'INUMSAT, ME. 101h, 196 ~Leffer oteEir SKinsmen Celebrai National Kin Wec j ,Give Report to Pul Dear Edkitor. off the streets andt As publicity chairnian of the PerVisd adut it e Bowmanville Kinsnien Club You «Miid alse we would like te craw the many mlnjay skatingc Éub1i attention to National nights, even the g _inWeek which will be held have now taken Up1 fromn Feb. lSth ta 20th. r dwring the week.1 While we don't lielieve ai each of! us watch th nervice club should brag about Ictivities, the more etsa achevements, we do feel ize that the Kinsnm 1 Vi public who have support- sion to be responsib] ed us se well have a right to nancmng artific.ial ici know what we have donc. deed a major effort Por ditis reason, we intend to OurComlTflnitY's ipromote this special week by Need". Without it, ou aubmitting a report of our ies would have no Wctivities to the people through PlaY tiheir .hampiont Vour newspaper. key and tihe youngst Our efforts es yo know a wide area avound1 hav ben irete in te minmunity would havej ave been direrted main ýrc toward the financing of artifi- cial ice in the arena. This was * big undertaking for our club which was very young at that tinie. However, I do believe it has made the Kinsmen Club of Bownianville what it lis te- dlay, a young man's service or- ganization whose aimi is to take care of "our Community'Ys Greatest Need". This project has kept Our club busy year after year ta rneet the heavy financial obli- gations entailed. Many times 1 have heard members ask why we should continue to make these payments when the club gets nothing out of it. There is no great satisfaction ini working haTd raisin.g money, only to hand it over to the town at the end of the year. Then, we stop to think what It would be like in this town without artifîcial ice in the arena. Who is getting the ben- efût? The kids are certainly being helped. You can see them every Saturday morning ff you are up at 6:30, heading ta the arena with their hoc- key equipment. They are stili there at 6:30 in the evening, Air, Rail or Steamship TI1CK E TS TO EVERYWHERE Consuit JURY & LOVELL 15 King St. W. MA 3-3361 Bowmanville nes ro iu ice. At thee statement clebt payn men Club past few3 ed that w years te but 1 fe] club wi11 public'sa out its pa It woul The Ca wfhich has to us in1 this monE its way C report to National1 The Kin this proje club was total cost plant wli 1953 was1 ed throug etc. $20,0C in cash ai debentures a ten year have pai< being inte: to be paid including will be pE amounti $52,370. ORDER VOUR SEAI te blic undr au- â». how - TM CLANADIAS ETATMSM. IEWMMIV=LCMIARTO OuFnlda New Taxi Turneci Down Mie mo*J uvs. Defeat Thwe re ,.W enenalttl s...Tunm bLdtleNoHL. firame Trno 12t 2 ýewas in- g en. 9E9 A a 0el^ CO Inviè 1ted M- urJuven- >place te texw from n i tizi cn -C u c il fcii regularr IeUUfl Ujo Mayor Wilfrid Carruthers inforrned the' Bowmanville end ol this letter is a Town Council meeting held bof the debenture on Monday evening that Ed nents wrhich the Kins- Rundle, wha bas been a lead- àhas met dring the r in Little NHL activities, years. It wiil be not- had suggested that Bowman- we stilbave several ville issue an invitation te the go on this preject, Little NHL ta hold the 1962 ?l confident that the Tournanient in Bowmanville. 1continue, with the Hýis Worship pointed out assistance, te carry that the Little NHI Tourna- art af the obligation. ment held here in Bownian- Id h. appreciated if viile's Centennial Year had anadrian Statesmian been well conducted, and the is been most helpful town had receîved good pub- helping to raise &Uj licity from it. Boys from al iey, would alsa sec over Ontario take part in a clear ta publîsh titis Little NH!L Tournament, hie ithe public during said. Kin Week. It was explained by the insmen Club took on Mayor that the scbedule for ýect sean after the Little NHL annual tourna - formed in 1950. The ments has ta be made consid- for the artificial ice erably ahead o! time, so if ich was started in coundil decided ta extend the for $45,000. We rais- invitation it should be sent to ,drives, car draws, the comniittee now. He addedJ )00whih ws pidthat thet turnament will be and thehowa isupad held in Eastern Ontario in ýs for $25,000 ever 1962. r period. To date, we Reeve Sidney Little, second- I off $22,675, $6 ,475 ed by Councillor Glenholme erest. Balance stil] Hughes, moved that Mr. Rua- Id amounts ta $9675 dle's request be accepted as $895 interest. This he had made such a success )aid by 1962. Total o! the last time, and council aid wiiî onjount t<> invite the Little NHL to hold the 1962 Tournament in Bow- manville. This was carried. )urs sincerely, New Taxi Application Art Hooper, An application was reccîv- Kinsmn Clu ed from J. McEwen for a iI- hiauman. cenoe ta eperate a taxi here. Publicity himn Councillor Keith Lathangue stated that he believes that the presenit taxi services litre rs NO W I shou]d be pi-oteeted as taxis are the onlly transportationi jservice in thetotwn. "If cen- i~~acil grant this man a licec btwl ai-m the present busi-r ýere A gain n Y1ô2In PIay< Agrees fo Prolecti erlJhsn rno goal-keeper, was thie nost1 5there were three taxi services "If an eperator w.ants ta add in spite of the 12 goals that in Bowmanviile ail doing well. cars over his quota he must got past hlm, in a juvenile Rates Lower Here apply ta council for more li- playoff contest, here Satur- The ayorinqured he-cences," The Town Clerk re- day night. Johnson robbed the ther the present taxis are gîv- le oasfates hfadzn ing satisfactory service and Refuse Application ýmore markers, as the high- how their rates compare with The motion to refuse Mr.1 flying Bowmanvifle crew con- taxi rates in other towns. McEwen a taxi licence made rtrolled play almost through- Councillor Lathangue saiâ&bY C ouncillor Lathangue wasiout. rates are lower in Bowmýan-1 cared. The visitors appeared as if ville than in towns of com- No Home Delivery they mîght given the local parable size. He added that'i A lette,- from the Munici- crew a battle, during the first service here is good. 1 pal Service Company aoffering twelve minutes, as Bowmran- Councillor Lathangue as- ta pi-vide a numbering sys- ville led 1-o on a goal by serted that it is not the num- tein for the town was receiv- Brian Hughes froin Doug ber of permits granted but the ed and filed on motion o! James and Don Bagnell. But number of taxi- units that Councillor Presson, seconded the locals quickly ranmed matter. "There are nine units by Councillor Lathangue. The in six goals ia six min- operating here now. Some Town Clerk explained that utes ta lead 7-0 at the end of towns have one urnit per 1,000 even if such num'bering were the opening period. James< people, others have ont Per carried eut Bowmianville still stated the deluge at 12:25,9 1,500," he explained. is net sufficiently big enough going in alone and deking the Stifling Competition? for the provision o! home mail goalie perfectly before slip- "I wonder if it would be delivery. ping the puck into the cage,1 stifling honest competition if Councilior Fice, seconded on a picture effort. Brian this taxi licence were flot by Counciflor Hughes, moved Hughes intercepted a clearingi granted, Cauncilor Ken Nics that the $10 foc for mem1ber- atteiipt to set James up. remarked. He said a man can ship in the Northumberlan~d- With Doug James off for corne te town and open a Durham Firefighters Associa- hooking, Joe Bothwell leap- clothing store, or other retail tien be paid. This was carried. ed high in the air to' bat shop and not need to obtain A request for a grant froni down an icing atteMPt and a licence as a taxi operator the Canadian Mental Health pass te Brent Hughes for the would have to do. He asked Association was referred ta third tally. The sane combin- if it would be wise ta prevent the budget committee on mo- ation paid off again, this tinie a man from earning a living tion o! Councillor Lathangue, with Bothwell f hin.g a blazer as a taxi operator. s e c o n de d by Councillor from the blue line, alter Anyone wîshing to start a Hughes. Hughes had lest central jr retail business in Bowman- One Day a Year front of the net and relayc ville must obtan a transient H. EdmondsonWs request for to the defence player. trader's licence, R. B. Rey- permTLssion te fence a road al- nolds, the Town Clerk, sta- lowance by hîs Pine Street Bagnell was ail alone lu ted. He said that Mr. McEwen property was dealt with. It front of the net to beat John- bas just moved te Bowmran- was explained that a spur lune son at 16:44, on a pass play ville froin the west and wants crosses the allowance and with Brian Hughes and James.1 ta operate one taxi cab. only fields are behind it. It Don Tiley spent only thîe Adequate Service Now was moved by Counciller seconds in the penalty box for Asked for an opinion by the Nioks, seconded by Council- fallng on the puck, when1 Mayor, Police Cihief Kitney loi- Hughes, that permission Brent Hughes slanixned Gary1 said BowmanviUle bas ade- be granted Mir. 1Edniond;son MeCuliough'a face-off pas quate taxi service now. He for $1 .00 a year and wvith the into the rigging. McClullough ý pointed out that in places provision that tht fence be tok a pass froin Irv Gil, 24t ric ,,taken down ont day a vear te, 1 nesof ethtre taxi operators wnere permits are5Lven t now bei-e," hie asstrted. tee many operators sarine can PrOtect the town's title. In the second Atoin garni ACouncilor Lathangue poin- not make a living ln tht taxi Three Mau Arbitration Of~ the day tht Bombers de- ted eut that he had had 10 business and ai-e hable te turn A request fi-rn the Bow- feated tht Bisons 4-1. Bob years experience in the taxi te bootlegging. Tht Police Mianville Police Associatio Howes, Jet Hircock, John business here, and that hie is Chie! said the taxi situation asking for a o.anAhtra- Taylor and Norman Neads ac- weil aware of tht problems ia Bowmanville is good. tien Board in place e! thte ounted for tht Bonibers' four that eeuld be created by the Counicillor Glenholime Hu- present three was diseussed. goals. Rannie Webb kept the grauting o! too many taxi Ilb- ghes pointed eut that a taxi It was said that il would net Bisons from beinig blanked - ..censes. Ht moved thet tht operator already in business be advisable ta make a change when he scored the Bisons' application be refused . Reeve bei-e can add cars, wlhile a in tht Act. Arbitration is fi- anlY goal at tht 19:59 mark J. Sidney Little seconded the man wîtb only ont car is at nal and bindmng and it la more e! the final peniod. pmotion, a serious disadvantage If he desirable te bave thi-et arbi- Liens M&Idget-Juvenile League Ceunicillor O. J. Presson cannot obtain a permit te op- tratars than ont. It wasme- l h is igtJvn agreed bn general thai. the erate it. Ht asked il an oper- ed by Councîllor Pi-esson, se- litgamne of tht day tht Cern- tewu could have too man * ator already in business eau conded by Counicillor Hughes, ets defeated the Maroons 5-1. taxis, but he reminded coun- add to his fleet without oh- and carried, that the rtquest Tht win nioverd tht Cornets cil that until quite recently taining extra permits for theun. be refused.. - nto a first place tie with tht Tetet ontei e ondRkets la tht playoff stand- CA A INN TON LTePe onterscn ings. Don Bagneli (3), Glea CAN DIA NTIOALstra'ght playoff gaine by de- Blackburn and Rod Taylor featicmg the Cubs 5-4. Tht wJfl were tht goal scorers for tht SPORTSMEN'S SHOW oed heTeePes itosec- Cornets. DBvid Burgesa ud COLSEU -TO ONT ilecr a <"~ings. Larri Penris and Bob Hooey picked up assists on the SSleep accounted for ahl the Cornets' goals. Keitb Bail scor- MARCH eeIPet goals Lai-r-Pei0sed tht Maroons' only goal raid- MARCHSoiey tctth STHtar, U*.19c scored thi-ce goals and an as- way through tht fi-st pcniod. TRIC COTAS-AazChoralffernoceiety tactED tht ri ecrtry r. aksist while Bob Sleep scored Tme Maroons collected tbre TRCO TTAons-Roalfmznly ffoere GUY POMPON & CO. & The Bowmrianville Choral Brdgeand, 478 Fernhbm ,Blvd., two goals and two assists. of the four penalties handed CO.Spin' Rya fail o Coed * UYTHRON& O. Society held their annual elec;- Oshawa.- Bucky Hughes (2), David Kerr otl h ae -The finest bicycle oct ever developed e FRANK'S RETRIEVERS tien of efficeis at tht comnple - If vou are intertsted bun10Ut n- d Taullie Thompson accoua-ouintegn, -Greatest retrieving ct ini sport show history a JIMMY RISK tien of thebu- practice on Mon- r9n h hrlSeeypts ted foi- tht Cubs' four goals. In tht second MkdgtmJu- and NORMA-Serisotionol horseshoe pitching utflis best a BOS day, Ftbruary lst. Tht offi- feti freetet attend one of their Hon Richards and Bucky venile gaine the Rockets de- KAWHORE-orl's asingciimpan TH SICKRS cens frtt16 esr r practices. The Choral Socety Hughes picked up assists on feated the Raiders 3-0 te move The mot op la p rfo mm s ul e er as follows: President, Milton E ues t e y M n a t 80 h Cubs' goals. E ch tea mi into a fist place tie. Richard Th os oulrprrr-> el ee Rainey; Vice-Pi-tsldtit, Wal- p.m. in the Bowmanville Town colltcted ont penalty. McLwean accounted for aIl ~< ~ jWAMBOLDT SISTERS & PETERS BROTHERS ter Goode; Stcrttary, Mrs. j. Hall. Hokya hes . ntht fourth Bantam gaine three Rackets goals. Howie ~tc~ii4~ -Combine fer exciting acts of lag rolling Biidgeland; Treasurer, Hocky Moherso! tht day tht Huskies finally Pollard and Grant Flintof! ond canais tiffing e SQUARE DANCING- D. S. Ferguson; Past-President, Tht regular monthly meet- found tht range and came uý picked up assists on MeLeans, Go od oluru *GOKA RCW~John Phillips; Librarian, MiÜss ing of!-tht Bowmanvilt Hc- with thei- first win in ten goals. The Rckets collected __ Dora Purdon; Social Conven- key Mothers' Auxiliary w lganst de at htB vs4-2. two o h be penalte A thrill-a-minutel ors, Mrs. Gordyn Rient, Mrs. be htld at tht Lions Commun- Brian Down (John Depcw), h5ijded eut. PMfrmis wie aiv !xptSuidyîli psn ~ai pm. M. E. deJong. ity Centre on Tuesday, Febru- Wayne Pearce (Bill Depew)- GmSheue o Prites-Evanings and Saf.rdoy oterneons-Alf us Res oeed Tht memrbers of the Choral ary 23rd at 2:00 p.m. asy enero and DonStraFeray2t lt.éarvedi Seots $1.25-Box Sauats $175 Plus Admission te Building- Society are practising for the It is hoped Ihat a ltw more:Mri wr h ga crers Adulte 50e (on advanced sales orly) Clildren 25 diso aBidn. Peterborough Music Festival mothers will tai-n eut for this for the Huskies. Ricky Lucas Pet Wee League-A.M. Only-Adults 75*, Chîfdren 25* 5 disont ulWg which will be held sometime meeting. Any mether who has and Brian Forsey (Murray 7:00-Rangers vs. Bears Admission ticket includes early in May.1 a bey playing Minai- Hockey Br-own) accounted for tht 7:45-Hawks vs. Giants Ameit'sFies Spinim Ehiiton-evn iet hos i oe-uidigsIt was also decided by the in Bowmanville is welcomne Braves' two goals. Tht teains 8:35-Leafs vs. Bruins frmIom. Ioe' IlEssesi Sprilexephbt iclcy) ~sIsos ~*e-slins~ exeutive that the Choral So- to ttnd htmetins. e h lecgaied.w eate :0-aain s i ormbinti u(on iyces te (Ssin heudayereî dr)l: ciety make themrse.lves avail- ChesClub durung thtoae y B«ntam League-A.M. Fo cmbnaia kkts wit (,<lsig heu.o mayorer t: able to any organizations or We have had an inquiry s PeW hce 10:20--Huskies vs. Flytrs 1 nrups who would be inter-! te tht formation of a Bow. i htfistPtWt1an 1105-Braves vs. Pirates i NThe OAnadian NatkIona Sprtsmîs Sow ested la having tht Choral So- unanville ChessnClub. If vomi of th:e day tht Wngs broke 11:55-Lions vs. Tee Pets CMAciety peîfarm for them. I are interested i such a l trega me losing streak bli AenLegePM yo kowof any inteiesttd jeet or know o! somneone W1îo defetîng tt Rangx-s 6 organîzation bave thern con- is, please have them. conitact Paul Huggett (2), James Me2. 12-40 Indians vs. Bisonis ______________ _____ ______________________________ __the Recreatioa Office a i ntyrý (2), Paul Lucas and 1:5-Boinbers vs. Ramns .-~--~ 3333, Et.No.6.Locke McNair were the goal Lions Midgct - Juveniile ------------------------------------------ -1 scorers for tht Wings. Mike. League-P.M. i1~ ancig Clsses Gibbs accounted for bath tht j2:25-Rockets vs. Ou-phans There are stili sOnt Openi- Leafs' goals. ocmn~~v.Gnrl iiiugs in the Wednesday after- Ta tht second Pet.Wtt ganse 11noon and Satuîday mnori-ng the Bears defeated tht Cana-' Girls' Broombali HI L. .dancing classes sponsored by dians 3-I teo move into sofe r lis tht first Broombahl gaine H E Liii tht Rec-reation Dtpt. There possession of fi-st place in tht iplayed hast Monday aftei-nooný areI classes in ballet, tap and playof! standings. Lawrenîce tht Avalons defeated the fi'baton twi-linrg. Wright o! tht Bears scored Presîcys by a 2.0 score. Elaine ' If fiurther information sre two goals and ont assist ta! Highifiehd and Gertrudre Cale Iîquircd phease contact tht Rt- lead the Bears' scorers. Teriy vere tht goal scorers for the Your Chilc iImprove His Grades citation Office at MA 3-3335. Sieba-th acceunited for tht Avalois. Tht gaine hsbe Bantam Hockey Bears' other goal. Bill Sum- Protested by tht Presltys due Intte ant leagu. gaine mersfond (2) and Morris Hon- te irregularities inl ebanging The emin tonof the morning tht 'lyers de. eyina colleted assista on th! lines. feated the Pirates 5-2 to move Bears' goals. Bruce Mcadows lan tht second Braentball into sole possession o! first (Charhie Ewart) accounted for gaine o! tht afternoon the Fa- The R m ing on 1Il place ha the playef! standings, tht Canadians' oniy goal. biens came up with their best iGene Balson was tht big seor- In the third and final Pet sooring effort Of the season --ier for tht Flyers scc>ing theeWtt ganrie o! tht day tht Leafs te defeat tht Boones 4-0. Jean ~4 ts I'goals and assisting on another. handed tht Giants their first Crawford and pat Kilpatrick Ii John Hugget (Ban IHarper) defeat in ten gaines by a 1-0 each coilected two geais for [ land Phillip Bragg accounted score. Terry Smith scored tht tht Fabiens. Sandra Johinston forth Flycrs' other two goals. wrnnig goal fen tht Leafs o! tht Boones and Aifréda PalPeterson collecttd thrsee early in tht first period. Bath Joues o! tht Fabiens collected AVAILABLE AT irassso eeBlo' ol.teami missed many opportun- the only penalties o! tht gairne. Il~Peter Werry (David Puk) endtMes te score. Ronimi Simip- Game S chedulei for Terry Waltan (Don * MêMur- bso!o the Leafa coleted the Monday, Februsry 22nd ter) were the goal getterS f« 111Yterfereceofathte gaine four5:5pn-Av.nhu.Bos the" Pirates. itreec.51 m-Aaosv.BO Itht second Bantain gane, Atom Hockey 6:00 p.m.-Fabient vu. Pires- ~IJ 4 4~I a1 *t it~ ni Xnof tht day tht Tigers won In the fimat Atari gaine of Itys. flitir gane with the Lions by the day tht Indians still held 'Idetault. The Liens de!aulted tieir jinxs over tht Hornets The Canadian Cancer Sotie- 1>HtheMAkgai-ne0 by bemng 13 minutes by dtfeating thent 1-0. Tht In- ty bu Organized bu 2000 Cana. MG ST. W BOWMh L an exhibition gaine that fol- te defeat tht Hornets se far carriez on education programi l IGS.W O MNit, I lowed the Tigers defeated thet tiis season. Michael Oke aud gives assistance te cancer - -Lins b tht score af 5-3. (JohnY Cyler) scored tht patienta. It aise prev"d Mo Iowns seconds later te fool the Tren-1 ton goalie with a alider be-I tween his skiâtes. The bomesters kept up ai sustained attack in the sec- ond, tallying four more in the first eight minutes. Jin Rîck- ar'd notcherd the first at 1:36 as Terry Black suid the puck, across, after being tripped. Alex Wiseman started thel play. Batvneil counted his sec- ond on a golf swing, as he and James both took a swie at Brian Hughes' pass. Bag- ness marked up the hat tricki 49 seconds later, roaring in tai take Brian Hughes' perfect pass on Johnson's doorstep. 13lack completed the scoring at 7:58, as lie found the bot- tom corner aftei- stealing the dise from a Trenton defend- PAGE TmRTEUO Ladies' Major Bowling Bernice Buday-s bowiers romped ta their third straight win, a 2-1 decision over Kay Beauprie's team, to take over undisputed possession of first place, lest Monday niglit. While Buday la undefeated, the Beauprie club is stili look- ing for their tirst victory. No less than seven teas are tied for the runner up? position, a single point behind the leaders. Doris Joll's crew made their firat win o! the schedule a big one, trouncing Normna Norris' outfit to move into second. Joyce Lyle's club aiso broke into the win col- unin takirg a 2-1 decision over Dot Brooks' bowlers. Two teaans accepted their first setbacks, as Hilda Brock's club dropped a 2-1 verdict to Onie Etcher's squad, and La- la Wright went down to de- feat at the hands of! Donne Preston's team by tihe saine score. Em Stringer's bowlers edged Qule Patfield's crew 2.1 in the rem.aining contest. Barb Bathgate set the pace with a glittering 321 , gaine foilowed by "Gin" Ells 272, Donna Preston (258 mnd y- ra Hopps 257 Kay Beauprie's 663 total took high triple honours, with other high scores going tu "Gin" Ellis 623 and Grace Blackburn and Essie Cox both with 619. Team Standings pis. Bernice Buday 6! Hilda Brock-- Doris Joill-______ Lola Wright _____ Donna Preston ______5 Dot Brooks ________ 1 er. Onie Etcher ____ Gary Chaxd aud Gary Em Stringer White finally put Trenton on JoycPfe L l thec score sheet with unassist-01ePafed-_ __ cd goals, 48 seconds apart Norma Nonris _____ early in tht third. Tht losersKaBauie- rapped in another, seconds la-! Average& ter, but it was disallowcd be- Onie Etcher - . cause tht Puek liad hit a Dot Brooks______ beam before the shet was Kay Beauprie -- mtade. McCullough whacked Gi-ace Blackbumn- the final marker inte the rig- Hilda Brock.. ging at tht 10:32 mark on a Norma Nouba____- pass-out frein Gui. Pat Bartels______ "-)TES-The Brian Hughes- Mary Wilcox ____ ? s-Bagnell line set the Norma Gay ,,as Brian scored once and Mai-g. Perris -sted on four- others, Bag- Joyce Lyle nell picked up one assist and Lola Wright _ ___ bis hat-ti-ick and James Em Stuinger - collected ont goal and three Ollie Patfield assists . .. Bothwell made sev- Donna Preston eral fine rushes, as did de- Bei-nice Buday _ fence-mate Bill Osborne . . . Doris Joli ................... ali o! the forwards were in Essie Cox --- on the scoring, pioking up at Peggy Hayats- least a single peint apicce ' . . Joyce Major Bowianville scored once in Helen Dunn - the first 12 minutes, aud were Audrey Biekel able ta noteh but one goal in Ena Etcher ___ tht last 33 minutes of the Shirley Davis gante ..-. 10 goals in tht <aber Kay Stephen 15 minutes isn't bad though. Marion Slagllt- --- EVANS 50 FT. WHITEFACE Power Tape, Housed lu zinc pla.ted, steel vinyl covered case. Finger tip power blade return. REG. $8.35 CHIROME Cabinet Hardware DBeautifully chrome plated on high quality steel. De- slgned to enhance modern cabinets and kitchen cup- boards. Chrome Knob .15 3/0 S. C. Hinge .26 21/z" Back Plate- .10 18" Pruning Saw Double edge blade. Coarse tooth edge for quick cutting. Fine tooth edge for hard-to- get-at spots. Har d wo odi handie. REG. $1.84 $2.10 Wilma Bates.- -- 180 Audrey Osmond ____178 Marg King- 178 Helen Gilhooly 176 Bernice Terry _____175 Betty Westlake _____174 Babe Brown _____174 Sadie Bucknel _____171 Barb Bathgate 169 Helen Nickolson ____169 Thelma Forrester ____168 Myra Hopps 168 Doria Holroyd 168 Jwie Baker ______167 Evelyn Embley --167 Gen Ells 167 Eleanor Larmer _____166 Jean Harnesa _____165 Em. Bromel ______ 165 Helen Vivian ______164 Vivian Cowan _____163 Sally Bisonette --163 Shirley Bickel ____ 163, ~Mary Harrison 163 Bernice Partner 162 Eileen Holroyd ----- 161 Games of 200 and Over B. Bathgate 321, D. Prestoni 258, M. Ki'ng 229, E. Cox 209. 208, L. Wright 250. N. Gay 207, G. Ellis 272, H. Brock 209, P. Haynes 223, M. Slaght 216, H. Gilhooly 231, 207, O. Etcher 232, 208, B. Buday 213, K. Beaupie241, 223, M. Hopps 957, N. Norris 235, P. Bai-tels 216, 207, D. Joli 221, W. Bates L'51, D. Palmer 239, M. Gibbs 221, 207, 0. Patfield 207, E. Bromeil 200, A. Osmond 202, G. Blackburn 256, E. Stringer 226, S. Bickell 200. N. Bryans 210, H. Simn-.ck 231, J. Lyle 200, K. Stephen 206, M. Perris 229, B. Westlake 238, D. Brooks 208, 206, M. Wilcox 230, 208. KENDAL 5 Mr. and Mrs. Bob Youngman 5 and family, were Sunday sup- 4 ' per guests wîth Mir. and Mms 3J. Neal. SMr. and Mrs. E. COUrOur, Ray anKiMarie visited with Mr. and Mrs. D. Hodgson off Osh- 231 awa. 212 A euchre was held on Satur. 210) day nighlt in the home of Mns. 210 E. Couroux, wi4ih the ladies 209 higih goin'g tc, Mis. G. Mandera, 201 the low to Mrs. C. Langtaf!; 201 gents high goîng ta, Mr-. C. 198 Lngtflwt r .Eot 192 Ilangtaf lrodswett.R o te .192 Tepoed ett h 191 Yourng lads. basebal l eam. 191 Mii-. and Mrs. Bob Young- 188 mianý De)bbie anid Gale visited 188 her motiier, Mis. D. Black etf 187 Courtice on Saturday. 185 MIr. and Mrs. J. Neral, Neisha 185 and Keniny visited with Mr. 189 and Mis. K. Neel of! Orono on 184 Saturd'ay. 184 s.J ediksetMm 183 Ms .YnriksetMn 182 day ini Port Hope visitîng fr1- 182 enids. 181 Some of the tobacco row- 181 ers left on Monday for thle sale 180 barn in Delhri. ALL STEEL HMMRER with rubb.r non-slip kandi. RMAT Tkla MASThIEDI soub PERFECT S IANC! REGULAR $3.98 $2.39 *"*cuIYS Iaàw inwmui GREATESI CUSIIION fI? -SHOCK SASORINS MANDLE LIMITED '9 QUANTITY MAXIMUM COMPORT, SIRa.î4GTH & SAFETI NOIE DARGAINS AT OUI WRITE ELEPHANT TABLE 4 PIECE CANISTER - SET $1,069 itll $09 Booutlhalfy flowed esin Rend.red en bright *kitchen clean" c'olour background. Hondy knob top. Required in every kitchen for tea. ef fe., sgr f tour etc. Inside miotc tin f imSooepof, tosteproof, 009A wS. HAND Scout Axe Strong, Swedish f o r g e d blade. Rardwood varnlahed handie. Just the thing for camp or home. REG. $J5 $1.95$.8 SCROOL LUNCH KIT REG. 1.25 6 SPECIAL65C Ait metai wiUu plastic hanslle. W h 1 t e uanltary interior. Vaouum bottle bolder. At- tractively fil"hed. McGREGOR HARDWARE LTrD. mHon mA3MM 95 KING ST. W. ISOWMANVILLE