Mrs. W. Simpson andi Rotarian Charles Carter irnd~~Governor General A R R Mrs. B. , hem vlaited he ýG ives FascinatingAddressu tbTo Open Legion Coe gMeyr eryin O*wa G=en ttw Hsxclenyh Mz~ fld n oertWei yjOtw i x.lny tbrought his men back te the Ci Tornf~ Spnt UTKY wth~Governor Genéral Mai or-Gin- trenches. lie wus awarded the>t O n Recent Trip fo En glandzc aiztrnsM.aderal George. alerDSf., W litigarnOrsfor thiq action.itc Rotay i taen ery er-a rppl," r. Crte mad. ie ion."Thre erethemo3t on thie seilously 111 list, and le Dominion Convention at Wlnd- village, was wounded and re-, ioayin England, Charles Aise spoke eoflthe cornfortable marvelous tihings I havieéver receiving the good wishes Of sr, Ontarlo, on May 29. The ,~Ved the Dlutinguished Ser- Carmgid in hie vividly des- appintments ci the plane and seen, and the confectonery nighi~burs and friends at Ked- sea oywlltk lcel ieOr'.ri ciptivé addrmss telling of his added that Ithe trip over the was out oft tAis world. The <o*Wdc r' ne wl e a ceiAuditor- O rd ocaio, i recent trip to England et the Atlantic was botix injoab]e ehbitlon was at Oly piaea, iee reandHee Cu indoam M er a vtior n d hirdottaion li ey al- luncheon meeting of the Bow- and interesting. tremendous building, larerof Mrk1hamn, Mr. and Mrs. Bert Hall, D. L. Burgess, the Le. tack. He was again wounded jnanvile Roary Clb hEl et Th arrial eZLno i-te ya h aainN- Luke, Mr. and Mrs. Robert gion'a Dominion President an- and lost his right leg. For his' the Plying Dutchmnan Motor port et oue o'clock was exact- toaEhbition. 1Hanock, Misse, Olive Luke nounced today. leadership and gallantry lu Ibis Hotel on Fridey. , y un lime, but wixîn Mr. 9,000 Bread Entrica and Ireue Brayv, Toronuto, wjÇn This is the tiret time Ibat engagement, he was awarded A H. Strike in introducing and Mis. Carter end the IlThere weri 9,000 breed triendhfroinOshiawa and Ked- Canada's distinguished eoldler- the bar tae hi, Milltary Cross the epecial speaker paid tri- other passengers frein Canada entries, and 11,000 etries in mvn were dinner guests at statesman has attended the op- and aiso the F'rench Legion of bute t> the excellent service trooped int the CustOms the confectionery division CIoverlea of Mr. and Mis. Ross enlng ot a veterans' convention. tionour. Mr. Carter has given tihe Roorn they found about 300 which included fancy pas- Lee, on Fridey evening, hon- As Major-General George Van- fluring the secpnd world war, clubj for years on the Inter- people there frein othîr planes, tries and cakes, an amiazing ewdng brthdays of Bert Luke ier, Ie Excellency has long he corhmanded t he Quebe Mil- national Service Coxnmittee. and eniy one Customis Offi- ight," Mr. Carter recalled. and host Ross Lee. Piclures been familiar with the prob- ltary. District. Later he served -and as officiai contact man. cer. The other offceurs had Mýajorîty Were Ratarlans Uken by John Luke on bis 4- lunis of servicemen in peace ln London as Canadian repris- Mr. Carter represen ted the gone ta dinner, Mr. Carter mnhtu fErp n h n nwr entative to Genéral Charles de local Rotary Club on is - said. H4e told cf meeting the monitsh atou r ue ve antiri the and luorl warGul' rnh omte f cen trp, r. trie sidand Dueto deay f ai hurVIPs, the hîads of the baking Brltl a ices tîne vîewed, as Duralng e fin theold a-Lration. HFeaicommlttee af added that he presentîd ban- and ahi ubaigterindustry in every counr e Mflo o u n atwelatitrstknb r iws a i s e teved a nersfro theBowxanvllelugae earninedai the ir edbeind the iron curtain, lHe and Mrs. Meredith of Asto!oa 2nd Baîlalon te et eine.C nmdlntsMinsterthe ailhed .Rory Clubnt owmver llen lgt eirn ie edenthey finail was pleased ta find the ma- lheir autumn trip te Washing- Asrnofficîa r hefWtVan goheinnien u teneU.K.O lish Rotary Clubs, and re- drove iuto Victoria Sta., lion. jority are Rotarians. He spoke tr. and VirginarolBeawt ronh e prye a 'h oenr ees p tua-nid with several banners don, so he andi hie wite took a of the wonderfui week of the MrnniM-.HaodWry e-gun post. Although wound- wil Aise mark the 85th year of: eibition, and the outstand- Miss Olive Luke, Toronto, fnom theni for the club here. taxi te Bexle'y Heath. London ehhsiaiyofrd ur a eeedvstra h d'-h etoe teps n éingot.Telreto Arrive In tom ax divrscrtmnyncswtoghopialttaxeedi"heedriaversn vsto et, etrye liipotmdLelo gowh.Th lrgett Befooe ieaving for England'how to charge as the 20 mnil e five banquets in seven home ot Mr. andi Mrs. W. L. ~< te ri 1dy.The menus were a yard Mounîioy.A T lie had regarded the tp trip CeaI him £5. Mr. Cartel Ilong, and each place liad'tivei -LC K T O C across the ocean withs esaiti. 1wn l_____ - ..Cu mta h scn son rgt misgivir.g because h lie hd "We receîved a royal. wcl W Finaglss eaqets. UA Yhôme of Eileen McLaugihlin, Monday morning- ail loi neyer travelled by plane, Mn.1oe t xlyHahan Carter toid the Rotarians. He wenî jolly glad'te gît there",l"0On the last day the Lyons. hrdyngt 1eewr 5bih n hefiaana- said that bis wife was coin- Mr. Carter stated. He told the,* Company gave a-huge banquet ALBERT ERNEST SEARS4 ladies prisent. Gwen Ballingal ter the niai old-fashilonîd win- tiietely undaunted by th. Rotarians that bis niece's son ial the Trocadeno, near Picca- Inflighatfo erl reported thait club had colleet-- ber's -day yeslerd'ay, flot for thoug'ht e! flying even when and daughter hidcorne down diily Cireus. The tables wereneaIn flngreEeth fo r seral id ta14o arch25., yehaele eard ofo lhey arrived at the airport in fnom Scotland for their visit arnanged in a huge henseshae,yar Aled Ens Sas eiedtdnae$50fom omayppebigsom Montreal ini a drivirig nain- andtthey ail hati, a happy tam- andi the end of the noomn had Passîd away Wednesday, Feh. club funds to Salvation Anmy., stayed. The snow plows werc Storiîî. i ily ne-union. bien made int a facade ot a 3. HIf was in his 70th year. in A commibtee was appeinteti very busy, but roads filled in Ail feelings of uneasiness PFrom Church To Pub bakery. Every Rtem was peeu- recînt yîars hi had made his to seî if could secune Arena again as fast as could bc plow- IcIt lmone Ii asabs d fremn the ovens by min home with bis daughter and (that veny busy place) for a id out. We are bappy ta Say Jefthimonc hewasabordj On Sunday the w'hole fam- dressed as bakens, who were soti-in-law, Mn. anti Mis. Da- skating pa'rty in the ner t a- we have nlot heard of any ser- ihe plane, and li calmnly ily attînded a service in a the waiters. ývid Bulîigh, of Brooklin. lune. Binîgo was played, fol- lis accidents. walched the lights et the cit'y beauliful 800 year old AnIL h Born aI West Wycombe, wdb uftlnh as lhey flew ovin Montreal, iuCuch A s h ue S ë uars Bingamin E g 1 n d b ufe uc.Mr. and Mrs. Harry Blomme the speaker said. However, hein~ Englanci, when we caer "Lt was ail a wonderfuliex- Jan. 29, 1891, tidcae a Pnize winners at the Angli- Sr., an-d Harry Jr., Tenonto, peinted eut, hi ahmost was out et chunch we ail went te penience. We stayed at a ho- a son o! the late Mr. and Mns. c&fl euchne Thuxsday niglt- were wîekenel guests of Mn. ahaken by an announicement the pub for a drink. The pub tel in the 'Victoria district, and Henry Joseph Sens. Hi was hàgh lady- Mrs. Ira Argue, aindi Mas. Harold Hamilton ai-d. ovin the laud speaker that the was the KJng's Head, an an- diving te the exhibition wî marniet inl Tononto july 30, second- Ma-s. Jim Fallis; high Dianne Plane was tlying at 14,000 feleclnt inn, a favounite place te passed Buckingham Palace 1913. get- Ms. John Haniiltan, M.adMs le rhr felewed by detaied inst'ruc- changeherses in bygonie days. and had a glimnpse of the A resident of Bnoeklin for - n and M rs Eme Achr liens as te how ta inflate an1d Today il la an attractive place Changing of the Guards", Mr. two yîars, MnI. Segrs had pre- iUsîlflOU irêcl@ry Smrii.h, Toronto andi Vincent use the lifipnesenrvers. still with low beains, round Carter sîated. Another lime viously lived inl Oshawa for' ____- Archer, Bowmanville, visited No Vibration tables, and affable walers,' hi saw the Herse Guards in 25 years and prier te that in 1&_ i anc n and Mns. W. Archer and Pec.uliar1y 'enoughi there Mn. Carter peinted eut. 1 Whitehall. Enniskillen. A résident of cc_ ouniancy Mn.Dvr udy 1vas ne vibration lu the plane. The foilowing week he wiuti London On Jfamboree Canada for 52 years, hi was, RYj ILN n n r.AsiiBa A gooti mial was served, and te London te attend the gneat "London today is a gieat a bricklayer by trde CRAY .DIu li cocrand Ms..utn oî sent the cffie did not evenl have International Bakers' Exhibi- eve opiner, and the people Helas i rfledii or1 9Chc Set ar hvig jmbre. esmner Margaret Black; threeý 3Chnh tee sat Thunsday in Toronto. Jane plre hat Lg a dam nor e D auesrs-r.B.F en __ MAnket 3-3861 Mew came home witli han thouh u hewr ti bttr(Mabel), e! Bowmanville: r. W... .CGGN randparents for avit.C- than ever teday. Thie hops A. Corden (Violet), of Osh-1 Cbantered Accouintant g1 llain o1Vr adMs BOWMANVILLF~ are wonderful," the speaker awa an*d Mrs. D. Burleighi' Second Fleeoocckore rrvio MA35f serteti. (Jessie), of Bnooklin and a New Library Building grindson in Toronto. ter's nîphew who llved et Ep- Aise sunviving à;re __Phone MArket_3-3612 hein in Oshawa al vinter is TRISTU U S. S ?. FD. 8 2 p . dhi itPeeèa !Tronto; Mns. Donothy But- HRU13TER & CO. Mr. a-i-d Mrs. Milten Hanilan paces he had known in i1 er, e! Oshawa aud Ma-s. A. Accounianis and Audilors and visiting sîveral tniends. youth. Richardson (Fie), of l4aqnp- Licensed Trustelu Bankruptcy Sympatihy ià extended Mrs, EnjygRoaryMetigs ton; five brothens, Arthur, of 64 Ring SI. E. RA 5-1621 John Wetton and family, Mn. EnoaRtr etn§ Islilgton; l4arry, et Teironto; Oshawa, Onîtario Watton passeti away in Port. Mr- Carter spoke o! the Cecil, of lalington, Roy, o! To- B. L. Yale, C.A. PennyhespiVal Saturdav. Fun- mneitingseto Rotary Cub i routo andi Burt, of Toronto andi F. Frietilander, B. Cern.. C-P.A.traasevi e h hld Tues- had attendid a et edtnayes six grandchiidren. MON TIT - MONTEI¶H day in, Port Penry with inter- Bîxley, B'uckborst Hill], andi The ITiiloriai service was REH &co ment iri Hampton cemtîry.i tai-king. Hi- was deligh-ted ut heid el the Armsrong Fun-1 Chantered Accountantis Mn. andi Mrs. Ernest Larmiet the meeting in Barkhig, bis irai Home, Oshawa, at il a.1 135 Sîmcoî St. N., Oshawa spent the weekend in Ottawa old home towu, to Sse sevenal nu. Saturdey, Fub. 6, felled! RA 5-3527 wlth Constaleieandi Mr's. Ken lil M i n Ratarians Ihat hi hati kuewu by intenmîn't lu Mount Lawru' Bowmanville Strang (Bér-yl Larmer) and Years ago. He rnphasized the Cerntêty. 1ev. S. j. iLillier,j Cail ZEnith 45750 TOM. fait thel the Englipb Roter- pester ef Brooklu United Parnens:Fieroeu. BhT- Jans are sinenely devotîdtato h.uteh, conductid bthe se- Hon. J. W. Montcith, F.C.A. Pre bgrge Sut ni Bl a yt-on the rinciples sa-d aimLseet Ra- vices. A. B. Menteitb, B. Corn., C.AJBt Cawrigt nd Pti .WRNA RS.m,..TCNIOOU ary. Palbearers were Jamesi G. W. Riehi, C.A., R. I.A. Pmi rn igs me al and ti I a WANNER M. Pi«me ~~The' speaker aise tolti hi Randali, Têd Manîtle, Walter 1i (Licensed Trustee) Prybiae eecle n ADDED: "ROAD BURNERS" felIow Rolenians bine of Vhe Asliig, MVarshall Knipe, Les G . E. Trîthewey, C.A.i bfortunate gwen ablete cx vieil bhe èd mateien BroatiBennett anti Charles Readern. R. F. Lighfoeî, C.A tiniguish i uael o heg AND COLOR tARTOON stains,. on the easî Kentish - j'ogeuamn n n _______________________________ coast. Hi spoke of e mo.ter trip' N t X N O . - W E D - E E. 22 - 2 th eug Ke t, i-d e atend P O T Y P O LC h i r O P r a c h c M rs. Lewis Fitz i on Thul,- 25th , ng a mh emorableserae nd- PEDWONMNNliCO--weddn'g anndersary Fr1.. l2th. U XT ON. WEI. i-9 meorale srvie 'i EWINMAN, DC. Sundlay 7th, Mr. an-d Mî's. A. PZ .2 24 'istorie aind beautiftul Catite r-! (Via Tor~onto) ChinopractorS.Bcka-dMsIsb.Mr bury Fatitedra1. 1Inla.5fi weeks colunîn 1 sta-1Officî ý. ack Mrs anivEMisnIal or. E. (A ) Witlîerspoun. imev- Led I was Co linaî'15hElgin ,u - CMdaor istt he n "' ou t ou Bes ingsl' d a vote o! thauks te Mn. Sununybnoolk Hospital. i re tjî Phone MA 3-5509e Y o r w n îrul a co nl o! bs an a ch ck go ~ -~ b dOffice H eurs: By app in m nt lS em lten i with a ce- brai (Clo>Carter for giviug Ibe club such Portiti on Wededa nd a!--1_ ppi t le iitationm i lueuvcl t-e DEOA ER OSN R Itrip abroad. MT,. Witherspoon ta ripent today (Sundey) at' en IIrofh baces hsaa D E B O R AIi K E R R, R O SS A N O B R A Z ZI eaid that M . C arter lbas do ue 1:30 freyop r to c r - -- i t h o brancs. F î e Ths I a terrifie job ln International ing up elbun 'Tuesday ef Wîd- DR- W. M. RUDELL, D.D.S. Complete shows at 7 àtnd 9 pàn. service, and adetd thal the flisday o!fbIis wîek. My duc- Office: Jury Jubilee Bldgs aud siste-rs. Fniday thbi neigqi- personal contact hi hlad madee ter dlaims I wili hi in at îeast 40 King St. W1. Bowmanville bers calied and Suniay l4Vh,; in bhis trio weuld strengthen a weîk afien tii-at ge sheu1 1 b. OficeHeus- rs. imr îe antiMn "'THE FIVE PENNIES" - Thurs., Sat., Feb. 25 -27 the Bowmauviîîe Rotary Club's back in, gooci olt Mena-ena byCI 9 a.m. ta 6 P-111- da ly JekCaiha i- aughter, ________________________theclubs__in________let. sed Saturday and Sundey Carol, didlar dnemk, eller-t n îl ti o s h i w i h t e lu b in M ar h l t.O ffic e P h o n e - M A 3 -5 1 9 0 I G a ti b u r e p o r t M u-r . F i z e is1 En-gland.I was vry pleasedtiaW inut liuse Phone - Newcstle 15511 feeling sain e btter b-lIast _____________George_____Vice._____the___pnesidurît Miss Juan MeLian whl-o 5ern- - - - --j h! -r o ____ ____ ___ ____ ____ ___ ____ ____ ___ ____ ___ o !lthe club, aise hank iti M . Ployetial Sunmybrook. S eD . E.q I SOihfbre o ou ps ColeneLiqid1.1, 259 LIU nust eedtainttof tte gegan- I sif ent. Ri5idiiinie MeMA S5'ospita, - . - ion. etn o h o grg- I whl b ld to wlon MISS APIA 1. ODGINS Deepent sympathy is extcnded __ __ __ __ Chase'@ Clid 1.1, 259 t__ ___ _ l -.anyon m (if I an able) who B nit r oiio e al n at e- 1 m - C ae 's C o d T b u e19eT h e (om nrunity C lu b w illi res t e d ro .i , is tinrhur N ter y P u lict pt l . W Ui a d.ie4[ m Ir a u eun hIl fS. 1.0 Vc hOlti abuffet supper on Friday aeptram 7-7:30 p.rn. daily anti Temperance S I. - 1 w m anv llui M n, George k§ mcelier bd he Rib Vicks Ciougb syrup é vening, Februaa-v 20, at 6 Sundiay afternoon aIse. I waE . R C A D L V K N msotu' 'lig ijnn î 1.39 CoId Tabicis 69e,, 1.10 st P.m. in Kediron Lower Hall. sorry tb ea befene leaving, E ICH,,ADL.B. eiv-nie.ot" fligijLig Prrituien Celui. Tabs. 65e OC Mr. Heui Smith, faine waa-den berne that mail and- express VEBo.A9, NwaLL.e nl. Aii uhad~ for bibs a ia wii pro id bAe w ll ea e t co ne on Trains Phone N ew castle 2246 T hursday venig gu mel et M n, i~~progirainof the evîning. when 35 andi 36 anti aur nmail wll Consultaîlon by eppoinîmemît iWobten -m n niMsEn hewilI show movies anti give cerne via Newcastle. This wijllý-n r n r.Er ~r~~taaai a tcik on ',Conservation". colle in effect ln a couple Of iKyyET~À~ The W.A. met at thp home n Noxîma 1.1, Ii~63ev IPANA i Riguler meeting lime or months andi we wiili posslblvJnîsî nt eictr Ms.Mr Dsr wl of 98e PEPSODENT TOOTn PASTE Ketirer' Scouts will bu on Tues- ]Osi the train aise whicb gava - Inteead officio! rg a rytendauce. abfot iithte ffce o-atedace TOOTH PASTE 1 fr 990deys aet 7:30 p.m., Bill Weny, woerdnui service tu Tron en. . W dulQC.TrCokoî Prt eiils ai~~1.ia~~eadi %oy fRobinson anti Ro8seandiPeterborough. W .We u ii ai t eet, ren, Olaie P'idu iît Pathe Chùrrcb PLtes are reg4stered assistants. net appneciate thls wondenfui al---afie ureg 63o- - -GMilwLEEfnMSrCa TOOTH PASTE i Cubs meut aOn Fnidays ai service as il waa great bene-!1at T T PSE1for oe :'7 p.m. with Ma-s. Robert Daie, fit te tIbia IxiMmunity andl M1 0.r a g e S -r. andi Mrs., H T. Harvev! wlth Free Naît hIissers 1.18 Wldrooeî _leder, assisteti by Mm. C. nmny others. -nd ______ _f#iftly, Oshawn, wîee _________iHepkins. M atoseyu f onADin UMITON -ORONO weekend gueuts of MI-. and Mrs.nSidneye youraIls 01 Os.-Phone 1 r 19 Mia. J. A. Turr*jullandi farnuly, HOT WATER BOTTLES (Guaranîeed) awa., wu theb guest speaker aI R. J hn P urne. IFinal Moilgege Frunds Gledto x repor tIhet Blob! ___________________________________ o!Coroato Hoe ad Sbe-Resdences - Fams Strong 19 hhotu gain a.ter bis - 1.9-1.99- 2.50 -375 1thee egular Fibruary meeting hpL.on~ Business Proprties necentt operalion lI Port Penn- te r. mo e eree*m a 0 »* - & £ Meepf o! 'Club. Principal R. Farrow WlÇ,ft m 1 W-Mr Grdn non171in aP ndi teRhel re to kpaovd th if j81 iy pI eiGordn B~ rpwn ts te fT rE w II~~~~~urw vC jwe~~prgramn lue the nexî meeting bechashe. Iired Ia'Klf .BLET .Tnnebbswurf-r SA su ce fui ngh t o ! Oxd>am triaadMi. D.b bl. îï e V -î D)odd'a Ridney I141 Ring s o yi n e Y da t Mi. mn th e WM 'hem st C e r au" on S *oôl Pille timat et.O fc o as y a , o n r e t 5 n a ~ u e e c n a i M , iotvertershqp ! Mrez Os-vriet Sappturay*y-uoo M dM PMYE D RUG SOE Ir duu Tsuc. Yeuntn, utielTelfphone-MArk t -3251Mn.Jj Seiieck, wowa sistk , aj4odd . .~an ,, edneda3 . oMr sud0 Mi-,% let cSUltt elM& . Pr. iJ Âmo4C"dod' Thluat. adedyav o 1 ygeàtà of Mr. andAL. ventions, delegalus have passed track aud field clini for ath rover 4,000 neselutions. Màny of lites in evîry province. Coud .' V an lei rans and! dupendents, ald have, te - "Operatlen gi ee he b e offit te mli vil- e r ateL ion '~ila lsa n yen ic*ri The 1200 delîgaues attending physical fltneass efaillyouftt- on ve tio n theWindsor convention are ex- sIens. peclet t handie more than 200 Lew ceaI housing. tor old4& Canada's veterans' organiza- nesolutons. t! il&many o! Cetnatians will also rftivè tion, itnowhas mIb i hse ilda veterans' considerable attention. Thée * ion, t ew asa embra ipprobîîms, an increaslng nun- gion now bas more then $2'/ -t some 240,000. Durlng the ber will invoive programs such million investît! in such hous course o! ils 17 preia-oua con-las the Legion's $20,000 a year in# dvelopment. V~LU$M 9 BEST BUY - SAVE 15e CASH- LIBBY's Fancy Peas îM.4for59c, ~EST BUY SAVE 9eCASH -SLB.AD_ Margarine PKG.3 for 69 Flour BEST BUY - SAVE 2c CASH - CROWN 13BAND Corn Syrup 15 OZ. fr 9 BEST DUY - SAVE 10c CASH - JOHNSON'S - NEW KLEAR Paste Wax TIN.469C BEST BUVY - SAVE 14e CASH - 10e OFFe GIANT S12E - SWAe Liquid Detergen GIANI 79c FEATURE - Save 10e Cash I'EAMEALEI)IMSIC9 BACK 48 OZ. TI, 7 LB. 2 LB. 9 TIN~ 29 'FIN ENDI)(u'S 11V TIIE BONELIS BREEFPO RA NEAT POI MOUS NAFTY PKRO 1LCSO K w,.43C - i>.49C BARBECUE FRANKS SALAI [1 (1 L N I- SALAMI CHUES I FAUR -SAVE 6e CASH "«FEATURE" - sAVE 24o' CASH tROWN BRAND) - 100 Bags MAXWË,L BOUSE - 01 Oz. Jar. TEA AGS - 79c 1 INSTANT CGFFEE 05ci FIEATUItE - savlà 60~e YORK IIomootiz1 fie OFF PICANIuT BOTTER 16 OZ. lAi PRATUItE -save te <leél Evaporaied Nilk le OZ. TALL 'FIN ""'" orav 4ëCm FASTË.41,- ave 4eUANA t Ln. pKGl. YOUNG SPRINC TEXAS CLOAREOSWIT IAMM 2 2 3R CAELLWER33cOWWHTE VAAMNSPA 3Lo. LAE UILOWER - 'Ia33: YNTARIO-- 3No. 250 Sunkist LEMURS 6- 25c I PARINIFS C24 oz20 20 oz. CELLO IFAMILY SIZE JHTE - PUDDINGS.2 Ro. GIRAHAM S- 1½ O. RO. eqrtrefive £.Ioes o.phvefu$ 2.9 8 rHERE'S A RED AND WHITE STORE NEAR YU BOWMANVILLE - Wm. H. Tate KRAFT - 1/: LB. PKG. VELVEETA CREES£ 35c NUNBIEAM FEAWtIng REGULAR 33e - CLUSTER FaISI DATE BUNS 29C Mixed Voelahios ,O~ 2/49C WhoIo Kernol Corn o2/35c MAPLE GROVE KINGSWAY SUPER MARKET 1<1K - - EAT OP TOW U ORAKONO BLACKSTOCK Biyth's MarJoes 1~~~~' - Crnihs market~ c - -------------- m FOR 23 le w t PAM Mx - TU CANMIAS STATESMAN. BOWMANVMI.Z ONTAM" TMMDAY, "M. Igth, iMi 33c Green Posâ lans et. . 2/39c - maple Grove Groceteria 'ORONO