IV~jUUME MIW 15 Pages .UUWMVA.NVILLE. (INTAIRITEMTTTRMAqA1 1 - --- -- _____________________________________ --.. - . -, -----,Aàj&JI Bus Franchise Changes Hands C of C Holds If Given Commitment. Annual Meet vuwoo o Toniht, t 8o'clock, the T onI Bowmanville Chamber of Commerce will hold lts an- p fluai generai meeting a the Lions Centre on Beech Avenue. AUi nterested citi- zens are cordially invited to attend. The meeting will deal ger's report of activities for 1959 and elect officers and directors for 1960. Cit- Essential services for an sented to citizens who con- the town if the indiustry's tax- tributed to the town's coin- es will provide 25 per cent Of!e c sl" u y Br merciai improvement dur- the cost of the service deben- ing the past year, and tures. This was decided by prizer. wiIl be presented to 'omnlile Town Council on the winners i the annual Monday evenin>g. Ail mem- home and store decorating bers of council werc present contests. except Deputy-Reeve Ivan The Chamber iu anxious Hobbs, who was absent due to continue te work for to illness. the betterment of ail phai- Councillor Ken Nicks told es of community life, but cauncil that the need for ser- needs the guidance, ideas vice industrial site was again ..... . and support of many citi- discussed at the February zens if it is to do the best meeting of the Bowmanville possible Job. See you there Industrial Comimission. He tonlght?. said due considetration was given ta the cost in relation ta the town's present and fore- -0---- 11' h t It was pointed out by Coun- cillor Nicks that servicing in a: kA P' ~ advance of need was not ad- Clare Garton, Ieft, seils bus Une to Keith Burley Mvay O.,penf vocated at the present time. **. The Industrial Commission.... Du e R n h be prepared to supply sewer ' and water as required in or- G art n C ach nesAccording ta a recent reprt, der to obtain additional sore- MainWhyt is lannng t 1cm-Jyrneeded industrial assess- Mom hyt isplaningto m en bark on a new venture a "dudemet ranch" in British Columbia. Asic, For Commitment Esa lih d n 19 3the Mountain View Home for recommends ta Town oni eldrl ctiznsatSummerland. that it fi.rmly commit îtself Otherplansannounced in- ta, supply essential services for clucle an emergency home and any industry provided the es- thei proertynear Nelson, cial status, and, or, growth po- The purchase of Garton udr the management af the ta draw approximately 1,000 B.C., which is supposed to start tential of the prospective in- Coach Lines, Bowmanville, by1newv ownership Sunday, Fcb. pupils covering an area from a ona h nwge. dsr utfe h xed Burley Bus Lines LUI., Co- 114. The là buses in operation Coiborne to Bowmanvile and To date, no word lias been ture. And furt.her, that the bourg, has been announced will continue ta serve Bow- provide a rapîdly expanding received here that their former Industrial Commissioner be v by 'Keith Burley, president manville,, Oshawa and Whit- charter bus service. Whytehaven property south of authorized to pledge these ser- Gad geea aae n by wîth schedudbsrus Eeyda wehv on Maple Grove has been sold. (Continued on page seven) Clare Gartan, owner o Gar- as well as transportmng some or more buses out on charter ton Coach Lines. The purchase 500 pupila durmng achool and four~ or five every week . f' , ,. For the past two years, Newcastle Community the "B" tournamentfrCnr!Otro:nietly price was not disciosed. months.. end," said Mr. Buriey, addinju V . C p u e r w Hall bas been in use almost every night during the most of them will b nhn nBw avlewth Garton Coach Lines came Burley buses will continue that bath small and large 11 winter months by the newly formed Badminton Club. ing the Central Otrotunmn hsweed bes aeqaaaiPe, o amo- 0Thsyerwthovr50 znembers, the club has been This photo shows rn rw lf t iht ac j erae. upe tFoan-io r E a stern O n tarlo Tahiear ut aInd doing fairly well against outside Stephenson, Presien HaerKlsy Bu Wga ~i5its- LI-'ieces rangi Bug nesin aowD clubs. Last week, they visited Whitby and on Tues- Tournament ChairmnBriesyadBnDcisn *fl is Td i é s prne l12 335bue day, that town's club returned the engagement. Next back row: Kay PoelLyn StheonadJn GIVE IT BACK - Mrs. Bill Bragg of Providence franm 29 in41 atn w i mp oy Te nto 12 - year, the enthusiastic village group plans to enter in, Wagar. W honed on Wednesday to see if we could lend a 45 ta 50 driver-mechanjcs. Bwae Jvniehc-Du.JaeJm RcedN w $ ot rliand in trying to locate ber busband's topcoat. He Spea.king of the recentiy*ac- . uve reho-Dug e, Rikdm N w$ A M nt woreit t th MasnieIadis~ ightat he Lons quired Garzon Coach Lines ey teain captured the Eastern Bian Hughes. 'Fv ir CmuiyCentre on Saturday. When they came adrglrbsrnM.Br nai rw niesdiy ,xpected with either Rich- n C a hMf lyhd ta t say: "'It wlll When they defeated Trenton mond Hill or Coilingwood whoIno n ciS e s I e vR as to leave, his coat bad gone and another, much sim- be Our aim to provide the 12t owntesre w r iyigofa h ot ~ O thinks bis own is either better or -fits mare com- camfoart and conveniencg,1 os straight. The Juvenes wll keep their fortabIy. If you were at the dance and have the sible. Any suggestions for The locals displayed a well- skates ini trim this SaturdayO n S t r a 1achieving this objective wiîî balance scoring punch with 10 by playing an exhibition game S t r a on Gr a e Cl e t o wrong coat, please Phone MArket 3-2192. (Continued on page /seven) players sharing in the goals. against St. Michael's liere at Five people were injured in Tw a bg 1t t ti t t7 Brent Hughes triggered a hat tlhe Mrena.a wcrcolsnonStre WHAT A RUMOR - For the past several weeks, trick (3 goals) ta iead thce t- The game on Tuesday wasatocaclisnonaury Bowmnvile as ben oppng wth ne f th bA s H ne Iltc. Single markers went ta their 2th win in a row with at 8:55 p.m. The accident oc- 7 Bomavileha benhopig it oe f he M r.- on D esGary McCullough, Irv Gili, no lasses ta date, unless osh- curred on No. 2 Highway near( >f s t ôLs biggest rumors in history. Several people told us, ' Alex Wiseman, Terry Black, awa Juveniles happened ta up- Maple Grave Road. A car dri- 0 f s t,5 # on good authority, that Steinberg's were negotiat- I on BagneilBi Osborne, -sot the applecart last nigh. yen by Ronald' Brown, R.R. 3, 1n aprhs h atnBok ttecre f rom ur Bowmanvile was traveling ingto urhas te Mrty Bockatthecorerof ro Bu nswcstwaird, and one driven by A report on garbage collec- charged ini previaus yer,3n Division and King Sts., sa they would bave a main Mrs. C. E. Houe, 55, orf Uuip l,4 M ~Donald W. Smith, R.R. 1, Rag- tion in the town was received also to wage increase.Empo m n even a price of over $100,000 was mentioned. On late Tuesday night in they met in a head-on collision. cil at the meeting heid in the Clerk stated thatgabg Saturdy, we'phond the olks ho shuld k emoril Hosital a Bothcahamber "aon. M-nday bl Csmbaren dueayandlspayable now.ay Sauray e phnd heflk woshul now, Mmra opia ar a th siwerc dama ed cx- It stated that in 1960 He painted out, howeveta o t N the owners, and they bold us nobody from Stein- sutoheeeb rns Whîchl u** otesivon. iips psseger there will be a saving of ap- they can be paid by:nti-~Or begshdapoce hm u h uos she suffered when-her lo- Mr. rown, hi »segr roximateiy $2,000 due to ments on the foilowingdts certinl ba upet omeof hei teant. I wa îhing can utovie aher Dayiight Saving Time in brought up by Councillr Glen- Leland M. Kaley, Mr. and Mrs. free special pick-ups being April 22nd, Juiy l8tSe-a certinl ha upet omeof heirtennts Itwas Îigtin an il tov ather Bowanvllethis ycar will cx- hoime Hughes. He sa id that Snth were aetoMmrlrdudt he ayrndebe 1hadD a geatrumr wileit astd. om atabot 1:30a.m ted fomSunday, April 24th the Memorial Park Association Hospital, Bowmanvile, b y thc billing donc at the Town l8th. It was aiso statdta i.t t t on Monday. to Sunday, October 3th. This requested permission to sub- Morris' ambulance which then Hall office. there is a $25 fine onvi c Uemomntitisaa MORE THAN A RUMOR - Another rumor that le agtr-l lw was decided 'on motion of let a portion of the land ieased rushed Uic Smith's littieVretinfabraho the y sabu oma o hi ieo ha enfotigaon aeI o'en he Shirley Hone, saw ber mo- Reeve Sidney Little, scconded by it froin the Town o! Bow- year aid daughter, Elamne, dir- Garbage cost for 1959 WaS iaw for each offense. yasi omnHdsn bas ben floaing arund laely cocernsther-in-iaw's dress buru- by Councilior Wesley Fice, at manvilie ta Mr. Beauprie for ectly to Sick Children's Hos- $25,378-49. Garbage accounts The cost af speciaexrmngro!tenmpo et furniture branch of the F. F. Morris Ca. This was ing, as she entered the kit- the meeting of Bowmanville the purpose o! setting up his pital, Torornto. receivable in 1959 were .$22,. Pickups will be $6anhuIsuacComsin rnd confirmed this week and effective March lst, a chen. She cailed her bus- Town Council held on Monday refreshment booth. MT. Brown, who had sus- 765.53. This left a deficit Of for both commercial adrs-a saa peigt h new owner will occupy the premises with the baud, Donald Houe, from evening. The building ta be erccted on taîned internai injuries wvas $2,612.96 plus packer depre- dential. Mayor WifridCruSatsnnhiwek Morrs faily estictig acivites a th funral the garden, and tbey man- Council granted permission the premises by Mr. Beauprie transferred to Toronto General ciation amauntin.g ta $3,000 tiiers stated that tUsi v ogsnw~paiga Mori aiy etrcin ctvtistote uerl aged to put out the flameo. ta the Bowmanville Branch Of must meet the approval of the Hospital iby Morris' ambul- which gave a net deficit o! realistic level. It does ntpn dctsmn hc per directing and ambulance service. More details Constable Jack Ricard the Canadian Red Cross Society building inspector and the sani- ance at one o'c]ock on Sunday $5,612.96. alize anyane, but it peet nti su aln nctzn will be availablein an announcement next week. and Constable Robert Dia- ta hold a blîtz campaîgn for tary i n s p e c t o r, Councillor morning. Mrs9. Smith, who had Suggcsted costs for 1960 others from having ta a o ceal od hi ati Ail wc can tell you at present is that the new pro- moud from the Bowman- !unds on Monday, March l4th, Hughes asserted. He added skull injuries was movcd ta were reported as fallows: Re- special service ta ifrn aigwitruepomn -ri4-r cmesf-o Bamto.ville Detacbment b e a d- bctween the hours of seven that the qmusionnof notherpri- the Toirointo General Hospflital si+.iat$ i onpeopl. yavntosodjbso Liberty St. South. t t t t' t TOP CURLER - The former Molly Simpson, ýnow Mrs. H. M. Estaîl of Kingston, while visiting ber aunt, Miss Olive Thorne, Newcastle, last week- end, advised us that ber son Robert, 19, won the Ontario District Championship in a curling bon- spiel at Owen Sound recently. This week be is in Noranda competing for the Dominion tille in the Schoolboy Championship class. His great-grand- father, D. B. Simpson set hlm a good example. Our information is that he was anc of the top curlers in this area around the turn of the century. Mrs. Estall still bas a medal ta prove Mr. Simpson's ~prowess. t t *t t SPRING COMING - Word was received from Miss Loretta Kilgannon who is employed at F. C. Pethick's, that she bad spotted 24 ta 30 grosbeaks and one woodpecker in . their back garden - sur"ly a sign that Spring is nat far off. Another s4u' sign of Spring was mn evidence on Monday when Lloyd Elhis. the shoe man, started la revamp bis store front. It will be wider with more display window when completed. Across tbe road, Cole's barber shop 4s also following the "Do-It-Now"' work plan by having the interior of bis shop TOO BLUNI' - Councillor Sid Cornish o! Darl- (ngt.ontTownship complains thal aur beadline 'was abitta blunt in saying council declined la approve Standard Time in accord with tobacco grower's requests. Apparently, the malter is eiîher ïi!l under discussion or had been discussed previously. Neighbors And Friends Raise Over $80 At Benefit Bingo On Tuesday nigbt, the Memorïal Park Clubhouse was wellIgale, Mrs. F. Cowan, Mrs. J. Buttonshaw and Mrs. Donald Bishop and at rigbt Mrs. Vie Jeffery counts un the talc. while ber filed with friends and neighbours o! David Park wbo had cm Frank Woolner who called out the numnbers donated bis services assistant, Mrs. Alton Richards, waits frbrnme ab to assist him financially. The event was a bingo wbich netted as did the members o! the cammittee., This photo shows a called. $83.45. Door prizes were won by Mrs. H. Farrell, Mrs. P. Bath- portion of the large crowd busily watching their precious cardsi -staff photo. FEBRUARY l8th. 1960 10e Per Coov NUMBER 7 ç. T-T ?ymrf1 Le~ l- - -. - - - - -wvq I I .1 1 J iZ4