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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 21 Jan 1960, p. 6

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PAGE SIX TEE CANADIAN STATU~M Ui, BOWMAIiVILLE, ONTARIO wiltry your motie ar. ot yaur very best; hI -Guard Against Cynicism :1hte ra siiu servcete ethers. A quilt committe Dist. Governor TelIls Lions fomese o ilb j Tday people lUve inan ange An Age Of Faih 1toi-national Couxil is theLe velaer aboutth d j e* challenge, R. E. <Dec) Jam-1 "Perheps there is nothing ahiveext n rtetin ! notsfrcrd.eev J eson. Governor ef Lions Dis-; the average Lion cen do about membership. We are losixig ntestîfgrletrds ervE rict A3, tld the members O! world affaira other than ta members, especially la their One o! special mentic the Bowmanvile Lions Club suppcrt the goveiximents of! firsi year or Lwao! service,"I from MIr. and Mis. T.1 et the dinner meeting held et, the iree peoples o! the world," iMr. Jamioson pointod eut. I (Mis. W. A. Logan's -the Lions Community Centre Mr.* Jamieson stated. Ho spake ±ake Careful Seleetien and brother-in-law) on Monday, Jan. Ilth. Mr. o! the cynicism o! the tuimes, "This la net only true of go, Africa. Aise ane Jamieson in an inspiring ad-! but told the Lions Club mem- Lions, but a! al service clubs. Mrs. J. A. Plant, Brig dressalase urged i e Lions te bers that they aise, live icxai They are losing four out of former mixilster's wi -dlirish ideals, and warned cge oifafith. five menihers they take lie appreciatien o! the . -them eagaixiat cynical boe! 600,000 Lions Membors a club. There are maie ex- she and Rev. Plant sp q thda y smwla rvao. As 1960 la here now, * it i Lions than thore are Lions. this charge recently, a oay. thste a idu-a iml question to ask aur- To combat this wc suggest other fram Mrs. F. W. Colin ' eBiroiste s ndw- selves wîat we are going that now members le select- Tampa, Fia., describia ted as le Lmeslber ! t exw1t do with il. As we enswer ed very carefully. They ho Christmas festivîties a: - Manvileo s teClub. AlxI that question as individuels, ixivestigated thoroughly, and ceratians and beautiful Mcrof wa the haimand'h we muat remember thet we screened careful-ly beforo they ors in Florida. Mis. o! he ndutio 10m ad te jaise repiy for aur association," are approachod te bocomo Ashton.~ extended an inthe cemembn ers tClgardeMi. Jemiesen said. Ho re- members of îhe club, tien te ail ladies o! thý FilmheernnyrtwJaesClle minded the Bowmanville Lions "After a candidate for mem- muxiity te can evening. Olmver, San t Jl aeBi thai there are 600,000 mom- beislip lias been aeleciedI h hrh oset Olier ad ail Bedn. bers e! Liens Clubs througli- have a hbartte eai-t tai h11 i th cichte see ll The birthdays o! Gien Len- eut the werld. with him, and lot hirn know A social tinie wasE der, presidexit o! the club, Bon4 er g la sepce !hm x-wilo group 1 served Ralph Amnesaend Howard Gib- Bon4 er g htsexcedfhi.I-W son were observed. Cutlbert Ho remarked that Liens xIn- doctiinciion is very importantDio ,McDoneld, Bingo cîcirman, toi-national was born 43 years for a now member. He shouid w îeperted on Lhe successful ego, axid while et fi-at it was mcci the information and cdu- n a Bingo beld by the Lions at Lhe but a thread forming c tie cation committee before, aiorc Cemmunîty Contre lait Set- betweexi countries, iL las naw slioitly after bis acceptaxice c o n a urdlay ovening. Ho announced grewn te be a strong cable into Lîonîsm. Lions education RTJ ILN thet the ncxt giant Binigo binding nations together. The la important ta aild and xOw CRfie D I lic cc .-Wiii boç leld by the Lions at District Govornar empîatic- members alike. 93 Chd ublc Stree the Lioný Cemmnnity Centre elly stated that Lionism. lias Put, Hlm Te Werk 93Ai-ke t -386 on SaturdU. evening, Febru- helped ta faim community "The mast important thlng WiA. J. H.-CO61 1 ary MLl. - leaders li numorous places. te de with a new memhber is Clicrte.ed.Acount, The hockey diew winnors Congratulates Dîroctors te Put hlm towork liedi. haSeed c Foort were: Saturday, Januaiy i6th, There are 40 clubs la Liens ately. Because the new~ mem N econLibrar u Jack Kellough, Lcnny Jones: District A3, Mi-. Jamieson tald ber is kept busy, ho will be Cor-. King and Tempera Seturday, January 23rd, Lloyd the club. Ho congiatulated the filled witl Lhe enthusiasîn Plane MAîket 3-31 Ayre, Glen Turney; Wednos- directers o! the Bowmanville that la required of Lions. I day, Jenuary 27t1, Howard Liens Club on the excellent feel LIai a new memnber TALE, FRIEDLANI Cowle and Raîpli Mentyre. work of the club, and parti- slould le initiatcd sooxi aftet- HUNTER & CO. International C o u n ci111 oi- cularly cemmended the mern- lis ecceptance la order te Accountaxits and Auc Herbert Goddard ixtroduced bora for their comm.unity lave linmeintaixi an ixterest Licensed Trustee li Ban) ~~~~~~~~~District Governor Jamiesonwr.Dsic oen JmsO 64 King St. E. RA DistrictGovernonJaciecousion.k.Oshawa, Ontario the spocial speaker, who ask- Place For Bey Seouts dlxcoluin B. L. Yale, C.A. ed that ail Lions mae a New The District Governor mon- '1Jack Breugli moved a vote P. Friodlander, B. Cern. Yea's esoutin t lie t- tone anartcletha ha oftlianks ta Mi. Jamiesoxi for dyoer.s oltioere liet-tion eaed an atiesthata p-his iei-estiig cand inform-MONTEXTH - MONI day wchieee l yet onaeMagaxi L nsmInterative address. on lehaifef lis RIEHL & CO. for chivomeit.tioaol agazine somyaî'sfellow members, Mi. Brougli Chartered Account ville Lions Club raising $30,- peetdataelrsclock RA 5-3527S. N, M ON E Pj 000 ta builîc a new addition ot thei special speaker. BoRAn527 teLions Carmunity Centreý Walter Rundie, Lhe lat vice- Ccii ZEnith 4575, Ici- o s that local Boy Scouts ?president, Howard Gibson, île narîners: AVAILABLE FOR would have a place ta mcct.1 2nd vice-presidoxit, andi Glen Hon. J. W. Monteitl, Mr. Jarnieson urged the Martyn, île 3rd vice-pri-- . B. Mantetl, B. Cor uiNO T GA GIE 5 club ta continue te support dentcalle aner chirxi G. W. Riehl, C.A.,1 £5 V M îthe Lien International inter- o omtesuie hu (Licensod Trustee club visitation contest. Ho jurisdlctien te, give thouî G. E. Tîethewey, asked that iL hecome a yoariy semi-annual reports. R. F. Lightfoot, C. RALPH S. JONES event ta attend anotiier club BritradSlctr meeting ini the district, parti- BT YC h iro p ra c Baristr ai Slictor culai-ly a meeting of a newlyIUAL 130 King st. E. Oshawa Gree lb . EDWIN MANN, RA 8-6246, Clubg Losing New Mombers ARTHUR GEORGE BROOKS Ofc:Chiropractor "One problema that las beenOfie very diseppointing ta, your In- Aller c brie! ilîneas o! only 15 Elgin St., cor o! lc four days followixig c îeert Phane MA 3-5501 _______________seizure. Lhe death occurred of Office Heurs: By Appo Lunch Kits $1.39 98e LUSTRE CREME 79e $1.28 Value Vam - 79e PEPSODENT PASTE 63C size 2 Gleem Faste ---89c 2 For 99C $1.30 value Preli 98e 63e size COLGATE FASTE $1.09 Halo - -___89c 2 For 99C $1.95 Halo --- $1.29 Dristan One-a-Day Buckley's Tablets Multiple Vitamins Mitr Tableta 1.49 - 2.75 - 4.49 - 8.75 Mitr 1.25-2.25-3.75 cieritol-Tabs. or Liquid 59c -850 1.35 - 3.49 - 5.49 Vicks apoesPertussin Formula 44 Extract 1.50, 2.75 for Coughs $1.19 Scotts Exnulslon 1.00, 2.00 75c-$1.25 New Lipstick Check Colds wllh Hudnut Roll On Naremide Caps ---1.25 8 Popular Shades Brome Quinine 59c, 89e $2.00 Buckley's Caps -- --49o COWLI NG'S WE FFIl irRtUsqs TRIS THURS. TO SAT. - JAN. 21 -23 Complet. shows at 7 and 9 Aduit Entertainment RIT NON. TO WED. - JIN 25 -27 They Came to Cordura Color - with unusuail scope and interest Stars - Gary Cooper and Rita Hayworth Complete shows at 7 and 9:15 p.m. 39 Stops (Celor) - Daie - Feh. 8 - 10 Aithrlùr G-eorgeBýrooks, eageci 65, ln IMemorial Hospital, Bowmaxiville, on Wednesday, Janueiy Mt, 1960. The deceasod wlio was bai-n li Norwich, England, and wes a weîd o! Dr. Barnardo's Home, came te Canada li 1904. Mr. Breaks settled in West- crn Canada and in October, 1920, married Edith Hutchin.- son in Heward, Sask. The lete Mr. Brooks loved the land anid was an excellent fermer. Hoeand Mrs. Brooks fermed in Saskatchewan for 20 years, levng wlen e vory serions drongît made it im- possible ta farm prefitably. When they movod eat 18 yeers ega Mr. and Mis. Brooks settled in Bewman- ville. The deccased fi-st was employcd witl Vaxstone Fleur & Feed Miii cnd for île pat 16 yoars, until the trne of his death, was with the Goodyear Tire & Rubber Comn- pany. Mr. Brooks was a mcm- ber o! Trinity United Chure.. Survivin.g besides his wife, are elght cildren: Mabel and Derotly (Mis. H. P. Servage), both o! Calgary, Alta.; John, Deerborxi, Mich.; Alan, Oil- lie, Ont.; Gladys (Mrs. J. C. Kean), Edith, Arthur and Donald, ail o! Bawmenville. Six grandsens anid tIi-e graxic-cauglters aise survive. Loveiy floral tributes framn relatives, friends, neigîbaurs, Canadien Legien, Legion Pipe Band, Goodyear Tire & Rub- ber Cempany Local 189, De- troit News, Motor City Club, Oxtarie Hydre and the Tar- tan Club were indicative o! Lhe osteem in which tle de- ceased wes hld. Fureral service wes con- ducted hy Rev. Wm. K. Hans- lande t ethLe Naitheutt and Smit.h Funeral Homo on Sat- urday, Januaiy 9th., 1960. lI terment was in Bowmenville1 Cemetery. Palîbearers were Messrs. George Se1lers, Arnold Lobb, Ken Flint, Walter Johnsen, Gien Virtue and Gordon Tan- ner. ENNISKILLEN W.M.S. Meeting W.M.S. hold their first meeting of the yeaî Jan. 12, at the home ef Mis. Floyd Beckett. Mis. F. Toms, pre- aident, prosided, and opened the meeting with a hymri and prayer for the new year, also extended greetings ta ail prsent an appreciation te the There were 20 paid memn. bership fees li answer to the roll cl. Encouragmng reports were given by the variaus se- cretarles and Mrs. M. Stain- ton read a letter fre=nMis. Arrnistead, Chiristian steward- ship secretary of Presbyterial stating oui allocation for 1960. The year cards were îeady for distribution thaxiks to ail who had spent se mucli tixme on them. Mis. T. Slemon gave the de- votianal the theme being "Seme Secrets o! Happixiesa"l based on the scripture, Prov. 3:13, "Happy la the mani who finds wisdom, anmd the man who gets understaxmding". Prov. 16 16 20, "Whoso trus- teth in God,, happy is lie». This matter of f inding happi- task In the chasirmg of rain- noas, la ther.efore no eaby bows or xi exciting thrills. It is a noble queat gair -d inj. IPositive way-by work that1 Deifal DM. W. M. RUDELL, Office: Jury Jubilee1 40 King St. W. Bown Office Rours: 9 a.m. ta 6 p.m. di Closed Saturday and Office Phone - MA House Phone - Newcasý DR. E. W. SISSO L.D.S., D.D.S. Office in his hon 100 Liberty St. N., Bown Office Hours : 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. di Phone MA 3-560 Closed Wednesday -11 DR. C. F. CATTRAN, Office 23 King St. E. - Bowr Office Hours: 9 a.m. ta 6, p.m. di Closed Saturday and Telephone: Office MA Le gal1 STRIKE and STR Barristers, Solicit( Notaries Public W. R. Strike,0, A. A. H. Strike, I 40 King St. W. - Bown Telephone MA 3-5 LAWRE!..TCE C. MASO Barrister, Solîcitc Notary Public King St. W. - Bowr Phones: Office MA2 Residence MA 3-5! MISS APHA 1. HOU Barrister, Solicitc Notary Public Temperance St. - Bown RRICHARD LOVI U.E., B.A., LL.l Box 9, Newcast Phone Newcastle2 Consultation by appoi only. W.KAY LYCETTý, Barrister and Solik In the offices oi R. R. Waddell, Q., Main Street, Orono,C M 0r fg ag~ SADIE HAr'TIrITON - Phone 1 r 16 First Mortgage FPu Residences - Far Business Properi Op t 0m e 1 KEITI A. BILLET'! Optometrist 141 King St. E. - Bowr iffice Heurs: By cppc Toieplone MArket Mondey ta Setnrc 9 a.m. te 5 Wednesdays: 9 ta Thursday evenin VIGOR BEST QUALITY FUEL 9 AT MOST PROUE(0 I78 BOND ST. W. nd eaU y ite- i living * . . al val- IM ~ .I~ , u r lovîngInM gsrt'Co t eo was la1 hlear- <WrifttebyA& Rurb) 1r ate for I ite yo Ten speoders paid a total that a porson who drives can edan f $170 for violations o! the exorcise caution as ho knows ýe read. 30 'mile spood limit. A truck it. A porion dolng what the 1 n was following another truck with- accused lias done, driving a a Brwi a distance -of 200 -deet car wlioso mechanilcal ability i iter brought a charge against a ho lias doubta about, loadin,,,g Cavan- Newcastle maxi and a fine ef! h with 10 >~ople, which ivs from $10 and coata. Axiother truckc- four too maxiy at lest, dri v- rton, a1 or faled te have the. ownor- ig on s highway whicli hol dfe, in slip o! the truck in the truck lias ne previaus knowledge Sunday and failld to produce it at the ef, wltli no destination anid at ent on request o! a Police Officer. niglit seems te ho even more and an- Ho pald $12. serieus thaxi careless drivlng. Werry, Two persona pald $24 for "What happened? 1 !ind ng the flot having drivers' icexises. that somebody suggested that .nd de- Another maxi stepped at the yen turn back. You- attempt- 1l flow- wrong place for a stop sign ed te go Into the interchaxigel O. C. anid paid $12. Pive trucklng and you struck the slgn and1 invita- firins paid $48, $23, $18, $28 at that point yen lost cantrol: ie cern- and $43 for overleads. of the car, travellod inaa Jan. 3J0 A Bowznanville man pald skld and thon rolled for 269 e film, $8 for allowing liii dog to run foot. mjydat large. A Cobourg man pali 'eu Should Have Known lnch.' $12 fer dlsobeying the rdU q must be assumed, qulto lunch. liglit at King and Tomperance ppelbig anra - Streets. Two local youtl¶s pmaen, w eixig a normahe lory pi 2 for beln.g litoxicated lang'uage or net, what you on King Street East lait Sat- shullc do in the proper op- urday niglit. eration o! a matai vehiclo. C cy Improper passîng cost a You cannet put the responsi-' S -Toronto man $26. He turned bility for the brakes on a ga- )untant eut from a lineofo traffic inl rage. You said you were go- et blowlng snew and forcod a ing te overhaul the car com-. police cruiser ta the shoulder pietely. You should havel - o! Highway 35. The cruiser tested the brakes beforo you NS lad been procoeding te a re- left. You slould have known tnt ported accident. that ton people li the car ling A 19 year aid lad frorn a would have mado the car nce Sts. . ropean country appeared difficult ta landle, when you 1612 in court charged with careless were attempting te make a driving. Ho was the driver o! manoeuver on thespur o! the [ER a car that went eut o! con- moment. t rai at about 10:50 p.m. oni "You put an unsafe car with ditors Christmas Day and rolled inta too, many people li it on the ýkruptcy a field south of Highway 401 road. I find yen guilty as 15-1621 at the easterly exit o! the charged. I find there was no Bowmanvllle interchange. One intention te violate the law, C.P.A. persan was kllled and six were there was ne drinking and no hospitalized as the result ef evidence aofaxiy fooling in the. 'EITH this accident. car ta district the driver. ins In lits de! once, the youxig "Penalty may be a fine of ans man steted thatle a been $500 or three months impri- shawa li the country since lest Au- soiment. 1 may also suspend gust. Ho purchesed the car your license for one yeÏr. This about- six weeks before the peints up a situation. I haste ta so accidýeand at Bradford, On- criticize reporters and radio FC..tarie, lie obtained a license newscasters, and it certain- F.,C.A. te drive about a montli beforo ly doesn't apply in thts aiea. m.,I.A. the accident. But there are a few, anly a e) There were 10 poisons in few mind you, wlio decry the C.A. the car, six lni the rear seat tact that a person was lot off A. and four in the front seat. with a fine where there had Thoy weren't geing any place been a fatality. They goner- ini particular, just out for a ally compare At with some c rdo. Thoy were going ta turn other situation o! which they D.C. around et Bowmanville ,and know absolutely nething. go back te Toronto. Ho hadNoUirmt nover driven on the road be-No nlrmy orsey St. foie and nobody in the. car "They shout that there is )9 knewthe road. Ho cleimed ne unifarmity in the imposi- )ntment that his brakes failed and tion o! sentences. MaFy I say that ho couldn't steer either this that there Is unifoîmity rlght or left. in the principles o! law and Ho ha takn lit c i concerned with. The fact D.D.S. the garage on the 24th of e-! hotteei atlt os Bldgs. cember and it was tomporar-thattee is atait ydheoent nanville Uly repairod, but ho was liav- etrit t h fec ing breke trouble. It wasan~ took place befere the fatal- laiIy aid car about a 1952 model ity occurred." Sunday and lie was gaing ta have it Lecal Citizen Pays Fine 3-5790 al îepaired. No mieehanic was "You are unemployed and 3te 3551 on duty at the garage a.nd ne s fine of $100 sliould bo a de- N was advisod ta bring it back terrent. The casts wlll be $15 on the 26th o! December. Ho and your license will bo sus- ne had liad no trouble with the ponded for one year. If you manville steering before and ho had *cannot pay the fine, yon will, ne trouble with theo rae spend twe menths in the caun- taiîy that day. ty gaol." A local citizen paid M xIn reply te questioning by the fine, ho said ho couldn't Sundays the Cîown Attorney, lie reed see the maxi go te gaai. Ho D.D.S. some signs on the board used had been ligail awaiting by the Traffic Clinic. Some trial since the accident. nanville he couldn't read. Somneene Of A 32 year eld Trenton steel the passengers read the Bow- worker was fined $50 and laiiy inanville slgn te him on the costs o! $18 foi impaired driv- Sunday night of the accident. Ho was ing. His license was suspend- 3.5459 lOOking. for a place te turn ed for six months. - around. Ho didx't know low te get off the higliway. Ho had Licease Under Suspension been driving at about 45 m. A 52 year old aiea farmer [KE p.h. The total welght o! the wes convicted of driving while 'Os people in the car was about his lîcense was under suispen- 1360 lbs. isien. Hoelied been stapped for Megistrate Bexters judg- oniy having ane headlight and I.A. ment wes as follows-"The feiled te produce his driver 's' nanville acvused ia charged with care- iicen'se. A check o! the records 791 lois driving. That means that showea that his license lad NB.A. ho is charged with drivixig been suspended nine yeers or wîtlout due care anid atten- age f<Ôi failuro te satisfy a tion or without reasonablecil judgment. The judgment nanvîlle consideration fer ather per- lad been paid by the Unsatîs- 3-5688 ions USing the higliway. I amn fied Judgment Fund and ho manville poople se placed or parcels menths. If yen corne badc Dintmont or anythin.g 80 pleced, se as erc agaixi for the same of- 3-3252 to ixterfero with the pieper fonce, the penalty will ho at ley management o! the autemo- locst 10 times what it la te- 12 bile, ls a cwtravontioa of the day. > 2 Act.$> Palse Pretence Charge igs "'IL musat alae ho assumed A Toronto maxi was brought'I i back te face a felse pretonceý charge. Ho pleaded guilty te o)btaining $35 fi-rn Cowan-ý O IL ~ . LTD ville Auto Wi-eckors i the OILCOLT O Township of Clarke. Ho lad buixit ont ha mater anid had te be tewed off the hlghway. * e e No accepted $25 cash for the; car and paid $10 towing char- gea. Ho signed a bill that the: 1951 car was fi-ee o! ail liens.! IILCowvaxville wieckers e Orne. Te Dominion FiI IL nffce Ce. e! Westen seized the car as tley beld a $250 RIRASNABLEPMCMlien against it. REASO ABLE 'mCBSIntendeci To pay The accused i his de- Fer Delivery fonce, stated tlot if Cowan- ville hadn't repaired tho car amd sold h agala ho might ho ISHA A I 5-109home free. He intendoed te pay the finance company off OSH3AWA anid tho wrecker told hlm ho 1was golng te scrap the car. -He lot caught becataseha wu, THURSDAY, JAN. 2let,190 out of work and the car was Magistrate Baxter remand- why these people have to g resold. ed him until January 26th for th.rough ail this to get their He told the magistrate he pre-sentence report. wages,"' conunented the mna- had no previous record, but Filgt s ae gistrate in passlng judgment. he got caught on this. He la A chargeof failing to pa1 Court adjourned at 5:40 un probation lin Toronto and wages due was heard on this v.m admitted that his probation lengthy court day. The ma- lé___ Period would be up onl jan. gistrate found that a Clarke Spiritual causation fs thé uary l4th. He had been con- township woman owed an el- one question to be considerod, victed of theft under $50 lin derly couple for 70 hours nt for more than ai others spir- Toronto. He stole 30 shoes 75 cents per hour or $52.50 itual causatioxi relates to hu- from. a shoe salesman'a car- each plus costs of comlng to mnan progroas. - MaryBae mli for the right foot, court. "There la no reason Eddy. DEST DUY - SAVE 4c CASH - PARAMOUNT - FANCY Sockeye Salmon t.51C BEST BUY - SAVE 9c CASH - ROSE BRASD Margarine ...2 for 43c DEST BUY - SAVE 5c CASH - BEEHIVE GOLDEN Corn Syrup 21. 2 for 5 7c DEST BUY - SAVE 6c CASH - ROBIN HOOD - ALL PURPOSE 21 lb.7lb.Me Flour br1085 bi54c DEST BUY - SAVE 8c CASH - FREE CANNON FACE CLOTH Largef Deal Breeze Detergent L5e ffDemi37 ONTARIO FANCY 3-LB. POLY BAG DELICIOUS APPLES ERS)E, TENDER onOCCO FANCY ANJOU iPE ARBs CRISP, CRUNCET - Large ixe L I1 s 29c CUCIJNDERS - 2 For 2 1 I[OTED - FLORIDA - Celle Wrap 4 Fo4~'r 29c CELERY HEARTS 23c FEATURE - SAVE 4c CASH Llbby's Cookod - 15 os. tin SPAGHETTI m 2 For 29c1 PEATURE - SAVE 4c CASH Wagstaffe's Pure Seville - 24 oz. Jar Orange NARNALADE 35c PEATURE - SAVE 15o CASH Rod & WVhite - 15o Off Deal - 60 Bags TEA BACS m 54C1 FEATURE - HAVE 4e CASh swlf t'a - 12 ez. tUn NREEF STEW - 29c FEATURE - SAVE 1o CASH KELLOGG'S MIX 'EM OR MATCH 'EM SALE CORN FLAKES- 12 oz. pkg. SUGAR SMACKS -9% oz. pkg. SPECIAL «'K" CEREAL - 6% oz. pkt. SUGAR CORN POPS - 8 oz. pkg. 4 For $1.00 SAVE - Eddy's - 50 per pkg. B00K MATCHES - 19C Fresh Pork Shoulder ROAST FULL CUT 5-7 LBS. lKa"N tiruRK BUTT ROAST FRESH BUTT PORE CHOPS Lb 9 WIFS PREMUM43 Lb. 38C r BJN S1 1b.colle L 1 flII~ package -Lb. 1SWIJ'T'S PREMIUM - Lb. 49c1 Rindiess BACON GOLDEN HOUR MACAROON BUDS CHOCOLATE BUDS CHOCOLA«TE WAFERS' CELLO PKG. £ACH 29C GOLDEN HOUR POPPIXG CORN Lb. Pkg. 69C Lb. PIcg. 1ýC SUPREME BRAND - 51 gauge, 15 denier NYLONS - pr.89c KRKAFT DELUXE - 8 CHEESE SLICES - 35c FOR A BRIGHTER HOME - 15 oz bot. LESTOIL CLEANER 47c FROZEN FOODS FRASERVALE - 24 oz. Pkg. riss & CHIPS - 0 63c 00R»S BYZ 2-lb. poly bag GDEEN ]PEAU - - THERE'S 'A RED AND WHITE STORE NEAR YOU 80 WMAN VI LLE MAPLE GROVE - Wm. H. Tate 0 Maple Grove Groceteria KINGSWAY SUPER MARKET KING ST. - EAST 0F TOWN LINE ORONO BLACKSTOCK I m Cornish Marketeria - Blyth's Market Noxzoms 10 ez. mixe New Vacuum Tlp Teal Bottles PHONE SOE MIA 3-5695 DRUG SOE ROYAL BOWMANVILLE MA 3-5589 e ol 001, 'i 1 îFý- ': 1 -4 1 ýIl 6-- -PAGE SIX THE CANADIAN STATMU.%N, BowmANvmLr, olqTArao

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