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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 4 Feb 1960, p. 1

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Outstanding Mites Meet Leafs cdtmn na w 4; At the Young Canada Night in Cobourg, recently, Cobourg's Garry Crowe, front left, and Bowmanville's Jeff Gilhooly were selected as the outstanding players of the Mite game. Gilhooly scored Bowmanville's goal as they tied the homesters 1 to 1. Last Wednesday, Gil hooly scored the opening goal of the Atom game on Bowmanville's Young Canada Night. In the background, left to right, are visiting members of the Toronto Maple Leaf hockey team, Carl Brewer and Bobby Baun. -Pho to 'by Layton Dodge, Sentinel Star Work Comm îttee Swingîng int High Gear To Meet Red Cross Demands ,Mrs. E. Rundie. Chairman has almost depleted the sup- -- - Women's Work Cemmnittee of plv of these essential articles. Bowmanville and District Re-d Every Red Cross Branch has Ras CrssBanh.Ms.R Bt(,benurie o ncesetei1lase.$1900 Secretarv:'Mrs. R. Spry, Pun- output of these articles in the;- licity Chairman, spn rdycomig year to ensure a large, n O ne Hour at Rd Co.a Heaquaters,'tockforfurherrequirementsi 'pronto, iearning ci' te ncedin Morocco, for refugee wo'k for ciothing and bcddîng andiand disaster assistance over- Hl us Blitz watching the packing o! bales seas. ous for overseas. Your local Red Cross Branch The March of Dinies A supplv of sewitig an-i has not found accommodation Campaign held in Bow- knitting materialF was or-'for a Workrooni as yet but nianville on Monday ev- cleredl for the newl 'v org-anizad'it is hope 'd that this wili be ening by the Bowmanville Women's Worik cnimmittee 0f remedied soon. Meanwhile, Kinette Club was highly the local Branch. The Cana-, supplies are avaitable for sew- successfùl. The ca-chair- qdian Red Cross "s continuaily jing end knitting the follow- man, Eleanor Larmer and ahipping crates of baby lav-* ing articles: baby layettes, Helen Dunn. in charge of ettes, sweaters, socks, chikdinightgowns, pyJamas, sweat- the canvass, have announe- ren's clothing. bedding and ers, knitted baby c.utfits, socks ed that approximately znedical supplies, to disaster ýshawls and qu)Iits. Bowman- $1,900 was raised by the areas throughout the world. ville and district has a proud marching mothers ln the This year, XVorld Refugeeý record of this type o! work one hour campaign. Year. has incrra!zed the need done during the war years, Mrs. Larmer, Mrs. Dunn, for tl),ese articles for reliev- your RedCross executive are and Kinette President Hel- ing *-P suffering cf the refa,- i*sure that this District wili do en Brown have expressedl gees e!.Furope, Asla and Afri-;! its share today. appreciation of the gener- i~a; 3-on sipuentof bd-1 If ou wsh o asistin h~s osity of the people of Bow- cling, c]o thing and other re-,work pie4se contact Mrs. E. nianville, and of the work Sief to the 10,000 Runàle, I 3-5480 and she of the many canvassers 0 en- en '"~Who willngli.v gave of ther r -zd~ysi vietims in Morocco: wili gladly -iSW 1 r0-t e ae ar n h bytheCa nadiar. Red Cross,_quiri;es. tim WLQ.I< 16 New.Members JoinW1A;:f * %r Ratepayers Association lIWV *3e JI % I'%,l Opens Here Officers olth.ii ' cîaniizationtion which are held on the N present at a general meetingifrs Tuesday o! every montli,,i ext W eek o! the Bow.nanviilE* Ratepay-; In a discussion as to whe- A new "quality" meat store ers' Association hcld ini Men-1 ther or not it is necessary tO will open here next Thursday, orial Park Ciubhotse on Sun-: have a Welfare Officer *m Feb. îlth, under proprietor- dlay evening were the presi-1 Bowmanviile, it was stated ship o! two brothers, Ross dent. Norman HF.nnan, the lSt that one is requined in order (Bill) and Laverne (Dick) vice-president, Tom Master- to gain government subsîdies Firth. Bill is from Bowman- son, the 2nd vice-presidot, an d grants, a nd to do the pa- ville and has been a GMC em- Mrs. Neil Wilson, the treasur- j perwork. It was also said that ployee for the past 10 years. er, R. G. Martyn, and thrfeJte Wef Officer assists Dick is from Niagara Falls directors, William Mutton,' the Town Clerk and Assessor where he bas been employed G.ien Fry' vand James Coyle. in their papenwork duties. It with National Grocers in the The ticasurer, Mr. Maî7tYu,l was duly recognîzed by the meat business. reported that 16 r'ew mem-j executive that the Welfare They come from a line o! bership cards nore been is.l Officer is necessary. butchers, thein father having oued since the last meetinge.' The matter of Dog Con- considerable experience both James Coyie, a mcîinber o! the' rlwsdbteadi a farming and butchering in the 1959 Arena Conirrittee, gave dide sdeto edadg as toNewnrket area. Both lads report on thi,, undiertakinte Dring to epyr' got their start under their fath- and stated that il is financial-; soito to discuss niutual er's supervision. Tw godleters- - :eeiv Aspobcimtionceniog Dog Con- They will open with special Two ettrs I- tol.prices to be announced in next from the Norhern Heightsto. week's Statesman and opening Ratepayers' Association, Wh:t-, Inquiries eemd as1 prizes as well as ail the usual by. The first requested a cooy why a veterinarian, Dr. gimmicks which go aiong with of the constiftution of thie Wheatley, is employed by Bow- openîngs o! this kind. ]Bowmanvilie Ratepayers' As- manvilie. A view was ex- Their store is located in the uociation, and the second in-pressed that arrangements store formerly occupied by L. vited the members of the i,:)_couid be mnade to have the A. Parker & Son, plumbers- cal organization to attend the Oshawa Humane Society des- just west o! Lander's Hard- meetings o! the Northein trov local animais. It was de- wre. IHeights Ratepayers' Associa-' (C ontinued on page seven) IwBihi and his wife, the form- ErMio11n Crago, have one aIdaughter, Sally, 7 years old. Dri k~ai-'~ri j-j Ross and his wi!e Gay who - tStiO IV W children, Cheryl 4 and Michael $50Damagesi' Awarded in Libel Case aw'irced to M 1lnSggt, 'ýÀ formeri road superîntendent off SCartwright Tow~nship, in his 1 - action for libel agaînsti for-ý mer Cartwright l)&puty-Reeve Jack Green, Fred Trewîn, a former councillor, and Wi1-,, frîd Vine, Cartwrnight. The' case was tried before Mr.' Justice King of the Supreme Court o! Ontario at the spning assizes in Cobourg and con- cluded last week. Costs were awarded Mr. Suggitt against Mr. Green. vand Mr. Trewin, but wr -,'waived against Wilfrid Vine. ~"It is believed ta have be-ýn one o! the costlies:. trials heid in the United Counties in manyl ~. Michael Starn, Q.C., Toronto, t4~t. was the counsel foi' the plain-. Stif!, Russell D. Humphrey* Sand G. S. Bovchvo, bth of t ~.tttOshawa, were thie lawyers for Miss Myrna Petenson. on the Ieft, and Miss Linda the defendants. Anne Colwell wene two of the 24 members of the The action arose from a aursing class of 1962, Oshawa General Hospital, who pamphlet distributed in the received thein caps and Bibles in a special cerernony mails whic h lini! e- lin Suggitt, claimed was de- at MeLaughlin Hall last Fnidav aftennoon after hav- signed to discredit bu. .-He ing successfully completed the f ive months' probation wrote asking council for a period. Miss Petenson is the daughten of -Mr. and Mrs. withdrawal but none was; G. A. Peterson of R.R. 2, Bowmanville, and Miss forthcoming. P~1whIsparets re M. ad Mn. Eic ClweJ~, The trial iasted over a ,4ýIweI'sparntsareMr an Mr. Eic .01eU week, and the jury3 took four, lUorny Street. 5 hours to reach ils verdict, VOLUME 106 16 Pages BOWMANVILLE. ONTARIO TT-TTRTDAv vv.1 Ratepayers Protest No Representat ion on ljrena %,ommisi In the absence of Mayor1 more than five members, ati ;Wilfrid Carruthiers. who was; least two must be members. in Ottawa-on business, Reeve, of the Town Council.* Other Sidney Little presided at the. members of the committee meeting of Bowmanville Towt represent service clubs and Council held in the Councilion jChamber on Monday evening. It was pointed out that Ail other members of the, mucît assistance had been council were present.. given by Branch 178 of the, A delegation from theý Canadian Legion to hockey, Bowmanville Ratc.payers' As- and the branoh had donated! sociation with the president, $500 to it this season. 1 Norman Hlannan, as spokes- Regarding the early pay-1 man appeared before couneil Cnnudo paesv) to discuss the reason forI the'(otne n aesvn association flot liaving a re- presentative on the Arena Committee; they also urged Keene Ma n that ratepayers earl 'y sîzeable discount.Ne u t -i BRA Not Coiitacted 1"A-, president of the Bow imanville Ratepiyers' Associa'j tion, 1 would like to put forth a protest at flot getting a re-~ prese'îtative on the Are.nai Committee," Mr. Hannan sta-1 ted. He said lie understorodî that the seventh membmer of!I the board, who represents thel Canadian Legion was contact- ed beforehand, and addedi that he considered. that wasi unfair as the BRA had noti been contacted. Why Only Service Clubs? Mr. Hannan askec, why thei Arena Committee should beý confined to, service club re- presentatives. Reeve Littiîe pointed out that that the Act,i governing the Memorial Arena! provided that there be noti less tihan three, or more than, seven members of the Arena Conimittee, and if there arel IDarlington Darlington Municipal Council has appointed R. M. (Mac) Short, Keene, road superintendent for the township. Mr. Short was road superintenident of Otonabee Township, Peter- borough County, for 18 years, and his services w er e highly regarded there. There' were 18 applica- tions for the position but Mr. Shor't's experience and qualifications were out- standing. He is married and bas two daughters. The eider is a high sehool student. Mr. and Mrs. Keene and their children attend the United Church, and Mr. Keene is a mem- Çts anc1 fPieces DOGS AND METERS - Some interesting statistic! came out of Peterborough this week and, whilE we are trying to obtain local comparisons, we doubL if they will be available for this week. BelievE it or flot, parking meter revenues in that citý amounted to $75,630, up $3,638 over the previou year. Sale of dog licences brought in $4,674 whilE marriage licences only brought in $1,665. HE HAS FOUND ONE- Who was that fellow running around with the lamp trying to find an ho.nàt. 'âr% ~g s avW. N v is cbiiviricec he has found one, but it's a woman. Recently, hi lost a $10 bill. It could have dropped at one of four calls he had made that day. He 'phoned three without success. The next morning he agaiî- visited the kitchen of Memorial Hospital here and was greeted with the welcomre question "Did you lose a $10 bill here yesterday?" Nice folks in the hospital kitchen. Mn. Nowak's faith in the future of humanity is strong today. ï. t i. t JUST LIKE OLD TIMES - Remember those women's wonk parties who did so much good work for the Red Cross here during the first World War? They are at it again. Recently, a Women's Work Committee of the Red Cross was formed hete with Mrs. Ed. Rundie as chairman. Thev haven't found a room to work in yet, -but it won't be long. If you would care to help this most worthwhile cause, give Mns. Rundie a cal]. The need is great. GET EQUAL TIME - Rece ntly, the Home and Schbool Association staged a most populan panel discussion here concerning propen methods of '..aising children. Next week, the youngstens will be given an oppotunity oif replying in kind on "Qualities we respect in parents". Six Grade 8 students will conduct the panel with Mns. Robt. Kent as moderaton. The event will be held at Ontario Street School on February lOth at 8 p.rn. If they aren't censoned, those youngsters could provide quite an interesting evening. Rabbi Norton of Osha wa will be guest speaker. HOW'S YOUR INTERIOR? - A big event is cm îng up tonight at the Town Hall under the sponsor- ship of the most active Business & Professional Women's Club. It is called an intenion decorating night and will featune advice, illustrations, pictunes and a vaniety of worthwhile tips on how to make that house of y ours look like a palace. The B. & P. ladies are using this method to raise funds for equipment in the new hospital addition. Aber- nethy Paints & Wallpapen and Goodbrand Fabnics have joined with the group in sponsorshîp. The hour is 8 p.m. + t t t t*- 1 ONLY $3,500- Thene is anothen project next Thursday, Feb. llth, that we are happy to support. sponsored by the Cerebral Palsy group of Oshawa and District. They are trying to raîse $3,500 to bui]d one school room so the 30 to 35 youngsters in this area for whomn there is no roomn at present can be taken cane of. Locally, the supporters are holding a euchre at Memonial Park Clubhouse at 8 p.m. Corne out and give thera a hand. There are good pnizes and.even a door pnize. T . *t t CONFUSION REIGNS - Poor Doug Rigg. We reallv crossed him up last week, unintentionally of counse. On Wednesday afternoon while com- pleting The Statesman make-up, we found there- was considerably more type than there was space, s0 the Recreation Reviews were lef t out. Un- fortunately, Mr. Rigg had included a wide altera- tion in the formation of some of the minor league teams. On Saturday morning, ahl was confusion at the arena as the wrong players came at the riç!ht time and so forth. Our humblest apologies. We wish we could guarantee that it won't happen again. t . .f 1 MUC1U WEEKEND ACTIVITY- Area citizens will have plenty of activity on Saturdav. They can attend the Badminton Club's "Hlardtime Dance" which should be good fun or, at the Arena, the Juveniles start on the playoff trail against either Wgitby or Port Hope. Cs e 7e .y 10 More Receive Welf are Bowmanville Town Council at the meeting held in the Counicil Chambers on Mon.- day evening recc-ived the Wel- fare Report for .Tjinuary sub- mitted by the Welfare Ad- ministrator, R. J. Welsh. It showed the total number of recipients for the month was 60, an increase of 10 over the previous month. There were 279 indigentý day the report stated. Therel were 12 familles on welfare,[ six single persons, and ninej patients in Nursing Homes.ý Seven new applications werei fled. Employmnent was founcdl for three, and t'nree applica- tions were accepted. The weifare report showedý ab5 heeades.o f ie s wil ToasKSearfomrod Superintendent of Darlington Township 35l mdepe ndn I ov7 and now holding the equivalent position in Bomnve, was honored on Fn-. One person was receiving postI day by his former employers and colleagues. During 'the interesting evening, sanatorium care, who had one i testimonials were given of his fine work for the municipality and a beautiful dependent.! lounging chair was presented as a memento of his years of service. Mrs. The welfare expendituresi Stewart received a lovely bouquet. They are shown bere at -their home on for January werc: Direct Wel-~ Churh SreBwavle ihM.Seatmkn odueo h e fare, $1,332.99; Nursing Homes, uc SreBwavle ihM.Seatmkn odueo h e $785; Excess and medicinps,' chai r. $97.40. The total cost for theJ month was $2,2 16.34. It is ex-I ONLY 1.%INDIJSTRIAL - pected that $1,773.07 will bel rewer I Birtfls -______- recovered through provincial,; er 13.8% __ Isubsidies and chargebacks,~ ieaving actual welfare cost to, e i 19 8 T w s theere wn oTown4s.A7seormen th OWlo!$432 frWeddings Upincreases $162,243 There was an Inerease T pes jof 18 in the number of o N a l 7. M i i n .CflJ3RUARY 4th, 1960 'lOc Per Copy NUMBER 5 Colleagues Honor Superintendent 1.11 i 11W iuwinaniiie.tst yea, 70, he anuareport submit- Gi-ants in liu cftaxes o h le ?vern198.the tlon5 ume o ted by Clarence S. Oke, the following assessments: Post on ~ ~~~~~deaths registered here in Assessor, at the meeting of fieln,$.55'bidns iO n M nday$60,155, a total 01 $61,700; De- 1959 was 119, while 120 Bowmanville Towri Couinc-il partirnent o!Fihasn, 'v iMrs. Lloyd Coverly, age.21,~wr eitrd drn held in the Couincil Chamberý $500; buildings, $1,260, a total n ..2 Bowrnanvil]e, tortfîn- i958. o l-T.i ci at Ley pC înjury iin d m otor Th re w efe 10 3 1 .1, veiiin e cieton No. 2 Higbwaybirths registered at thesowd'wotl as-I Tepo1959 taxable an,_ haîf a mile west of the C.P.R., 'owmianville Town Hall ln sessmérît of $7,44i-5,678. $9630s5,rneo rte t o f .$at, overhead bridge on Monday' 1959 when 491 were re- The 1959 aszEessment fr30 ulig,5,4,3,a evenng. ortd asagaist 9 - 196o) taxes as revised reported: increase oif $125,956; busine&s, ri Mrs. Coverly was driving! istered here in 1958. Land Assessncit, $963,025;, $739,81 7, an increase o! $21,- j home from Bowmanville al, The population increase Building Assessnient, $5,742,- 947 This 15 a total taxable 8:40 p.m. when the accident for the town in 1959 was 836;ond Business Assm, ssessment e ki5,7,a happened. Snow had drîfted 91 as against an increase $739,8 17. inassentof $R243 e across the road causing the car of 206 people in the Thle Assessmcent exempt b.vl The classificat;ori of taxable e to skid. As Mrs. Coverly tried previous year. In 1959 statute amounts to $903,850: asse.isment1 is: residential to straigh'ten the car, a wheel there were 356 dog tags and is composed of land, $72,-' hit the side of the boulevard sold. ______ and, 733~ buildings $831, and the car toppled over into - - - 6,ad bulig $8120 171,695, a total of $4,87.5,02,7; e the ditchi.p Professional and cmccî Mrs. Coverly is a member ofA lA . . and,' $156,360, buildings, e,684,- ? the teaching staff o! the Vin- IOiC if I I l r l o 601, business, $356,002. a cetMassey Public School,ýN t d A j i a o 1e11113 Industrial la'id, Bowrnanville. She is adaught- $H0,225,bbuindiss, $637,a5tot , eroMr. and Mrs. Howard -usinss, 383,815 oa. Gibsn Wellington Street, andC o in H5,5555t 13l82, Farm land, $.59,_ her vedding to Lloyd Coverly 4,bidns $146,870, a te-./ took place on July 4th last. F o ta] o! $206,415; Vacation re- Although sewssvrl lr m sort land, $33,65. buildings, shaken and bruised in the ac-F or rE m aEEDk h0p $l0l,89'0, a total o! $t135.455j cident Mrs. Coverly did not 1 Thbis amounts to the total as- sustain any serious injury. Mr. James Dean, noted Di-'whom have hiad no experieence sessmeot o! $7,445,678. Constable Jim McDonald, op * rector, and Adjudicator, will bel in this aspect of theatie. The percentages are: Resid- P,, investigated. the guest o! the Durham Dra- j The workshop bas been de- ential 65.47 percenrt: Commer- ma Workshop on Thursday, isigoed to deal with ail phases cial 16.08 percent; IndLiStlý,1 lee ' w n February 4th, in the Bow-! o! theatre, and so far they have13.86 percent; lai-n 2.77 per.. manville High School at 7.30 dealt with the problems a di-' cent, and Vacat*onrsoL T e To n p.m,. sharp. rectoî' encouinter--. Now th,,x- 1.82 peent. eot fr4eMr. Deanï wilI demonstrate, will examine some of the. Population is î,203, an iin- N ews ho tecontrut a ecton f ohertechnical problems ini- crease o! 91 for the year. The There wiil be a Tee, Town a fa seey ue o ovdi utn lyo census accordiîîg to age dance this Friday night at the block out the curtains on' the boards. A si;ecial session1 groups showed:' Age 1 to '31 Cente beinnig ateither side and the back of onl the ,Art of Make-up is plan- 64. age 4, 194; age 5, 208; age jLions Cnr einn the stage). He will aiso show'ned, as is an onvestigation into 6 to 7,' 343; agi 8 te 9, .312ý; 8:30 lP.m. the Workshop methods o! speech, diction, and the art age 10 to 13, 582; age 1 4, 1 12; ît is a hardtinie dance with! panting flats to gain certain Of cti tcim.. age 15, 100; age iti to 19, 409; plenty of square dancing as e!fects. This type o! demon- If Vou ;Ic ilteSteq 'n anyv age 20 to 59, 3,425: age 60 to !Mr. 1 MIasicrsoni anci hîs group stration should prove most o! the above please contact'64, 2u6; age 65 Io 69, 225; age will be there. helplul to the group, most of, (Contiou -ed on page seven) i70 anîd over, 441. Honor 80-Year-OId 0On Birthday t t, MW .i Four generations of a wehll known Bowmanville' son, R4y Westlake and his two children, Penn .y Lee family were photographed together on the occasion of~ and Ronny. Mn. and Mrs. Ted Miller, 30 Prince Street, Mr. Sam McKnight's 8Oth birthday hast Sunday,1 entertained at a family dinner party in honour of Mrs. 'Miller's father on his birthday. The honoured guest January 24th. Reading from lef t to right above are 1 was the recipienv <of many attractive gif t. and Mr. MeKnight, his daughter, Mrs. Ross Westlake; heri messages. /Ilt Womens BRUARY 4th, 1960 1- '10e Per Copy NUMBER 5 %ion

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