PAGE TWO THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO THURSDAY, JAN. 28th, 1080 or of teilers, John Francis. The Community Club had a Reliion or Tdaysuccessful night of cards in ___________________the Centre on Saturd'ay even- ing Eight tables of progres- sive euchre were played, un- der convenors, Mr. and Mrs. Ivan Henry, Mir. andi Mn. John Francis and Mr. and Mrs. B. The eave ly isio Hitchens: Prize winriers were The eave ly V sionBeth Weidon, J. N. Walter; Besie penerand W. Bell. A Weeky TalkTeen Town wil hold a gel- A Wekly alktogether en Friday eveining in By Rev. R. R. Nicholson the CQmmunity Centre with Miý1s. Albert Wood in charge. The Aposie Paul had been, This Heavenly Vision had ai happy and restless becauseý Mr. and Mrs. R. MeBurnie langiiishing in prison in Cae- marveloeus transforming pow- they are unwillhng t0 obey. and childien four, have been sarea for two vears. when hie er on the life of Paul. Instead Many years ago 1 had a dearl welcomed to Kedron commun- was brought for trial before of being a narrow, bigoted friend, a physician, who was ity, and are making their home Por-Cilus Fest us, the procuratorlJew, he became a broad- an active, earnest, Christian in the former home of Mr. anid of judea. In his defence Paul minded, generous citizen Of man and a zealous worker in Mrs. W. Snowden. Mr-. and Mis. told the story of his life and the world, carrying the glad the churcb. He told me that Bill Snowden and sons are now conversion. tidings of salvation to ail na- while he was attending col- established in the farm home Once lie had been a Pharisee tions. Instead of being a cruel, lege, the l'Heavenly Vision" formerly owned -by Mr. and of the strictest sect; he h ad merciless persecutor, he be- came to him. It was a clear Mrs T W. Scott. liated the Christians intensely; came a tender-hearted, sym- definite cal 10 go to China Henry Kidd of Orillia. vis- lie had persecuted themn zeal- pathetic lover of bis felowl as a medical missionary, bu~ tedhsanMs .D ously, dragging them out o mn.hewa sbeiet.a s ar.Donon saRa. wn their homes to prison. One Now, the Heavenly Vision At that time he was engeg-~ and M is. Hwn on Wetrroy, day, xvhen be was on his way whicb changed the life of Saul cd to a lovely girl who was MVr. and Mis. Harold Werry l'O Damascus, breathing out! of Tarsus, has been trans- also a student. She was thýeý pn auda rBleil threatenings and slaughter,1 forming the lives of men daughter of a minister whospt t daonear Belean ilMe suclenly a lignt brighter than!through ail the ages. There was a professor in a theolo-! A. B. McComb. the noonday sun, shone around was St. Augustine, who lived gical college. But, alas, the ________ hirn, and being terrified, he in the fourth and fifth cen- young woman had no desire' f el upon his face. Then he furies. In his youfh and ear- to be a missionary, and she beheld a vision of the risen, ly manhood he lived a life o! refused to go to China with NEW TON VILLE Lord in his glory, and he debauchery, sensuality and i- hjm. HéI feit he could flot heard a voice saying, "Saul, centiousness. He moved from give ber up; se tbey wer Mr. and Mrs Trinest Halse, Saul.: why persecutest thou city to city. His affectionate, married. He wa.s deliberately Ray andi Beverley, Mrs. Pearl me? It is hard for thee tO! Christian mnother, Monica, fol- disobedient to the "Heavenlvý Caldwell, M1r. and Mrs. Frank kik ninst the goads.' And' lowed him with he ryrVso, n vratracsý Bingham and Colleen, Toronto; lie said: 'Whlo art thou Lord?". and counsel. his life was ful of vain re-! Mir. and Mrs. Gordon I\artin,I and the voice answered: "Il One day hie was walking in grets, disappointments and Miss Sandrae Br-agg, Bowm-an - amn Jsus whom thou perse- his garden, when it seemned sorrow. ville: Miss DorothY Stapletor, cutest. I have appeared unto as though he heard a voice Now God uses these ideals Kingstnn: Mrs. D. Silaýv. New- thee to make thee a minister, from heaven . saying: "Take and visions thaf he gives us, castl1e; Mr. and Mrdis. Mansan and a wvitness."l and read; take and read;" and from Heaven, to disturil con- Patton, Orono atGereSa This was the climax of his what hie took and what he tentment, destroy ease andi pleton's. Gog a ,,tory and then Paul declared: read was the story of Jesus secure Progress. "Where there Mr. George Stapleton attend- "Whereulpon, 0 King Agrippa,fo Nazareth, and through that is no vision the people per- &d the Ontario Hereford Club 1 was; not disobedient te the- Paullîne experience, Augustine ish.' The dominant nations Of Annual Convention and iban- Heavenlv Vision." What was came from darkness into light, file world-those that have qutet at Guelph. this vision cf Paul? It was from bestial sensuality into made the greatcst advance in 1 fihe vision of Jesus Christ as the purify of file saints Of science, art, philanthropy, and Miss Dorolhy Stupleon of bis Saviour and .Lord. If was God. civilization - are those that Kingston spent thie weekend at the realization that Jesus He was converted and bap- have ever ilad before thern home. Christ had a rîgilf to his love tized at the age o! Virty- the vision of the crucified and* Mrs, Victor Wagg of Mar-k- and service, and tilat through three. He became a great Risen Christ. liam spen1t the pasi. week with obedience al his powers would thinker and a powerful wi- The heavenly vision, the Mr. and Mis. Sid Brown'. be called forth, and he would ter None of the fathers of the vision of Christ as Saviour Mrs. Milton Kimbali, who f0 be tema oined church more powerfully and Lord, is stili transformn- was on thie sick Eist, is able to ed uit e touched the human hearf and ing the lives of men and wo be op anid arounfi again. ___________________warmed if toward religion. He men in ahi walks cf life. Miss Alice Nesbitt of Tor- became a mighfy force in the Their lives are swcetened and onto, spelit the weekend with F A N ERVCE world for Christ, none greafer beautified, though God may heir sister, Miss Amne Nesbitt. FARK S RVICE unlesse it be Paul himself. not caîl them teoocupy Pla- Miss Bertha Thompson and DEAD, OLD & CRIPPLED Let us note that disobedfi- ces of prominence before the Mis. Marjoie Watson of Tor-1 FAMSOKence to the Heavenly Vision woîîd. onto were in the village on Rtemoved Free of Charge usually resulfs in failure, sor -______________ Immediate 24-Hr. Service row and despair. Phillips Mr. Harold Moffat and Miss Ask Your Operator For Brooks says: "«The difference Marilyn Quantrili of Orono1 befween men in this world, l were Surrday visilors with Mr. ZEih650 more than in anytbing elsc, rFarr m Uionl andi Mrs. Ross Boa ZE ih650 is net in the visions God bas IMrs. Mary O'N'eill and her No Toll- Charge given tbem, but is in tile Way kNewsid son Mi. M. O'Neill attend- NIkPeconi- Peterborough they are obedient or disobe- ed the d fli uilerai o!flihe latter's __________________dient te tilem." Men are un.-1 grandfaf h er, Mr. Wm. A. The January meeting of Le- O'Neill of Green'tbank. The ser- cal 78 Ontario Farrners' Un- vice was held at the chape! of ion was held at tileborne O! McDermott - Panabaker, Port M~'r. and Mis. Richard Gibbs, Periy, on. Fiday, Jan., 22nd. G O * Tyrone, witb 17 present. Pre- Inferment was al, Bethel Cerne- G O ... :ident Mr. Offo Bragg, pre- tery, Greerubank. ofo- Al.JeTrudeau gave a re onfe, visited bis aunt !Mis. Gfl- Rega dles of nowport on thie vegetable Grow- mer-Srnîfh eon Sunday, ers' Convention held in Ham- Mi% and Mis. Reid Wood held FOR SAFER WINTER DRIVING ilion December 2nd and 3rd. a family gathering on Sunday. He said if was tile laîgcsf al- Phose prese nit weire, Mir. aind LET US DE-SKID VOUR TIRES tendance the Convention had Mns. Kennetih Smith and Mr.N ever ilad and gave sorte in and Mis. Geo. Flgaté of Tor-1 ýor That Heavy Snow . teiesting facts on the Can onto; 'Mr. and Mis. Haroldf We Can Cut Your Tires with Snow Cleats Crop situation. Wooe adr and nf n . BWmasi- Mis. Arnold Parker o!fvile d M.adMre if We can make your old tires into Roseneatil, Women's Vice Pre- TWo odg.eto ra Snow and Mud Tires sident cf Ontario Farmers' Un- TC.,hae GeogedWeaon rkea ion, was guest speaker. Mis. Cc.,thavewdcnte apakenchs Fo Olype tre Parker said she appreciafed Institute for use in our park.t bebalf o! the Union Paper. gCiedrît gi thsls.gWm. Mîs She eaid articles are needed ega fr-ngg thàsie atlonel on a vaîiefy of subjecfs relat- nee fthi e lcateto ing te farm problems alsaofo the Weston Breadi Co. letters fo file editer thaf miglit Misses Eleanor Krause ai-d be o! interesf. Pamnela Koopmans of theTa cher's College, Toront, ar Tile Union is galning i with Miss Donna Porter in thee SV CE I 11 Nprestige and is now quofed junior room.r by radio and press as one of M.adMs etTmkn __I A I Ntw ao ai ognztos spent Sunday witlh friends af 9 __Mis. Parker quofed figures Bolton. awwa ~,*on tbe Price Sprcasi Investi- _____________ wâ -~wvgat ion. Prices at refail level wbîle marketing costs in fthe saine periosi rose 84% and tfie level o! fari prces remain- esi uncbangesi. This empliasiz- ed tile neesi for Parity Prices' wilicb has always been Faimn Union policy. Nexf meeting Februaîy 2nd: at Tyrone Hall. Lunch ansi a social time were enjoycd. Tcprn'n Mi Officers fer Kediron Sunday Scileol for 1960, have been electesi as féllows- superin- tendents, Albert Woeds, Wil- liam Werry, Willam Snowden, Ted Maidima andi Jack Fi-an- cis. Mr. Franois will ie file supervihg superinifendent; se- crefary, Robiert Spencer; as- sistiants, KeithI regunna ani-i Douglas MéNalIy; Treasurer, Alvin Spencer; Pianist, Elezî- nor Mountjey who will choose ber own assistants; cr'adle-roll deparfrncnt, Mirs. J. Starr, mis- sionoxy superînîfendent, Derek Barnetf; M. andi M. freasurer, William Werry; speciai pro- gramîme conittce, Mms. Lyle 1Noble, MIrs. Charles Thomas, projector operators, boys o! Young Pteples Class; repue- sentiative to official board, _Mis. W. Woodwarl. Teachers were chosen as fol- Iows, begirnners, Mrs. Ted Mdaiduno; assistants, Mn-. S. 0gle and Mns. D. Barnett; Pri- inary, Mis. W. Woodward; as- sistant, Mis. W. Weriy; Senior primary, Murs. A. Wilbus, and Mis. 0. Selleck; Initermedlate girls, Mis. B. Reeves ansi Mus B. Hitchîens; Junior boys, Bill Werry with Keitil Tregunna, anud Bian Lee, as assistants;i Intermiedliate boys, Alvin Spen- cer and John Frwincis; Young people, Miro. R. Bistîop and! Mis. H. Werry; Tellers, Walte- Davis and thie acting superin- tendenut. Sunday School attends- ance at the present is aveu 100. Thle Board of Stewards met on Sunday following tic re-! gula>r service and have organ- izeci as folows - Chairman,' Deiek Benitett; vice-cliaarman,ý John Francis; treasurer, Lyle; Noble; secrctary, Albert Wood;I enveloPe secretary, Rob e u t1 Dale; Propcrfv chairmen, Ted' Maidman (convenor), Douglas Love, g-vile Selleck; oeiven- L ( I J 1: IL DUe@ PUMP h Id~ frhgI e 18110w Plow. The Reeve and.ii E '~Deputy Reeve were appointedi Shorthorn Lassies teacnrte t netgt HoIdiFirst Meeting oeIsemcro g a Durham CountyI Hold Fîst Meeing -Aby-law, No. 1365, uaýA rclua aeà i passesi giving the township!I In November 1959, inter-,2, Oshawa, Director, ilid a the aufilorify te berrow up' estesi ladies met af Guelph te i meeting for the ladies ini ber te $90,000 should tfie need' Annual Sol andi Ciop lm-: Wednesday, Jan. 27th-Dur. organize Canada's first "Short-1 vicinity. The club's formationi arise. A By-law appoinfing i provement Convention. Tburs-1 hani County Junior Farier hemn Lassie Club", an auxil- aîms and activities werc cx- fence viewers, poundkeepers,I day, Jan. 28th-General ses- Meeting, 8:30 p.m. Orýno iary te the Canadian Short- plainesi te the ladies present.1livestock and shecp valuators,,. Township Hall, C1arj& ibm Asscitio, nfaio The first group project is lsci n - Forage Ci-eps - 10:00 tak and slides on overm Cilapter. ja i fî weed inspector for 1960, and Pastures; 3:30 trip. Tile officers for the Club a "Shorfileun Lassie Cook w ase passesi. p.m. - The Agriculfural Ouf- Wednesday, Fcb. ârd-10:00 for 1960 are: President, Mis. Book". I was decidesi te give $l5 look - W. P. Watson; 10:00 a.m.-Annual Meeting Ontario John Rickard, Newcastle, On- te file Millbrook Minor Hoc- 1 .Tri rwr'Me Gene lb oa oe~ tario; Vice-President, Mrs. C. Favourite recipes frorn any ikey Association, $10 eachub Roal ôte H. Mumford, Hampton, On- Shorfhorn ladies would be file Hospital for Sick Chils-i- ng; 6:30 p.m.-Annual Ban-~ Guelphl. tario; Sccretary - Treasurer, gratefully received if supplied ren and thie Salvation Army. quet (Speaker, Larry Hen-' Thursday andi Friday, Fei.% Mis. Roy Pbilip, Port Hope: by February 29th. Samne couhi Tile next meeting o! Man- derson, King Edward Hotel). ruary 4th and 5til-Soils Ce Ontario, Publicify Director, be mailed to Mis. David vers Municipal Council will Friday, Jan. 29th.-General ference, O.A.C. for Exteniýd Mis. Torrance Bearsimore, BeatilR. R. No. 2, Oshawa, the, be belsi on Tuesday, Febru- Session. 10:00 a.m. - General Personnel. Caledon East, Ontario. The group secretary. !amy 2nd. Session. 11:15 a.m. - Safety Saturday, Feb. 6t.h 1:30 to Ontario Chapter has nine Di- You wiIl be hearing of the' 1960. Note: For furtiler details 4:00 p.m. - Tentative date, rectors repmesenfing file var- group activities frorn time te contact youî local Agricultur- coaciling re County Seed Judg. ious areas in Ontario. j time se watch for "Shorfhorn , y TAPVah Represenfafive. ing Comnpetition. Mis. Lance Beatil R. R. No.1 Lassie News". BT R MRS. M. E. NOBLE A former resident o! Oshl- Cartwright Fair Bd. awa, Mis. Myrtle Evelyn No- ble, died in fileTorono ast L ii G encrai Hospital, Safrday,' W iliHol Con estJan. 16, in her 61sf year. For the past few years, Mis. No- ble lived wifh ber son, Ralpil For P ize ist over Noble, af 1866 Bickford drive, For riz Lis Co er larkson. Previously she spent 20 years in Oshawa. Thcre was a goosi attend- 1 Nestîcton: Ralpil Larmer, Nes- Mis. Noble was the former ance aithfie annual meeting fleton; Joe Bradburn, Nestle- Mnytle Evelyn Wright, andi, of the Cartwrighît Agricul- ton; Menui Van Canmp, Nes-' was born June 12, 1899, inj tural Society, lield in file!flefon; Ivan Cochîrane, Nestle- 1 Tyrone, Ontario. In 1917 she Community Hall in Black-! ton, andi Roy McLaughlin,!was marîied in Peterboioughi. stock on January lOth. Nestlefon.! Besides Oshawa and Clark- Alter the minutes were Lady Directors elccted were,t son, Mrs. Noble had also livesi îead, the president, Ivan Mrs. E. Larmer, Nestleton;1 in Millbrook. Sarnîia andi Ber- Cochrane, of Nestîcton, gave Mis. Haroldi MeLaugillin,' genfielsi, New Jersey. During a short address. He expressesi Buiketon; Mis. Ivan Mount- her residence ini Oshawa, she satisfaction with file fain this joy, Burketori: Mis. Ro1 Ty was a member of St. Andrew'sI yea.r and thanked the direc- loi, Blackstock; Mrs. -oyMc United Churcil. tors andi ail who hias contri- Laugilhin. Nestîcton; Mrs.J Mis. Noble was predeceased. butesi to ifs success. He also Lorne Thompson, Burketon;~ by her husband, Haroldi Sanm- thanked flic municipalitv for Mis. Murray Byers, Buiketon, uel Noble, in 1946 and a dau- flîcir considerable help in ftic andi Mis. Carl McLaughlin. gilter, Dorotliy. in 1943. painting andi improvements Blackstock. She is survivesi by one son, to file groundis tuis year. The If was decidesi te holsi a Ralpil of Clarkson; one sister, financial report was presentesi competifion open te Grade 7, Mis. Pearl Milîs of Toioîito,. slîowing flic society in a sound 8 andi 9 sclîool children for a and one grandclîild, Janetl position in spite o! heavier design for file cover o! this Louise Noble nf Clarkson. than usual capital spending year's prize list. Prizes will be Tlie funeral service hield at this ye'ar. awarded te the five best en- flic Armstrong Funeral Home, Thle Directeîr for District tries. Oshawa, Tuesclay, Jan. 19, at No. 4 e!filhe Ontario Associa- Tile dates selectesi foir fli 3.15 p.m., was conducfed by tion of Agricultural Sociefies fair this year were approved Rev. Dr. George Telford o! was present ansi gave a report andi tie fair wil] be held on St. Andrew's United Ciluren. on file work o!filhe Associa- August 26 and 27.I Burial was ini Mount Lawn tion. Affile directors' meeting file Cemefery. Directoîs for ftle Cartwright following officers were elcc- The palibearers were ÏM. society were elccfed. They are ted: President, Ivan Cochrane, Gillies, M. Spratt, J. Connolly,ý Harvey Grahlam, Nestîcton; 1sf Vice. Ralpil Larmer, bofh C. Blair, C. Elliott and G. Neil Malcolm, Burketon; Deug e! Nestîcton R. R. 2; 2nd vice, Callfas. Mackie, Nestleton; GilibertGGlîbert Marlow, Blacksteck._______________ Maîlow, Blacksfock; Ernest Walter Wrighlt was engaged Ji Swain, Burketon; Howard For- for arnother yeaî as SecretaryN ON Y der, Blacksfeck; Neil Weriv, Treasurer. il[ I qI0 Man vers Council Holds Inaugural Appoints Road Supt. Thie inaugural nmeeting o! time regaîding thle tenders for 1%Ranvers Township Council a foui wheel drive truck and wýs heki in Befhany iecenfly. Tile members o!filhe cotîncil for 1960 are Reeve Robert Bs'own, DePuty Reeve, Henry Jakeman, ansi Councilloîs R. U E J. Payne, Fenton Falhis, and U E HI. A. McMaster. tbc Rural Hydre Office in Pe- terborough te sfudy Bethany street ligbfing ansi to estim- ate file ceaf e! a modemn ligilt- ing system for file streefs. On motion of Councillor Payne, seconded by Council- lor Fallis, appieciafion was expressed te Alban Sisson, file -etiring Roasi Superinfendent,A. for flic good service he hasi given during flic 25 years lie had ilelsi fie position. V Morris Bradley was ap- pointed Road Superintendent af a salary of $3,000 a year. rilere were 11 applicants for lhe position. Tile by-law re- ,arding Mi. Bradley's ýap- poinfment was passesi. Counceil instrucfed the Township Clerk te sens a. let- cir te Counties Council re- qucsfing that fthe Counfy Roasi System take over Barbier Street, Ponfypool, file link >cfwecn John Street and No. R 35 Higilway. [t was aise de- îced te petifion the Deparf- ment cf Higilways for file bal- ane of file 1959 Roasi Suil- 'onded by Councillor Fallîs,N movesi that a roasi brushing proecct be staîtesi. This was fuIIy -1 cariesi. A decision was made that no action be faken at fuis a 9 p s s 3ý ci Ir ae si ci il ti PONTYPOOL main b and wI1Ce e The Congregational meetingi Uýd à ... -a" ti *0 CfS.<0o~ f fthc Unîhies Ciluîch was helsi 1 *Ifficf on Thursday evening with Mr. Duff minister presiding. After Bq me avaL, a short devefional perios f av- ffl-e insunl= ta meet Ws- urable reports wcre ileard dVd .seec yo from ail departments of file SDTJRO deahr cilurcil. AUl officers were ne- fr *A Wwao or wrke elecfed fer 1960. A discussion bi 'I idff Mudr E period ibrouýgil'several goosi ~ uNe»eei". suggestions from tie castor and congregifion. Some o! Iflise suggestions wîll lie deaIt. wifil at a later date. Meeting dlosesi witil prayer at 10 p.m. \ Another o! oui sendor cit.i- zens was laid fo i-est on We<I- nemday ini Ballyduff Cemefeîy in tie pemisofi Harvey Gil- banks. Deceasesi basiresidesi east cf Ballyduff for many years prier fo moving fo tic village cf Ponîtypool. He was lovedu and respectesi by ail. To those w4ho mourn We extensi Wl. and Mis. Archie Whit- mee cf Oshawa ansi Mr. ansi PUNi i OFTEER Mrs. Mel Morrison of Scarbor- blEJYDU "a with i. and Mrs. R. J. Payne. LONDON CÂNAD) L.O.B.A. 1314 ileld their re- gulr eetngon Wed-nesday anne. Reeve Robf. Brow.n and Dep- j A C K .BRO 0U G H uy Reeve Henry Jakernen t i PLUMBING and IIEATING Cobourg the past week. Divison Street south Mr. Keitti Bradley is Tes- ponding favourubhy te regulir MA 3-5615 BOWMANVILLE freatments for a basi back> con- 1- ditiomi UUNI AVAILABLE FOR NGRTGAGES RALPH S. ONES Barrister and Solicitop 130 King St. E. Oshawa RA 8-6246 SEE and SAVE The One Car That Costs Less To Buy ... Far Less To Operate... LARK by SUEA P$25580 AS LOW AS $ 5a 0 Corne in today! - - - Test di-ive the 1960 Lark by Studebaker GRAHAM'S GARAGE STUDEBAKER SALES & SERVICE Haydon COlfax 3-2233 R.R. 1, Bowînanville ROME HEATING PLAN 7ERSONVBRNE T"ws MM s lit mSt lim.çssoiuerasud Ujjesjgn"uni#$t, whatever their type . .. whatever their fuel.4ý FREE *INSTALLATION *SERVICE w.woeh) Insta now... yoc'II enjoy dependable gas heat! CLEAN e DEPENDABLE e SILENT Ir ERFS Hm... YcmrueS a fuly MNAofK moira gvu htom W owPm, format. orbador (ubj.d .ae offel . OF WI',tyIy orgeO=mNup.,) fer 83.5OR0 d C.orme, lis mdds i.hrecarI.pts, uaaho. laoW. d . pâpu iffl m ,.h. m d oP le50 Euut hom miu m k. ^hAi mn.y iàmgau-rê quWeL vm» -. aew CmS,â. Somurs wor unma Smmimwu .~ omt.. ulmême S'oeeiawur,, hW ut wr ed tbooum mi fer 'mi, fmueOowef abatsur Ufr fo a- ECONOMICAL 48 Simcoe St. S., Oshawa Phone ZENITH 11700 '«You'il cîhuays bc glad you chose Natuînl (;aý' rBoet the. spring rush und save moeay ... tek* delivety of yo~w AGRICO 1%ow. Buy Agrico Now and Save Money SAVE. mooey mn yair Spr-ig fertmzes ne"dsby s t akîg iantage o!f the lîberai early shupment ai- 1oXanoe now in effcct. Lni additiop te saving -money, yen also beat thie planting time rush ard avoid eostly delays later Yen won't have to worry about Spring t&aw breaking up roads or driveways either. Our plant at Pot Hope ilas a good suppiy cd ad grades in stock and stand ready to gîve you qulck Ioading service. Ai grades are in excellent mechanical condition aM wMf store weHin u your bain or shed. This year, have your fertilizer on hand exacUly when you want #, - take early delivery. For details on how mtw l m mieB, eCUl rUh iiarby AGRICO DeaWe .1 AGRICb' FOfi *ETTEA RESULrS AGICLLTUIRAL OIfEMICALS rnrt m ntri r 'i t. THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWbL«VffleC, ONTARIO PAGE TWO THURSDAY, JAN. 28th, IM ..,Ooý