PAGE FIVE TE (CANAflTN RTATVRIfAN. BOWMANVILLI L ONTARIO 7. atras uitable fer ibeaths the forests, they rais hmo od.Wtrpwrl ha an iol&\&e.farmns and sisaemaeadi l ontoCnda prganizations Ré port Pro gress at MrredinNecatl Tkefa rpdry anter-ne ofthe ge ils are a boon to modernm aursla el pere ndveyfntr housewives, Mrs. Kerr salid. covers vast areas.Heeln-etn.twaapesueo st a l o g e a i n i M e i gShe explained that sudi mat- ber ia made and rapadp-hv n foronmm St. PauI's Congregational M eetingerials have been diemically per mnanaufactured.besgvitMr.Pted treated to become wate r resis- is very npratmvdavt ftak oth The okBor, n hre boys Hiht In Pebter to Juno members of the co- tant. They will be of the sanie and with modem ahnr pekr oia afhu col ntegatin of1 St Work Boa riiand teouenrsyr u1o0Otexture aiter washing as be- f arma produce lareqat- oiwd Pal' UitdCh~rh el ttndd heCritin oug In presentrng the lMssion. gregation. The Session extend- foetkesaern die ies of milk, butter n hee thei Anual eetng o tle Cuneilor Conenton fr aed arm hans to"evryon foe, he sa"everyoneise \ her nnalMetLg n Cunilor Cnvnton fr ay and Maintenance Fund re-ewamtnk that drip dry matierials be hung This is the largestsnl i nigh. of January 18. The Rev. three days in Peterboro. port, Mrs.J. W. Porter indî- inev ery organization" whowe.heatrwlfaiofse dustry 'n Canada. Harold A. Turner acted as1 The C.G.I.T. (girls 12-17) cated that 112 of oui church f ad done anything to make nd rs. eK-aerr wa.nd ain ffst ntewser lis ChaKemp a nad Mer . retugars related their activities during f.ile o n t U e t e m dthe year successful. Mr. M c_ xt a nd ling ofer war ed ragip ry avelargercattle er ds m a mpwsnmc ertr.the past year: Studies in the side of the ene.In sie rgr xrsted a salfobrics as sueki handling Caus-lasdfo fodhie ar After a short devotional per- Bbe isos iieai~o this, the M. and M. givings word of thanks to the Minis-es, e bd andBibhereassngnof thei.e shý,pO e ml nces vrter and Mms. Tumner for, their es wrinkls.ue£frslom t. lowo A330 minuted the rvarînofus .eand Racial Intolerance; tray soe na ices vrfihu evc.CnenwsA number of beautiful fab- production fo lcso atospresented their r favors made and donatedi to 1958 when St. Paul's per me atulsrceCnem ws rics in three categorlswr he.rfnries mae rdeUEe pr' Os frthrer 99 - the local hospital at Christ- sident member givings to this voiced over the number ofsowthauenanmch O ma;attended three Presby-fn eetehgeti s members who do not attend hwteauinadmc Olrfeis mas; the services w Prebyteý- adiTired. Mrs. Chisholm thak- ou and it la brougtbags W.A.Raî,s $568 erygatherings in Oshawda a Pebtm 1959's total teCommunion e MssKerfrveiicees lnet ohr roice.Thu Th feno n vnn n edradoegr eewas $4843.16. gularly. Members were urged e r.Kr frhritr salnds oat r fing l pro% The sAssocionsn Eeniou n eleader andnokegirlanee to try a little harder and do ing addmess, and also for hem ad ok a Womn' Asoiaion rcon-deegtes~ 3da cn r .GAllenk utbalasneadis-te moraeain 1960 s thatgeerus donation of a decora- o.I otenOtrow ted their many activities n ence in Peterboro oaio lm AlnCtheto is-teymar aeadnwou6d be the rcstnfradaw h aeormns cluding cto ng dinne"s were aet NCF .adtiue oiso h tw e.fortunate wininer was Mrs. Wil- A elw aeorfc and weddings, fal bazaar, M., W.M.S. and Ontamio Gils' ards' Financial Statement 30NewMemershinsfeor ad.R.T3, Bow- et owhouisang akn cooking school, sewing, etc. Work Board. The Explomers which showed that the Young was ap-frrntheChrc such as cars, truknrbe Their chief p'jects were (girls 911) completed several gregation was stating 196 MîsSteorgestungs fravm thte Churcha fl.Lrnshing the manse (includ- interesting expeditions includ- I Registers showed 12 weddings,pinecaengcnnofr ngdining-room suite and new ing vst oocad n aîmteLosCu ais ih drapes for the living-room andl woods where God in nature 1959. There are 301 families tD insCtbehLdi e'ruary dnn-room), redecorating the was studied. The group visit- under pastoral oversight con 2n. Ito as lson Fnounce SudySchool Hall and ve.s- ed Marnwood Nursing Home ssigo 02pros h ka h W i ae o asundayopresdni church Rolcontaîns ffathe pring i aer f aor tiulimrvig hrc it- mthe Christmhs season an chen cupboards and provîding sang carols for the patients. 394 namnes, 30 new members to he gD by CortandVence, ziw anue tbls.The j5Acotibto was given to having joined i 1959. L 82 h ajda me mebr asd$58 h ...Thanks For Support Of Foresters on April gth. 2Znd Year as Supt. The Afternoon and Evenng I When the relorts had been Mr. Kenneth Bragg present- Auxiliaries of the Women's heard and adopted, new of fi- ed a' verY encouraging report Missionary Society told of cers for 1960 were appointed i I * of the Sunday school hwn their an fine devotional ilr eesr.Ms arl r s y e iiG O tire hgh under the faithf ul and of their efforts o deepen tin ofte co g4atoXo h ledrhpc m ifi a-the spiritual life of their mem- Org2nist, the Directors and ruthers, now in his 22nd year ,bers. These two groups, toge- Wme bes oSte enirIner as Superintendent. The Sun-rte with their Junior aff!l- mdaeadJno his ' 4E e . îieigýMK day Shool has 14 teachers iates, raised $1163. for mis- Tei Su ndy Juchoor Officrs ' and 5 assistant teace s, ndsoniry work at home and a Tfthe CSuhTrds r a is e d $ 1 1 3 6 in l u i g $ 0 a b r o a d . u rkad E v l p e r t r O h w r s y e i l W M S for issi ns.Cards to Ghana ies, and the capable custo- Os' h awathe pr- Fsbyterial Ex-- P U S Mr. Turner told cf the in- During the year the~ dians, Mm. and Mrs. Jackson . Y" ecutive meeting at Newcastle teresting and spirited pro- sion Band sent used Christmas Bowman. Mrs. H. A. Turner Uie hrhi hreo grm rsne vteTe- cards to Ghana Mission expressed the tbanks of the Mr. and Mrs. Erie Balkind are shown at the Peident Mrs. M. C. Fisher. __* *- and-Twenty Club whose School for the Deaf, made members to the men of the reception following their marriage in St. George's Reports from the variaus sec- - ~ Courmse~lr is Miss Dorothy scrapbooks for the Carmelfte congregation who had frey Anglican Chur ch, Newcastle, Ont., on Saturday, crpoarion into theiedStory in- -ii Somerville. A notable contri- rhng in Toronto and a vnwof their time Vo buildDeebr2,19,a3:0olok ThbidfmrteYemobet bution f the C lu- b w as m ade packed d tty bags for a R v ard A ur e h i ite r ake the m nsp en e 26 , î1s59 , st he:3 of M m. an b r dr e r esypo r uam ininn he S moe n on Crsm Sunday when Churcb Port Worker inarldH.ali-erPegge Nl ipon stedaugh er o h ert epeetda h coitn .k r in H l-T e n t e u r t a d m n a k n s t e s n mannd Mrhs S- . Balnd M of nP esdy, e b. 24me t wi th in sir es- the menibers &occupied the fax. The Baby Band held ten wt ubtnil akb lpe of St. Paul's for their Robert Charles Simpson, R.R. 2, Newcastle. Mr. St. Church, Oshawa, on Wed- MW choirt sbtnta an a- otnuthtpr admnyBlin Lth.o o r adrs.S Bli. o edy Fb 4twthss loft ane presented a meetings, sold Cburch Calen- ance. It was pointed out tatIkindnesses to him and bis Toronto.- sions at 9:30 a.m., 2 p.m. andL 1 selection of camols from many dars , and culminated their anwpp ra would be, famiîy, and învoked God's 8pm h hm ilb Ians ndr hediecio o varS work with a colorful requjxred in the noVteeo dis- blessing on their joint labors "Mission Vo the Uttermost"'. M.r Roal Sctt ChistasPary.tant future, and .members in the months ahead. ME Special speakers will includ The Sigma-C (boys 12-15) The highlights of the Mn's were encouraged to start con- Atraj aet, ems- 1 1 3I ~B ,o 32 au and progmess.Th two group)s served bv the men); the Lay- that Vhe Renovation Fund ac- 7vnn A uig oi l Bacsekn nteat set$5 Toh nai os e' hhSrie con- count had been closed on Nov- boum which followed. Mm.ei u l noon, and Miss Dli Cook, MIIfrol sent Vo he Otaro Bos' en' h rSvic e e 6,15.Turner showed various col- L ff ~n f A.T.C.M., missionary on fur- BDa "frL dATR LEFF RCuc;dth ebrso he etabe 16, Do1959.ored slides of Ve congrega- Tg ir, An u a i e port Nlough fromJapan, showing ghou 199 o twlvecopes ion t wrk n is oganza-slides in the evening. 1959eOberefotwe coies r.D. . McGegor pres- tiens. Reports were given on Vhe Taylor. Thc post-presbyterial ex- afim m ifl cfetObsre orVecn ented bis 18th annual report Officers for 1960 are as womk accomplished during The secretary, Miss Jewell ecutive will be at St. Andrew's 20regationhoi as Clerk of Session. The Ses- follows: the year at the annual meet- was instructed Vo write a let- Church, Oshawa, on Marek i i UUC HMUM Mrs. Kenneth Hul old the are elected for life, and an thers, Jas. Abernethy, Donald Durham Advisory Cornmittee is retiring from the board, whou r n Lvi 1.rUmeetig th20 M ee reoIr imorntembes in S.Pu' SSINW.H ar-igo teBwamil-ettrV .Rs thikconhan 1:30 p.m Es metnthat her ar te cnoi orat vn t ateco-Wlims xMGrgrmto the CNIB whici was held express Vie appreciation cf Id orRxi tr Ms. C. H. Dudley, tic direc- Sunday, March 8, when Mm. dric Parsons, Wilfrid Carru- tre on Tuesday evening. Geo. ham Advisory Comttee's tom and organist, has workcd John Rice was ordained an tiers, J. W. Porter, Wilbert Vice, the vice-chairman, pre* appreciation of the assistance5KngS.WMA -78 PA U S C LES liar~md, noV only with the Sun- Eider and presented with a Teeple, Manseil Stacey, John sided in the unavoidable ab- she bas given for many yearse1 in t dymusic, but behind the Bible. In December, Bibles Rice. sence of the chairman, Don as a menaber, and for hem fine oe T i scenes, mendîng folders and weme also presented to two STEWARDS - Ralph Cole, Williams. womk on behaîf -if he CNIB. ___________________________ Là: music, and fîîîng, antnems la young ladies, Miss Janet Mc- Allen Cuthbertson, Thompson A satisfactory fînancial Committee chaîrman for the L c lW.i. the new music cabinet. In ap- Gregor and Miss Muriel Ste- Taylor, Nelson Wilkins, Mur- statement was presented by coming year werc appointcd preciation cf tie free use of yens, pesently attending tie ray Wood, Rae Abernethyteteaue amsBl.A0sflow:Eu*ioMs Te rgi ameng f M 0 P~" te undy Sioo Rom ver Uite C u c Trinig eorge Graham, Lloyd Han- report given by Robert Paden, Ron Hawthorne; Recreation, Bowrnanvilîe W.I. was ield at Thursday for eaching music, Sehool in Toronto, preparing cock, Douglas Kemp, Ross Peterborough, seal secretary Mms. J. Hobbs and Mms. D. Ar- the Lions Centre on Thursday Mr. Dudley has purchased for full Urne service in the Stevens, Ronald Hetberington, for the district, stated that mistead; Special Events, Mms. Jan. 28, with Mms. G. Alichin, and pesented o the Cburch Church. Throughout the yeam Kenneti McQuarrie, Ivan there are 25 regîstered blind C. Trcwin and Mrs. F. Crowc; President, and Mrs. M. Wise- thirty new anthems of Vwen- the Session provided copies Rogers, Howard Corden, Don- people la the area. Welfare, Jý&ss Isabel Davis, man, Sec.-Tmcas.,lateres ty copies eaci. of the Upper Room"l for alid Kennedy. Rcit mm VeBizadPoetHwr isn etv his chrc fmiie, ndprset- AUDITORS - Clifford Pur- Campaiga conducted in Bow- It was agreed Vo send 12 ed Church Attendance prizes dy ard Vctor Mfiller. - manville on behaif cf the gifts, six for men and six fer CNIB in October amounted to IC ~womcen of $1.00 cach to the P A O A T N .$3,777.30, George Vice, theCW L S on or Golden Plough Lodge at Co- > -S . P u ' .M .campaign ciairman told the bourg for tiheir birtbday par- meeting. Mrs. C. Tewin, the tis r. oda adMs convenor, rcported that $490.30 . y C .Jiiisti MeManus are to look alter H l e u cr M e i g was realized from the sale cf titis. .! Deight Y« fMe. pdr H o d e ul r M e ti g wokhedheercnfrLsaMrs. G. Jones said that thce ý wf h eto "I e i rAn allocation is net an obli- Vo caci cf thc ladies present. r.J obs himn Gra des 8, 9 qit a ail bcn om~pleted . .4 >wOIPV« te gation, but a trust, a privil the recreation committee, in frteKpe hti I gaio, uta rst aprvi- Tic usual business was bier report told of Vie activi- noneetc K.eCLMri ii aettes ave inoeVouIe mi DP ge, an opportunîty Vo siare transacted. An expression of tics arranged for Vie handi -Esayoncsmt fhpupiLs c Eenmdefrtateiav e-» r @ D ecorating N ~~ighI, noV Only our material and thanks Vo the leaders cf Vie- saCotetfrpil ofbnmdeorUtra e- physical blessings but an op- youngcr goups was voiced cappe d. Sic spolke of Vie en- Grade 8 and 9 was made by vices. portunity o demonstrate real and it -was announccd Viat joymcnt given tiose wio at- Mrs. Stewart Chisiclm, tic 1V was anaounccd that 10,c Conducte by repesentatves of hristia Love ad Concen. airs.n.ed. VieinswiccfmonttelyedpresidentmoncflVieesBowmanvîthleowaamembera would w bed b o lleetcd C nadadb prsnt C.andvesTheCriia oegu an Concymet-mfl. rs.S Rof îlis who forAn-meetings cf tic Humomesque Sub-Division of Vie Catholic Vo help finance Vhe home cf CaaaPit o n ic reg. ul WMotil mee- glnumer o ytarsspervcfarn-Club la Oshawa, and express- Womea's League held at St. Adelaide Hoodlcss, this is -C Canadian Wallpaper Mfg. ieng cf St. Paul's W.M.S. Af eawud akerinor cd appreciation Vo Vie Bow- Joscph's Hall rcccntly. En- throughout Canada. temoonAuilirywas eld orWMS bn-fcig manville Lions Club for pro- tries must be sent o Mms. Jos- As our 60th anniversary Tueday Ja. 2tiat uic Am. tb Aiplemb te rs wriing tanspc-rtation. cpi Tully, Lindsay, Peterbor- cornes tis. June, inembers de- home cf Mis. H. Fergusoni, ugdt opeeVeraM9 Tic report of Vie nominat- ough Diocesan ~ frcddV aeabnuto Man Vauabe Dor rizs QeenStof the Book-Siiclf and Study ing committec members, Geo. the contest, bef oeMar rci ue 23 tohv a gauesteaer M any Valuable DoorTPrizes Qu en t , Mrso.bfoe ia Dme aWUcVice and Miss Helen Cryder- tic president statcd. Veme-Roll eaU was "a comrnodity inte Ai-sVadcxrescd gmm-wclcome te man was adoptcd. Miss Cry- Mrs. Ciisholm Vtoldth e- your own home". Mis. G ,ô T 0 - N I C H T tude tiat withithe belp cf the meeting wcre Mrs. A. Baars derman was mnade ionorary ing that tiere wiîî be three Richards was convenor for affiiiatedî groups $1163.67 haà and Mrs. S. Johann, alse Mrs. chairman for Vhe coming monctary prizes, an'd Vie choice programme. benrrnte V h Peb-R. Hetbcrington wio bas Miss-, year. Don Williams was e- cf rsubjccpts effcprcd re FrecI - Mis. T. ButVery rcad the f» Sec. for Msinr oti t~e~se oîWtlnln Fur traders came Vo hunt - B L O U S E S and World Friends, Mrs. J.' or orlon, and ticir washabil- vaieus animais tiat brougit27KN ST Bowman;, Literatume Secretarvy, ity. Wool and rayon plaid m'x- higb prices for their furs, butBO M N LL Both Long and Short Sleeves Mis. K. Wery; Suppiy Secro- The exquisltely turcs are aise wasiable, she insterad of hunting them i AilSies Al olos ~tary, Mms. J. Bowman, Mrs. G. designed settings stated. Al ie l oosE. Burnham,Mrs. C. Carru- with tic dainty Silks arc luxurious and beau- Reg 2.8 -On1a9 7------ rs; Convenor of Comit-ý heart motif tiful, but arc noV as popular Re.29I nSl e for Worship and Study, cmlmn h as in previous years, the speak- Mrs. C. Dudley; Pianist, Mrs. coeemnrtec said. Sic cxpiained tiat tic S PE C 1A L R. D. Witmec; Leaders-Ba- 6 sparkllng, lvl ytei ik fe by Band, Mms. D. Kemnp; Mis- rcgistered perfect lovelyrsneto i iks offra sion Band-Mrs. Murray Wood. Bluebird dlamond!;res ndwidc rane cf ese fab- Mrs.J. Byso: Explorrsmade materials are not as ex-I DE S SSMrs. K. Wcmry, Miss M. Soma- . atrulybeuîu pensive as siik. Acetate andf erville, C.G.I.T., Mrs. H. Tur- f.rayon mixtures came in a var-1 Large Selection of Material ner, Mis. D. Girardi, Miss IL Spccîaly picd. , iety, and fine cord taffetas arel Full Range cf Sizes- Styles - Colors Hewitt. particularly pretty this season, Reg $1498 Mis. Ceci Dudley condtmct- Mrs. Kerr asserted. Sic aise egeL ~ d the worsiip period and Diamnond told cf tic many lovely bro- ON SALE -$-.97___with personal experiences par- éc9 cade patterns available, some trayed tic importance of stua';,$10 0 with goid and silver hreads. Reg. $8.98 prayer and -itness net onîy O uebird Nylons, boti plain and flocked for ur wn neds butfortheWedding Ring are cspeciaily attractive this ____________ 097 wiole Famiiy of God. particu- eo yea.r, tic speaker said. stugglînr te indsai tr-Fr ppns 0Cottons arc ticenMost versa- ca srgln ofn etr tile cf ail materials, Mrs. Kerr /7 1way cf life. Especiaily we ý pointcd eut. Sic told Uic meet- ,o iÔ hshould pray for ticir leaders.'P ing that cottons range froni v ir A nS oppe A nd mor eeerm concet rJ vv llry broadelotis, tirougi organdies, and oregeneousresonse H o p ers Je ell ry Vo lace. Colors are sun resistant rotequicd.ticth refugees ' J , and easy wasiing is another UYF *B iAAA Lais erisrqie.and i op desirable feature. She mca- 57 King St. W. MA 3-3363 Mms. Dudley gave a "Jan- 29 King St. K Bowmanville tioned tic various lypes cf uarv" ca!endar with ir.soY ra-, tissue girghams from Uic ligit tional guidance and message,' and afry kin4 te tie firmer .r Fi rHURSDAY, FEB. 4th, 1960 OVV=VTD"T% A %? VM15 A&U 1 9%»A