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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 25 Feb 1960, p. 15

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?EURSDAY, M~. 25th. 198t0 . - Accont o Tnpto MxicoCancer Society Needs Vilvid A cuto Trpt Meio Volunteers to Drive diven by Mrs. Gi!! at B & P Meeting Patients to Toronto The realistically vivid ac-1 Cactus and Sagebrush Visit the Bull Fights iplant ribboned bandillas l~ie- BA h meet n l h CBwan- aer n u abl te ac counit of a trip to Mexico by, The next 'morning they Before going to Alcapu Ico lhind the head of the bull, and Sèeywshl nteCu-t~e ýMrs. Mary Gi at the dinner, drove on te Mexico City, the the Gis had arranged with it So<oes ~ ~ "< ciet Chabes oed n eb th on W ith Vlm e er r ee Smeeting of the Bowmanville capital of Mexico. The road their hotel to secure tickets fused. The matador then takes PeietWl acePei' vn ainst oot '~Business and Professional was excellent and ran through for the bullfights, and on their. over and his aim is to make ~'idetWl aco rsd riigptetst oo Women's Club last week gave a desert type of country for return they had this unique, as quick a kil as possible, Mrs . treatments. Anyone interes the members a wonderful se ditne it catsxpincMsGisadseGisd.Seepandhat Ms. Peggy Frank, secretary, please phone Mirs. Bert S: evening. Mrs. Gill's accountl and sagebrush on either side. found the bullfight cingtemadrhs nlast read tihe minutes of thelattMA317fofuldt was so descriptive that allIMrs. Gi told the club that but brutal, and added that she time to make the kill. During metig Te e r ane The next meeting wili present enjoyed a vicarlous. later they drove through the would not want te see another the six bull fights on the dey Bell, Cainpaign Chamn ieId on May 30. thrill, and airnost feit as if !foothilis of the Sierra Madre The bullfights took place &« îh Guise tathed onein rpSeheo, hira they too had visited this pic-' mountains before coming into El Toreo, the langest anena i dor was gored il' the shculder Women's Service Committee Sinve ah metweorkomhsb turesciue country. !the valley where Mexico City the world for such spectacles, bu ecniuda.dkle r.B r S Her and es u lcîated an polanoo a bn The innr metig o th j s lcatd. he emaked his bull, M%&s. Gill stated. Chairman MAs H.y Sandrs the plans areunc Thediner eetng f te 1is ocaed.sheremrke. iGreat shouts, 'oies', and much Presented their reports. waey ortie oom ato erno coob oo ofi int.e Andew' Th ra ya s Te ceremonious parade 'applause came £rom the.peons Mr. Stephens informed the that anyone wishing te hý rSbyteria ChuncfhS. Adeli- At thein hotel they made: around the ring led by the ma- 1seated on the sunny side 01 brandi that the Bowmanvillemaecnrdesig wi cios inerwa srv temt the a guide toi tadors, followed by the pîca-'the ring, the speaker said. F'und-raising Campaign will very welcome. The timea lais of St. Anw's Wve byshow thmtepoints of in-:dors and other assistants was aepcedrnthls wk Th laeo cStd n he forrn teet Mr.Glsi.Secluru.Imdaeyatr Disney Wonderland tkpaeduighelswekopening date will be publia], iterst, rs. ill aid.Sheýo1ouful.Immeiatey afer-jof April, actual date not con- ltr cfVlntn edhatswr described thein visit to the two ward a large gate was opened 1On the trip back to Canada firnied as yet numbred n Spnishto crry reat pyramids 25 miles north and the first bull appeared. It 1 h Gils took te wsenS ere nte outbre inSaihtecryf Mexico C ity. These amaz- was a frisky animal and after 1route and on their way to Los Mrs. Syer portdo h otthe Mexcan theme o~f the j ng structures were bufit by rushing out stood pawing the Angeles saw the breath-taking number of patients receivin Lg fl a i Mis Malyn Wiloxfli ~ ediate tothesunand Shetoî of.. They also visited Hioover Damn sPecial equipment and ambu preset tadnke ISSox the-w oneda to the oon. The Se o ofh the prelîminary Boulder City and Las, lance services. Mrs. Syer also L sh w prien t itankd Miss Frnes-o one of thesmoTe base stageoth fight wberein the Mrs. Gill said. In Los Angeles stressed the need for a work- viSt 0 h w ale fort tand sn the of oeorst prmd sbuli esd ymnw thein hotel was near Disny room where a different dres s- ame for the lubn- themlrs langer than the base of the small capes nlot elaborate af- land, and the latter la truîy a ing could be made requiring On Tuesday evening 30 me rmtheoplace cluds Thibs renowned pyramids in EgYPt, fairs such as the matadors use.1 yauospae h pae less sewing, but requiring more bers of the Bowmanvi fo te lcecads hi wsMrs. Gui stated. Duning this period the mata-*faulu tlacd the clubmkerSh space for the folding and Ladies' Auxiiiary to the Cani Ing st a s hpaed dfoir thet Human Sacrifice don is >given a chance to size told ofthe tlbnp es h akn fsc.adesig t.nLgonwr usso Bines i and Prfina Shtoheh lu th n up the action'and mannen f old othtrptaken in I the mm enftuc dressing ate Osa L diwere guests o Busmen's neroalWeek, deto squae nearby an the attsdb tebl.Nx special train through the Dis- t m m e d messi s ae thaw adi es' o A iiary1 WMs Iointedatonat. k cetasqdiary pe buîty an the icasdr mouthed onll hn- ney wonderland, and of the m~ade at mebr'hoen Legion Hall, Oshawa. Me Mis ico pite ut etaodiay epl bit y h pcdos ontd nho-manvelous attnactiona they bers of the Whitby Ladi The president welcomed the Toltecs in the 7th century. ses padded for protection ride had enjoyed there. RIÂ A'- uxiiiary to the Canadi sph al er oee y ot ih teakr ld he - i '~.b r Miss Elsie Holdstock and told ime wals wrecove nd th foerh it theikr tlanc-tie Cr il also toid her fel- NewII M e b r Legion were also guests. her how glad her fellow mem- id x&dt mosaudience. low members of theïr visit toe A fine programi of enterta: bers wene te have hen back gue epine te symb Panamount Studios, and of Ac e t dment was presented. It again after her necent iîîness. Of belief. He pointed out that Two Darts Behind the Ears the clever and fascînating setsA c p e By cluded vocal solos, danc; She also welcomed M ns. Inga the sacrifice required by the The picadors place two they had seen. She spoke of numbers, several piano duE Reitmulien, a special guest. jToltec Indians for the nain god dants behind the ears of the the thril of seeing in person Cp~ ~ mr and two original piano selq was a beautiful maiden, and bull te weaken it by bleeding, ýactons and actresses she had .0 .F rou tin 'Aoe ya ite Mrs. Reitmullen, who was'lhe guide showed the visitons and also to fonce i.t to lowen often watcbed on the scneen th rtin compose b f a ontteg irodc la an s ccmpis e in- the altan whene the girls sel- Ifs bead so that laten the ma- of the Royal Theatre in Bow- Mie. application for memben- the Oshawa members. TI ist. She played a îoveîy seîec- ece eekle.tdncntns i wr tmanvilie. shîp of Alma Perfect, Gladys Oshawa ladies also staged tic& by Mozart, and an Aus- Mrs. Cull also spoke of the the one spot just back of the Onbhlofa pentMsHnrE lySnc ndmuigoeysk. trian folk mielody. "Viennal lost city of the Aztecs which animal's head whene it can be WlO behaif o ai rsen issfo Auer iy Steweace ad am ied w ski i Town of My Dneams." 'she visited with bier family. instantly killed, Mns. Gi ex- Wilcoxoru t and Min forv and re B at wte ametnd Bomavpiles innte r o Refenning to tbe speaker of She described the council plained. Sbe nemarked hthrciufiadifraieai ~poe ttemeigatatv nzsh h r ;hed tataddness. Miss Velma Gay, of Maple Leaf Cîrcle 143 Comn- were Comrade Dorothy Joli the evening- Miss Wilcox poin- chambens, vast halls, and in- bier family said sh ooked chairman of the Ways and panions of the Forest, held at son, Comnade Audrey Bai ted out Liîa -3he is well known tricately deconated buildings green at this point in the pro- Means Committee, gave a ne- the Union Hell on Thursday Comrade Milly Bates, preside for bier efficient work as trea- Of this city necovered from ceedings. port of the successful Intenior evening, February 18th. Won- Of the Bowmanville Auxiliai auner of the B. & P. Club. the jungle. One Matador Goe Decorating Night held recent- tby Chief Companion Rena Comnade R. Sommescales, a] The pnesidc 't said that Mrs. University City, south of Men then come out and i ly by the club. Bat&igate announced thet the Comnade Mildred Conway. Gi in addition te being a Mexico City, la situated on a ____________________________*new menibers will be initiated gamnes were enjoyed and ti gooci mother is also a full rocky mesa, and the Gili famn- fait the next meeting on Thurs- pnuze winners for skill ai pate ihle ubn niyhda most interesting I *Jday evening, March l7th. balance were Comrade Ru oonducting the Royal Thea- visit there. Mrs. GIil told of f ' A letter was read by the _ trej here.I th -moigodruiest a d n o e t ee A lange map with the route buildings, and the striking new seetary, Companion Margar.- taken by the Ciii family mi ones. She described the ex- IWet Coyle, froun the High Chief maerke ga t ip car quisite mural in mosaic that W eekcly Report Companioni, Beatrice Gibson, makdgv h lbabirds covens tbe entire extenior wail Wodto fcal sit Mape plas eye ie oeir droute 8,00 ofoe aou uldnstee Illegal Big Game Kili from $10.00 te a high of $300.- Cirle scion. Compînion Eve- mies ovneuduin 6 ay. Very Devout People j hn ee5 erad60 ihteaeaea 150.lyn Beard gave the sick report.- They crossed into the United T 1 arer 90e5 erad60 ih h vrg t$1.0 iTeMexîcans ar 0percent mos eodda aulisliTtldmgst eils Following the business meet- S tIes over the Ambassador jos Catboîic aad arealie an de-a damge Fe D* - ing a social hour w'as enjoyed. Bridge between Windsor and iRoman Cahleadaead-the Lindsay Forest District un aone o$300.Adlcoslnhwssre Letroit, and then drov via vout people, Mrs. Ciii told the 1959. These 65 anîmals nepres- mutdt 23.0 dlceslnh.ssre Toldo Oio Iniaa, ;s audience. There are 60 chur- cuit the known big game kili by 0f the 6 moose kilîs, 4 occur- by Worthy Chief Companion Toleoh ficoui I n tr , Ilateos, ches in Mexico City alone, she means other than legal hunt- rcd in Halibunton County and BtgtCompanion N i n a 40> si.Sespoke of the large ing. 1 eacb in Victoria and Pee-Clark,. andi Compamnii Ruth crossc'd thbe Missipadcathedral occurrtecdt f ura Mttn through Mississpi, Arandas d She ult onpl thestoeofD una County claimed'19 bonough Counties. Ail Pcuree-Mton anMTx ss nAkna h ztctml etoe of the deer casualties and Pc- during deer season. Two of the *nd Texas. eic t a by Contez, anul the famous tcnbonough County was next 6 (a cow and caîf) wcre poach- iOus consequences, possibly "ntredo" s ei coaý ad L- Basilîa of Our Lady of Gua- in line with 13 losses. Follow-1 d and 4 (ahl buls) were ai- even death. " mark tha ony for dys lheiAtlts plgattrgee as nc tesc were Northumberland! legedly shot i seif-defence. The latest case to come to aier ieavinig Bownianviile a coniuu plrmg n County with 12. Victoria Coun- There was no open season for aur attention in the Lindsay tbywr nMxc. there ll saw pilgrims ascend- ty with 10 and Halibunton moose in 1959 in the Lindsay itrc occurrcd in the Village was a large information boothi 11n the long steps towards the County with 5 deer kilîs. Forest District. of Oland i Brighton Town- Sshrine on their knees. ship. Our information is that ai wbere United States fudiMotor vebicles snuffed out Rables Stili Prevalent boy pettcda kn whehd cpuld be changed into Mcxi-'1 The speaker also told the lives of 31 deer, more than byasknwichd can money. Cards were giveni audience of the wide tnee aIl the other causes combined. Despite repeated warnings to come intai a schooi. yard. The to tourists entering the coun-: s.haded avenues in the centre The nemaining 28 deer met stay away from wild animais skunk snapped at the boy, thelu try, Mrs. Gili pointed out. On of Mexico City, and of seeing thein fate in the following man- wbich appear tame, or cats and. thoroughly sprayed bim as only the back of the card tscw the National Palace, govcrn- ner-dogs 10, fences 5, poacli- dogs that are acting strangeîy, skunks are equipped to do. The ed thec cxchange raei ih ment office buildings, and ens 5. wolves 3, trains 2 cbiidnen, and grown-ups too' animai was destroyed at once cents equalled one peso. Alsoljwonderfui museums there. drowning 2 and unknown cause stili become involved with ra, n fsha en wy o h that four miles equalled 6 kil- 1 Christmas lu Alcapulco 1.bld animais. rabies test because the boy had open sores on bis hands at the ometes, te ditancerneaure-Most of the deer kiiled were The treatment for anyone time. A laboratory report cames h omeer, te istnc mesue- Fnom Mexico City we drov.e'cithen fawns or yearlings indi- wbo bas come into contact with ight back: "Negri Bodies frent uof ih Mc o. O e to Aca plot the only tr opu cating that the older animais an animal suspected of bcing Found in the Brain of this Ani- frot o th crd erenoa cl rson towhch t ~ POS-may bave developed a sense of nabid us fourteen anti-rabies mal. Diagnosis: Rabies". ignas in use in thic country. 'sible to drive from the Unit- wainess, (on are extremely senum injections in the abdo- Once more we send forth a Have Busy Time cd States or Canada, Mns. Ciii lucky). men. nepsnwosolwain:"ty en fiy To Select Mrs. Cili remanked that gssd.Te aridthn on Information on damages was kow descnibed it to the wri- wild animal that appears tame.ýý for cars is sold in litres flot sg-3Christmas Eve and found the, obtained on 2 0 ofthe 31 cases, ter as "pnetty sevene treat- and approaches you. Avoid an y gallons. Between transla ing place tnuly a paradise, While'î- nvolvung deer killed by cars-ý ment". Failure to take precau- damestic animal, dogorat ~ilsit îomtrgio~the Christmas they spent there Individual damages rangcd itionary steps may resuit i ser- that is atn tagl. into litres and peso values was quite different from anyi acQnUtAnel. ýnto dollars and cents to know other they bad known, the the value of purchassî h Gis found it enchanting, the whole family had a busy speaker told the club. A McDuff Ottawa Report turne. Ouly $50 aday No Inspectors Mrs. Ciii spoke of the beau- ~h~* Beoelaigfor Mexico; tiful sandy beaches, the blue; V f ~o Ii a the Gis had secuned visas for! Pacific, the swiniming, waten W an ed Poi:ca Plafforms their passpors, certificates of! skiing, and boating enjoyd. îngMeic a Lreo he dd f uxurious accommodation Thisnmcnt h firta te; a repudiation of prom-land dislocation due toe in* Shingles neot see any Immigration In-,r offered. The Cis stayed at asuaycught ses of a balanced budget, seo 1 roduction of automation. a~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~u wodru oe n huwith its own "hold-thc.., today they can pictune "aus- 1Yet the politicians grive mr enn us he dovedon heonfu 5 m a oerad thlie policy. eit"abnkigtepm-te irsio ofmroig spectors, Mrs. Ciii said hih aehi f o ae0 oret odieo otln eeomn ita narndin towrd wîïth te -con-sent -of Mn. Bruce for drivers wbo do flot s top jpresents aupbudget rapidiyj thc-circumst4nces. inipiemcnted to, reach long- * Cau1neî ufs Affieck, assistant Crown At- for schoi busses". commented coming back inta balance. 1 Asa Govern-nent, thc suc- Irange objectives? torney for ftic County of On- Magistrate R. B. Baxter as lie The Liberaîs criticized the icessfuî caunpalgners made al This is an oid coniplaint ini laaio who wvas acting for Harry imposed a penalty of $20-00 Government strongly, Of! gcnuine effort ta fulfil the Canaduan politics. But it can't R. Deymaui Q.C. Mn. Deyrman us and casts of $2.00 on another course, for reckless spending main promises and won re- be overem.phaisised if we waîit awey in another jurisdicion! driver. and piiig up debt during thce election on that basis. In a Parliamient ta be a neal forum Arn 38 yer asmae e Evidence by police and the recession; but they voted for sense t was good fortune that~ for the expression and debt tncA peadeod Curie le - bus driver was tibat the bus ail the spending measures. 'the high- spending coincided'aI the high policies htaeULDN 1' havng hage f aMoor e-stopped, the ights were flash- Those were the days whcn witb a recession, peniod wihen, ta guide the nation. haigchargîe ois aiit was ling the bus was pnopeniy mark- the Government was pushing ccononlic Pump-pruning wa1 Capital Hill Capsule paired. He was fined S50 00 ethe door was opened and a the northenn "vision' deveiop-, needed. By now, of course,1 Here's j ust how small-mind- n4~~ ~~ csswta3mnth- boy was alighting on bis way ment policy and boasting of: the Govcrnment's penform-r cd and uncharitable people CALL IN en ucsps iona3 othle homne from school. The car pul- a massive public works pro-, ance of 1957 and 1958 bas been ' can be: One MP got a letter er&susension.ld a tl led out around thc bus and gram made to appear much, watened down by hast yeai-'s ï-uii a lady who said shc'd by Magistrate R. B. Baxter to psditbge tnitataywa.hxras d ts yersoeoerhelt0ftbercu- "Us watth Lrdprvied Tw oeroas rogh pn-Those wene the days, toa, spending cut, bath hlaving ian refugees aditted ta Can- ' s c "Use wha h od p iedw Twod ovse nlasbrub pen- whgenr i t a urgîg mage- x been fand adhiistrtielada in foun the y were oft il- h you with your feet", when be' alties Of $2200 and $53.00 for mhen t a lburgn t a ge ~oi theesenhil Rom dinsrtveya and Calé c he w aie placed him an probat ion for1 different ovenhoads. mn n aort hl h seta.RmnCtoi.Sewne 12 onhs e anot rie bs1 A oca yuthpad 13.0 orline" on profits, pices and Ms we said, it is good forihbu ho protest. Auiothcr MP 4 ownca. dnlg hispeiodcx jfailing ho yicld the igtit of wages so as not ta feed infla- us ta be remindcd by the Op- waa waimned by a doctor, af own ar urin ths peiodex- ay t AbertandDukeStfltin and price Canada out of:position that ail hais not turn- al people, that the refugees cept ta go ta and from wonk ' waahAbnadDueSs markets abnoad. c d out as rosily as it was miglit bring a new strain of mud he must be ail home at ah 6.13 p.m. on Felbnîarv ls Taday. having caught upý painted by the Covernment TB ta Canada. (The MP found 11.00 p.m. every nîcht. The ladi ar.d came into collision wit. with its advice ta manage-' party ait ciection time. But out reliably this was non-; Downtown Showrooi bad been convicted of stealinaj another mohor vehicle. No cvi- ment and labor, the Goven srlta hodnoogrsne)Naly l he Ws whech discs from the car own- dence of drinking and Albert mn faec-suiyttshidnlaerss).NayaiteiVs.84 SIMCOE ST. So E. . Obore. in st Steetwassippey.mukntt faich ue an~ opposition be the main theme af national have received letters af pro- ý,* bd y E V Osorn. ingSt. Stee wa slppry.Duk St wich whleapproving af the! political debate. Canada faces test aigaist heiping the relu- j oWBANVILLE - W. n Feb. 7, 1960. 'was centre b.are. curtailnient of spending, triesiserions new challenges ait geca instead of giving hand-* DV Failure ho notIfy the depant-, "A case af just driving toc ho paint il as Tory austerity' home and abroad-new trade outs ta Canadians. (Of course Dl Inenit af chanige af address on 1fast- taking into cansideration brought on by Tory financialljpatterns, rclaxed internation- tiiere have also been strong his driver's license cash an er- the condit ion af the road". said mismanagement. j ai tensions, ever greater in- deninds that mnore thain 1001 ring mo: -*st $12.C-. Speeding ithe ma-,s, ., e in imposing the Just as the Liberals could1debtedness ho the Unitedîh ubercular euesba convictian rough penalties I ieand costs. 1 paint the def icit- financing pcr- 16States, unemploymnent at homcj reugeeb amt-) the thim for for eted be rted een der- >pen 8 0 1be and ;ed Is vie iad- the to the lies' lian ain- in- ýinjg tets, lec- girl, Sof The an at- raw hn- ate, met; Iry; and the and ith Those present In addition honew addition teUic ilospitaL A social ilali ilour waisapen~, wa. Wood P roducts Their Needs From Our Large Supply 0f LITY BUILDING MATERIALS Exierior Doors looring .ywoods ouner Topping) *Paints *Brushet * Weeping Tile " Door Chimes * Locks " Cabinet Hardware . Electric Exhausi Fans " Medicine Cabinets * Combinafion Doors " Inferior and Exierior Panelling "Wall and Floor Tile *Fence Maierial *Shelving THE ABOVE ARE ONLY A FEW 0F THE MANY [ATERIALS WE HAVE IN STOCK FOR YOUR CONVENIENCE V AT OU£ COURTICE SHOWROOM OR CALL MArket 3-2130 Iwo Wood Products Limited 9 OSHAWA TELEPHONES TO SERVE YOTT M [JTH - RA 8-1617 MA 3-2130 TOWN OSHKAWA OFFCE OPEN FIIDAY TILL 9:00 PFIL Osborne mand Comirade Audrey Bate. The prize for naklng the most original paper bat was, won by Coinrade Mifly Bates. A special gift was presented te Conirade POU Ovéry as It was the occasion of her btrthday. .Kinsmen Attend ,lnter Club e Thle Bowmanvillc inamen Club ilad the most members 1present among al Uic Kins- 1men Clubs thait attended te -Zone C Inter-club and Quartet iNigilt held in Port Hope last iweek. There were 32 members cf the local Kinsmen Club at te event, and Uic followlng mcm- 1bers of Uic executive: Murray Lairmer, Uic president; Don Shuht, lst vice-president; Os- borne Williams, 2nd vice-presi- dent; Xrnold Slèep, the sec- retairy; Cordon Stninger, the treaisurer; Larry Dewell and I-vine (Jake) Brawn, the Bul- letin editors; Roy McMullen, the registrar John Living and Bob guthne directors. The local Kinsmn travciled by chartered bus te Port Hope. The entertainnient offered by Uic entries from Uice many Kinsmen Clubs in the Zone was excelent. The compettion was keen, and thind en Kunsmen Club won Uic contest for Uic Best Variety Act. Hospital Aux. Will Present Baby Bootees i the absence ofi chairman Ivan Hobbs due te illuiess, Glenliolme Hughes, Uic vice- chai-main, prcsided at te meeting cd the Board of Di- nectars oi Mémoriail Hospital on Wednesday evening, Feb- ruary 17th. Homny CORNER By JIoen Vau Dumm 11OBBY CORNER is <ceMy- oneC Who cares tenUmke use of it, regardlesa of whether they have a definite hobby or not. For instante,' woqad you like to exohange patterns or directions for knitting, éro- cheting or any klnd of needie work? Pechaps you need a re- cipe or formula for something you wish te make. If there la any information you need in connection with your home ac- tivities, let us have the ques- tions muid we wll try te flnd the anuweoes Questions and AnswersrMrs. George Young, I amn taking tis means of lettin.g you have the lollowlng directions for bootees, s0 that other knitters enay make use of them ifl$ihey wish todo go. d"bo.teew" Cast on 40 sta. knit 2, pgrI 2, ribbed knittinag for 2 lobhes. Mr. Hughes were, Han-y V.. . r Cu'yderm~an, Keitil Jackson: rinity v e~~nn James Stuht, Mina. L. C. Ma- son, Harry Jose, Newcastle Mire. Yhrls ,arren, Dar- llngton, Mins.RaHaId Gibson,A xiia y H d teir, Dr. Alan B. Sylvester, Ray * AÀMetin Dilling, secrctary - treasurer,g and Stainley Wilkins, hospitail Trinihy Evening Auxiliary admuinistrator. held its February meeting wlth Mrs. Mason, president of the President Mrs. S. McMurter Women's Houpital Aiuxiliary, presiding. Plana for Women'a tald the meeting that starting World Day af Prayer evening ait Easter the Auxiliary wiil meeting were diaçussed. give a pair of haind knitted M~iss Mary Jewell and bootees t a cd baby ba-n in A. Davis were ini charge of the Mémorial Hospital. worship service whlcil centered Harry V. Cryderman, chair. ai-ound the theme of Brother. maxi of the building commit- hood. tee, reported on conferences Mrs. R. Sad.ler aind Misa with the architects, Govan, Vivian Sadier favoured with a Ferguson, Lîndsay, Kanuinkcr, duet Langhey and Keenleyside, aind The Study Book Chapher waiu flic consulting enigineera, H. ably taken by Miss V. Bunner, H. Angus and Associates, Ltd. the subject being Rilodesia. Hle also told the meeting that Mrs. G. Elliott, Stewardsilip it bas been decided ta have Secretairy, prescnted a briet terrazza floors thi-ougilout the talk on Stewardship. 20 ats., tara, kat ba*i 12 wae Work baok mand forth on these 12 sts. for il ridges. Bruk wool. To start foot, hIe on Piuk Or blue voci et side of vamp, pick up and knit 1 st. in eadi aidge along aide of vamp. Knit across 12 sts. con needie. Pick Up and knit i st. in eaoh ridg. along other &ide of vamnp. Kuih 14 ut&. on needle. Ail sts. around foot are now on needie. Knit 6 ridge, then knst 2 ats. tegetîher caci end mand centre of neede every ridge 3 trnes. Cash off. StraP around Slipper, Cash On 36 sts. Knit 2 nidges. Cash off. Form armal loop ait onc end. Sew button on other end of strap. Sew strap te cenytre of heel at baok. For Iformutioii about the. spring "HOBBY SHOW AND SALE" write te "Hobby Cor- ner" in mue of The Canadiam Statesmin, P.O. Box 190, ar Phione MA 3-3587 betweeh a TER CAADAN TATESMAN, EOWM&KVILleONTARIO I I a P EOP LE RUSHIN G Main Office snd Showroom COMMTIE - RA 8-1811 AJAX - ZEnith 2-9» 1 'l- MAMM iý w

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