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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 28 Jan 1960, p. 11

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THITRDAY. TAN 2th, 160 'Il CAIqAJ)IAISTATMAK, EOWIAgvILLEr, OINTARIO E W U~PU' ~&5= VW 42 -Ring Si.E. 2ô2 N Ga.-,- 37, 21-1, S. Buck- r2l 2t.E. Larmer '260, 229, S.B. ~oxn 209, H. Corden 211, L. W h 205. K. Stephens 2. 0.P. Haynes 200, B. P.cr232. Team %tfnints Co -- j nu .s bo ,-c.. '-rail once again. as thev :ccî 7Z1ing ML *u er iand- Ajax 1-0 hcading intu theic ed t'. % .ý droppîr-,g .5-1 final period. John Twist',ý goal Salu Bucklcll 261 and - """ to Uxbr'dte, at 4:50 of the opening frani'c, Bernice Buday 41 -ndectively. Afler loamned impressively for, ihc- Ba te, - 22 lhei.',%, 6-3 vitory-locals in a sluggish atfair. DOnna Preston 22 &hnýc, l ast Wednes-IAjax ignited in the third for day ti- : .mni were four goals, while Twist con- Lola Wright -------------11 outhustitrI lzîv ey vening in nected for his second of the Jo\y(c, LYle -2--- 0 tlxbr'dgr. Brucé Ogden wab night, as the visitors captur d Doraý Joli ----- 2 0 the lun nc ii,-ksrnain for' the a 4-2 verdict. Ena' Etcher 1 MidgetL. '.vho couldn't con- Around the Rink 'triol thp' fiery Uxbri dge club) Ray Crombieý, and RaY Pic. IliVra Bîock------- . 17 Pave Higgon wvas between ihie lMe gave a solid effort i l thr Kax cauPrie ------- 17 p' ipes for tie gain, but the losing cause on the blueline. Oillie Patfield-----------.. 13 Bowmanvilir gang fai(d to v.'îth both coming close Io Mr- Wîco -1 forrn anythmi ln a scoring ;ncoring on point blasts. MiWlo ---1 way. John Twist gave it a Jack Jamieson, and Bi:) Averages real try. as did Don Kerr, and OShea, as in their previous Beriîice BudiaY 21- the majoritv of the boys, huti scrap ith Bowmanville, were - Ijxbridge uoldn'tbc denied;impressive, as O'Shea notch- Onie Etcher-------21V their well-eaîi-ncd revenge for cri a pair, whilc ,Jamieson. theHilda Brock -------- -- 211 the previous defeat. mighty mite of the forward, K-)Oapfe Saturday nieht. Bowvniani-!line scored a single on a brul- Doris Joli ---- 9 ville appeured on the vîctoîy l'ian1, solo dash in the third ' Eni Stringcr..---------------1. _____-- - - - -Lvda Batcs ------- Ol1lie Patfield - ýDot Brooks - - - Lola Wright 18j Ladies' Major Bowling 1 'oyce Lvie ... 1 Donna Preston 13Ê 1-Kay Stephens - -18, The fUSia suhedule canie ta Enia Etchers teami 2-1Iob tic MNarg King-------------....18 &clos~e last Monday night, Donna Preston's pin-droppers. ýNormna Gay ----------------- 1la wihSai ucnllsbwlrfor third. Preston dropped a* Ei1a Eteher -------- a3 leh adie for telsbote lpr ai1decision to Que Patfield*s1Sadie Buckneill 18 lihe season, capturing the il- ast placers. The Patfield Norma Norris - -- - ------ 180 tic Te nlctem ia'club didn't manage tu get outîHelen Dunil -- --- 179 chance tro catch the 'edi of the cellar, but at least thev'Lil 1Hoop1er------- ------- 179 ~va B~nî~ Bdayscnbladcomipany, as Mary Wi1'-*B,ýbc Browî -------177 who posted a 3-0 shutout i ox's team lost 2-1Iob Do.i iii ae------1 Ni-lda BrockX., team. The win- JolUs pin-spiflers. Joyce Lyle1 Eilecii Holroyd--------17 ner trîle b\ thee edged Kay Beauprie 2-1 tu! Eleanor Larmer - 176 . -oint ol0d fifth position. Peggy FHuynes 175 proir Io lhb" nghl's actioln. aRchrs1 but Bucknc'll, neediiig only a Bcrnice Buday set a IcWSfla RiDaris ----- 172 point, downed Lola Wright'sý ladies' league record at Liber-i Mar.- Perris------ ------- 171 cew 2-L. iv BowI. with a tremendous, Bettv- Westlake ---171 Lydia Bats ulî. ded 375 single gaine. Other top j Shr ey Biekel------171 - -' )tfl dvn efforts were turned iin 1- YMary Wîlcox --------------- 17 Hfelen Duno 296, Kay Stcphcrî lHeCîCi Gillioolv- 170 86 and Vivian Cowati 276. i Joyce Tennant 170 'JUVS Swam p 28 icealso had lte high Heleii Piper ------ 69 h-ie with a mark of 787, Ern Bromnel - 168 followecl by Helen Dunn '759, Dore Mutton 168 U xbridge Hilda Brock 727 and K-ay Pal Bal-tels 167- Lasi Tuesda-)y End of FiritSchdue- ops166 Uanes, of 200 anidovr R. Audrey Biekeli l 165 Bowm-aixilcs îelciit1ebs Ju- Buday 375, 223, DotBro.Sal Bisonette 1 64 veniles cantinued on theii' un- 209g. 203 J. Tennant 251, M.' Viviaîî Cowan 164lO beaten frek-. as they s>wamlped Holî-oyd '164, Mv. King 227, H-.,Audcrey Osmond 1 64 a hapl£-;su Uxbridge tcali 16-2 Brock *274, 235, 218, W. Bates:Bel-nice Terry -164 laLt Tuesdav îiight in LIx- 2ý04, D. Holroyd 20':-3, 0. Pal-', Junc Baker- 163 bridige. Whilr nearix' 59o fans ficid 23 A. Biekeli 231, -1.!'[loleui Viviaii 126 Witnessýcc1 fbbc Bowmanilville Baker 233, L. Hloopcr 235, E!Thelma Frorrester 162 crew dîJsp1ayir,ýý their warcs,' Bromiei 238, J- Sellers 220 , J. 'Loti Lyle 162 Uxbridgc dispiayed litle i-e- Lyle 231, N. Norris '224, B- Nancy Brvatns -- -161ý Sista nue in Ihie face of filic Westlake 241, V. Cowaii 276 .1-len Co*rden - 161i seong lreork. L Bates 240, Il. Dunn 296,:Grace Blackburn 160i "LET GEORGE DO IT"f YEAR END CLEARANCE ALL WINTER CLOTHING S PE CIA L 1 MEN'S DRESS PANTS AIl Sizex Ail Colons Reg. $995 $4.99 -Thurs. - Fr1. - Sat. Only MIEN'S BLUE DUNGAREES eoz, i Alil SîLe Recg. $3.95 One Pair Coa custoîtîr r MEN'S MEN'S PARKAS Zipper Front Split Hood Heavy Quilted Llning ilColors AiH Size.- Reg. $10.601 25%v OFF $7.9.5 SUBURBAN COATS Heavy Quiited Liniiîg SAil Coiors AIl Sizes Y. AtWool Reg.118 25% o,OF' $8.88 1~ ï'ALL RUBBER FO@TWEARL 250/o OFF PL, Legion Bowling Doîig layloL's teatît handed a 748 triple, fullowed by Doug Frank Samis' crew a 7-0 de- Taylor 723, Jack Martyn 663 * feat to climb back into, first and Ross Wright 657. place. the sanie position thev Yco ro]led 252, 288 and 26-7 q7 ended in at the conclusion aýi la sweep high single honours, the first sehedule. Keith Yeo's on bis way te registering his Wouttut downed Bill Bates' 748 mark. w1bowlers 5-2 ta slip back mbt Team Standings Of)second, ane point behind the Pis. 99: leaders. Ernie Perfect's pit- 1). Taylor 16: 94 ý droppers blasted out a 7-0 K. Yeo -- ---'a----- 5ý 93, over Bill Veitc's cellar-dweîl- E. Perfect ------------ ---- -- 14, 91 .sms----ers te take over the third'F ais --9 8-rung.. B. Bates - -7 8 Kresth Yeo seL. the pace xvîthiB. Veitch z 8 Mixed Bowling League 31 Cec.Muttons ,iteaiwere LUp- .Jack Bond -39 q 1 0' set 5-2' by Joe Now1an's ou!- Hap Palmer :39 202 O fit,' in Friday îîight's action, Pal Vea -- 30 0 9 but the lxva points werel Ceci] Mutton 39 196 9 enough la give Mutton the Arnold Sleep 39 196: 7 first 'schedLtîn championsbip'Emi Stringre. 33 196; 6 by a mere point. Art Spicer's zJoe Nowlan 39 195 6 crew defeated Jack Bonid's1Bob Yake 39 194, 76 tail-spinning aggregation 5-21 How-ard Bromeli 36 1901 75 to move up a notch ino sec- Jack Brougbi 33 1861 72 ond, but they needed seven! Mary Wilcox - 39 183 1 Points ta takie the title. Fred' Fred Luxton 39 180 Il Luxtoni's team, trailing the Kent Luxtoti 36 180ý i l1eaders by three. were hand- IBud Edmorndson- 39 175: Il 1cd a 7-0 jolt bv "Howvard" Ed-! Bob Mitchell 39 175 i0' mondson's pini-spillers. The! Gordon Stringer :36 175! Î1 dropped Luxton to third.!Duke Brun, .39 171 70 Elton Brock's bowlers blast-' Bon Muttait 39 170: 9! cd oLut a 7-0 shutout victory Douig, Reynolds 30) 170! ;,over Bob Mitchell's team toi Pal Barlels 36 169' îhold fousth position. Pal Yeo-s- Ruth MitebcH - 39 167: 7jceîlar-dwellers bourced Jmrn: Riclk Gould 39 166 ;, Cox's club 5-2 ln thé, llîirdi Dort- Muttoti 39 166! 6j upsel o)f the nlight. Carole Oke 39 165' ;6'ý The bowlcrs wouud Up the Fssie Cox 39 1651 ;5 first haîf with several cx-:Jean Evans - 39 165. 4cellent gaines. Iloward Charles3 39 165: ;4 ll had games of 321 and 237:Mike Heenan 32 165 ýon his way ta a big 779 triple, Jirn Grahani :39 1631 ýwhile Ron Mutton mook 'lie! Emma Bromeli 36 163! ýhigh single with :333 atid; AuIdrey Slcelp 39 162!, 3 voulld Up with a 708 total.! Amny Winacat - 3 161 Pal Yeo also x'.eit over 7010,' Cli Evans 36 159 ,al, '712, including a 280 effort ,.Ferne Bradlcç, 39 158: IDore uftton paccdthie ladic:1 Carole Reynioldi -30) 1.56 witb a 266 single, but he ' Jess eHenian 3 3 5) Otriple had ',a take seconid Jini Cox 39 154'1] place ta Onie Etceris 644IL.eo Curtin 39 152>1 matrk. Em Striiiges' was closej Ada Luxton 33 152 11 behiîîd at 631. Art Spicer, and1 Dont Bradley 39 1511 Eltoit Broc], had triples af 6831 Marie Yeo .... 33 150'] and 635 respectively. 'floreen Chai-les . 39 148; Other top -:inglc efforis!Duaine Palmer - 39 145 were tur'ned in by Joe Now- 1 Ruth Yake. 39 143 lati 274, Doîug Reynolds 271,' Kay Luxtort 39 1401) Don Bradley 268, Art Spicer, Mary Nowlan 39 16 954, 236, Bob Yakc 253, Hilda Everett Winacott 21 130 Brock 247, Ein Stringcî- 24 1, Marie Curtini 36 1'271 Elton Br-och-, high avei-agt' Waltei' Ruiîdle- 36 123 q Iwinnci, -235, Jimi Cox 231, and! Betty Browlli -36 12 î1 Jessie 1Iecîidîu and Onie Et-! Dot - Edinondsau 301 11 t cher, hoth wiiiî 2:30 scores. ' Pearl Kilpatrick 9 1Ï7.! Team Standings J vy Rundle 36 I11311I i Teafj1s ýW ,Pts RubY spicr-33 111! il Mutoi - 261360Kay Grahiani 36 1 041j * Smer---------2 1459!Ladies' Higb S:ngle - - Luxtoii - 21 ~ Dort- Mutton- 6î 1, o;"" 2217 adies' Higil Triple '.'dnondson 2(0 19 'fi Onie Etcher 644, ~'x.-aî19 2(0 43' Ment's 1-ligh Sinîgle I18 2 1 4i1 Roli MotIon .330 t '~ 17 2 H en's figh Triple - Mithel.142 .1 Hîoward Bi-omeli 7 79' MYel 14 28 5 1,ali es' Iligu Single foi',lIs: Y -e c 11le Ililda Brock, 3:11;' Averages i re: u h Triple, Onie Et-' Nainte GUume: \c'cher, 83 Elton Burck 39 27 Nhsli :iî igle rut, . iOinie Etcher :39) 25 ili" l l an Paumler, 3ct:: Nrt. :a-r . 39 '206 Mîi Il i,,"]Triple. Mtie H-ilcI,î Breck :39 2)5F-rýk î9:3: H ilt Average, E!- Moark ýv Etcbi'i 38 204 ' ltinBrock, 227. LONG SAULT *MVe. and MS. SevdiF lai r- Sattttda'-vistasat 'Mis. iî-'aPcter'boroug'h. spent 1h" Laggais were mc. and Mss. weekend w'it'b Mr. anrd Mi-S. James Sinilb, Byron and jac- Easl Argiie. kie, Ajax. Mss. Sydney Powers aud Mr - MVr. anci \lurs. Bill J oh-lSOII Vance AIlletiîc'turî'.d borne! Iwcs'e Sundayv xisitoî-s of Mr. froni Fiorida, witii a glowin',g and Mrs. Ray Bracibutru, Bur-, report of thbcttip and the good i keton, and Satu'd-ay visitoïsiie they had. The worsl part' oi Mr. ai-d Mus. Johin Walloii, uas camning bark ta ili snow ,Blackst ock . and ire after the greeni grass Ms. C. Woodie.x ,aîiVci Mi. a[ed anid flovet's bioorniiiug.:Even in Mî's. ,lini Woodlcv ant-dauily luis bî-isk Canadian clirrate. we we'ie Sundav cvei-îig x'îsitnu:s cati still enîoy the fragrance of Mu., and 1\11-s. il1. îMuLr'i, - of spiig floxvers, thete are2 Miss Sandr'a (iibson s.Ipnu I yaciubhs.onue bIne sud 0-'- the w'eend witb Mu. an',d Ros-e ini full bloont an the table Mrs. Ivos Spackling. 'n.i-besidë me as I write. rkilleli, and Mcii. Robt. Cairerai' and LZBIH IL amy eeSaturcîay \isitors L JAB T VI E of Vii-. and Mrs. Kellet. Jýant't- On Ft'îday eveuîîng eighiý1 v-ilc. Mi-. alid Mus. Canecan ' tables (il cuchre were piayed! an'd famuil 'v ei-' Suttulav Sulit- al the e ucb ce paî- aMu'. 2ndC oer auests of Mi'.s- t's h-.Lhppa-d's linnit'. '1'lv 1i'ed Carnet-on. Iliipîni . - î wc~\as spOorni Jby ( hn Wl li'1 -ii as "t Thei.'fi uti ~- ' "ewon h. - mueiis1 Manvers Station IsWatr,, irs Weekend vîsilors wvi i s. M-s. Walterswonî bbc rut. The! 'W. Brad'ley were. Mc. and Mrs.1 gentîs prize was w..on 'b'.-Mu;ý. Robt. Buket- and famnil * v- Os!'-' Il. Th'icksoii withi a slore ef awa: Mr. aid -Vid rs. DOn Mc- 'i5. She w\itlidi-cxv anJ gave tiie Gregai' andi Sandy, Harniltai'.: prîze ta the serai-d plaîce xin- Mr. ariM-s. Wm. Magili and. ner, lMri. Alex> Kelly. Thel ow, famnily, Barrie. prizes wcue won by tVI'sý. ï).; Mr'. ai-d Ms Lyno'h anîd 3 Irwin a-nd Alan Trew. We hope children fî'om Toronto, moved b tiave anoîbet- party -sean. int Clifford Hudsori's flouse Sunday Sehool at-d rbîicil uo Satirday. M-c. Lyneh is a services were held 'xIii niob Blacksmnith aI Miinira Retorm- of the' beaehet- 0o<iccrs atory. The childreu x'.ill aI- riii attendiance. Misses Doroth" tend Irallis Sehooi, making ai- and Shtirley MulcFrew renidereci total of 25 pupils for Mrs. Earl' a duel during church services.! Argue. the teachet-. -Rcv. Wrigîhl spoke on the firstli Trhe reguIar'mnonthii meeting: churches. of the W.A. was heMd on Thurs-' Misses Donnîa an'd RuLh Mer - day night, Jan. :2lst. a'- tbe ces' and Alan Meccer, Toron-! homne ai Mrs. W. D1. Porter ta. spent the wcekend aI home.! wîth a fair attendance foi' the Miss Shirley Scott, Camp-' 'condition of the side-raads. ln' bellcroft, spent the weekend! thie absence of the Presidcnt wîth Miss Gloria Quantrill. anid the Vice President, the The young folk attended, the Seeretary Mss. Murray Logan Junioi- Farmers dance and took the chair. The meetingI skating parby hel at Cabourg, opcned with a hiymn and pray-' Saturday everting. er followed bv the Scipture Mss. 0. Lent, Poil Hope- hadi Readdng iby Mrs. Esiarg ,rue. a lilîle trouble ui the snow: The minutes were reaci and hanks on Sunday afternoauî;, approved. The roli cail %was nio damage was done. responded to Nwith a vesse from, We are having a gooai fali tthe Bible on '. Hope"'. Next i o snow titis morniing--- hopel ,month the wvord is '*Love*', Mî's.; it dnesul, bloek up the road too;, 'Porter took bthc topie "Phe, bddly%,. Spirit of Mai' is te Cand1ceoai If yott would like Ln sub' thie Lord." Wsays and Means, scriibe 10 Tne Statesmanor of raising mîoney wvas discuà_ed.1 renew your subseription, pIc -é jA bake sale will bc lielci at i contact yow, local correspn- the next meeting. AI the close dent Ecina Thickson wo w, 1 of the meetmge lunch wais ser tale care of the details fryu J'Juveniles Take 7 -1 Win, In Port Perry Despite a listless second period. iii whicli a hornctown Port Perry club thircatened wn chase Bowmanville outi loto the snaw, Mvike Osbosne's Ju- venules romped la a decisive T-1 victorv iast Saturda'- nigbit. Aite' building up 'i 3-0 cushion ilu the firsl Bo'v'- MA 3-3211 Mid gels Drop Two Over Last Weekend manviiîe oogged tdown in the second. whicn w-as Port Pu o S a b r ry% onlY reai r: npressive roi- o ca b r crbonla' acd Scat-boxo Knighits ai Coluiti- cots.bus c m ploycd a rugged body- Bom naiîvilJe. -wepl teo tiin cbcckiîg. type of play tc vietosx- , unehallengcd il, tiie thi-o\\ Bowmanville off ba!- thii'd, as the *-vuetted thuce ai-irein a Pcde Wee exhibition n'ore unanswered. goals. Bic',- game. played here Saturday ton Hughes, Gary McCullaugb afternoon. The visiis broke and Irv Gui fornmed a fasmi d- itîto a 3-0 first peciod lead, able tria, pottinp. îhree, two. addcd five iii the second and, ,ând anc respectivelv,'.wile pfillishled off witli tbree final Bryan Hughes also coniicctci pcrioci tallies ta baund the for a single. Pc;weil dî-ew Port locals au Il1-3 setback. Persy's lone nîarker nl, he Bowrnaiiville did ail their second. scoriîîg lun the second. as Waynîe Dawn. Don MchMur- Ici- and Daiwy Wilkins eaclî H on est Ed's blinecir arwe h cr bora Iead ta ane early lu the Beat Bntams iddle stanza. but foui, Coli- Beat Banarrs scutie galsputthe visit- * au-s in frao-i 8-3 hefore the For 7Oth Wineroc Jiin Sherfft tur'ied iu à Tùoiu u onest SSd s defeat- haiEt-trick perlormance, wbite ed Bowmanville 6-4, hle-e Sal-' Briafi Skinner and Brian Mur- urday night, lu an exhiibition phy ecr- notcied a pair. Sin- Bantam cauîest. Io extend- gle K.C. miarkers went ta Da- lheji- tibealen sti-eak tua \i Moudeit, Ken Marton, Doin tinhelievable 70) lu a row. Raxburougbh and Pele Stella.' The brcais stoud aroulid A retucit gaine is slateifl watching the awcsome gianbs, Sabr al uMrh (and Honest Ed's promptlv ut' sponded with tbuce goas il] the lirst five mninutes. How - evr utas ic appeared taiLadies' the visitaI-s \ere abolitt' flr o n L e chase Bowinaiiville rigbi ou of the rink, coach "l{uc'ç Raison convinced lius rew. that Honest Ed's weuenît Oit Jatictaiy 22ild there giants, and the honiesters wcse seven '100 games bowled turned in a fine game in therin te A7ternon Ladies' last two periods. ! League with Bea Sellers iak-j ing the lîigh single game with' Larry Milroy. opeiied t11 'lier 246 and Betty Richards scosing afte- twa minuites uf!taking ýhigh double with 435 play, Neil Garringlon eounted -loi- the ýtwo games. Betty a minute and 15 seconds laber. -Richards, a nexv bowler in thp and Alec M',-Nieo1 made il 3î1, league, iook avec high aver-. at the 5:25 niurk .Jolin Mai- age w ai'. 218. ?,00 games were.ý halscored at 15:10 b i-uit-iBea Sellers 246, Sadie Buek-l' the visitors' nmaugin tb fourLb1 221etyRcars26 îefac te oeiodcudei. 09, Barb. Courtney 223, Rutbh "Bucky" Hughies and Geo. Goodwin 210 and Shirley Da -ý Ball founid tIi': range iii tLl-ie *vis 205. The Canaries and! niddle session ta cul the Tor- Wxris scared a shutoot overi onto team's lead in hati. Dave the Bluebirds and Robins res-' NEW[ NEW! i Coloi iMotion ictuic I illm for home inovies în double - gmni roill amerams Filiiiipice does itot iiielude oi±ocessiuîg Special! ,Introduc tory 0ffer.a Procesimîg -$10 $2,60 JURY & &.OVELL Your Rexali Drug Store P'HONE MA 3-5779 50 WMAN VILLEe H - --- --- CHURCH ST.,. BOWMANVI LLE Self-Serve ... Coin Operated Laundry LATEST SCHEDULING INFORMATION ... <,corgc Bass lioni Maytag checked ail the cquipilcnlt Iast SattUday, Jaiwary 23rd .- . lie hopes that sufficieiI progress will be made before lte end of Januiary so that the Wash-O-Mat Coin Latindry Centpr ra bi open on a preview basis... DELAY IN PAINTING ... D>ue to wintcr weather... it bias becu found (hat paintinîg the front of< the building bas to be deferrcd mdnil spring... FLGOD-LIGHTING 0F BUILDING ... Itaving iniiiiiid the location and general redevelopîneit of the Churcli Street area - quite a bit of study bas been made of the proper use of a ltus-ness si¼nt andI front Iighting... a sinmple niounting of lettering bas hecîî closen . .. with a canopy over the doors... in this canopy there wviIl he flood-Iights hlanketing the building ini liglit. . . in various eye- pleasin.ghues... EGUIPNENT INSTALLATION ... ie otefi on tneai r The waslhers and dryers bave bcte ot o otetaeaa r currcntly being installed . . . il is expccted that the center will be open for preview use verys hortIy . . . altbough final complefioin ray take *.% long as the spring... BADMINTON SETS AS PRIZES ... 'lo assist ini planning and Iayout of the proportiona of washers and dryer.% in the final completed center . . . somne information on expected use is helpful . .. five sets of badminton racquets, coniplete with birds and nets ...arc bcing given in a draw., . . to enter . .. ail onîe bas le do i. uend ini the following coupon indicating how~ much wvashing and drying you expect to require. . . Monday ( ) Tues. Wed. ( ) ( ) Thur. ( ) c> Sat. () K.~L4 Kdaç~/a«d - - pounds o! wash per week. ()Have Uscd Coini Laundry Before. ( ) Dryer Main lntercst Usually do wash oit: ( ) WiIi Use Washers Fri. Bowman ville Surplus Store WASH-O-MAT BADMINTON DRAW c/o P.O. BOX 190, BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO NAME ADDRESS Please entes my name in the Badminton Oraw for the new Bowmanville Wash-O-Mat. Present %vashing and drving sequirements are some>- thing like the follawiîg: 4% i F f e 5. i -f * t) ~c. 1* THO SDAY. -JAN. 28tK 1960 Kerr and Hughes assisted on pectiveiy and the Sparrows! Mart. McDonald 1&1 Ball*s goaL. and Bluejays aplit the points. Marion______ 14 1 Milroy bagged his second Ta tnIg carly ini the third. but Kerr Te mStandngs arg. Coyle -- 136 connected on a pass from m Millie White --« - 139 Hughes to keep the locals in~ Sparrow s --- ------________e unle1 the game. Hughes and BobiBluejays --------------- -He-en-Rund- _______18 Sleep combined to set Kerr Cnre iHlnRgr 3 Up at 14:55 to narrow the gapiWrens - -----î-----iiVi Poste 132 to one goal, but Marshall col- Bluebirds ---- -il Hilda Mooney -_____130 Iected his fourth point with Robins ---- ----1--A-d--------- -31 the clincher, less Ihan a mini- Averages AuVeyaKitoe137 ute later Betty Richarcis 231Ziae!eeees Cr'Bues.who toolk Ena Etcher N. 181Fetrs12 vcr the goal-tending chores Ollie Patfield ---- 1-7 Mabel Williams... 124 for Jie second and third stan- Shirley Davis --- - - ----- .5! 3Ann White È.____124 "as. was one of the losers . Marg. King - ----------- 1683 Bea Wilson 123 be.s1. performîng lui sensa- Sadie Bucknell - 167, Marion M1acDonald 122 tionalsyl to hold the high - Betty Kelly 182 , Ann Tice12 fiving Honest Ed crew at bay.lBarb. Courtnev - - --160, .~.. 2 Hugheswas in onDorig Holroyd à -T1517 urilr wiha goal and three assists, Aura Trewin 13-T r l untr while John Marshall had aýAlyce Hodgsoi) 135! *Wo and two mark to pact?'Marion Wiseman - 132 Inul Cash the winners. 'Agnes McColloch 150 -~ - Evelyn Large - - 149 with Nance Colm'r - 149, S T A T E S M A N Pee W e s "reCoun--191 C, L A 8 S 1 F 1 E D 9 Hilda Simnick - ---- - 1481 Phone MArket 3-3303 L o se 1 1 -3Daisy Bell]_ __ 143 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ --Imm e t % m"' m q y mm - '? jL."ýT imAale iffmm*

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