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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 4 Feb 1960, p. 16

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jThree Èmployees - Complet e 25 Years With, Goodyear Here -TETM'CANADIAN- STATEMA1Ç, owu&xAnVlz ~OlNTAMO Palestine Chapter Officers Are* inta IIed. Three eqnpioyees of tht Ia- work in tie Hose Room, anmd cal Goodyear plant, Ed Run- in March 1938, be transferred dit, Ted Clarke, and Jini Iagain to the Steamfitters and Martin were bonoured recent- bas been on this work sînce ]y on their comTpeti9fl of 25 that time. years with the company. Mr. Clar-ke is nterested in Charles Cattran, the manager, community work. He was an presented each witb a dia- active member of the Bow- , iond studded 25-Year Ser- manville Boy Scout Associa- -vice Pin and a $100 cheque tion for many years, and is from the company. still a helper in this wýork. He Mr. Rundle attended Pub- is an executive member of lic ard H.igh School in Bow- the Goodyear Recreation Club, rnanvilie. and was a qeading and. takes an active part in Junior and Intèrmediate boc- club functions. key player. He earned thie Jim Martin came to Canada - inickname of!«'Flash" by his' with his parents in 1910. He dashing style at the game. H1e! started in the Beit Depart- has kept up his interest in ment 'ât Goodycar in 1911 local hockey, coacbing minor wben be was only 14 years teams, and is prominent in'. old. Ini 1917 be enlisted in tbe town's Little N.H.L. or-, the Canadian Army, and ganization. Hfe is a member scrved in France for the re- of the Bowmanville Ai-ena mainder of the war. Management Commîttee. He was employed by On- During World War Il be tario Hydro ini construction served overseas in the Can- work for thrce yeears, and adian Aîmy. He enlisted in then wcnt iota the masonry 1940, and saw action in business with bis father. Mi. France, - Be'Igium, and Hol- Martin returned to the Good- land with the famous 48th yeai in 1934, and started work Highlanders. He attained the on the running board press. Despite most inclemnent weatheî, a large number of officers 3rd Princ. rank o! Quarter Master 5cr- In 1934 he transfcrrcd to the and campanions from surrounding chapters were present January Allun, Prine. geant. Mi. Rundie is president Hose Roomn, and since then frteistlainofteofcrsfr16 o aetnehm at of Branch 178 of the Cana- b as workcd on fi-e hase, splic- fo hlnsaltonoth ffcr or16 f aetn Chapter aMse cian Legion. He was re-elect-1 ing duck, and supervisi'br, here.' The ceîemony was under direction of V. Ex. Camp. W. G. Blanchard;1 cd for a seconîd year in that witb the past 12 years as a Pascoe, assisted by Rt. Ex. Camp. H. Fergusan. Officers are as Rickard, Sr. office recently. service man. follows: left ta right, front row, Immediate Past Principal E. F. Abernethy, Whilc the greater part of During World War II lie Russell Osborne, 2nd Princ. Ray J. Dilling, lst Princ. H. Bruce Tink, 1 Stacey, Out Mi. Rundle's Goodyear service cnlisted in the Veteran_ ________________ ___________________________ tas~ hppn in the Hn.sp Roonm ('.ard andl server1 for 15 since November, 1959, he has months. Mr. Martin's hobby 'been in the Stock Room. He gardening and he takes greý has earned a fine reputation pride in his flowers. He for his reliable workmanship. also an ardent fisherman, an Prior to joining the staff in his younger days hie aL of Goodyear here Ted Clarke did a lot of hunting. worked with his brother as Recently 15-Year Servic a plumber. During his second Pins were awarded to Georg week at, the local plant Mr. 1Burns, Charles Nesbitt, Ralp Clarke transferred- to Steam-1Shortt, Sam Dewell an fitters. In 1935 he started Bruce Lonsberry. SOLINA The Three M's met in the imost enjoyable supper in thi church basemenît, with Wes Community Hall. Saturdey ev His, president, ini the chaïr.1enin g. There were about sixt: The eadër of Group 1, Mary lin attendance. Millson had charge of thej Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Davie Wpendid program wthich indlu- Mr a.nd Mrs. J. Yellowlees vis ded 2 films on Discipline and ited the latter's sister, Mis F'amily Portraits and Prepar- Idea Reynolds on Sunday in Ou &tion for Marriage were shown. Ladyv of Mercy Hospital in Tor A discussion on these subjects ontj brouglvt te light manry import- mHo rd il ant facts on the subjects. The Mr. and Peg Mrs. o .rd Bi worship service conducted by Wsoniamsdofeggyan rs.L.Ea Bruce and Jean Taylor was Williatms 0fDBohmanl e a effisely linked in thought with te ne ToerontomnClaub me28 th flm. eceaj aduri nch iPeggy was officially presentec were enjoyed du gtescal with the shield, beirig the win hour. ner for Durham Gounty's pub ,Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Yel low- lic speaking competition, spon. lees. Mr. an-d Bruce Montgom- sored by the Trustee and Rate. ery and Mr. and Mrs. W. Ash- payer's Association. Her subý ton attended a social gathering ject was "The North Americar et Hampton Hall on Friday Buffalo". In winning thiý xight when the retiring roud avýrd, ,pecial honour hias beer guperintendcent, Mr. T.K. Stç- brought te Baker'sSchool sec- 4vart was bonored and present- tien for the first time, S0 WE d witlh a platforn- rocker. Mrs. extend congratulations to you Çtewart received"a bouquet of Peggy, on this fine achieve- flowers. Those presenit were ment. tnembers of the 1959-60 coun- Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Davis ril, the employees and their Mr. and Mrs. J. Yellowlee %vives. were Su.nday tea guests of Mr 1The 4-H girls anid their lead- and Mrs. E. Davis. ers Mrs. W. Ashton and Mrs. Several C.G.L.T. and Explor- E. Hockaday entertained theier girls attended church ser- ladies of the community at a vice at Enndskillen Sunday VIGOR OIL SERVICE STATION BAR.5, Dowmaiville CORNER 0F MANVERS RD.- AND TAUNTON RD. Open fromn 7 a.m. to il Daily Top Quality Petroleum Products and Gasolines1 STOVE OIL m ANY I1UANTITY Lowest Prices in Town PLUS - FREE GIFTS with BLACK DIAM@ND STAMPS r-Spécial- WiIh This Coupon FREE £=làFREE: iBlock Dia mondi i SROMPSI WITH ANY PURCHASE 0F $2.00 OR OVER I -J THURSDAY, PM .4th, 1lm of lat week. Beckell were ice. fisýhing ~î Mr. and Mrs. Williani Pr-es- Lake Simeoe. -ton, Courfice, visited at Wes Camneron's. Mr. Lawrence Henry 4. Mrs. Keith Stginton attended ilton, -Mrs. lIiez Henry. , the meeting of the Twin Club to, visited their daughter, Don. at Oshawa on Thursday night. naa a Cmrns Mr-. and Mis. Lor-enzo TrulI, atRy amon. Hamnpton-, visited at Russell Perkins. Mrs. Fat Roberts and Mrs. W e omr good Jim Stainton were at Toronto being good than in anot< on Monday. way.-Rowland 11111. Mr. and Mrs. Reford Cam- eron, Bowmanville, visited ati Goodness is the onWly .n Grant Williams. vestment that neyer fIa-& Keith Stainton and BeriHenry D. Thoreau. Victor E. Caoksan; middle row, Scribe N. Clarence J.1 ýSaj. Wilbert Teeple, Master of 2nd Veil Charles Green- r 3rd Veil Harîy Suttan, Master of Ceremanies A. L.' back raw, Treas. Harry Freeman, ITr. Saj. Gaînet B. rSoJ. Manseil W. Stacey, Master 4th Veil .James H. Scribe E. L. W. Dîppeli; missing, Master lst Veil Alvin 1 ,r Guard S. MeAllister. -Photo by Rehder' - RD e cutt visitcd Mrs. Norman Mut- ZO ýat Itaaz h~ Pe on. Oshawa, oitSida. hyZO nd a1 aid Mr ilSr Mrs. Wilfred Frank and Day- a aietinOhaaGeea id, Toronto. spent a few days I~c isi I ro g ci iHospital, and on Tuesday vis- with lier parents, Mr. and Mrs.1 .c T o if eted1Ms Bob Johnston and Robert Kill. R 4-H Clubvisited at Elmer Rose's, High- The sixth meeting of the 4-H land Creek. SAt Luncheon iVeeting Friday club 'was lheld at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Jack Cameron Mirs RonBroos onJan. 27. and family, Ponltypool, visited An interesting program wastted. H1e told his fellow meii-' narrator saîd. The magazilî Mrs. Brooks read notes on Mr.s. Jim Stainton entertaio-l presented by Martyh Martin, bers ot the Bowmanville Ro-. binds Rotarians in different cereals and borcad We made tea1 Id the ladies of ber knittîngý ithe chairman, ai-dth maga- tary Club that the commi-ittee. countries into an international! biscuits and two salads.clboTesayvnig Vzine and public informationlliad been able ta obtain a family, and helps them tolTenx etn l b n Master DavidStinonha ty committee at the luncheonînumber of educational col-lshaî-e ideas for serving good ' he atte om ofMrs Dubis tnirevd Sat oshaa meeting of the Bowmanvilleioured s]ides foir the day's pro- causes, lie added. 1 i S.Rotary Club held at the Fly-, gram from Rotary Interna..i Ross Gilbert told of the in-1 euOlFb ,16.GnrlHsia nTed Sing Dutchman Motor Hotel on tional through the assistance'i ception of the Rotary maga- RI; Friday. of the sccretar "v, K. N. Mor-1 zine. In the autumn of 1910 r Five members of the Osh-1 ris, anid the District-Governor.1 Paul Harris, the . founder of -awa Rotary Club, Alfred Ste-I1 M.r. Martin announced that:Rotary wrote an essay enti- yens- e Bailey. George Slo-!Captain Norman Coles wouldltled 'Rational Rotarianism." 1- cum, George Chiarlton and' be the narrator for the firs,, He xvas anxious that it be 3. Wilfrid Charlton, were pres- hlalf of the progrîam, and Rossi read by ail Rotarians ai-d tent, and F. E. Briden, Oak-IGilbert for the second. Ho' discussed various means for t-ville, was also a guest. isaid that Tom *Rehider would1 its distribution with Chester çf ut 8. Magazine week is honour- operate the projector. !Perry, then secretary of the ýd ail over the world whereverl "You know that RtrasChicag Rotary Club, who de- - Rotary exists, Mr. Martin sta-l are a varied lot of men re- clared to start a magazine for alt'eprfs i. otarians. The first issue was -night. Following th-e service, a and rnost busineses but whaâtpbihe bY r.Pry n -film of Africa was shown. you may flot iel is that, Janarr 1911. th lca Teyugpol ilml are aIl publishers", ThCaraortldte oa Thnon eol ilmetw 3 RotariaIîs that at the Nation- .,..-x - in the Communiti Hall on Fni- tain Coles stated. He explain-, ~ da nihtFebuar 5. ed that the Rotarians in 113iLI Rotary Convention in 1911l n1 countries are the publishers liN. eiddt ae no- i- Mr. an-d Mrs. Bruce 'il o TiRtrin nexeln fil magazine. H1e said thatt San'd- Mrs. H. E. Tink visited otlmazie the first issue of the Rotariani Mr. and Mrs. 0. Cruickshankmotymaziet provedi 50 popular that it was' -at Peterborough1 He spoke of the good a-, necessary to run off 2,000 Cx-i Mrs. H. E. Tink was a recent'1 complisbed by the magazine i! tra copies. guest of Mr. an-d Mrs Don far- distant parts of the worid.'i The growth of the Rotarian'-- s. Goode and sons Orono. Teartogvenisacefromi a comparatively small, Mr. and Mrs. S. E. Werry,'!of this in an accounit of a periodical to the influential. Mr. and Mrs. Wes Werry and avlu hnefrte lt-and mentally stirnulating ma-, -family, Mr. and Mrs. Wes Yel- ,ter made iin a s1nall village lfl gazine of todav was outlined - owlees, Harold and Murray, Malaya. The work achieve by Mr. Gilbert. He said that' Mr and Mrs. Roy Langmnaid.i teefrth Afr h'i is estimated that by con- I -and Mr. an'd Mrs. C:has. Lang.Iinatns adbe dr- sidering that each copy i.s maid ttened te renion taken by the Singapore Rotarv' read by three or four people mi teddteruinof iClub whicbh lad been ibyied the Brooks-Langmaid families' npie the Rotarian muist be read b in Solina Community Hall, byteacon ulihd :iseveral hundred thousand a Frida night when around 00teRtra f iia r- year. Ail Food Prrices relatWies -attendeci. 1lsan ject successfully carried n)utý Articles published in theý Effective Mr. and Mrs. Wes ilan by Ratarians in Krish naga r,! Rota rian are reprinted in the j February 4, 5, 6 children vîsited' Reverend A omnt ete numerous reial magazines' We Reserve the - W. ndMrs Wlkiso, Dn-school, and club bad becof and thus langruagebaresre Right to Limit W.andon suinsonDun-buiit, and assistance gîven t vre tl wa eplae, Quantities Me- an Mr. CcilNeashousing and medcl projects, The headquarters building ofý Mut. and Paul, Peti erborug Captain Coles asserted. 1 International Roiaryi Chi-' Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Montgom- He also told o! the fine pal- cago bas a flooî- devoted to IGA -SVE c 'ery were guests of Mr. and' shelter but by a Robery Clab, the magazine, and there the! Mrs. Bruce Taylor and family. lin Queensland, Australia, the editors of the RotarianrceB ean with PorE 20 (Z. Mr. and M'rs. Lloyd Broome spark for whicb ,vas lighted more than 5,000 pieces of mai11 lS2 and sons were Sunday tes, by an article in the Rotariaîî a month. the narrator said. iG -SAE6 i dealing with a sI!ccessful park' Mr. Gilbert staled that $200,- G -SAE6 Johns, Bowmanville. ' project of the Ottawa Rotai-yi 0001 is spent each Yvir for pa-, Pe16 .oz. i 'Mr.a'nd Mrs D. Flett and' Club.1 per for the magazine; $27,0001 e i u B t e A :aiyvstdMsT.FetI The Rotarian Magazine bas for photo - eogyraviog: and, JA farilyviite Mr. . Fett afar fluog and profound in- $230,000 for printin-. It is a QUICK OR INSTANT - SAVE 5c I Mx. ad Mr. Hrrv noxfluence, and serves as an ln--gigantic business, and a mosti 'ClMau s. Hkery Onxs ' 13 an snsviitd n Sndy spiration for service benefit-, successful enterprise, lie as-i 805 witih Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Knox tigVpepeef ai clases ud srfe3 and Mr. and Mrs. Ken Pascoe* manY nationalities. Capt. Coles'- George Vcpeieto J ndctugtesB'ouha, ndpainted out. the Bowmanville Rotary Clu SAVE 6c - CARNIVAL were taugestBougtheattern Rotary International pub- moved a vote of thanks to Mr.PKS Mer. tand 'M's D.f eltt r' I lishes two editions of the ma- Martin. bis conimittel e, icPe v G0S6 J. Kiveil and Pearl Leach at- I azine eacb month, the Ro- narrators and Mr. Relider, the le2 Le tended the funeral of Mr. Or-..ttarian in English. and Revs projectionist for the informa-1 MEDIUM CHEDDAR lyCliapman at Orono. i ta Roaria -in__Spanis -lî the tive and entertaining pror -i Mr. and Mrs. Ray Cowling, MAPE GOVon R yalGol1Chese U Whitby, visited Mrs. Sid Hock-yalshawa, called onoMr. aMr. ani . Mr.andMr. J Dcr ndMr.,Lloyd Snowdcn was gues't, Tue LN.O, Crcle is spOli Elizabeth, Oshawa, were Sun- of honour at a turkey dinîr* C daytea guests o i.aî h oi of Mr. and Mrs : silg a card party ta be beld! Rae Pascoe ard family. attehmeo r adMs at Maple GrilvC- urcb on IGA ROYAL GUEST SMALL LINK.- SAVE 47c MIl and 'Mis W. Parrinder Br nowdeîî on tlic occas',oni'Saturday, Feb. 6. weguests at the wein' of of bis birthday. Other gucats; Mrs. T. J.* McGuirk, Sr., Ot- PURE PORK thelaters nphe, illamwere Mis. Lloyd Snowden, 1setFiaanStu- thelatte's ephwWilia Gail and Betty Lau, Mvr. andi tawa, pn rdyadStr Bromneli an-d Phyllis Nimigon 'day îvith Mir% an'd Mrs. Tom! in Trînity United Cbureh, B<>w- Mrs. Gwarry Pati, Mc. aîd Mi lGur and family. Saiusaige 3 lb,. 1 IO manville on Saturday after- We1on ndPa.,Ebnzr 1 Mr. and Mrs. Bill Lewis and Ivani and Joanne Carr, Bow- Mi-n. adMs.Ve Wr amily. Wayne Pickard, Bow- manville, visited their grand-I v ér- Saturday even'ing gtiesî's manville; Rcverend and Mrs. mother, Mrs. Aylmer Beechi SAVE 59e of Mr. eand Mrs. Lloyd Metcalf, Stanley Snawden and family,ilast Thursriay. Skinless Wlan S Oshawa. Millbrook. Mr. Mac Laveity, Duiinville, v.a A I Mr. and Mis. Cecil Neais) Sevéral firom Mapie Grove spent a fex drays kast weck SAVE -5c3s3 1s.1I 0 Ruth a'nd Paul, Peterborough: attended the dance in Hamp- wîth Mr. and M-s. Jim Lav- Lea M, S ee visited Mr. an-d Mrs. Bruce ton hall on Saturday evening., Irtil Montgomery. MesRoetJrian Ms.' Mple Giove Wome" In-1 Mr. and Mrs. I. Hardy and! Bob Bowl visitcd, Mrs. 01- stit'mte will meit at the church, Stanley visited at Sid Con- i ve Meredith and. Mrs. Micihsel 1;or Mondav cvening. when Ihr ish's, Hampton, on Sunday. IVetzal, Ag;ncourt, rcccntîy. ýguest speaker will disp!ay and IGA NOW HEADQUARTERS FOR TV's SMiss Helen Knox spent the Those from Maple Grove whoi give the history of English' weekend with Elsie Downs, at were present at the euchreý pottcry. Ail ladi es in the com- Ebeneer party in St. Joseb' parish I mnit will be weiccmc at this lj J~ Mr.t JWm. Knox Brougham, hall, Bowrnanvmle, were Mr.imetigRO iV EL RO O M vLsied t Jon K l ad Ilil el endsu, rs. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Labre-' 1M.George Bittiier, Miss Jim Lavcrty, Mrs. Robert Jar-' cque called on bier sister, Mrs. THE SHOW FOR ALI, CH1LDREN 0F Jean Cryderman, Oshawa and' vie and Mr. Frank Hartford. James Allen ,Oshawa, on Tues- PRE-SCHOOL AGE - Miss Linda Stainton, Ennis- M e h d day evcninc. killen, were et Mri. and Mrs. E. . 8.11 5. - S uda9 ss af Mr. and MIrs.Austin Larrl Cryderman's. fiywreunyguess fIBowmranville, visited Mrs.A- Mr. and Mrs. E. Larmer Mr. and MIrs Eric Freebi, Imer Beech on Stra even- Blackstock. Mrs. A. Raison. 'mgSaturda SHOir AND> SA VE AlT and Mis. E. Cryderman werc Miss Dora MeNcil enjoyed Maple Grnve Home and GRAND O-PENING 6, E'S PAINT & WALLPAPER Port Hope 32 John St. F R EE! To the first 25 ladies entering our store wiII be given Free one 1%/ inch Simms "Sash-n-Trim" Paint Brush FRIDA Y, FEB. 5 th 1)001 PRIZES! To be drawn 1 Make Sure You Enter Your Name in Our Free Draw 1 Simnms Princess Dust Mop 1 Simms 14" Push Broom 1 Gal. Quality Canada Paint 12 Single Rolis of Stock Wallpapcr 1 Gai. Scarfe's "THIX" Jellcd Paint r.s amihssvarwsy of. o n qC DONALD DUCK "MULTI PAK" ORANGE J UICE 1 sTIONZ. 6 f.or 99C YORK - 15 Oz. Pkgs STEAWDERRIES 3 F'or9. 40 FATHOM COD FILLETS McCAIN - 9 Oz. Pkgs. FRENCH FIES 2 Pkg>. 29c B.C - 50Oz CHIPSTEAKS CHECK VOUR IGA STORE FOR IGA'S ý9c- Sensational 7~COCFFEE NUG OFFER! GOLDEN RIPE Z Ibs.25 U.S. No. 1 Garden Fresb CALIFORNIA CELERY S LRGE2 9C M1ONDAY THRU FRIDAY ON... CHCH-TV Channel l Hamilton - 9 9:30 a.m. EKVR-TV Channel 3- Barrie . 11-11-.30 ar. CKWS-TV Channel 11K - Kingston - 12:30 te 1:30p4- CHEX-TV Channel 12 - Peterborough - 1 to 1:34~MLi. VVKBW-TV Channel 7- Buffalo - 9:30 to, 10:36 a.nW. 3A Market cet EWATE '-t - s,. - TUrner 5.4354 mmomn u,. 29c1 .Pkg. . .. 35ç

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