* i s, .r; '.,¶4~'v~~V.Yr-r1- 'w * 1 flYDgT. VJAN-T Onuh- 10M Weclcinq ILKIND - SUIMPSON rd 'mumâ with same Pink E St. George's Anglican Church, oss Goi mt !Bw Newcastle, prettily decoratedl isGoi mt fBw wlth Chita hms~ manville, as maid of honour fuarther enhanced by poinset- wa in powder blue lace over ÀI and with the guest es taffeta designed with taffeta ~ked by white satin bw1streamers falling from a taf- the ettng or he ar-feta bow at the front waistlin.e tha e o tn g thray eemax Thbride's sister, Miss Nancy 26, 1959, at 3:30 o'clock of Simpson, as junior brides- Peggie Nel, daughter of Mr. maid wore a dress of fine1 -ad Mrs. Robert Charles Sim- pink cotton fashioned with a 1oR. R. 2,Nwatlad'alloPed boat neckline. Both Mr- Fic Balkind. The groom wore white shoes, gloves and jtheso o Mr. and Ms .vi caps banded with whiteo $>Balkind of Toronto. velvet. The xaid of honour rRev. D. R. Dewdney was carried a basket of pink car- the ffiiatng cergmanandnations and the junior brides- theoffciain clrgyan ndmaid a basket of blue cana- the 3olalst, Miss Margot Ran- tions. kine, was accomnpanied by or- MrDaiBedTota ganst xs Garod . was best man and the ushers1 The bride, given in marriage were Mr. Jerry Langille, To- by ber father, wore a floor- ronto, and the bride's brother length gown o! heavy white Mr (Tommuy) Sonny Simpson. brocaded satin. The very full The reception was held at ukirt, featuring three large the Flying Dutchman Motor bows down t.he centre back Hotel, omnile hr panel, was topped by a long te bd'smotile hered sleeed itte boice.Thethe guests in a sapphire blue scoop necidine and siceve tips satin brocade sheath with were peani emnbroidered. Her long-sleeved matching jacket. finger-tip veil was caught ta Assistin.g, the groom's mother a pearl trimrned satin head- chose an olive green silk piece and she carried a cas- sheath. Both wore corsages of o«de bouquet af white roses pink carnations. For the wedding trip to Ot- 1 tawa the bride changed to a gold satin brocade dress witn gwide shoulder straps and Ipleated bodice, matching Ç oo cArana three-quarter sleeved jacket UooA randand black accessonies. The groom is a teacher biY ~T I.profession and at present Mr. Ja ri CS and Mrs. aknliet14 J a Alsumer thAe.,plan to.mae -ARE - Vancouver, B.C., their home. Prior to her marriage the bride was gucst o! honour at several parties. Miss Gloria Smith, Bowmanville, was hostess for a miscellaneous shower. Co-hostesses for a miscellaneous shower in To- ronto were Mrs. Letha Storms and Mrs. Ann Call. A presentation was made from friends and neighbours at Brown's School. New Spring IFABRICS ST - WIT- Veicro The New Bur-like Zipper Fastener Exclusive With Us _ _ __ý« ý- M- le ST - WITH - Seamline The New and Invisible Zipper Sewed i the Seamn - AT - Ço o Ara ni Jatrc 29 KING ST W. MA 3-5551 BOWMAN VILLE BURKETON Mr. and Mns. Leslie Argue and family visited Mrs. R. E. Bone in Markham on Sunday. Mr. David Archer is i Mem- anial Hospital, Bowmanville, and the communtty wish him a speedy recovery. Miss L. Knight attended the Bath blrvhcbay party o! her unele, Mmr. Charles Knight of Oshawra, at the home of Mn. and Mrs. Joe Snowden, Ennis- kiUlen, Sunday evening, when jedial Mirr or Dandruf Can Be Helped Q. y à~ ulcios &abuf a"j ut- hur 5, geuing uery tliE. 7555yon please <li me ,elma e a.do?-Rely worried. A. At one tisas dandruf was thouglt te lbe due to a special lind of scalp germ- hence the refer- mnS ta "infections:' Many doc- ors now discount flua fheory. 'hyuicians bave ways of keeping landruf under contrai. The prcp- iration most gencrally used re- îuircs a prescription (and medical upoiWaon), so vial t your family iactar or censuit a skcia special- st. Dandruf, as sudh, prabably tas litie to do with baldness. Q. la ft moew.l »r a baby go rus a têmpTVa .,. Sels- A. Tcsthing babies may runa litie temperature if the gums be- came infiamed. In fthc case cf jaw teetthhfer s Suusually some m flamamtian. As fthc taath pushes. tote surface it raises and stretciies the averlying tissue. The child quickly discovers that iiting down tempararily relieves the discomfort. Mui increases thc irritation and what was bad i-, cornes worse. A sligt tempera- torc may recuit. Questions direced ta Science Ed;- tors, P.0, Box 396, Madison & Sta., N. Ir. 10, N. Y. will be urý corporaird l inss.colunuwhen posible. S mm uR nsvxss! SIcknows today'a trima modems prefer ligh* refreshmnti 81. myres today'â Fepsi. Never heavy, Revu to Sweet, St refreshes vithout OMMiu. Plan to serve it at yaur party. 20 memnhers of the Mniily, ini- clu&ing nieces aud nephews, were presenit. Suuday mornIng, January 31st at i a.m., will be Youth Service. This is a service when oun Youih organization is tak- ing a large part o! the service. A cordiali invitation is extend- ed ta one and ail. Plans have been made ta hold a social evening at thse home o! Mns. A. Carter on Thursday eveniug, February 4th, at 8:15 pin. Proceeds go towards churcis work. lhe tobogganiug party and social evening hbld at the borne o! Mns. L. Argue on Satunday eveniug was a fine success. Tes, coffee and lunch was ser- veti, bninging a fine evensng to a close. Mr. andi Mrs. Jack Smith, Mr. and Mrs. Orvus Smith spent Saturday in Peterbor- ough, Mn. and Mns. M. MéPIiail and family, Bowmanville, w e n e Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Taylor and family. Miss Reena Fowler, Bow- mauville, spent the weekend with Miss Canal Abbott. Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Vick- ery and Debbie, are movinýg this week. They have secured an apartrnt in Oshawa. Mrs. Erie Marchand is in EMemorial Hospital, Bowman- ville, where she underwent -surgery. Mn1. S. Irons is in Toronto. iHe is unden observation. 1Mn. anid Mrs. Wayne Weston spent the wekend with Mr. and tMrs. Howard Lee and family, Nestleton. rMn. Roy Ashton la on the sick list. We hope hîs condition will soon be impnroved. t Mrs. Ethel Wilson, Mn. and Mns. Robert Bell and baby, Oshawa, were Sund>ay guests o! Mrs. Pearl Avery. Choir practise will be held iu the church on Thursday ev- ening, Januany 28th art 8 p.m. Mrs. Jack Sinclair spent a few deys with relatives in St. Catharines. Mr. and M?&s. George Carter and family, Bowmanrville; Mn. aind Mirs. Robert Carter and faimily, Whit1by; Mr. Fred Car- ter, T.U., were Sunday guests of Airs. A. Carter. Mr. and 11&ls. Dave Gatchell, Oshawa, were Sunday guests e! Mr. and Mr-s. A. C. Stephen- son and !amily. Mn. and Mirs. Wytze Vauder- ley and famlly, were Sunday guests o! Mnr. anid Mrs. R. Wler- Bina anid !amily, WIitby. Mn. and Mns. William Bos- graaf and family, Bnooklin, jwere Sunxiay guests of Mr. and Mina. Jasuer Vanden Bos. Mrs. Agnes Johnstor) Miss Helen Birown4 Whitby, werc Sunday guests of Mrs. Mary Dean and family. Mn. and Mrs. Pe-ter Cather- wood anid !amlly, Uxbridge, were Sunday guests o! Mn. and Mrs. E. M. Adamis. Attention Ai Blood Donors! Clinic, Feb. 4th Residents lu the Darlingtan, Countice and Bowmanville aneas will be interested ta note that tise next Red Cross Blood Donor Cliuic for the Oshsawa anea bas been ache- duled for Tisursday, Febru- ary 4. Thse Clinic will be held et Saint Gmgory's Auditorium on Simcoe Street Norths be- tween the hours o! 1:30 ta 4:00 and frani 6:00 ta 9:00 p.m. The total number o! bottlca received in January was sllghtly aven 260, fan below thc monthly quota nequined ta meintain Uic free blood transfusion service in area hospitals. Couplcd with the serious shartages expericnced lest year Red Cross officiais are concerned at wisat ap- pears ta be a trend taward ebnonic deficits. Volunteer Clinic wonkens anc making a streuuous effort ta sec that tise Fcbruary ef- fort goes aven the top. Spe- cial telephone conimittces, donor recruitinent projects and !ollow up a! pat douons is being undertaken with a view o reaching thc 400 plut goal for tise next Clinic. Pensons lu tise Oshawa and district area who wisis ta give blood cen phone tise Sacicty's offices in Oshawa at RAndolpis 3-2933 for an appointinent and alsa ta arrange for fnee tran- spartation toansd frain thc J'linic. »uyft in the auiy 6-boule mre SMITRBEVEEAGTS LTD. I124Chueh St., D.wunavdlh, Ont. TEE ÇANADIAN STATESMA. BOWNMNV Sweet Lynn Doreen, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Lowery, Orono, celebrated her third birthday last November 17th. She is the granddaughter of Mr. and Mrs. Arthur White, Bowmanville, and Mr. and Mrs. Hartwell Lowcry of Kirby and great-grand- daugliter of Mrs. Martha White, Leslie Ave., Oshawa. God Created Man Free To Elect His Own Ruin Says Pastor D. L. Michael "Let it neyer be forgotten that God created man free, free ta choose life, and free ta elect his owu nulu,' sta- ted Pastor D. L. Michael, in an addncss Saturday morning Jan. l6th, ta seven hundned parishioners and studeuts o! the Oshawa Missionary Col- lege Church. Mr. Michael, Executive Di- nectar of Public Affairs for Sevcnth-day Adventist Chuncis iu Canada, spoke on the topic, "Religiaus Freedoin". Thse college churcli joined with Seveuth-day Adveutist con- gregations acnoss Canada lu observing "Religiaus Free- dom Week". Iu nefemning to freedoin o! worship as cujoyed lu Canada, Mr. Michael stated, "It is only lu the atmosphere o! freedom, in!ormed and intelligent !nee- dom, that man can make thse choîce ta serve his Maken aud Redeemer." He warned that "Pious phrases, on hp service ta some vain litany o! liberty wlll not suffic-e." Mr. Michael continued, "We serve aur God and neighbor best when wc unite lu the defense aud enlargement of liberty." Mn. Iichael illustrated his remanks by making reference ta the formalities attending tise meceut apening o! Parlia- meut. He said, "'To tluose o! us who have becu steepcd lu tise traditions o! responsible parliamcntary govenument this annual episode o! pomp and pageantry holds a deep and mcaningful significance. It is a reminder of thc vast treas- une store o! liberty which we naw cujoy as tise resuit a! tise sacrifice and struggles a! aur forebearers of another age."I "We -arc gratefu.l for tise pnivilege o! living in this couutry," Mn. Michael af!irm- d, "but it la a !act that tise greater thse pivilege, tise hea- vier thse responsibility." Iun e- !enring ta the sometimes, "ýun- wittiugly ruthless desire o! thc majonity2' Mr. Migisael. cautianed that, I'freedom.'must allow for tise pivate convic- tions o! a single man." ,Mr. Michael pnaised Rabbi Abrahsam Feinberg of Toron- ta, fan bis receut public statement scoring the tendefi- cy o! some clergymen ta dis- count tic valid expression o! opinions because thnough tise accident o! birtis tiey were not fortunate enougis ta be boru lu Canada. Mn. Michael agrced with Rabbi Feinberg by saying, "Liberty must neyer be invested with saine phony bintis certif icate." Heulth Unit Report For December Communicable Disease Imnmunization There wene 68 cases o! com-1 On December 9th the ache- municable disease reported in1 dule o! achool immunization December, and they included clinic in the Townships of1 23 red measies, 21 chickenpox, Darlington and Murray was il mum.ps and 6 whooping coonpleted. A total of 39 clin- cough. ics were held in December. There were 7 cases of ra- Maternlty, Infant and bics reported, 5 in Durham Presehool and 2 iu Northumberland Visits made by Health Unit County. Two o! these w.-re nurses on hehaif o! infants to- dogs. Persons who were in talled 254, preschool children, contact with these animais re- 100 prenatal patients 24. At ceived preventive treatment. chlld health conferences there Tubereulesis were 122 mother-nurse con- Three residents were dis- ferences about infants and charged fromn sanatorium in preschool children. Decemiber, none o! whom Nursing Care required financial assisace uigDembrtr we from the municipality.Dun.Dembrteeee Wheu a patient is diagnosed 111 home visits ta give nurs- as having active tuberculosis ing care ta patients 111 at and sanatorium treatment i.. home. of these visits, 72 wene reconimended, the patient's made in the Cavan-Manvers pbysician discusses this with Township district. Some pa- the atint ad my enisttients have been ou the wait- the hep!teadmdicalfiering list to get into Peterbor- o! health in arrauging for the ogihsias patient's admission tQ sana- Schadl torium. In the vision testing pro- In collaboration with the gramme in the schools, effec- physician, the public health tive new equipment bas been nurse visita the famiiy. Sne available, as yet in a limited helps the patient with the amount, for use by the pub- details o! getting to the san- lic health nurses. In Decem- atorium, she is a sympathetic ber 455 children were given listener ta the reaction o! the vision tests. There were 6391 patient and f amily. She in- individual health inspections.' forms the patient about sana- General Sanitation tonium life and helps him to 1h rvnilDprmn look forward to being well TePoica eatet and active again. She puts jo! Health requests that slau- the amiy l toch ithas-ghterhouses be inspected semi- sitet hafaiy ntomay be neede-annually for reports on gen- sa c ithtanot atioen ex-e eral sanitation and in rela- peses anpin atliong fortion ta the operators' compli- ponser'sadinwace. Shefur- ance with the Provincial Re- Mther'expln lcecoenu- gulations. This was done with, dtions o! insthephysciamn n- il insp2ections bcîng made and, garding tuberculin tests andreotfraddtaheD- chest examination for mcm- partient. bers of the family. She ar- A court action initiated ranges appointinents at the against a slaughter-housc op- monthly chest linies held 1v- erator for operatiug without caily and is present at these! the reqiuired licence was con- clinics ta take histories thatl pleted. accornpany the filmn ta the cli- The annual inspection of nician. Ischools pnogressed satis!actor- In December, Health Unît! uv with 23 general inspections nursesl made 29 visits ta the being made. Thene were 38 homes o! tuberculosîs patients inspections o! eating estab- and armanged appointments lishments. and took histories o! 65 pa- On Deceniber 7th Mn. J. I. tients attendiug monthly chest Thompson and Mr. William elinics at Cobourg, Port Hope,; Girard o! the Lighting Ser- Bowmanville and Campbell- vice Section of the Hydro- ord. Electric Power Conmmison IL. ONTAP62O gave an interesting and in- formative ha]! day of instruc- tion on lighting in genenal and in school class-oom lighting in particulan, at thc Cabourg office in the Northumnberland- Durham Municipal Building. Despite incemcut weather there were 19 medioal officers and samitary inspectons pre- sent froin York, Ontario, Pe- terborougis, Prince Edward and Lennox and Addingtou Countiec3, and froin Peterbor- ough. General Remarks At the nurses' staff meet- Young Air Tra'.'feller PAGE 1UIM CANADIAN WN By Marion Ford The earth is an eiderdown of white, Trees stretch their ernpty branches Upward as if to snatch a bit of light. Swiftly the snow fils ail the ditches The hush of evening fondly fails Across the silent meadow once again. Passively we pause and soon recali That Peace mnust corne at last to ail men. HAV YO H ARI TH S O Ei G. Cormack, Ontario Hospital, Cobourg, was present. Charlotte M. Horner, They were very much lu love, B.A., M.D., D.P.H., tiey had gone together to pick Medial fficr o Heath.the ring . . . the girl'. eyes cparkled when she polnted out OBT AR er cholce: "Oh er st OBITUARYthiusut too sweet?" MISS IDA JEWELL Little Miss Patti Werry, Be: "'No, sweet, 1V. Juat tee Thse deatis occunred sudden- daughter o!fP. Edward and dear!" ly at thse Oshawa General Has- Mrs. Wenry of Ennlskillcn, i1 att nwth eto I pital, Tuesday, Jan. 19, of Miss showu just pnior ta leaving for Wn oko h eto h Ida Jewell, 643 Christie street the airpont et Tampa, Flonida, stony? Welllmll . . . they were Oshawa. Tise deceased wa i'ta fly via T.C.A. ta Malton aud flnally married (with THAT her 8th ear.thence to her home in Ennis- ring) and decided ta eut cx- hem78t yer.killen. Miss Patti had spent Penses ever after by sending A daugiter o! thse late Wil- thc holidays with hier grand- their cleaning ta us. Corny, liam Jewell and Catherine parents, Mn. and Mns. Francis huh?. But TRUEI Wby don't1 Hicks, the deceased was born W. Wcrry o! Enniskillen, who YOU give us a tryl ait Tymone Nov 7, 1882. are vacationing at Tempa. A nesident o! Oshawa fonrMa 30 years, Miss Jeweil previaus-1 22. Interment was in Oshawa NothersMa ly livcd in Whitby and Ty- Union Ccmetcny. Rev. H.* A. roue. She was an adhenent of Melîow, minîsten o! Nanths- bonday, Feh. Ii thse United Chunch. Iminster United Church, cou- She leaves two brothers,ý ducted the services. Charles o! Oshawa and Sid- Tise palîbearers wcre A ncy o! Tyrone. iBranston, Jack Glover, Ernest / The funeral service waslFisher, Malcolm McGregor, j .<M - iseld at thc Mclntosh Funcral MNLur Lau Walters and George Home at 2 p.m. Friday, Jan. Scott. PRE-DRESSED) GRADE "A»ý CHICKENS SOFT, ABSORBIENT - GREEN - BLUE - PINK - YELLOM BALLET TISSUE ECONOMICAL SPREAD - TULIF - REGULAR MARGARINE. CANDY FEATURE ALLANS GOLDEN HUMBUGS BISCUIT FEATUBE PARTY TREAT TEA WAFERS 3% to 4LB. AVERAGE SPECIAL 2 ROLL PKG. Carl Lesli ch of Dimes si - 7 Io 8 p.me I) 2 for 49< SPECIAL 1 LB. PKG. 23< SPECIAL 1 LB. CELLO BAG VOUR CHOICE PKG. 1 LB. CELLO PKG. c a HABITANT -FRENCHj SPECIALI Peu Soup 28 OZ. TIN 6FO600R YOUR CHOICE St. WILLIAN'S, STRAWDERRY, RASPBERRY, APPLE JELLY APEICOT, 2-FRUIT, NARNALADE, CHERRY, PUEAC, PLUN, PINEAPPLE PCA 0R GRAPE JANSJA REAL VALUE VANSTONE'S PASTRY FLOUR Monclay - Tuesday - Wednesday Maxwell House Instant Coffee 6-OL JAR 99C FOR SPECIAL 25 LB. BAG lie<9 NEW BRUNSWICK - No. 1 GRADE POTATrOES 50-LB. BAG 1.99g r a' * fi SWEET - JUICY - EASY TO PEEL Jaffa, Oranges ATTRACTIVELY PRICED All merchandise sold at your Dominion Stoq Limited is unconditionally guaranteed t. give 100% satisfaction Values effective until closing tinie Saturday, January 3th, 1960 DOMINION STORM ESLMTED J 'v "v. i j 'f 'i 4 jLjmujmi3mjLx, dIffl. ZOU4 ...i il