. and O'Shea tangled ;,, the while pint sized jamieson corne-, -ighit at the buzzeî-, added one. as dil Je-î-v \ar- but nothing developedi. nan - InIllte tu-eer-. Occliiîg attatir  . O'Shea's slider balfled Ilig- gon as Ajax took a 1-0) lcud M gets Lose at 1-25 f Itie opening pe'- o S ouf l iod. JamiesorîVs pass sel't o the goal. Waiiian uiileash-c. a screened drive frani lt' riglît point that Ti-ggn didti*' A spultering attack aid ia see at 5:36 to gir-eAjax a 2-0' porous locals' def-uîce-ca-I bulge. Less tlîaî a niin' ed Stouffvillc Midge,,ts lu -le. laler at 6:0)8, Le Sonînicir- rail flie Bowvrnanvilicexp ~- srale"s atternptrod pass 1r- 5-1 last Thursdav eveiiinii. i front ofthIiege, sîitlici-î ci Slouftville. Showxiiig aco in of fthe Aia oheleA--plete î-ever-sai(ut theîî opul the k-ad iii haIt. Bob -Rribî"' ing lague toi-ni ugaî-î.It"P,-t Whalen dî-ew an assisf on Ha-'i Per-x'.Coach JohnOslli' play. crew coulduit orn)an\e* rcai l' Bruce OgdenIî fîisted Boxx -ofounsie r. hrc.Iý h'sf manville ta even teuins ,icoKne li v1 îii- 11:50 ofthe rmiddle stanza.' a,"figure bctween !lie 11lip-Ii rhle wlipped Pickle's poL slu dfnci-otîe P t drive past a sprqwliiig Freo-ýa i eec omc ii - plcîrel -lessly ail night. Ken couldi- man. Bath goalies lce off be taulted for tlie rubbcî-hi some daîîgerous drives Ihis' coe u ttt ed,' peried, with Fi-enian's fuiim h plelof uodazi ing glove save on Ra 'v Croni saves. bie's bullel drive. sciisatioiul.' Gord Ruiîdlc xxhistied 'i Two Bowmnivill- goals, a drive homie et I :î9 oethuo 03 fmere 13 seconds apart, j'y'ening periad te give l3',î )John Twist and Jirn Finii max- manville a brief lcad. Dii-,-, ed the home club into a 4-2 I1Williams' pass s.,en)tle", )lead. Ajax gatlîered niaiil-- breezing in fo-1he gw ïtum from tliese two quickIsteaming drive luto 4 îgoals. aîîd Jamiesaiî ani c-ornier. Afteu flîls. ho -i O'Shea set thie sta--,e tfi- hel Stouffvillecromyrnderi i1 clasin du-amaties, as thypî,Knx -aig I beat lliggon to tic the scor(î. rvit:î Wagg. Hendricý 2 John Twist*s seconid goal ot: McLeaîî addiiig the the eveîîiîg alt 14:23 spurrucI narke-s. the Ajax rrew le thîeiî fur- Ei"ýhf pcoaltics xx'rc r bous attack as flic dock tielk- in flic game, witlî bath ed off ftie final tew minuites. pickiîg rip four, ail mlinc. Higgen made a polît hlatîîk fractions. Parul Mutaii save on O'Shiea. as lie bouft-decm!,ihe inosi iii, the u-ubber out ini sparkling trious forward in this' style. Coachi John Osborne',; wa;î' Pickle reas solid tf charges weren't, ho be deied blue line. J. F. HENDERSON WELL DRILLER No Job Too Large or 'foo 8mai1L - FREE ESTIMATES - Phone Lindsay FAirview 4-6018 j~ f 103 ELGIN ST., LINDSAY' SALE EXPIRES FEB. 15! MEN'S9 Bos WEAR KEN!S BOYSR iW4AR 35 Temperance St. N. MA. 3-m54iwu I _______________________________ III, - o \- f ' ,1 We wish to thank Jitui Farrow. prop. of Jirn' Auto Body for co-operation and considerable help, duriing (lie tiime aur sbop wvas closed dur (o the fire. Seth Hunt, Prop. ~1k~- ~ i mu aàa "'e ý W- -- à --%g qUqU q6 m