~i~UB8DAY, IAN. 211h. US TEE CANADIAN S'rATMAJI. EOWMWILLI, OWPAR!O PAGE lt Gordon Âgnew,- Edilor Phone 36211 ï L ions Retrieve Their Mascot' During Visit to Cobourg Club' Newcastle-It was reveal- in thc district. ard, chairman of the carnival .a d at thc regular meeting of Following the dedlilu os committee asked his commit- the Newcastle Lions Club onpork dinner servcd by cm e e ometwihth irc ?bursday evening that the bers of the Evening Branch ofte omtwihhedrc club'. travelling mascot which St. George's Women's Auxil- torate on Tuesday evening.. has been covering a consid- lary, Lion Piesident Chas. Lion Jimn Porter supplied erable number of miles dur- Megit presjded for a brief thc cntcrtainment for the Ing the pan couple of years business meeting during whichi evening projecting on the Wa retrieved the week be- Lion Trumian Henderson gave screen many beautiful color- ,fore. It happened at Cobourg a report on the children's cd slides showing thc resuits when twclve members of thc Christmas party sponsored by of his deer hunting expedi- local club visited the Cobourg thc club on Christmas eve. Re tion in Algonquin Park (with club,, acoompanying thc Dis- reported that $41 had been a camera), thc lovely fr11 col- trict Deputy Governor, Lion spent on the party. ours in the Highlands of Hal- Brenton Rickard on his offi- Lion Perey Hare was given iburton and beautiful flowers cial visit ta thc Cobourg club. the 'O.K., after some discus- i the greenhouses of the Nia- It was also discovercd that the sion, for the purchase of ey--- gara Park Board. But the best Cobourg members vislting the glasses for -a lady in the vil- of ail werc a few shots of the local club on January 8, had lage and was asked to look Newcastle Centennial Parade niade away wjth the Lionettes' into another case of eye trou- in July 1956 which brought Club-mascot and It is also now bic to sec if Uic club could be back many fond memnorica te making thc rounds of the clubs, of assistance. Lion John Rick-, tic members. flewcastle Social and1 /eersona/ Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Guy afternoon. of Oshawa and Mr. and Mrs. M.r. and Mrs. D. E. Bernard Orville Osborne of Bowman- and Terry accompanied by ville spent Sunday visiting Mrs. A. Spencer, Mrs. George wlth Mrs. Carl Selby. Harmer and Mr. and Mrs. D. A number of local apple M. Bernard visited in Orne- growers attended the Ontario mec on Sunday with Mr. and Fruit and Vegetable Growers' Mrs. Ray Bennett and Jon. Convention in Toronto last Mr. and Mrs. Jack Crago week when Mjayor Wilfrid accompanied by Mrs. Samn Carruthers of Bowinanville Powell and Dorrene visited in was elected to thc presidency Downsview on Sunday with of the association. Mrs. Don Coulter and family. Messrs. Fred Couch and The regular monthly paper Frank Hoar accompanied Mr. collection made by Uic Sig- IR. B. Rickard to Little BrIt- ma C Boys' Group of the tain last Thursday when Mr. United Church will be made Riekard was rnaking his rdf- next Monday evening, Febru- ficial visit as Lions District ary lst, when citizens are Deputy Governor te thc Little, asked to have ail their used ]Brittain Lions Club. papers, magazines, etc., se- Mr. and Mirs. E. A. Forbes curely tied and placcd at the actompanied by Mrs. Stewart roadside in a conspicuous and son Joe, all of Minilco, place by six p.m. and Uic boys 'vlsited with Mr. and Mrs. wil be pleased te dispose cf Gordon Agnew on Saturday thcm for you. Evening W.A.- Branch Hplds Annual Meeting Newcastle - The annuel and called on Uic various of- meeting o! Uie Evening Branch ficers for their usuel monthly of St. George's Womcn's Aux- reporta which were reed and Uaywas held et Uic home et adoptcd.. (s.Harper Kelsey on Wed- Mrs. Ted Bclsey ncad taie liesday, January 20th with 20 secretery's annuel report. The inembers in attendance., Branch held 19 meetings dur- Mter thc opening prayers ing the yer and welcarned the- President, Mrs. D. R. four new members. Thie report Dcwdncy spoke e few words included ail the brencai acti- c'rnoenning Uic werk et the vities et the ycar including B3ranc Inlutaie coming yeer outsidc meetIngs and Churcai meetings which wene attend- cd. The treasuren's annual ne- - ' pont rcad by Mis. Ken Ste- à phenseti showcd thc lengcst WI'IJ.14A< M R N M IEM balance Uic Brandi aies ever WM iC US R r.. id. Mis. A. Hcndry gave thie am SS ICE NELg report. efthtae Little Helpers' OURSERICEPINI.. ~ group mentiorîing taie quar- 'm M ES tcrly meetings and the mon- RIGUTr y reised et taie bazear held te naise money fer Uic pur- chas.etfsniall tables for taie / Paisai Hall. Mis. Audrey Go- gcrty gave thie report efthtae '.. flawer sccreteny cnurnereting RATEth ' fUi lowers and cerds sent by taie Branci duning taie yeen. Mis. Dcwcincy rcad Uic Dia-1 cesan Budget for taie comingj year sud Uic Brancai pledgei for tais yeen. It was unani-i motusly dccided thet an at-1 atempt should be made te, meetc this plcdge which is increas-1 PLLVIBNG Pd oven thet paid durng thie. paîtycar. The President sug-' .0 W e * gestcd that bales shouid beC vioe sent te taie W.A. Hous 1h C1 ~ ~ ~ 17 -38 - 183Torontoe-ini Uicfuture:;thes are forwarded to Missions l over Canada. It was decidcd te pack a bale et the next meeting. Taicre was sorne discussion rcgarding thie catering fer thie Lions dinner on January 2lst. Thie next meeting will aie hcld et thie homne et Mrs. Chris Barchard on February 3rd. It was ennounoed thie annuel Vestry meeting will b. hcid in the Paisai Hall on Feai. lst et 8.15 p.m. ______ Two Villages Join in Tou rnament Newcastle - The Newcastle Badminton Club entcrtained members of Uic Orono Bad- minton Clubat a tournainent and social evenlng on Satur- day evenlng January 23. Men'a doubles, mixcd doubles and ladies doubles were played wîth Uic Orono players taking most o! thie honaurs. In Uic men's doubles Uic serni-finalists werc Auer Wal- lace and Peter Meartens, Boy Forrester and Bob Johuston. Since ail were from, Orono tic tournainent was not cern- pleted.* In the mixcd doubles thc serni-finelits wcre also ail from, Orano, as tellaws: Nancy Wallace and Peter Meertens; Donna Farrester and Don Staples. In Uic la- dies' doubles Ruthi Bonath2n and Mary Dewdney defeated Elva Reid and Nancy Wallace. Foiiawing these garne the members ef Uic club and their guests gathcred in thie kitchen where sandwiches and coftee were scrved and a social tirne enjoyed. The local badminton club are planning a round robin in Uic comnmunity hall on Febru- arz OUi when retreshinents wiil be servcd at Uic close of Uic gaines. 'Mothers Polio March Here Monday7 to 8 Necastle - The annual mencirig at the United>Church 34others' March on Polio is Suriday School hall at 7:00 bein coductd o Monay We have been asked te urge evening by the Fricndship ail citizens to turn on their Club when funds will be col- porch lights betwcen 7 and 8 lected for the Canadian March p.m. on Monday te help light of Dîmes ta be uscdi the the way for the canva5sers, fight against polio. Though tand any donation you are Uic introduction of Salk Vac- able te giv. te thern whcn cine has donc much toward they call at your door wlll be controlling Uic- disease there grcatly appreciatcd. Just a is still much to be done i re- word to ladies who may be searcli and the treatmcnt of free on Monday evenlng and those who have already been could give an hour te canvass afflicted. for funds for this worthy The Friendship Club are *cause, Just b. present at the givin.g freely of their timne for Sunday School hall by 6:45 this canvass and will welconie p.m. and yaur assistance will any others who wish to asslit be appreciated. Just rcmcm- with the'blitz campaign bcing bcr the more hands the light- licld on Monday evening cern- er Uic job. Bowling Alleys Prove Success fui Pro ect LINewcestle-Accordlng te reports taie installation oft I fouir lane bowling aleysi the basement efthtae cen rnunity hall has becu a mo succssful cernmunity venti and in Uic years. te cory should, prove a neal 'asset1 thc village. In eperation about taiE montais taie alleys have wcckly aver3ge ot over 1,0( gaules and people et ell age netionalities and creeds ax pleying together in tais aill cvery nigatith ae week ei ccpt Sundey and on sc.ver.z afternoons. Taie Bowling Committe which operates thie alcys hav paid taie running expensesc taie alcys luciuding Uieinar egers, waes, pin boys, $5 monthiy nent te taie Commun ity Hall Board lias insure thc alleys and paîd taie in crease in taie pncmiurns oeth hall caused by taie bewlin alîcys and aften ail these cx pensýes taie committee lias credit balance et $1.400o in th, bank towerd taie capital dcl o! installing thp alcyS. SMITH DEVERAGESý ore just right FOR ANY TIME 0F THE TEAR MAI 1 e 1Winier or Summer you'J fînd ihey give the same satisfying feeing Mode and Dottled by SMITH EVERACEs LTD. IOWMAN VILLE O.S.R. Graduate Velda Miss Velda Fisher, second deugaiter ef Uic Rcv. andý Mis. M. C. Fisher et New- castle, was one efthtae grad- uates in thie second annuel graduation cercmony conduct- cd by the Ontario Society et Radiographers. Thirty-five young men and women froni a number et hospitals in central Ontario rcceived their diplomas and pins in a beautiful ceremony- held in thie assembly hall et St. Michael's Hospital i To- ronte on January 18th. Miss Fisher was born !i Unmissed Si Recovered k Newcastle - Unbelicvabl quiok action by the Ontariay Provincial Police et Cobourgý is responsible for Albert Nay-' 1er dniving his car these days. Accerding te Mr. Naylor he panked his car et tai. front cf his home on Churcai street atter midnight on Saturday and rctircd, failing te lock Uic car. Mr. Naylor was ewakencd by Jinx Baskcrville, Tcrry Welton and Bull Scott. Dennis Rudman scorcd thc enly goal fer Uic Cubs with an assist frein Fred Alldreed, who incidentally wes given Uic only two Cub penalties ot Uic gaine. In thie second garne Peter McCullough with 4 and Wayne Pearce with 2 werc taie only scorers for the Jets, gctting assists £rom Wayne aIl Bowling Resits Harry Forgit, George Heu- he Iu tai. Wednesday aterneon dry (2) Jini Aldread and Bob in Ladies' League Rutai Coucai Bandstra (2). Penalizcd play- ýn- lied taie highcst score yet ne- crs werc George Hendry, Bob Os condcd when she had a higai Bandstre, Wayne Pearce (3) ar single, game of 309 and a to- and Jim Alldreed. mie tai ef 715 itaie Uirce gaines. For Uic Rockets, Rennie te Team Standigs Goode scored Uic only goal Jclly Beans -_____ 43 with an essist by Ted Znak ce Gum Drops .37' while Eric Naylor and Tirn AU Sorts -_ 18 Gray with two penalties cacai a Candy Canes -_____ 14 accounted fon Uic Rockets' 4 es, lu thie Saturdey atternoon Penalties. ir Teenage League scores oven cy 200 were scored by Jehn Fisai- ýx er239, Gary McCullough 210, H Y O r Don Rudman 208, Gary Ban-HÀ IO cliard 206an Brenton Hughes Mr. and Mis. Peter Singer, ee202. Swansea, spenit thie weekend et ceHigh scorers lu the men's Mr. aind Mrs. D. Camenen's. ve lcague for taie week were Mr. and Mms. Singer eccom- 0f Gorg Kibai an St panied Mn. and Mrs. Cameron Ln Brwacai.coeso 251 and visited Mis, C. Rice, Bow- ed Mn. aid Mi. Scott MecWhit- n- er aud boys, Ajax, visited Mr. he and Mns. Cleni Rahm Sunday. Sg PORTS M.ad r.MrryTb a BRI RSMn. and Mis. W. lkbr' he an~~sd Mrs. K. olns Town Lsgue rs. WThomppon visited hen Town Lagu iece et Torônto. Newastle-A complet. re- Mr. and Mrs. Russell Ormn- vensal et lest weck's report iston, Mn. end Mrs. Ivan Sharp on Uic town league hockey and Linde, Euniskillen: Mn. resuits> is given te us for Rey Ashton, Mis. Muriel Bnow- publication this weck when nîe Leaside; Mn. and Mirs. reports arc Newteuville shel- Ross Ashton and femily, were lacked Howard Quinney's Suinday dInner guestsetf Mr'. Clippers by a scoreetofil1te sad iVrs. Lloyd Ashton aud 6 sud Orono trirmed taie Pan- Ronald. aics 7 te 3. Mn. sud Mis. W Blackburn, lu Uic first gerne Clippers Dale Dougie and MrTs. K. Cow- goals wcre scored by H. ling visited 34r. and Mrs. Mal- Quinney 2, B, Bowe, R. Spcn- colm Elford, Port Perry ou cen,ý S. Shields and E. Lake, Sundiey. while tairce players, B. Ells Mn. Thomaes Potts and Ron- 5. C. Trin 5 and T. Lane 1, aId, Ceflingwood; Mis. Harold sconcd ail il goals for New- Perryman, Alberta, spent Uic tobivile. weekenîd witli Mn. andI Mis. Penalties were given te J. Potts and faiuily and Mis. Lake and Sinclair et Uic Clip- W. Martin. pers whilc Lane at eut taie Mn. and Mis. Alfred Gar- only penalty ton thc Newton- raid wcre Sunday visitons ait ville sqt&ad. Mr.,and Mxs. L. Griftin's, In tUic second gaine Orene Bleckstock. scorers wene Williams, West- Mn.. W. Thonipson enter- heiuser 3, Carleton 2 and Cor- tained hen farnilly te dinnen on eaux and penalties wene glv- Satiirday cveîxing., cii te Cooper, Coreaux Cale- Mnr. C. Garrerd aud Mn.. ton and Vanstone. A. Read wenc dinnen gucots aof Pansiez geais were sconcd Mn.. Hanold Gay, Osh'wa, by Uic Mcullougai brothers, Thuiisday. Dhvid i sud Paul 2 for a to Mr. and Mnm. red Cewling, tai o! 3. David McCullough Blaockstock. visited Mm..Richi- with twe and David Rickard ard McNeilî; Suuday.. aecounted tonrtae taire. Pan- Mn. and Mn.. Lloyd Siernon aies enalies.visited Mi. and Mm. Fred aies enalies.Toms Enniskillen, Sundey. minorL«ý»W.. Ladies have quilted lime Leguetwo quiltis for Missions. Quilt- Monday cvexrtng, JMnUary ng bees are held Wcdnesdey Ita the ReI>es.detgated Uic atternoon sud evcniug. Rackets by a score et 6 te i There was a ,ood attendsnce aud the. Cuba defeated thee et taie social cvenilng hI the Jets by a score et 4 te 3 lu ichool on Priduey cveuing. Munor league gaines, wliile a MT. MK Badney bcing slck,, week laten on Monday, Jan- uchool hues been deosed Mon-, uary 25ti Uic Rebels defeat- day and Tueeday. ad Uic Cubs by a score of 5 te flere wu a langer ýattend- 1 sud Uic Jeta toek the. Rock- suce than usuel gt thie chiunch. *ta 5te 1.service Suntday evening. In taie latest doublelicaden Sundey S&haol Suuday mon- Glen Rewe with two goals alng at 10-30; Church Servicel and Stanley Cobbledlek Terry at 7-30 o'clock. W#lton and Jim Baskerville Mn. Russell Anderson, Pont w1th oxe ecd accounted for l Hope visited Mn. and Mrs. An- tb'A à Rebel _goals with asia t rTr.w:1.. Sétuuday. calling. T!iey told hlm that Uicy had rccovcred his ceu in Cobourg. Alter Uie cail, Mr. Naylor looked out Uic win- dow end saw for thc first tinie that bis car was missing. The car was rccovcred by Constables Manning and Parker of the Cobourg detach- ment of the O.P.P. and two Toronto youthà Roland Du-. four, 22, and. Gcrald Whitei 17 wcrc arrestcd and charg- cd with car thc!t. WCTU Plans Medal Contest During May Newcastle - The reguler meeting et Uic Woman's Chris- tian Temperance Union wes hcld lu Uic Board room et Uic United Churcai on Thursdey atternoon wîth Uic President, Mrs. T. G. Sewden, presidlng. Taie meeting opened 'wlth a hyrn end Uic Lord'. Prayer and Uic Pledge rcpeated i unisan. Plans wcre made te enter- tain Uic W.C.T.U. County Con- vention here Uiis spring and tic members et the Women's Missionary Society will ceter for thie luncheon. Thie mern- Fisherbers decided te have a Medal FisherContest on Friday, May lst. Kingston, Ontarioaend recciv- Thie prograni comniittee ap- cd her priniary education in pointed for thc Fcbruary Brooklu Public school and meeting was Mrs. Hoar and, hier sccondary education in Mis. Farrow. thie Whitby andi Bowrnenvilll In Uic absence of Miss Fer- High Schools. Following hier guson, Uic report for the Lis- graduation fron taie Bow- tcning Post was given by Mis. manvlleHighSchol, M.C. Fisher who read an ar- manîll Hgh eholMiss ticle by Royal F. Moulten Fisher began training as an General Sccrctary ot Uic On- X-ray Technicien. She intern- tario Temnperance Federation cd'for anc yeer in thie Welles- cntitled "Positive Thinking". ley Hospital and continued In a recent edition et a Toron- her training et the Toronto General - Hospital wliere she te ewspapcr Uic writcr madle h no a embr ettairDe reference te a survey reveal- partmnent et Radiology. ing Uic fellowing findings: Twcnty percent neyer pray; 20 percent neyer rcad Uic Bi- 1 bic; 30 percent never go te tomen Ca r churcai and 4o) percent neyer give tte Uic churcai. This grim picture is ln ne- )y P licegative ternis. Mr. Moulton states thie survey in positive about 3:45 a.m. Sunday by thie terms. There are 80 percent teleplione and upon answer- of churcai meuibers praying; mng was told that it was the there arc 80 percent rcading Provincial Police at Cobourg Uic Bible; 70 percent are at- AU Food Prices Effective Jan» 28. 29, 30I We Reserve the Right te Lumit Quantities. IKRAFT CHEESE VELVEETA 1 LB. PKG. 55 C soninIVILL tmding chureh 60 percnt arc giving. Wc have the assurance of thc hundrcds cf Our friends who are Offèring their daily Petitions te Almlighty God for thie adv'ànceniecnt of thc Tem- perance cause. Durlng Uic worship service a moment ot silence was ob- scrved in mcmorY of two lete mnembers of the union, Mrs. Millson and Mis. Clemence. Mn.m Fisher Offered prayer and ]&S. Farrow read Uic Scrip- turc Lesson. The Clip Sheet entltled UOur Pionceer Work i Can- ada", was conducted by Mrs. Baikerville with four ether members assisting, and re- vealed Uic first W.C.T.U. was fOrmcd May 27, 1874 I Owen aOITAIO [Toms' IGA Market NWATE 'w Sound by -th~effetortg etf Mà" R. J. Doyle. Thc -zt Unloo was formed li BDoemuber o the sanie yar i Pie4the l home o!frMm, Thhius Yo, - mans Uic former Letita r0; gaiton et Ba1tim or inNortlâ. umbcrland County.eMr. Yotz. mans organused Uic flret W C.T.U. in Taranto In 1875 and two ycars later Uic Provinci«1 Union was forined and-- fd five ycars sue.was the pro"- inclal presldt. n lm,18M Youmans -was tkumud* the- p.e sident ofthtae first Dominion Union. A fcw ycars later Mrs. Yoti-ý man was stricken wli a se-; vere tarin of rhcumatisni, yet'I she attcndcd Uic conventioniv in Torantoi 1891 andspk frem her whecl chair. Free! Freem, BLACK DIAMOND STAMPS with every purchase of gas at your SERVICE STATION uWe Specialize in Personal Service CORNER 0F MANVERS ROAD AND FIFTH CONCESSION Phone CO 3-2631 a Double Siamp Day Every- Tuosda -Corne Out and Se. Our Display of Glfts Complote Lubrication at a. Reasonable Fric. ASK ABOUT OUR SPECIAL PRICE ON TIRES STOVE OIL AVAILABLE IN ANY QUANTITY AT TUIE STATION OEl EVENINGS AID SUNDAYS HEADQUARTERS: FOR STARTS MONDAY, FEB . lu Nonday Through Friday CKW4S-TV Channel ICKlngstor' 12:30 te 1:30 p.rn. CH EX-T V Channel 12 Peterborough SChannel 'T Buffalo ~ -0to 10:30 a.m. Tue In . .. It'. fiA ÔMLoads of Fun for the Kiddies STOKELY'S FANCY - SAVE 13e Tomato Juice 2 'Ni 4 9c GREEN GIANT - MEDIUM - SAVE 4c Fancy Peas 2 TNS.3.3c IGA - SAVE 8c Beef Stew, I 150OZ.4 SHIRRIFF' GOOD MORMNI - SAVE fec Marmalade a45.c AT THEIR PEAK IN FLAVOUR FLORI DA GRAPEFRUIUT' 10 G ize 49C TENDER - GARD>EN FRESH - US. Ne. 1 GRADE SHOP AND SAVE, AT wk7l rFROZEN FOOD SPMCAL DEF, PORK or VEAL POLAR RING C130PLETS 8 OZ. PJCGS. 85c PRE-DRESSED -GRADE "A» FRYING OR ROASTING - 2¼i-3 lb. Avg. Chilckons ILb 37C ROYAL OUEKST - BMALL LJNX, PM lEPOIX SAUSAGE i-b ie 9 e e 0 ma 4, 'i t 1' 1' 'w 'J-'; IMEL PROITS -2L. Bowmanville IGA Market. 1 TkZUMAT, JA.N. 289h, IM vr Tm -CAWAMM.STATBSNL&M -BOWMAIIVILLit ONTAMO. P*u Mik, m 2Lbo.33c 1