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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 18 Feb 1960, p. 10

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PAGE TEXNH A Federation Attem pis t Organize Pro gram of Farm Management Here fly Clarence AlUn. Sec.-Fleldmnaa The regular monthly meet- Ing of Uic Durham County Pederation a! Agriculture was held on Thursday evening, * ,ebruary 4, at the home af ,34. and Mrs. Lawrence Sta- ,Vles, Bethany, with 30 direc- ltors present. President Harvev Malcolm~ .chaired Uic meeting and fol- lowing Uic reading o! the minutes o! the January mort- 'Ing explained ta the directors h is plan to co-operate with -.r. Darymplc in an attempi ta organize a Farm Manage. ,ment programme. He said he and the secretary had been ln tauch with Mr. Daîrymple ini this regard and rcad a letter from hilm assuring his utmost .Co-operation. The plan would involve having at lcast 100 farmers in thc county participate at the start at a cost t a cdiof $25-00. This would be match- ed by a sinillar grant from the Dc)pt. o! Agriculture, which would finance the salany and expenses O! a full time super- 'visor to work with Mr. Dal-ý rynple. This supervisor would Ina ai probability be a two year graduate o! cither Kem- - Ptvile or Guelph Agriculture COllege. He would assist in sctting Up o! a campîcte book- keeping system for the farm- er including a full inventory, JACK BROUGH PLUMBING and REEATING Division Street South MA 3-5615 BOWMANVILLE 1 a Mam analysis including soi testing, and advice given oi -any rccommcndcd changes i farm operation. Hclp would b Ygiven in aIl these phases dur s ing Uic year. Prom these rn 1cords the farmner would aisi fhave full accounts with whicl - ta file his incarne tax returri - The secretary pointed ou this Progranmme was i opera n tion and was meeting wit - marked success in Bruce coun ety where between 135 and 151 -farmers were taking advan s tage o! thc Plan and whcri i the supcrvisor was a formei tDurham countY boy - Mr - Larry Rosevear. A committe( D was narncd ta explore this plar ifurther-Dalton Dorrell, Ralpi iLarmer, Bruce Taylor, Eri -Pallis, 1r. Dairymple, Presi. tdent Harvey Malcolm and se. cretary Clarence Allun. *The secrctary reported no. i ing had been done regard. ing the Beef Producers holdinfi fan Annual Meeting as Uic Pre. sident, Alfred Johnston, lair Florida. Noray Goheen, viceý iPresident, expressed his opin. ion a meeting should talc Place before spring. Lawrence Staples gave E 1detailed report o! the Annua] Cream Producers' meeting heir in Toronto last November ai which lic had been a delegate, He quated froni an addres delivered at the meeting by Dr. E. W. McHenry-one o. Canada's outstanding nutrition authorities from Uic Univer. sity o! Toronto-in referring ta clahus of opposing factions, some that People should cat no fat, others that Uic body requircd considerable quanti- tics o! fat ta be healthy, that, 1"1 arn quite sure that the ma. jarity Of Canadian adults car continue ta enjay food fats, and I sec no sound reason for urging them ta use either more or less fat. The best nu- trition advice la ta cat a var. iety O! !oods in moderation.11 A number o! resolutions were passed, some o! which wre- conunending thc Dairy Farin. ers' advcrtising and publicity Programme, request for con- tinuation O! support price of not less than 64 cents, request for continuance o! "offer ta Prchasc plan" for butter ra- ther than deficiency payment system o! support. Plans were made ta hold a Wheat Producers' meetn in Cavan Hall on Tuesay evcning, Pcb. l6th, at which the wheat situation will be di-scusscd, reports given on futurewheat outlook, use made Go a.a. kRegardless of Snow FOR SAFER WINTER DRIVING .. . LET US DE-SKID YOUR TIRES For That Heavy Snow.. We Can Cut Your Tires with Snow Cleats We can make your old tires into Snow and Mud Tires of moncys collected froni de- ductions and election of offi- cers for coming year. This meeting will be chaired by Dick Stewart. Peterbaro, Zone directar o! Uie Ontario Wheat Producers. Bruce Taylor reported on member meeting he had at- tendcd where Crap insurance had been anc o! Uic items dis- cussed. Purther plans on this will be forthcoming la- ter. C. I. A. Insurance was also discussed and it was pointed out tic necd for mare ful time agents since C. I. A. has1 extended its policies ta caver1 alinost every phase o! farni necds as wcll as growing ta the point where it is now Uic 4th largest company i Ontario in the automobile in-1 surance field.j Pollowing Uic resignation in January of Donald Staples as Treasurer, Uic meeting ap.. pointcd Douiglas Kemp, R. R. 1, Bowmanvile, ta fil Uic va- cancy. While it was rcgrctted Donald Staples felt Uic pres- sure o! other business acces- sitatcd hus resignation, Doug- las Kemp cornes particularly weil qualified as previaus ta his bccorning a fruit fermer, he was a member o! tic bank- ing profession. Thc appreciation o! aIl pre- sent was ably expressed te Lawrencceand Mrs. Staples for thc hospitality o! their home and the very lovely lunch pro- vided by Mrs. Staples. An invitation was accepted frani Donald Cathcart ta hold thc Mardi meeting at his home i Cavan. Meeting adjourned. Durham County Agricultural Calendar Thursday, Feb. 18, 2:00 p.m., STentative date-Durham 500 dBushel Potato Club, Township Lt Hall, Bethany. Thursday, Feb. 18, 8:00 p. Spartment o! Agriculture, Bow- Smanville. Frîday, Feb. 19-Durham -County 4-H and Junior Fanm er Seed Judging Competition, 9Parish Hall, Bowmanville, 9:30 a.m. Saturday, Feb. 20, 9:30 a.m. -Durham 4-H Homemaking Club Achievement Day, Orono, I.O.O.F. Hall. Supper Club Project. Monday, Fcb. 22, 7:00-9:00 p.m.--V.L.A. Meeting, Depart- niment of Agriculture, Bowman- *Wednesday, Fcb. 24-Bank- ers Agricultural 0Ou tlo ok Course, Peterborough. Wednesday, Feb. 24, 8:00 p.m. - Debate, Peterborough Junior Farmers vs. Northumn- berland Junior Parmers. De- partment of Agriculture, Board Rooni, Bowmanville. Ail wel- came. Thursday, Peb. 25, 6:30 p.m. -Durham County Vegetable Growers, Annual Banquet and meeting. Lions Centre, Bow- manville. Priday, Peb. 26, 1:30 p.m.- Durham section, Quinte District Cattle Breeding Association meeting. Orono Town Hall. Monday, Feb. 29, 7.00-9:00 p.m.-V.L.A., Department of Agriculture, Bowmanville. 1 Tuesday and Wednesday, Mlarch 1 and 2, 10:00 a.m. ta 4:00 p.m.-Homeiaking Clubj Training Sohool- "Cottons1 May Be Smart" I.O.O.F. Hall, Orono. Tuesday, March lst. 8:00 to 10:00 p.m.-Soils Meeting, De-1 partinent of Agriculture, Bow-à manville - Douglas Logsdail, Speaker. AIl welcome. Monday, Mardi 7th-Dur- ham 4-H Agricultural Club Leaders, Banquet and Annual Meeting. 7:00 p.m. Thursday, Marci lOth, 8:00 p.m.-Durhani Flue Cured To- bacco Growers, Orono Town Hall. Thursday, March 10Ui, 1:30 p.m.-Durham Shorthorn Sale, Blackstock. 4-H Club calves will be solal including boti steers and icifers. Pniday, March l1th, 6:301 p.m.-Durham County Junior Farmer Aainual Banquet. Lions Centre, Bawmanville. Gucst speaker, Mr. Savage, Oshawa. Parents and friends are urged ta attend. Tuesday, Merci iSth, 2:00 p.m.-W. I. Rug Makîng Train- ing Sohool, Departmcnt o! Agriculture, Bowmanville. Tuesday, Merci l5th, 8:00 ta 10:00 p.m.-Soils Meeting, Dcpartment o! Agriculture, Bowmanville, Doug Logsdail, speaker. AUl Welcome. Wednesdey, Marci 23rd- Quinte District Cattle Breed- ing Association Annuel Meet- ing. C.N.R.A. Building, Sta- tion Street, Belleville. 1:30 p.m. Satumday, Merci 26tb-Dur- bain Holstein Club Annuel Bus Trip ta Quinte and King-1 ston Area. Contact club di- nectars for furtier informa- tion. Tuesdey, Merci 29th, 8:00 ta 10:00 p.m.-Soils Meeting, Depatmcnt of Agriculture, Bowmanville, Doug Logsdail, speaker. AIl welcome. Wednesdey, Merci 30th, 1:30 p.m.. - Durham County D.H. I.A. meeting. Departmnent o! Agriculture, Bowinanville.- Plowmen Checking Bethesda District For This Year's Match, J Per tire The Annual Meeting of th( IDUrhain and NorthumberlanÉ IPlowmen was held in tii Counties Building at, Cobourý, on Mondray, Pebruary lst, 1960 President Don Budd as Chair man reviewed the activities oi the past year. The minuteý and Treasurer's report werE ff ATI read. by Secretary Ralph Ban. bury and accepted on motion 01 WiIl Allin and Gardon Me. Gee. I~wW NIN*District Diaector Howard 'V l&"8 Henry told of the 1959 Inter. _________________national Match held hi Wcnl "FARMERS' ... DONT MISS MUT'I 1p' W. H. BROWN'S ANNUAL ~~ CSSHOW 'W Town Hall Bowmanville "I Il" (To-morrow Night) ij FRIDAY, FEB. 19 8:0 . M FUN FOR ALL FREE PRIZES ~j REFISENE14TSSEl TE -FREE ADMISSION- W. IL BBOWN 15CELEB9ATING RIs 2MtbyEA AS LOCAL CASE DEALER e worth County et which there were 532 cntries. He pointed out that the matches are planned: 1960 Elgin County; son, Cobourg No. 4; Reg Mé- Cann, Brighton No. 1; Mau- rice Buinian, Hilton No. 1. Earl Drape, Harwood; Harry Campbell, South Monaghan; Fra&k Tiney, Cobourg No. 6. Honorary Officers - I. W. Lamewr, Millbrook; Pcrcy Gooding, H1ilton No. 1. Rain Forces -Young People To Stay In By Donald Robins The B. o! Q. Conference Y. P.U. First Annuel Show Shen- anigans was bcld on Fcb. 6 rand 7 in Campbellford and op- ened witi registration by San- dra Vansickle et 2.02 p.m. Rorreation, conducted by Mol- ly Bennett, Ted Colwell and jRoss Metcalf then followed. The recreation was held inside instead o! the planned skating and tobogganing which wes cancelled because o! thc nain. At 6:14 supper was served by members o! Uic Campbell- ford union, assisted by others. Pollowing supper was a sing- sang conducted by Barb. Smith and Ross Metcalf. AI NichaIs, at thc close o!, thc sing-sang, began introduc-1 tions as Chairman o! the Plan- ning Committee. Tbey were as follows: Don Sinclair, Pre- sident o! B. o! Q., expressed congratulations ta Uic plan- ning comniittee and a thanks for all that were attending ic gathering; Pat. Atkinson, iPres. o! Campbellford union, welcomed us on behal! o! hem union Dr. D. M. Smith, local minister, welcomcd us an be- b al! o! the members o! the St. John's United Church; Grant Harrison gave a brie! account o! Quin-Mo-Lac Camp and Leadership Rally on Pcb. 26 in Trenton; Marg. Munro gave a brie! account o! caravanning and its rewards. Barb. Smith gave a talk on aur newly ado.pted missions project. Roy Switzcr extend- cd congratulations o! thc young people present ta the plan- ning committee. Merle Veele expressed a bearty thanks ta Uic ladies of the kitchen for giving up their tiie and thên working so fcverishly. Everone then movcd ta the Masonic Temple Hall whcre wc danccd ta Uic music o! "Tic Dale Millar Orchestra", a! Campbelfomd. The dlance began at 8:30 and et intermission Urne, under the direction o! Molly Ben- nett, eci prcsbytery conduc- ted a group shenanigan depic- ting something characteristic to only their presbytery. Fol- lowiîxg tuis, dancing nesumed until Closing Worship conduc- ted by Doug Thompson bmought the eveniag ta aa close. The Il a.m. service, Sunday morning, was taken by Pat Atkinsan, Paul Smith, and Ron Pierce with Barb. Smith soloist-'Teach Me To Live" and Ron Barnum delivering a sermon entitled "Wlhcre Does God Fit In". The close o! this service brought thfs first annuel event to an end. Fr1 endship Group Elects New Officers u. lut~ikast1ings cuIILy; 1962 Courtice - The Priendship rGrey County; 1963 Peel Coun- Graup of The Courtice W.A. o! t3r, met at the home of Ivrs. Stain- ýs Will Allun of Newcastle re- ton recently and celebrated re ported on the 1959 local match the first anniversary of the 1and the fine co-operation in faunding of the grouP with ýhis area. A vote of thanks ta a pot luck supper. The rooms the cornmittee and local don- wcre dccorated with hearts dors was moved by Howardr and cupids to caincide with .Henry, seconded by Edwin Valentine season. A beautiful r-Wilson and unaninrously ap- Anniversary cake graced the tplauded. On motion of Stan- centre of the table ta corn- ley Allin and Gardon Mack- memarate the occasion. Prizes Slin the annual meeting is ta were given ta the ladies hav- be planned early in December ing the lucky cups. 1960. At the close of the dinner a Earl Drope and Stanley cup and saucer was presented Macklin were asked ta con- ta Mrs. Staintan in apprecia- tinue as custodian conimittee tion of the help she bas given for the Golden Plough Cairn. in the formation of the group. JHoward Henry was asked ta We wil miss her leadership secure another trophy for high for she is joining a sister group school teams in that the Mill- for the coming year. brook Bank of Toroanto Dom- President Mrs. J. MacGre- inion cup has been won three gor w'-1enrnpd the guests then times by the Bowmanville operî-.d the mieeting, with ai High School and becomes1short poem. Ivirs. PÂerson pre- their keepsake.j sidcd over the Devotional per- Since the Durham and iold and Mrs. Wm. McKnight INorthumberland Match Jn read the Scripture. Mrs. H. 1961 will be featured at Bele Vetzal read the minutes of ville, with the International, the previous meeting, aiso the it was thought wise ta hold minutes of the fiarst meeting the 1960 event as near the held by the group. Plans were centre o! thc two counties as on the floor for discussion on possible. A cammittee com- ways and means for raising pased of chairnian Budd with funds ta assist i hurch Gardon Macklin and Bruce work. The group agreed ta Eagleson was appointed ta assist at thc dinner being giv- scout the Bethesda area for en Wedncsday evening for a suitable match location. thc choir and Sunday School On motion o! Wesley Down teachers. and Gordon Macklin the Se- Fifteen new mcniberships cretary was requcsted ta for W. A. paid at meeting. write Uic Counties Council for plate of Officers for Uic com- their grant that activities 1119 year was named: Pres., might be encouraged before Mrs. J. MacGrcgor, Vice Pres., thc big event in Hastings Mrs. Chumbly; Sect., Mrs. H. County. President Don Budd Vetzal;Treas., Mrs. Ells; Sa- and lst Vice Gardon Macklin cial Convener, Mrs. Halcomb; were appointed delegates ta Plower Convener, Mrs. Dal- thc Annual Meeting in Toron- by, Mrs. Pierson, Plower Con- to on February 22nd and 23rd. vener for Parent W.A.; Mrs. On motion o! Will AJi Burgess, Press Reporter. and Howard Quantrili Uic fol- The next meeting will be lowing slate o! o! !icers and held at Mvrs. Vetzal's home. A Directors was acccpted for Court Whist will be enjoyed 1960: Past President, Wesley by all members present. Down, Hilton No. 1; President Ms. MacGregor read' thc Don Budd, Port Hope No. 1; Benediction at the close o! lst Vice President, Gardon Mc- Uthc meeting. Gee, Brighton No. 1; 2nd Vice President, Stanley Als, O r- ooNo. 1; Sccretary-Treasur- ]FADE SERVIE er, Ralph Banbury, Brighton. Directors - Edwin Wilson, DEAn, OLD & CRIPPLED Gardenhill;, Mervin Heard, FpARM STOCK PrHope No. 2; Will Aluin, Removed Free of Charge Newcastle;- Howard Henry, [tfmediate 24-Br. Servie Campbellcroft No. 2; Howard Ask !'ur Operator Fer Cryderman, Bowmanville No. 3; Howard Allin, Newcastle, ZEaith 66550 Howard Quantrlll, CampbelIl- croit No. 1, Joseph ThompsonoToihae Mlllbrook; Gardon MAcklin, NIk Pecoul - Peterborough Cobourg No. 4. Bruce Eagle- ,ff 77w incomparable smootIiness of turbine drive.. thereliality of Air-fbo alum- inum brakes ... make Buick '60 the best performer on Mew road toda. By J. TerrenceMcCauley, Field Officer No doubt many of you have been hea.ring lately about the establishment of a Conserva- tion Authority within this area, and have probably won- dered what such a group will undertake to accomplish. Primarlly a Conservation Authority is a corporate body established by an Order In Council under the jurisdiction of the Minister of Planning and Development upan a wa- tershed or graup of water- sheds i.e. stream drainage areas, to prornote the preser- vation of that particular area's renewable ilatural resources. The Central Lake Ontario Conservation Authority has been born under the provisions of the Conservations Author- ities Act (Ontario 1950) on the drainage areas of the Lynde, Pringlie, Oshawa, Har- niony, Farewell, Bowman- ville and Saper Creeks. Rou- ghly the baundaries of the Authority extend slightly west of Whitby, east of Bowman- ville and are thence traced ta the points i the ridges where the water in the streams stops flowing towards Lake Ontario and begins to flow into Lake Scugog. This re- suits in an area o! approxi- mately 242 square miles of a roughly rectangular shape which includes nine munici- palities. The C.L.O. 15 one of 28 such Authorities prescntly estab- lished in Ontaria under the same Department. These i- olude such well-known Auth- orities as the Grand River, Upper Thames, Saugeen, Me- tro Toronto and Region and the Moira River Autharity. The constituent municipali- tics appaoit members to the. TRUR~AY, TED. 101h. 1SU E nniskillen's Sien ger FamiIy' Establishes Fine Reput ation, lAs Top Breeders of Jerseysý Sanie twcnty years agothre arrived from, GerrnsýIy '. nd Mrs. Rudolpah Stenger, eicr son Franik and two daughters. They bougit a sinail faim at Enniskillcn. Lates' on thcy ad- dled two more farina b lihein operations, and established onc o! thc best herd o! Jersey cnt- tic in Ontario. They were fortunrate i get- ting an outstarnding sire froni W. D. Thomison, Brooklin. This bull was known as Shalomar Royal Prince 2nd, andl he long ago became a tested sire, andl Conservatioi 78 BOND ST. W. is contiuing Ira ad to lis re- putation as a sire of ibath type and production. Later on thie Sterr<ers dievel-1 oped the well known bull, Bramipton B P. Servant, tiat was grand champion at thc Casiadian National Exhibition andl several local shws, and ic lias become a silver medal, sire, andl is now bcing used artificially at tic A.I. unit at Kem>ptville, Onitario. In addition, tic Stengers have brcd tic fanious show bull, Enniskillen Royal Motta, n CommentI Authority andl froni tiese ap- pointed representatives are elected tic Chaîrman and Ex- ecutive Committee. Advisory Boards which may include persans who are flot niembers o! Uic Authority, arc set up ta advise the main body on variaus programmes. Soon aftcr an Authority 15 formed Uic Conservation Brandi of the Dept. o! Plan- ning and Development car- ries out a conservation survey o! Uic arca which deals with suai probleins as water con- trol, reforestation, soil condi- tions, needs for conservation and recreational arees, wild- life preservatiorn and histori- cal sites. The results o! this survey are coinpiled at tic Head Of- fice iToronto andl eventual- ly presented ta tic Autiority as a bounal report whici wil guide Uic group in its pro- grammne a! activity. This type o! survcy was complctcd in this area last sumianer and will be given ta thc Authomity in Uic spring o! this year. At a gencral meeting o! tic Authonity on Tues. evening Januamy 19, 1960, at tic Au- Uiority office in Bowmanville (King and Temperan>ce Sts.) thc !ollowing slate o! officers for 1960 was installed: Chair- man, Mr. William Owens, Osh- awa Vice-Chairznn, Mr. Wil- liam Heron, Brooklin; Secre- tary-Trcasurcr, Mr. Wllam Marshall, R. R. N6. 2, Bow- manville. It was also decided ta me- vamp tic systein o! Advisary Boards froin Uic 1959 tata] o! seven down ta tiree, which arc as follows elong with thcir respective electedl Ohairmen for 1960. 1. Reforestation, Land tise and Water Contrai Advisoryl reserve grand champion at thie Royal in 1958, andl grand ciampion C.N.E. 1959. The twcrtw-scven cows i their herd at thc present trne have a nmature equlvalent av- erage o! 8,998 lbs. o!finilk, and 476 lbs. o! fat, wti an aver- age test o! 5.29%. 29 classified have thc vcry higi average o! 88.53%, anal is tierefore the third hlghest rated construct- ive breedeir herd in Canada for derfu achiievernent in the fi There were twenty mein- of better livestock breeding. bers present. Leslie Taylor of Burketon, President «! the La- Board-Chairman, Mr. Edgar cal, Was chairman and Mrs. James, R. R. No. 1. Pickering. 1 Adelbert Beacock, secretary. read the minutes and corres- 2. Public Relations Advis- pondence and signed up sev. ory Board (includes Publicity, eral new members. Education and History)- Mrs. Prosser led the group Chairman, Mr. Ernest Dent, an an enlightening discussion Orono, Ontario. on Deficiency Payments. A 3. Conservation Areas, Fishilovely lunch was served by and Wildlife Advisory Board Shirley Prosser, Sylvia Law- -Chairman, Mr. Gardon Cor- renoe and Wayne Malcolmi. J, F. HENDERSON WELL DRILLER No Job Too Large or Too SmaIl -FREE ESTIMATES - Phone Lindsay Fhirview 4-6018 103 ELGIN ST., LINDSAY IVIGOR QIL CO. LTD.I ner, &. P. No. 1. Oshawa. P More articles of this natuire will be appearing ln this pa- per periodically and wlll serve to, explain further and elab, orate upon the policies -, , objectives of the Central IA"e Ontario Conservation Aethor- Ity. Farm Union I News I On Tucsday evcning, Freb- ruary 2nd, a vcny pleasant and informative evcning was en- joycd by Uic Cartwright Lo- cal No. 73 o! Uic Ontario Parmers' Union, at Uic beau- tif ul home o! 34r. andl Mrs. George Prosser in thc vil. It happens the moment you leave the curb-the moment you first experience the jet-smooth. thrust of Buick's exclusive Turbine-Drive transmission. No jerks, Do gears ... just silent itpinnn turbine blades. And Buick's swift, responsive poer to omatches itsswit-cting powrer to stop; superb Air-Boa brakCes with =eb-hddc g uminum drums up front-fin-cooled front and rear. Get the new Buck feeling-at yaur Buick denier'., today! 'ROBSON MOTORS Ltd. Phone MA 3m331 OSHAWi# M MUIN STATRSMAN, BOWMAMIEO NTAIUO BEST QUALITY. . . FUEL OIL STOVE OIL AT MOST REASONABLE PRICES For Delivery PHONE OSHAWA HA 5.1109 "when you nudgo the accelerator 0whmn YOD touch the raks! 166 King St. E dý - ejllll ý ,t--gv TRUFMAY, "a imil. nu

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