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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 18 Feb 1960, p. 3

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Tac SDAY, TM. lmt, logo TRR t~~~~~~AMAnT&N~~~AG RTTTA7T fWM1,V.TRfE?'UZna vf Special ConvocationHpyG Miany Officiais Attend Nursîing School Opening Church, civic and business problem for the municipalaty. iOhio will be turned over to ledrs with Darlington Town-ý He cted the exemple of the1 Seventh-day Adventista to op- ship Re eve Garnet Rîckard recent addition to the Oshawa'erate. In addition the Ketter- PmrticLpated in a special con f General Hosptal which be-iing family bas donated thous- vocation on the campus o! fore it was coinpleted was, ands of dollars to another Ad- Oshawa Missonary College to found to bi- ma&equate for the ventist hospital located in the ~ inark the formai openmng of needs of the area. Chicago area. the Branson Hospital Sohool, viaj~or,ý went on ta Thomas D. Thomas, M.P.P. P,ý,f Nursing last Thursday. say, In a growing commun- for Ontario Riding, told the Pastor Henry D. Henriksen, i ty there is every indication gathering 'of faculty and stu- Of! Oshawa, president o! the that an additional hospital will~ dents and community leaders Ontario Conference o! the be fleeded sometimTe in the that like Mark Twain observ- Seventbh-day Adventist Church future." He expressed the 1 ed about the weather, "every- ln Canada and chairman ofhope that the step being tak-!body der-ries the shortage of the board o! the church-oper- e by the denomnination. in medical facilities but, Seventh- ated Branson Hospital1 officialil lanchn a school of nursing day Adventists aie showing ly declared the new fully ac-!1 would sonieday lead in the us a practical means o! doing credited and government ap-> direction of the denoniination something about it through proved school of nursing open., en -,ng ils medical service their medical programme and The flrst year of a three year to the area in ternis that would the opening of this school o! course will be given on the, deserve the support of the nursing."1 0 Oha wa capus of the col-saarn commnuînity. To begin with the first leewth the Iast two years1 Eldon L. Green, general se- Class of student nurses who cf clinica.l training being tak-1 cetary of the Adventist enrolled last week totais en at the hospital in Willo)w- Church in Canada, speakîng1 twenty. But, according ta Pre- dale, North York. Ion behai! of its National Exe- sident Percy W. Manuel, o! His Worsqhi» w"~~ctv Coniittee and Pastor the college with which the j A. Gifford, o! Oshawa, de- Walter A. Nelson, dominion Branson Hospital School o!f~ clared that the rare of! ' eîiead o! the church said, "The Nursina is affiliated, "we ex- sick alwavs "poses a greati Church is always glad of the pect to be able to handie a " opportunity to serve its nei- class of thirty students each fflfîM-M g1 .:rs year in addition ta our other M Ad aDoctor Arhie E. King, of divisions." The college head tedical Mirror Dariiigwon, outlined in brief1 revealed that total enroilment i/Ehthe bistory of the Advents at the college this yeàr- topped ~1UUChurh'sworld-wide medicalithe 400 maik. activities. In 185 countriesj To accomnodate the in. hshpylti a Mledical Treatment through its 100 hospitals, 114! crease in enrolîment extra ofhMr.ady Mrs. Donadn clinics and eleven medical classroomns and laboratories sno r n r.Dnl Posibe n 1e laurîches the Seventh-day Ad- have been prcvided on the his 'first birthday iast Janua Posibe i- iii etis i luc rae over Oshawa campus. In Toronto Russell McLean of this towna three million patients last on the grounds o! the North Bishop, R. R. 4, Bowmanvill yeai, the doctor declared. 'York Branson Hospital a $300,-.t Dr. King re!erred te the, 000 nursing school is present- parens recent gift of an $8,000,0001 ly under construction and ir hospital made to the denorn- scheduled to be completed inj rormerDe B. .a ination by the Kettering fam- tinie to accept the first class; ilY in rnemory of the late Gen- of student nurses when they e r eral Motors executive and in- have conpleted their work ventor. The medical centre un- at Oshawa Mlissionary College R A.ireAd"scot res i der construction in Dayton,, later tis 3Tear. Mt rncA.l o! G ot ricDs- ~AImurict Collegiate Institute and for- car 4v Pleie c ersSeo mer teacher at Bowmanville a coo meimen T u h r e i High School, will retire next yeE ýîlesyo-A. ifa man :f f Fa ci atnnteaching profession. Formai Scc O f.c s ineitiTri notice was recently given the for 'lh. lower. loops of the smallin- The second meeting of the An interesting report ws M.Sot h was e 4estinei. feitis ls chiefly a disease. season was held by the No. 1 given by Mrs. Eaul Argue on ClmbsOt h ario ony,n in bé! youth, although it may occur Unit of the Federated Women's the meeting of the Ontario As- tended hligh sdhool i Oshawa. hie ;Iu persons of any age. The exact Teachers Association was held sociation for Curriculum Dev- After cbtaining bis B.A. from we cause cf the diseàse lis unknown recently at Tyrone Hall. A del- elOpmlent. Miss Knox announ- Queen's University in honor I j.lthough claims bave been made icious turkey dinar w-as ser- ced that the 2nd Canadian Con- mathematics, hie took a post er. that. ilcitii follows epidemics -cf ved by the Tyrone W.A. Miss ference on Reading will be graduate course at the Univer- te, I idflestina1 dysentery. Proof., fa V. Kocins, moved a vote of held ini Toronto on June, 30th, sity of Toronto for a Bachelor ThE duate i is cking. The vsmao. thakst the ladies w-ho had july lat aind 2nd. cf Pedagogy degree. His first ght .!M.ycietisuerweers fatyntdth preparecj and served the re- On a motion bv Mrs. M'ra was at Oshawa, where hie re- sch. 11iirty Year. Tt is ordinarilY xather, asild but complications can de- wvlop which may b. quit. serions;' ',Cur, or et. icasthe -relief of ~om~ lapossible under mcdi- taea9tment..Surgcry to remove Uh cd part. cf the intestine esdia~blebut even 10 *S eigaranee.against'later ftp esdo no« aec#&,arMl. ePeeë oWpinion of ail docto,,. The diag- ý-Pnwt ,and treat ment o! dkçeaie la the Jsmctkme« tht P alient'a perond MA 3-3361 W£ UIMISIS ««E<ec!IU EO MNîi Pas. Adoption of tue satisfactouy financeial report presentted by Mrs. G. Black the treasurer, w-as moved by k~'rs. Black, sec- onded by Miss Marjorie Coucli, and catried. The president, Miss E, Knox, suggested tiat a member be chosen from the teaching staff o! each o! the Bowmanville Public Sciioois ta fori a coi- nsittee te convene the next meeting te be beld i March. Thse members of this commnit- tee were appointed as follows: Miss V. Butiner, Vincent Miss- sey School; Miss M. McGregor, Central Sd-îool; Miss P. Jack- son, Lord Elgin Sciiooi, andi Miss Ruth Hewitt, On'tauio Street Sebool PETERBOROUGH Kiwanis Music Festival CLGSING ENTRY DATE FEBRUAIT 291h# 1960 For Syllabus, Entry Forme and Information Write: MES. D. VAISEY 644 McKeiiar Street, Peterborough, Ontaio FI RTH BR( QUALITY MEAî 47 KING ST. E. This Week's Spe( PLOIN lE T S MA 3-5081 :ials > 49C ~AMBURG 3 lbs. 1.00 ~ ~ANRIB SBOILING BEEF lb. 1,5c SSWIFT'S - BY TmE PIECE I SBOLOGNA IL.29c ORONO CEAEy SBUTTER lb. 69C mý & », 1. Ac _ & Hepps, thie Past president, sec- onded by Miss Beth Robertson, it was dtecided ta donate $2.5 te the Goodwill Funti for the assistance o! student teachers. The coming trip by air ta Eng- land and return, sponscîred- by the F.W.T.A.O. was discussed. The members were advised that any planming to take the. trip should send their applica- tiOns accompanied by a down Payment o! $10 each .te Feder- ation Hanse. Mus. Olive Moffat announced tint the. Junior Wcrkshop w-il b. held on March lt anid llth in Oshawa. Miss Gwen Hors- man, Superviser o! reading in tue Detroit Public Sdhools will be the special speaker. Mus. Moffat introduced Miss Joyce Graham,. a teacher who The Three R's by C. J. Harris Despite ail that is new lu education tisere is evidenice tint a good guounding in the fundamentals remains an es- sential. Recently a pair o! parents who have several childreu were in!ormed tuat one of their sons, in hia final year in an Ontario higis scisool, was net doing w-ell in some subjects. Listurbed, they avail- ed theiselves o! an open night at tise school te talk with the teachers. To their surprise tuey learned that tueir son,I w-li reads wisely and widelyl for lis age, might fait uis1 term exams in English. A chat witii thnt particu- io - Lucky kis Larry James Bishop,' J. Bishop, who celebrated ary 3rd. Mr. and Mrs. and Mr. and Mrs. John C. le, are his proud grand- S. Teacher 140 Years iained for one year. After leaving Oshawa he mne te B.H.S. wihere lie was popula-r teacher for, five ears- from around the Fail f1921 to June of 1926. Mr. cott is well remembered by Simer students here for his ceellent teacbing qualities. Mr. Scott then taught for ine years at Arnprior where ewas principal and in 1935 eit to, Godericli. In 1920 lie married the forni- rRheta Lee who had aIse at- aided Oshawa HI1gh School. hey have two sons and a dau- ter wfho have also gained îolastic distinction. Lee is an A. *o! science ini chemical gineeedng, and for seven ears was with the. University !Alberta before joining Im- ýrial Qil in process design. onald Scott, B.Sc., graduated Sengineering physics and is !anager o! a branich o! the ilson wholesale plumbing, eating an-d ventilating fi o! etrait, i Windsor. Their dan- iter Joan hiad three years in ibhonor course in home econ- nies in Toronto and now re- tes in London where lier hus- md Alex. Clark is music tea- Lr in Medway Higli School Ld organist cf Metiropolitan aited Ohurcli. M.ý eng yea O! per Doc in, mi Nel bea Det an1 ors Sid ban and Uni ELIZABETH VILLE1 jarm instructor wss infrmative. On Wednesday the W.A. Met last sum~mer enjoyed an extein- "To tell you tue truth," lieat tue homte o! Mu. and Mrs. sive trip te New Ouleans, Puer- said " or o s eril hIeppr.Ms rwtepe to Rico, Jamaica, Tuinaidtand writ'er. youu sn Isvea ltif siien prd u.tewetng ther- the Barbadas. Miss Grahsam essays to read and one is peu- te sideni oe antd. eetigeit pueseuted a number of attrac- ned in an ahuiost indecipher- tuloed sualaOdes an ds tive coloureti slides depicting abi. scrawl, it probably means folloed wThethem a spinran the iighllighso! heu jouruey. a difference o! ten marks te of aer. the Cueme wsofit She gave an informative talk thnt stucient." On examina-ord.Mahe istesCndo the i.s on tue customs, climt. andi tien e! the yugman's note-Lr:Temnte !tels edincationil aspects o! life in books the.paoentsg a -lymetn were read anti approv- the centres s visiteti. Mus. agree witii the.teacher. *.o., cd. for tecos we suppon A. J. Campbiell on beaaf of alltlsey have started hini on ex- dfrtecmgsup o preserut thankeci Miss Graham ercises in penmanship. They Wforeayogramme with slis for enabling thse teacheus pre- wish they had doue se earlier, forld a ro rmer. rc 4xi sent ta shai. heu trip through but they wish tee that his t rvd uic ti tG lier glawing account* The pr.- teacliers in tue loweu foris!t roieruic treihs at Gar sident, Miss Knox, aise expres- lsad kept hlm at the. inkwellj dens Hilil. Ms Te5 labe sed appreciatien te Miss Gra- in those heurs lie spent in asked te go to Paris fou the hans fou the. fine adlduess se acting in schoel pînys and like ually at Five Oaks had given. activities. It w-as the missionary meet- ing. Mus. Wheeier gave tise pa- peu on Hawii, the fifteth sta- te. Lunch was served, The sup- M aple Grove W.I.per te b. Wednesday tue l7th, .,,M pie rove W -10witu slides afterwards. Sorry te bear that Johnny Van bolis isn't as well as lie Hear Tal onPcffey w-as. He bas been taken te lios- Mus. Stuart Mouton presid- duceti !actory w-are hadi noe ,ai-5tint is leg isn't coing Ied for the. Feb. puegram of place smong the display. Mr. as well as it sheuld and lie îay Maple Grove Womsen's Insti- Swebutts and Mr. Metcale have te have another operatin. rection of directors, Mus. J. R. menîbers by Mus. W. H. Brown-p, wahoefutiwe- Metca]ie, Mrs. Morton sud fou their fine contributions t end Mrs. Harry Wright. , thse pregrai. Congratulations are extenti- Conunents on the motte, Business w-as conducted by cd toi Miss Gwen Mercer w-ho "ne one is ich enougls ta be puesident Mrs. K. Hopkins.w-ons one o! the. spelling ceuti- iwithout a friend", rather prov- Rell call, a Valentine saying iae ie eaGae1 ed by biblical references that or verse, overstepped the commiercial student iby Nation- riches o! moîiey and niateniai beunds but produced excel- ai Office Managers Association. gosien.n can neither bring lent hiamer. Sunday Sehool andi church peac. anti happiuess in tic Froni courespondence read w-eue held as ususi. home nar itise nation. Tii. by secretary, Mus. W. H.. Mu. and Mus. W. Mulduew, only hope of peace at home Brown it wss learned tint the Oasawa, weue cown on Satur- or anong nations e! tue world Womeu's Institut. o! Ontario daY. is for the. rules which create liati sent $3,000 te tic Tely On. of the w-orst sternis o! friendship and understanding Miik Sisip Fundi and $2,060 the w-inter is upon us tenight te be valued above gneed sud ta Car.. with snowing snd blowing. selfishness. This is wonid ne- A note o! thanks was read E. Fowler anti H. Thickson fugee year, Canadians with from, girls o! the. homemas- botu lad te w-ak on Sunday tiseir niterial wea.Ith have ing club for the gift frons the cleaxing away snow. responsibilities. W. I. Each club girl receiveci Transports taking tobacco A vocal solo "How Great, a boek "Easy Guide to Enter- out this weekerîd have had Thou Art" by Mu&. Ross M et- taining" e onsiderabl, trouble getting in calfe accoipanieci at tise pi- Tnise directous weinc ap- andi eut again. anm by his mother, Mns. J. R. pointed nominating comasitte. Mr. and Mus. Coury Vans holis Metcalfe w-as mucii enjoyed,t fou 1960-61. attendeci tue wedding o! her as was comm.unity singing led Girls Club leaders fou next brother Keith Macdonald in by Ross witu Mus. Wm. Laird club project, Mus. Roy Du Aylîer on Saturday. Mu. anti aI the. piano. Beau, Mus. Ronald Brooks and Mus. Van bolus <S.), Delhi, Guest speaker Mu. Henry Mus. Ken Kuhuke. kept th. dhilduen w-hile they Sowerbutts, Clarkson, was in- A thank you was extended w-eue away. tuoduced by Mms. Mouton. He by Mm. Chas. Greensamnte is an Englishman who upon former club leaders, Mrs.. densobilization from, tue navy Brooks, Mus. Dufleau and MisRsN following World War 2be- Mildred Smowden. T R N came a Canadian citizen. At Refreshments were served his present acidress Mr. Sow- i keeping with Valentine Tise February meeting o! tue erbutts represents a very old sentiment and a social tinse Wonien's Missionary Society Englisis pottery fins. enjoyed. March meeting, rail was held at the home o! Miss Flaisked by a great variety call, bring a jau o! homemade Jean Plsilp with 15 ladies pre- of aticles o! pottery lie told pickles, fruit or jan for tue sent. President Miss Grace th tory o! tue art step by hospitai. Speaker froni Dis. Smith opcned tue meeting witu step from tue selection o! di!- trict Higli Sciseol, Mus. Har- a poem. The, Rall Call was an- forent kinds of! day for di!- old Cooney, ini chargea!f tue swcued by aur favourite hymn, ferent purposes and tise iam- programs a Christmnas letter w-es read portance o! securing dlay from from Miss AleS Munns o! In- different countries i Eng- Thse Canadian Cancer So- dia, oeir !issionrgy for Prayer. land, te tue designer, the true ciety w-as organized at tue re- Mus. H. Skinner group lead-1 designer, w-li expresses his quest of tue Anadia2.Médi- or cailed on Mrs. Fred Jackson talent in h".ar".Mam pro- cal Asociaton. ior the. devotioa service, withi Quota- Is $3,000 Red Cross Planning Annual Blitz Night Here on March The. February meeting of humanitarian work o! the Red, Mrs. Young, Loan Cupboard1 iously depleted and ail Re&l the Bownianville and District Cross bath at home and co-chairman. reported that ail Cross branches across Cana. Branch o! the Canadian Red abroad. the wlîeel chairs and crutehesj da aie doing their utmnost to Cross Society was held Wed- The Ontarie Division quota are ont on loan but that one replenish these necessary nesa e b. lth in the Coun- for 1960 is $2,591,9 13.00; 40 % bed is available and also many items as quickly as possible. cil ibabers,ý with the pre- o! the National objective. lu1- iother snialler items for the!IIeso blde' ltig sident, Mr. D. Marsden, pre- creased services and ever in- 1 sickrooM. aylytescs hws sidig. ceasng dmans on tbe Mrs. E. Rundie, Chairman qutits aie available. Anyone As in years past, Marcih l Blaod Transfusion Service~ Women's Work Camiittee, 1vishing to assist in this work Red Cross Month. Mrs. D. have raised the Ontario quota'Ireported that many items o! should contact Mrs. E. Run- Marsden, Campaign Chair- 5.8% over 1959. Forty cents of knitting and sewing are al- die. 10 Jane St Market 3-5430., mnan informed those present each campaign dollar contri- thnt plans are well under way buted by you is used to oper- ready taking form under the The Branch is also in need for anvssig tis iea Mo- ae te Bood Trasfuionbusy needles of local women. o! a large wardTrobe or dress- for anvssig tis rea Mo- ae, he loo Trns reio It is hoped that many more er for the storing o! sewing day, March lAth will be Red Service. Large dividends r-wifl remember the great ac-, supplies. If you have one tuck- Cross Nigbt in Bowmanviile. suit from this sm-all invest- complishments a! thie wartimei ed away in your cellar or at- The outlying districts will be ment-over 200,000 botties o!f sewing groups, and lend a tic, Mrs. Rundie would be canvassed ini the two weeks blood will be collected i"hn o. h ain Re1motgaeu tohafr previous te Blitz Night. Our 1960. At $25.00 a bottie (the Cross maintains three ware- you. Branch quota has been raised old charge nmade net toc long ossi uoe ildwt h etn lsdwt h te 3,00 fr hisyea ad tç ao) ths rprsens asa i9 emergency supplies o! bed- showing of slides "Servinfg support o! every citizen wvil1 to the people cf Ontario and ding and clothing ready to be Yen in Ontario". These gave be needed i order te provîdelse te you o! Bowmanville and rushed te any disaster ares. I a vivid pictorial report of the these funds ta carry- on the1 District of aver $5,000,000,00. Thousands of extra articles! eighteen Red 'Cross services aie being used for the cern- in ttus province. Your execu- fort cf refugees durlng World tive regret that more persona Inte est ng M vieRefugee Year and many more were nlot present te see them, sen te the 10,000 paralysis wrnl be sbown several tumes Sho w Sco t M o her victims in Morocco. Ware- during the weeks preceding Regular monthly meeting o! m.oving pictures of the Lead- house supplies have been ser- the canipaign. the Scout Mothers' Auxiliary ers' Training Course held at was held in tue Lions Centre Scout Camp at Blue Sprinags_________________________ at 8 p.m. on Friday 11. There near Acton. Pictures o! Cubs H ' EA D T I were 19 mothers present. on a camping weekend at Ruth Evans reported a bank balance o!. $119.26. Sewing -convener ,Bannie Mcflonaléf said six necker- chiefs had been madle for Znd Cub Pack. Betty Niohols said no illness was reported, se no cards sent eut. Anyone hear- ing of a Cub Scout, or a mc- ther cf a Cub -or Scout being ill h ssked to report ta Mrs. K. Nichols, 33 Second St. MA 3-3179. Af ter the paper drive on 5Maich 18th, Stephen, H-e- ]en Sturrock and Rae Shack- leton, Will serve driveris and helpers coffee, milk and douglinuts. Mrs. Ruth Evansm reporting for lst Cnb Pack said a con. test hsd been run smong the jSixes and tue winning Six 1 faad been treated to, the Ice Follies show in Toronto last Friday night. Mrs. Rose 1cDonald report- ed for 2nd and 3rd Cub Packs. There were nine new boys in 2nd Pack. Many badges have been earned by hbotu Packs and special days and outidoor hikes are plsnned for the weeks te come. The Packs are also [planning Family nights. The Auxiliary will cater fori the Parents' Dinner for Mr. Mathewsoi's Pack on Febru- arY 29th. "Tiiank You"$ cards frOni F. Osmond, 4tu Pack Leader, and V. Mathewson, 2nd Pack Leader, were read. The meeting adjaurned and closed with the Benediction. President Kay Stephen then ,called on Mr. Bert Snowden O! Maple Grove, Who showed tue theme. "Tie Lord's Pray- Mrs. Russell Wright gave two interestinig chapters o! the Study Book. Mr. H. Skinsner rend a mesSge by "Padre Young."' World's Day o! Prayer will be held intue church, March 4tfli. The W.M.S. Preshyterial wl b. held in the Simcoe St., Uni- ted Churc, Oshawa, February 24. John Jackson entertained a few little obnins on bils 9tu birthdây. Tyro boys enjoyeed a skating party On Saturday at the home O! John and frwin Hamsilton. Severai f rom titis comrrun- fly attended the Haydkon Cons- muîîity Turkey Dininer, Satur-1 day evening at tue Community Hall, Hiampton. Sympatthy is ertiended ta Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Hilis on tue sudden passing o! heu father, Mu. W. H. Merry, Milton. SYmpathy is aise extended te M. and Mi's. Bill Johnson on the. passing o! ber father, Mu. John Watten, Blackstock' Mu and Mus. Grenville Byam are the prend Parents o! a son. Mrs. Florenceé Scott visited Mr. and Ms. W. Macdonald, Bowmanville. Mr. anid Mus. Norrman Leach, Taun'ton, celeboeated their 49th wedding anniversary at the home o! their dauglhter, r and Mus. Arthur Youngman. Oters present were, Mu. John Kivell, Miss Pearl Leachi, Mu. and Mus D. Flett and flanÀly, Solina and Mr. Clareric Wood- ley. Mus. Mairy Fin»dly, Union. ville; Mr. and Mus. Dean Find- lay and family, Osb&aa visit- ed the home of Mr. and Mrs. C. Bigelow. Miss Elleen Spicer, Bownaan- ville, visited Mu. and mrs. E. A. Virtue. A quilting bec fa being held i tue Sundtay Sdsool roont this week by Club 49. MuT. A. Hills attended the funeral o! tue late W. H. Mer- ry in Milton an Saturday. Memorial Hospital Weekly Report For week of Feb. 8-14 incluive Admissions ______59 Births-5 male, 8 fernale 13j Discliarges 711 Major operationa 141 Miner operations 20! Emergency treatments- 13. Vis.iting hours 2:30-4:30 pan. and 7 te 8:30 pin.. Presqu'ile Point prcved that The Young, wl!. was the beauti- werk done by leaders and as- fui but dumb klnd and her sistants is net in vain. husband was considerably up- Everyone joined in thank- set- "You'Il have te, watch it, ing Mr. Snowden for showing darilng. The bank Just return- us just a part of tue work ed tihe iast two cheques you done and tue fun in Scouting.! wrote."1 Lundi was served by Betty 1 Wife: ",Weii, it's about time. -- Nichols and Florence Grahami.! Think of ail the one that Just Next meeting will be held!,disappeared!" On Mareh lOth and all moth- Unlike the. beautiful but dun-b ers are invited. wife you'll b. money in the bank, when you entrust your dry cleaning te us. 'Your clotiies will look better, last Unique Servicelonger, when they receive proper dry cleaning care. We've even been known te, restore garments that weue H eld Sunday wieu frls ýAt St. An~d rew'JspeinS~Ia PPEA L On Sunday, February l4tb, ~g service in St. Andrew's was Bowuanville i.namber of Commerce conducted by iaymen, memn- 1 bers o! the organization, I'Pres- A na leig(ong byterian Men" in Peterbor-An al eeig(o ih) ough Presbytery, of w-hidi A. Thursday, Fehruary 181h James Bell, Secretary, both of St. Anrws. The sermon, on tue dýuties and responsibilities o! th e, Christian Church memýbers wias preached by Wilfred Hus- kilsen, ef St. Andrew's, Co- bourg, who forcefu]ly sud dy- namically presenteti the need fou Christian witness. Scrip- turc readings were taken by, Walter Morris, St. Giles Ousurch, Peterborough, Jamesj Miskelly, St. Andrew's Church,j Cobourg, Lester Reid, St.1 Patal's Churc, Peterborough. Prayer was offered by Verne Harrison, Fowler's Corner. The. organizatin, "Presby- tetulan Men", is this denomin-1 ation's part ln the great lay zuevemnent, o! the churches ti! ail denominations. Men o! the. churches are beeoming in- ereasingly aware of their re- sponsibilities fou Christian i witness, and ne mevement in the histeuy of the Christian churcinhi s generation. holds greater promise for -the vital-i izing o! tue w-be church . In Epite o! tise incarnent weatuer conditions, there was a good cangregation e! mem- bers and friends. The. prsisc service wss led by a choir of1 erganization men, witii solo- ist Cai Fraser, St. Giles Church, Peterboroughi. Afteri lunch at tue home cf James'1 Bell in tue Bank o! Montre al ehambers, a workshop meet-I ing was held in the scicol- zooms e! St. Andrew's Church,j on systematic Bible study and discussion, training in Public Spea-king, metliods of church work, tue tai:ing cf services i congregations temporaniiy without ministers, and related subjeets. Workshop rneeti'n's.-; are held weekly in the various, churches in tse Presbytery.!I As we have. enlarged aur business we are now equipped fo do . .a PAINTING & DECORATING H-arry Collacutt has joined our staff, in charge of this department Phone MA 3-5774 for Free Esimates Lander Hardware and Electric Ltd. 51 King St. L. We Deliver SvTES is Pepsi-Cola! For todays oes with modern ideas about eusm good looks. Neyer heavy, neveu tee sweet, it refreshes without filin8. k Put Pepsi on your shopping list. Buy it in thse Iandy 6-bottle cartoe SIIIT BEVEILAGES LTD., lu Churck St,. &wmanvilh, ont j" PORK CHOPS IL~ TEND] 2% 3 TC )ERLOIN PORTION '0 à LB. AVERAGE PORK LOIN FRESH. LEAN THE CANADMS STATZSMAN. BOWMANVILLEL ONTAIM IDA oqip pulemim We Deliver th

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