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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 28 Jan 1960, p. 13

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THURSDAY, JAN. 28th, lg9» *The Orono J Mrs. James E Richards SSympathýy is exterided toj D. G. Hooper on Saturday. he James family- in the pas- iMi. andi Mis. O. W. Roi] 'ng of bis only sister. Dr. are holidaying in Florida Toronthy MeJauary . D.,ilu Mis. A. Swarbîick, Kenti Toroto o'. ar.ury 2nti visiteti ber son, M.i. Wilfr Mr. anti Mis. Lloyd Myles, Roughley- Mis. Roughley ai Arlene anti Sheron, Whitby, famiîy. vi-ý ted Mis. D. 'N. Myles.j Mr. andi Mis. Neil Wood, G! Mrs. Earl Grady is visiting j anti Sendra. Lakefielti; Mx.. ai Sher son. George--Mis. Grady i Mis. Davidi Phasey, Wayne ai anti xemily. ýKathy. Tyrone, visiteti Mr. ai Mi. Wm. Malley is a patient 1Mis. Chas. Woodi on Sunday. in Memorial Hospital, Bow-1 Mr. Orley Chapinan, hu manville. bandi o! Lily Biown ChapmiE Mr. anti Mrs. Don Graham, -passeti awey et the Memoîl Bonnie anti Norma, Oshawa, Hospital, Bowmanville, ear visiteti Mr. and Mes.. F. B. Monday morniug. Funeral w; Whyte. on Wednesday froin Oror Mis. H. McGill is visiting her Unitedi Church. Inteiment 0: nephew, Mr. Harvey Morganjiono Cemetery. andi Mis. Morgan. , Mis. A. Gerry visitet h( Mi. an--'Mis. Chas. Cooperj sister Mes. Herbert Laynai visiteti MNiss A. Thoînton in, Bowmanville. Millbeook anti Mr. Edigar Thor- Mi. ami Mis. Luther Barir nton who is a patient in hospi- ball, Mr. anti Mis. Siti Barm ta], Peterborough. bail, Linda anti Nancy visite Mrs. Norman AlUin, Mis. C. Mi.- Jack Kiveli, Solina, c L. Myles anti Mis. Roy Patton Sunday Who recenfly reuise have returneti home froin homefioni a Toronto hospita Memorial Hospital, Bowmerî- The Womren's Teachers' Feî ville. eration of East Durham hel Mr. anti Mis. Frank Weiiy, their annual banquet in fth Tyrcu'e, visitetu Mi. anti Mis. Auditorium of Ox-ono Unite END 0F YEAR CLEARANCE ALL MERCH3ANDISE 20 c/i)to 1/30j OFF DRESSES - - BLOUSES - SLIPS SHORTY PYJAMAS SKIRTS - GOWNS - HOUSE COATS V? or fnLadies' cSh /opp e 57 KING ST. W. Wear MA 3-3363 rI TUE CA1NADIAN STATLsmAN, EOWMANqVILLE, OqTApjo fl 'I 'Id WI A Generci Motors Value Chevy le Canada's best seller' for ail the best reasons. Style, room,' power - un- matched value - Chevy bas 'cm aiL. Hprpozth, iI iiqucso------et Ithe pac.e for '60. Your Cerltdae CHEVROLETIs eve?1rybodys kind f ccr AND HERES WHY..e. I'heys ahead ln tu act aade with dis tict vay classie linos, mot. chin:i nterier eie. VflDEWiDE CHIOICE Everybodys pet pro« fereflies are fulfilht ed by c-ieof t'e f rlsky new chevie. ChocsyauIs flo for '40. Cet il cf Chevy's traditlorîally cul. standlng eenmy and effortiess Only Chevy lets ycu "Custom Power', ycur favorite mode[ fa be Sn azadly right for ycîJ. '0CHEVROLET,,, ROy COURTICE w. NICHOLS BOWMANVI LLE,'1- TO LOOK LIKE THIS FOI AS LITTLE AS $ 00 PER NONTHf Ail the necessary mai erial - plus - Beautiful Plywood Finishes F 1l POPLAR NAHOGANY WALNUT PLATE WOGD No Down Payment - No Payments Until April lst CALL IN AT COUITICE SHOW 10DM - SPACIGUS PARKING LOT YES.. OSHAWA WOOD PRODUCTS !S CONDUCTING ANOTHERfi FR11 INSTRUCTI@ MAL COURSE ON RECREATIONAL ROOM B3UILDING DON'T BE DISAPPOINTED ... ENROLL NOW! To he held on three conseculive Nonday evenings Commencing on Jancary 251h . . . ai 7 o'clock in sur Courfice-Showroom OSHAWA Downtown Showroom 94 SIMCOE ST. S. -RA 8-1617 ROWMANVILLE-MA 3-2130 WOOD 9 Oshawa Telephones To Serve You DOWNTOWN OFFICE OPEN FRIDAY 'TIL 9 P.M, PRODUCTS Main Off ice and Showroom COURTICE-RA 8-1611 AJAXZENIII 2961 1$S252.65. 'Me W.M.S. with 24 committee have made a goodl hewekn M teTalr hrsia*omM Ewprid members, reniîtted $217.01 .do beginning onl the rin EN L * _ ** I Lteweeçda teTylr Crtin oeanvpro- the Preshyterial treasurer last Park, this wiflbenmu hae ***I * L jE home. ical published by a well-known willbe mch sferMr. and Mis. W. Wilson1 anci, publishing Co. nhe high cal- N esyear. The Mission Band raised for the cb4ldrent, enioy ska- Miss Donna Gail Irwin spent were Saturday callers a Bll sMwa vste a I r-j ibre of the material in these overabou 1.00.ndThe By tin, h ave thniks to a ilwh.tiweeketnl with Miss Joan, and Ms. J. D. Brown's, Orono. miston*s. magazines i such that no Bad bot 160O Te yoshae eled~oga.Porter, Bowmianville. Mr. and Mrs. Aithur Brunt Mr. and Mrs. H. Smith, home sou1bwihout one. S dtrbegan 1960 with $122.64 and ?&- and Mre. Barl Stephens. rsRosLeM.vitdwth'\.obtpe_ Hampton, visited at Messrs. If .u o the Explorers, led by . Mrs. Sutton, were Sunday dinner i and Mr.RsLer.viedwt .RoetPV5 Edgar and Donald Prescott q s A lHenry Stainiton and Mrs. Wal- guests ofMr. nd Ms.aWmH. Mis. Brian Lee, Kedion; ton, MenloS'ia1 Hospital, Bow- Ken Cochrane entertained n d ter Murphy, with $11.81. Taylor, Mis. Louis Phillip H.d Mr. and Mrs. Allan Werry and manville, also visited Mr.sieyugfen taslgh1Wt A d Churchon Wenesda- ser The oung eoples Unin chidnenBowmgirlse were Tuesday evening Preston, Maple Grove. "jsm on red oaseg Msride party Saturday might. Chred o bynsdy-set he W.A epesUno hlrn Bwale r. dinner guests of Mr. J. A. Wer- Mr. and Mrs. Brian Lee, Ked- Mir. L. Bradley, Bowmnan- Wal t lph e yteWA1 have $82.23 on hand. The re- Don Real and boys, Greenbank, Lmeu Do UY Congratulations to Mr. and i cently orga-nizeci C..T. dir- alo visited their parents. d M rLr we e Wededyeein il, sie ht ee.DSam lal, rs. ardo Watsn ontheï ecte by argaet Havey, Mr. aroldMuttn, Bwn MrwandersWednesdayte, eveningt Aville, vis is itedwewk th the1alM.srSwrnou- Ruth rd25th wedding anniversar. on Anne Moreland andi Jean Ro- maniville, Miss Betty Phillips MaterswiM.andilîe. E '.and fMis.CareSnceAey isire hoerom hd o spitar. 113ord1, Coîborne. T4-2on LdSaturday evening a presenta- bertson has a membership of were supper guests Sundav of Mses aiywr udyvst- on 0ke oefo opt filon was held in I.O.0.F. Hall. 10, and took in $3.55 during Mr. and Mts. Gordon Millson. Miss Irene Fergulson On-,ors at Mr. andi Mrs. Robert Imuch improved. ALL kinds of live poultry 'ail Mis. T. M. Bulpitt, Willow- fheir meetings last year. Last y { alescing at home 'after beina Wilson's, Oshawa. There was a small attend- wanted. Highest prices paid. ind dale, spent the weekend withsuxnmer, a Bible Vacation Mir an Ms. eLyne werein hospital from a fail on ice' Mi. and Mis. O. C. Ashton, ance at our airnual meeting of1 M. Flatt. Bethany R.R, 1. nd her sister, Mrs Wm. Mitchell1 Sehool with approximately 75 bonDouglaestao r and i- Mi. rwn oo Lois andi Charles, were visitorsjthe chu~rch which vas held j n Phone 7 r 13 collect. 4.11. nd~~Sna and i.tMtchfl.Mrr. anbys adigils ttrningaans Mis. Effie utesoak,,'of Mr. and Mis, W. J. Bragg. the school. Rev. W. A. Logan!HIGHEST prices paid for ùsed Mis. Geo. Mitchell and farnilv,!ed S71.22 before expenses. The R. RoworEnnisiiler. a ry roiene 1a car and ithe meeting furniture. aplncs te- is-Oshwa Mi ad Ms.Albrtreport of the Nominating Coin- Mir. and Mis. Frank Werry Sabruh Mr. and Mrs.jM.adMs. Gordon Yeo1 was not a lengthy one. There vision. sewing machines, - etc. is-Oshwa;Mr.andMrs Aleri mtté red bRalh Gaspllvisiteti Mr. and Mrs. D. G. Ho- Canieron Oke, Oshawa. werei attended the funeral of his' were reports from our church, Also seil and exchange. 59 an itcellan failywer dn- itte eatwbs:p Gmiasig peliSaur y eagess tMica aunît, Mis A. S. Wilson of Whit- W.A.. M. and M. andi Sundayj King St. W. Phone MArket ai ner guests on Sunday. was as fDaidollowLela Ais. Eominating O andOJoho Mis. C. Averys. by. School. Our M. and M. givings13-7231. 42-tf lY Mr. and Mis. Eldon Essery CommitteeowavitiCreig, en i Ms. E.C.Vituh anJOshn. r.andi Mis. Clark Werr f b1. ad nKitahMcGiII . edth llcain;t las and Marion. Courtice, wereW erv owadComeondwtriso.Shwnsaw. 0 to, were Thursday viit letegetso xedt healcto:te HIGHEST prices paid for live nospe usso udv Pauline Alîdreaci. Session, Ai- lMrs. George Alîcireati visitedi r with bis parents Mi. and, and fainily wr e ussO church and W.A. tdCasuies poultry. goose feathers, feath- r- Mi. and MiessonLufihr arr-betHiof.Ben' F er1is .HadMr.evll is .a.Wend Mis. Herman Haass. showet large balances on hand ei ticks, scrap iron, rags, , bet Hlls H.Breý, . W r- &s.H. ard , B wilvie.. antE.i. they e.Iball.rFe m.Whr.Van: Snipthy to Ms.Alfred. Please remember the Edu- MaandMistEheîj tck 8 a chl s n-mtals and rwfurjîePbone The W.A. of St. Savicu>'si ton, J. C. Cook. Stewards. Ar- liermohMi.K Sdertobsonon audyev Bowmenville, were tee guests ance. 48-tf n, ngianCurh het ter hrHamilton, Ralph Glas- Belleville. ening, Jan. 30th, mn the church of Mr. andi Mrs. Floyd Beckett. A beginnîng on Suti(iay o0 WELL useti upright piano for a-meeting at Mis. Geo. Morton's peli, Howard Philp, Perey bsmn t8ocokb h Mrs.H. Stevens is stili with several changes to be made in Suiidax' School purposes. In '-home on Tuesday afternoon. MWerry, Ray mondi Clapp, Leon Sympathy to Ma. Sydney bsmn t8ocokb fehrduhesei mrvn urcuc on a oevnwUie hrh esn >- Mr. anti Mrs. lpre. (?'iierMooeRalph Hilis, David Jeweil on the passing of bis C.G.I.T. Al ladies of the comn- nhe l ghe, s mr Cigomuni chonal, pwas a loflly e.W nid Church. ean-e edMi. and Mis. Jack Cooper,'C ig rhrouma.U- sister, Miss Ida Jewell, Osh- munity aie cordially inviteti, Mi. anti Mrs. Walter Mur- the Samnis workshop. b1etwen houi's 10 a.m. and nOshawa, Mr.. andi Mrs. 0. Co- e rsj, AJ. C. Co Lan. Phr awa. Mi. andi Mis. William as weil as Buikekton C.G.I.T. piny. 'yroine, were recent tca Many reatiers in tbis coini- I1p.m. on Saturday, Jan. 30. edwan, Mr. C. Cooper, Mr. and! Alvin John-ston, Davidtri. Jewell andi Mr. Sydney Jew- The ain filmihe s owna guests at Mi. andi Mis. P. EIlis'. munity are enjoyinig TlîePhone MA 3-2996. 4-1 3.1.Mrs Clff Cope, M. adýMssi11ar an Manteac.e ellattendeti her funeral. agan for thdaevoe ngrea- Mi'. andi Mrs. R. J. Ormis- ---- Ld- Mrs. CliffCoohapeM.aid Mi«ssioa ratiSminh -tenneoino une nnJ nu- wereî udy in- uet i M'.W.Coh ep Iir J~ . Co. GacySi, Lejila Mi. anti Mis. George Ah.- arp 31sf, following the Christ- tLo Jton unay unne guers ýrespects to the late Mr'. Har-1 Werry. Pastoral Relations, AI- &dmiMi. andi Mis. Lloyd All. ian Youth Service at 7:30. -a ly stnq adn - vyGlan fPnypo atbert Huis. Bethestia Cemeteiy dieed andi Maxine were Set- Mi. anti Mrs. Geo. Irwîn M anti g rls ee unllay gtîerrOyO O . L D -week. Bord Frank Werry, Ross uiday supper guests of Mr.. anti and Rodney weire Suntiey tee f an i is. eRss ia Lac est Pooiey, Fred Smith; S. E. Whi. Mis. Ceeul Alldîead, Bonnan,- guests of Mis. Geo. A. Scott's. ion. *adMs osLe e- V GR O L C.L D - te,~~C OE.-A. Virtue. Organist and ville. Oshawa.MiatMs.PElsan TYRONECh i eder ,Mrs. Goidyn Mr. and Mn. H. Skinnier Mi. antiMis. Floyd Pet'hick Ma nd w rsaturd'ay isitranSdQAIT Brent. Trusteee, D. Stainton, visiteti Mi. andi Mrs. Bull Lake, and Robin, Toronsto, were Sun- faMi e tu visG to GeV-QUAI The Tyrone Annuel Cou-J. Broome, H. Stainiton, R. Newcastle. da iiose i.tin's.aedsa.Godn et gational Meeting was hel r- Coombes, W. Jewell, H. Skin- Mr anti Mis. Russell Wright S. R. Pethick's. Congratulations to Mr'. andi ~ l ~I day evening. Januaxry 15 wîtîî ner, L. Annis, L. Skinner, G. visiteti Mr. Elgiin Wight in Mr. andi Mis. C. J. Napier,M.StatLmbothoc 16 present. Rev. Fred J. Jack- BetAHoi.eoilHspaBwmn- Toronxto; Mi. Larîy Ashton, cso of a branti new baby - son, pastoî( was chairman andi Preparation Of Elemenlts,i ville, on Sundey and were tee Bleckstock, were visitons. et girlo constituteti the meeting with a Jean Philp, Mis. Howard guesf of Mif. waid Miýs. Jin MT andi Mis. 0. C. Ashton's. girl.____- devotional service. Mi. Row- Brerît. Wagg, Oshawa.1 Mi. anti Mis. Keith McGiIIS O V I laindt Coombes was secrétaiy. During the lunch houx' whieh Mi. and Mis. J. A. Rosevear lanti family were Sunday din-ST V Ohurch membership at the foilowcd a comitee waset visiteti Mis. Mabel Jones, Toi- ner gueste of Mi. andi Mis. Roy N IL close of 1959 stooti at 147 cf up te, look into tliç,, pos'sibility onlto undtay. MeGil. JL. AT MOST REASONABLE PRICES whom 37 were non-resitient. of piirIhasilig a new electrie Mi. anti Mis. Ross Sharp Mr. Gordon Stevens visitet Mr. and Mis. J. Malettel Mr. Leon Moore, on behalf of organ, tbc committee to be anti Kathy, E'nniskillen, visited Mi. Wallace Stainiton, Toronto. Tyroie, Mr. Lloyd Cochîrene,j o )lvr the Board of Stewards. re- composeti of A. Hamilton, R. Mi. anti Mrs. H. Skinner. Mr. anti Mrs. Russell Griffin, Mis. Russell Cochrane, Bei'- DIwr parted a balance of $632.45. Glaspeil andi Mis. G. Brent. A family gatheîing vras helti Mr. anti Mis. Wallace Griffin, nice anti Bar, visited al. L. Mr. Moore was tentiereti a Miss Geraidine Giacinti, B.A. at tihe home of Mi. A. H. Brent Heather andi Dale were Sun- Cochrane>'s. ]PHONE OSHAWA RA 5-1109 sincere vote of thanks for bis Miss Catherine Grant, A.N.SC Saturd'ay evening. Congretul-1 day evening tunner guests of Mr. anti Mis. Stan Gray anti veiy faithfufl anti efficient A. from Toronto Teachers Col. ations t0 Mi. Brent on bis 871k Mis. Norman CollacuItt, Bow- deughîtîeis, Oshawa, were with 7 ODs' .OH W work as treasurer. Letters o! lege, are spending tbis weekbuhda'Ms.HOmso, appreciation weîe to be sent with Miss Jean Robertson tee- imany mnore happy occasions. Mi. andi M-s. R. J. Ormiston1 Donald Taylor, Oshawa, spentd ouI te frientis living oulside of cher o! the Junior room, Ty- cornmunity who hati contrib- rone Public Sehool andi are _______ uteti te the tihuich budget. staying with Mis. Edith MV-ur -____ The Sunday Sehool iu 1959 phy. ____ made a gift o! $100 towards Misses Lorraine andi Maur- îepaiîing andi ticorating theiî' cen Smith froin Toronto Tea- essembly rom. Their balance chers College, are at 1Behhesdia et tbhe endi of tihe year was Séhooi with Miýs. J. A. Rose- $234.44. While thbe average vear, Teecher, and stayiiig with attendance ws 79. Others who M. andi Mis. Walter Rahi.Y OC AR EDL a9sited inthe cdeoràionMr. anti Mis. S. Goble antiYUCN EOE were the W.A. witb $! 00.00 anti Bruce weîe guests Saturda'y the Exploiers $ix 10.00, eveninîg of Mi anti Mrs. D>. while private donois contri- Davey. buteti $9.00. Mi. J. C. Cook Mis. ,flm Woodley. Pet ami reporteti an inerease in Miss- 1)ianne visiteci lest Fridey wit'h ioniary and Maintenance eiv- Mis. William Lonsberry, Bow- ings over 1958 of $142, bring- manville. ing the total fîom ail sources The Hall board are sponsor- toi $'604.40 ing a cuchre vai'ty Fridiay ev- The W.A. wiLli a mernbership ening. of 43 showed a balance of, Walter [Park à% and i hs Pm s r FOR THE DO-IT-YOURSELFER AJAX-ZENITII 2-9600

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