---------------------------------------W Town League Hockey' 2 PliStar of the Week DI I;CEA M"R C"MIAM By Frank Iohun numAu-7 GEORGE DII) IT George "General" Jones is wel known as "a basebal Pl - 'Charlie "' c"Klarc edhsta oacre pitcher, but he hasn't made much of a namne for hixnself in WlmW from-behind 5-5tcwttelageearsatThad # tihe bowling world. In fact, George's average was only ngtt i second freim the bottom in the Men's Major League. mght towm h omavleSupu als tr fte "Chuck" adbsUemtstre nahg-cri was just waiting until the money prizes were on the lime. Kmot p e narew ek g osaeteaad u hstm h Last Wednesday night "Gen" rolled the highest score In theK en s D w oo e ' . a els C i ch F r tKilpatrickafn]lymkr on h ag o playoffs - a 370 game, which was aiso George's personal -U R UL hat-trick, Ui thtogae oig fcISehnFulza Th,7 fot idtefrs ccuehigh, oldW rk e t -t d F e s o T e.ose K'eeps H-opes A live talcen a two-goa W rs mni H d Fu l oTeHoward Qinyas ikdu he akr n Th 7 efr ie h îrtshduehg, oldPaul McCuliough'a goal Vince Vanstone turned !n chipped mn with nass ort onual eto ln early ini December by John Ford, but wil lot be recognized, Ken's Men's Wear rammed 5-5 standoff. The tic was theliod ended. with a.minute and 45 seconds a tremendous performance in as it wasn't bowled in the regular schedule. One person is home three third period goals Town League's first of thel McCuilough found the mark' remainng im the game, kept the Office cage, but it appear-- with Raye Westwodewtreast. going te recognize the game however, none other than John te defeat Hooper's Jewellers season. again at 1:44 of the final stan- the Hose club's playoff hopes cd to be just a matter of time___________________________ 'Ford who bas generously decided te share his prize money 7-2 in the opening game of "Chuok" Kilpatrick and za to put the D. W. crew back alive in the opening gaine Of with the high-flying Fan wihGog.Thursday's Town League dou- Howard Quinney matched on even ternis. Bob Fairey re- the Goodyear League double- Belts pouring ini to ramn rub- ,t Gog.ble-header at the Memnorial first period goals, and then gained thc Fuels' lead at 4:37, header, Sunday afternoon. The ber on thc spectacular goal-I t t j. j t Arena. Quinney notched his second with Quinney collecting hi late taily gave the Hose a 3-2 tender. The Office succeeded e GEORGE DIDN'T DO IT front at 15:40 of the opening thc league - leaders in front the week, "Chuck" Kilpatrick 0<1 the cellar-dwellers te with- Raye West off the score sheet, e n g oln period, but Clint Ferguson for the first time. Jini Gilrner took over thc scoring with a in a single point of the losers, and held runner-up Lloyd A tic stili xsaaogt ae vrfrtpaefo * George Elliott, manager of Liberty Bowl wasn't enter- evened the score a minute muade At 3-1, two minutes later, pair in littie over a minute to in the thirdi and last playoff Hamilton to an assist, but the three clubs, folingStr rnaOesotiwoeg talned by Juliette. Ini tact,-he wasn't even there. Not long and 13 seconds later. but Paul McCullough got that give the Dept. ot Work a split position. In the second game, leaders just had too much day's action in teby'di. c Cone sonstan eafter The Statesman was out last Thursday, George 'phoned "Mort" Richards gave the one back just before the per-lof the points. thc Fan Beits scorcd four con- strcngth. sion. Total pinscul ee LnaBokngs rw ,this reporter and asked "Wherc did you get the story that Mens Wear thc edge early in secutive markcrs te down the Frank Mohun opened the decidin'g factor faliiepstda70huutvrK- y! ttnde te fra anivrsay eleraionhcd b Dube second, with "Archie" Town Leajgue Standing second place Office 4-2, and scoring at 3:10, but the Fan win again in Uit iahath(e capi' ea okc Platne h is niesr eerto edb obeCosey rctaliating for thecles- W L T Pts. GF GA cliinch first place. Belts finally were abie to beat es of Ucfrtshdlti thei first paehpsaie Diamond Bowling Supply?" Mr. Elliott went on te say that crs at 15:47. Before thc pcriod Stephen Fuels -____ _ 8 3 i 17 82 61 "Buck" Cowle put thc Hose Vanstone 20 minutes later, Saturday. Howar udeswieptigtelsr u ,he was hard at work at the time. This reporter thought that ended, John Clarke sent Ken's Kcn's Men's Wear_____ 8 4 0 16 93 50 in front at 12:27, with How- as "Mort" Richards blazed a team downed DoIanl' ffi utig ýperhaps George has a twin, but lhe doesn't, and that was out in front again. D___o____ b7 9 64 77ack a 211 n d CletingthaFeu tdonFrde, Bb iey eeat wed incMlosou-atric27 igegean ,definitely George Elliott who was at Liberty Bowl on atDon Masters made it 4-2 Det.of ors _____241:15 6 arQu n dgetinthat u- one builetreobinsid e ee Uc o t.owes, im c ratscu rna k aeu il Jnay8h tthe 6:15 mark of thc final Hooper's Jewellers ____ 3 9 0 6 44 95 son giving the Mats the edgc George Heathî scored te run fit and Doug ShIrksbwesa65tilCni si faury8h session, and then three goals Lead.ing Scorers four minutes later. Dan Gi- the inargin te 4-1, before Don won over Ala I une' 3 floe yAde This is what happened. The Statesman reccived a in five minutes put the gazne GP G A pts. rardi's unassisted effort Put Masters notehed the second crew. Sie 2,LnaBokn ' r obeDaod ttn htM.Eloton ice. Girarcli and Masters Don Masters, KMW________ 12 21 26 47 the Hose on even ternis, but Office marker with four min- Di anl old20adMr or 2 n aiy had been there, so we wrote it up for this column. markers, while Lloyd Hamil- Raye West, DW ______ 12 15 21 36 Mats ledi by threc points with Teani Standings 250 games to tak, îhti-Moe59 i George has met the Presidents of Double Diamond and ton added a single. Referce Ted Fairey, SF ________ 12 17 17 34 only one game remaining in W L T pt le honours wit 63.im Ohrigsigswnto ,Philips Electronics, but hie assured this reporter that it wasn't "Tijn" Cox handed Jiru Olin- Howard Quinney, SF _______ 12 16 18 34 the sehedlule. However, Mc- Fan Belts . 9 4 191 Moorcraft had a62trpeinCoie son 27,Adc on January 8th. ~~ski a misconduct and a game Bob Fairey, SF ------_ 2 1 1 33 Cullough's goal kcpt the ccl- Office _____6 4 4 1 cludifgUchg ingleofthespce 26 Sire Come j. Januaj. tthuimotnt fomcing liand ly aitn KW_______12 107 226 32ar-dwellers ini thc fight right Mats ___ 5 7 i il Other top slflgles ergs 1,ad id roig29 t t tunmorat cngcllad lydHrnlon MW1 1 2 d2cown te the wire. Hase 4 8 2 9 tered by VinceMooy28 FIRS PLCE I TO N LEGUErefusing te enter the penalty Chas. Kilpatrick, DW______- il 20 10 30 207, John Runde2422 ils en tnig FIS LC NTW EGEbox in the final mninute. Mort Richards, KMW _______ il 16 5 21 Howard Rundle23, ou Th ocnnggae f oigt' TwnHokeLee In Uic second gamne, thc Calvin Blake, SF _______ il 10 10 20 Shrp2 Don Tord0 a if21,VBon 0 Tdubeher shnggeoufd p odueqigt a bTtwneHocFirst guDept. of Works came from Paul McCullough, DW ______ 6 9 il 20I1g,~a .r ulrri~ l k 0 adGr rl Éobehae hudpoueqieabtl.Frtplace will behind te hold the league- fin C Brokng0.5 be at stake when lcague-leading Stephen Fuels meet second leading Stephen Fuels to a Bill Crosscy, KMW - 10 8 10 18 n s a o r o li g Boys' Team Sadns-___ ýlca Ke'sMe'sWer.Stphns hldaenepin'egeWear.______________________________________a___one-pointU u *ii 20.B.Ok -_____15 n ih is he ossadate e'haelsonThis year the men's major Brock 703.H.____l on ei ht wis, Uiee loses nd a ic. K n's h ve iot an t 1 1 ~ ,, .,,, ~ ~f a ague gave rize oneyaoeGeoge J ncs h d a trrifieH.rgedleones_ _____ 64aH.Vanst ne 3 aMtrehad won.ofthuoss ar, th tams appat aoe eeî 40 0 F a nsTLID SJ 1 ake R a ii rs the first five teamns tinishing single game af 370 te take J. Moorcraft______6 aftr he hd on Tusfa, othtemsapea t b eeny t ewith the highest number of high single prize, AI Osborne D. Shirk --4 Ar-Ri rStasl matched, so it should be a fine attraction. . pins for three gaines. 353, 303, Eilton Brock 316, A. Plummer______4TICKETS Some of the bcague's top performers will be lu action. AIOsore tai aledJi aA I32IndIIirPr-D Bgnl Don Masters of the Men's Wear has an il1-point bulge in the C g Juv s t 7 M W i off with top money when tect 301.V.Mio àcoring race, while tcam-mates Lloyd Hamilton, "Mort" Iflg '4 they bowied 3351. The win- This wcek wili be the start V oly3 ning members of the teani of the second schedule. Fol- In Uic girls' leaguVrii1. Richards and Bll Crossey are ail in the top il point-getters. isL eSII are Capt. Al Osborne, Coul- lowing is thc standing et the Brown's bowiers batdH-1 lgS.W A357 For tephn Fuls, ed Fireyand owar Quiney '1 lC iiflhYDrison Woolner, Morley Etcher, playoffs.Bo avll FrSehnues e aryadHwr une ver Hs l n e L a l Ross Wright, Wabt DeGeer Final Standing of playoffs len Vanstone's oelr-4ilr are ticd for third, with Bob Fairey one point back. Calvin E ~ a E N and Byron Vanstone. Blkeisanthr f helege eaer' op pont me.Despite a whirlwind finish score sheet. Joe Bothwell free at 11-16, when Brenta in second with 3308 pins. The Teamn Pins t t t t tby De Lasalle, Bowmanvilce steered thc puck under St. Hge i h pe etteain members arc Capt. Pote Osborne 3351 DUGESE WN AD INONTILEJuveniles took Uic measure Marie frorn lu front, on a pass hand corner, on a jiass trom Dobbins, Don Gilhooley, John Dobbins --.-- 3308 Sharon and WyNB urgINOss tea Ed pof i the i Toronto club tor the from "Scoot"l Essery. Detence- McCullough, giving the bocals Ford, Bll Oliver, Cari Raby B. Oke_____ 3306 Sharn an Wane Brges temed p t winthesecond turne this season, dlaim- man Ken Covcrly, who play- a 6-1 edge. For the remainderanBoWilms tr OtDobe..ing a decisive 7-4 victory. AI- cd a solid gaine, engineered of the third, De Lasalle and B illiOetamsfnalmn35 Cenalntario Junior Mxed DulsChampionship lu the thou'gh tevstr rpe h pa naPs pcnr.swarmed around the Bowman- id ih 3 okesteahir n- lal -3253 15 years and under brackct, Saturday, in Peterborough. for t Uic voas iors updth e pGrant ariht, c d h leentre. in tre r-sptThe w 3306 efor tr Bandil3169 Trhese two youngsters, both only 12 ycars aid, should be able three minutes during the final no chance on Weller's first of pid tire goals lu less than spllot.Teborler sCt. erfc ____S__ te give a good account of themseives lu junior circles for period, Bowmanvillîe weath- three at 18:29, atter Tunney thrcc minutes. B OeMryVatoSamis 3141 quite a few years. cred the storm, on the sup- set bn ,Up. Jerry McGroarnty of De La- Palmer and John Moorcraft. D. McKnight 3124 por o tei poerulfistBryn ugesdrüeda ho A Bargan Int A w y potesai owru is rynHge r lle otas robbed twice as Russ. Hallman's teain fin- Brock 307 . Jiaron, who also captured the girls' consolation singles two franres, in which they that caromed off the goal- Grant Wright pulled off ished 4th with 3253 tollowed R. Oke -______352 even ,i daughtcr of senior players, Mel and Helene Burg. held a commanding 6-i lead. tender's pads, and rolled sakigsvs stevst yTdBgelstan36.R cngt300A ess,.Wayne la Mel's yaungest brother, which means that-'an Brenton Hughes, once againdngoulnerUcetM- ors continured te apply pres.. Thirty-seveii bowlcrs aver- Gay ---- 30031arga ceieecombination took the championship. was Bowmanvile's top snipcr, Closkcy, a De Lasalle defence- sure to thc staggering Bow- aged 200 or better lu thc pbay- Leslie ________ 2992 r ~yilenec ~ . ..bulging Uic cords for a pair' man, in is anxety, unwitting- manville club. An overwork- offs. Al Osborne led the way Larmer 2 963 with brother Bryan, Gary bycfeeh ukit i d detence aided Grant im.- with gaines of 229, 353, 303 Janzen _______ 2851 JTVEILS O PLTEUNETE SASN "Machine Gun"' McCublough, net. Gary McCullough for mensely, as MiLke Osborne's for a triple of 885 or an aver- Piper 2579 r ' JUEIE O PEEUBAE ESN Joe Bothwell, Don "Butch" some unknown reason gained charges battled to maintarn age af 295. George "The Gen-Muhbsenwrtnaot Bowmanville Juveniles won two away games bast weck Bagnebi, and Irv "'Pancho") credit for this goal which their duminishing br.ad. Irv oral"l Joncs came up with 762 Averages *ihuta ls. h lclsae witn tewinr ewili5 gles. Weller was top mari Although Gary's pasa brought cd St. Marie's stick, and arm son. Ernie Perfect had 74A3, bone- _ as3cooy u ItikI *ihu os.Telcasacaatigtewnnrbtenwith thc hickory frD about the shot by Bryan, Ga- ta drop mnto the jmCsl .JnsfrD a net at 19:55 Bihl Bates 742, 25C4l4 .Jns ____ Port Hope aud Whitby, and hope ta line up one or two salle, claimlug a bat trick, ry couldn't have tipped the completîng the scorîng inthelj727, Dr. Keith Siemon and E. Perfect 3____ asbs2sm edu8b h exhibition games, with tougher campetition. with Anglin netting the other dise in with anything short Of frenzîed cimax. Russ Oke both it 717, Elton B. Bates 3 247 i an extension ladder, troru his J. Castle --____3 24 Both goabies, Wright and St.D.K See ...3 239a4sca2eoreJh uk t t t ~'Marie for the visitors, came poiinDe i ukwsr. . ke --.--. 3 239 up with some tremendous put in. Scott Essery's low bul- R.A e ___32_ WOODBRIDGE JIERE SATURDAY NIGHT saves, lu the wide open tilt, lot dipped the post, as he hadE.Bok_3 23 Th bs gie fth oclhoky eso ppas eSt. Marie beaten. De Lasalle I nr R. Halinian __ 3 231 Th batgae t heloa hcky caonapeas o A crowd of about 400 shook were having ditticulties crac- M~N/ u ~ i M. Larmer 3 231BiSten uk's oks -b. shaping up this Saturday night at 8:30 whcn Woodbridge the ratters, as Brentan Hughes king Uic Bowmanville armour, Ceo in i r n .Woln 3 230 iStvr 'A" Juvenfles will meet Bowmanville Minor "A" Juveniles la.shed Aiex Wiseman's per- as the defence, led by Ken C.lene 3 la an exhibition tilt. tect set up bchind St. Marie Covcrly refused ta yicld. St.Bo m nv I J. Ford ----------- -3 228TH LO STBDE at 7:13 et thc opening period. Marie reacted catiike as ho o m n il r L ude -3 27T The locals wili be putting their victory streak on the Play swirbed troru end ta end kickcd eut James' drive ta Dr. H. Rnie - 3 227 e, whiie the visitors, leading the T.H.L., have lost oniy at a fui'ioiis clip, with Nels the corner. McChesney carom- F. Meun _______3 22 ce.DLaSlebspoidthBomniecub it Yco's whistling point drve d te dscoffthepos,2a2h drieidateys ofJaenpst ashe1-. Snowden.....3 223 to pay too lti.We o a e ite DeL al a rvddteBwavlecu ihkicked out brilliantly by thc perched right on Bownian- Fiay a.-9 C Trewin 3 223 you sometime oeeeyhig eas h iir only real opposition se far, and Woodbridge has hung De Lasalle goalie. villes dorstep. ' P. Dobbins ____ 3 222 thing you bou h a n a abe o on h pair et setbacks ou the Del crew, so Saturday's tilt should Anglin mis.sedi a gloriaus op. Bowmanville's enly ettfec4 .Wilam 22 th -i a be a crowd-pbeaser. portuiiity te even the score, tive unit in the last pcriod, F. L-in 3 221 .11.t11 :6:s:sss.:ppppp-- ::::s g:psg--.dead on drive neatby. Bryan Don Biagneil, and Doug G. Piper - 3 217 and gettingalo ..itcntb Hge pdthscrte2-0 James, as thc majority et the SKA IN GHI.Ple 3 217 you deal withtelws idr ti elt at85,we i emdwith club appeared ta prefer to .Shte 3 214 dsoeh IvGlan GayMcCul- cUic n te ire goal cush- B.to 10 p- - 3 213 yud ht o ilhv nuht a o luhte sweep the rubber ion. "Butch"y tucked the puck 8t 0PM B. Hearle ____ 3 211 yud ht inoth ag.Grn Wright home, on a rebound fromA MISO K. Bickeli ___ 3 211 something bete? LI E T a t eaet egtaskate Jmsa 5:54, naigi . D ISO .Mna 3 209 t el'sbitrndrvas for Bowmanv lie. Adults 50e - Children 35c - Spectators 10e F. Samis ____ 3 208 As with ayhn ic-teewrso ~~~uaae. Ule ogh t ihe Bwanville appearcd home A.____________________PIPer 3 208 wisdorn certaini odtu hn a'ebyn B W DM. Etcher ____ 3 208 used car. If your nepr branr n __ D II WI L Di , h e oa IbLs audaJnar 0F Hearle 3 206 quaified mechic oboyumih on u BAELN h e o a'O t ur tStraJnay3 .Cowlc 3 204 ail right with thebranby.Bti o'ent R AIe MIDGET - JU VENILE ~~. LOlier 3 203 m d i c i e d u i e s w t e u a l ~ u v e sD O U B E H E D E R J S t a n t n_ __ _ _ - 2 0_d ee r iii I II~E aru thei gaspig Uxbridgegel teamed up at 16:01, to tollouwed by ack Geddes __________________ariso_______ro th screta 6-3, with CHILDRENIS SKATING 304 a Amto29ar, including Veitch for theclcosing score Harrison denting the twine, John Stainton 287, Ernie Han- lm960BuikadPneCr 2Games -- $150 Cash ea. grmel A2-tacd Nw Don Kerr, who played an cauld produce unti the buz- Weneda, ebruary r at1:1.btthtraal h vstr sen 273 and Tom Grahami and We aeo OuLt I 15 Tendersweet Hama as 1:it e % outtaiiding gaine, gave thc zer. 3:0 t :0iM a r srn ' 8 oa Free Door Prizes witeal locals a 1-0 lead at 13:15, when B Shtterbath t 269 inToalaI d ho uddRa rmis DnK.err was very notice- Children---------- - - - - - ---e led the high triple parade, n » ~IiV.W nowiF£o rd whistling peint drive inta thc able lu thc Midget's fine Adults accompanying children - - * 5 whic e ther big scores were u*a Gq _cage. Uxbridge swept back, showing, as ho was a real 1670, Rori White 656, Walter and more com n onewcsthtav Plus a Special 50 cent Ga me less than a minute later, workhorse up frant. G o e 6 5 o n S ano S od Fer M Ail Expense Paid Trip for TWO to SUNNNY when Harrison and James Gord Rundle, with two PLOMBA. Wmnner bas air transportation and hotel teamed up, with Harrison goals was a solld promrWednesday, Goode rd6 45,JohrnkStit n beein l.Ms r ocyondcr for WOplus$20.00 ashfor eal andperarmoi Fhruav 3a 63 an Frak Mhun 32.i~ .cepîonaly ood ondtio au o lO pu 20.0pahfoalsad siamming the rubber by Veitch for Bewmianvllle, and was Tesin Standings entertalument for a whole week In Tampa, Fionida! froin. directly iu front at 13:48. a go*n concera i evening. ' " OC E Office ______7 Si>mene wil bave the vacation of their dreams The efforts of Kerr were The locals' defence ef Pickard, J V M E H CE Machine Shop 7 MMUSetre for only 50 cents."- largely responsible for Bow- Piekle, Crombie and Brown Combines -_______5 mavlllc's second goal, which stitfened considerably after a OR HaSe ________5I ieu pe fon Oen Rundie collccted at 4:24 f troubiesome tirt two erod Leodrsa _____M PETEE OROUGE aI Uicpe th middle period. Kerrs per- Jin Flnn, missed a glorious PUBLIC SKATING etC____ aitent digging paid off, asj chance in the third, as he Tigers .____2 7: .u NuirWalCourel 7:00ain he lotd a luo i the di- 1 went winging in on the Ux- WATCH BULLETIN BOARD BFan elta____0 w" Rune tpped oin.Copoent-. PAGE TM 0 IM CARAMM STATESUM BOWM&vvffLlim- mmpAR