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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 25 Feb 1960, p. 12

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~~'AG~~ TWELV~~~~ TR CA1iADIA1N STATESMAN. EROWMA1qVnLz=ONTARTO TTRDY E.21,lG Gordon Agnew, Edilor Phone 3621 Animais 0f Ail Kinds In Skating Exhibition A few of the animais clad in costumes are included in this picture Newcastle Sports Night on Saturday. ie wcastle cSoca/ anad £Jersona/ i Wm. C. Holubenko, B. Comm.1 Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Hodg. C.A., received his chartered son of Bowmanville. wer accountancy diplon-a Ias't Sundav visitors with Mr. and week. The graduation exer-!Mrs. G,. H. Hodgson. cises w'ere held in the Royal!' Mr. and Mrs. Wm* Storks' York Hotel in Toronto. reuni obonSna Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Pollard'frllowing a three weeks vaca-ý and daughters Lynda an I 1tion pet in Mexico. Jane of Courtice were Sundy M. Douglas Jose is conval- C.uet ithM.adMs. H.escing at home following an C. Denis.appelidectomy performed in r.Bob Brown spent the;Memorial Hospital, Bowman- weekend visiting with his aunt ville on Friday. and uncle, Mr. and Ms. Gr -_____________ don Batchelor in Toronto. Hiz parents spent Sunday with the Bac'elorq. Th ecsl Hriutrl Comm unity teLions room of the cm Bowling m~uni *ty hall last Tuesday< evenng wen nst-,-dof nr*I zes for winners in cards a, e Ilt nube f draws were maLleResun throughout the evening with t'ne following receiving prizes: Afternoon League Y4x. Simkins. Mrs. Woodwa"rdTe ýe-ay MCl Mrs. A. Turner, Mrs. A. Ste- Teen Age- gar eCl phenson, Mr-. P. Tamnblyn. M-. louh rolled thie h triple A. Turner, Mrs. M. Gartshore, on Saturday afternaon with Yrs. H. Jase. M'-s. A. Matri, , an aggreg2te score of 604. Mr-. C. Megit. Mr. Les AllinjBowlers over 200 in singl e and Mrs. Albert Pearce. gamnes ivere Gary McCullough Mr. and Mrs. Ken Gould -256, Bob Brown 236, Jon Fis- and family of Newmnarket er 930,' Jim Stephenson 223, were Sunday visîtors with Mr. and Ricky Pearce 211. end Mrs. Carl Gould and fam- * iUy._____ Ladies Wednesday League VIGO OIL SERVICE STATION R.R. 5, Bowmanville CORNER 0F MANVERS RD. AND TAUNTON RD. Open from 7 a.m. to il p.m. Daily eb Top Quality Petroleum Products and Gasolines STOVE OIL . ANY I1UANTITY Lowest Prices in Town PLUS FREE GIFTS with BLACK DIAMOND 4STAMP4S Special With This Coupon FREEEXTA FREE' Blaclk Diamond Sta mps 1 WITH ANY PURCHASE 0FI L - - - $2.00 OR OVER --- fancy skatingl rigbt, Rul h Paterson, Darreil Darling, Geordie Wallon, taken at the Mark Tilison, Eobbie Nortbrup, Donald Tilison, Dale From left toý Powell, Gail Adair, -John 1-bar, Robin Rickard. Hockey Casualty Erie Naylor, son of Mr. and Mrs. Albert Naylor of Newcastle, enjoyed the first part of bis hockey Égame during the first big sports night at Newcastle Arena on Saturday. Then he collided with somebody's stick and this was the resuit, a gory mess that required seven stitches to repair. However, he probably will be ri-sht back at il Ibis weekend, complete with battie scars. The bands in the photo belong bo father Ah. Naylor wbo is trying to comfort the lad. Lions Dist. Governor Urges Newcastle Club To Practise Service Ho rticulturai Society Elects New Officers Newcastle - The 1960 siate of officers to guide the affairs of the Newcastle Horticultural Society were elected at a re- cent meeting of the society with the following resuits. President Jack Wade; lst Vice President, MwIs. George Ste- phenson; 2nd Vice President, Mrs. Percy Brown, Secretary, iVrs. Ceciu Ferguson and Trea- surer Chas. Megit. Directors elected for a two year term are Mrs. D. Cun- ningham, Mrs. J. H. Jose, Mrs. A. Glenney, lVrs. Gwen Gib- son, Mrs. Louis Clark. Directors elected for one year -are Mrs. W. illigan, Mrs. George Walton, Mrs. Wm. Rudeil, Miss Bernice Milligan and Mrs. A. Garrod. Whitby Club Visits Local Bird Chasers Newcastle - The memnbers of the W.hitby Badminton Club vîsited the local club on Tues- day evening, February l6th for a friendly tournament and social evening. The local club won one la- dies, one ladies doubles match when Judy Miklos and Anne Gould emer.ged victorlous over Muriel McKimn and Doreen Turnbull of Whitby. Jean Wa- gar and Fred Yates also won a mixed doubles set. Although short on wins the tournament offered the local players somne good fast workouts. At the completion of the tournament the members of both team~s were entertained at the home of Dr. L. S. and Mrs. Miklos where the play- ers were served delicious re- freshments and listened to re- cords with everyone hiaving a most wonderful time. Thanks was extended to Dr. and Mrs. Miklos for the most enjoyable evening. Zion (Hope Township) Congregation Meeting The annual Congregational meeting of Zion Church was held at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Raby, there was onily a small attendance. Rev. Mr. Harding was in charge anid opened the meet- ing with Prayer. Mrs. Raby, Secret-ary, read the minutes of the last meeting which were approved. Mr. Douglas Whit- ney, Treasurer, gave the an- nual Financial Report. Rev. Hardinîg reported for the Ses- sion. Womans' Assoc., Mission B.and, Sunday Sehool, Cemet- ery and Parsonage reports were given. The slate of officers remain- Nexcastle-"The Lions Club Coboconk district with his od very muchh es they were. with one or, more projects un. nearest haspital in Lindsay, he Mi-s. C. Raby was re-appoinrted, denvzay wîll have no trouble is neyer too busy to do Lions member of the session for an- angnew iemibers or re-lwork or to attend the mneet- othler five year terra. Mrs. -,.iiinns thý, nid rnenbers'" Di.'ings of his club. Dr. Jaimieson Chas. Meneilley was appointed R. E. Jarn ý.-on of Co)boc-onk,' said sorne mrembcrs of Lions to f111 the vacancy lefit by the District Govein or of Lions Ii-1 Clubs like ta corne for dinner tle Mr. George Hamilton. ternatianal tolci meinbers o!' and enjoy the fellowsinip of Trustees, Stewards, Ushers the Newcist'c sCI:îib ati the club and have a nice so- Were unchariged. ihcr cne" n -?tn-g in the'cial time, but such members Cemetery, Comm. for regu- Lion3 rcol,1 Of theeate are no asset to a club because jar arie consists of Messrs. carlrntrlity hall an Thtursdu.vl they are just flot gaod Lions. Stanley Jones, Harold Cas- c von in 'Dii-ic1 The speaker explained that well, Douglas Whitnsey, McNall Introdced hv the Dsrc a Lions Club is a service and rwin. Treas. Mrs. W. J. Mc- Depulv Covcriior, Lion Bren-.tog the social ïctivities of Cullough. A motion was pas- tan icl:ard as one, of the the club are important, the sed that thîs committee pur- busest irnnlie knewx, i1viniiimain function is service to the chase a power lawn mower a rra mdialpratie n hecommunit.. le said though when required. Meeting closed -Bowing~ ~- 20 ~-~ŽIr-sane people may patronize a with Prayeç'. The hostess and Bowlng ver'20 wee I- buines bcaue i isrunby assistants served refreshments. ncCunninghani 213, Judyla Lion, there is no guarantee Ms rhrGemnOh *Mikios 210 and Helen Han- of personial profit by being :a awa, spent several days last cock 201. * member of a Lions Club. It iS week with her brother and * * ot afratrna orgnizaionsister-in-law, Mr. and Mirs. C. Evening Leagues and a Lions Club to be suc- Mnily Monday (Ladies over 200)-i cessful must be actively en- ïnily Myrtie Navlor 244, Ruth! gageci in service to the corn- The annual Sunday Sehool Couch 238, _Alce Rowe 235,1 munity. meeting was held at Mrs. C. and Anne Tre;eaven 220. In closing, the district gr Raby's home. There was a * .v- small attendance and very lit- ove 22)-ernor quoted the well known tle change was made regarcling Tuesdiy (Men vr2 poem"It Couldn't Be Done" officers and teachers. I-vin McCullough 280, Don and said a good Lion will al- Lake 260, Ken Whitney 248, ways take the moral of the The pupils of Zion sehool were Stan Powel 243, Gord Gar- poein seriously and say it pleasantly surprised recently ro d 243, Doug, Waltan, 240, couldn't be done but we'll do w'hen Mrs. N. Gerow showed Aoe Pearce 232, Verne~ it. He said clubs that takefwie on olirday in sthe ut Roe230, Everett Lake 228. projects in thîs spirit will f ind whteonhiay mingo thet * ** Ithev soon have lots of active TZion Womars'mAstocg w fshed Thursday (M.1-xcd over 200) i-bs and will be doing ZThura vning, Fe., 11, at Bria Rove 27, Ros Mot- reat work in the community. tehm fMs .Grw gomnery 257, Verne Raxve 248, "tehm fMs .Grw Mlary Garrod 248, Eleanor lHe said if every member There were ten members pre- Perrin 247, Ed. Mont2orniery. Of every Lions Club through- sent. Meeting opened with 228, and BilIH lar"isan 217. out the world would believe hymn, followed by Devotional **that all men everywhere are Program arranged by Mrs. C. Friday (Mixd over 200)- brothers and act accordinglv Rahy. Minutes were read and Barbai-a Alldred. 261, Alce it wvould speed the day when appcoved. A short business Rowe 250, Frank Ho-ir 247,. goodwill will be established jperiod followed after which ýKen Whitnev 244, Ted Belsev throughout the world. Urs- N. Gerow Shewed colour- 1J-3, Ross Montglomei-y 221,1 Lion Jim Porter of the C. ed pictures of their recent trip Ken Dean 225, Stan Brown N.R. expressed the thanks of to the States. Meeting CIOsed '215. Anne Plu'ster 214. hi-v. the trembers to the district wo 1 rayer. Te hlstessad cCiogh -06, Rut-I Bon- Governor for his fine talk ta committee served refreshments *athaù, 205, Bill MeCrai-ken thie membcr.z; and presenteci and pleasant social houx foUl- 1205, and Ben Hoozkamp 203ý, hir with a gif a memnento vuiu These four angels were part of one act at the from left to right: Dianne Embley, Arlie May Munro, Newcastle Arena on Saturday. On the extreme right, Pat Parker, Jennifer Gray and Dougie lRîckard. In- a young fellow appears to have joined the group, structress Lynne Bagneli is in the background. dressed as something other than an angel. They are, ONTARIO HOUSEWIVES SAY:* r , week ut DOMINION!"I DOMINION cSpe cia/s JUST HEAT & SERVE - YORK BRAND - IN T.S. BEANS with PORK 20-oz. Tin' forc REAL VALUE - PURITAN BRAND 15-oz. Tin 2.for49 BISCUIT FEATURE - PARTY TREAT CHOCO NUGGETTS 1-lb. Box33c HANDY FOR SANDWICHES - CANNED MEAT SWIFT'S PREM 12-oz. Tin2 foc Add Variety to Your Table - BICK'S SWEET MIXED PICKLES 32-oz. Jar 45 c SERVE SOUF OFTEN - CAMPBELL'S VEGETABLE SOUP lO-oz. Tin 2 for25t c SERVE CHILLED - MITCHELL'S APPLE JUICE 48-oz. Tin2 for49 9I £roaduce Spe III ~ FLORIDA - WHI' ;GRAPEFRI 10 for NEW BRUNSWICK SPOTATrC '.Cicls i TE I U I T II No. 1 " )ES 50-lb. Bag *- 89 Recently, DOMINION asked hundreds of women coast-to-coast who mnade a 1-week Shopping Test at DOMINION, how mucli they saved every week. They reported a total average cash saving of $31.03 each - ini only 10 weeks! Think of it! That's an average weekly saving of $3.10 a week! If you are flot now a regular DOMINION10 customer, shop exclusively for 10 weeks at DOMINION! You'll find as~~ youx weekly savings soon add up io a worthwhile total ... enough to buy many things you may want 1 Cut Food Costs at DOMINION! GUARANTEED 111CALDWELL'S SKINLESS Iiî 1111-lb. Pkg.11:,'c 11111 i 11 1111 NIAGARA BRAND -EDLS SIDE BACON 1-lb. Pkg. 7 Every Day Low Prices NEW DOMINO LIQUID DETERGENT FOR DISHES AND FINE FADRICS OnIy ai Dominion 12-oz Tin 3lc 2-zTinS3c 32-oz Tin 67c CHILDREN LOVE IT IN SANDWICHES RICHMELLO - ONLY AT DOMINION PEANUT BUTTER 16-oz. Unity Jar 3 5 TREMENDOUS VALUE DOMINO BRAND - ONLY AT DOMINION INSTANT COFFEE 6-oz. Jar 8#5 c CUT BREAD COSTS! CARRY IT HOME AND 8AVE! SLICED WHITE RICHMELLO BREADW 24-oz. Loaf i 8 c Values effective in Bowmanville until closing Lime Saturday, February 27th, 1960> Ail merchandise sold at your Dominion Store Ltd. is unconditionally guaranteed to give 100% satisfaction. of his visit to the Newcastle Club. Angeis On Skates Thrill Crowi dent Chas. Megit a motion was passed authorizing the charge of three dollars for each member on Father and Son Night whether or not the member brought a son. Lion Frank Hoar was the lucky winner of the 50-50 draw and went home $11.00 richer as a resuit, with the convention fund enriched by the same amount. Lion Gary Hancock 1 celebrated a birthday at this meeting. During the delicious dinner served by members of the cel- Q frai group of the United M Church Woman's Association, 01......... . ..'..... three mnembers of the Cobo- conk Club accompanying the ," district governor on his visit sX were introduced to the mern- bers, they were Lions Fred Austin, Morley McKay and and Sandy Angers........... rAGE TWFLVLP 1 -T-MMSDAY, FEB. 25th, l9S

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