'TmmSMAT, JAN. 2M.hINS HOBBY 'CORNER, By Helen Van Dusen Hobbies can be a forni of developed into a full ime oc- insurance against boredoni! AI cupation more suitable than very active person can bei the one beld before. suddenlY knocked out ofl We think of insurance and circulation tbrough an illness 'pension plans in ternis of fi- or accident. If foilowed by a nancial security, but how long period of convalescence, many people plan for what en iifteresting hiobby can be they are gomng to do with a big help in warding off de- themseives, if they live long pression and raising the mon- enough ta reach the mile- ale. The hobby migbt also be stone on the road of life mark- PLAN TO ATTEND "Inte rior Decorating Nigh t" BOWMANVILLE TOWN HALL Thurs., Feb. 4th- 8:00 pm Sponsored by BOWMANVILLE B. & P. CLUB Presented by A BERNETHY'S PAINTS & WALLPAPER and assisted by CANADA PAINT CO. and CANADIAN WALLPAPERS MFG. J'{ere's ou r 'QOesto-,TI-. I'VA LEN TINE SPECIAL Thse exquIsIteI7 deslgned settinga wlth the dainty heart motf eomplement tise 6 sparkling, reglstered perfect Bluebird dlamonds a truly beautiful twosome . . . Specially prlced. ÇBI1uet4trc/4 For Happiness Diamoni? $150.00 Wedding Ring $43.00 Hooper's JewelleryI 1 and. Gift Shop Bnil.1 Clever trick, Buter! But vien i tcoemes toclevoe tricks with hot water .. . move over and make room for electricity-and the. master of hot water mag- a modern electric water heater. With low cout 4ectricity ey member of the family Sen enjoy the. comfort of bot water at the turu of a tmp, YFm aleo have the extra r.auurig oemtcet LIVE 13ETTER ULECT-RICi il - -.- - -. --~,PAGE IW . ILast week, Bowmanville Publie Sehool Board started. Members, from Ieft to right, include Secre- year. Norman O'Rourke was re-elected chairman and Cattran, N. O'Rourke, R. Kent, R. Dilling and A. M. new member, Dr. C. F. Cattran, was given an officiai Thompson, supervising principal Early History welcome before the main business of the evening The regular meeting of the Newtonville W.I. was held WensdyafenonJa.Ho me ""Ec"" Teaichers Kinsmen Members Gie 2arot atth anhom en rs. F0arwthanhomendance WMeet at Lindsay Classification Tailks President Mrs. C. Brown f opened the meeting with the' One of the highlights of the Chaiman, presided for the Plans for t1te coming year Institute Ode and welcomed Regional meeting of the Home business meeting which foi-' ~ were discussed at the dinner, .11, especially the visitors, be- Econom-ics Section of the On- lowed. Mrs. Arnott urged at- R ltv smeigo h omnil fore callin.g on Mrs. Samis tarioa Educational Association, tendance at the 'O.E.A. Home _ Kmnsmen Club held at the Fly- Iing Dutchman Motor Hotel on for the minutes of last meet- Eastern Central Region, held Economics Section to be held Ted» vnn at h ing, and financial report. Sev- on January 23 in Lindsay Dis- April 18 and 19 in the Lord Fete M r. a nu usly vdglat h eral "thank you" letters were trict Collegiate, was the work- Simncoe Hotel, Toronto. president, Murray Larmer, read, among themn one from shop on Housing presented by This Centennial Year will1 4s T cott Ti nn was th ne of the Golden Plough Lodge for, Mrs. MarjrinsMclntyre, W'hit- feature many outstanding ser.T STis deveinby thoe Kons- the Christmas gifts sent. byDsrcMlhSho. sekr. Aogteewi Vr. and Mrs. Tommy Scott mien Club to Classification Mrs. Milligan was happy ta, Following this very inter- be Dre. Margaret McCready,irecently purchased the "Wal- Talks. The speakers were Ken report that the park bench, esting presentation of the Macdonald Institute Guelph; ter Lucyk" home in Columbus Hockin and Banner Passant donated by the Weston Bread problems which Grade 12 stu- Miss Dorothy Lawson, Direc- adasottm g okwh iil odo ifrn Co., had been delivered at dents face in their study of tor, Bureau of Home Econ-' possession. aspects of the insurance busi- the Newtonville Memorial Housirig; groups dîscussed omics, State Dept. of Educa- Park. A hearty vote of thanks further problems in this field, tion, Albany, New York; Dr. The next evening their im- ness. They emphgsized the im- was given Mrs. Milligan for as well as in the fields of Elaine Knowles W e av er, mediate relatives gathered portance of the protection her untirin'g efforts to obtain Food and Nutrition, Clothing School of Home Economics, there to celebrate with them given a family by insurance a bench for the village. She and Textiles. Ohio State University; Dr. the fortieth anniversary of 1 coverage. It is rumoured that sugsed ta he mny Mrs. Shirley Edwards and Sara Blackwell, Chief, Home their wedding. each Kinsmen at the.meeting suggsted thatthe oneysigned up for another $10 000 raised by tickets on the chick- Miss Lillian Wallace were Economnics Education, Corneil Walton Pascoe and Alan poîicy. en she donated be given to hostesses at luncheon. Mrs. University. Scott took pictures of the hap- the community hall. Margaret Arnott, Regional At the Tuesday luncheon, py couple, after which they It asalo dciedtha -th wel-non Cnaia ra wrepresented with a purse IU R soe f he$20 that had been Ms F. Bowen, of Orono. dio and television personalify, of money. Mn. and Mrs. Scott OBIU R raised to buy a bench, should Mrs. Bowen began by say- Larry Henderson, will review in turn thanked their friends MRS. LILLIAN MAE GRIGG be spent for an electric kettîs, ing that it wa.s like coming home and family life in his for their rnuch appreciated Sýor the hall. The W.I.' will back h omet attend a W.!. talk "The New Russia". gift. Alan with is violin and Mrs. Lillian Mae Grigg died hold~~~~~~~~ anthrcadpat, nmetng he subject of her Publicity Committee for the bids mother at the piano enter-1i h saaGnrlHs the community hall in Feb- talk was "The Early History Central Region includes Mrs. tained those assembled with pital after a lengthy illness, ruary. of This Part of Durham Coun- Ruth Conlin, Cobourg; Mrs. a îively musical programme. on Monday, Jan. 18. MisOieJohnston, con- t. Shirlîey Fldwards, Lin'dsay, Lunch was served and the She was born near Bow- Miss livemanville and was in her 81st vener for the group, began Ay-t one time, aIl this area Mrs. P. Pilkington, Peterbor- company took their departure, year. Her parents were Ezra her programme with a paper extending as far east as Prince, ough and Miss Viola Lidkea, after spending an enjoyable adLz ifr.Semr on current events, then ia- Edward county, was called f Oshawa. evening with the Scotts. adLz ifr.Semr troduced the guest speaker, Newcastle. A Mn. Jones plan-j Plans were made to hoîd the _________ ried Francis Grigg in 1901 ned Durham County as a, May Regional meeting in Bow- at Bowmanvllle, and she bas square having six townships,' manville Highi School. ~' . lived in Oshawa for 43 years. and surveyed from the lakel _________Nestlefl Station Shie was a member of King lu 'ia orth to what is now No. 2MranMs.GogWi- street Unitéèd Church. Highway. Durham was the LiondMs.GoreWid She was predeceased by e 1 3th county ùa Upper Canada Lo ettes sor of Ballantrae, were recent husband Francis Grigg in (Ontario). Hope township was visitors with ber parents, Mr. 1957. Surviving are one dau- surveyed in 1791. The first n L and is. Ehi Mairs . ghter Mrs. Helen Mitchell of court was held at the home D w Utton Miss Ruth Prosser who is Osbawa, and three sons, Allen --of a Mrs. Saper. Viwttdin Caneda Business Col- and Kenneth of Oshawa, and Th is etescame to C leaeigThomas Grigg ofGerton Darlington in 1794 and it was legstio Teorontor Crivemasatgood She has one sister Ettie Hast- surveyed in 1816 by Mr. Wil- am.igofOhw.Tebd mt mn hs alse- Teregular meeting of the eas rested at the Gerrow Funerai tlens was a girl namned Sophie Bowmanvillé Lionettes' Club Mr. and Mrs. Robert Rhodes chapel. The service held Wed- Shaw said to have been the was held January 19th at the of Little Britain visited the nesday, Jan. 20, at 2 p.m., sweetheart of General Brock, Lions Centre with Presidenlt George Bowers wbo made a was conducted by Rev. Mer- who remained true to his Edith Cale in the char return visit to the Rhodes' new vin Bury of King street Unit- * memrnoy, and neyer married. After a lovely dinner and home on Suniday. ed Churcb. The cnemated ash- AMr. Richard Clarke spent sn-ogwt inte~ Mn. and Mrs. Rupert Byers es were interned in Bowman- 25,000 pounds in building. a dred Bell at the piano and of Bowmanville, visited Mr, ville cemetery. whar, sw mii ad gistLionette Eva Hookin as songadMr.BueHslp mill at the lake, south of New- leader, the president called Mrs. Anioldi Williams was castle. the meeting ta order. able ta came home filom Port Mrs. Bowen's ancestors jllv- MsQOsonwainr- ery opiaonTuda OBITUARY ed a Port Granby. I this duced. h gavea very inter-~ andai hope e is soon in for- W. W. WHEELER area, a little girl cbased what esting talk on ber hobby of mer excellent health. The death occurred at Mea- ,àIascarcndcreums she tbought was a big dog. coîlecting buttons. Mrs. Os- Fniends will be pleased ta ford General Hospital on Sun- And sweet-smelling lotions The next day a bear was borne had brougbt many but- learn tha~t Mrs. Bert Knight is day, Janu.ary 3nd, 1960, of C.a't beat diry products killed. Mns. Milligan moved tons froni ber collection, leaving Port Perry Hospital William Wesley Wheeler. in As allure-iving potions. a vote of thar.ks ta Mns. Bow- mounted on sheets of card todjay (Monday) after being his 88th yean. en for ber interesting talk. boa.rd. These were Passed there since the iast day of the The deceased was bora on Mns. Reid conducted a con-aondfr osrnsetoodyafrm ffcsoana-Denbn2,17,nCoin. tes, onby rs C Faro'swhile we heard the history ty faîl on icy streets while wood Township on the Tenth group and the prize was re- of some of them. Many Of shopping in Port Perry. tunned as one of the pnizes for these buttons were over 100 Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Harris re- aur card party. yasod Thehosess Mr. W FarOw Lionette Molly Kent thank- turned on Saturday from Ma- ýM4 3-444 and her group served a deli- ed Mns. Osborne and pre- doc. His dioctor allowed him to ___________________cious lunch, and all enjoyed sented bier with a gift fromn return but he must curtiail bis the social hour. Mrs. Bowe the Club. The winner of the atvte ho red rs received the lucky cup pnize. dnaw for the evening was keeps hi i in better health. I 7P I r of uufety «mnbinied with aboolute dleanlineos. With a modern two element electric water heater of the rigàt sit and capacity for your needs, you wil alwayi have plenty of hot water. To get more out Mf life -get the. mot out of electricsty. HYDRO 4bLLY -r Two-tone beige and maroon. No rust, clean car. Licous. A14788. r .d retirement., A hobby a ioften be converted intCo a vocation or real skill that could be elevated to profes- sional status and become re- munerative. One could then Just ihange from one voca- tion to another. I know of several people right here in town that have apparently done s0 very successfully. Hobbies can weil lead to akills and skilful people, re- gardless of age or a disabil- ity, can make for a better community. Let us hear about your hob- by by writing to "Hobby Cor- ner"I in care of The Canadian Statesman, P.O. Box 190 or phone hA 3-3587 betweeen 3 p.m. and 6:30 p.m. We hope to arrange this show and sale this spring, so please don't de- Iay. NewtonviI le
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