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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 25 Feb 1960, p. 16

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Darlington Assist Finc By Oshaw ]By-Laurs to cstablish Com- 6uraty Centres in Mion, Hamp- *ton, Solina andi Tyrone were given first ,second and thi readlings et the meeting of ]Darlington Township Council belti on Piiday afternoon in the Township Hall, Hampton. S. E. Lovell, and W. Holland, representatives of the Oshaiwa General Hospital were given permission to adress the coun- PUMPS &SêFTEIEL 16 IJK UIM i LONDON LANÂD) JACK DEGUGH: PLUMBING and HEATING D)ivision Strèci South MA 3-5615 BOWLANVILL iAsked To 7ncially a Hos pifai *cil. They stated "-at the Osh- awa General 1-ms again beconie eovercrowded and at present is 1 operating beyond capacity. "We are up against the pîob- lem of expansicon," Mi. Lovetl âaid. He explained that in re- *cent yeeis the Oshawa General Hospital had tenîded to become a specialization centre, and had facilities that lie claimed it was *impossible for smallcr hospitals to supply. ~Mr. Loveli told the council *that the plans for an extensive aditition to the Oshawa Gener- al have been compieted and the total cost of the building will be $2,700.000. This meney will have to be raised in Osh- awa, and the surîounding area of» Whitby, Ajax and Darling- ton, Mr. Loveil asserted. Mi. Holiand stated that 5.8 per cent of the adirissions te Oshawa General Hospital corne from Darlin'gton. Th,. Oshawa General Hospital representa- tîves asked that Dar-ington Councîl contribute a grant of $92,800 to'the building fund for the proposed addition. They îephied to a question from the council that 1.2 per cent of! the hogpital's admis- sions are fîom Noîthumber- land-Durham exclusive of Dar- lington, and that the Oshawa General planned to ask Coun- tics Council for a grant for the building fund. Reeve Rickaid pointed out that as Dai-ington la part o! the United Ceunties, if the Counties Council weîe to give Oshawa General a grant, Dar- lington would be levied for a shie of if. He suggested that the amount of the grant being asked from Darlîngton he in- cluded in the amount o! the grant to *ie requested from the Unitedi Counties.' In tits way the Oshawa General represent- atives nmiglt have tihe total amount to be requested fromn ail parts of the Unted Coun- tics included ln one grant. A synspathetic hearing lied been given by council to the presentatien madle by the two Oshawa Generai Hospital re- presentatives, and tlhe matter will be given seiious thouglit, Reeve Rckard assuredi Mi. Lo- vell alid Mi. Holland. On a motion by Councillorr Fred G. Smith, seconded by ý Councillor Sidney Cornîsb, itr was decided to give the Sal-1 v'ation Army a grant of $100.a A requcat from the Canadian1 Mental Heailh Association fort a grant w'as referred te the1 finance committee.1 Geuneil voted unanimouslyr to endoise a resolutdon made by the Crowland Townlhip1 Council that the cost o! thet defence in annexation proceed-( VIGOR OIL CO, LTD. I BEST QUALITY ... FUEL OIL STOVE OIL AT MOST REASONABLES PRICES For Delivery PHONE OSHAWA RA 5-1109 78 BOND ST. W. OSHAWA -4rmua III' ~III THE CAMMDI VSTTMMPAN, EOWMAI!VILIZ.ONTAMO No Local Winners ln Badminton Tourney. Several familiar faces again appear in the photos of top badminton players in the Central Ontario tourney held here last weekend. In the back row, from lef t to riglit are the veteran competitors, Grant Henry and Raipli Charlton of Peterborough who won the vets men's doubles; front îow: George Long, ings be borne by the munici- pality asking for annexation. P an The Township Clerk, Walter Rundie, was instructed to ar- range a meeting to discuss the possibility of the Oshawa Fire o Brigade serving a section of Daîlington as the Bowmanville Pire Brigade does. ENNISKILLEN Oui regular C.G.IT. meeting was held on Febîuary 17. Lau- ra Griffin and Carole Begley wcre in charge of tlic worship peîiod, Oui next meeting will lie on March 2nd. Wc wilýl have a "Woîld Day of Prayer" on Mardi Sth. A skating paîty is to lie helti at Feîguson's on Pcb., 27 at 2 p.m. after which we will go to the church base- ment for refieshments. MVr. andi Mis. Allan Weiry. braveti the sn'ow banks on foot to Mr. and Mis. Harvey Mc- Gill's. Mi. and Mis. Walter Fer- guson were witli Mr. anti Mis. Keith Ferguson, Bowmanvifle. Sympathy o! this community is extendeti to'Mis. Haroldi Christie and family, Bowman- ville. His many customers will miss lis cheeîy smiIe when lie deliveied thiose botties o! milk. Mr'. and Mrs. Russell Steele. Puiple Hill, were Tuesday vis- itors at Mi. and Mis. F. Toms. Dr. andi Mis. Clark Weriy. Toienito, weîe with MT. andi MVrs. E. A. Weiîy, Saturday. Mi. and Mis. Lorne Lamb wcre with Mi. andi Mis. Allan Wray, Bowmanviile. Mis. C. R. Walton, Kingston, spent the weekend with ber parents Mi. andi Mis. H. Ste- vens. Mis. H. Grubb, is home frois hospital with hel- broken ankie in a cast. We wish her a speedy recovery. Mis. W. Beglcy is stili to bed, we just kn'ow how Éhe wishcs she could get up and do many jobs. Mis. Steven's FARMERS! ... DONT MISS UT! t"'ll . eH. B ROW N'S ANNUAL I CAE SHOWI Town Hall, Bowmanville i PGSTPONED DECAUSE 0F WEATHER UNTIL FRUDAY> FEB. 2.6 i Ilti8:00 P.19. I'FUN, FOR ALL HEFISEN -FREE PRIZES Il ENTS SEl VED -m FREE ADMISSION- W. HilBMo"N 15CELEBRATING BIS 2th YEAR - AS LOCAL CASE DEALERB .=- .~- -=. - - - - lCasting Orono I ORONO-On Monday even- ing, February 29th, at 8:15 p.m. in the Orono Municipalý Building (Armouries) a cast- ing meeting wil be held for the Orono Players foîthcom- ing production of The Torch Bearers, a comedy in three acts by George Kelly. George Kelly is the fore- most comic writer of the Am.- enican stage and his plays have met with unqualified success wherever they are pre- sented. The Torch Bearers is no exception and should pro- vide much enjoyment for cast and audience alike. This year the Orono Play- ers have additional -need of assistance. The newly decorat- ed stage of the Orono' Town Hall will require the construc- tion of scenery and anyone in- terested in this aspect of the theatre is asked to attend the meeting on February 2ýth. Also costumes wiIl be used in the play to be presented and this too wilI require more heiping hands. The director of the produc- tion will be Margot Sanmuel; the Stage Manager is Jo Bar- low,; Les Aslett is the Set De- signer; and Mrs. Med. Linton will be the Costume Designer. Donna Forrester will again be the Prompter and now we need actors alid actresses and as inuch interested assistance as we can obtain. The Torchbearers will be presented in Orono Town Hall is improving nicely, we hope if any more are ill, they willI recover fast. Mrs. E. J. Harrison and MVrs. R. J. Weaving, Toronto, were visitors with the Stevens and W. H. Moore's. Mrs. Fred Dayes and Mis. Allan Beacock, Nestieton, were visitors with Mr'. and Mrs. W. Ferguson. Mr. and Mrs. Kejth McGil and f amily, were Sunday din- ner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Lyal Brock, Bowmanvile. Miss Nancy Wood, MacDon- ald Hall, Guelphi; Mr'. and Mis. Floyd Pethick and Roabin, Toi- onto, were with Mr. and Mrs. S. R. Pethick. Mr. Larry Ashton. Black- stock; Messrs. Earl and Bert Bower, Netieton, were over nighti guests at Mr. and Mis. 0. C. Ashton. Mr. and Mýrs. Harry Colla- cutt and Joanne, Bowmanville; Mi. and Mrs. D. Yeo and Lor- na, Oshawa, visited MWr. and Mrs. Gordon Yeo. MU. an~d Mrs. Elmer Harri- son and Marilyn, Almonds, were visitors with Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Wearn. Mr. and Mis. W. M. Smith, Oshawa, were visitora at Mr. and Mis. H. Stevens. Miss Jean Baker, Long Sault, spent the weekend with Miss Lois Ashton. Mr. and Mis. Bob Burges and family, Bowmanville, were callers on Sunday at Mr. anid Mis. Howard Stevens. 1\1. and Mis. Howard Brad-. ley and Brian, Maple Grove; Miss Clara Page, Toronto, with Mis. E. Page. Memorial Hospital Weekly Report_ 15-2lst inclusive: Admissions 5 Births-4 maie, 6 female- 10 Discharges 70 Major operations 17 M1iner operations 15 Emergency treatments - 141 Visiting hours 2:30 to 4:301 1 P.m. and 7.00 to 8:30 Pmn. Oshawa, met's doubles winner; Marg Baker,- Peter- boroughi, ladies' doubles winneî; Maurice Charlton, Peterboroughi, ladies' doubles winneî; Lii Beamish, Oshawa, ladies' singles and mixed doubles winner; Ken Smith, Oshawa, winner in mixed doubles, men's doubles and men's singles. ig Meeting ' MAPLE GROVE Rev. and Mis. Stanley Snow- den andi family, Millbrook, Productioni weîe tea guests of Mi. andi Mis. Wallace Munday on Sunday. sometimie towards the end of Mi. and Mis. John Wihlidal, May, with rehearsals begin- Mr. and Mis. Jask Mann Mi. ning tic thurd week in March. Pat Cox, Mi. and Mrs. Cori As in thie past, two perform- Vane de Burgt, Mi. and Mis. ances will be given in the Or- Don Smith, Mi. and Mrs. David ono Town Hall. Burpee, Mi. and Mrs. Albert Anyone inteiested in parti- Wihlidal, Mr. and Mis. Mich- cipating infthc production of ael Hickif. and family, Mis. The Torch Bearers ia asked to Ann Wihlidal, ail of Oshawa, attend the meeting on Mon-' were guests of Mi. andi Mis. day, February 29, anti if you Ewald Wihlidal on Satuidey are unable to attend this meet evening, ing, please contact Margot Mr. andi Mis. John Clark and Samuel et Orono 227. family, Bionte, visited Mi. and As in past years, thie pro- Mis. Bert Snowden anti Mi. duction wifl be sponsoreti by anti Mis. Robert Bairabail on the Orono Amateur Athletîc Sundey. Asseciation-.the inoney rais- Mr. Cecii Mils, accompanieti ed to run the Sunimer Recrea- by Mr. James Hogarth, Hamp- tion-al. Programme, ýton, attended tlic Roatis con- Neyer before has so much beauty, so* much - convenience, so much power-packed economical performance, so much honest-to-goodnesý value been offered for sucli a low price in a 4-cylinder car.' This is the Envoy ... the new British car designed. and buit especially for Canadians! ROY Oldsmobde DO WNAN VILLE PROUE NM 3-3353 ¶TC DAY.T. M1. =U vention ln Toronto #Ais week. Mr. Bob Talbot, Oshawa, was a Sunday giiest of Mr. and Mis. Cecil Ml and attended the Cub's candlelight service with them, renewing old acquain- tances. Mr.and Mns. Bert Payne, Teresa and David, Hampton, called on Mr. and Mis. Jim Laverty on Sunday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Gib- son, Judy and Sharon visited with Mr. and Mia. Laverne Souoh and Mi. Albert Souch, Bowmanville, on Sunday even- ing. Mi. and Mrs. Robert Labre- cque called on her sister, Mis. James Allen, Oshawa, on Sat- urday evening. Mrs. Tom McGuirk, accom- parded by Mis. J. Arril, Lin- dsay, attended a dînner party and re-union of friends in the RCAF (WD) in Toronto lest weekend Mi. and Mrs. Harold Hughes and f-amily, Oshawa, called on Mi. and Mis. Clarence Gibson on Sunday evening. Mi. and Mis. Jack Arril, Lindsay; Mi. Donald Wilhelm, Hamilton, were Sundiay ddn- ner guesta of Mr. and Mis. Tom McGuirk and family. The Boy Scouts wereguests of Maple Grove Girl Guides at a skating paîty last Tues- day evening. The children and their leaders met at the church and were taken by car to a pond on the farm of Mr. Cecil Jeffery, After the outing, lunch was served at the church by Mrs. Lloyd Snowden, Mrs. Bob Barrabali, Mrs. James Geddes, Mis. Ken Staiker and Miss Lois Staîker. Mi. and Mis. E. Wihlidal and family we're Sund.ay dAn- ner guests of her parents, Mr. an Mis. Sam Michael, Picker- ing. Mi. and Mrs. Len Goodmur- phy, Oshawa; Mr. and Mis. John Aitchison and Billy, Bla- ckstock, weîe Sunday guests of Mr. and Mis. Alan Snowden. The Local Association of Maple Grove Girl Guides and B'iowniies met 'at the home of Mis. Tom MéGuiîk on Febru- ary 15 with seven memnbers .present. Mis. William O'Neil opened the meeting with the Guide Prayer. It was announc- ed timat Mis. R. Labiecque had consented to help , test the Guides for pîoficiency badges. The Brownie camp weekend wili be held in June and Plans are to be made for the Guide rally to be held in June. Dis- cussions were made on the Girl Guide summer camp aind the Guide tea, wvhich will be held in the Spring. It was decided to pay feea owing for training and camp equipment. A lovely lunch served by the hostess brougit fthe evening to a close. The February meeting of the Brotherhood was held eat Eben- ezer Cliuîch with president J. Hua'rie in charge. The meeting As we have enlarged our business We are now equipped Io do. PAINTING & DECORATING Harry Collacutt has joined our staff, in charge of this department. Phone MA 3-5774 for Free Estimates Lander Hardware and Electric Ltd. 51 King St. E. We Deliver I The adventure of Envoy ownership is offered to you in the beautiful sedans plus the fun-filled Sherwood station wagon. See the Envoy today! Admire its quaiity and eager gooc+. looks. Drive iti Then proudly choose the Envoy whichi meets your requirements. NIHOLS - Chevrolel and Emvoy Cars Chevrolet Trucks Corvair COURTICE PROIE MA 3-3922 SHOWR ibOOM lacludes : Mater and Defroster, Turn Signala, $ 9 Anti-freeze, Tank of Gamsud Licence!19 -Ask Our Salesmeni For A Demonstration Ride,- The High-Fash ion Car with the Low Price Tag W. pene fh yr1yte Secretary Bon Brooks read the minutes of the previous meeting and rolelal showed 23 mernbers present, A letter from the Men's Club in Toron- to in'viting a delegàte was read and collection taken. Next meeting will be held at Maple Grove Church and it wiil be «'Ladie*' Night". Songs by a quartet from the Motor City Barbershoppers the "Casual Aires" were enjoyed and Mr. Reg Harding from Bowman- ville showed the films, one on "'Safety" and one on the de- signing of cars "Body by Fish- er"'. An excellent Bowmanville centennial film was also shown. Mi. Ken Courtice thanked the quartet and Mi. Hardiing for the entertainment. Lunch was servedby Ebenezer social com- mitite. Maple Grove Church was filled to capacity on Sunday eveiing when the two Cub packs and ileii leaders pie- sented their candilelight ser- vice and firesid&ie hour. Two cubs, Darel Debbs and Mich- ael Laverty seated the congre- gation Rev. H. Stidinton opened with the eall to Worship and al sang "I'm Glad I'm a Christ- ian' foliowed by a hynm. Wil- liama Laird, Jr.- led in prayer followed by Scripture readings by six cubs. Another song "Do Lord" was sung iby the cubs with the choir master, Mi. Douglas Chute leading. Kenny Crydermean gave a poem, foiiowed by announce- menjts and the offering was taken by two cuba, Gien Fin- - -- -- - -11 w ney and Larry Sol. Praywr led by F'reddy Bailey and a byma was Sung by ail.e Guest speaker, District er Johni Clark from.B gave a talk and a speclal about a Scout in England, for thie boys, and a short pruyer. A hymn and the Benediction was pronounced by Rev. Stan- ley Snowden, who also thaxiked Mr. Clark. The Recessional Song led by' the Cuba was Sung and the boys f iled out of the church and down to he Sundey School rooms for the Fireside Hour. Several badges were presentbed 1by Mr. Clark. Those who re- cived themn were Bob Barre- bail, Bert Snowden, Bill Laird and John Geddes. Gifts of ap- preciation werp preseited to the organist, Mrs. William Laird by D'avid Willoughby and to MI%. Clark by Randy Snowden. A delious lunch of sandwiches, cookies and tea wea served iby tihe mothers of the sixers. During lunch Akela Bill Laird challenged the group led by 'Akela Bert Snowden to a hockey gamne to be played on Monday evening.

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