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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 4 Feb 1960, p. 10

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PAGE TEN TRI CAKAD!AI# STATESMAN, EOWMM<VIUZ, ONTAIt!O Religion for TodayVI" The Grace of Forg iveness A Weekly Talk By Rev. R. R. Nicholson Forgivene-;s is i. vintue that quired of him. "lWill yau askr against me, and I forgivel Most of us admire but find it my pardon?" "iNo"'~ saîd Brad- ,him? As many as seven times?'" bard ta practise. When same- fard, "Then I wiil ask yours"1,'Jesus said ta him, "I do not ,onc has wrangeci us aur heants said the great preacher. This' say ta yau seven tirnes, but arc filiedi with resentment, broke Bradford down, and hel seventy times seven." This and we find it very difficuit melted under the speech aîdl means an infinite number of -ta overlook the injury. wept like a cbild. times; we must always for- tOne day in Engiand a geti- Now, what is forgivcness?, give whenever and persan, teman wcnt ta Sir Eardley It is the re-cstablishment o who bas injured us, asks ta beý Wilmot, Lord Chief Justice O f fiendly and intimate rela- forgiven. the Court of Common Pleas, tions withi persons who haveï We can neyer farget that in great indignation at an in- r xrongced us. When wc forgive,] when Jesus was crucified, lus jury he had received. After rw pron, overlook and for-J own sublimest act on the cros relaing Uicpantculrs e p eaked Sthe arly, ifhe ddgct the wrong. We give backi was the forgivencss of his aske Si Eadle, i hedidta aur friend the ald confi-lenemies, wba knew not wbat flot think it would be manly1 dence, trust and affection1. they did. Prof. W. M. CIow ta resent it.« 'Yes", said the The 'former happy relation-lbas saîd: "Forgiveness was knight, "It wil be manly ta shîp is restared. God's tenderest act and man's resent it, but it will be god-,Winwctuy ogve cmost God-like grace. Na other like ta forgive it." ýWe etuvfrie e John Wesley had a misun-11forget. God says n i po act either of Cod ta man, or derstanding with his travel-. phecy of Jereiniah: "I wiliantmnpysaarr ling companion, Joseph Brad- forgive their iniquity, and i part, or bas a mare frequent ford, wbich resulted in bisiwill rememnber their sin na imperative ln the Bible." êaying that they must part, more." Cod aiways fargets, Abraham Lincon had this In the morning Wesley en-when he forgives. noble Christian spirit of for- I bave heard same people givenless, and he was admined Say* "I wiil forg;i, but I can and loved byr bis countrymen neyer fonget."1 But that is not for it. He was free from al forgiveness. The maoment we hate and vindietivencss. "You say that we can forgive but have more of that feeling 0fr cannot forget, wc know, il we resentmnent than I have", be are honest, that we do flot said on one occasion; "Per- intend ta forget, and wouid haps I have too littie of it, nather flot forget, because we but I neyer tbought it paid." prefer to bold on to some of At another time he declared: Rie bitterness wc bave telt "I shall do nathing in malice. toward the offender. What I deal with is tao vast D. L. Moody, Uic great evan- for nialiclous dealing." gelist, said that anc wbo for- Abraham Lincoln bad the gives in that spirit, bas buricd spirit of Jesus. He loved bis the hatchet, but has left the wenemi esad fogae tos handle sticking out of the wowogdhm groud, eadyforinstnt se. The unforgiving spirit is the An unfo rettrinsfaîgvntesse.domestic destroyer that bas Ancuntrfetit n -C'bgvne iskewrecked thousands of happy Dm yo a conterfis not frgstive-homes. There are thousands forgiveness; it isnt and tbousands of fathers and ness at ail. Forgîveness is the mathers, nat wortby ta be -" w -restoration of a relatianshiD, called parents, xvho are stran- which bas been broken by an gens to the law of forgiveness, uvu'~ ~offen ce. against it. and wbose severity toward Let us remember that fan- their cbildrcn, untempered of ~giveness is truly a Christian witb mercv. is "like the mil- ~of in virtue. The pagans believe in dcxv of de ath". lawrace o your hou-se revenge and retribution. Their Let us neyer forget that Cod touanelaxv is "An eyc for an cye, cannot forgive us, until we1 a3100s e 1 Dtemlugh. Ycou and a tootb for a taath". But have forgiven others.1 chen appliances, TV s , no man can be a true f ilower _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ funiture.. . ai dm cotet of Jesus Christ without pos- r ness, for Jesus bas taught by O RS oproteted .aastrClls Yfor word and example tbat we 'orothr isater CH u fo must forgive. He says "Love (Intendied for leist weck) a complete property instir- your enemies, bless tbcmn that On Tuesday, January 19, thr oaCe checkup . woay! curse you, do good ta them annual Churcb meeting was that hate you, and pray for beld at 2:30 p.m. in the haine them wbich- dcspitefully use of Mrs. William- McHoIm, there you and persecute yau." werc veîy few present. JA E Matt. 5: 44) The Rev. A. W. Hrirdý ~NIUU~ flAgain, Jesus says: "And ened the meeting with prayer, ~AU fiAwhencver you stand praying, the minutes of Rie 1959 meet- INSURANCE REAL ESTATE' forgive, if you have anytbing, ing werc read by the secrctary agaînst any one; sa that yaur Mis. Harrv Beckett an'd ad- Ring St. E. Bowmanvillei' Father also wbo is in heaven opted as rcd. 1 may forgive you your tres- It was dccided to continue Offie Rsidncepasses." (Mark 1l : 25 RSV). Rie Observer, there were 19 Office R-e681 A 3549 One day Peter asked Jesus familles receiving it. this question: "Lard, bow of- A. committee will -be formed ten shail my brother sin of members from cach officialf board with power ta act forr their cangregations la relationï ta secuing a minister for thisf charge or Pastorate ta succe2d the Rev. A. W. Hardin'g, who J, F.HEND RSONretires this summer.a Rprswerc given from each WELL DRILLER branch of Rie church. For the session- Mis. William McHoi,1 Treasurer of church- Mn. e No Job Too Large or Too SmaIl Dawson Beebe, Woimans As- a - FREE ESTIMATES -scain Mr.Grg IIn- ness, Sunday Sebool Treasurer 0 -Mrs. Harold Osborne, Mis- l Plione Lindsay FAirview 4-6018 sion Band Treasrer- YLurs.r Harry Beckett. AI] reportsc 103 ELGIN ST., LINDSAY show cach is in a good finan- cial state. A motion was made _______________- _____________and seconded that these reports j" 110W ON DISÇPLAY ... We Extend a Cordial Invilalion io Al to Visit Our Showroom and Inspecf the New ENVOY The New British Buit G.M. Econorny Car with the Loxv Price Tfag Priced as low as $ 1,969 O.K. USED CARS 1959 CHEV. BROOKWOOD 4-DR. STATION WAGON Windshield washers, wvheel dises, custom buit radio. On. owner, low milcage. 1958 PONTIAC DELUXE SEDAN 6-cyl., standard transmission, custom buit radio. One owner car. 1957 CHEV. 4-DR. SEDAN Two-tone grey and ivory. Very clean inside and out. License H5519. 1954 PONTIAC COACH Two-tone beige and niaroon. No rust, clean car. License A14788. ROY Oldsmobile w. NICHOLS .Chevrolet and Corvair Cars DO WN&NILLE Chevrolet Trucks Phone MA 3-3353 COMEC Phno tu 3439 i cl a th th gi in NI hn ki IM.P.P. Urges Citizens Take Keen Interest The present session of Uic 26th Legîsiature promises ta be one of thc most important in tbe history of the Province, according ta Mr. Alex Càr- ruthers, M.P.P. fan Durham, who called at The Statesman on Manday. Nineteen canunittees have been set up ta study and re- part on the legisîntion before the assembly. Ina une with the necammendations of the Gar- don Repart these committees are ta assume a greater ne- spansibility for the work of the Legislaturc than in the past. Of these 19 committees, which is a record number, Mn. Car- ruthers is serving an aine comprising Agriculture, Educa- tion, Government Commissions, Healtb, Highway Safety, Lands and Forests, Printing, Private Bills, and Travel and Publicity. During Rie session there wil be mucb legisiatian of great importance ta Uic people of Durhami, and Mr. Carruthers urges ail citizens ta taice a keen intercst in the legislation as it is prescnted in the as- 1 be adopted and carried., Members of ail officesr main the saine with the e: ception of Mrs. Lloyd Marv appainted as assistant ta the r gular organist, is. Helen M Holm in place of Mis. E. W! son who resigned recently. Mr. George Harness, Supe intendent of Sunday assist by Mrs. Harry Beckett und such time when Mrs. Fred M Conneli can take aven as usu, ail teachers remain as befai Ciadie Rail in care of Mr Morley Harness. A motion wi made and seconded that th shate of officers for SundE tSchool be accepted. tlI closing the Rev. A. 'V Harding voiced bis sincere al preciation for the splendi xvork accomplished and the ui ited enthusiasm aof each branc of ehurch work, special tribul was ta Mn. Dawson Beeli ttreasurer of the church for! 5many years- for the efficie handling of finjancia1 matters- which are sometimes difficu but were always worked ai tat the satisfaction of ail coi cenned. May God's Blessing rest upc aur church at ail timeq. TI, meeting closed with the Ben( diction. The hostess served afternoc tea, a very pleasant endring1 aur annual Congreg-abdon mec ing for 1960. The regular man.thly mec ing of the W.A. was held o Wednesday, January 2Oth.,« 2:30 p.m. in the home of Mr M. J. Osborne, the presiden Mrs. Helen McHolin conductir There were 18 memnbers, 1 vi itor and 3 children present. The meeting opened viit scnipture read-ing by Mr Harold Osborne, h.ymn 64 "The Lord's my light; and sa' img health". Lesson thoughi and prayer by Mrs. Frac Anderson, a vocal solo "Th Light of the Worid is Jesus by Mrs. D. H1-aines, a poem b Mrs. William McHolm "0 Go of Light" concluded the thern of "Light of the World."1 The minutes of the hast meec ing were read and adopted, thi raIl eall was answered bypay ment of fees for the currer year. It was moved and secondei that a donation of $10.00 b, for'varded ta Quin-Mo-Lacl Camp. A cammittee was appointe4 ta meet xvith the stewards c the church ta decîde what re pairs are necessary for' thi Sundray Sehoal anid call fo: tenders. The February meetinl of the W.A. wil e held a Mis. William McHolms o. Wedtnesdiay the l7th. A readintg was given by Mrs Morton Henderson "Somethinj for Nothing."' MrF. Harold Osborne ther introduced aur guest speaker- Mrs. John Conneily of Wel. came, who recently retuneu frorn a trip ta Ireland ans Scotland with ber husband anc son Harold. The journey was taken 'oý plane then by bus ta the vil. igýe whore Mr. John Connchll was Ïborn. an'd where an elde. brothler and fanmily stîli lîves- from then on we listened toa most interesting account oi towns, villages and cities vis. ited- ramn fell for several days,* homes were diamp and chilly compared with aur Can- adian homes, a brief stop-over vas macle in Scotland where a fev histonical places were vis- ted. Mrs. Connelly was amaz- ed at hlie nuniber of meats and abundance of food served so nany times a day. A number of 'beautiful pieces of Irish inen given as gifùs were ad- inired also many picture post cards of places visited, a hear- y vote of thanks was given tIrs. Connelly for the vcîy en- joyable report of hier first trip Overse-as. Mrs. George Harness, treas- urer, gave the yeanly report of lie W.A. showing a x'cry good balance ini batik. The mneeting closcd xvith the Benecliction. During the sicial haif hiour adainiy lunch wvas served by 'e. ex- re [c- ,il- ec- vtii] .0- al, re. rs. ras -is W. ýp_ [id e e, 50 nt ult ut on ýe- ta t- on at r. t, ng is- th 40 r- its k àe si, )d e ýd jf ie )r Lg It C Lg BURIKETON The social evenuing held at the home of Mrs. E. Carnochan was filled ta capacity. A pie social also took place which bnought an enjoyable evening ta a close. The Bunketon W.A. wiil meet on Thursday, February i lUi. t Don't forget the Crokinule -Party tua be held on Friday cv- c ning, February 12,th at 8:15 tp.m. in Rie diureh ball, spon- sored by the Woman's Assoc- iation. Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Taylor anid faniily werc Sunday gucsts of Mn. and Mrs. A. J. Trick, Lindsay. Mr. Allen Lainier, Toranto, spent thbe weekend with bis parents, Mr. and Mrs. Harold Larmer. Mi. and Mis. Merle Hubbard and famiiy werc Sunday guests of Mi1. and Mis. Charles Gib- bons and Grcgg, Taronuto. Mr. Alden Hubbard spent Tuesday in Peterborough. Mi. Joseph Avery is spend- ing a few wceks with Mr. and Mns. Hanold Larmer. Mn. and Mis. Bernard Shan- non and family, Bloomfield; Mns. Gene Harten and famuly, Bloomfield, werc weeke n d guests of Mi. and Mis. Glen Lowrey and family. Mrs. Helen Ward, Moncton, New Brunswick, was a wcek- end guest of Mis. A. Carter. Mi. and Mrs. Bill Paiker and family, Toronto, spernt the wcekend witib Mn. and Mrs. Peter Gatcheil and family. Mr. and Mis. Murray Ab- bott end f amily, Bowmanville, were Sunday gucsts of Mr. and Mis. Howard Abbott. Mr. and Mrs. Orville Greer and family were Sunday guesùs of Mrs. Ethel Bryan. Miss Georginia Gatchell celc- bratcd ber thirteenth birtbd'ay on Saturday evcning with fif- teen gucsts present. Mn. Morris Mitchell and Miss Gloria Willis, Pontypool, wcnc Sunday guests of Mr. and Mis. Leslie Argue and family. iýs. E. M. Adam's shoulden is under x-ray trcatxncat, we hope this condition will soon be improved.. TYRON ter n train lefît, nd i ýd ing it was hours away and d hea4-~H Club meeting was just before midnight, I tried I dhl tEsther Anne Rosevear. to contact the Traveller's Aid Jan. 26. The two leaders and ythe Homne Econiomist, miss June [_ Lillicrop were present. y Meeting opened with the ýr 4-H pledge followed by the -, minutes, read by Esther Amqie aRosevear. The rail eaUl was ,f answered by eight girls. What -we would do on Achieveernnt j Day, also the supper on 1February 6, in the Cornmunity -Hall. The tea biscuits that weîe rmade were judged by Miss Lii- licrop and sâhe also talked about *Achievement Day and a trip. We talked on table mnanners and service. The home affsignmnent was r taken and lunch was served. Mrs. A. Knowlton spent *Tuesday wih Mr. K. Sidier, tBelleville. A meeting of the Tyrane C.G.I.T. was held in Tyrane United Churc~h on Jainuary 21. The recreati*nr was first and two word garnes were played. The business followed, thie minutes were read and the rol cail. We decided to go bowling on Tuesciay nighit. The caîl ta worship, then Miss Jean Rab- ertson explained tihat for the next weeks we would be stu- dying,, Africa. We leanned a lit- tle about Africa and closed the meeting with I'Taps". The Tyro's met ini the Sun- day Schooh room, Monday night with Rev. F. Jacksoni in charge. ï Club 49 held a qullting bee Monday and Tuesdty in'the Kitelhei of the Church. ..... Congratulations ta Mr. and Mis. Luther Hooper who quiet- ..... ]y celcbr-ated ihieir 53rd wed- dinig aiversary. January 30. MIVr. anrd' Mrs. George Young, Bowmanville, were Sunday callers of Mr. and Mrs. L. Ho- op e. MIr atic Mrs. J. Kapteyn aiiri filrnil., Bowmanv'ille, vis- itccl Mr. and Mrs. J. Reyenga. Mrs. Roy Spry visited the Red Cross headquarters in Tor- onto, on Friday. Weicome back to Tyrane, Grenville and Carole Byam, they moved on Saturday ta Hairvey Partner's house and are planlnng on building a new home in Tyrone early in the spring. Mr. and Mrs. H. Part- ner and family mnoved recent- ly to Orano. The best of luck Harvey in your plumbing bus- iness. John Virtue spent the week- end with Ross Woiniaott, Tor- onto, on Sunday. Mr. un'd Mrs. E. A. Virfue visited Mr. and Mrs. H. Wannacoti, Toronto. Mr. and Mis. Leon Moore, Mis. Russell Virtue visited Mrs. Thea Down on Sunday at the Civic Hospital, Peterborough, glad ta learn Mrs. Down is do- ing nicely, after her recent operation. Mr. and Mis. D. J. Camrn on, Haydon; Mr. and Mis. II V R W. Pascae, Enfield, were sup- per guests of Mir. and Mrs Àf fü Keîth Davey anid Elaîne. Mr. and Mrs. WalItier Mur- phy visited Mr. and 7&.5. W. Malley. Orona, Sundlay. Mr. F. L. Byaim now has a private teleiphore. His new number is CO 3 -2g43. Mr. and Mis. Cecil Rahm Burketon,. accompwAied Mr. da t istMr ndMSaineoCO URTICE - Nt Chevrolet's revolutionary new torsion springs and Sturdi. Bilt design are re-writing the record books. Last year'u uchedules are out. Chevrolet Trucks are built to run faster over rough rus... and shrug off punishxnent that knocks out old-fashioned mqkes. And yet, Chevrclet is priced rïght alongside old-faashioned ma"es of truck that it wil outlast by thousands ci trouble-free miles. Get ail the moneY-saving facts about Chevrolet Trucks at your UIH Cevrolet dealer's, today. ê0 Lit TRUCKS 60eO SoeYOUT local deaerfor early delivery------- - ........ NICHOLS BOWMANVI LLE If I hadn't been haîf anl hour early ta catch my train east recentiy, I would not haveý missed it. This is baw it hap-i pened and it is the tale of a frightened little teenager who belped me discover I have an over-pawering good deed complex I hadn't been Lforced ta recognize before now. I had just cbecked rny cruise case and was about ta pick up my train bag and head for the comfort of a par- lour car seat, when a timid hand clutcbed my elbow and, the most frigbtened pair of brown eyes I have ever seený looked into mine. She finally got up enough courage ta tell me she was in 'great trouble and necded belp. Foolish child, she said that for safcty's sake she had giv-! en ber ticket ta a fnicnd wboý was a regular commuter, be- cause she" was a littie over-, corne with ail the things! there were ta leara on ber first day in the business world The friend, who worked la another office, had told berý wben the day was done ta] meet ber by the big elock in the centre of the station. A scasoned commuter can! be forgiven for fargetting a., new rcsponsibility and frorn' what I xvas able ta picce ta- gether, aflter I conferred with the attendant at the gate asi the train was pulling out, myl stîanded young girh's fniend r was aboard, compiete with ex- tra ticket. This young persan, who. bad so suddeniy appeared on' my horizon, had been indoc-1 tinated by an overly anxi- ous n'other with ahi sorts of possible hazards with which the big city 'fairly teems'. She had adviscd her offsuring "neyer speak ta a strange man, neyer get into a taxi by yourself and neyer take mon- ey from anyone you don't k now." Ail good sense, but terrify- ing for a yaungster ta cape wit.h in the middle of a huge union station and not even blessed witb a dime for a tele- phone cail. w. lady only to find the door for the next train, but was these days for the warld out- to her office locked. She was told it was ail baaked Up and side the home, I thought. Ifi probably powdering her nase my only chance of catching a anyone, ever again, tries tu' but with tinie running out be- bit of shut eye en route would tell me, teenagers are a boldià fore I was ta leave, I couldn't be if a reservation were can- aeif-sufficient, self centred gamble on when she would ceiled. and callous lot, ll have a return. Ho asedth etfwready argument for them. I grabbed the young girl hours also posed a problem. As I totaled up the sum my somewhere in the regian Of I could contact friends, but I Samaritan act had cost me, ber pony tail, hurried for the have found my city acquaint-j while sitting in a coach on checkmng counter ta depao,ît ances are usuaily baoked up my way ta Montreal, I won- my train case, ran ta the front for the evening by 5 p.m., s0 dered what her name was. 1 door of the station, hailed a I discarded that possibility. feit sure any young girl whoA taxi and told the driver to I finally settled for a sand- owned a pair of such honest "heed the speed limit but drive wich and Ben-Hur. I had an brown eyes was worth thje like mad ta the bus station." eniational ja.g when I emerg- price of two taxis, bus fare, When we arrived I baught ed from the theatre ta wend t.heatre ticket and eight sleep- her a one way ticket ta ber my way back ta the station less haurs. With a glow of destination, stuffed a dollar again. I was ail mixed up having done something warth. bill irita ber hand and admon- with the brutality of early while, I wasn't able ta work ished ber neyer tk be without Biblical tinies registered in up much regret that auill~y some money in her purse the film I had just witnessed, plans and reservatians to the again. Then I started my r.e- the f ix my own softhearted- Maritimies and tramn connec- turn jaurney ta the station ness had gatten me inta and tions in Montreal were com.- by taxi. the foolishness of mothers pletely balled up. That could My train had left minutes who don't realize the phobias easily be straightened out, but before I arrived and circum- with which they infect their what might havec happened te stances were reversed. It wiast youngsters, without providingthat miss, if she hadn't gatten the seasoned traveller who!âny sensible preparatian forup enough nerve to speak ta now found herself stranded.'1 an unexpected situation. How i me will have ta remain I tried ta make réservationsi littie they condition. them merely a conjecture. 1 -ire Il-, av DOROTHY BARKER PAGE TEN CANAMM STATISMM. BOWMANVrLLZ ONTAWO ( ~ no Shopping Is Complote W itho ut Refreshing Smith Deverages PICK UP A CARTON TO DAY Made and Bottled by SMIdTH DEVERAGES LTD. BOWMANVILLE à

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