______ - -~-~--.. zwr, ta~at~~ ~ -.- --r ' - ~-.--. ,---..- TE ANADIAN STATPMAIi BOWMAYIVnJLE ONTAIUO THURSDAY, FE. 25th, 190 cers and a deadly lethargyl fri lc:of sep Yet hv 1960 Corvair Coupeý met h weekly deadline wihrenewed enthusiasm and, If~. honesty of purpose.. 'IDrfI4.2eaders have been known IU JJtobelieve that weekly dtr 8V DOOTHYhave nothing to do fromn the moment the paper is off the ~2 Press, until the following Mon- day rnorning. W'hat a fallacy. It is after the paper spu to bed" that most editors as- *ARKERsumne their hardest tasks, foi, ithe success of the local pa.----~ 1 hustled tlie notes on my presentation to this outstand- Per is reflected the sucress o; atrimtp into a brief case ing weetdy newspaperman, I the COmmuntv. A new.spapef ity d-rdd h ial to re- want ttaeheoorutyisflot iust so mlally prne&. rn toeedOnthel ads tted he o avnga fewth ptngs ty S heets, but a busiiness as wellý. rn o ntaioandatendth ofsainga ew higs o ouManagement is as imnportant v nual regional convention readers, which vour editorsaseing nd almnhD fweekclv- editî>rs, held this cannot very well say about acos ditig tand slesashîp' 'ar in Hamniltoli. themeve. ac ounsfor t.e luclsa,'or ~Teewas a special. reason But first. wh~Y did Franlk Therefore, our cditor mu" k'wanted roarticularl " to at- Macntyre rate this awardl be many thitngs to miany peo- tend, flot onIy to meet old Because he is the very epi- pie. Above a il. ai, edit ori frinds bt t wines one of tome of the "grassroots edi- he is worth his sait, musihthe most rewardirig ceremon- tor", the spark that igmites a hide like a rtiinoceros to les the Association undertakes community spirit, beamed withstand critical barb,th i.. each year. ~t.hrough ail levels of newspa- visioni of a Lincoln aidte~~~ .~ That 'is the recognition and pering in his weekly, "The diligence of a Diogonese, everSptscaapernewt asoin"atr"ro eaefauesfth t.ibute paid to the "Newspa- Dundalk Herald". There is searchmng for truth and up-Sprscra erne ihalongfstrrofieaefaue fte permnan of the year". Thun- ve1y littie ever happens i.n holdingr progress. ne\v 2-door, fhve-passenger Chevrolet Corvair coupe now in production at Gen- derus ppaus greià te tistown of 863 people that Frank MacIntvre is ail tff eral Motors of Canada in Oshawa. Basic dimensions of the new rear-enie dheo 19app aus nred a teyth219swoncruainde hs hnsadi ehocefor190, ad a very ,219 s olculainde eethis ld'lge ccompact coupe remain the same as sedan models of the Corvair. The coupe has surprised editor head bsfoherbut great pleasure to salute "iVL". a split front seat and a fold-down rear seat, whîch provîdes 13.3 cubic feet of giane called. "Frank Macln- Frank Macntyre flot only Ontario' Newspaperman foi- ty're, would v ou please corne supports commuflity effort 1960", flot only as represeni- added gae space. As in the case of the 4-door Corvair, regular and deluxe forward'? asked the chairman through the columns of his tative of this profession i i models are available.______________ of the selection committee. paper, but through active Ontario, but because - is et- In reporting the well de- participation by playing in the fort is representative of ail c in the baby's life. For this seredûuoý.vred ___ gth band, teaching Sunday Sehool, weekly newspaper editors wiio rao tenfs otatwt ____________supporting the Boy Scout are making such an outstancl- i o D e s v né s the mother is made while she gevecuog radduing ovement and giving leader- ing contribution to their corn- A __resoilnth isiotac ndftuwrt FINE QAIYnLisrgh co, aaa ist hosptal an d fuurein QUAITV snîp in ail causes peculiar to muniisrgt ar sC na uers Chu rch W ork vst r lne codn MONUMENTS AND a town's activity. This re- Il may be a littie cifficuit am to the need and the rbeis MARKERS markable, circulation figure after the excitem-ent. and fun Nurses talked with 117 moth- shows his affinity with ilis of this most recent convention A call for the emnonstration found in ils comrmunity wit- ers in hospitai and visited 2j.6 4 L e M ud. b% lm community and his construc- to pick up the thread of mny of Pioneer zeal and decisive- ness where love for self muist homes of chiidren under Oun"* flo«btive influence. trip east, but my bu îgin, ness characteristic of the be swallowed Up in love for school age during January. In Portfolio is crammed wf,ý founders of the Christian Christ which shows itself in addition the problems of 319 OF STAFFORD) Editors are, for the most pieces of copy thatlie îkChi-ch xvas sounded by a genuine concern for the needs infants and preschoo] child- atBROS. part, a very reticent segment ipinPdraibox. awahé Darli ngton Township resident of others," the church leader ren were discussed by the ofth hma ac tatPOUliberation. 1 enjoyed wî'itin. and minister at the College said. nurse and the mother at child lates this vast Dominion. For abu nol e apan cventh-day Adventist Churchi The denomînational admi-hat cneecs dAtidone reason, they are too busy treasures, thc memorv of Mv, in Oshi\va recccntly. istrator wrho has served tne General Sanitation Dwk putting across publicity, pro- interview with Kenitvil1le's Lowell L. Bock, director of' seventh-day Adventist Churcui Teana npcino ___viding news and supportinig lady mayor and my,, reminis'- the denomination's communi-iin Canada in Alberta, Saskat- Tche annual sedinscto o Stfor ro. cusstoee gv te-cence of last 'vear's Blossornitvl\ and social services depari- chewan and Manitoba priorscosprgeedaifct- Safr Brs csses a tougeven gie Ithav Festival in the .Annoapolis Val- min - 11 foi' Ontario and Quebee, to his present post here warn- ily with 114 general inspections Simi known, adte have been ley. Relating themn is ail part Wa's the guest preacher at the ed that, "one of the greatest and 4 lighting inspections be- MYonumental ,vorms legion from coast to coast, of the great thrill of keepinoý Osh-îwva Missionary Coilege sins of the Churcbi is to know ing made. [are dedicated slaves lta their this Diary. Adventist Church. what needs to be done and There was a decrease in 1n 18Dundas St. E. Whitby profession. Their long hours _____ na g hn"oei hnîeuigt oi ept spections of private sewage and ethusism. or thir joden.ane o histns than isthe ln esof thour." dsptinstallation from 79 in Decem- Phone___________bentîecas oereu- M O V E tidenadef ohe hprisd 0f hitory n he in inesftahes ofou i- ber to 15 in January because MOhawvk 8-3552 hiave, in many an instance, a.ayohrproio itr nctn ntne fot pee the work of the ment enjoyed by Christianity tAlshmets ofdatingoer-j Churcli, Pasýtor Bock assert- dunîng the last few x'ears of re- lsma hpbre hp ed. He wîcnt on to sav that ligious revival and of the in- R EVlEV~~~1 excellence is aiways beyond creasing degree of public ac-an bet.prousiC- ROA'HETF the reach of the lazy Chris- ceptance and understanding, bourg were interviewed and1 Thrs- atFe 2 7 ta being accorded Seventh-dayreustdohaehirp- Thurs. -Satcautione5d-' sonnel take advantage of the ýMTHE FIVE PENNIES 1'fr. Bock heads the denom- Adventists be atoe that tuberculin testing and x-ray1 with Danny Kaye, Barbara iiation's comniiLiit.y and sa-, too much emphasis upon ma- -' Bel Geddes, Louis Armstrongi 'will 1 1cdpa en 'r eia ins of growth coudcii edJnay2t . 'M VitaisonTechnîicolor) tw provinces which includes be clangerous. -Y ni tewy in bilu lax 10 nns activities welfare Hie called for a wholeheart- 2Oth, 1960 Inspections pi f cornetist Nichols. Joint and relief services, Christian ed coînmitment by eaeh memn- Tiiere were 85 inspections1 -will jump with Dixieland. education. public relations and' ber to the ideai of practical of plumbing installationîs madep Ho îe o oylTeer.comunlLIcations 7 in a confe.- Christian witness in the home in the mont.h. Amongst thezsel Rottimelfobas blw onThee noce reprcsenting oveî' 40 and community that makes were the final inspections ai 7 watis-Dixieland style. chui'cheF iin Ontario and Que- C'hristianity both relevant co schools wbere it was desirable! From th'e low-down croans~ bec. the needs of people and suf- to re-test the fixtures afteri of Louis Armstrong's staccato Thie greatest profession ofifîciently attractive to enlisitbey had been in use. trumpet to the clarion calis ,.f the Clhurch today mnust be their allegiance. Charlotte M. Horner, Loring "Red' Nichois' stubb-'B.,MeDical Oficer o cornet, Danny Kaye's The Five eal Ofiero Pennies, biopie of Nichais, "si I I I u. going fa make îhings p"reto iu b rln - iur a hotlortheRoyal when tl N rh m era dD r a - Opens today. Liberally interspersed with B color, laughter. tears, DîiNeI- H a t n t R p r land, jazz and dances, thel 4Dena Prod. for Paramount re- Thle Board of f-lealth îor of the United Counties; Mt.R. laie is plenty okaye for siglit the Nortliumberland- Durham Budge, Reeve of Pt. Hope Mr adsound. What mor' say, Healtb Unit [on 1960,held lhei G. P.hilp. Dep.-Reeve of Cra- but's Kye i hewy n iifirst iiicetin.t Janiuaiy 27th. At mahe Township; and Mis. beautifully mounted Jack Rose ey, Reeve of Clark e Towii representing the Province. T h A production in VistaVision anîd ship. was appointed Chaîrman. Communicable DiseaseY Tec.hnîýcolor, Uther mem îcrs of the Boa~rd 0f the 59 cases Of comm Lin- The Jack Rose.-Meelville Sha- ai e . E. R. Nelson, Warden 11cable disease reported in Jan- velson script is staple for a uany, 23 were chickenpox, 1,5 movie life of a musicien. Couîî- trumpetiîîg to make him an infectious hepatitis, 8 scanJet -'try boy with horn (Kave) outstanding entertainer is fever and 7 mumps. seeks fame and fortune ini the elusive, but there. Add the There were 2 cases of rabies big-tinie New York dui'ing the carnet cajoiling of Niehois, a skunk in Brighlon Township ~avngs i.O, oanng wenics Boncc~ xhO Plays Illic hO'n for Kaye, and a caf in Seymour Town- from "co>rn-ball"ý bands forI is pi thle two. nii voice and hoîn, ship. Thî'ee persons were giv- h ave a way of growing clowning and "progcressive" in Thle Saints Comne Marching en rabie.s vaccine as a result music e, forms bis "'Fîve, 11),an the joint juimps. Of contact with these ±'abid Pennies" combo, marries girl - animais. And just like her Junior Depositor's vocalist (Barbara Bel Geddes î Tuberculosis an aissadaughter (Susaîî Y L E T NAnifn.tke oHsi xAccounit, your Savings Account wil gî'ow Gordon) "on the ruad."î E V R OArinattketoHs. Put into boanding sehool, tali-for Sick Chilîdren, \vas with î'egular deposits. while ber parents tour. ti,, Yelverton community was lound .to bave tubei-culosis five-year aid is paralyzed b. l saddened to learn of the death and wiil receive treatment ai poliomyelitis. To stay withi of a former nesîdent of this the sanatorium ai Weston her and heip treat ber, Ni-I1 community, Mr. Wilbur Wrigbt whene there is a ahildren's T HE CANADIAN lhi ut uie eoniciof Belleville; also sympathy isý __- chiaritdmsc.. .éiilýCL1MBS LIKE A MI ý'erton--a "*pigctte"' food hoi- the general assessment of thp PICK UP . uer-the fortuinate winner - school child's beaith, and is youî's truly. done i'outinely by the public 'A CARTON Mr. G. É. Robinsonî was re- health nurses for ahl school moved to a Peterboro host llcidren at intervais of three y .DA on Saturdav evening. Trust he or four years; more often in â OD Ywilî be home son the case of those who are no- Mrs. W. J. Maicolila be ticed by the teacher or nurse transferrcd ta St, John's Con-I to have symptoms sueh as valescent Home in Willow-'blinkmng, difficulty in reading 6 Delicios.o Flavors dale from Toronto General the biackboard, headaches, whcre she is undergoing the- nreading troubles. Sucb symp- LIME* :apv. toms mev indicate need for a LEMONLIEl ORANsi Mr. and _Mrs. Rae Malcolm'fui'ther eye exanuination even a.. accompaied thie Raiph Mal-j though the vision test is non- at~r~ ~colms ta Toronto on Saturday mai. * ROT UR RIM SDAWrighit they (the Rae's) were, ceveda vision tests et school. 1 a RG T R R OIAM M A eavng or Foria o Suday Whn anew defeet is discov-1 We wish tbem a pleasant bol-: ered. the nurse usualiy visits Mà .l Nusraied. Cwyvojr700' iday. the home ta consuit with te Mr'. and Mrs. Balfour Moore parnfts and ta have the child and lamiy recently visited seen by a doctor. There werei a& awd byMrs. Nettie Moore and Verna 144 home visits on beheif of ! M cîd. byin Toronto: M-s. Annie Sed<ýcho children. ~ d -T and Cethy, of Whiîby. alsai Preschool visited %vii, the Mýoores. The winter series of pre- SMiss Beth MeMullen is ne- natal classes were started iný SIMH EVERAGES LTD. Sopratibý his home fo1- PtHoeBowmanvdlle, Bm K U lowng reentappndetory gtonand Cobourg, wîtb a to- Y B OW M A NV IILL iIBwanil hospital. I tai attendance of 48.IC SorYtisweksnews bud-I It is found that the nursesîC _____________a________________________Roads bn-1visit i fmost vlet teC0 UR T 1C ed -no mail. new io d rifit smdtal iuha ,C iII'st pressed, causing the eggs 1>mili axe mixed by gentie stir- D urn m ~% IUDSto flow freely from ber body. ring with the hand, causing - . -.A male fish is handled - n Impregnation." lIn 1876 1,500,. Next Meeting ITonight at 8:15 The attractive, informative bulletin of the Durham Coun- ty Club of Toronto bas arriv- ed at The Stetesman office, indicating another meeting ofl that organization on Thurs- I day, February 25th ai 8:151I p.m. The special speaker will be Donald Jose and the meet- ing will. be held, as usuel, in the I.O.D.E. Heedquarters, Corner Lowiher and Spadina Rd. Mr. Jase, son of Mn. and Mrs. Herry Jose of -Newcastle and an active worker here among junior faxmer groups a few years aga, is now ai- tached ta the Depi. of Colon- ization and Agriculture of the C.N.R. He will speek o! the effeci on Durham of the rail- way's Toronto by-pass. Until now, it bas not been practicai ta operate commuter trains oui of Toronto because of con-gestion la the yards. The by-pass, bowever, will remove this condition and bring Durham witbin com- muting radius wiih ah ibhis imnplies to property values. Anyone with land la the county should make it a point ta attend, the bulletin staies. Thie bulletin gives addi- tionai information concerning the Newcastle Fish Hatchery, as follows: "Beldens Atlas of 1878 says in part: The great Dominion Fisb-breeding Establishment, situated near New'castle, is deserving of special mention, as a new national industry, and one likely ta become in its developînent of firsi import- ance ta tbe Dominion." From a very small begin- ning, originatingr wiih Mr. Samuiel Wilmot, the Fisbery establishîment ai Newcastle bas assumed large propor- tions. Or, the edge of the stream near Mn. Wilmot's residence, the building, celled the "Re- ception House' is situeted. Hýere a permanent weir is tbrown across the streem which prevents the upward passage of the selmon. Beîng thus stopped la their progress up the main channel tbey are attracted by the napid outflow of water coming through the reception bouse, and nusbing up the current tbey pass an ingeniously contrived triangu- lar wire and become entrap- ped wîthin the bouse, whene: tbey are kept until they be-1 corne ripe for spawning. Then: they are taken to the breed-ý ing noom.1 Hene eacb female fish is lilted from the tank and gen-1 IILT TO the same mnainer, extruding 1000 were thus prepared for the ' mut. Then the eggs and halching. c DOIMT NOW! You will be acting in ypur own besl inferesi, and ai the same lime be helping ypur communily, if you gel ypur repairs, remodelling, ien or decoralion, maintenance and clean-I up work done now. During lhe4 presenl seasonal luil, qualified workmen are seeking work and waiting to serve you.4 Man and malerials are available now. They may he liard bo gel nexl summer. WHY WAIT... DO UT NOW' FOR INFORMATION CALL YOUR LOCAL National Empicyment Office 22 Albert Street, Oshawa RAndolph 5-3581 L" DO MORE rOU'LL EVER DEMANO!. HERE ARE ACTUAL PHOTOGRAPHS OF CORVAIR 1IN ACTION., . . TAKEN DURING TESTS THAT WENT ON DAY AFTER PUNISHING DAY, OVER THE WORST TER- RAIN IMAGINABLE. THEY'RE PROOF POSITIVE THAT COR VAIR 1S THE HOTTEST PERFORMING CAR 0F THE YEAR. PUT COR VAIR THRQUGH YOUR TESTS TODAY, AND YOU'LL AGREEL Chances are you'fl neyer make juil use of Convair'osj go-enywhere abiiity. But until you've put this spirited~ performer through is paces, you'iI neyer know bow much extra traction, extra road-holding quality Corv air offers Yom. Conuar ÎÎëý BY CIIEVROLET KE UT OUJT...TRY UT VOURSELPI W. NICHOLS BOWMANVI LLE mA à' qm rffl T .1 1