PAGE FITEELT TRURSDAY, FEB. 18th, 190( TE CANADIAN STATF2MAN, BOWMJANVILL, ONTARIO Wealth ncrease, but whom RON'MrA "i°h"na",iX Èieýdeay. RO NSSale ad ac. a È . .. ..So I shall'continue gladly1 sign the silver guestb in the ranks of the 'minority'l Brown's S. Club held the table at whichMr * TeO r n Nw of bigots and 'do-gooders' who1 their raontly nmting at the John salreing deny that increaing the pro- school on Tuesday everdng, fits of 'the trade' is anythingIFeb. 9M. Pr7esident Mrs. J. .rsdtMrs. V.M Mrs. James . Richards, Editor but the decrease of public Curson had charge of the bus- took the chair and Extr good. iness part of the meeting, dur- welcome to everyonea Yours truly, ling which plans were discus- ened the program wth Mr. and Mrs. Robert Col- Club, Mrs. R. J. Taggart pre- Mr. and Mrs. Wilfred San-1Fe P. Reedse rgarin te frtcoingemfolw by tWeston, were weekend sented Mrs. McKenna with ai derson, Columbus, spent Thur card party and draw on April Hm 8 a ugad guests of Mr. and Mrs. No,.-nkac and pin set. 'sday with Mr. and Mrs. WM. !1t r.Mure oelcn K. Samells gave thewl mn Kennedy and Wayne. Mrs. McKenna thankedi Robinson. duced a gam o euchre, and atrs nafwwl r.and Mrs. Fred H Unter', everyone for her farewelll lMrs. John Morris spent' Che s Gam the lucky winffers were Mr. J.wods ort Perry, visited Mr. and' gifts. Monday with Mr. and Mrs. Curson and Mrs. Wilde Simps M4rs. Harvey Ginn.Grr DstadLrNe. son. Mrs. May Sinclair and Mr.| Mrs. V. Malcolm cl .r.and Mrs. J. Belsey, 'Mr. Aythda nt lhwssed . acastle. In Europe Archie Brown held the low Mrs. F. Crawford forr and Mrs. Gordon Cassey and b tsf wdb scores. Lunch was served and and Mrs. R. Sadlerb nara Peerbrouh, sentsoca ie. rs. im ally, r. nd B Leis illgan a social half hour enjoyed. greetings from Rev. ad und Ms.Mr. Wm. E. Armstrong re-îMrs. Roy luills, Oshawa, vis- MrBad rsLRwPaesndB.Harisn a orer Donal H. Lowes and child- 1 urned home last week from: ited Mr. JohatPatton, Mr. and "Peaceful co-existence" ter). The Scripture ws ren,MeoilHsiaBwa- .RyPtna oe an ideal that should appeal Mrs. W. Oall, Saturday after- iby Mrs. W. Jacksonfrm Mr. Milton Birch is nowlvvie.rn rensoy to all reasonable nations, andnonadenng :17 chalpter, verses1-2 inig in Bowmanville. The public school teachers' Reid's Store and a number M.Krsee' nitn radMsJPt n o r.RRmrlaea Mr. and Mrs. Earl Taylor, of Clarke Township held theirj of homes in the Kirby district desire to that e-- -Mr ndMr. . it nd should be R.* ' - - ' î aitended the funeral of her! February meeting at Clarke1 were opened to the many. heartily supported. He could anTrno ihM.admeetg-tl n brother, Mir. Harry Hepple-lUnion School on Monday. Istranded motorists from the begin by setting an example Mrs. H. Pitt. Disturbed", stressing t s6tone at Kirkland Lake, oni Mr. Douglas Gamsby, Tor. severe blowing snow storm on lThe newly-elected executive officers Of the Canadian Ladies' Curling of his ideal right at home Mr. and Mrs. R. Simpson and that Africa looks to te Saturday. onto University, spent the iSunday. The Armories, Town AscainwihwsfreÎeray2di Trnowt ihhsnx-orniho aIly had dinner with1Mr. er world for shrs .Mr, and Mrs. W. L. King! weekend with his mother, Hall and several homes in Or- dlgtsfo nie ncsaedng arc, from left to right, nations, - Poland, Lithuania, and Mrs. Eric Balkind on Set- and sk te qu on: spent Friday in Toronto and' Mrs. Ken Gamsby. on aso gave overnight sheIel gtsfrmn provicsatnn Esthonia, Hungary, Rumania, urday; Nancy, Georgie and Su., way always Crian.i 1heir daughter Marilyn, nurse-ý Mrs. Fred Tamblyn, Mr. ter for the stranded motorist.Ms hraKrPr rhriOtro ertr-raue;Ms and Bulgaria. He might claim san remaining over with Peggy also saad, we somim îiitraining, returned home and Mrs. Carlos Tamblyn, vis-' Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Hazel Watt, Port Arthur, Ontario, President and Mrs. Muriel that he is existing in peace and Eric until Sunday. around with blinkero with them for the weekend. ited Rev. and Mrs. John W.!Clapp, Tyrone, visited Mr. and Youngson, Regina, Sask., Vice-President. Representatives of ail with those countries; but it Mr. Jim Rogers, Hampton, seemng all Who are wok Mrs. AbertMrton a s WilnoD bat. Due Mrs. D. G. Hooper on Friday. provinces except Newfoundland, formed the Canadian Ladies' is not a co-existence, for as spent Saturday night with Mr. tekndmo o. overnight guest of MrsWm to his health Rev. Wilkinsoný A special service conducted Curling Association with Dominion Stores Limited as their sponsor, nations they have no existence. Tommy Simpson. Our program contiud Cobbledick Sunday. has retired but will be livinglby the Teenagers Group will duigat ymeigi oot.Tefirst Nationl Ladies' At the close of the Second Mr ad Mrs. Parkino Tor- two humorous readin ,on Monday evening thirty at Dunbarton until June. : be held next Sunday at 7.30,drn w-dymeigi Trno h tain , Torld War the Allies agreed ont t r dWMs F .Ace-" friends and relatives called Mr. John Galbraith, New- p.m. at Orono United Church. 1 Curling Championship, called the Dominion Diamond "D", will o o-ccptin fEatenM ruda. and s;. W. mM othe. .rherad et. the. home of Mr&. and Mrs. market, visited Mr. and Mrs.lS*pecial music will be render- be held in Ontario in 1%61. The 1962 round-robin championship Europe pending the conclu-ony crazy food we eat". 0.: Cowani to honor IVrs. A. W. L. King, ed by the Orono High School Dominion Diamond "D" will be held in ReiaPakhm fsono ec ray hc Miss Helen Dennmis, Toronto, Emerson gave a splendd 1-;-Kenna who is going to live, Mr. .andi Mrs. Edward HoggGlee Club under the direction ryogsn the Vice-President. was to release those countries spenit the weekend with Mr. on tihe History of ouC wý,h her daughter, Mrs. Ralphi and children, Fraserville, spent of Mr. John Ford, and the r.Yunsn, from occupation and ensure and Mrs. H. Sinclair- and W.A. which waa Patillips in Calgary, Alberta, Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Wm., Orono Public School Glee the whole of Europe against Mr. Frank Simpson and iated by all. She tolu and presented Mrs. McKenna, Robin son. Club under the direction of future aggression and dom- children, Toronto, with Mr. and our dhurch had beenb with a set of matching lug-1 Mr. and Mrs. Wm. MiLtchell Mir. A. Collison. Obher youth' ination by Germany or any Mrs. R. Simpson on Sunday. 1900 and the openings gage and a purse of mnoney, spent Saturday with Mr. and participation of special inter/P rd a n B ec e other power.Mr and Mrs. Stan Couch were held on Oct. 20.. by Mrs. Wn. Robinson, and Mrs. Colin Taylor, Bowman-i est will be included in the ser- On those conditions Soviet and Linda with Mr. and Mrs. Marwood Veale was he on behalf of Orono Skatingi ville. Ivice._ Russia joined in the formation J. Curson on Sunday. soloist then and whew B c m g a P o l m of the United Nations, the pur-Mran s.H Mely our celebration in190 Lin ea fOi' utr omittee tom poeofwi stud eta- Vae aoue wt /F ed is bigrationsl entered ino wry s ray. . have ho e thrywom be eØP afÞ m17 mThe parking problem on the possibility of making Beechat Ya laions tee intraw ' Mr W . harrow is spending was discussed at the meeting of widened. He said he walked tries in Eastern Europe, hgaetteSfeyLguCn-oure wth a loVElr. An informative address on miany-. more important fields 'ada in 1980, and three times!Bowmanville iTown Council along it thinkmng of the prob- incorporated them mito the venttion. Whsperig Hp." "O1il and the Road Ahead"i over a large part of the west.. more cars on the roads. lheld in the Council Chamber lem, and added that it could Soviet Union. And now Mr. Master Keith Call is cele- 'hompusonavcapa ead was given by Maurice W.1 ern sedimentary area. Serving Motorists on Monday eveig wnnt ewdndo0hees huhhewodnucd brating his ninth irhday"Teus al cwar Crompton, Toronto, at theý "The ci1 rduc's nanFagan, a Beech Avenue resi- side. Widening would be the ruthless acts of Stalmn, this week. Congratulation s, dine metngofth Lon Two Thirds of Demand o rouhrsmndet addressed counicil and possible on the west from Con- insists ta usa nea et and Mrs. VandÉstancg Club in the Lions Comnmunityi "Canadian erude oil now fuure wil1 be to serve thelpointed out the inconvenience cession Street as fair as Morley tion of Eastern Europe should Crawford and Miss Helen Cra- solo- "Sangoe fG Centre on Monday evening, sple bu w hrso ooigpblie evc ta- and difficulties he has been Vanstone's property, he told his be regarded as a permanent wford, Port P wic wsenoyd y Febe8.naionan dern nda t s tiotnshave onlySerneeased faced with due to cars parked fellow members of council- status quo in any peaceful co- Th'guests wr received by Greetings were ibroug Boekey Draw Winners, piped from Edmonton to To- eight per cent since 1950 comn- along the narrow roadway. Appoint Committee existence settlement.. the different groups y The Club celebrated the ronto. The east coast and Mon- pared to a population increasel Block His Driveway Couincillor Keith Lathangue, That is historically typical R. B3utt, Mrs. J. Hamin bàglyof Dr. R. E. Dinni- treal are still supplied by for- of 80 percent in the last de- Mr. Fagan drew attention toi seconded by Councillor Ken of the craft and cunnmng of N -hN 11 Granit Thompson, M iMl Te winners of the hoc- eign sources from their re- cade. the fact that as Beech Avenue Nicks moved that a commit- Russian d.iplonacy. The Rus- NUrt U U UH n Orawford, a formerm ktey draw were. Saturday, serves of orude oil and natur- "Oil prodlucers are contin- is only 21 feet wide and his tee be appointed to have a sians are said to excel all to which Mrs. iM. Emer jrerary13th, Joe Flett, Jim al gas. ually working in close co-op- car 18 feet long, it is impossible meeting with the Lions Club Other people in two things; Mr. and Mlrs. Malcolm Emer- plied. Hymn 164 was u tel. Wednesday February Go o 6 er eration with com-munity plan- for him to get it out of his and a member of the Traffic one is the game of chess, and son were Saturday evening the Mizpah benedicin KeiYth Shackleton How- Go o 6 er ners to provide sensible zoning driveway when cars are park- Advisýory Comnmittee and work the other mathematics. The dinner guests with Mr. and peated in unison. «4Wood; Saturday, 'Febru.. "It is estimated that there by-laws, and to permit the ed across the street fromr it. He out a natual agreement for latter is proved by their out- Mrs. Merviin Bird and famuly, The tea table was 30 mth, jack Kellough, A. is still a sufficient supply of construction of service sta- has had excellent co-operation the solution of the parking standmng success mn space na- Brooklin. with a linen tablecoh Topson. Wednesday, Canadtian crude oil in the tions.1 from the police when he has problem. vigation, which enabled them Vernon Malcolmn visited Dan- decorated with a b brary 24th, Brian Hamùl- ground to last 260 years at the "'In some e pats of Canada: called them, but even then it The motion was carried, to encircle the moon tvith ny Porrill Wednesday evening. of bronze and yelloc ton a«y Jones;, Saturday, rate it is now being used. If the automobile population is 1 takes an hour to get his car and Mayor Carruthers express. perfect accuracy, And the So- Mr. Edgar Emerson called muius. Pouring tea, Feray27th, Steve Smegal, the Athabaskan area is de- increasing faster than the hu-lout. . . ed the hope that the difficul- viet leaders have in recent on Dr. Bowles and household Marlowv and Mrs. G.Ca Do Vao. Wednesday, veloped, it is estimated the man population," Mr. Cromp- He pomnted out that even in ties would þe solved by years demonstrated their also his parents Mr. and Mrs. A very dlainty lunch 9t, alph MceIntyre,lcrude oil supply will last for ton said, the sumrmer the problema is "Thank you, Mr. May. superiority in the chess game Malcolm Emerson. by Mrs. A. Williams, K ; Saturday, March 400 years. In closing he mentioned sev- there, but emphasized that it or", Mr. Fagan said, addi ng Of imternational diplomnacy. Harold 'McCoy visited Mark Quackenbush ,M1rs. J 12th K. astle, Mutray Lar- CantB1esmsi eral of the experimental pha is the winter hth oe ouinwould Every move or refusal to move Malcolm. Mrs. A. Hyland and mner S day March 19th, R.. ses of the use of crude oil when there is three feet th soon be found as he has wait- was calculated with mathe- Mr. and Mrs. Alan Wilson Nesbit, assisted by d. (osselin and Normnan Scott. " One cannot be pessimisticlin automotive and aeronauti- snow on either side of te ed five years for it. matical precision. Stalin knew visited Mr. and Mrs. Orval McCoy and Mrs. D.Th in predicting the oil produc- cal research. road. He said he always keeps exactly what he was doingQukebh .,~~~ ~~ •WtImeilOl. ing possibilities. Forecasting Harry Cryderman moved ahsondiea hvle, AyFrGants , when he made a quick pact ic Malcolmn und aem n m a kmtean andMs. GH . --ýrice W. Crompton isatefnig-folcnhv vote of thanks to Mr. Cromp- but added that not all hisi A motion was made by with Hitler at the outbreakan mlca-esndM..Hai ane f the Sales Planning, its risks as according to re-1 ton for his excellent address neighbours haveteissov- Councillor Lathangue, second- of the last world war. Then, e nprnsM.adMs agn h od l n aýý&Rnd Co-ordination Section of ports we will have about 10,-jon the oil industry and the elled and park on the road ed by Councillor Nicks, t-hat when Hitler moved in an at- Rae Malcolm, Janetville, to social half hour. Insperial Oirls Ontario Retil 000,0Ú0 more people in Can-1future. which adds to the problemn pre- the Town Clerk be authorized tack on Russia, Stalin check- wis themn a pleasant trip to Merchandising Department, sented by people attending to apply to the Department Of mated him by switching his Florida. ]Robert Kent said in introduc- functions at the Lions Comn- Highways for statutory grants. pact to the western allies. 30th Anniversary It is wise to seeyor ing the guest speaker. He told munity Centre, who park their This was carried. How Stalin used and abused On Wed., Feb. 10, the W.A. when you suspect thC p bis fellow Lions that Mr. cars in the street. A request from the Bow- that pact, particularly in and W.M.S. of Nestleton United, of cancer. Cromnpton had previously been'S r e h ( w One Way Street manville Lions Club asking bringing about the deadlock Church celebrated their 30th *** the Ontario Publie Relations M V tnte rn w or ua aor Wilfrid Carruthers counicil for a granit equal to in Berlin and the whole ofanvesr iniecuh Rglrmdclce Field Repesentatie of thearg ans h h tht ligh ,,said the in lu a o-I the taxes on the Lions Comn- Eastern Eu.rope, is a well- basement. Nestleton ladies had and lung X-rays arz company for somte yearsan And Dave Milne o ps feata y rots echeq rected the situation a certain munity Centre was received- known matter of recent his- as their guests over 50 ladies tant in the control o last year was transferred tOI The biggest dance of the wirl ospr amounit when they made use This request was granted on tory. Khrushchev has inherit- from Blackstock, Cadmus, Cae- Detection of cancerints tlo firmn's marketing organ- yaor"tHm" a e. on tem. lof all the space available on a motion by Councillor Stev- ed that situation and he has sarea Blcstk Anicsags mpoe chc izto.tainly a success. Last Friday On the back wall there is!the club's property for park- ens, seconded by Councillor declared his mntention of de- Nestleton Ptesbyterian, Mrs. F. successful treatment. "Before joining Imperial evening a hundred or 'more an island scene which covers ing. He asked Police Chief Ken Nicks. fending it with long-range nu- Oil UT£. Crompton was head couples danced in the gaily- a good deal of the wall. It is Bernard R. Kitney if any con Costs Club $10,000 a Year clear missiles. He doesn't need o)f--the National Film Board's decorated assembly hall and picturesque with its blue wa- sideration had been given t Councillor Wesley Fice ask- small arms any more and has Cqmmercial Division. As suc-h were served refreshments in ter, white island sand, and making Beech Avenue a one e fti rn a ocn fee stecoc ewe , was responsible for the the gymnasium. !hills in the background. Un- way sre.TeCifrp ttnefrvrbcuei a ecflc-xsec 'dn comnmercial distribution of This year's theme was'derneath the few palm trees, that he had recommendeth as tibe e e aullyint h eacfcexistence nd noisst :frm nt nl n anda bt"South Pacific" and decora-! someptygilarenong.rkgbeane n past. He as-ked if the Lions ting back and saying, "It's also in 40 other countries tion were better than ever. the tropical suni. side. collect fees and make money your move." But we don t wre foignep rs Kentve Let me guide you on an ima- Each of frhe pillars have!Pol Pre on the rental of the Commun.. have to mnove right ýaway. It aremantind, ur Kntginary tour that will take us'been decorated well. The large' Mr. Fagan said that last Fri- ity Centre. Councillor Stev.. would be wise to keep him stated.back toteBHS omlhdyngtei rmhsdie ns said the Lions Club keeps waiting. There maybesm -He spoke of Mr. Cromnptonl's dnels rdyngt e lwriagmnh0 of was impossible for his car. He he mnmunity Centre run- reason at home for his hurry. A.ryers f erin orld arlwill see all Of the surprises brd settled on a vine above, toldthoeLilns ark nwent ove nin at a cost to the club of I ' a d d e e n n g g er e t t n t e a e e lo s t e a m e s g r e c o p n d e o t r l y p a k c ats t h e w e r e a b o u t $ 1 0 ,0 0 a y e a r Co v e r an dWydO in-.editorial promotion on Mac- First, as we enter the door,11the picture. benpreArpryteeCn yCnr sa h lensMagaznine, and for sev- ýwe find a large display of O th as al-hrei awud aeen omforCd alniof thentown for re- era y ars wih he an di n b auifu c rs ges wh ch wer w te sc ne wit -t e ati e or . ipai n wok nd he Li ns IOEn try excepým ILU ni4 n ew- _M.Cop t easserted .He ing Zdances. The programmes were handled by our Athletic tirement i 140 nd to wi dabu epe e r u aonnln n -sVir. op the miany oil by- were shaped like cocoanuits!Society-. W ol ieto'dows wvith chide.Teei government and laws that Of other ons, each utlozed for poke o , ad sid that som11e this year. There is a total of;thank all those who had any only a percentage.of our pop-.niae pattern of life that the same purposes and dyed! prdducteanibe indiv&du orteenin umiabesfrthaatintemnydprmentsiultio hremtecls snot merely economic: and the same colours as was their of t i such s thoseevenin with abreak t the formed for this formnal. Every- of over two dollars an hour aew etil on o' rgnlpodc.pdte syeic 1 thing lastic and end of the seventh number. lone showed fine co-operationi wages. reway? Ataleastwe cngree t rowinauptrdsp. innmg eri eay a o iue t h oa usole in cobjects, deter- The front stage is quite adefcec nbign l g esions are a boon thayt loehas ecaree a disgu thnemrch to th eap n 4 o l e t y n e n t e t c r u b b e r . b e a u t i f u l . O a h s d a g e a o t o r " t H m e " f o r 1 9 6 0 , t h u a dtad t o s n s h i g h e r o w a y . h a t w r t h ie i s t a n d r o t e s t? O c o e t h e yp .m e r c ha n t d a w s dU i v u id n d sef r o m c h i geots, and sy palm tree dominates the scene ut n f l a tiopn is c ui g r a af is an go d p pl be i n'. T y k pt n d i g 011 Base For Drugs pand uneeder tem, hule rs e0.t hrdsip s a ndp osl a bo .h nic appedthat the resilin ai to es t fury ent o-a n h s pa e . A o -os d i The speaker explained that santa elistic a gievehr. huins eand o r cly ot at c f i an y folk speinl sda her pr d ct i o reron t o i l i s a l s o t h e b a s e o f m a n y b e l o w t h e p l a t f o r m t h e r e i s T y io n c r e a e d w a e s sr spo n s, o u b ta l s o d t i i n g l s t o m t h e f a s h o n f i e l d , o e f nl o y m gdt i s t p a p e r C ol m n s a d s t u p t o different kinds of drug-s, and some thick green foliage. In- 1YI resedwaesibeth "wterelo-res",andmoe faoanfd eter pice een. somefd tprept aastrmnled are bright flowers; Yours truly, the wrs mont usWhad isrthanver abefabetsapi ficesd neetadbuigi oa tio n. a d d t a t h sand butterflies and above theTJa .A.Wer d th a ppeuhngsthe. at y th ludin beor a so nused as a substitute! curainsth re.a e b autfulduOWe -of lif en 1 mb n ou ma - y T e nae " c a ss * 'e°.istreased. . . a yinho eto nsh opp a for ani als, or plant su tgasssi n foes thgrow b au i ngH mp o , On . era nd m raoi hwywavne n a y s ai ad f' stances. also. The curtains, as usual, N e w sFeb o1, 196. frals ato c o e n u? W n a y er tzp csprodu edhn t eto ode ll. . . in h m o re a prun 194 W a B g Y ar are pulled back as far as pos-ilNexpres3, 1 60 f i s e d o e rr W egr t o e n i e b u h e u n "igunetil4 anal d was a ible wihetthe brit tpial iDear M.James, reproof, or opinion against, atie iststil ey muh in prosperity at home. bigusr, uta mal podu- ir ataced o hebac wllThe first 25 at the Teen1 Here 1 am at it again. e be castigated as bigotry of the demand. er f rue il Th sarh orbeindth ochsta.A spot- Town Dance this Friday nighticause I am of those, not few, few? WVThat has been the fate The ban on coloured margar- That's why a word te the wise is... oil the avrbeen ar , e i t lit was py ut h ird an will be adm-itted FREE. or bigoted or benighted folk, of lands that have chosen ine seems not only silly but ofl thefaorabtfle areas t heit a erieutfl There will be prizes for spot; who are concerned for the way other than th1ihs a iiuoul nar eti ony iport7 ant feldeicvnnte utisw e the dacsadagatdo 1rz we seem toe be going. We hear know? What happens when quantity will continue to be untl 147 ad eenthenative islaniders in their gay for the holder of the luk1 o 1rooa, doubtlesslylonly destroyers and dictators sl hte ti oordo TAW Y AST rnerValey nd ormn ad ntiv drss.ticet.baced y te lquo trdetoi are vocal, and when those not and surely the addition ofD In1s y 97 mé i n thare pmliddle ofh ee f Teloor scaua. ohave their ads made lgal n who re unselfishly concern- a little yellow will nt swellTALAsPAST - 'In February 1947sIperiaf ag amte a e e Therjeas is asua , Oour papers. We do not doubt ed have lost heart and have the sales to such an extent that il'sLieducNo.t ellanbroughteul.I'ok eretynt lcs rjaspes. the political-econom-ac power withdrawn from the arena? bossy as a butter producer will aed nedil ner toCand.Th e urlal standing tllth o.its ngeris aedasusualmem- it willbring to gain thi end.!What happens when tels eptott atr.Bitr Leduc discovery,00 th ellavscvrngtetpnI sbr 3cvn onmmesSome newspapers, who prize,!for profits, redh'e lno inPuOu eatn, will ong in~~~~~~~~~~ a.2,0,0 wnyva tlatffenfe hh0. incomne above civic duty, may doubt that the Bible and his- continue to led nthebrea campaign, gave new direction There is a mionkey swinging Don't forget to come early join forces. tor suipahbe n ped fte natin.thet' Ra b 2,00Prseciv and ~ ~ 1 actiity o pr on a hula-hoop in the branch-7 and be one of the first 2 5 It will be claimied that 1- that "Illfaeth dtobfirbuttscmtton 7 1 l a d t o t h e d i s c o v e r y O f e s a n d i t s m o t h e r i s c l i m b i n g t h e r e . I t b e g i n s a t 8 : 3 0 p m . a i z d a v e t z g i l b e v r o u l s a t e y , w h e n - U2 5ri d e0Ti m e s - J o u r n a ed ok on S.G. lcolm ded a bd op- ithe )rayer ,oming .hosen led on ýetings' rought 1Mr«.. minis- sread Luke 1. The dbeath occurred sudden- ly of Leona Clarm Griffin, aged 33 years at her home, 26 Beech Avenue, on Saturday, Febru- ary 13, 1960. Mr.Griffin, who had beenl in poor health for several months, was born in Oshawa and was the dleughter of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Jones of that City. The deceased married Fred Griffin in 1945 and since their marriage they have made their home in Bowmanville. Three years ago Mr. Griffin became caretaker of the Lions Com- munity Centre and Mýrs. Grif- fin was well known for her kindly and courteous manner by memibers of many associa- tions, from the youngest of the Cubs to the most senior mem- ber of the Senior Citizens Club. She was affiliated with Trinity United Church and was a membçr of Bowmanville L.O.B.A. Survivmng. as well as hier huband and parents, is a son The beaultiful floral tributes from relatives, friends, neigh- bours, Lions Club, Rotary Club, Fife and Drum Band, Foresters, L.O.L. and L.O.B.A. were evi- dence of the love and esteem mn which the deceased was held. Funeral service was held in the Morris Funeral Chapel on Monday. February 15th., and was conducted by Rev. Wm. K. Houslander. Interment was in Bowmanville . Cemetery. SOLINA and icyroad s hen we exer- ienced the worst blinding bhiz- ear ofahis wnterSunday were faily well attended with 83 at Sunday School. While returning home, after church, sverl met with difficulty whl trying th prod had retur to theovillag and try A erl rof Africa was shown at SundaySchool with ay c i rs. Murray Vice, converor of mis- siontary programs, reading the commentary and Harold Yel- lowlees, operating the pro- jector. The Women s Institute met on Thursday afternoon, Mrs. Tom Baker opened the meeing and conducted the business period. Donations were given to the Auxiliary of the Child- rens Aaid Society. the Red Cross, the Mental Health As- sociation and the Adelaide Hoodless Museum. The program was in charge of Group 3 with the leader Mrs, C. Pascoe presiding and Edu- cation the theme. The roll call was answered with a Canadian auithor. Mrs. Don Taylor com- mented on the motto "Rest not bezieath the tree of know- ledge, Climib it!" Communityr singing led by Pearl Leach was9 ervjoyed. The hdstory of sev- eral fanns on the seventh line written in the Tweedsmuir Book was read by Mrs. Burney Hooey. Lunch was served by the group In charge. aMost 'Africa ýe fact West- ianity, "s goue es go on, not ing for dwith sby Things "'The Irs. M. paper hurch pprec. is how uilt in rvices )0. M. Sguest ve had Mr. now n fav- Grnt ng in ahild, ave a lillee all. it from yMrs. i, Mrs. s. F. ember, ;on re- ng and nre- graced 1and ouquet ushion Ers. N. npbell. served rs. 0. esbitt, Irs. M. Irs. W. )mpson >Bow- ýp ar- ýoyed a doctor ,esence ýck-ups mnpor- cancer. searly .es of OBITUARY MRS. FRED GRIFFIN ib.dOýk )VERTISE IN ustomers Weekly