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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 18 Feb 1960, p. 14

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iàuAig AAA TTAI OM1YLU TEOTUSATD Sb 9 Bihs Ini Memoriamn Coming Events Articles for Sade HeIp Wcmted Work Wanted IReal Estarte for Sale Real EsicxtefoSaeortedvtnawa _____ _____ ___ _ ____ _____ __ __ _____ ____ _ ___ _____ ____ ____ ______lots__in__VillageP ofe §URGESS - Alice and Jack BIRD-mn loving memory of a Brown's Case Show, Bow- GOOD mixed hay. Phone RA PIN boys. EArn good money RELIABLE woman would likeTOchceltlaVlgeoienb Mr. .Sanon are happy to announce the dear husband and father, Ed- manvile Town Hall, February 5-4055. 4-4' setting up pins. Apply Liberty baby-sittixig. Phone MArket Hampton. Phone CO 3-2672.,a n id woasogv oetiuh. arrivai of their son Radolph ward D. Bird who passed away luth, 19650, 8 p.m. 5-3 NRGE- Bowl. Phone MA 3-5663. 3-7036. 7-1 __________________-ci] Scott (Randy) at Mer al Feb. 21, 1958. 81 OGEeecrc range. 4-4 ou antn n SEVEN-room« brick house with- REALTOR osgv eoto h Hospital, Bowmianville, onl His memory is as dear today The Orono Skating Club MArket 3-3394. 7-1' O i orpitn n aae eta oain ayMmeso sa Monday, February lSth, 190.A ithhorepasday Carnival will be in the Oronotblm<ca$9Te CARPENTER wanted at once. papering, cal elle Rozema garag, centai locaon.e asyt ,RalEtt thes nte or epssda ArenRADIatabda Febl, 8. thl- Write Avrtsr19, c/o Phone MA3er25pria.e Po-eMIlet Real Etate o ar rsyera fier hc Abrother for Brenda, Bonnie- -Ever remembered by theA' 7 Advertiser . 2thThe3-È MA 4tf3-907- romicm hmevryndMsR.Vtuateeq luadGr.71fmy.718 'lk.71phone MA 3-3970. 7-1 Canadian Statesman, P.O. Box 3-90 - central. $13,nt00 Euchr, spnsore by WATE forsale. Delivered. 190, Bowmanville. 7-i IFini distress and negd a rest,$3,0 Win 0WF Ecrsosrdb ourth Po give Dunn & Goodall's Deliv- L skRa Esiaie dowvn payment. totsra, Teporr hc a cefrcag a COWLING-Fred and June CAUGHILL-In loving me- Cub Pack at Memorial ParkPho2131. 36 tck COfxRLAL on oaeySrieats.Mre es elE10ar à are happy to announce the mory of Edward J. Caughill, February 24 at 8 p.m. Admis- -211. -t preferably with some eper- 3-3842. 6-2* M. E. LEASK good early land. Sciiea sflos in ntueti birth of a son on Fcb. 6th, 1960, Veteran o! World War I, who sion 50c and light lunch served. USED rg godcn itin ence in short order cooking for Real Estate Broker $18,000 with $4,(0 ono r.L am;raig r.T at Community Hospital, Port passed away Feb. 20, 1940.7-1 6 x 9', $20. Phone MArket snack bar on Highway n115 PLMBN, eaig eae- 4ro nwbualoîbstferhrp"TnWytoKla Perry. 7-1' 1, who loved him, sadly mis33951 Mell's Service Station, New toughing, free estimates. Har- furnace, hardwood, tiled bath- Building lot atMpeGrvMetn"Thcatr O a hi, 'Dance at Tyrone Hall, Sat- 3-5. c-L te 7- ve Partner, Tyrone. COlfax room. New garage. on Highway, $1,1o.Big, ro h fir DeMLLEHarld nd gne AsIt awn anthe yer, urday, February 20. Clara OATS, oats and wheat mixed. 3-2281 or Orono 1782. 37tf 5 room bungalow near Caes- Cottage on Sceotae Suywswllpeae n DeMILE-Htoldandune the -As my lonyrs othinkinr, Nesbitt's Music Makers. Spon- About il tons. Phone COlfax CARETAKER for Mernorial bdombtr are happy so~~~~~~~red by Orange Lodges, Ty- 3-2525. 7-1* Park Club House. Application MARRIED man with famnily area, hot water heating ihbdombtrogrggvnblr.R ite birth of their daughter Carol Thoughts of him are always rone. Admission 75c. 7ito be sent to Mrs. Frank would like steady employment oll, 4-piece bath, heavy wiringSepheorduinbosardcie rPic TeAfcnsant av Elizabeth, on February 14, near. APPLES-Mclatosh, Spy and Thompson, Duke Street, Bow- on a farm. Separate house. On 7/ acre. $1,500 cash. Terms dfoquc ale.teps opltl n e 1960, la Memorial Hospital, -Lovingly remembered and Dance la Pontypool L.O.L. LaSale. Will deliver. Elmer manville, by March 8thý 1960. Phone MA 3-2590 or Clarke on balance. Ci aentcmltl nee Bowxnanville, Ont. A sister for sadly rmissed by his wife Flor- Hall, Friday, February 19th. Cox, MA 3-7189. 7-2 Rate of pay, $10 per week. 2. 7-1* 65 Onitario St. Bowmanville WALTER F1 N h rsn, u hyaemv William, Walter, Ronald and ence. 7-1 Proceeds for Junior Hockey-72- MArket 3-5919 177 Church St. M ~33lg hnigfo l onw Joanne. 7-1' Team. Draw will be made for REBUILT eîectrîc motors, new7- FOR chinmey work, new or Sales Staff: Bowmnanvil h rdesastewoeo FARROW-la loving memory prizes. Aduits, 75c. 7-1' guarantee. R. D. Morton, tele- WANTED: Man for steady repair or any brick, block or 1Freddy L. Ames - MA 3-3406 -Afia an eertng ha HAMMOND-Harold and Hel- of my dear husband, Victor joja our Collector's Club of phone Orono 14 r 16. 6-12* travel among consumers in concrete work. P.O. Box 1083. 7-1 w a ot epArcn en Hammond, <nee Osborne), Farrow who pasd a Feb- Fn Shelley Bone China Cups NEW Hohner 32 bass accord!- Durham County and Bowman- Cgll L. Turner, Phone MArket Peler K h uligan ntecos are happy to announce the muary 20th, 1958. dSues M h n ly aycraewt ville. Permanent connection 3-5820 or 3-5605. 30-tfFddm birth of their daunter De- Two an eership lwith-largelomanufacturer. Only Peler Fde aREAL ESTATEBRKR ilsevtorigpaeac brho hi agtrD-Toyears have passed since ited. See advertisement on 1 pad. Phone MA 3-3592. 7-1 w. r'lurderstandicgreot nly la borah Lynn, 7 lbs., 5 ozs., at that sad day fv.Hoprs. reliable bustier considered. nlerman Van DeBell REL ST E OK GN A I Memorial Hospital, Bowman- When the one I loved was page Si.Hop r' Jewellery ONE double bed and spring, Write Rawleigh's, Dept. B..140..D ELETT RKRGNRLISRNE Arcbti h ol.A ville on Tuesday, February 9th, taken away. & Gift hp 7-1I one¾3/ bed, spring and mat- 131, 4005, Richelieu, Montreal. GENERAL CONTRACTOR 180 acres - 7 room brick: 99 King St. E. BwavIc n fia redpti W 1960. A baby sister for Mur- A silent thought, a secret tear Olde Tyme and Modern tress. Phone MA 3-5403. 71If 7-1 Brick, Block, Concrete and bouse, full basement, furnace,J Telephone MA -81 ms o ev h odo u ray and Sharon. 7-1 Keeps bis memory ever dear. Dancing, Saturday, FebruayLVERS, Grasses, etc., EAEin-trisW hv e Carpentry bathroom, L-shape barn, gar-i ox8 ________ Work aned Repair27, Sage. HAlverym Fean farm. Pniceariaiesmaav a-e. A A.y BartonarbutPwee mustnigro-.J ____i cluding ipovd varieties.NwWran eis gre n rhsr.Cniin e 'twr' edBwav .two senior positions open for only $13,000.00. MA 3-398hakarduGruTw LEASA -Bll ndl arbaanae giefabarrchstr.eCnditonsperqu tewat'sSeesand mavxpefulyeualiiedaPdHOprEeced HON MAket3-3644î61 aresnorteofBowan- Beauifu 6-oomnew ric fo th lovly aletin Te happy to announce the birth of But memory turns back every mitting we may use our fuli - t stenographers. You should be 7 Mill Lane 5tf ville, 10 room fully modern bungalow of modm dsg.wihwa evdt as their son John David, on Feb. leaf. group incîudiug vocaîist. 7-2* l "COPYRITE" dtipllcator, 900d adaptable and capable of work- bouse, L-shape barn, very good All modemn conveiecsClemoyfrsppy 9th, 1960, at Memorial Hospital, A happy home we once enjoyed, Leap Year Dance Party on1 condition; best offer. Contact ingindependently. 5-day week. Plaslering ýRepairs soil. Owner will sell or trade to school. $78.01 e ot rus1 n a u Bowmanviile, a brother for How sweet the memory still Saturday, February 27th, 1960, Recreation Office, MA 3-35 Central location, Sickness and on house. includes taxes, rinian esu aeslatrtecn - Suan ada Rcdy.7-1But eat0hEsxefeasineonessat 7ac2toclReceatonalExtnsio 6.7-2 ifeinsuanc benfitsaval- QIC SSERVCECEacrs wthr7soo stoe iteret. uil r c eo n1 y luson o thumeeing The world can neyer fill. Centre. Old time music of KEYS cut automatically, while -,ble. Reply to P.O. Box 201, STUCCO AND NEW WORK bouse, large L-shape barn, good $12,900.00. Ternisarne. r.Atu ako MURDOCK-To Mr. and Mrs. -Lovingly remembered by Jake Van Dam and his group. you wait, at Mason & Danle: )shawa, giving particulars of location. Price only $10,500.00. l1,i-storey 6 roomh ewihadSnly Tont, er L. W. Murdock (nee Audrey wife Leona. 7-1' Everyone is weîcome. Admis.- Hardware, 36 King St. E., *7our experience and qualifica- R 1 TA TTernis. oil furnace. Large o.Grg.Sna iiosa r n Venton), a daughter, on Feb.1 sion: gents 75c, ladies 50c. 7-2 Bowmanviile. 46-tf donIs. 6-2 R. L. AFT1/2 acres with 8 room brick Pniced to seli. Lowdw a-'r..J ritn ean 13th, 196, in Mounain Hos- ARROW-houseintwoembathrooms54 modemS.ment.A Easy0 terms.twedbaver-nsgmtean mene.blizzardm pl, 1960,laon, ntain1Hos-f aAROW-l a ndvigrenor The regular meeting of the SAVE on lumber, direct frm 6- E M kitchen, near Bowmanville, We have a tbyrfragtwme pitl, amlto, Ot. 7-1o!a drfther h asdand gFrn- Canadian Diabetic Association Miilto you. Phillips Lumber Y0U T H fading Highway 2. P r i c e bungalow in the Ocadiw M.adMs da hr ROUGHLEY-Jack and Doris fatry h paseda1a9Feru (Oshawa Banch) will be held CO., Kinmnount, Ont. Phone PRFRBYWHVTT IA V $12,110.00. Easy ternis. Blvd. area.wee unyvitostMr (nee Chartran) are happy to Go ary 20, 1958.wea Febmuary 25th at 8 p.m. la Mc- 17 r Il. 13-tr REERBY IT ]ETH DA E 11/2 acres on Lake Sturgeon, List with us for te e a r.Er atrBw announce the birth of a son, So He did what He thought Laughlin Hall, 338 Simcoe St. ELECTRICAL Repairs. Prompt MIGH SCHOOL IEDUCATION T 1 ,, 10 bedroom iodge, large kitch- suits.71mavl. JohnuAndrew, on February 11, best, N., Oshawa. Subject for the service to electrical appliances, Livestock Snippers en, 7 single cabins, 29 double Ms iseOeadMr I 1960, at Oshawa General Hos- He cam and oo esd yuevnng wllb "Diabetic large and small. Lander Hard- FOR POSITION 0F AND GENERAL TRANSPORT cabins, 3 boats. A reai buy at D ihRa saebxtOewm hrca e pital. A brother for Scott. An hsed Cmand Camps frCide" - ware. Phone MA 3-5774. $17,000. Terms.DeWt î 7-1' rest". Woodview Community Centre 43tf Clerk MeseangrPhneCO 3-2639 We have a good list o! bous- 100 Acre fam nbgwy usao n n r.Car- WOO-Kit ad ea (eeYou wished no one a last -Monster B i n g o. Twenty FOR good quality "Watkin's 4 es2 , pamet sb lwdon 5aes bank bnhebosdy WODKit n ea ne famewell games-twenty dollars; five Products" un Bowxnanville tele -______4-________________________ar Wilon)sBonaiil, ae vry om vensai grdby, gmestbiNyrollrs;$151 poneMAret -209. enr 189Y , 19 Sugo StS Bo.anill et.; momedhom wihta.Mis 8uraP'ilde, Uion pmoud to announce the arrivai You had gone, before we1 knew jackpot, and two jackpots at Adams, 67 Temperance St. S,.ave M yai Cail MA 3-3644 modemn conveniene.PiewsWdesrytagus ! o! their chosen daughten, Julie it $250. Door prizes. Next 7-1' terone[Saiesmian: G. Blyleven $18,000. Temms ane d. M.adMs lrneAey Jacklyn, Februamy 12, 1960. A And oniy God knows why. Monday, 8 p.m., Red Barn, DPersoonneorlad ug Manager Phone MA 3-5300 100 Acre farm,7nce m xiMs tne ister for Charles. 7-il -Lovingiy remembemed by son Oshawa. 46-tf DOenta sanderfloor pohiuser Tire Sho" Repair7-1 womkable, flowing snn,6'xadfniy n n r.Hr Lawrence, daughter - in - law Onaj ames no ren a cîaner, (shampo meh.Goodyear Treand FAST. PROMPT SERVICE 42' bank barn, doulcaae l ailo n aiy m Deaths Martha and grandchildmen26 Ontario St., Bownianviile For Ren1i roomed brick hmfr-Fak Hpis lcsok ANDERSON, Margaret Rose- Lrie Aa.7-'hldinar spinaDrhmeutinHfrdwr. W5sndfoos.Lad R iuuer Company cRE KING & ONTARIO THREE-room apartment with ace. Acnr$e 00. rs.wr oe-nDtA'saat r Suddenyat Newmaket Ontat Pontypool Orange Hall, 1INSTJLATION, bîowing meth- 24-tf bath, stove, refrigemator, wash- 20 AceD RY F MadMn.Jh Giff ,as Sudnya emreOtFARROW-la loving memory Feb.- 23rd la the aftemnoon. od, with rock wooi. Work- BOWMANVrLE ___ MA_3-3611._______ commuting distanc !Oh-thi aswreso on o960,nuruay eRuAnyerson, o0 dapDdan rads -pecial speaker, Mn. R. Usick, maship guaranteed. Free esti- 7-1 ubr oterRear rdyrrA -61 -f, Oexceet bank8r(,b] nhiba.Mnymr aa 190,MagaetRoe ndrsnVictor Farrow, -who 2asedPrsident o! Manitoba Fanm- mates. Harry L. Wade. Tele- King S'T' PAtMEW.T laVictr anon, coderal met8rooeoi sba ve-ugtget hm beioved mother o! Pylli away Feb. 20, 1958. 1 a 'ed g1:30 $14500 In aVEAR VULiIj1.LILaL King t. W. AnVitrlabi ibalmdmcovnecs h trmba eae hn (Mrs. James Jesson), Bowman- Itol ae ltl pc rs' nion, commencin phone Clarke 2420. 39-tf fr mediately. Apply Win. Curtis, Price and ternisamned ville, and the late Edith (MrsI nytksalti pc p.m. L. J. Wood, the RIGHT MAN -M .73 .* 0 cefrilctd~frteng 'I-To write how mucb we mi6-sRHUMATIC Pain? If you Jam-03.ieson0 Arefai Sidney Evans), New Jersey, yo6-2_____________sufer ro backaches, lum- We don't want to misiead y'ou Tr miles fromn Osha, 9 ce n n r.SnyMoe cutt & Smith Funeral Home, lives EnJgagements today to help bring you prompt $20,000.00 In a year is as easy KING & SILVER ST. rooni office, 2nd fioor, mti bank barn with wtrbws iiosatM.adc 5her svicen t. was held n at To forget the day we lost M. dMs.imoSan relief. Druggists everywheme. as faIiing off a log .. . But we BOWMANVILLE street. S. R. James, 24 King 7 roomed home,hev duyTIT. whrayserucry i3h oatt pm. you. Mrs.toannounce ilt h ne- __5______4_____ do pay our mcn from $14,500.00 1-tf East, Bowmanville. 44-tf wired. Price $25,00 ens r.RwaadMs n udy eray1t t2pm sht noneteegg--te $50,000.00 la a year and we MODERN 4-mooni apatmnent 100 Acre fanr,65arsownYevtnee hr,.,ê Internment Bowmanville Cerne.--Sadiy missed by daughters ment o! their daughter, Darla WORK boots and shoes att bar- wat the same kînd of a man (Ted) Arends and bath, heated. At 12 Di- workablc, remaindrwodyvatouwt n nMs~ * 'tery.7-1 Hazel and Doreen, sons-in-law Dianna, to Garnet David, son o! gain prices, bmown anxd black, ini the BowmanvilIe arca, Electrlc Motors vision Street. Immeciate pos- 60' x 30' bank bamdies;R oan. Guis and James and grand- Mr. and Mms. David Geroux. ail sizes. Bowmnanville Shoe Here arc our requirements.. REPAIRS session. Appiy 10 Division St. 7 roomed home, baydt n lnn~Acy &d DORNEY, Caroline - At St. children. 7-1 The wedding wili take place Repair, 80 King St. W-, Bow- a-e 45 to 60 ... willilng to ac- oal or7-1' wired. Price $9,00, ih$,0 ac.ido rda t r Joseph&a Hospital, Toronto, on on- Saturday, February 2th at manville. East of Bowmanville eept responsibillty ... able to electnicai equipmentAP TMN -Liigoo down. adMs lnneAeys Sunday, February 14th, 1960, FARROW-la loving memory 6 p.m., at St. Georges Ang- Cleanens. 42-tf make auto trips to surroundlng EEWINDING A RTE -Lvnrom Caroline Draper, In ber 75th o! my dean father, Victor Fan- lican Church, Centre Street, HEARING aid service. Testing territory to eaul on our customn- Sales & Service baoobkicenteadat:l0are fan 0arswr- M.adMs .Cyemu y car, wifc o! the late Arthur row, wbo passed away Feb. Oshawa. 7-1 service and complete stock of ers. tA3-0823 T lnoem.Co Ph hdarer8 omdbikditnwo vr-i-tget Donylvngmthro At- 0h 15.batteries and cords at Higgon V',e don't exuiect you Uogt Th~id St. Bowmaavile ments, 2 emperance. Pone secek un, Fred and Jack, Toronto; Wlthin our store of memnonies Ca-rds of Thanks Electric Limited, 38 King St. E., rich the first day, but we wllwîî -f A3255 oer.wPihfracrnin t$1.ad3s.Load ti and Mrs. Fred Midiane (Mar- There hoids a place apart, Bowmanville. Phone MAmket inake It worth your whîle rîght ~., UNFURNISHED housekecping 8 Roomed brickhmei] oe jonce), Los Angeles, Cal. Rest- For no one else can ever be Many thanks to W. H. 3-3305. 7-tf fromi the start! This la a full- OSHfAWA TV rooun, heated. Separate en- all modern conveninebr- Pese orpr r.W cd at the Chapel o! Fosten and More cheished la our beamts. Brown, Case dealer, for use o! GET the jump on old man time Job . . . It pays mlghty trance, nunning water, cup- wood floors thnogotclri asabct on oa 'RÙnenhR5.).Anee wSt. (ttL logyd ndem ee 1Grd by s oe aior lto Es irlen water. Sec us for free esti- «vell.. it Is stimuiatîng andTEEION ERA SLS board, counter, basement stor- funnace, etc. Price$1,0wihfmhopa. Rud nymede Rd).Sevie asBetyL0ydan cbiden 71 rehouse'frpat frormates on "Canhayes" Alumin- fdled with bit rewards for INSTALLATION & REPAIRS age. Reasonable. 10 Lambs $2000 down. Ir.Lnrc n isOk Intenment ark Lawa en~ej FAROW-la lovng memory Haydon Churchead, uni Doons and Windows. you lionest effort. Ph- Lane. 7-1' 2 Bedroomibnao iîy 'rnt ecesClee Iter.en Par______ m- Ro! adea Da aovndG mmr wramp.-1will be amazed how economical Sound worthwhlle? Then tell BowmaavilePe Oshawa LARGE, brightt furnishcd rooni Newcastle withalmoe _____71_fa_ _____nd___pa,7- thcy are frnim Cowan- Equip- us about yourself, your sales MA 3-5919 RA 8-8180 on ground floor, hcatcd, cent- conveniences, handwo los awt u eirtahr ELLIS-At Cobourg Gencral Victor R. Farrow, wbo passed ment Co., 134 King St. E. background aad your earnlng BILL AND BOB LEASK rai, -containing new breakfast full basement. GagePneMs.Tyrfo isekad Hospital on Thursday, Febru- away February 20, 1958. I would like to thank the Bowmanvillc, or Phone MArket requirements. Let me hear 39-tf suite, sink, bot and cold water, $10,000, Ternis,.r ihii einsfrth ar lh 90 n .Els nWhatt wouid we give, bis hand neighbors, friends and relatives 3-5s689. 40-tf frons you lmedlately. I have ________________cectric stove and refnigerator, 3 Bcdroom brickbnaoiok aery ith , 0,Ena H.Ed s, lao to cîasp, for gifts o! food sent in to my ON.l-nane hss a mighty lntcrestlng offer for n dishes, pots and pans, bed' in Bowmanvilie wv i c- In adM.Caec v oEle 6t y, boed îferl i o! kndfc t e-faniily, and for belp la any O:Sl--opau.dces ynL. B. Swailow, Presîdent, .iepC[irs chesterfield, new wardrobe. ena conveniencesbnwç rradfiil ecStr Bowmanville), dean mother To hear bis voice, to sec bis other way, also for cards and $15.95; 3-piece bedrooni suite, Box 789, Fort Worth 1, Texas- Phone MA 3-7201. 7-1' and tule floors, filbsmnCI3?vengdneruct o Ea(s.CadBisn siiletters sent me wbilc 1 was in $89; spring-filled mattress, 71 RADIO and television repains, ______________ modern kitchen. Pie$350M*ac r.Jn caghn tt ) Kingston. ~$19.95; Danish styled chester -_Prompservce._Pck-upandh$2,00____ ett ),Bowmanville; Helen As in the days that used t Kingston.suite, fam ube $9 - Pop evc.Pc-pa~ NursngHo e with 200 on n n r.D e n M.. TFioydhiBissonette),e 7 Mont- beirns,$J.VU; usd , LvesLULkfor Sae B hne MA 3-5713. 29-tf ACCOMMODATION for ladies Bowmanville withl mdr iiosa adnYoa (MaFloyChrissettMosnamsthoghbis smuieMuiiegoneeve steani rons, 14.Geousede's, _85__King__St.__2_____ .ho - real Chiss_______ame like new, 6 x 9, $20; refrigerat- cs u roy ,SCorw a.,ervice-s An ishndwocnot Iwol lket hakal yor, guaranteed, $59; bcd an" YORKSHIRE cbunks. A. L. GUARANTEED television and and gentlemen att Lyntonburst conveniencefi aeet n n a.IinCcrn roy, Cornwall. ServiprungAn$10. MurphyweucnnnutI wnchardkCOt3-2722. 7-1myradio$servicehtoFailtumakeshManonCOest2Home.-1Teaephonermode, kitchen.kePnicen$8 R00taHomJudyepBlackstockn Mn.cand heid la the Morris Funemal. toucb, friends and neighboums for Coi King West, Bowmanvill -ALpgbyadsr Sainie day service. Television Orono 1771. 6-10' with $2,000 dowa. Ms vnSapadLna Chapel, Bownianviile on MnSilwebvseanmethikldeebrcsdu- 3-3781. 7-i . wService Co. Phone MA 3-3883. ROSEHAVEN Nursing Home ~Bedronvi bnglw aMn ndMr.RoaShr, day, February isth at 2 p.m. moies, ing rry recent illness. A cure i ustmn Wood, MA 3-2388. 7-1 49-tf o! Millbrock. Proprietor, Mrs. cneinebrwo bos .g .Vn Itermet omavil 7Cm- O! thme o anwe l ve o ucb. ansupherno to th meIcines YOUNG Shonthorncows and REPAIRS and rewinding, arm- Giadys Westlake. Registened Asking price $10,C0.Tri.tcs tery. -1 -Saiy mised andever m- wnsthe koweg tha was fbuils att fanner's pnices. J. attures turned, to al makes o! licensed nursing home has va- 13 Roomed bric hoei MnasiM.CreeAvy membened by daughten Edna, iUctogtadpayso! ', l I Baker, Hamipton. 48-tf clectric motors. Higgon Elec- cancies for up or bcd patients. Newcastle, close to( ansre n eiiywr udyvst GODDARD-At Anden Nurs- son-in-law Paui and grand- 30 many. ee tPII (V/ ric, 38 King East. Phone MAp All patients on ground floon. ~h ~ î k ing home, Oshawa, on Monday, children Janet and Paul Jr. Mildred Colley. 7-1 ONE registered polled Here- 3-35 -fAi h aet iecupe th'exa lot. sn 800 rÉtM.adMi.Cie February îstb, 1960, George 7-1' ______1____.od1uliymrod M1e plus fime alan systeni. Daywihowonpam t.kesOsw. Goddard, aged 78 years, belov- Harvey and Neihie Barrie XIUUUW IWME[J McAllister, Campbelcroft, R. REPAIRS to ail makes o! sew- and night nursing cane. Reg. Contact:Snpth !ii onuit cd husband o! Florence Simp- MOUNTJOY-In îoving me. would like to take this oppor- W UVIL R. No. 1, Ont. 6-2 ing machines. Free pickup h seednre ome F.. ra son, R.R. 3, Bowrnanville, and mory o! Theron Mountioy wbo tunity to tbank ail their rela- - de.T2lPiASTS3 ry. Lavemty's Bargain service, good hm cooked John DeF. o h sde psi1 t e dean father o! Louise. Service passed away Febmuamy 1, 158.tives, fruends and neighbors for 'IIDRFUE ILPflDmai, naso abie ond pai nr e, 59 King W. Telephone meals. Inspection any tume.RatoanGeraIarae M.anM.Jhn.Gm- wa el ath ori unrlLiefain lae teloeygit, ad ad LWELN2~L_______________ Chplo WdedyFbu ' si h yasfowm n frteîvey~. bakad bt ngihrb M -21.4-fResnberae.Poi 2,Necsl-Poo34 fa'n E entt n n Frdya 'lc.ItretCharles Woolner, who died on tcat i'prOt! dU-Inaa. ii a UT srac.and Itemmuiscences o! Bownian- 'un d semi-private atients,- EGG<T amneWlh.PUO r nacoso hr Bonudy at 2 o'cloc . 7-1 rioHydr Staf, tc1Dr3Ew Save 20%. Six months ta pay. ville." Twenty-!ive dollars of- lounge TV. Ful Ecensed NAIBIAGES -DEATUI and MasterLwe Bowmanulle cmetey. 7-1March4th, 937. rt and Dr. Siemon and to Rcv. For personal service att your !éed. Write Advemtiser 16, 'uew building, modemn. Visitons 8.0pe InsertoAddcuslnhwsev-tioeuuins I lvelaa rmebrncegade W.K.Hosiade or sacr~home cail Oshawa RA 5-2802, C/o Canadian Statesman, P.O. welcome. Reasonabie rates. cd by Mms. McGill, sltdb HOAD, Ernest-Passed away O! happy days we've known. thanks. collect. 2-!Bx10 omnil.62 hn ecsl 41 -fU MMOEIAIs i St. Joseph's Hospital, Toron- Since you have gone first andi redand Gary Gniffin. DUYINGOR SELLNG PeromnvilL6- AXhoeVNewcanoler44Portf hsfe t 15 er edute by rs.OC.A- te on Tuesçlay, Fcbruary MU, I remain 7-* ByfGO ELN AEIWMnr otPry#'cpl»ocf' Sqrz A short business pro a 1960, Ernest Hoad, son o! Mas. To walk the road alone, 7-'BER -Oldate looking for a home DhpW? C mmdcf 0$150 pet ondUwhen yplnswrcmdfo o!~~~ Hidrn ooh fTrn emain sdNUe 5ffjlIE YEI upls-away from. home; brigbt cheen- £ddilioaa ji»Si tIOn, t bU o.0 euhe plst ei p obent Elyn,DWbtyof brohrnce NotihaveTed Cmpn olors HGMa liespai(Rubber fui noonis, lourige and TV. For rte.. ecread o to dado ecslWl hrsoethlag I would MA 3-4494 - Res. RA 5-5574 gsea aled eop iipelintt fun particulans Phone Port nOeWdAtmute 'for everyone whlc u abe E3 Biamno! Peterborough, and have you do, Newcastle Public School Pro-! 7KnS. at Sseam npe 25c, 24 se ls.peny Uo 597 - J Ofck e dmot loet Charles o! Baltimore. Fumeral Walk slowly down Uie path o! Sehool enrollmnt cbildren ______Si__ ____25c,24_s______57967 ___ was held at thUi Flynn's Funeral death ready ta start school in Sep-(. i EtOWlOnR) $1.00. Mail Order Dep.mP-1es12 Oclock nf0. Wedtiad AFcb. 20 att 8 par. epAANv-Rbe o, o 1 a.-2Wanted tend csop rvemone n .Wlgtvle h Residence, 1273 Weston Rd., For s5onl'11 follow >"Ol. tember, 1960, may be e lled OH&" ov-Rbb31o.1Bx,1,Hai-and OSV* ny . pr reitigtegust Mount Dennis, on Thursday, And I wantt to know ecd step on Wednesday, Fcbnuary 24th 104!f ilton, Ont. Y-2.ia l et othoya Mn cofor her o, February llth at 3 o'clock. la- you take between the hours cf 2:45 sud 15 n rpldfr tcCP"otf =yrim n mMGl termentSanctury ParkCerne-That 1 ay wPILESe (Hae 3:4opan.indthe Noior ckedPILEp(pmomptly.d).Teoephone u Urompty. Tetph owh Boumd.,alpay tenmet Sucta Pak Fme rThtm a~y dwktUic sane, 3:45the scholThUic eiorRoni__must_____ _matter how long you have had COlfax 3-2721. MargH Fur 8:30 «.m. to 5 pi& W.ILS. meetn tory 7-' Fr môe dy dwn Uc lael e! ic choL Th chldustA !NEW 14 x 24 grader tire this complaint we may be able Parmn, Tyrone. 37t S«"<tgwTesusla u afn ____________________have reacbed his flfth birth.. Chain, soutth o! Cadaaus la Cart-. el yu.Wit ft r e8:30bouh agRd.Mz> Room and oard Yt>u'll hear me can youirday prior to Marcb 31, 1960. wnightTWnstpoFndn lesepackgeoPtum, rta Banfor ofTrege ntl'à Sema erohde ushiettc>Ucj.S BOOMor cm ain, Dddy Pi~of ! ae i ncuird. otify Road Superintendent M dPharmaceuttical Agecy 7 fatMAràet S03 and ValentieTs e.9 t BO orro an arL-Daughter Barbara, and son. j Principal R. Munre. ISuggltt. Phone 1BlackstockIWlmnbletot oaRod, sigen RER os= ppy8 ~ heUn e TthP.. à.1 IlioeSMA 84811. 7.1 minaw Aime Dupuiê -' 7 -1-1 l17 L >2 Ontario -'PineS.- mi.p. sldpl 4 & aue d flc h hrh, Th hen d -i ric - 006pe*ig Tuu&gnAy, Pm. letI4 lm IIM CMAMM P.TMUL4M BOWNIfM= OUTAMO IRAM v"rrAq9ý i

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