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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 25 Feb 1960, p. 13

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Solo Performers in Action During Newcastle Arena's big Minor H ockey to the delight of the large, enthusiastiecrcowd. They and Figure Skating Night on Saturday, thesei twoi are, lef t. Miss SandraiMcGregor and Miss Pat Rudeil. young performers put on solo displays of the fine artý Many other fine acts were presented. Youngsters Brilliant Ic At Memori Newcastle A larg~ee cw of local citizens was preseru at the annual IMinor 1-ockey and Figure Skating show spon- à UfMe Co 3-2281 18 GO...0 Regardless FOR SAFER WINTER D LET US For That Heavy Snow.. We Can Cut Yoi We can make your old tir, Snow and Mud Tires For Only iIIi Your Ch' 1~h The R i' AV!M.LABLE AT IIRNG ST.W. resented as animais presented a fine1 P resent katig exhibition to the mu- Si f"Animal Crackers". M inor The second class, stili in the U UUW :nio)r ugo appeaued as AngelsHo e ~,h w idD'vils anri skated to the ,e Shw Hokey 1m-mdsc of the well known sangl A7,111,11k Heaven for Little R s ~~aI ~ Ginl<. Follaxving this number u t ial A renaSa l ra MeGregor presented 1 ýýorec by tie Ne\vcaI. e R' a love.ý,, solo number skating Newcastle - The Jets and cretia Cn mtie 1* ta the strains af a waltz med- Rebels were winners in thel Newciastle _Me morial Areia nu 0 '. Minou League Hockey games Satum'day evenin: 1. und were At tbis limie the figure ska.- played at the local arena o t hilled by the brillianIi (- ý_ting mîstrucress Miss LynnelMonday, Feb. 15. when the play presenteci b\ tie it.a :nel was presented with Jets downed tbe Rockets 7 to steus of the colnmunit>ý. a 1xi pink carnation cor-1 2 and the Rebels took the Cubs The progm'am uot underci smge on hehaif of the fiust two by a 4 ta 3 score. at ~ 1 7:0.m hama 1.~. > ob ortbrup, In the first game Peter Mc- hQckev anie withi the B riiY Anne Hnlckin and Mary Culioug1h scored six of the Pee Weê' and Two Banltal iii Paterson. Jets' seven goals with Bob team-s parti cipatir h. .Tihe ' Thon came the cowgirls ska- Bandstua sinking the seventhi kets upid Jets teeodup tatirrthie tune "Rag Time tally in the net. Assists were take on the Cabs anîd Rb 1s(. )ý1OwboyJO" a class of fifteen pi.cked up by Wayne Peauce and played ta a one ail tic irls duesr-'d in cowgirl out- ()adJm Alua 3 Bran P 1 igf it-, presocted a fine dispiay while the only Jet penalty j scrir foickte rin a i e, . kaing ta the delight of went ta Bria .n Pickering. combination on an as. ,;t fronthe crawd. Eric Naylou land Ted Znak Denni RudnanWilie 'A were the scouers for tbe Roc- Deni Rdna. l i Skriting bt( the strains 0f " kets with Ronnie Goode get- alties ivere hiandccl onit 1) *ne-Bicycle Dii t For Two", Pat tn nass hl h cr feree Laruy Pearce o '<o'Dm.Ruc[l cave -,a very fine nass hl h cr GrayandBrin Pikerng. play of J'igure skating between eus Naylou and Znak were Grayand ria Picenin. Ibath penalized duuing the The Cubs-Rebels com-bina- Ithe final twa skating classes. game. lion beid on with an un' -,,-i.t-ý The finiale group number In the closelv..fought second ed goal scored hi' Rani-y1.was presentcd bi' twelve girls game Bill Scott and Terry Cuffe while penalties ,vere skating ta the Old Coinrades Walton teamed up ta score iven to Stanley' Cobiedlick Maric in their colourful ska-, the goals and get the assists and Fred Alldread. lin-2 cos'umcs and making a on the others goals for the Foliowing this hockey fra-,real bit wlth the audience. Rebels with Teruy Walton get- cas Brenton' Ricl:ard the Mas-' The final skating number ting the only penalty. Harry 1ter of Ceremionies foi' trie was presentcd by Miss Lynne1 Cuffe was the only scouer for evening called for the firstIBagneli formlerly of the Iceý the Cubs with assists froin exhibition of Figure Skatin'i Fol lies, who was responsibie; Fred Alduead who also was presented by Pre-school ci 'for the wonderful sbowîng the anly penalized player. dre un beinnrs ho nes- ade by the youngsieus in this Following is a iist of the top show through heu teaching scorers in the village Minou over th e pust weeks. At tbe League as of Menday, Feb. 15: close of ber number a priesefl- Player G A Pts tation was made ta ber in ap- p. McCuilough 18 3 21 preciatian )f heu work by Be-, B. Scott ------ 13 3 16 veule>' Riekurd, Brenda Brown, F. Alldread -- 8 4 12 Dcboruah Adair, Janice Rick- W. Pearce ----------- 4 7 il rard, Jeanette Jacobson and: J. Alldread ------ - i 17 8 Debhie Dairlinig on bebaif af s. Cobbledick 3 4 7 s of Snow the skating classes. H. Cuffe ----------- 4 3 7 Wins Desk T. Walton 4 3 7 I)RIVING . A lovely student's desk don- ated by Mu. Carl Weyricht S DE-SKID YOUR TIRES the Recreatian Comrnittee and W S E IL onwhich, tickets have been sold during the past weeks Snow, winids and thelu foil- ir ire wth no Clat was drawn fou with Sandy Me- ow-u1p drifted roads continue Gregor af Oshawa holding the mucli in the pattern of the res nto uck ticet.dlays. Many of those who were The finale of the evening's stranded last Sunday evening puogramn was an Atom hockey felt the effects fou several gave with îwa, local teamst days. Mrs. Cauroil Nichols suf- --per tire the Bruins and the Leafs, feied severely fuom frast-bîte, --$2 .50 1battling ta, a one ahll ie. The and Mus. Allan Claurke te a Leaf goal was scoued by Tom- lesser deguee. Somne of the men my Alldread with an assist by had eaus and nases nipped. Mark Alldread wbile the Last Fiday night was another Broins' goal was scored by testing time when at least one Danny Mcbean *on an assist accident occuured on Best's frorn Bill MtCuliough. The sideroa-d ia~using nmnor dam- oy penalty of the game went age te two cars. to Dl Ruman.Several ladies weue busy ______STATION_ fromn Tuesday until Saturday Medicl scencequilbing at Mis. Harold Best's cOawal RINGeciuioried 10 deal with cancer kers had ta use foot tuanspor- W BP. an ever before. Each year tation. £VanE increasing number o cases On Wednesday evening of recured. __________lest week a large crowd attend- - - - -- ~ed Ken Ashby's John Deere 'ilInight held in the high scbool --- --- --- --- --- --- in Part Hope. T.hey enjaycd the films shown especially one jIof landi being usedi far both plant and fish cuops. Brenda Anýdeuson drew the names for p prizs won by the following: Lde'doo r pize- Mus. E. il aub, Newcastle R.R. No. 3; p~ II'Men's door prize- Don Kn ted by Castuol Oils- Winston em ingti Hoskin, R.R. No. 1, Port Hope. Bill Baruowclougfh with three boys, Calvin Brown Port Hope; i a.Webster, Port Granby; II el Wright of Canton attend- ed aopen bouse ai Queen's Uni- versity. rTer Sehool 51 at Sundy 1ijreadling the maunling Sculpture. IjiThp congregatian was pleased to, shere in the special part of tîhe morning service which was a tribute ta the Queen and the newi baby prince. The singing of the two verses of God Save Ithe Queen was followed by a Sspecial prayer. There was a PHON MAret 33303goad eongregation ta enjoy the W.A.ronToAtedOshawa, was lotrayo W. A Plns o Atendýgoin the absence of Mus. Ern- Serice est Larmer, Mis. Glenn Lr A'sii vedneslay S ric:mer read tesrpue eo tional paper and prayer. Rev. Newcastle-Members of the blocks. s i i gavdess aonmostciner- Evening Branch of St. Gor rs. edny announced aestig ade s n atches, i ge's Women's Auxiliary mee-rh: te Women's World Day JMacs and Disate s" in ing ut the home of Mus. A. of Prayer service wiil be held Jacmaiand mth ade sver Garrod on February 17 decid-! on Friday, March 4th in the'cmprsosiih aada ed to meet at the church for! Sunday School Hall of the Un-if service on the evening of their ited Church. The president Mis Haroldi MeLaughlin ac- next meeting on Ash Wednes-! also read a letter from Arch- companied by Mus. Gordon day, March 3rd and adjournl bishop Clark, Primate of ail Strong, sang a solo, "Open My to the Paris.h bail for their Canada regarding World Re- Eyes that I may See". Mrs. Roy business and sewing meeting1 fugee Year. A special appeal Taylor read a poem "Be Stdii". foliowing tbe service. 1 is being made by the Primate Mrs. Glenn Larmer conducted Twenty members were pre-1 to ail Anglicans to, give theîr, a contest in which groups were sent at the meeting and fol- support on February 21 when formed and each group asked lowing the opening prayers a collection is being taken. ta tell something of "An Over- reports were heard froma the, The members voted a sum of, seas Missionary", "A Home various officers with Mrs. Bill mroney ta World Refugee Year Missionary", "A Retired Mis- Lake reading a list of articles to be made in addition ta pri-, sionary"', "Name the types of needed for the Arctic, which vate contributions. ! work of Missionaries". This sbe had received from the W. There was some discussion proved very interesting and A. House in Toronto. regarding plans for the recep- informative. After the closing Mis. Ross Boyd volunteer- tion for a weddîng ta be heid hymn wbich wvas sung as a solo ed ta act as floweî secretary. in the near future, and the'by Rev. Romeuil since very The members were asked ta meeting was brou ght te a con-'few knew it and the Benedic- jbring material ta the next~ clusion with the serving of. tion, lunch *as served by the meeting ta be eut into quilt îefreshments. group. The Motheus Auxiliary met ,giJ at the home of Rena Butt, Wed- iThief Enters C.G.IlT. noios nesday niglit witih ten ohr present. Decided ta bave a Hall vvinciow 'G er-Io-!I\now l April to which each mothler is ta contribute one article. Final pln ere made for the Fa- Loot s Sm il N ght, Feb, 15, her and Son Banuet, Satur- Newcastle -The thief who, Newcastl-The fîr-st mneet- ani, cook ùic es\jre seui'cd, Next entered the Newcastle Con- ing of t he newlv û:t oa- _muetilg to be 1121(lut Je-an Ky- munity bail eariy last We d- adian Girls in Tr.,iniîlgruo tes Slarch lth instead of March nesday marnîng cid not re- , s hi n te udwlih cive mu, ch ayent o r lail School hall of the Newcastle Prize xinners t the1LO.B.A. biswor, acuringta îlieeUnited Church on Mvonday'î euch-re W.nsivngtwr Police Officer Jack Ricard Wdedyngi vr whoisinesigtin te rek-evenîng, February i5th. -hkgh lady, Mrs. George in. - Af~ nthr beginningte meet_ Fowler; bigh gent- Charles A bseentwmoxvonT0 th" a t'r game, M Sm1Coiehr or prz- G nor et cornrof othe - ail-- __ and noýr Corer f te hll Tilîson welcomed the girls The High -1Srhooi pupils arel was broken and the intruder1ad nroue beefan busy plann",ing for their second entere tbough the bwingo Mrs. Glenney ta the girls as annual High iSchool "At Home" akngaltheonfceothe bowlngtheir leaders.' April 29th. Needless ta say ing alleys where the tilI was Officers were eiectecl r '- heir dance scheduled for Fui- rified and an electric shaver suiting as follows Presidenýt, dyn~twa ai ofas belonging ta Bill Harrison was Donna Ferguson; Vice Presi- the Father and Son Banquet, taken ýaiong witb three fifty dent, Sharma Feuguson Secue- Saturday night. Did we say last cent rolîs of 1 cent coins. tary, Audrey Milieu;ý Trepsur- week thit tfiiý was on old-fa- er, Cathy Scott; Press Repor'- shioned winiterýs stormn. Well, According ta the investigýa- ter, Pat Whincap. Friday tbis w7eek \vas one wor- liîon the thief theni went up lownti he stairs, climbed Up ta the tran- oloig the electint~ se. Any workers who tried ta somn above the door in the nexv president Donna Ferg u-Iget home Friday night had ta clerk's office entering tbuough !son ttaok charge of the mlec t-, turi buck and find lodgingy there and going through ail xng and general business r)f somyewhere. lVost of them au- the papers etc., in the office, the meeting was discussed as rived home soîne tirne Satur- presurnably lookingc for mon- well as plans for future meet-'day p.m. or evening afteu ey utthee as on tabeings of tbe group. walking several miles. The found so nothing more wasI The meeting xvas adjourned 50 lwfo omnil taken. and popcoun and soft drinks got thuaough here Saturday af- -a"" iov v t'~l ' he i1 teunoon but several side roads prints on the pelished lanes of the bowling alleys as he tramped the length of two lanes and fromi these and other dlues Constable Ricard is mak- ing bis investigation. HAYDON Mr. and Mus. Peter Singer, Swansea spent the weekend ai Mr. and Mus. D. Cameuon's. Mr. Earl Thompson, Patsy and Larry, Bowmîanville, w e r e Sunday dia ner guests of Mu. Roland Thampsan, Hampton, also visiled Mus. Thompson on Sunday. Mr. W. Biackbuun, owing ta road and weat:heu conditions had ta, stay Friday nighlt with Mus. Cale ani isStela Bla- ckburn, Bowmanville. Although the roads were not the best on Sunday, Rev. F. Jackson got ouI for the cbuuch service Sunday evening. Their was a fair altendance. After lihe service, Mu. Kenneth Gra- ham and Mir. W. Blackburn were appoinited pastorial rela- tion cammittee. Mu. Kenneth Grabam was dînner guest on Sunday at Mis. H. Crossman's. Februauy meeting of the W. A. was held Thuusdiay afler- noon ait the home of Mus. E. Topple; Puesident, Mus. J. Jon- es presîded. Devotional was puesented by Mus. J. Potts. Several items of business were deal with. Mrs. K. Cowling was appainted as delegale tb attend the Five Oak Scimool fou Leaders at, Paris, which is being held Mauch first, second and third. __Mrs. E. Topple hadi th-e following programme a paper on citizensbip, puepared by Mus. Clem Rahmi, was rea-d by Mis. Lloyd Slemon. Readings bY Murs. Arthur Read and Mus. C. Gaurard. A cantest was held af 1er whîch lunch was seuved by Mus. Tapple andi group. Number pre*nt 29. Marcb W.A. meeting will be held Maîch lth aI the home of Mis. Arthur Read. Oh Boy! ORANGE Ail the goodness und flavor of big, juicy Califormia oranges the kitch- . - jmauning). A snow blowrer from Port Hope gat a tuack thuough fuom Port Perv ta Taylor's corner SundCay evening. Seho- Local Lavvyer ais weue closcd and bus rv euýs. toak the pupils home at At onferencel noon Friday9). Manday 8 am.- l'le Oshawa Times for Frid-ay an-d Saturday have just anriv- In Chicago ed. Ve are hping the pows ou bulldozers will be able ta gel Newcastle - A conference road thnough ta where mail on Culminai. Law Administra-j carrier lines can gel mail to lionhel inChicgo ebuaryand. fuom tr-ain today. The bus- l9th and 20th, one of a seric~ es mae ghering eychildetî being beld on the '"Preserva-,fo nweete a e lion of a Free Societv Under'for sebool Ibis morning. Law", conducted by the Nor- Tbe W.A. of St. John's Chu- thwestern University School ich met in the Parishi Hall, of Law in observance of its Thursday with 18 mnembers 1001h anniversary was attend- puesen.t. Meeting opened with ed by E. Richard Lovekin of, a hymn. Sculpture and prayers Newcastle an the weekend. were uead by Mus. McAthur Lectures andi panel discus- 1 nd Memb eus Prayeu repeated sions were condcedb prom- Secretary-treasure and Carres- inent ciminal lawyers froîn pandinîg Secuetary gave their eight countries and includedreotMisPr predn G. Arthur Martin, Q.C., areortas Missarudeored mon member of the bars of On- Dra wrk adsfoed at-ar tario and Biish Columbia and eiM is aMsdSfort and îr. leclurer in criminal law ýand Ham Mus. Screapitd Mus procedure aI theOgo H1chse ladies for offices an Law Sehool in Toronto. Law-'Doea ordadsn b Fre frmana, Egand, -names i. Ms. Hamilton re- Frane, ermnyIsuelJa-minded the ladies of the World pan, Norway and the Unitecd aofPyesrvcinCd States participated in tbe con-DaafPyesrvcinCd ferece bie opnedaI :00mus Chuuch, Maucb 41dm. De- ferece hichopeed a 9:0,dided to ask John Hamilton ta e.m. on Friday and held fouu repair floor in washroom of sessOnS.Rectory. Afler the rail caîl and Objectives of the conference offering, the Puesident expues- were to analyze and discuss1 seil appueciatian tb Miss Me- the laws and rules currentiy iNab, Toronto, fou coming and puevailing in the United States asked lber to take over. Miss and ta evaluate such laws and McNab tbanked tbe ladies for runes in the light of practices choosing heu as prayer part-.J and puocedures followed in other counîries. I 1 BLACKSTOCK A Valentine Party was beld by the Mission Band, Tuesday afler school in the new Christ- ian Ediucation building. Meet-ý ing opened with the Mission Band Purpose anmd rail cail. An invitation was ueceived fuom! the Explouers ta sec tlie film "l'Il Sing, Not Cuy" on Friday, Febuuauy 26th. Leanne Douuell was chairman for thme program-1 mie in which every member to' part. John Laumer uead a stouy "The Valentine Box". Bobby McLaiugblin led in the gamne, "Buttan Button, Dennis; Romeril reaci a poeîn "The Three Little Foxes". Bobby. Swain conducted a contest. A ý piano solo- "Yankee Doodie": was played by Bill Thompson. Ail1 joined in the game "Musi- cal Valentines", led by Lînda Mchaughlin. A poem, "If Jes- us Came ta Youî Hause" wasj read by Guy Bonnettà. Leannei Dorreil led in bhc game "Ra- i mca and Juliel". Lorraine' Turner read the poemn "I'mý Gladi".1 Meeting clased with prayer,l afteu which all enjoyed a Val- entine treat. W.M.S. met eit the home Mis. Ceeil Hill Wednesday af-1 ternmaon with 15 ladies, 1 gent, and 4 kiddlies piesent. Presi-, dent opened the meeting by, ieading one of Edgar Guest'sý poeis- "Lighten Their Load of Needless Suffering". A hymn was sung and prayer of- fered. Roil cal] was well ans,-: wered by - A book I wauld Recommend. Durinig the busi-ý ness periad the ladies were u- ged ta attend the Presbyteuia' in Oshawa, February 24th. The film- "'Il Sing, Nol Cry' in Blackstock Christian Edu- cation Building, February 26t ,, and the World Day of Prayer service in Cedmus Unitedj Church, March 41h. Quilts f in-j isbed and in the making weue displeyed. AI'a it was reDoir- edi the bale fou Simcoe Hal1, Services were held in both churches Sunday morning with an attendance of 15 in the An- glican and about 60 in the Uni- ted. There are a few united people living on hig¶hway who could get out. Otheîwise it was ail villagers who could walk. Due to the ilhin:ss of Rev. Rom- eril, Mr. EarI Dorrell conduc- ted the service in the United. Dalton Dorreil assistant Super- intcndcnt was able ta get out and took charge of Sunday School. Mr. anid Mrs. H. Hawkin, Port Perry, were Wednesdav dinner guests of Mr. an-d Mis. Leith Byers. Mrs. Marion Philp, Highland Creek, visited heïr mother, Mis. Chas. Smith, Charlie and Oli- ver, Wednesday. Rev. P. Romeril and Mr. Earl Dorreli attended Presbytery at Harmony Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs. Reid Heaslip, Toronto, spent last weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Harry Van Camp and Arthur. Congratulations te Janice Byers aise Elizabeth Rowan of Yelverton on passing their grade 7 Piano examinations. These girls are pupils Of Mrs. Dave Wilson. Mrs. Bill Johnstion, Tyrone, spi-nit Tuesday ta Thursday ev- ening and Mrs. Ray Bradburn, Thursday evening to SunAay morning with their mnother. Mrs. John Wotten. Mrs. Veiva Baiiey spent tJhe weekend with her sister Mrus. May Pritchard, Toronto. Mr. and Mus. Cecil Hill and Mrs. Stan Rahmn attended the funeral of Cecil's aunt, Mrs. E. J. Patterson, Norwood, Fni- diay. Mr. and Mes. Anson Taylor, Scarborough, visited Mr.' and Mrs. Roy Taylor, Sunday. the niight in tiheir cars On the Newtonvllle road, Mr. anid Mis. Thornpson of Belleville sperJt the weekend withi Mr. and Mrs. Holiand. Mr. and Mis. G. Medcalf and daughter visited on Sun- day with Mi. and Mis. G. Langstaff. Miss Carol Langstaff is spen- ding a few d[ays wlth her aunt Mrs. G. Langstaff. Mr. and IMrs. Bob Young- man and girls visited with Mr. and Mrs. L. Courtice and Mr. and Mis. D. Black of Courtice. Our Premium Payment Plan tokes a load off any family's budget Now you cari afford to get the vital property insurance you need without struggling ta meet a big annual pav ment. Our Premiuni Payment Plan enables you to divide the premium conveniently over a period of months . .. just as you budget your rent, heat, telephone, etc. C-11 lintoday for details. King St. E. Office MA 3-5681 flowmanville MA 3-5493 ýDECO0RATE p' NOW! Avoid The Spring Rush Wallpapering, Painting, Gyptexing, Roxalone, Vinyl Wall Coverings Qua1ity work by experienced tradesmen at Reasonable Prices - Cali - RAE ABERNETHY PAINTER and DECORATOR MArket 3-5528 or TUrner 5-4354 Supertest Petroleum Corp. Ltd. ARE PLEASED TO ANNOUNCE THAT OUR SERVICE STATION AT 195 RING ST. E DOWNANVILLE, IS NOW FOR BU4SINESS under the management ai Our' former dealer MR. ERV. BROOKS We regret any inconvenience caused to, our many Supertest customers due to the fire that forced this location to be closed since November 7th, 1959. We now extend to the motoring public, an invitation to drop in and renew your acquaintance, also to look over our modernized station. Our officiai opening will laike place a'1 a later date wh j ail construction wark has heen complefod o OEN0m; PAGIC THMTEM Weekend guet with Mr. and Mis. E. Couroux were Mr. and Mrs. G. Kenneddy, Mr. and Mis. Ray Moore and boys of Toronito and Mr. and Mus. C. Langstiaft and girls. Mr. and Mis. A. ColUan of Hamilton visited on Sunday with Mrs. J. Martinell. Mu1. and Mrs. J. Neal and 'family, *isited in Orono on Sunday wiVh Mr. and Mus. Ken Neal. Due to the storm on Friday night several. of the men spent ner. then spoke on her work in college and her plans for work .after- she graduates in April She then showed slides of Jamaica and search work be- ing dione tihere. Mrs. Scott pre- sented Miss McNab witb a W.A. pin. Cano>n Chaperlin closed the meeting with pray- er. Lunch was seuvedi by group Young people have a gre,8t- er chance of Ibeing saved from cancer in.their later 111e than had eariier generations. The secret is .early detection and prompt treatrnent in regular cancer clinies. Marie Curie who, with ber husband Pierre, d-làcovered raditum in 1898 once made the remark that "Nothing is to be leared. It is only to e under- NernTR.qnkV- VER. 25th. 1988 STUART B. JAMES THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO

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