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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 18 Feb 1960, p. 7

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- d' 4kWrrS.> V f - f,'.-~" - - w---~* '- - - r.> THURSDAY, FEB. I8th 1960 Mr. ansi Mrs. Tom Cowan Sare vacationing ini Daywna Beach, Florida. Miss Mary Turner, Toronto, apent tle weekend with Miss Ana Ferguson, Queen Street. Mr. R. G. Stapley, Winnipeg, Man., wais a weekend visiter witJî Mrs. Stapjley's mother, Mrs. W. H. Birks, Higl Street. Mrs. Sisi Mitchell ainsi Mrs. F. K. Cook reburnesi home laist Saturdey freai Moncton, N.B., wlcre bley lad been visiting Mr. andi Mrs. Howard Hartley. Mr. ansi Mrs. George Gra- lamn, Georgeann ansi Susanne werp "snowesi-in" guesta Sun- day evei-mng o! Mr. ansi Mrs. Don Stainîtoin ansi family, Ty- rore. Sunday gueste with Ma. ansi Mrs. E. J. Fairey, King Street Eat, wea-e tle former's sister andi brotler-in-law, Mr. aincl Mss. Les Barber o! Newmair- ket, Ont. Thirty-five memnbers o! Osh- awa andi District Movie Club were guests Tuesday evening of the Metro Movie Club at Woodgreen Commnunriby Centre, Toronto. Congratulations te, Miss Mar- gairet Goleen, daughter o! Mr. ansi Mrs. Garnet Goleen, who suceessfully passed 1er Grade V Theory Examinations at ]Raniilton Conservatory. Two Chinese engineering stu- dents fremn Hong Kong, Yui Cho Li andi Yui Chung Li, wlo are attendiing the University cf Toronto, were weekend guesîs of Dr. aind irs. Keitl Siemon. Mr. andi Mas. Harry Souch, Lenore and Judy, Mr. ansi Mrs. Don Cole, al e! Oshawai, Mrs. Geralsi Pinch, Scarborougl, andi Mr. Norman Ellîct, Peter- borough, were recent gîuesbs o! Mr. andsirs. Albert Cole. Mr. ansi Mrs. F. R. Cook, ?J". Fraink Wcstlake, Solina, ansi Ma. George Mutton attend- ed the funeral on Tuesday of Mrs. Cook's uncle, Ma. Albert O'Brien, ai Edien. Returning, fhey callesi on Mas. Minnie Carvall, Lindsay. Parents ansi teachers are re- mnindesi thnt the closing date for entrIes in île Peterborough Kiwanis Music Festival, te be helsi May 9Vih te May 17th, 1960, is Monday, February 29. Sce advcrtÉsemcnl on paget three of ibis issue.t Ma. and i Ms. Roy Jaickman. travelling iby 'plan1,. left lestt Janu~ 28th for Arizonac where îley are visiting île latters; sistier andi husbansi, Mr. ansi Mrs. Stanley Nichols. They plan to make a tlree-week molor trip te Southera Califor- ia andi Mexico before retura- ing home. Recently on display in île Norh York public library were 75 fancy Canadian Valentines o! the 1827-1900 periosi, which had been collectesi by île late Dr. James Goodwin, a Toronto plysician. O! particulair inter- est is one receivesi 103 years aigo by a Henrietta Mannia t 1er Bowmainville home. Mr Johnny Sete e! the Cor- onation Cafe leaves tonighi on the first leg o! a vacation trip te Hong Kong te visit lis par- ents. Johnny goes iby train f romn Toronto te New York where le will board ai plane for Les Angeles. There le will spensi some unme wîth lis sis- ter ansi 1er family before leav- inig Sain Francisco by 'plane for Hong Kong. Ib was confirmesi recently by Dr. I. J. Woolsey, direcbor o! lealîl o! animais brancl, Federal Depertment o! Agri- culture for Durhamn ansi Ont- aine Counties that ai fox sus- pectesi o! being raibisi wais founsi deasi, or neeriy dead, lasi week on tle farm o! Lloyd Gifford in souh-east Oshawai. Soine animals on île fanm are under a 60-day quarantine. Jin D. Mitchell, son cf Ma. ansi Mas. N. W. Mitchell 217 Third St. W., Fort Frances, Ont., formerly of Bowman- ville, is aimong students citesi for sclolastic attainaient at Tri-Staibe College, Angola In- diana, accordling tb an announ- cernent by Paul A. Nurnber- ger, dean e! students. Ma. Mit- chell is a student in île Schooi o! Business Administration majoing in general business. Many o! lis former claissmnates wil remember wiien Jin was a student at B.H.S. Ma. ainsi Mrs. James Ander- son, Trull's roasi nath Cous- tice, celebraitesi iheir 2{th wed- ding anniversairy with a famuily ddinner party for 15 on Su.nday. The couple receivesi many gifts ansi congraitulaioins came frein Miami ainsi Detroit. Mrs. An- derson is the former Rose- marie Gaimnon o! Whîtby and the couple have lives at Cour- tice for île past 10 years. They lave fîve sons, tîrce daughters ainsi 15 grandchildren. During the day friensis ansi neigîbors callesi te offer best wishes. SALEM Congratulations and best wishes to Mr and Mrs. Harvey Barrie who celebrated theli golden wedding anruverseiry on Feb. 9.1 Misses Grace Blacko x Gerda and Bea Craig ai e. Bob Daives attended the piÙng peoples retreat at tihe 'leuse of the four seasons", Gore's Landing from Friday evening until Sunday noon. Miss Marion Buttery, Miss Marg. Harvey, Tyrone; Mr. Don Welsh and Mr. Harold Yellowlees, Solina, attended the Junior Fariner Leadership school at Brighton on Satur- day. Congratulations te Mr. Don Welsh who tied with two oth- ers in Canada for first prize in the Ail Canadian Nomina- tions sponsored by the Hol- stein - Friesan Association of Canada. Mr. and Mrs. E. Twist and family were Sunday visiters with Mr. and Mrs. Fred Twist, Whitby. Miss Gerda Craig and a nurs- ing classmate, Miss Orma Fil- more, Ottawa, left on Tuesday night for Los Angeles, Cali- fornia. They will be working at their profession in a hospital there. Mýr. Leslie Welsh, Don and Ron, attended the funeral o! Mr. George Goddard from Morris Funeral Chapel on Wednesday afternoon. Salem W.A. will hold their meeting at the home of Mrs. Doug. Reynolds tItis Thursday, Feb. 18. 21 ONTARIO ST. REV. G. E. LENO .TUE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMAN&VILU, ONTARTO "Queen" Candidate Dianne Leask, wife ef Mr. Don Leask, Bowman- ville, and daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Allan E. Thomp- son, Taunton, lias been chosen "Miss Gilgal" and will represent Gilgal Fraternity of which Mr. Leask is a member, and compete with 10 others for Queen cf General Molors Institute Interfralernity Sweeiheart Bail to be held on Eebruary 27ih ini Flint, Mich. Salary Increases Feature Darlington Council Session Darlington Township Coun- cil ait the mieetàng held in the Townshiip . all, Hampton, on Thursday, Fe.bruary1 11h, de- cided to purchase an Interna- tional truck with Eastern Steel attachment from Cowan Equip- ment LIsi., Bowmaiville. Five tenders were received. Tlhe price of the new truck will ibe $8775, thec second low- est tender received. A tender from the former Reeve of Dar- lingbon, Roy W. Nichols, which arrived ait the municipal of- fice after the hour when ten- ders were closed was returned unopened. Walter Rundle, the Town- ship Clerk was instructed to advertidse for tenders to crush and stock-pile 10,000 yards of gravel. Closing date for these tenders wiil be March 16th. Gerry Estabrooks acting fire Chie! o! the Darlington Town- ship Volunteer Fire Brigade No. 1 informed the coundil of the money raised by the group, the truck and equipment paid for and the plans for a build- ing in which tb hbouse the truck. He stated fhat the township now pays Bowmanville about $2,500 anniually, but explained that if the taxes coilected in the brigade's area were return- ed to the brigade the building could be bouglht and maintain- ed. Council instructed the legis- lation andi by-laws commîttee to obtain further information on the subject, and te arrange for a meeting o! people int',er- ested in fîre protection, and te report back to council. .Road Rate 16 Mlii nhe Coundil struck its 1960 roasi rate at 16 milîs. One mill will represent 16,1111 and coun- cil is setting $à5,264 aside for ZMON Congratulations te Joyce ainsi Patsy Fisher on winring hon- ors in their tleory ansi hasm- eny Music Examinations, Gra- de IV. Mrs. Ross Stainiton attendesi 1er knitling club ai Mrs. Doug- las Clark's, Oshiawa, on Mon- day night. George Sonley, Mr. ansi Mrs. Ecbward Sonley, Mrs. Percy Bryce, Toronto, were supper guests ait Fred Camnerons on Sunday. Mr. ansi Mrs. Robert Killen visitesiat Wilfred Franks, Tor- enite. Ma. ainsi Mrs. Ross C. Stain- t'on attendesi the maintenance daince at the Oshawa Airpori on Saturday evening. Mr. ansi Mrs. Don Prout, Bowmanvîlle; Mr. ansi Mrs. Lawrence Henry vîsites at Ray Camerons an Saturdaey. Mr. aind Mrs. Aubrey Hlm- cock Oshawa. lad a faimlly pairty for hem parents, Mm. ainsi Mrs. Fred Canemon, Sunday evening, Februairy 14, on their thirty-f if 1h wedduing annivers- asy. Owing te île weatler ansi drifted roass nt many werc able te attend. George Sonley ainsi Mrs. Percy Bryce, Toronto, brother ansi sister o! Mrs. Cam- eoa andi Edwarsi Sonley ainsi wifc o! Toronto, attendesi, aise Mrs. Russell Staintea ansi Mss. Wes Cameron sister ansi sister- in-law o! Mr. Cameron. Best wishes for snany more anni- versaries. Mm. aind Mas. Jin Moore aindi faimily, Oshawai, were Satur-1 day niglht visitons at Keithl Stainton's. KeilI StainWtn ainsi Bert Beckei were ice fisling at Lake Simcoc, Menday. Several homes lad over- nighi guests on Sundaiy night wlen people lad ta abandon their cars to the snow drifls i nsi take shelter where îley coulsi finsi it. Tnc winbd 'as really terrificeout lu the open country. Ma. aindiMas. Fred Camernm spent Sunslay night ai Aubrey Hircock's, Oshaiwa, because o! île snow dnifts. The E--, 'rers lad n Valen- tine party on Monday. reasi work. Thc accounl o! C. A. Meadows ansi Associates, Toronibo, for preliminairy plan- ning in cormnection wibl île propose!. CPR overpaiss sçutl of Courtice, in île amount of $2,800 Was passe! for payment. Garbage By-Law A by-law te iban tle dis.- pesai o! refuse in Darlington was given île necessary tîre readings ainsi approved. It in- cludes penalties te le imposed for any breaicles. The Towntship Ceuncil witl Couneilor Sidney Cornish in opposition vote! te increase the salary o! W L. Lycett, tle assessor te $4,000 a year plus an annual car allowaince of $1,000. Walter Runsile was appoint- e! Clerk, treaisurer, ainsiTex collecter, ainsi secretary-treai- surer of the Planning Board ati a salary of $5,250 per year i plus a $250 yearly car allow- I ance. 1Miss Mary Nidaery was ap- pointed deputy clerk-treasurer and deputy tax collector at an annual salary of $3,320. R. M. ('Max) Shortt was ap- pointed roads supintendent at a yearly salary of $5500 plus $500 for keeping the roads de- partment accoFunts andi 10 cents a mile car allowance. E. A. Varcoe the building in- Éspector, had his aninual salary set at $3,300. He also, is to re- ceive $100 a month for acting as welfare administrator until the return of J. D. Hogarth. W. R. Pickell's appointment as weed inspector ai an annual salary o! $100 plus 10 cents a mile car a]lowance. Midgets Bow Out Early Lose Two Game Playoff Against Whitby Squad 1 Last year, Bownianviile of the stick was enough. The iMidgets went ail the way to visitors kept the puck in the capture the Ontario champion- Bowmanville end practîcally ship, but their chances of re- throughout the contest, with peating were quickly nulli- only work o! nonchalant goal- fied, when Whitby took the keeper Ken Veitoh, keeping second gaine or the Dest o! the score down. three series, 8-0, here Satur- Switzer and Fletcher were day night. Th visitors were the pick of the Whitby outfit, easy victors at home in the each wîth a pair of goals and opener, by a 10-1 score, an assist, Ashby, McKay, Tab- >The locals, playing as if they ner and Breniner accounted had taken tranquilizer pilis for the remaining markers. before the gaine, were for the The visitors led 3-0 at the most part, in a fog throughout end o! the first, added three 1the game. Nobody seemed to more in the second and finish- care if a Whitby player got ed off with a pair o!fthid arounsi them-a simple wave period goals. M moU would be one. Unfortunately A .ouvwe are going te lose Smith Beverages te Oshawa. I talk- M ed with Mr. Smith and tried N orm ca. to get him 10 reverse his de- cision, but le lad gone toe far with the negotiations. Aise (Contmnued from page one) Pepsi-Cola Head Office was in Mr. Hodigson. On' Jan. 6th, favour cf Oshawa. H-ad we there were 4,642 drawing bene- hail serviced industrial land fits and on Feb. llth, this lad we would have been able te dropped to 4,198. keep Smith Beverages here."1 The Osihawa office probably "The Industrial Commission will move within a few weeks is in a highly competitive inte the new UIC building on field and it is becomîng more Simcoe St. S., Oshawa. Somne so. The present motion wilîi time ago, Mr. Hodgson was give us a better stand and reported as retiring becausej strengthen our hand,"' he said. his lealtI. would flot permit' He asserted that it would be humn t climb up and down stairs a decided advantage te be able in the new building. However, te give a firmn answer when this move has been d'elayed a new industry was ready 10 and Mr. Hodgson will continue sign up andi go ahead. Oshrawa wiVh the branch for the pre- Industrial Park serviced 27 sent, acres on speculation and sold It was interesting to note 26 in 1959, he added. lIait the Oshawa office services Give More Study an area which las about 100, Couincillor Glenholme Hugh- 000 population andi a working es said he was net in disagree- force of 44,000. It includes ment with the motion but Cartwright, Clarke, Darlin'gton, would like te ask if orle man Manvers, Newcastle aind Bow- is te have the power te coin- manville in Durham andi East mit the municipality for a Whiby, Pickering, Reach, Scu- $100 000 expenditure. The gog, Uxbridge, Whitby andi Town Council should have Oshawa. turne te study the motion, a decision shoulsi net be given .ç Up p lin three or four minutes, le assertesi. Supp y Prospect Loses Interest fb Councilor Nicks stated that Servi es the Industrial Commnissîoner's handis are tied if a prospect <Continued fromn page one) 1 ceaes te, hiai, is escorted te vices te any prospective in-1 see the available land, and dustry that clearly qualifies,! when he asks about services referring te Town Council for the Commissioner is flot able a decision only those prospects te give a straight answer. The w hoese qualifications may1 prospect loses interest andi be questionable", Councillor gees te another locality, he Nicks stated. added. He then moved that the' Councillor O. J. Presson feregoing recommendation o! said he would like to go more the Bowmanviie Industrial tloroughly in the dollars andi Commission be implemented. cents of tle matter. The fi- The motion was secondesi by narbcial status of a comipany Councillor Keith Lathangue. coulsi le established andi some Might Have Kept Smlith Here financial linit considered as Couneillor Nivks statesi that a $25,000 industry would net the 1959 Town Council at a warrant a huge expenditure. meeting in November had The growtl potential is un- agreed to, service the Bant-, known, he remarked. ing andi Fice properties forl Councillor Presson express- two prospective industries.1 ed tle belief that there should "'We hopesi Smithl Beveragesibe a ratio set between tle GOLDEN JUBILEE - About 60 Brownies had a wonderful tirne at the Arena on Tuesday after- noon when they celebrated the "Golden Jubilee of Guiding" by skating to their heart's content for an hour. size of the industry and the services to, be provided by the town~ Mayor Wilfrid Carruthers agreed to, Councillor Nicks' re- quest to cali on the Industrial Commissioner K. N. Morris. "It is only proper that coun- cil estabhish the rules u.nder which I operate," Mr. Morris said, and explained that the Commission had no intention of trying to give hlma more freedom. The. 25% Rule III believe that if an indus- ti'y's annual tax payments are 25 per cent of lthe service de- benture debt it is worth ser- vicing. The chances of obtain- ing industry for unserviced land are liniited, in fact un- less a commitment for services is given it is almost a guaraft- tee that industry will not be ob>tained." Must Invest ln Future If money is spent servicing an industrial area the oppor- tunities are enanced of ob- taining two or three more in- dustries, Mr. Morris pointed out. III hold the opinion strongly that the town must invest in its future. A start must be made some day. An industry that <ian pay 25 per cent of the service debenture debt is large enough to justi- fy the installation of services," Mr. Morris firmly asserted.1 Coundillor Hughes pointed out that the motion would be more satisfactory if the rules were outlined under which the Industrial Comniissioner may pledge the installation of services. As it stands the mo- tion is a blank cheque, he "I go along with whaii Ma. Morris hais saisi about île 25 per cent. I nove an amensi- ment that île tex providesi by amy industry for which île services are installe! must anount te 25 per cent of île service debenture cost for 20 years; ansi ilat tle insiustry be comimittesi te huilsi by a certain date, se fIat services are net installed before tley are requiresi," MaI. Hughes Et, *-ci. Thc amensiment was secon- de! by Councillor Presson and carriesi unainimously. Council tIen vole! on île motion and il ton was carriesi unanimous- ly. PAGE SECVEN COMPETITIE IJUCES PLUS PERSONAL SERVICEC S"ECIALVALUESA"D RMNESFOR TImS wEE WAR 1bs90«v imwav le Hipaegetting Ita o eay a fx feeling. Enjo 11 S&le at petty PHOiPHO - FLX N EW rlseve nervous ytensi0 511E! MPL TA8M EM 8 » B d vfmi.s se2 ITAUM $25 bom $2.50ATtN Li * luU. Ouui. en MELOSONDED! 2~or432 vSu65 c I Money - Saving SPECIALS MiRerai Oul - - - 53c, 1.09 IMDA. Brand - 16 ad4 ounce - eg. 65c. 1.25 Stomach Powder - - 79c, 1.89 LD.A. Brand - 4 and 16 ounce - Reg. 98c, 2.49 Pocket Comb with 73c size tube Brylcreeme - - - - - 73c Lady Esthier 4-Purpose R eg. 85e Face Cream 69 - Sc Steam Vaporizer with 64e size Vicks Vaporub - - - - 64c Colgate - Reg. 1.69 size Florient Air Deodorant - 1.39 William White - Reg. 65c Lather Shave Cream - 2 Fr 98C Nivea Special - - - - 98c 73e size Nivea Cream plus 49e size Band Lotion Giant size - 22 ounce - Reg. 1.49 Lisierine Antiseptic - - 1.29 IDA. SICKROOM ITEMS Boracie Acid - _____-- 29c, 45e, 60c Bronchida Chest Rub -___59e Bronehida Cough Syrup- 85e Bronchida Cold Capsules 1.25 Camphorated OÙl 20c, 40e Castor Ou - 39c, 69e Epsom Sait ________ 25c, 39e Rot Water Botties 1.99, 2.50 Idaphedrin Nasal Spray 95e Idaphedrin Nose Drops - - 65e Mercurochrome 25e Milk of Magnesia Tablets ..35c, 50c, 1.00 MiIk of Magnesia - -45c, 75e Tincture of Iodine, 2½% 25c White Embrocation 39ç, 69C GIN PILLS Reg. size 69e Economy $1.09 BE READY FOR WINTER WAMPOLE EXTRACT of Cod Liver Compound f'sTonic lime.wlnteus cought enid colds or* lust around the cerner. HeIp yeur family te boitt« heulth this winter, bulld op thodr ressonce te colds... give fhon Wampole Extmect regulady .. . stait todoyl 15 OUNCES - $1.59 34 OUNCES - $2.89 E(ONOMY SIZE 70~ SAVES YOD .I PRESCRIPTIONS A SPECIALTY Alex. McGregor Drug 1We Deliver Your Local [DA Drug Store Plhone MA 3S5792 fPeentecostal ChurcIi Missionary Convention FRIDAY, 8 p.rn. - Rev. A. Bowler SUNDAY, il arn. - Rev. B. Skinner 7 p.m. - Rev. W. Corneius Reccntly returnesi frem Kenya ansi Rhodesia Hear REV. A. KUDRA, converted Mohammedan commencing special services ln March REHOBQTH CHRISTIAN REFORMED CHURCH Scugog Street, Bowmanvil. MORNING SERVICE - 10:00 a.m. English EVENING SERVICE - 7:30 p.m. Dutch Sunday School irnmediately after Sunday morning service. "Back To God "iour" Broadcast CKLB, O0shawa, at .pm. every Sunday 8:30 a.m. every Sunday, CFRB Trinif y United Church Minister-Rev. Wm. K. Hlousiander, B.A, B.D. Organist-Mr. Arthur Cellison. Mus. B., L.R.S.M. Il a.m. - MORNINlG WORSRIP ""An Alternative Io God" 7 p.m. - EVENING WORSHIP "Two Different Religions?" SUNDAY SCHOOL DEPARTMENTS 11:00 amm - Nursery - Beginners 11.-M a.m. - Kindergarten - Puimary 1210 p.n. - Junior, Intermediate, Senior EVERYGNE WELCOME Dnyflght (Continuesi from page one) mission be granted to Memor- i Park Association to sublet lansi on a year te year basis te Irvine Beauprie for île pur- pose of setting up bis refresh- ment booîl,"' Councillor Hughes stated. Councillor Ken Nicks secondesi lIe motion, andi it was cairniesi A commuication was receiv- cd frein île Township cf Crow- landi asking Bewmanville Town Council te support a resolution e! Crowland's te petitien île Provincial Governinent te en- act eisaton wlereby any muni=alt proposmng te an- nex another must beair thc cost net only o! ils own proceesi- ings, but aise the cost o! tle defence shoulsi île application le unsucessful. Councillor 0. J. Presson ex- pressesi lIe opinion that it would le unfair for tIc cost o! île defence te lave te be borne by a municipality mak- ing application for île annexa- tien o! another. He saisi thait le thought it would be wrong te give support te sudh an idea, ansi moved tlait île letter be receivesi and filed. The mo- tion was secondesi by Counilor Hughes ansi carriesi. Wants Dot Catcher A request frein the New- castle Municipal Coundil re- garding the possibiity o! hlm- ing the Bowxnanviile Dog Catcher part time for île vil- lage was receivesi ai île meet- ing e! Bowmanville Town Council lelsi in île Council CharnIer on Mondaiy evening. On motion o! Councillor Ross Stevens, chaininan o! île Dog Contrai Comn-tittee, se- condesi by Councillor O. J. Presson, Vils matter wais re- ferresi te île commilîce se that furtiier information coulsi le obtainesi on tle Newcastle By-laws as te w'hetler or net îley conform te the Bowrnan- ville Dog Control By-law. The Dog Control Report for Jainuairy was subinittesi te council. Il showed thal 40 an- inials lad been picked up, 35 dogs ansi five cals. During île montl 14 dogs ansi two cals were destroyesi, ansi 14 dogs were returned to their own- seats down either ad. Ia ers. Pive dogi were sold, andi Whitby he was in business two ents were given to own- witti a Mr. Johinson Whio lad ers. One dog was boarded at been associated with him in $1.00 per day. London. They dividesi the Dr. Wheatley, the Dog Con- Whtby-Bow~ianville run, do- iraI Officer, alse reportesi that ing alternate trips. About 1923 numerous investigations lad Johnson saisi to Duncan Flet- been made in January. Elght cher ansi he and Mr. Gartea licenses were solsi. There were ePeratesi On tle samne basis no0 rabies suspects held for until about 1926 wlen Mr. observation. Garton bought out Fletcher The Town Clerk, R. B. Rey- and acquiresi lis two 'buses. noldis, saisi that quite a num- Business increasing, .Mr. 'ber o! dog licenses lad been Garton built sc>me new buses solsi at the office in the Town himsft lui Bowmanville i ga- Hall. He pointesi eut that the rage preonises locatesi wlere 1960 Dog Licence periosi ex- McGregor's hardware i. now. tends frein January 151, 1960, Bill Werry assistes i hm wit]à until the end of the year. the first bus which seatesi 170 The number o! buses was lu. creasesi te five by 1927 when King St. In 1931 tle business wau C orah extended f urther by starting a route frein Bowmanville to (Continuesi from page one) Bobeygeon ainsi Clare Garton, be Most welcome and acted the present proprietor, a son upon where practicable." o! T. A. <Tini), began to drive Starting with one school this run in 1935. In 1938 île bus 15 years ago, Keith Bur- business was sold to Claire by ley soon afterwards acquiresi his father, but Tim centinued îlhe franchise for Newtonville, te drive buses until lis death Kendal ansi Port Hope. A in 1947. During the war years town bus for Port Hope was le lad B particularly busy added ansi Carter Coach Lines turne wlen workers in war taken oves- in Cobourg. Later, plants were travelling in large a sinail bus carried pupils ini- numbers and aI al lehurs. te Bowmanville. Today, Bur- Claire was in tle RCAF dur- ley Bus Lines operate three ing this lime as an instructor school buses inte Bowman- lu engines. Afler the war ville as well as others servic- Claire returnesi te the Bobcay- ing Cobourg ansi Port Hope. geon mun ansi lis fablier con- Heasiquairters for the coin- tinuesi te eperate île No. 2 binesi fleets wil lbe aI Ce- IHiglway run uritil lis deatl. bourg wlere most ef the Tlough a large number eit maintenance work will le students along the highway te donc, with garages ai Bow- île west ansi on the Scugog inanville, Courtioe and Whit- run lad usesi île buses as by. transportation te high school Claire Garton will continue I Bowmanville, it was not 't assisi Mir. Burley for an in- until a few years ago that this defînite periosi. TIc transac- was donc on B contract basis lion di4 not include any o! undes, tle new set-up o! the île buildings owned by Gar- District High ScIool Area. ton Coach Lines. During ail these years Gar- Garton CoachL Unes began ton buses lave been a en. with only tlree buses when venient means o! transporta- Mr. T. A. Garton niovesi te lion for a great many people, Bownianviile frein Whitby in andi ceaihes aire often charter. 1923. He laid been operating cd for special trips by hockey a route between these two teanîs and other greups. points for a yeair prier te, that Mas. T. A. Garten stil re- ainsi residing in Wlhitby. sides in Bowmanville, as does Wlen Mr. Garten came te Claire ansi lis wife, tle former Whitby frein London, Ont., le Miriam Pursiy o! Peterbor- lad only one bus whioh car- rugl, aind their daughter Mar- riesi 12 passengers i long ilyn, aged 10. 1 said. -1.

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