PAGE TWO -TECNDA TTSABWAVLE NAI -THURSDAY, JAN. 21st, 1900 Religion for Today New Life and New Power A Weekly TaIk By Rev. R. R. Nicholson Many people today, desire Jesus and said: -Mastcr, that! walk! "And at once the man inot only the assurance of fox- is the very thing I can't do.: was bealed, aud took up hisý giveuess of sins, but they.Please don't mock me!" But pallet and walked." Christ xyearni for powe ta live a' the veny moment that Jesus gave hlm new lite and paw- ilighteous life. Christ givesýsaid: "Rise!", the paralytic ci. Whenever Christ connands Chat ucw power. etr nw life pulsating through he always enables. One day Jesus was preach- his impotent liunbs. He wasL Evciy human bcîng is con- Irig in a house iu the city of cousclous of power. "And hae scious of two natures. Que is -Capernaum, when four men rose, and immediatcly took up ever reachiug, up after theý arrived cai-nying a sick neigh- the pallet sud xent aut bc- good, the truc, and the noble. bon ou a pallet. H1e was a fore them all." It is the Gad-side of man, the ,t.eiplcss panalytic, aud thcy There was also the paraly- image- of the Creator, the im- ad brought hîm ta be heal- tic lying at the Pool of Beth- mortal sidc sud the spiritual ed by Jesus. But alas, the esda ini the city of Jerusalem. side. The other is the bestial bhouse sud courtyard were Que day as Jesus was pass- side, which gravitates down- crowdcd, sud the ouiy way iug by, he saw the man lyinlg ward. It does not aspire. We they could gain entrauce, was there iu his ssii plight. He have ta admit that fIis lower ta tear open the flat roof of wss moved with compassion nature oftcu gains the vic- the house. 'IWhen they hed sud said to him: "Do you wvaut tory,. Oh, how often we have mnade an openiug, they let ta be healed?" That xvas the determincd ta do better to idowu the pallet on which the very thing hie lougcd for. give up aur sin, ta break loase paralytic lay. (R.S.V.) Thirty-cight years ha hud train evil habits, but oh! how Jesus said ta the hclpless suffered fram this terrible in- oftei have wc failcd, till at anan: "My sou, your sins are finmity, aud when Jesus per- iast we have cnied out in des- Pri'VêR. I say ta you, risc, ceivcd the intense ycarning pair, with the apostle 'Paul- take up yu allet sud go of his soul for health sud "Wictchied man that I arn; home." TIt man might have streugth, he said unto him: Who xiilie mcfo lokdup i'oQ, the face of "'Risc. take up your pall et and~ this body of death?" 1 Go tn the. philosopher Em. ersori sud lie will telyou to hac 'self-reliani," "be stroug". B1ut this is only mockiug us. The beast already has us by the throat; its fangs are gleam- ing; its bot bnesth is uprnn otîr face! How can we es- cape? There is only anc way --.through faith îu Jesus Christ, flic Kin- of Kings sud Lori- fLords, thc ouly Sa- Viaur of men. "And there is salvat ion iunnooanc cIsc, for Ihere is no other usme under lîcaven given amoug men by whieh we miust be saved." (Acts 4:12 R.S.V.). Many years ago 1 was con- ducting specisi services in 1 the little Methodist churcli in a sawmil tawu in New Ontario. In that village there was a swearing, gambling, driukixîg lumber-jsck, wbo was in charge of thc Coni- pany's stables. This maxi wa.s a leader iu iniquity sud was leadig the young men of thc conmunity astray. He wss about fifty years of age sud possessed more than average intelligence. His little daugfr- tee, about ten years of age, came rcgulariy ta aur meet- ings. Isid ta hier anc even- ing: "Biing yaur father ta- înorrow night." "Daddy won't came," she answered. "I thiuk1 lie xiii", I replied, "if you coax hlm. Give hlm this ta read," sud I handed lier a re- iligious tract. Thelitbag irl weuit home arîd toli bier father that she wauted hlm ta go ta the meet- ing with lier the ncxt night, buît lie refused. She gave hlm the tract sud asked hlm ta read it ta bier. He did so, aud iwas cauvicted af sîn. He weut (Ç»tJLocLsJ GLECOFF SELF-SERVE INDEPENDENT -1 174 Ritson Rd. South- Oshawa- North Off No. 401 llighway 17- Minute Drive to Our Store - Whcre Thrifty Shoppers Meet FREE PARKING IN OUR LOT - OPEN EVERY NIGHT TILL 10 P.M. We cash Baby Bonus, Pension and Pay Cheques Specials for Thurs. - FrÎ. and Sat., Jan. 21, 22, 23 Shop and Save at Glecoff's FRESH MILEK12 Galon 39c CHOICE KEATS Fres, Sice - hrities Bookide Visib Our Modern Self-Sere Meat Dept. Fres, Slced- Chisti's rookidc 72 Running Feet of Tempting Meat Dlsplay 8 IR E A D 2 Loaves 29c SMOKED PCI O N Fe HcamsPON M4ARGARINÏE - 5 Lbs. 99C LUCAS CELLO First Grade. i n rc B UT TE R * - Lb. 65c LEAN MNE !uyfMale eafBeef 3 Pk.5c Leain - . or Whole FIRESH HANS Lb. 49C clhoicre -ln Piece BEEF BOLOGNA Lb 23c Fresh, Milk-fcd - Shoulder VEAL STEAKS Lb. 69C Fresh 'VEAL PATTIES là. 49C ('ANADIAN CHOICE BEEF SIRLOIN, WING, PORTERHOUSE, OR ROUND STEAKS or BOASTS Lb,. 75c Try a Roast or Steak of Glecoff. Fine Beef This Weekend AUl Popular 0gg9 CICAIRETES $2.nsF RIEeThursday night, e Chosce F E we and 10 o'clock, fia-st fi 100 Customers purchas- WAIED TURNIPS L.3c iigts5 s 5or over, 1 loaf of Christie's Bread Fiee. Tiins 49C . 75c F IEFriday A.M. - Toth FREE irst100Customers pur- chasing $5 or over, 1 loaf of Christie's Fresh Sliced Bread Free. F RIESaturday Mornng-To purchasing $5 or over, 19e jarr Heiuz Sweet Cucumber Pickles Free. SHOP AND SAVE AT GLECOFF'S OPEN EVERY NIGHT UNTIL 10 FUI. i e1 0 it A B B BI B m D fi B T. MiVss .xvaryln Oliver eand lMr. Frank Meiton werc Satuîday eveiiing guestf Mi% :iîd Mir's Frank Allison anxd family, Osb:j a% ar Hi ar il' R. m MI Ur ail f& Mr. aud Mis. J. A. Turtibul id famuily, Mr. and 1\r-s. R. J. lasvey and framily, Oshawa, vere Sunday visitors of Mr. idMis. L. R. Argue and fani- Mr. and MVrs. Charles Walîn- ley and family, Mi. and Mrs. Z. Spence, Oshawa, Mr. and rs. EFic Marchand, Mr. and Ir.Wayne Westoný, were Sat- irday evenùiig guests of Mr. mi Mis. Gleri Lowery and .mily. ELIZÂBETH VILLE On Tuesday evening thne Home aud School met at Per- rytowu school. The piesident Mn-s. E. C. Elliott openci fthe meeting with "O Canada". The minutes of the aset meeting weie reai andl apiived.. If was decided ta not have a Feb. meeting. The Mardh meeting to be af Beech Hill saboal. The meeting was ther turned aven- fa the guest speaker Mr. Foot- itt tram the retairded school re- ceritly opened in Part Hope. Mrs. Cantreil was Viere alsa. She teadhes at the school. Me. Foot itt spoke on how mucb good that the seiool was doing for the netarded childeen an- ound Part Hope sud Cobourg. Lunci was served by the Per- iyto-wn 1adges. On Weduesday oui' W.A. Feld their meeting at Mies. 1-f. Quan- tmill's home. Thle president Mrý. Trew apened the meeting witb the usual mottoanad uledge foi- lowed by prayer sud hymus. Mis. H. Thickson gave tine dis- cussion aof the Chapters II Sam- uel 17 sud 18 which we arc studying. The minutes of the last meeting wcre read snd approved. If wss decided ta have a pot luck supper Feb., 17 faliawed with slies. The eu- chie panty at Mis. Sheppard's is to be the 22nd. lb was decid- cd to have lunch at the cou- gregatilon meeting. The ncxt meeting tu be at Mers. Shep- pard's home. It will be a mis- sionary meeting under Mis. Wheeler's leadership. Lunch was served. On Thursday evcning fhec corxgregation meeting was hcld iu the baseueut aofVthe church. About twenty gatinercd for the meeting. -Reports werc heard fram the various organizaflons. Most of the sanie officeis weie re-eleceftd. Rev. Wright con- ducted thne meeting. M.r. and Mies. V. Peacack had tes with Mr. and Mis. Edwin Wilson, Garden Hill1, Saturdlay evcnimg. Wiuston White a cou- sin was at Mr. Wilson's. Hei lives in Toronto, but was or-1 iginally fnom Manitoba. MT. and Mrs. Leo. Fallis, Mlillbrook, visited with bis grendparenfsc, Mr. and Mies. W. Beatty iecently. Mr. andl Mis. W. Mulft-w, Oshxawa, were af MIrs. Walters over tine weekend. Mn.Alen Mercer, Taronto, wU8 hm. over the weekend. PONTYPOOL Wc arc glad ta, report th;tý Mr. Keith Eradley is not as seriaus wc first cxpected. H1e isý still confitied ta his hoime. If al reports are true wed- ding bells5 wilI bc ringing for several of aur local youug la- dies. MVr. Artibrose Pollarci aftei spenud'ig some timne iluuursing homes bas returnuidta bis home lu West Pontypool. Good prices prevailed aud a good crowd werc present at the -Auetion Sa-le of the George Brown Estate on Saturd'ay. Last weeks lc storm iuter- rupteci hYdro sud telephone service. Roads were a glaire af lc and hydro wss off for 2 houes. Mauvers District L.O.L. snd Juveuile L.O.L. had ta postpone their meetàng due ta road aud weathcr conditions. Our. neighlboui Mn-. Ken Mos- es is building a suow blower ta attach ta bis tractor. Thle Congregational Meeting af thne United Ohuech will be heud on Thursdîay evening in the basement of the United Ctnurdh. OBITUARY Margaret Austin Bagelow A funerai service was, lncld Weduesday, January i3tli, in St. Johnu's Churcli for flic late Margaret Alice Elizabeth Aus- tin Bigeiow, wino died Mon- day, Januaey 11, lu the Prin- cess Margaret Hospital, To- ronta, after a long illuess. The deceasci was the wife of Lt.-Coi. Pbilip J. Bigelow, 236 Walton Street, Port Hope. Bain lu Wakefield, Quebea, Mirs. Bigelow was the daugh- ter of the late Alexander Auz- tin, sud Edith Allen Austin, who survives ber daugbter. The late Mes. Bigclow gea- duated tram Quecu's Univer- sity lu Modern Language, and tauglif at the Ottawa Ladies' College until ber marniage in Deccunber, 1939. Wifli the ex- ception aof tic wsr years, when her husband wss ou active service, Mn-s. Bîgcbow lias spent al liher marrici life lu Port Hope. Mis. Bigelow bad scrved au fthe executives af fthe Pont Hope Canadian Club and Port Hope Haspital Wameu's Aux. iliary. She was a memiber of Sf. John's Churcli. The deccased is survived by lier husband, ber mofiner, four children, Wills, 19, Allen, 16, Ross, 14, sud Nadine, 9; sud a sisten, Miss Nadine Aus- tin of Ottawa. Thie funeral service sud the committal service lu Lang Memoriai Chapel. Orono, were conducfed by fthe Bey. Wiu- .stan M. Nainby, rector o! St. Johnu's. Palibearees wcre Bri- gadier Lysîl Cari, Harald Murnbv, Parker Nules. WIi- fred AlenLyall Allen and satr4,1n down to the stables andi climbed Up into the hay lof t where nobody could hear him.ý knel and cried: <'God be merci.ful to .me a sinner!" te. h wsveyhappy and C a g her face was beamingwenD she said to me: "I've brogh but that night hie caught a rn vision of Christ crucified for him.. His heart was melted. Magistrate R. B. Baxter He came ta the altar; he knelt; Fines collected in the Unit- he wpt; e pryed;he yeld ed Counties have increased $9,- ed himself ta Christ and he, 000 aya n14 a$2,0 foun padon nd eace in1958, said MagisLrate Ron- His whale, life was trans- aid B. Baxter at'Men's Cana- formed. He last bis evil ap- dian Club here an Jan. 131.h. petites and habits. He became Trhe meeting was held in St. a new creature in Christ Je- Paul's Sunday School roamn. sus. Once a leader in sin, Speaking an "Crime and now hie became a leader lu Punishment 1960.11 Magistrate Christian work. We organized Baxter suggested that the a Sunday School and he be- vs nraewsdeprl came the Bible Class Teach- vs nraewsdeprl er ad hld hispos anforto the fact that police per- oer en earths unti n e or sonnel have increased from 10 afflicted with deafness. He or 12 ta over 70 at the pres- live tabe vey ad mn, nt time. In 1941, less tha~ and was a great blessing ta the,00css eecerei ¶ camniunity. counties. In 1958, thîs had grown ta over 9,000. Some of If Christ has the power to the increase hie attributed to change a vi.le, swearing, an increase in population ini drinkiug,' gambling lumber- the arêb, plus more traffic on jack into a saint, su'rely hie the roads aud highways. can tîansform you andm, and give us victory over sn Club WiIl Continue "He breaks the pawer af can-ý Following a survey of its celled sin,1 mernbers, it hiad been dccîdý,d He sets the prisoner free. 1to continue operations of the His blood can make the foul- Men's Cpn«acian Club, retir-l est dlean, ime president Neil F. Porter His bload availed for me." told the meeting. New oflicers who were elecîed included President AI- BURKETON vnDas.It ieLeormarc Mr. and iVrs. Kenneth Lar- a nd Auditors L. W. Dippeli and1 W. Manscîl Staccy. The nom-1 mer, Peterboroug~h, were Su"n- inating com.mîttee was head-1 day guests af Mi. and Mis. cd by W. F. Rickard, with1 H-arld Laîmer. Miltor. J. Elliott secouding A sleigh ride and a social ev- his report. enin.g will be held at the homie M.Elotas .ou of Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Argue the guest speaker., payinla tri- on Saturday evening, January bute to Magistrate Baxteî'st 23id'. splendid work on the bench.1 Sorry'to report that Mis. He said that in the 181/e yearsc Lorne Dean is ini Oshawa bos- since his appointment hielhasË pitial. We hope hier condition earned the highiest reputation wili soon be impraved. by bis ability. impaîtiality, Syrnpathy from this commun- and excellent judgment. r ity is extended to Mr. Howard Graduate of Queen's s Abbott anid his 4amily in the Magistrate Baxter was born udden passing of bis nephew, in Bloomfield, Prince EdwardV Mir. Ronald Abbott of Oshawa. Counity, sud edurated ini theH Mr. and Mrs. R. J. Niddery, Public and Highi Schoolsr 3owmanville; Mr. aîî'd Mrs. there. IMr. Elliott said. HeP Bernard Reid. Mir. and Mis. added that Magistrate Baxterc Bert Murp-iy, Mr. Frank Blunt, studied Law at Queen's Uni-c Rowmanville; Me. and Mrs. versity sud was called to the t M'erle Hubbard, Mn-s. Mary Bar ini 1938. During World Dean were Saturciay evening War- Il, Magistrate Baxter guests of Me. Alden Hubbard. servcd as Assistant Adjutlant Mr. aud Mn-s. Erie Bsrrett, Of the Midlaud Regiment. I Bowmanville; Mir-. and Mis. R. Provincial Jurisdiction E r. Harvey and family, were Magistrate Baxter explaia- 3aturd'ay guests of Mr. and cd that hie has Immediate jor-v .frs. J. A. Turnbull. isdîctîon lu the United Coun- i( Mr. and Mis. Harîy Stî'mtt. ties af Northumberland andC )shawa, -weîe weekeud guests Durham. In the United Couvi- C f Mer. annd Mns. R. Latt and ties lie presîdes at niagistrate's0 ýamily. court lu Bowmanville. Port M»-. anid Mrs. Orville Greer Hope. Cobour. Brightonî, id faînily, Oshawa, were Sun- Cam *npbellford, sud H.astings. P fay guests of Ivrs. E. Brysin. Some magistrate's are also Mn.andMi. Gorg Alisn judges of the luveuile aud Mr. eoge llsoM- - M.' family courts, sud Magistrate He described the benefits of t'he uniform traffia ticket, sud said that previously any- anc charged with ail offense under the Highway Traffic Act had no way of knowing finis for possibly thîce or tour wecks until he îcceived a sumrimrous. It is too soan ta asscss thc benefit of the demerit systcm for m-otorists completely, but drivers arc bound ta ha more caieful when they realize that the loss of points can event- ually resuit lu an indefinite suspension of their licenses, Magistrate Baxter stated. Praises Traffie Cliniie He pi'aised tlhe work bain.,, done by the Traffic Cliuic lu Bowmanvile, sud sai that Police Chief Bernard R. Kit- uîey aud Constable H. R. Car- neli, OPP, deserve great cîre- dit for ifs succcss. He said they are doing a wonderful job. Magistrate Baxter emplia- sized the fact fliat ail acci-J dents arc not csused by speci-1 ing, sud said that carclcss-1 rîayrex Living"b1eauty GLOVE 15 c EXTRA WJTH TTHE PURCHASE 0F A PAIR AT - $104 (Total Price $1.64) Sold on Money Back Guaranlee Make the. "One Hand Beauty Test" ai Playtex Expense For just nine (9) days wean' ane glove only ..whilc yau wash dishes, launder and clean house. At the end of the nine days you'11 notice how soft, smooth and white the baud that ware the glove has become. "Playtex Living Beauty" Gloves save your hands from the harsh chappiug effects of detergeuts sud other dlean- ing agents. Jury and Lo veil Your Rexali Store 15 King St. W. MA 3.5778 a i I '... i q STC ATMElriN Home-made street signs with big-citynames are one kind of link between the people of the New North and the rest of Canada. Banking service is another. Canadian banks have, sincc Ithe arliest days, taken part ini the development of new areas, the opening of new fron tiers. Today the chartered banks continue to bring banking services to pioneer settJements as the economic map of Canada is rolled back. They have &t the same time greatl mncreased the nuinher of branches ini estab- Iished areas across Canada -new suburban communities,) expanding industrial centres -keeping pace with the country's; popula- tion and business growth. To take care of ail these varied needs, l,»0 new branches have been opened by dmz chartered banks in the past ten years. THE CHAWrERED BANKS SERVING YOUR COMMUNITY 4 gin-'- à "4 . .v4 -~ - '-5- >e I . i Free! Freel BLACK DIAMOND STAMPS with every purchase of gas at your Vi0gor Oui SERVICE STATION "We Specialize in Personal Service" CORNER 0F MANVERS ROAD AND FIFTH CONCESSION Phone CO 3-2631 Double Slamp Day Every Tuesday -Corne Out and See Our Display of Gif ts- Complete Lubrication at a Reasonable Price ASK ABOUT OUR SPECIAL PRICE ON TIRES STOVE OIL AVAILABLE IN ANY QUANTITY AT THE STATION OPEN EVENINGS AND SUNDAYS j cSave SUPERMARKET ~L'A B Robin flood AUl YFLOURB - - -LI). 14C Purpose - 24 lb. bags - -$1.69 DRY YEAST Fine - 100 lb. bags - (Limit 1 bag) Granulaied SUGAR $7.791 CGOKING ONIONS 10 Lbâ. 45C Orange Pekoe TEA Lb. Plig. 55C EGOS l Grade A Dz 5 Medium 25 Reins 15 oz. tins POSKE& DEANS 3 ,&Mie - ],,$. Gallons ICE CREAN - - Hlein Sweet - 16 os. jar CUCUNDER PICKCLES 23c 42 TEARS IN OSHAWA Wl 8£E4L TUE BEST FOR LESS THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWb[ANVn,.L& ONTARIO s Magî s inCc His Tei Baxter pointedr'. that part of his wurk gives special satisfaction in working out of prablems, helping keep familles t ther. Four Exceptions He told the club that gistratc's court has juil tion ta tîy ail cases under Criminal Code af Car with foui exceptions, mur mauslaughtei, rape and t son. Those foui chargesr be dealt -with by the Supr Court with a jury, he However, ftic prelimii hearings an these fourc ges are held in Magistr; Court, sud the Magisteate dismiss the charge if he f that there is not euoughe ence ta scud the. accusac B .~. with the administration of jus& istrate D sr*b -Stanley IIMre qb vote of thauks to Magtrate Baxter for hselgtnn address. The eingps- ~**ww~ ~dent, Neil Porter, who pie. a'u rts -O p r ton sided, also xrsehiap preciatian. Mr. Porter weltomed -the uewly elccted officers o ht r m of Office club, and speci:lly prle the outstandinig work tt a this hileMagistrate's Court is ness and selfishness are also obeenizto ytescea hmI the lowest rankiug court deal- prime causes of automobile Jo ONiill yte.erea thei ing with Criminal Law, the mlshaps. JeONil and reatst aoun of uch orkAlvin Davis, the new pie. andgretet aaun o suh wrk The speaker referred ta the sident, thanked the mnembers oge- is doue there, and judges sa high eeofjsienth ori lcinadpk f thate ma gstprtn ut is country, sud said that since the excellent woîk that Mr. ademst pr anonCriinathe hiappoifltmeflt as a Magis- Porter. Mir. O'Ncill, and past m-Law, the speaker remihded rt on July 1, 1941 ta the executives have dane. 11e sta- thdie the club members. prescut tîme, he has neyer ted that he is looking forward r thehad a cail fram Quecn's Park ta another successful year af rîada1 The speaker -referred ta the aud is proud ta say there has the Bowmauville Men's Can- rder, pre-sentence report by the been na interference whateverl adian Club. trea- probation officen. This has muust been in effeet' for five or six renie years. Belore, anc only knew. said.1 whether or flot the accused Inary had a record. and sometimes har- character evideuce was giv- a tc's en, Magistrate Baxter said. VC I mav He explained t.hat now he asks Y U XR fi n4s for a pie-sentence report, and evid. s tharough investigation is à on made. n i** , . . j for trial. Commends Probation 1 Magisteste Baxter also told The speaker stated thati the audience that lu certain probation is a big step in the types of cases, as for instance right direction. That cost of the theft of more thani $50. keeping a person ln jail al the accused has the right 'o year 15 $1,500, while the co--ý eleet cither trial before a ma- of probation for that periodI gistratet.or by a highcr couit. is $150, and the probationcrý lu practice, nowzidays, the an-- is still able ta wark. suppo t' cused nearly alwaYs decides! bis fauily. snd make mon"- ta be tried by the magistrate,! tary restitution, Magistrate lie aclded.! Baxter remarked. The rnagistiate's court aLoý The introduction of the ui-1 hears cases concerning ; i- iform traffie ticket sud the fringeruent of provincial ,:ta-j denierit system for motorists tutes sud municipal by-laws, arc two of the greatest stepsý Magit~at Baxer sid. taken rccently in the right Civil and CriminaLa' direction ta control traffi-. The speaker mentioned thlatviltos sad M itat tmi nntil Pp 1171ýA r. Blaxter. garding the distinction be- tween Civil and Criminal Law. He explained that Civil Law determines rights between in- dividuals. Clainis for dam.- ages are deait with by CFirill Law and a mnagistrate has nothing to do with t'hese ca- ses, he said. The înagistrate's court deals with cases under the Crîmin- ai Code and, Penal Statutes, regulating the behaviour of people, he pointed out, also cases tmnder the Liquor Li- cense Law of The Province, the Fislh and Gane Laws, and the Highway Traffic Act. Civil Court Set Up The only remedy iu Civil Actions is the allotment of Damages, Magistrate Baxter stated. The set up of the Ci- vil Courts includes: the Jun- ior Civil Court, Division Court, Couuty Court, Surrogate Court and the Supreme Court of Ontario, which bas both an Appe11ate Division and a Trial Division, and the Su- prerna Court of Canada, the speaker said. 1 1 ffl 1