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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 28 Jan 1960, p. 12

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- - -* r-.--- - -e. -.--- -- - . ~..-~---- - .---. - 1 PAGE -nyELvm -"M CAW.AD!AWSTATE1LW, EO'WMMIVffZ.& CMTAEIO 'PTTRUFMAVIJAN'a. t-, -.,- Bihs I Memoricam Coniing Events ' Articles for Sale For Rent Help Wanted ýRea1 Estate for Sale Reail Estate forSeRalETefoSa N;ORTHEY - Mr. and Mrs. CULLY-In ioving memory of i Salvatian Arxny Red Shield'GOOD mixed hay. Phone R2 THREE or 4-rooamed apart- PART time cashier, experienc- . $800 DOWN, income home, (eWi elEit Leslie Northey wish ta an- my mother, Martha Cuiiy,, Drive for Funds, May 2nd- 5-4055. mx4-4* mient with bath. Privateed need only appiy ta Dominion main street, Bowmanviile. Chrls anin iiounce the bîrth af a son, who passed away January 3th,[3 ist. 1960. 14-1 SET of used skis, $6. Phone entrance. M1A 3-2809. 4-1 Store, Bawmanviile. 4-1 Phonle MA 3-5548. 4-1 Chal esTAE R OKR 15 cefam ea ii an Clnliffod, rhr23rL19 51.o dal ovdt ee e Watch for the apenmng date~ MA 3-7263. 4-1 APARTMENT, newly decorat- PIN boys. Earn good moneyPiaefnsaa md CaeRdn JCrs23,s1960, Tooderiy oted tDaise ver oFirth Brothers Quality Meat. L ,eated, 31h rooms; near setting up pins. Appiy Liberty,! Peer Feddema Pnrivate fs.aalbefrbok ~ ce akbe 4-1 _____ !Store, 47 King St. East, Bow- WO hundied baies of hay school, hospital. Apply 187 Bowl. hneM CMRRN-den.ing4-mry manville. 4-1 Phone MA 3-2186. 4-1 King East. 4-1* oeM 3-5663. REAL ESTATE BROKER Restaurant and serviesa wt tc tnhos ae CURNI oigmmr -ýDiyfarm, 140 acres, 8- tion. Modemn livingquresboidv hden os,' sINCLAIR-Mr. and Mrs. Don-. of aur dear mother, Lottie Watch the windows at Good-- APPLES, will deliver. Eliner APARTMERNT ini Victor Manor, MAN wne:FrRwca room fully modemn house, barn Paved yard. Four yeasad t. omd ei ul Strang) are happy ta announce aa Jan. 30, 1958. Spfll ais ing FbisKngSt. W. R-NTO alchisw mediately. Apply Wm. Curtis, Good profits for husies.eroisslmlkoubukaa Trade or termis.veecs.Pie$700 it th ria fterduhe ed o edaseildylk e.M -34 - \A373.4 f$3,000 ful price. Trn.$,0 on Beverley Ann, 6 lbs., 12%k Ozs., To bring you ta aur rinds1 Euchre party at St. Joseph's pr-A4-,40 ihleu ot'sfbrifrain on Jan. 22nd, 1960, at Part For the days we do not think. Parish Hall, Tuesday, Februarv1 OFFICE desk in good con- FOUR rooms and bath, apurart A4-S,40 RceieMn-,; us0foresioratiafn. mn ctae.Hdospi Perry Memoriai Hospital. 4-1 of you 12nd, 1960, 8 p.n. Good prizes.i dition, $35. MA 3-3394. 4-1* ment, heated. Appiy Samcirel_4dJ 00ac512rt o awaKcotge nHdrStictnars okbe 0Vce od Annis, 10 Division St., Bow- MAN expcrienced in nursery vilearn i A 3243 o 3239 rome bic hosatithfrn Dth Are very hard to find. Light lunch. iJoor prize. Ada- ONE set af snow tires, like manville. 4-1* wr n oegenos v 5~3,fatg nto aeMAn-243 rCOec ae chay ie.Pie$60 Fridy, anuay 2 , $212 . Phone AVAILABLE dy icldeage, pavements. Slsa lrn g've A OhwaGneaiEtichre, Fia- anay-9 -5212$.9 c. 4Phono M A BLEinmediately, 5- Periec.Knlyicue15 acres with 2-family house, MA 3-269.4Ten. I room office, 2nd floodmmainexperience and ail necessary lar10gceearn ouhOre HoRiGtal Osawa enral W 1gvei8,e, ndmre p.m., Tyrone Comrnunity CRIE aodffitress, goo on- e.S R ae, 24 ing informnation in first lette jrgeL-shaped barn, goodl Hoptl ody auiy1,To see the face o! Mother dear CRIBanmec, 85 acres conworkablS.R.,JstsearKin 190,Lîlin aeGifoda! Conesmlig t hedor Hl. Prizes. Admission 35c. ditian; aiso high chair. Phone East, Bowmanvilie. 44-tf Write Advertiser 9, c/o The garden soul. Price $14,500.00. 112 Brock Str'eet East, Oshawa, ad mss. bysord b omniyHlIMA 3-5929. 4-1 Canadian Statesman, P.O. BoxT' ms6 oonbose 9romd raaehoe -Sdvmse Ydauhe4-1_____________APARTMENT in Newtonviile, 190, Bowmanville. .6a~e ihstone cuyadKdd 6'x4'bn br.lrehn beloved widow of Francis Susie, ete son-in-iaw Jack.- WATER for sale. Deiivered. îiîree rooms and a bath. Heavy 4'l bouse, large L-shape barn, on! REALTORS hay dt vrd rc rigg nMihlovi , Oshera; t. JohNn orAmbneCrsely Pon CiwiehikClfx g, prîvate entrance. Tele- BE in business for yourseif' gaod rond north of Bowman-> Mhembers of Oshawa &Dsrc em ragd 'n323.36tf1wphone Clarke 5 r 03. 4-1* with oui' agency consisting of ville. Price $10,500.00. Terms. RaEsteoad10ArfamnrHs. Allan and Kenneth of Oshawa, CURNI oigmî oryRse Room, Lions Centre, this hoRelneae o and Thomas o! Georgetown;iURRaN-dear dthre who Tuesday. 7:30 ta 9:30. ContactiLIGHT woad in slave lengh,20 uante rdcsi-15arswt ptl nse, lovingsiste of Etie Hatingsof a ear grndnioher wh ýS10per lod. PtnsC RTMENTRT-EN Livvingrormo 250igguara ticteed products ! houn- M5pacrese diitict.artiys heinished loving sister awagrana 30,, .9A5A.ivrs. T. BttryMA 3-3248. $10 per îaaa.kPhononettax , ices. House and farm Price anly $2,500.00. Easy summer cottage, lot o u.0 0 akbmhnbue Oshawa. M ns. Grigg ____________1_3-22_7 5. ___________________ --aeul sepnretn t Inlaid linoleum. Cox apart- produets. Hîgh commission: ternis. mer resort at winterprcs Ircradfuiheo na 390 King Street West for serv- 'Ih last, Shaw's Home and Schoolî BABY carniage, wvaiiut di ' et,23Tleace hnjand bonus. Make mioney in, Il? acres with 8 room two- Wantedcher.Pce$50Ca. ice in the chapel on Wednes-Th world's weary troubles Club animua1 card party, Friday,' roorn Chairs. sidewvalk bicycle. MA 3-9555. ______49-tf1 your district. Familex, Dept. storey brick house, 2 bathi- Tobacco fans with ih.'5 cefn erBak January a0,eat2 p.m. In-,fdh andredm Luch seraed PoeM -5100.____4-1*HEATED 3-roomed apartment, 1 -8- 1600 Delorimier. Montreai roonis, full basernt, ail (unn- Must have goad wate: upy ae,4 ce okbe dy aur20nt2pmInIn silence she suifered, i ie ude. Lnhse . 4-ldýêËýmn-û wn-Sace, sin inrmnve ALSCO aluminrne- wwskitchienette and bath, washerj 24. 4-'ail barnî, near Bowman- We have clients with osd'tean 5 5'bn an 4- ainesebre rzs dris on 0c perl and doors. Lamne Allun. Tele- srie centrally localed. Ap. HEEo fu mmje ville. facing Highway o 2. A crable cash,.rv hd t. 0roe tery. 4 Till God called hem home ta persan. _____ 4-2 phone MArket 3-3871. 4-1*! pîy 90 Queen St., Apt. 3 or cil r ormare wmn real buy at $12,000.00. Easy' îsodw usicm rc oewt uncrn JAME, Droty Ma, MD.- suffer no more. 'Olde Tymie and _Moderm 1000 BALES of claver andiPhanc MA.3-5277. 4-tf for pleasant working conl-Iterms. bac1,500mnng atm. rie 83,00 JAtES berth,9Mayl.ed., -Ever rernembered by Orvus Ding ________-----otyha.Lag his.3c NFRISE hue-ein ditions with flexible working 'Builîding lot near Whitbî', hme n 0w manville. Athrhm,8 aie dand Karen. Dnig4-1na, eray ioh hy*ag bls 1cUFRISE oseepn oums consisting o! two boums, 78 x 200, excellent view. goodi Cal]cehgwyf ,7 Tornto6, Darohy, MnayI6,Fi sr n ,Orcetr. J "e, heated. Separate en- praftcmnoon or two boums drainage. Price 82,200. Ternis.1 IVALTER FRAN 9 292LATIER-,nDoovhyngayem isyraund Oyckesptrga ctie". ils iceca racepcrsweaberois rv James, 1,1..(Physician-in- 49MRI lvn eor on y epn ci TWO se1ts,1 erunning watem, cuip- per evening, $9 per working,1Twvo modernîbungalows IWA 333 b ih stcamt.ban Charge Medicai Services Chjd.of Mary Latimer who passed 9:00_p.m. sharp. 4- size- 4 ad 6 girl' l'eeýýas guesboard, counter. basement star- periad. Opportunity for ad- Oshawa, excellent location, Bowmanville sdenbu;'1 rand ren's Aid Society of Metro aVay Jan. 19, 1957. Goodyear Employccs Recrea- 1 skates, size 12. 219 Liberty N. ae. Re-oble 10Lam s aNm etihincrtresc drn.'vr nvt.Lwdw a-4 rc oewt i oe Toronto), daughtcr o! MmIs.We often think o! bygane days ltion Club Dance, tram 9 ta inid- 4-1ane No1 ngas oinarestoet reied.ment. Gertrude Elena James and the' When we were ail togcthcr, -.--Stray e. tat TWO offices, one with lut ocnasig oepnece 189 Scugog st. Bonwmanville .ee o a ovnecs nc n em late Norman S. B. James. itr The family chain la broken VALENTINE Specials: Beauti- newly decorated, centmally la- needed as thorough trainlinlg; a -64 magd of Stuart R. and John M-1 now - fui cedar chests, from $39.95, cated. Suitable for Doctor, pi9viuu o îteac a- James, ail of Bowmanville. But menuories wiîî ivebers $1 .50 per couple. Non- on sale at Morris Furniture Dentist, Lawyer, lnsumance.1 paintment write Mrs. D. Carr Salesnian: G. Blyleven GENAL SE ROKR 8Roe2oe nhgw Reste at te F. . Moris foeven.menibers $2.50 per couple. Store. 4-1 Specialty Paper Products Ltd.1 77 East Beach. Bownuanville.I Phone MA 3-5300GE RA ISU NC stNectl.almdm on Funter aChelF. F.wManviI o se bsn oe awayDmess informiai. Couples only. 419 Kn Funil Sunay m. owning e aTom s she mavelled fnar. ______--4.2 WOOLENS, Skirtings, Suitings Bowmanviile, MA 3-3381. 3-3 Phone MA 3-2758. 4-i________________ ox MA 3-56raed ute JohndR. Moris Fuhneral Jur at etr Go'seea Woodview Community Centre by the yard. At Goodbrand SELF-contained healed down- SEN G APBox 81e7n- .A.Brtn 2Beroî theJoh R.MorisFunralJut eterd Gd' etrna ýFabrics, 28 King St. West, Bow- stairs partly furnished apant- vvNG AP E ork vvanted Bomanvlie itb-il3mdeA. Chapel, Toronto. Funeral scrv- home -Monster B i n g. o. Twenty1 manville. 4-1 ment, suitable for workingi ice in lhe Church o! the IHoiy Adhus-te ae ja. games-twentv dollars; five ie oringle________________ablyMA 3-3098 b canvPROMniencesuanduil baseme3nt09 Trinity (Tinity Square) o -Ever emembered by hs games-thirty dollars; $lSOjKEYS cul automatically, while 'couple rsnl esn ii rfrbywthHg eolPOP iku n eicy Lovely 7-roon ic Monday aftcmnoon. Interment band Les and family. 4-1 jiackpot, and two jackpots at! You wait, aI Mason & Dale mediate possession, Telephone Matriculation service. MArket 3-3842. 3-241woiyacya i.Tme m ice. Dw 2ao Bomnil$emtm.4i 250. Door prizes. Next Hardware, 36 King St. E., MA 3-5891 or CO 3-2220. 50-t!!lwonyoe ero _________________________ GE-I loingme-Monday, 8 p.m., Red Barn, Bowmanvilie. 46-tf RENT free, weil furnishcd Apply CasrETiokan mPhoelivedg-oo, 4mpieetrn bah rc' magd Oshawa. 46________SAVpais.nEce esimate.direectiing-ooungodeowtchn, I fBedroni ungalw ii Reception mary o! aur dean baby Nancy îaa 6fSV nlmedrc romn ibalopalefu(na ceforne- Personnel Manager MA 3-5212. 1-4 dining ai-d faiy roam Pic -_ Jane, wbo passed away Jan- Interior D rtngNigl in miii ta yau. Piillips Lunîberspsiecole(ohidn) ed very masonabîy at î,0.cneecsadoofoos Mr. and Mrs. Henb Neais, uary 27th, 1959. Town HIall presented by Bow- Ca., Kinînount, Ont. Phone1lao pay light and fuel, giving~ FOR ail your painting and Oniy $3,900.00 down adlemdmkthn sig$000 R.R. 1, Bethany, will be at Among the roses stnaigbt and manville Business & Profes- 17 r 11. 13-tf meais ta etired gentleman.ova r .. papemîng. cali Melle Rozemna. balance aI anly $d80 e ens Write P.O. Box 8, Bowman- Goodea ire C& Phone MA 3-2584. 4-t monti wbich includesineetIGNRL SOE con home la their fiends on Tues- tall sionai Woin's Club on Thurs- GIRL's wine 3-piece coat set, Ville. Phone MA 3-5817. 4-i.1iig !soe soknai day, Februamy oesos9th. lhe occasion And those liaI doopcd day, Fcbruary 4th, 8, 6X; girl's oesos 10; wo- EXPERIENCED shortband-typ- principal and taxes. o! Ihein Fiftietb Wedding An- against lhe wail featuring uses o! paints, wail- man's knil suitiac, 16. Cal, LARGE, briglt furnshed room .i.uiber Co. Ltd. iat desires fulil ime job in Inveat in this busines lc oîîdlvn ureawt niversamy, froni 2 ta 4 afler- Was one sweetli1111e openning paper and fabrica. Film laafler 6 p.rn., 9 r 4, Omono. 4-1i* on ground floor, bealed, cen- Bowmanviiie. Phone MArket and cnjoy over 20%nen-mom cneincsadgr naon; 8 ta 10, evening. We1 bud be siown. Prizes, Admission -Irai, conîaining new breakfast v1le3-5416. 4-1 * lurns. Cali us and w( ileaetahd sig$600 ___ Weloved. the best a! ail. 50C. Secure tickets from mm- DIRECT frorn 1960 Funiture suite, sink, hot and cold water, o m niegldtgv yufl( C rso h nS But anc faim day the Master bers. 3-2 Show - Chrome Suites, fmom electrie slave and refrigeralor, 4-1 PLUMBING. bealing, caves- 5 acres and part] uî rc ene ugiw i Card of hankcal~e $49.95, now on sale 'aI Marris dishes, pots and pans, bcd-- troughing, free estimates. Har- house piced below vaufoBo anil tialmdei The Ladies' Auxiliany toTh And calledth li tIle bud by aefn Dâ e Furniture Store, Bowmanviile. cbesterfieId. new wardrobc. AGRICULTURAL vey Parîner, Tyrone. COlfax quick sale. $2,500.00! Canadian Legion wishes to naine 4-1 Availabie Jan. 23. Telepione SALES REPRESENTATIVE 3-2281 on Omono 1782. 37-If $1,500 dàwn for Ibfis6ro1cneicsfl see' thnkth laughtcrs of Tlme-1o i oin rat'w Solina ELECVRICAL Repaira. Prompt MA 3-7201. 4-i We necd a nman ta womk in YOUNG man wants truck driv- close la achool. Oloatdan adwo n llfoos o bers who helped in semving at laid1 service ta electricai appliances, th Iis area with aur District ing, stake or iy $7,500.00. istarranugforbett the Burnns Supper, Salurday,, To bloom where roses neyeri COMMUNITY HALL ilarge and saml. Lancier Hard- uCars for Sale Manager in direct-ta-fan Fivé e ae 3r i imactorIrler. Ls ihu o etrrsut. 1 omc rc 'c Jan. 23rd. 4-1 fade. warc. Phonie MA 3-5774. sales andi service work. with poeNwate37 mc-______________ ecslcoel ~~sre Hubard ______ 4-11 Saiurday, oten. 13 43-tf TRUCK, 1949 3-Ian Mem'cumy. naîion's largesi. and mast n e- poeuacateî1 meî - ihetalt sig$, wish ta tbank Dr. HNSLAIO, loindmh Long wicelbase, runs very spected campany in lie field. i_______________ lteywt.lwdon-a1cî nusand safatiesw o fent flw- ! adea iead ohr imFse'Ocetagooci, excellent rubber. Phone Our average nepresentative s FOR cbimney wark, new orDEDadcppeiarstkCnct nusand ltvstaff, asa en isMN- O-In lovîng nmemoi'y Limited number ef ticket,% oc, wiîh rock wool. Work- MA 3-5923i- 4-1* migfoi$5t $0 eîmpi ray rcbokO'pcEADd p ppy edfieon ens fuitard el-ei wshe LnaMcîndoc, who passeciavlabemates.ipgarante We. ree ti. Irade '55 Chev. car, Ai week. Company reimesentativel concrete wôrk. P.O. Box 1083. COlfax 3-2721. MargilFu during rny stay in Memaorial away Feb. 2, 1953. Lunîch Served phono Clarke 2420. 39-If sliape, for '53 or '54 Ciev. ,w iili work,,uîth ana trami new Call L. T.urnçm, Phonie MAxket Farm iTYVran.--3IfIao'u G er4arn ,Hospital.Gay ine. 41 Andi while she lies in peacefuli Co 32155 - CO 2-.2658, RHEUMATIC PAIN? If you Ion panel truck in good shape, man. Essentials are desire toi 3-5820 or___3-5605.___________ GlaysFsne. -1 sleep, I4-' sufe fon ier payments. Cali New- move ahead, ta know farmersj -65 0t -_ - __ --- - ------1 takefe fr* bak.chs, . - -'.----, ài- cg--nr orNewcainstio rpPhoneItn3341m I would like to exprýess My sincere Ihanks ta ail rny fiends and neighbours for ail theirý kind wishes, cards, fruit, etc., during my ecent illness. Harvey Partner. 4-1 T wish ta express my sincere thanks . b Drs. Hubbard andi Ewenl, nurses andi staff o! Me- marial Hospital, -Bowmanviile, also SI. Paui's Evcning Aux- iliary, friends and relatives for cards. flowems, fruit and gifts. Pal Pingle. 4-1 lier memomy we shaB always keep. -Lovingly rerncmbered by husband andi family. -f RICHARDS-In lovîng me-, mary o! a dean mother andi grandnotier, Rachel Richards, ivia passed away suddenly, Januamy 30, 1956. Always smuiling, happy and content, Loved was my mother wbiemever she wvent. To à beautiful life, a suciden The Bowmanville Raiepayers Association General Meeting will be hehd ln the, Memoriai Park at 8:15 p.m. Sunday, Jan. 31 bgsciatica, try Rumacaps today la belp bring you prompt relieèf.'Dnuggists everywhere. 1-4 CLOVERS, 'brasses, etc. High- est quality seeci aI lowest cash pnîces wbile January sbip-ý ments last. Save money aI Slewart's Seds, Bowmanville. 4-If WORK boots and shocsata bar- gain prices, bmown andi black, ail sizes. Bowmanville Shoc Repair, 80 King SI. W., Bow- -- -end, i We would like ail members manviîse. East of nowrnanvîule i i 1 would like to sincemeiy She dcie100 oo on, everyone's! present for lhii important Cleaniers. 4-Ifý thank relatives, ncighbbrs and fnienci. meeting. HEARING aid. service. Testing Eý friencis who sent cards andi -Ever loveci andi nemenibereci41sriead opeesoko caileci during my stay in by daughter Gertrude andi -1- aeries and cordlsatocikgof Toronto General Hospital, also grancichilciren. 4-1 en erattned eieandcLîicod. 38 Kig St.E. a spveca tbaornsato w oe Iwa SE- NBowmanville. Phone IlIArket' droe a Tnotawhue wsISEPEN-In ioving me- TENDERS will be receiveci by 3-3305. 7-tf there. Tbanks again. mary a! a dear husband, falli- Uic undensmgned untîl Febnuany iDO your awn faonrs andi rugs- Jack Kivdl. 4-1 on and grandiatier, Uptonî 6th, 1960, for the supplying Remt a sander, floor poisher an' Stephens. wvho passedi away andi laying ot tile flooring ii The family o! the laIe Mrs. January 26th, 1952. 8 classnoorns of the South rug cleaner (shampoo methoci Lillan niggwis ta xprss W ofen al aci lînko! il Darlington School Area. Tend-jI tram Lancier Hardware. 7 King~ thein heartfelt tbanks la rdla- wien we are ail alone,j ers ta include kind of tile ta: St. E., Bow'ranviile. Phaone!1 lives, friencis and neigliborsi For memory la the only be laid. Approximate ares. o!ù for Ihein kinci expressions of, fienci that grief can cal caci classroom, 720 sq. ft. GET the jump on aid m an s sympathy andi beautiful floral' its own; M. J1. Hobbs, Sec'y-Treas winten. Sec us for free esti-S tributes recciveci in lie loss o! Like ivy on thîe withered oak,j South Darligton Schaol '" ae n"abys lmin- a dean malien and especiallyl when al] other tbingsl Arca, uni Doors andc Windows. You be tbanking the Rev. Bury andi decay,1 Enniskillen, Ontario. 4-2, w il be amnazeci how economnical Gerrow Funemal Home. 4-i Our love for hum wifl stilif'--~-- - '- ley are from Cowan Equip-i kecp green andi never, ~ F ment Ca.. 134 King St.E. I would like ta take this op- fade away. Bownianville, or Phone MAnket portunity la thank floctors-Ever remnemee by tie ý 3-5689. 40-tf Ferguson, McKay andi AustinIFanîily. 4-1'1 AE-el mîrsss199, andc nurses andi staff o! Ma-! irugs, 6 x 9ý. $35.93, bassocks, terniîy Ward for their kinci,TAIT-In loving memor3y o! a, $2.99: floor lampa, $11,95; 3-- ness and cane. Alsa St. Paul'sý dean husband, fatier aîdipiece1 sectional cetrili Evening Auxiliary for flowersgrancipa, C. William (Bih) edesfy ~1 makes double bcd, $169; lwo- andi ail those sendin g cards dur-1 Tait wîaà paszd away Jan. 29. Teder fo .Tuckft piece chesterfielci, nylon, air- ing mny stay in tic hiospitai. 198 foani, $199; thnee-picce beci- (Mrs.) Eleanor VanI Mcci-. -Even reznenibcredi by bis wife. Township of ro suite, $89; useci refrigen-i 4-111_ anci famuly. 4-l' ators, ranges and 21" cabinet _________ I 'television. Murphy Fumnitume, FinnCil jTHERTELL-In îoving mie- LaInInI Bowmanvilie. MA 3-3781. LTNIMIED ONE LONSmary o! a dear malien anci; Tenders wihl be receivcd by ______ - 4-1* to lysd 310NEYFOîkIS grancinother, Amy Thenteli, lime oudersigned umtl 12 noon te Cty ad Frin olk who passed away Feb. 2, 1955. ion Thnrsday, February 11, 1960, Money for an> lhing and any-' We aiten think o! by-gone days:1 fer lie supply of a truck, where. Phono or write now. When we were ail together, equippod for road sanding. OPS INVESTMENTS LTD. The family chain is broken Tenders must bceon formas sup- W 99 Avenue Road Suite 30 now plied by the Township. sealed, Si Toronto 5. Ont. WA 2-2442, But niemories live forever. and plainiy marked as ta con. Ca _______ ___ - ____4-1!To us sic bas not gone away, tents. Specificalions and tend- f INVESTMENTS - INom bas she travelleci fan, jor em.aahbea ti fie OPS E ,SSLT». jusI entemeci God's eternalie om vial tti fie -n-"IW announces the rom-nval o! their home Lowest or any tender ualo * offce t lage qarlrsaI Andi lefI the gale ajar, necessarlhy accepted. spi VE 99 Avenue Rosi, Suite 31 -Aiways remnembereci by the W. E. RUNDLE, Clerk. T Taronte 5, Ontario, Canada fanuiiy. 4-1 Township et Darllngton &V Phone number remains the Hampton,____Ontario__ sanie, WVA 2-2442. eso l -Ha lnntre 4rl Loans Availabie Anywbere ___________ Parking Facilities Available -FEEL OLD? WANT TO FEEL, Notice to Creditors wi 4-i1 YOUNGER? Thousancis of AN THR ____________- mon, women pasl 40 pep up ADOHR 0 Lost quick with belp a! Osîrex lu the Estateofe .-Tonic Tablets. Make 3-day Melville Frederick Taylor, THREE-slnand blue neckiace, lest. Ol 9.A i rg ~ Dcac laIe Snturday aflernoon, Bow- gists. 4-1 Al dcaims againat -the Estale 1 manville Post Office, down- town area. Phono MA 3-3200. HYGENIC supplies - (Rubbcr Of! Melville Fncdcrick Taylor,_____________ Reward. 4-if goocis) maileci pastpaid in plain laIe o! the Village o! Orona, in seaied envelope wilh pnico alis.te County o! Durhamn, whmo om ss Picmo Tunm'g Sx. samples 25c, 24 samples dieci an or about lie 2lst dayVoaE O PinoT nig $1.00. Mail Order Dept. T-28, a! November, 1959, must beiOf ARTHUR Collison. TelepboneNov.-Rubber Ca. Box 91, Ham :flOd with the undersigneci on n .. L-A E- MArket 3-3900. 38-If ilion, Ont. 1-52j or befome thc 25th day of R tN-G E SS February, 1960, a! 1er wbicb date lie assets will b. dis- PIANO TUNING tDAbTEDalsa.hsshWne oRn AN» ALL REPAIRS DTDa sawIhs2t Pro Esima.. Gurstec Wokmaahi fday o! January. 1960. W__________________ Pm Etimtes- Gmrstee WekmahipGREER AND KELLY, WE have 'a client requiring 1 MA 3574 7i,,-7 Simcoe St. South, modemn house or modemn apart- IJ ' S OSHAWA, Ontario. ment, central location. Adults. av AU R SE EN LISalicitors for the Cali W. Frank, McQujay Z&1pal AMBRO E EN LI ~tii eneficiaii. 4-siKldC4 Reitom .MA 2-aul .4-1 444 ALLSTATE Auto Insura nce. Save 20%. Six mantis la pay. For personai service aI your home cali Oshawa RA 5-2802, coileet. 2.- -1954 FORD Customline sedan, tautomatic drive, metailie em- bassy brown in colour and has ail accessories. Appiy 10 Division St., Bowmanviiie. 4- 1 SEE red Campin Motors RA 3-4494 - Rea. RA 5-5574 607 Ring St. East (.iust Est ef Wilson Rd.) OSHAWA 10-1! epossessed Vehiche For Sale, 1952 Pontiac Sedan Seriai No. 2206917560 159 License Plates No. A31069 ro e b.sali by public auctiont ; the highesl bidier at thel qTIRTEVANTS Auction Roani,! :3 Hall St., OSHAWA, Ontario!i )eginning at 7:30 p.m. on January 28th, 1960 Ari's Car Market 14-96 Church St., BowmanvIlhe v- Build - Better - Customers 4-11 JUST ARRIVED 1 1960 VAUXHALL C A RS re have juil received a large ipment of now 1960 Vauxhahl 1ars whîch wo shah osel ln Sacrifice Prices for a limitei time. Nere are many colars, med els ,d trima t. choose fronm sud ou wiil roceive immediste delivery r* alse bave a xceptloualij iod varietj ot laI. moiel, aiostly local one-ewner Used Cars reai>' fer lbe rond at lew. iow prie.. Ceme ta teday aud $efor joursehf IROBSON MOTORS KIENG ST. EAST BOWMRANVILLEC Nursing Home The South Haven Rest Home -Licensed accommodation vallabi. for up or b.d tienta. PhonoeINewcastle "4 204tt anUU grUwer in meiardL a diULU ii ±* n ewn a late mode] car. Age 3o-1 .riasf ering nepairs 50 years. For personal inter'-' view write fuliy ta E. Mc- QUICK SERVICE Lachian, Vîce-Pres., "Na -' STUCCO AND NEW WORK ýChurs" Plant Foodi Ca., P.DC' Box 84, London, Ontaio. 3-3 R. L.TAFT TOU'LL NEVER KNOW 154 King St. E. MA 3-5030ý Till Vou Try This 164fi If there is any doubt ln your K ±n JA L mid whether you can realhy ETH . Dn'AVEY Cet inte a bit money seihing'ý. position . . . you eau ind out1LvsokSipr nwat our ex:peyor tsLv tokShppr Dont wrryabot yurpasl >AND GENERAL TRANSPORT Vitry our ambition andi abliyare mare important to! Phone CO 3-2639 us ta previous work as a' salesman. We can prove thia 46-26"* wlth eamings from $11,000.*001 te $28.000.00 la a year paid to ROY ANGER à our men in' 36 other cilles who, started without previous sales, GENERAL CONTRACTOR experience in our field. i This ia not a hard job . .î Masonry - Concrete - Carpentry la a pleasant occupation that ofters happy, heahthful work- Phone MA 3-2273 lnt conditions at their best ! with top eamnings, iberal bon -______________ us incentives, profit-sharing retirement plan, and free if e Save Money ai insurance. If this sounds Interesling to yen, thon please gel in touch' aesSheRpi with me immediatehy. Write j FAST, PROMPT SERVICE President, Dept. CL, Texasi Rteinery Corp., P.O. Box '70 i 26 Ontario St.. Bowmanvile Toronto 17, Ontario. 4ÏCORNER KING & ONTARIO ___________- -l_____24-1! Liv astock for Sale REGISTERED Holstein heiferl due ta freshen next rnonth. J R. Metca]f, MA 3-2439. 4-1: Rubber Feotwear Repairs VULCANIZED hamio.nn Tào Ç.),nn YOUNG Shorthorn caws and y AALI~A 8 A aIA~J bulis aI farmen's. pnices, . . KING & SILVER ST. Baker, Hampton. 48-t!f HOWMAN VILLE TWO Holstein beifers. due Feb.I 1.1! and March, also baleci mixedi (Ted) Arends hay, alfalia anci timothy. Aust- Electrie Motorg in Turner, Newcastle, 3891. REPAIRS 4.1* le ahI your PUREBRED A n g us hef- electrical equlpmient eligible for registration, framiRWNDN accredileci herd; vaccinatei.j Sales & Service 30 cents per pounci. Harvey4 MA 3-3058 Malcolm. Phono Blackstockj hii t B mnvhe 83 r 1-1, Jancîville. 4-1l -t Work Wcmted 1Due te the severe wlnter and b alt on the highways, ne daub) jour car is sbowlnt signae o rst, which need t. be looked &fiter.- I9 se. why net drop in to Robson Molors King St. East - Bowmanville mad get a competitive egtimate o« thoso needed repaira? W. have a large ILUMBINO - BEATING EAVESTROUGHING TONY BÂÀRS Mer-Sun, Powermatio, Merrison Webster-Attus Dealer -Gao - O 66 King St. W. MA 3-7127 BO WMAN VILLE 20-tf OSHAWA TV =£LVISION AERIAL SALES INSTALLATION & REPAIES phone Eowmanville Oshawa MA 3-5919 RA 1-8180 BILL AND BOB LEASK 39-tf nouy ana ramuîi IUp!i wlth experieucei men RÏAVE TUBES te do jour job. Wlti the eand ether tsclhtes avaliable te jeu st HUDSON MOTORS wo oaa gurantee jour Job a i veItitservice WILL TRAVEL TED'S ]RADIO h VELEVISION SERVICE phono MA 3-5234 Guarmteci Work at Iosoablo Bâtes Salesmen: Donald Mountjoy, Bowmanville MA 3-3950 Rtoss Davidsen, Bethany Phone 21 r 6 Repairs TRAFFIC BY-LAW RADIO and television repairs, for Prompt service. Pick-up and delivery. George's, 85 King St. Tow 'ofBow anvlleE. Phone MA 3-'5713. 29-tf provides that there shall be no GUARANTEED television and parking on any streets includ- radio service, toalal makes. ing boulevards and ditches be- Same day service. Television tween the hburs et 12 o'clock Service Ca. Phone MA 3-3883. mldnight and 7 a.m., durlngý 49-tf ther months ot January, Febru- IREPAIRS and rewinding, arm- ar7 and March. attires turned, toalal makes o! The provisions of the by-law eiectric motors. Higgon Elec- als. provide for the taklng tric, 38 King East. Phone MA away et the cars by taw truck 3-3305. 7-tf with the charges being borne REPAIRS ta al makes of sew- by the ewner ef the car. This ing machines. Free pickup and provision was enacted te facil-1delivery. Laverty's Bargaîn litste- snow removal, and your Centre, 59 King W. Telephone Police Dept. bas ne alternative1 MA 3-7231. 44-tf but te enforce it. Please b el AR a i aes0-e us te make this by-iaw work. frigerators, domestie and com- BERNARD R. KITNEV, mercial; miiking coolers. Hig. Chief ef Police. gon Electric Limited, 38 Kin4 4-I'St. E. rPhone ±MAft3-335. 7-tl I3EPARTMENT O NTARIO 0F HIGHWAYS, ONTARIO Notice Io Suppliers of Cedar Brace Pasis SUPPLY CONTRACT No. 8-59-3077 Separate sealei Bide markod uSupplj Contraet Ne. 8-59-3077" il be received by the District Engineer, 138 Hoe Street North, PORT HOPE, Ontario, until 12 o'eheck Neon, E.S.T. Friday, February 19, 1960* Specitications, lInformatian t. Bidders, Bd Forena nd 814 Envelopes may ho obWaned freni th. District Engîneer, et the aboe mentioned adiresé, The iewest or auj ii net n.cesaarIly acceptei. Jannary 28th, 1960 Port Hoe, OntArlo Departmnent et Rlghwayg Ontario 4-1. m'4 ",'.,.P DEPARYbRMNT 0F IIIGHWATS, ONTARIO Notice la Supplier: of Cedar Pas!: 4 SUPPLY CONTRACT 8-99-3078 Uéparate. Soaled i deIImarked It "Spply Contract No. 8-59-3073M wil ho receivei by tbe District Englacer, 18 Hope Si. North, PORT HOPE, Ontario, until 12:00 e'cleek Neon, E.S.T.# Friday, February 191h, 1960 Upeefltitons. Inmtion te. fluer., id Vernis &ud M4 laveoeo.may b. obtained tram th. District EngneesMa the above meutloned addres& Ç The loweat or sur BdIIInet neerUamisopted. lanuary 26th, 1960. Port Hope, Ontario, Depatuet etlhway Oaàtm 64 il: - - - --.l -1. .--«& -4.4ý M-mia«. FOUI9 1 -

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