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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 25 Feb 1960, p. 11

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THURSDAY, FEB. 25th, 1960 The Orono News Mrs. James E. Richards, Editor Mr. and Mrs. Marshall Chat- Mr. and Mis. Atkin Archer, terton spent Thursdey with Lindsay, visited Mrs. J. E. Dr. andi Mrs. Keith Taylor and Richards on Saturday. daUghter, Brampton. Mrs. Bill Tomlinson spent a Congratulations to Mr. and few days with her mother, Mrs. Mrs. Bob Knox, the f ormer John Wannan in Almon'te, last Gail Marie Thomas of Bow-i week and visited friends in marwille, on their marriage in Hull, Quebec and Ottawa. St. George's Anglican Church, Mr. and Mrs. Clarence AI- Newcastle on Saturday, Feb- lin and Mr. John Patton visit- ruairy l3th. Mr. and Mrs. KnIox eed Mr. and Mrs. Alex Prout leave next month to live in at Curve Inn last Thursday. Nipawin, Saskç. Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Har- Mr. and Mrs. R. J. Hodgson, ris attended the Capping exer- Hampton; Mr. and Mrs. Deanî cise at Ontario Hospital, Whit- Hodtson, Bowmnanville, spent by, when their daughter Joyce Sunidey with Mr. and Mrs. D. nurse- in-triin in g received her G. Hooper. cap. Congratulations Joyce! 1./C Lyle Gerry, Regina, Mr, and Mrs. Donald McGee Saswk., and his daughter Mrs. and children, Richmond Hill, M. Burt and Mr. Burt of Lon- spent the weeker-d with his don, spent the weekend with, parents Mr .and Mrs. G. L. Mc- his father, Mr. Amberson Ger- Gee. ry and Mrs. Gerry. Mr. and Mrs. Russell Van Mrs. Agnes Darlinigton, Tor-' Horne Whitby, spent Saturday onto, spent the weekend withllwith M1rs. Fred Tamblyn. Mrs. R. R. Waddeil. Mr. and Mrs. Alan Hancock Mi's. Roy Metcalfe and Mr.1 an'd caugliter, Port Hope, have Ross Metcalfe, Maple Grove.! rented the Lunn Apartment were guests of Mr. and Mrs. recently vacated by Mrs. A. Chas. Wood on Sunday. MclKenne on Main Str ee t Mis. Wm. Payne and Mr. South. Dei-bert Jones, Port Hope, vis- Mrs. A. Darlington, Toronto; Red their brother Mr. Cecil Miss H. Waddell and Mrs. R. Jones and Mrs. Jones on Sat- R. Waddell attended the Gol- urday. den Wed6ing Anniversary of Miss Helen Hancock who is Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Mutton of attending Shaw's Business Col- Coiborne on Saturd'ay. lege, Toronto, spent the week- Mr. and Mrs. Charles Wood end at her home. visited Mr. and Mrs. W. N. IFreel Fr"eell STAMPS with every purchase of gos at your SERVICE STATION "We Specialize'iii Personal Service" CORNER 0F MANVERS ROAD AND FIFTH CONCESSION Phone CO 3-26U1 âJouble Siamp Day Every Tuesday -Corne Out and See Our Display of Gifts- Complete Lubrication at a Reasonable Price ASK ABOUT OUR SPECIAL PRICE ON TIRES STOVE OIL AVAILABLE IN ANY QUANTITY AT THE STATION- OPEN EVENINGS AND SUNDAYS SVP-ECà4)L! JANE PARKR Reg. 5 5c- S4VE c Hoskin and Mi. and Mis. Fred Brooks Oshawa, last Thurs- day. Miss Marion McKelvey, Tor-- onto, visited Mis. Fred Brima- combe over the weekend. Mis. Harry Fr-aser fell on the icy street and broke ber arm on Monday and was a patient in Memorial Hospital, Bow- manville. Mis. W. Penwarden, Tyrone, bas been visiting Mis. Fisser for tfhe past two weeks. Little Cheryl Coînisb enter- tained a few of her little fnl- ends on ber third birthday, Feb. i6th. Mr. E. Hawke is a patient in Memorial Hospital, Bow- manville. Mi. John Patterson is leav- ing this week for a train trip ta the West Coast. Mi. and Mis. Leonard Buck- 1er and caughten Bernice, Bow- manville, visited Mi. John Pat- ton, Mi. and Mis. Roy Patton on Sunday. Mr. and Mis. Brooks Cowan visited Mi. and Mis. Robert May and daughber, Kathy of Brooklîn. Alan Pears celebrated his fourth birthclay on Feb. l7th and entertained a few of his young cousins at a birthday Party. Mi. and Mis. Jim Lamb and Karen, Scarborougil, spent the weekend with Mis. Thoînton Wilson. Mr. John Field Stevenson, busband of Evelyn Unsworth Stevenson, passed away after a lengthy illness on Monday, Fel ont Pir mne -0 Ceý Sel dia: are ed Hc prc the ' av Sal Sal R.. un the pa! Su: Mr Vil nur of ed foi Heinz Hleiniz TOMATO SOUP In ~ C -z:~ Suce t,11 SPACHEl ¶0JUICE THE CANADIAN~ STATESMAN, BOWMANV=&LE ONTARIO I y 25, will observe their for- tth wedding anniversaiy. Yorfriends here wish you D e ie tO cntinued health and happiness for many future anniversaries. B og Son ~Cmmîînity Club bas BDu aTagda social evening o cardes in the new raom of the school on Friday .gh.t, Feb- ,r,, 9v 26.01 The Three M's will meet at the home of Harvey and Lois Yellowlees on Monday night, Febiuary 29. Mr. and Mis. Roy Langmaid attended the 50th %vedding an- niversary celebration for Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Barrie at Providence. Linda Flett was a Sunday tea guest at Charles Langmaid's. Mn. and Mis. Lloyd Preston and sons, Bowrnanville, were Sunday visitais with Mi. and Mis. Roy Langmaij. Mis. N. Fice, Taunton: Mr. and Mis. Percy Westlake and Ailine weîe Sundiay visitais with Mr. and Mis. Frank West- lake Si. Mi. and Mis. Hariy Knox and sons visited on Sunday with Mn. and Mis. Hilton Tink, Ebenezer. Mi. C. McPheison, Mi. and Mis. E. H. Peever. Mi. and Mrs. A. Beevor and sons, Osh- awa, were Sunday visitons at Mi. and Mis. Rae Pascoe's. Miss Helen Bsokei, Mrs. Claie Stewart, Toronto; Miss Mar- tha Srnales, Oshawa; Mr. and Mis. Howard Orrni-ton and childien, Eoxvmanville, were Siînday visitars at Mr. and Mis, Tom Bakeî's. Helen Knox spent the week- end with Kathy Lynch, Bow- manville. MORRISH b. 15th Funeral was in Tor-The regulanrnmonthly meet- ta on Friday. Interment i ing of the W.A. xvas held on [ne Hilîs Cemetery, Toronto. Wednesday, Febîuaîy l7th at ______________- 2:30 p.m. at Mis. William Mc- Holrns, there were 13 mem- S OLINA bers, 2 visitons an'd 1 junior piesent, the president Mis. The Wamen's Institute wiîî Helen McHolm presided. eet on Thursday night, March The meeting opened with Sat 8:15 o'clack when the prayer and hymn. Scîipture ies will entertain their hus- verses weie îead by Mrs. Har- tnds. A film of Bowmanville old Osborne, lesson thoughts mteninial will be shown. and Drayer read by Mrs. Frank Dwinig ta the snow-filed Anderson, a poern, Jesus at the ads tihere was no Suncbay doo- let Hîm in, by the pie- ýhool or chuîch service, Sun- sident and a hymn concluded ýy marning. the devotional pîogram. F'iends of Mi Gordon Leask The ral was called hy the e happy ta know he neturn- secretary Mms. Calvin Harness, home from Toronto Western the minutes weme read and ad- spital on Sundlay and is im- optd. Many items of business -oving favorably. were brought forwamd. It was nhe Achievement Day for decided ta accept the offer e4HClub girls which xvas fom Mis. Mack of Port HopIe >stponed on accounit of un- ocm t henxmeig vorable road conditions on Ca give us informnation about eturday will now be held on Cncer- a suibicct which ev- Lturdbay, March 12 at Orano. enyone should thoîoughly un- Our faithful mail man on derstand, this meeting will be R. 1 Enniskillen route was held at the Sunday Sehool and able ta make bis rounds at will Poe an open meeting. eweekend as roads were irn- Repairs ta the chuîch orgen issable. was discussed again and work [Mr. and Mis. Wes Yellowlees, is expected to stait next week. rold and Muiray visited on 'T'o quilts are ready for quilt- nday aftemnoon at Mi. and ing - time an:d place will be rs. Claie Allin's, Bowrnan- pha>ned ta ail interested within Ile. a day or two. Following a MrvI. and Mis. N. Grills, Can- hyrnn. the meeting was then ngowere Sund.ay visitors turned over te Mis. M. J. Os- Mr. and Mis. Ralpb Davis. more convener of prograrn Congratulations are extend. who. in tuxn -introauped the 1ta Mr. and Mis. Haîvey guest speaker Mis. Haîvey Os- ardîy of Bowman'ville (and borne of Welcome. mien residents for 15 years Mis. Osborne gave a very SSolina) who tday, Febru- interesting talk af a recenit Visit ta Toronto w i t bl a gîoup of C.G.I.T. girls and friends. The highlight af which was a guided tour of the Fred Vitor Mission of interest ta Eal k S fevte kk % churc building and of the enticipated Plen-sure of having an up ta - da-o chumch-house in the near fu' 're, there was also a visit ta :he museum wbieb was ail Ao too short. Time was nunnin.g out and afteî iefreshrnents a move was made ta a waiting bus for home after a rnost en- joyable tîme. A vote of thanks was accord- ed Mrs. Osborne for this in- formal talk, it is always a pleasure ta welcorne oui friend Reg. btl 283o-SAVE 2c fram Welcome and we look 21 forward ta a icturn visit, A il-oz bti l< contest in the faim of a story was conducted by Mrs. Han- Reg. 4 tins 49c-SAVE 4c old Osborne, theme xvas a tLie in the number of correct an- 4 10oz ins 5(swrr between Mrs. Dawson Beebe and Mrs. Mary Haugh, Reg. 2 tins 33o-SAVE 4c a small onze xvas given ta WM Mis. Haugh. A paper xvas M 5 15-oz tins AY"è read by Mis. Frank Anderson entitled A Racket ta the Moon. Reg. 2 tins 35c-SAVE 4c The president closed the ÀR 9 meirg with prayer. J 15-z tin 7< the hostess assisted by Miss Reg. 2 tins 25c-SAVE lic, Beckett served afternýoon tea. Mis. Harry Beckett rnoved a 4 20-oz tins 39 c vote of thanks ta the hostess u.1 antd Miss B2ckett, aur guest Check - Cearre, A7ve ou Super-Rbht Meuts - EE R'nAST SALE B LAD E R & BAEBNERM SHOULDERI,,ý,AST____CU SHORT or CROZ)S RIB ROAST mEATY lb 43C ib49i No tTheir Best, No. 1 Grade, California, Navel OR&N4G ES SJb.i Cba59( Ontario Grown, Fancy Grade, SDELICIOUS APPLES 3-1>lb o .b"g29c lm Cam *nlaw aC A aC I A CCU,*IEVLiu Ail Pric.u 1ln This Ad Guarantfod Throu§h Saturday, February 27th, 1M6 ri fRevi'ews - glas Rigg the big gun for the Beans scoring foui goals and assist- ing on the otheî one. Danald Rogers collected the other goal for the Bears. Morris Honey- mian (3), Donald Rogers (2) alsa picked up assists on the Bears' five goals. The win moved the Beans in first place ini The playaf! standings. In the second Pee Wee game the Giants defeated the Hawks 2-1 to move into sole possess- ian af third place in the stand- ings. Ken McDonald <Teriy Devitt) and Donald Taylor (Lanny Burns, Terny Devitt) were the goal getters for the Giants. Bud Depew (Jeff Gil- hooly) accounted foi the Hawks' lone goal. In the third Pee Wee game of the day the Leafs chalked up their thiîd stiaight win by defeatînsg the Bruins 4-1. The win maved the Leafs into se- cond place in the playof! standings. Stephen Wright (2), Dennis Honieniuk end Danny Lemon were the goal scorers for the Leafs. Keiry Dickens (2), Ronnie Simpson and Randy Cole picked up as- sists on the Leafs' goals. Ran- dy Dewell accaunted for the Bruis' only goal. In the fourth Pee Wee garne the Red Wings and Canadiansi played ta a 2-2 tie. Bruce Bar- nett (Dennis McDanald) and Guy Parks (Paul Huggett) accounted for the Red Wings' goals. Genald McDonald (Bai- ry Whiternan) and Charlie Evans weîe the goal getters for the Canadians. The tie drapped the Red Wings ta 4th spot followed by the Canadians in 5th spot In the standings. Bantam Hockey In the first Bantam game a! the morning the Flyers won in tlhe pîagimr, this was car- gamne by defeating the Hus- ied in the regular way and kies 6-0. Erie Fernlund (2), anoherplesant gt-tgeterPaul Peterson, Phillip Bragg, was over.Sndy la James Afýcher and Ted Bate Reguhir Sna School .a were the goal scorers for the held at 11 arn. on SuivM Flyers. John Huggett (3), George Harness, superinten- «Gee Balson (2), Paul Peter- ent conclucted, there were 34 son and Ronnie Harper cal- present. one birthday was hon- lected assista on the Flyers' ou4~d tat f Mr. FankAn-goals. Casey Denhertog of the odso ofn.. rak n Huskies and Paul Peterson of d e n red adoethe Flyers collected the only Te nhbors er sadorretapenalties of the gaine. timeneihbors wre orr to In the second Bantain gamel learn of the sudden illness cf of the morning the Braves de- Mi. WilUam Marvin, we trust feated the Pirates 2-1 ta move bis stay in hospital wilI not be it eodpaei h ly long and thiat within a few ontosecndplaceMirrtheBpowy- weeks Mr. Marvin will be weîîofsadns.Mralrw enaugh ta resume bis busi-- and Fred Alldread were the ness. Congratulations ta little Miss near last Tuesday awaiting Brenia Anderson dauohter of their band-out. Mr.and Mis. Criss Anderson Çhickadees are veypet- who drew the winning ticket ular in their choice of eats.1 at the John Deere Machinery One day we puLt out crumbsi Demonstration at Ken Ashby's of cake wxth pink caconut, the, on Wednesday evening, F'ebru- ciumbs were eaten but the ary l7th at the conclusion Bre- pink coconut remained un- nda xvas pîesented with an up touched, another disike are ta date model tractai of which any scraps of duck especia1l.ý' she is very proud. fat but the end o! a chicker Mrs. Fred Comnish a! Port wing is almost a tug of wa- Hope was a supruer guest of beween the woodpeckers am~ Mis. Willam McHolm and Miss chickadees. Starhings still han,, Beckett on Tuesday February around but we have given ir 16th. ta one lonely starling, it is al- Now a little about aur feath- ways by itself neyer with the eîed riends who are fed three crowd, so we favour it as iti gyas ever. There were several in asmall basket !ixed in a PAGE ELLMEW Leader'. Institute goal scorers for the Braves. Pee Wee League-A.M. C o mm un i t y Programmes, Garfield Webb (Steven Buwls)! 10:20-Leats vs. Wings Branch of the Ontario Depart-' acceunted for the Pirates' lone, 1105-Canadians vs. Hawks ment of Education have plan- goal. Fred Alldread of the 11:55-Bruins vs. Rangers ned a Leaders' Institute .t Braves collected the only pen-ý Atom League-P.M. MacDonald Institute, Ontarlo altY of the game for cross, Agricultural College, Guelph, checking. : 12:40-Barons vs. Hornets Ontario, to be held July 18-22, In the third and final Ban- l1:35-Rams vs. Bisons 1960. tam game of the morning thel Liens Midget - juvenhle The Institute provides an Lions defeated the Tee Pees! Leatue-P.M. opportunity for craft instruc- 9-5 te move into a third place ý2:25-Maroons vs. Raiders tors, nîght school teachers and tie with the Tee Pees in the 3:10-Orphans vs. Cornets community leaders te increase playoff standings. Doug Ni-' PLAYOFF STANDINGS their knowledge and skil a chois was the big scorer for welî as gain experience in the Lions picking up three Atom League workin.g with groups. There goals and two assists. Glen W L TFA1 will be over 30 hours of in- Clarke (2), John (2), Bombers ____3 0 0 14 21 struction under ideal condi. Ivai Milis, and Earle Keatley Indians ____.2 1 0 3 7 tions. aocounted for the Lions' other: Hornets 1 1 0 2 2 skll courses th~at invoîve goals. Bll Buday, Dennis Gay _____ 1 20 4 7 Asiltann eura .. and Ivan M.lls picked up as-!Bisons 1_2_0_4_7 .rinngreuie - sists on the Lions' goals. Bob- Barons 0 2 0 4 6 mum of 24 hours previous in- by Sleep with three goals and P.WeLau struction. Larry Peris with two account- PeWeLau The teaching staff has been ed for the Tee Pees five goals. W L T F A1 carefully selected. Information The Tee Pees collected the Bears ____ 3 0 1 14 4 on the teacher, course outline, only two penalties of the game. Leafs 2 0 0 7 2 the equipment îequired and Giants21142 supplies to bring, will be sent Atom Hockey Wings 1-____ 1 2 10 10 to each applicant. In the first Atom game of Canaclians - 1 2 1 8 î9 Classes will be kept small the day the Boinbers chalked Hawks --~- 1 2 0 8 8 and preference will be given up their third playoff win in Bruins 0 2 1 5 il to those who mail their appli- a row by defeating the Rams Rangers 0 3 0 2 13 cations early. The geographic 3-0. James Rogeà (Joe Hir- Bantam League distribution of the participants cock,) Norman Neads and Joe W L T F A1 will also be considered. Hircock (Larry Devitt) were Flyers 4OO1 Time will be allowed in tega h Bib Braves 2 1 1 8 8 most courses for subjects other Lions --- 2 2 0 13 13 than skill training, such as: In the second Atom game Tee Pees 2 1 0 13 13 Teqching Adults, Design, Tea- the Indian~s defeated the Bi- Tigers-------- 1 11 4 6 chinrg Techniques and Group sons 1-0 to move into second Cubs -i 2 0 9 8 W'oîk. place in the playoff standings Huskies 1 3 O 8 16 Thr i eopruiistwo points behind the Bomb- Pirates ------ 0 3 0 4 9 There wil be eorun-e ers. Johnny Qyler scored the to discuss problemis non inn golfrteIdasLosMdt-uel egi tered in ouuiyatvt eaîîy in the first period. W L T F A1 groups.Cont- - iO93 Only applications of adults Lions Midget-Juvenile League Rockets ---- _2 i14 83 <over 18 years of age) will be In the first Midget-Juven- Orphans -------1 1 1 8 8 considered. There mnust be a !lie gamne the Oîphans brokze Generais 1 1 1 8 il minimum enrolment of 10 be- a 3-3 tie to defeat the Rockets Maroons --- --1 1 O 4 7 fore any class will be held. 4-3 and move into a second Raiders ----------O0 2 0 O 6 Fees are refunded if a class place tie in the standings. Girl.' Broombal is cancelled. Doug. James (2), Paul Mut- Activities will be planned ton (Doug. James, Jon Han- W L T F A1 for the evening for those who cock) and Don Smith (Jim *Avalons 3 0 0 7 1 6 wish to participate. A trip to Anderson) accounted for the Fiabiens - 2 1 0 7 44 the Str.atford Festival will be Orph.ans' goals. Ray Crombie, *Presleys 1 2 0 2 42 arranged. Grant Flintoff (Howie Pol- Boones 0 3 0 0 70 Casswill be held on the lard, Bruce Ogden) and James *Gaine under protest. ClasesLane (Howie Polard) were Girls' Broomnbail following subjects: Art (3), the aa crr o h ok Cenamics, Ceramic Sculpture, ga crr frteRc- In the first Broomball gan Children's Art, Course for ets. played lest Mlondiay evenin Club Executives, Drama, Lead- In the second Midget-Juven- the Avalons defeated th ers of Senior Citizens' Groups, ile game the Generals defeat- Boones 2-0. Greta Çrawfo: Folk and Square Dancing In- ed the Cornets 2-1 te move and Betty Loo Rundle wer structoîs, Leathercraft, Me- mnto a second place tie with the goal sconers for the Ava talcnaft, Millinery (2), Teen- the Orphans. The loss left the Ions. Heather Mioore of th age Leadership, Course for Cornets tied for first place Boones picked up the onl Leaders of Chuncli Recreation with the Rockets. Ross Tur- penalty of the garne. and Weaving. ner and Walter Gibson scored In the second Broornbal If you are interested in at- for the winners-. Lanry Pearce the evening the Fiabiens dE tending any of these courses, (David Allison) accounted feated the Presleys 2-1. Ur application faims are avail- for the Cornets' only goal. The fortunately the score Pheet ha able at the Recreation Office Generals collected ail three been lost sa we do not knci in the Lions Community Cen- of the penalties handed out in who scored the goals. The wi tre. e the game. moved the Fabiens into secon PeWee Hockey Games Saturday, -Feb. 27th place in the playoff standing. In the first Pee Wee game Bantam League-A.M. Choral Society played the Bears stretched 7:00-Tigens vs. Tee Pees The Choral Society has their p 1 a y o f f undefeated 7:45-Flyers vs. Cubs number of invitations te prE string to four games by de- 8:35-Pirates vs. Huskies sent concerts for variaus ci feating the last place Rangers 9:20-Braves vs. Lions ganizations throughout th 5-. 1ull1 un'i_ ersfdwa of 1lf fcrest Cleaners J71 KING ST. E. BOWMANVILLE ,as ow~PHO0NE MA 317061 ond for al .PICK-UP AND DELIVERY re- LORNE MCQUARRIE, Prop. 'r- ONE-STOP SERVICE This is the way she likes to do her market. ing: fiiling ber list of needs in one place, from wel-stocked shelves. She likes to do her banking the same easy, Convenient way. At her local bank, al "~der one roof, a trained and courteous staff provides every- thing in the way of banking service. Here she c an cash a cheque, arrange a boan, open a deposit account, ent a safety deposit box, buy money onders or travellers cheques-the lisi. of bankiîîg services goes on and on. Ail over Canada, the chartered banks make this same convenient, one-stop service available to millions of customers. THE CHARTERED BAŽNKS SERVING YOUR COMMUNITY aiea. It was decided at their1 Theatre aie planning a speelal practice session last Monday Matinee for Senior Citizens 0à to accept an invitation ta pie- Wednelay, Ma.cch 23rd. The sent a performance in Tyrone films to be shown are Wait some Urne in April. iDisney's "Third MVan on The If you are interested rn1 Mouintain" and a short film joining the Choral Societyientitled "-Noh's Ark". please feel fiee ta attend any ato their practices. The Choral There wil also be a Senior Society meets every Mondas'v Citizens' Workshop for execu- evening at 8:00 p.m. in thetive members and sponsois on Bowmanvile Town Hall. April 2nd in Part Hope. The Senior Citizens Worksbop will be under the direction of Miss Hairiet Caîr, The next Senior Citizens' Advisor for Senior Citizens, meeting will be held Tuesday, C o in m u n i t y P'rogrammes March lst, at the Lions Cen- Bianch. Ontario Departrneflt tre at 8:00 p.rn.ofEuain Mis. Lloyd iVre wiîî l ofEdcaton and Mis. R. Sheridan wil take the reading gnaup. An invitation has been ne- FAIM SERVICE p ceîved fnom the Oshawa Sen- 6 ior Citizens' Club for the mem- DEAD, OLD & CRIPPLED 4 bers o! the Bowvrnanville Club1 FARM STOCK 21 to be guest at thei meeting Removed Free of Charge 2.on Thuîsday, March l7th. Immediate 24-Hi, Service 2 This meeting will be held at Ask Your Operator For 2 Simcoe Hall in Oshawa. If you are interested in attending Eih RÇI this meeting please let the -E ih 65 Pl membeis of Club 15 know at No Toil Charge 7 the March lst meeting. Nlck Peconi - Peterborough 6, Mi. and Mis. Gi of Royal 4 0J. F. HENDERSON 8 WELL DRILLER 5 4 No Job Too Large or Too Smal 4 3 - FREE ESTIMATES - 2 0 hone Lindsay FAirview 4-6018 me 103 ELGIN ST., LINDSAY P 41,- 4 'Our Cleaning P 4Is Sure to Please.. See us if you want a sure thmng when it cornes ne to cleaning clothes! We guarantee satisfaction he . .. yet oui superior methods cost you flot a rd mei penny more! Try us soon. 't i, 1 A"t', à.

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