PAGE FOU TEENTEE CAN DIAN STA ESMA . B W MA VTLL. O TAWTl A~7 D~D RTHURa Births Cards of Thcmks Coming Events Articles for Sale Help Wamted iRearl Estate for Sale Real Estate for Sale' TRI1n'nTHngr.nieNtin BYAM-Grenville and Carole I would like to thank ail my Dancee in Solina Community BUILDING 9' x 10'. MArket1 GIRL or woman to do house-1 IN Orono, 11/4 -storey house, ail TWO choice lots in Village of .UJrIL orcmuiysmsaon are happy to announce the friends, neighbours, relatives Hall, Saturday, March 5. Jim 3-5542.8- work during March. Phone!mdr ovnecs i oo apo.PoeC -62 arrivai of their son Tîmothy and Local 189 for fruit, flowers, Fisher's Orchestra. Admission _,oencneinesxgo apo.PoeC -62 Grenville on Friday, February cigarettes and cards sent to me $1.00 per person. Everyone TWIN beds with steel frames. CO 3-2187.8- size rooms, hardwood floors, 7-tf Mrs. Theron Moutjyletce 12th, 1960, in Memorial Hos- while in the hospitai and at welcome. 8-2 Phone MA 3-5677. 8-1 WAITRESSfogul f~arage and nice surroundings SEVEN-room brick house with by plane from MaltnArot TesekrwsM.Ut pital, Bow manville.R ay8-1ckhome.* B e sure to attend Eu cre, Q U A N TIT Y of turkey m anure. part tim e. A pply H oney H ol- G o ,la e l. O nAp P onald gr ag, cnri a l locton e a sy n Texas d o v st r l t v s v u t r n i a f t e K o Ray rock 84*Friday, Feb. 26th at 8 p.m. in Phone MA 3-5058. 8-1* low Restaurant, Newcastle. Goodè, Lake20forld, Ont Phnetermspr39t70Phne 8Arke Mr. Tean rs. CrsiaR.oo nBom CONNELL-Keîth and Barbara the Tyrone Community Hall. GOOD mixed hay, large 8-1 Oie -82 o8poitet -397. - Mr. nd hiMrs.R .Hdsnvle h oi a Ctzn are happy to announce the I would like in this way to Prizes. Admission 35c. Spon- quantity. Phone RA 5-4055. MIDDLE-AGED lady to help Ns Qa n Kidd Hooper and Mr. HopraO-Cnda3yerag.Hst birth of a daughter onl Mon- thank Dr. Hubbard, nurses sored by Community Hall 8-4* with housework and care for VnRATR r n r.W arsnaa ohr ssme pi moral ospta, tosewhoset fowesDurham County Shorthorn lengths, $10 a load. CO 3-2275. MA 3-2568. 8-1 REAL ESTATE BROKER Members of Oshawa & District and daug'hter, KimConfv odfuhsuh A sister for Tommy and Alan. cards and gifts while I was in Club annual banquet, Wednes-8-fMN ane:Fr awig 118 King E. MA 3-3230 Real Estate Board setteweedwt e og2t agtadtuh 8-1 hospital. _________________________ MA___td. orRaleg pen te eeen Mrs. Donald Gavel. day Marchl.thAtil ina Com-e WATER for sale. Deiivered. business. Seil to 1500 families. Bowmanville $1,500 down buys i½-storey parents, Mr. andMi.GAdNe Cadan ar sekn HOLROYD-Biil and Jean are 8-1* mursnty Hall. Ail ision Phone Cliff Pethick, COlfax Good profits for hustiers. Write Prince Street - Modemn brick. $8,000 full price. cock.hapnsadCadasar Jv-ppy to announce the birth $1.50.pesos nvte8-dmsso 3-2131. 36-tf today. Rawleigh's, Dept. B- brick bungalow with ail con- 100 acres with 50 acres Mr. and Mrs. MerwnMut redirto n te ~n c. their baby daughter Jo-aime I wish to thank Rev. Stain- $NE1.50. 84* . . f Mlma 140-S, 4005 Richelieu, Montreal. veniences, oul heat, many popular varieties of apples and' joy visited fhiends tNsi-ty h frtDthsho a ai Memorial Hospital, Bow- ton and Mr. and Mrs. Lod Old_____nd 0_-1__________514_1o_______2,00_er res.La inanvilie, on February 19, 1960. Snowden and ail the oloyd Dancing Saturday, Februar dishes, neyer used. Telephone 8-1LextyNHA 14%mrgge ,0 ertes age hip- ton on Thursday. weeM.Utlg a n fokwho MA 3-5683. . 8-l1' TWO mnechanics for new carLiet St. N. - 9 rooms roof barn. Pond, paved road. Mrv.adMiKen and oftetahrs. 8-1 were s0 kind to me ini the îoss 27, Solina Hall. Jim Fisher preservice and accessories. Fiat with apartiment for side in- Asking only $25,000. Easy son Douglas andMrJako of my husband Albert Parker. and Orchestra. Conditions per- 36" WALNUT panel bed, o-rt verage $10000 weekîy corne. Conveniences, 011 heat- trs LOEIG-Wle ndMy Ms Pie ndfml.mitting we may use Our full plete with spring mattress, 35. ratendeni.Wa, saa LOERDG-alerad ay Mr.Pake ndfail.1$ adail Company benefits. ed. Nice gardien with fruit Large selection of homes, Wray, sa .Wa eeSna i.VneeI rmHl are happy to announce the 8-1 group incliiding vocalist. 7-2* Phone MA 3-3832. -_ Cliff Milîs Motors, Oshawa. trees. farms and businesses. clesa .Wa'.ln eycpbygv in birth of their daughter Camil- Old Tîme and Modemn Danc- APPLES-Mclntosh, Spy and Caîl MA 3-3836 after 7 p.m. Cail us for particulars. Cail Mis. W. White ndMssoo"seDes'fisply la Joy, bomn Feb. 23, 1960, at I wish to thank Dr. Sylvest- ing, Saturday, March sth, New- LaSalle. Will deliver. Elmer 8-1 We have others. 8-1 WALTER FRANK Nancy Johns have mvdit oe rmPln ar veil Hospital, Bowman- er, nurses and staff of Memor- tonville Hal *Jake Van Dam Cox, MA 3-7189. 7-2 CARETAKER for Memorial t K 177 Cliurch St. MA 3-3393 thirloelne vlaeawneesigdsc1to ville._ 8-1 ia1 Hospital, relatives, neigh- adhsoceta Sponsored ALSCO aluminum windowsPakCu House. Application erKo a Bowmanville home ind o the Shro MORRIS-Don and ot bours and friends for cardslb Newtonville Hardball Team. and doors. Lorne Allun, tele- to be sent to Mrs. Frank 8-1l Friends ar, soirry: nwwr n ftecsue Drygft and many acts of kind- Admission 75c. Everyone wel- phone MArket 3-3871. 8-2 Thompson, Duke Street, Bow- REAL ESTATE BROKER that Mr. Lorne Bialyi hc a eyclru.Ms announce the birth of the"r ness shown me while in hos- come. 8-2*tal mnvlebyMrh8h160 GE RA ISUA E Hoit a, Bowrnavileo Wed- n t oe uscl aieyConcert drMii press, ae and lathe. ac 8h,160 GNRAINUANECharles Rankine patient in the Oshaw eea Kte rr Grayds tHirdiaughter at Mleorial -pital anddatlome.rAsMsical VaietanCOMINATIONRate of pay, $10 per mwcek., 99 King St. E. Bowmanville Hospitoal, and Mrs.Badeunplydsreothrfiea- nedy eray2t,16.Harry Adcock. 8-1 presented by Bowrnanville B. Mimne, MA 3-3937. 8-Ï _________ 7-2 Telephone MA 3-5868 REAL ESTATE BROKER der care in Memoria optl ywr n ntigtî nessday, f br Pualy 2h, 19 0.nne_ _Salvation Arm y Junior BandBo 8 7 and Jane. 8-1 My sincere thanks to Dr. and Choristers at the Hampton IREBUILT eectric motors, new LARGE United States and Can- Bx875 igS.W omnilbt Hubbard, nursing and dietary Christian Education Centre, guarantee. R. D. Morton, tele- adian manufacturing company Salesman - J. A. Barton 20 acres of land, Bowman- fered injuries in aE oo c r.Bxfo oln a TAYLOR-Dr. and Ms. Keith staff. of Memorial Hospital, Friday, February 26th at 8:30 phone Orono 14 r 16. 6-12* requires Field Representative MA 3-3098 ville five miles. An ideal re-1 cident at the south n fteual o epeetadsn in Clarke Township. Ex- Beautiful 5-room brick bun- $3 000icd er reasonably.~ villagp while returighm loeycson ovstbe Taylor (nee Gwendolyn Chat- Bowmanville, for kind atten- p.m. 8-1 ONE double bed and sprîng, ceptionally h i gh earnings. galow on Liberty St. S. This uipiefrts - from BowmanvilleonStraclhsdshsnd raets terton> are happy to announce tion received. Also thanks to Leap Year Dance Part on tres 3/4 bed, spring and mat- ur$tedrpet,000s istulfumdmloeltit oond itried ottae.niht5W the biith of their daughter on kind friends for flowers and Saturday, February 27th 1960, oe Phone MA 3-5403. 8-iflAutomobile essential. Agri- etCre eupe ih arawoocî floors, buit-in cup- rnay soon be impmoe.trtmk oeygfswt February lth at PeelMe- Blackstock Recreational CLOVERS, Grasses, etc., in-lcultural or farming back-auniunsom anscen boards, partial bath, a neat, a Liti e' ibu h a ittie os. rs Sal dspay inorial Hospital, Brampton, Mrs. J. Strachan. Centre. Old time music of cluding imroved varieties. gon otiprat al Large sizogrmsage Prd atatv oe aint in the Ohw Hs05d1oeofhrsocigo Ontario. 81 8-1 Jake Van Dam and his gmoup. Stewart's Seeds, given. Apply for seil. t Garage and service station tal for a wqhile is nowa oesaldessadas ah Everyone is welcome. Admis-5-ferna interview to Balti- $3,900.00 down will buy you 62' x 35'. Hyrault ic istpu n oehtipoe. o akn aeil o Engragements I would like to express rny sion: gents 75c, ladies 50c. 7-2 "COPYRITE" duplicator, good more Hotel, Ccbourg, Tuesday, a nice 7-room brick bungalowlfv~i prmn ulig Vr ilWlbrudretsncig r eelhdpr _________________~icre thanks to Dr. H. B. Woodview Cornmunity-Centre condition; best offer. Contact rch t, :0 .. .J.Hr with ail modemn conveniences îSoli d brick. Oil heat. AI ugr tteOl Mr. and Mrs. Earl Stephen- Rundie, nurses and staff Of -Monster B i ngo. Twenty Recreation Office, MA 3-.3335, 8igo.-1 and the best part of this deal is'gnun b$5i t 2,000 down. tai on Monday. Wetrshetopymaermlatr.Ms Son of Oshawa wish to an- Memorial Hospital, St. Paul's games-twenty dollars; five Extension 6. 7-2 that you only pay $78.00 per$500dw.1wl onbemh1 nounice the engagement of their Evening Auxiliary for flowers, games-thirty dollars; $150 AVON boy's saddpiecinalbridie, i ihafrm15acen ON o' adeadbilexcellent set of buildings, Reernber "Pot Lc"~-teapae okdi rs daughter Beverly Joan, to Mr. also friends and neighbors for jackpot, and two jackpots at 1 pony buggy in excellent con- and taxes. Interest at onlygodayoa.sin$2,0peadpoga yteB -sithhchws19erso. Daniel Neville Kearney, son of cards and fruit and making my $250. Door prizes. Next dition. Phn ereFwer,6%. goFrancine VTn $000 pran pora Mrs. A. G. Keaney and the stay in hospîtal a pleasant one. Monday, 8 p.m., Red Barn, MArket 3-2100. 8-1* PRODUCTS 5 room bungalow at Court- on oodtehosiman ineSiAryJ-ereynfrom ____r___re, owa- rs arldDMle_-1Osaa.__t ice with ail modemn conven- MA 3-2453- Evg's CO 3-2397 vlae . T e a ane, wa n- Msker ld D il. 8 O h w .4 -fKEYS ut automatcally, while NEEDED IIM M EDIATELY ences. Located in a nice Salesm an -Clarence Soper h a uspn Fic e f eun a d ". hi sp e h ad b e place in Sirncoe Street United My family and I would likel ONTOLOG'Y you wait, at Mason & Dale Cegbuho.Pie osl M -64teasie ft Church, Oshawa, on Saturday, to thank our many friends, w- Hardware, 36 King St. E., THREE LADIES neighbouho.00 mied toseiarMA3-262 School. peae o h ulcSek March 26 at 3 p.m. 8-4* rçlatives, neighbours, Rev. Bowmanville. 46-tf in the Bowmanville Area with ra $l,5.00wt ern r -1igHonesesmetanndg. S Housiander, for their kindness, O o 9 SAVE on lumber, diect from ambition to earn money. st. it us for bettem 8.4 Deaths words of sympathy, rnany flor- " ietfc miii to you. Phillips Lumber ______8_1_____ Sema holHathb CHITI-tMeoil o-ai offerings in the sad loss of "Ànew Sinii Co., Kinmount, Ont. Phone Go REAL ESTATE BROKER ShoAssociationme te Oa CHITEA eon Hs- a dear wife and mother. r1. 13-tf Go income, part-time. WorTL U7418.are,-7.oo bic new school, Feb. 9,wt 38 hemtngcoe wil pital, Bowmanville, 4lVon" 7r 1 voSun-aLu 8 ars ro rick. h me A. L. Ells and family. cupproach t10 Iealfhl house, full basement, fumnace prehsnTe etngoeîe igig"GdSofteQue" daya Fbrary21e160,Haolr8.*211,ELCT1CL60pas PrmprWildMIS . acKAN YONG uth irldeîrs bthoo, Lshperomptga[ ithsigig o MICnad" anwicesa'd cffe er G. Christie, aged 49 years, 212 8-1*__________________ service to electricai appliancesYUG 528gr G1rsbahomLsap angr with Miss N. Horntths dbM Church St., Bowmanville, be- large and small. Lander Hard 58 ilmour St., Peterborough housewomk. Phone MA 3-7075- age. A very dlean farm. Price' a e iano e y rs MtcNîl an loved husband of Pauline We wis to sincerely thank Auctioni Sales ware. Phone MA 3-5774. Rîverside 3-4006 8-1 only $13,000.00. fontsofdb the ods ryr.cJante n h bsneo Bradley and dear father of oui friends for the many acts -______________ 43-tf 8-1 CARPENTER work, new and 100 acres forth of Bowrnan- inutsoh auayme-MsWGrl asn Audrey (Mrs. Colby Cum- of kindness shown us duing Attention Farmers! Comn- HEINTZMA pan, atmesville, 10 moom fully moe n ere read and 'poe. Nx eeigwl ehl ining), WodstckreNBairnd.teFree oestimates. Tedle- TheFrday, TreasurerAN psnoreportsswasaiMarche 8:15er.pThe reawith' DloBowmanville. Rested mother. We deeply appreciate Weekly Livestock Sales at the double bed size, excellent con- Secreayesrr phone MA 3-5212. 81 house, L-shape barn, very good gvnb r.Kl Dtothe kindness of the Memorial Durham County Sales Amea dition; '59 Ford sedan, auto- tol we ils a t th e M o rris F u n e ra l C h a p el, r n a tir n m s i n h n A( A T T M O K O i o r p i t n an d o n h o u se. tifica te fo r th e H a tn s h - p o r m w i h w l e o wnorning, then to, DeWitt Fun- vester. We would also like to day evening, commencing 5at . 8-1 * pprncî el ozerna. 6 acres with 7 roorn stone ols wuars s aiUIE "elh ihMr. ze n eral Home, Woodstock, N.B. thank oui neighbours and 7:30 p.m. (No Monday sales). DO your own floors and mugs . .lcto.Pieol î,o.o infrcletn 6.9frrite Interment Temperance Vale friends for their kindness, flow- 8-1* -Rent a sander, floor polisher loca~I n îtes n ee e tioerns Uc o 105000 iNICf.r lept frm om Cemetemy. 8.1* ers and cards.or rug cleaner (sharnpoo rneth- JALU JUf .narO give Dunn & Goodall's Deliv- Il/, acres with 8 roorn brick and SchoOl Councilwagve Charles Hone and Family. Tenders VJanted od). We sand floors. Lander ery Service a test. MArket bouse, two bathmooms, modemn by Mrs. Coutts andMr.CYe MANNAH, Mrs. William L.- 8-1*FO SaebTndrrng Hardware. S-tf Cnevain3-3842. 82* kitchen, near Bowmanville, who attended The Hm n b w R o e Atuviroal, eroroug INSULATION, blowing reth- PLUMBING, heating, aves- facing Highway 2. P r i c e School Convention i en on atuda, Fbrury13th, I would like to thank ail Hall, Newtonville. Contact od with rock wool. Work- ? tmoughing, free estirnates. Har- $12,000.00. Easy, terrns. held at the RoyalYokHtl CJ.ARI 1960, Vema Annie Sisson, be- those who have been so kind Raymond Bruce, Newtonville, manship guaranteed. Free est-1 iuiiiorihy vey Patner, Tyrone. COlfax l½, acres on Lýake Sturgeon, in Toronto, April 2 n 1 nteofca rdsuif lovd if 0 Wilim . an- to me since I went into the ~MrhSh 90 4 mates. Harry L. Wade. Tel e- 3-2281 or Omono 1782. 37-tf 10 bedroorn lodge, large kitch- Delegates are neeedta-rnfhyCadn Lbor nah R R 1 Bthny darhositl t ornt lstSe- Departmnient of Public Works, phone Clarke 2420. 39-tf' PLiYLTE en, 7 single cabins, 2 double tend this Conventionteeooiccvsrt h daugterhte Mm. oefinMSis.temerliouecaris-letermOtawa HEUATICPainrIfgelusinssreperTORChiPnyiwo?,Ifw o cabns, Rbots. mea buyat iss eel' Roorwo theat- teelComany f Caada y~~ stating ~~~~repair or any brick, block 0or $17,000. Teiss. hasbe t oh e it t Pee rborsough d pet d. a bee n e mu h p TENDERS suffer from backaches, lum- lence, education and other concrete work. P.O. Box 1083. Wýe have a good list of hous- royd Jr. gave se, ead a îei ebo o m br t e ei the la e te he S sso ; ea p ec at d. I c nn t ar e ve y- SEA LED TEN D ERS address- bago, sciatica, try Ru racaps 30-tf L.tomsrno writeosnme of th inother of Mrs. Gordon Staples onc individually as much as I cd to, Secretamy, Deparment of today to belp bring you prompt qualifications to Ci .Tre.PoeMme es, some with vemy low duwn on raising money.cnoitrhstanedt (Muriel) of Cavan; Jack pre- would like to, but a special Public Works, Ottawa, and en- relief. Druggists everywhere 3-5820 or 3-5605. 0- payment.IMr.iln5 asnchgee deceased; sister of Kari Sisson, thanks to Goodyear Local 189, dorsed "TENDER FOR DREDG- e2 ON amidmndsie 8 cgo t omuvleo h rogriles am s nti ttdi hscutya Peterorofughwanvi. le;WDeiy ted C2,2huanc2, MernIGwilPbeRcHEived NTARO54il 3:00 YUGmrid a eies19Suogs. Bwavil fte rga $etcro ougBowan D. lmo W.Depri ts.d32,233and3, Tmrin- wiNG PRT HPE, ONTARI:0 O .1WORK boots and sboes at bar-Position on dairy farm (first of Cali MA 3-3644 somne New Canadiane norM.Amu onsotta grandmother of Richard, John Park Association and Memorial (E.S.T.), WEDNESDAY, MAR. gain prices, brown and black, c/o The Canadian Statesman April). Experienced milker. Salesman: G. Blyleven comrnunity from Hoiad o u ainlpouto a and Bob, ail of Cavan. The Hospital Kitchen Staff. 23, 1960. alszs omnil Shoe Wligt mnBoxrai hn A3-30lnGemnBl late Mrs. Hannah rested at hem David S. Park. 8-1* Cmi pcfcto n Repair, 80 King St. W., Bow- Pj .Bo'9 dairy farm. Write Advertiser196paof$57prcai .0. d pcfiain n 1,coCanadian DeRel __ _________ late resîdence tintil noon on fr ftndrcnb se n lanle stof 4-t BWANILEP.. o 10,Bwranile W* musaFbur 6h u-fr ftne a ese n lanle. East Bowrnanville 21,.c/ox 1tatesoman, .D it eclEstate Livestock for aet o$, n15,adh TusdyFeruryl6h.Fu-I wish to express my sincere obtained at the Office Of the 8-1 ______ - I.A __ __________ eralsericefrovSt.Pau's pprciaton a D. MKenze, hie Eninee (H & .),Ot-rEARNG id ervie. cstng _________________(H._ -& DIRYFARM 35 aces.200 ALVS fr valinerPone "Noyearsine te ed-1 Angicn hucbBehayatspecial nurses Mrs. Smythe and tawa, Ont., also at the office of service and complete stock of For entRerm n Vn DeBel acres.wrabe2oe 00l __ 2:0 .r.Re. eog Mad MsBurgess and ta ail the the District Engineer, 225 Jarv- batteries and cords at Higgon qut,10 0 akbmlOEyug osencodeyako elyporbsns Cemictery, MneretS t.wsi.HaptlfrMairamyn obecniIfdec en-Bwanil.Pon Akt Akt3569 - rickaBockVCncreeBand os.asking' $0',000. asyn,599ONE yoomstn"Mmeoer,.sic 94 offciaed.Inermnt t. ar'S nurses and staff of Memorial is Street, Toronto, Ontario. Electrîc Lîmîted, 38 King St. E., FURNISHED oom. Telephone GENERAL CONTRACTOR silo, bulk cooler, 8 roomed brick to- wehav sen enomos can Arrangements Kaye Funeral kindness di;ring my stay there. er must- b oe3-3305. 7t8HE rforro pr- rc, lcCoenttms.FV-ea-andnvr qitge nte a nwhc Hoe -fThanks ta Rev. W. Housiander (a) be accompanîed b n CLEARANCE Sale of ail mer- ment. Bright, self-contained, Ne,,v Work and Repairs DAIRY FARM, 200 acres, with children. PhoneCla for bis visits and Trinity W.A. of the alternative securities chandise-Drastic eductions central. Phone MA 3-3535. PHONE MArket 3-3694 close to Oshawa, modernized 3-2768.81*aioaprdconsdst- In Memoriam for flowers and cards and ail called for in the tender docu- on everything. Commencing 8- ii ae Stf baik barn, bulk cooler, drive PARROW-In îaving memomy my relatries, fries and eigh- ntsMarch lst a 10% reduction oFUNnHDaprt-tcntshedemc.;9onvenihens sk uha estisgod n srie horsaforakid inquirand getteds,(b) be made on the printed grocemies. Everything must ngo__________ ___________csnt- etc.;-9 ---med-homerwithCounu n fa ear at er Fa nr and- hocards, fruit and flowers and forms suppied by the Depart- b ac 5 otrs g o ) lra, usies cupe. Avala leepailmo erd as )ux-. sk, pater, Victo r Faro , b the mnany acts of kindness ment and la accordance with Store, Manvers Station. 8 1* March 12. Phone MA 3-3801. Plasterinr R epairs les $3n,00a.decade or twod 1a9e58a.Ferury 2th, shown me and my farily. the conditions set forth there- à-E-8--1-. QUICK SER7VacesICE h rt o Depi1958.s h eoyMs Brh k. i.lejm nodmn - UC EVC paved highway, large L-shaped Depin ar ets the* memderryuMts. Bertha n eT ite iuspfon frId man -APARTMENT in Victor Manor, STUCCO AND NEW WORK modernized bank barn, silo, 39mng1mae ood te pic Ofsn wkcpt, ad il towing of the plant to and mates on "Carbayes" Alumin- King St. W. Available im- b8 r ooe brici ho e, mo.-;nomous ncî sei o 0nc wc oed nd;v In the midst of our sorrow fom the work. uni Doors and Windows. You mediately. Apply Wm. Curtis, R L. A T8romdbikh ealo- A n eyuh h er ret; ma we would like ta express our, The dredges and other float- wll bc amazed how economical MA 3-7035. 43-tf 5KigS.E MA300 rn conveniences. A-i farm, DacLCSIocK A dtou te ya sbe m n hea tfelt gratitude to ur many ing plant whih are intended they are from Cowan Equip- AVAILABLE immeiatel, 5- cIlts 0f pr ducti n. Asaocon men4C.,1iuKngSt St.oomofE, ndMAor m3n- 0,00. dans msu. AknlM r euneo htbshp orill fwy e ik, fr înds, relatives and ne gh ors t a be em ployed on this w o m t Ca, 13Kî g S . E , r o of i e 2n f oo , m n .6 0,00 . Te m s.iTs A~ Welalwfays er tho nking, for the beautiful floral offer- ta be eligible must- Bo manvle or Phonc MArket street. S. R. James, 24 King DAIRY FARM, 150 acreb, pend snce Worl WaM a1 -Lovingly remembered by ings, cards, kindness and syrn- (a) be of Canadian or Unit- 3-5689. 40-tf East, Bowmanville. 44 T- KEIbank amn , modem stab10' x6l1924B6d0,wandHifr1ds:30prd p~ adtî: dauhte Mytle so-inlawpathy sbown ta us in the loss ed Kingdom registry, and MA-RCH Sale: Chesterfields MODERN 4-roomn apartrnenit bn an oensaln,2 rdC n No na dtr Mrtnie, sonm -a of a dear husband and father, (b) be of Canadian or Unit- recliner chairs, bedroomn suites, and bath, heated. At 12 Di- uLvesi ock ShipperS 1 bulk tan1x cooler, drive sheci, 9 Buls,ba m de er xte îy ul Nomman and gandc 8_dren George Goddard, also urld Kingdom make or manu- kitchen suites and space savers vision Street. Immediate P 0- AND GENERAL TRANSPORT etc.; 8 roomed hme with mac- some gov rnment tseieal o c m eiin fo 8igrateful thanks ta Rev. Harold1facture and, in the case of U.K. at lowest prices. Trade-in alisession. Appfly 10 Division St.cmcneens.Tbeol 4CubCvsteradErpendAiweewa- Stitn fr i aslngeupetbv nin an-loacca.yu peen u1-8.* hnc -2639 as a goicncem. Price and 4For Hfrs lease rit lelsadhge tcnil t-âservice, gooci home cooked Phone7 r 13 -col--ct. --4-f t.SU A*FSTIBuTOR cjq REPAIRS and rewinding, arm- 4 hr i- -- 1-tf canveniences, hghaaskepurcnov! UNLIMITED MONEY LOANS meals. 'Inspection - any time. HIGHEST prices paid for used R aurstur ned, ta ail makes afMRIAM __________________________ OIL-GASOto ail maturesfNewcastle with 5 acres land I EO!M ai a aaantfu~ To C t n a m F ls Reasonable rates. P o e 82J, furniture, appliances, tele Us)LI I.L GA OLI Ea minimumtor. cf enal - boch. ended forofoieWor$10d lusarc a11e I T o C l y n F a m o î a M il l b r o o k . 7 - 2 v s i n , s e i g a c i n sC - 4 L àâi I L G R A S S Fî t r i , 3 8 K i n g E a s t . P h o n e M A 0 S H A V V k i T V P i e a d t r s a r n e .D s l y C a s f e t 5 . 0 ~ I a l c n m c s ~ o i n a h Moe fr aython or r n ,-. Also sdi1 and exchange.. 59 .. 3-3305. 7-tf TELEVISION AERIAL SALES 13 Roomed brick home in ion iha ineionum aofthe wh.P hoInV e orre N o. Personal King St. W. Phone MArket REPAIRS toa l makes of sew- NSTALLATION & RcstlPclse t mantsree OPS IN VEST M ENTS LTD. 3-7231. 4 2 -tf i g m c i e .F e i k p andiP ei & R P RS w th extra lot. A sking $8,000 AUl Classified Ad& mustA mo r n t s ha w ge i 99 Avenue Road Suite er31u0nsofmn HGET rcs adfo iedeicy.Lvrt' aranBo1 nîîeOh w wth iow down payment. -t~ Toronto 3, Ontario WA 3-2442 YounOLD? Wantan to o eeen,___________________for________ ivthi. office netarloferowthnnihaveshiwar1 hsedoffice5otpertcent women past 40 pep up quick pouitmy, goose feathers, feath- DEAD and cripplcd farm stock Centre, 59 King W. Telephoneý MA 3-5919 RA 8-8180i Contact: t 12 c'clock noon, Wednea.Cnain telidsr 8-1__MA _3-7231. _________ 1_Send cc-rh, stomps or nmonai ra h 99 .9 pra n with help of Ostrex Tanir Tçib- er ticlks, scmap iran, rags, picked up promptly. TelephonéiA3-21 BILL AND BOB LEASK Clip a nd tsoaehmon ..ta,ic y.ilpiesi' NEED MONEY ? lets. Make 3-day test. Only metais and raw furs. Phone COlfax 3-2721. Margwil Furi REPAIRS toalal makes of mc- 39-tf I John F.-De With ais ouf for hondi' tefen.ceedy î, 'prdntiK Unfinliteil funds avallable onl69c. At al druggists. 8-i RA 3-2043 Oshawa caliect. Farm, Tyrone. 37-tffrgerators, domestic and carn- Realtor and Gencral Insurance OFFICE HOUES toe yas te o " larms, homes, motels, stors 48-tf mercial; milking coolers. Hig-1 Wod truhFi etc. Fat rie yhre .HYGod)miENIC suppi inplainbberCleaning gon Electric Limited, 38 K ing 83 mt ayh ee etH m NewSasle Phne 341MOnathrurida',hv'frdweI o nn sOatadenoeloeewst priceSist.St. .Pon 3-3305e. tfLAKEV'IEW Mnr otPerv. a8esen0 a trdaoi' Ontarlo. god) mailoe pothpi inlin esfr ae SAI edClaes nwM Oidsters hooking for a home Donald MountJoy, Bownvile 83 r.b1 onfrr psa o DELRAY INVESTMENTS Six samples 25c, 24 samplesBEAUTIFUL registemed Shet- open bv appointment. Ordems1 454-A Wilson Ave. Toronto $1.00. Mail Order Dept. T-28, ý land sheepdog puppies. Fer- jnaw taken on grass seeds. Came! iao Taway home; bright cheer. ARTURColisn. elphoe l mam, luae ad V. or Ross Davidson, Bebn r Dial MArket 3-3303 t uu eifrga aor ME 3-2353 Nov.-Rubbem Co., Box 91, Ham-: feet pets. W. Raynsford, New-, early7 and save. Phone Black- ATU olsn eehn full particulars Phone Port Phone 21 r 6 8h_____________ 8-1 ilton, Ont. 1-521castle. Piione 3186. &.1 -stock 89 r 11. 8-4'MArket 3-3900. 8-t±Perry, YUkon 5-7967.______5________41mna 8n'treaiosint PAGE POURTEEN n le x 1. J- ;0 9 .e L- Is lh e t 'S dm TM CANADIAN STATESMN, BOWMANVUI.P. ONTAIUO - qvuymýQnAv prp 9uh inan