Receives President's Trophy BOWMANVILL, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, FEBRLARY 25th, 1961 Among the several awards that were made dur- ing the Cham ber of Commerce annual meeting, Thurs- day, were these Citations of Merit. Each year, they are awarded to the f irms who have expanded or un- proved their f acilities in an outstanding manner. In- cluded in this year's group, from lef t to right, front row: Stew McTavish, proprietor of the new Canadian Tire Store; Jack Lander, secretary-treasurer of the new Liberty Bowl Ltd.; Alvin Boyd, pro5rietor of Western Tire & Auto Supply which added a large service addition during 1959; back row: Don Morris, Darlington Council Ptays ý'With.Ratepayer's Assn. Reeve Garnet Riekzard at the meeting of Darlington Council Council held in the Township Hall, Hampton, on Frid'ay af- ternoon informed Mrs. B. Bu- dai, secretary of the Darlington 1ýatepayers Association that he will answer the list of writ- ten questions submitted to the council by her on behaîf of the Dalington RPA at a general mneeting of the organization. 20 Questions The message xvas r'-ad by Walter Rundie. thIe Township Cierk: "To Darlington Coun- cil;- "'The Darlington Ratepayers Snow Stalled Events Coming This -Friday/ Two events postponed because of the heavy snow storm last week w~i1 be held this Friday evýening in Boivmanvilie. People In the district are looking 'forward ' to the Brown Case Show to bc held in the Bowmanville Town Hall Auditorium at eight o'clock.- The Zone Publie Speak- Ing Contest sponsored by the Canadian Legion will bc held in the Legion Hall at 7:30 o'clock on Friday evening. Comrade Jack Adamis, publie speaking chairman for Branch 178 of th2 Canadian Legion, stated yesterday that the general public is cordially hIvited to attend. A lunch wiil be served by the Bowmanville Ladies' Aux- illary to the Canadian Legion. !Association requests 9traiglti 1answers te the followin.g ques-1 tionis:j How much is Darlington paying Bowmanviile towards Deg Control? Is By-Law 2111 mandatory? Till when? In what way does the Officiai Plan differ frorn By-law 2111? Is it in the pro-' cess of being passed by Mun- icipal Board? Is council satis- fied with it the way it is? Has Council the authoity to make amendmenits? Is council wiil- ing te sit down with a com- mittee of the Ratepayers As- societion and discuss the much needed changes? How wouid council go abeut making chan- ges and when? Gan By-law 2111 be revoked? Cen. the Of- ficial Plan? Do we have te retain the Planning Board? Is council aware of the fact that ne iaw can be successfully enforced without general public approv- ai acceptance and support? Why do we need a Planning Board, municipal consultant, building inspecter, when the chairman ef the Planning Bo- ard publicly stated that their aim is to retard development in Darlington? Besides it is the same thing they are sell- ing in Whitby Township; (this is a fact, I was there at the meeting) soothey are net work- ing s0 hard as they dlaim but are wasting their time and the taxpayers money to the det- riment of the public, and gran- tmng favors to a priviieged few. What is the Planning Board working on now? What are al those meetings about? "Aproximately how many heurs are devoted to the job of building inspector? What are bis duties as such? What is the function of the secret- ary-treasurer to the Planning Board? Is Mr. Lycett resigning Council Mans Phones 4When Storm Blocks Darlinglon Roads The heavy snow storm that( stipnck Bowmaflviile and the5 suyounding district on Friday1 resulted in heavy work for1 road crews.1 In Dalington Township ]Reeeve Ga.nnet Riekard, De- puty-Reeve Arthur Blanchard, Couneslors Fred G. Smith,i Sidney Cornish and Harold1 Muir manned the telephonesi at the Township Offices, Hampton, over the weekend Io 4 receive clîs. The council memnbers did this to faiitate road clearing by the crews as1 the new Barlington Road Su-i peintendenit does net yet1 know the area completely. The Darlington road crews have been working full time with only short periods off1 duty to obtain saatches of sleep. The township has hired two extra bulldozers, whieh have been working in addi- tion te the Darlington bull- dozer in clearing the roads. One of the extra bulldozers was hired from Port Hope, end the other from Oshawa. It is expected thet the after- math of the storm will be cleared away by noon today, Thursday. Road crews ini Bowmanville aise did yeonan service over the weekend, and ail equip- ment owned by the town was used. Under the supervision1 of Thomas K. Stewart, theý superintendent o! the Works' Department the men did a! good job oi moving the inow. 1 The 3rd Brownie Pack of Bowmanville observed World Sr. who put together the squares knitted by the Brownies, assisted Thinking Day on Monday, February 22nd ta celebrate the birthdays by Brown Owl Mrs. K. Johnston; centre row, Beatrice Ormiston, of Lord and Lady Baden-Powell. During the interesting meeting, Marjorie Bate, Dianne Piper, Gail Knapp, Maureen Tighe, Brenda they presented this fine quilt ta the Bowmanvîlle and District Henning, Bevenly Hearle, Lynne Major, Joanne Piper; front row: Branéh of the Red Cross, with Mrs. Don D. Marsden accepting the Janice Allin, Shirley Sheehan, Lorie Little, Georgia Mutton, Cheryl gift. Included in this photo, back raw, lef t ta ight: Mrs. Z? Bate, Davis, Nancy Edmondson, Alice Chittick, Wendy Lewis, Mary Jean Mrs. D. Marsden, Mrs. E. Rundie, Sûisan Meadows, Mrs. T. Sellers Kilpatrick. as a school teacher? He stated his job as assessor is increas- inig from a part time ta a full time job. "Mr. IMuir charged if eoun- cil had ilistenied to Mr. Lycett a few years ugo it would not be in the mess it is in now. Ad- mittedly it is a mess. But why should a whole township pay for the blunder of a few? This is definite proof that is is very unwise to allow co>mplete au- thority to be held by a few. Did not the town coundcil mem- bers who were on the Plann- ing Board also keep c&unil in- formed of what was taking place? "The ceuncil as an elected body should have niade At their business to be iniformed if they reaily had the inter- est of the township at heart. Is this council prepared to keep the public informed? "Esseniially, dem o c r a c y means the right to develop yourself and not to be devel- (Continued, on page seven) repres enting the Morris Company which constructed a new funeral chapel; Glenn Lander of Lander Hard- rware which moved into the completely renovated Martyn Bowling building; Ken Nicks of Ken's Men's and -Boys' Wear who combined both stores into the Enew location on Temperance St., and Melville S. Dale 1of Mason & Dale Hardware who constructed a new front on the main store. Absent was Louis Laskaris Ewho constructed the building now occupied by Ken's. Men's and Boys' Wear. The presentations were made by Vice-President James Bell. R abies Stili A Real Threat i This Area Apparently, the rabies threat whlch iast year, spread in this area., Is net yet a thlng et the past, ., In een*' " ý' deaths ef humans eiaveè been reperted' at Port Perry and Peterborough as a direct resait et con- tact with rabid animais. Closer te home, a rabid skunk wa# found recently at Enniskillen and ether infected animais have been lecated on the outskirts et Oshawa and in other parts ef the ceunty. Citizens are again advis- ed te warn their chiidren against picking up or hav- ing anythlng te do with animais that are acting ia au unusual manner. Par- ents are aise urged te seek medical treatment immed- iateiy should they or their chiidren suffer a bite frem a strange animal or even their ewn demestic pet. Far better te be safe than sorry. Rabies is oee disease that shouid net be treated casuaily. 10e Per Coîpy NUMBER C of C Presents Citations 0f Meit, Work 0f Red Cross Described During Legin Aux. Meeting The oanvass te be held by the Bowmanville Branoh ofi the Canadian Red Cross So- ciety will be held on March l4th, Comrade Mdythe Rundie1 told the meeting of the Ladies' Auxiliary te, the Canadian Le-1 gion held in the Legion Halli iast week. Com.rade Rundie, the Aux- lliary's Red Cross representa- tive, also spoke of the activi- ties of the recently organized Red Cross work parties, and displayed wooi and sewing supplies. She asked that al wiiling to assist in the work of the Bowmanvilie Branch of the Canadien Re'd Cross to contact her, or Mrs. Don Mars- den, the wife of the branch president. The applications of Evelyn Butler and Jean Burton for mem.berahip were accepted b'?t1e'Açiry 'nie -presi.. dent, Comirade Iliie- Bât- announced that Zone Com- mander Rose Bute will inake ber annuai officiai visit to the Bowmanviile Ladies' Auxil- iery te the Canadian Legion on Mareh 4th. Comrade Audrey Bate, the lst vice-president, gave a re- port as convenor of the be- reavement cornmittee. The auxili-ary decided to cater for« the Nurserymen's Association luncheon to be heid on Wed- nesday, February 24th, and for the Bowmanville Cub Banquet te be held in April. The past president, Com- rade Florence, Knight, who was the catering convenor for the annual Beefeaters dinner, subinitted her report. Coin- rade Elda Brown was named convenor of the lunch to be served by the auxiiiary at the Zone Public Speaking Con- test to be held in the Legion -Hall on Friday evening. Following the business meeting Comnrade L. King showed a series of coloured slides depicting, the work of the Canadian Red Cross So- ciety with Comrade Audrey Bate as commentator. A deli-j cious lunch was served by Comrade Marvel Harper. DâArngton Road Crew' Saves Elecf Glenn, Lander Presiïdent of C'ofC For Second Term -At the annual general'meet- the trophy, and President Glenn, ing of t he Bowmanvilie Lander jointly made the pres-. Chamber of Commnerce heid entation to the ýCompany's ne- 1tThursday evening ut the presentative, Miss, Violet Me- Ions Centre, Beech Ave., local Feeters. hardware merchant Glenn Lani- Citations of Merit der. was re-elected President. V ice-Presi dent, Bell present- Bank of Montreal Manager ed the "Citations of Menit". He James A. Bell was aise return- epandta iaiz r te, office as Vice-President. eaaed ont hatCiaso ae Re-leced>Dirctos wreindustry or other commercial Melville Dale, A. L. Hooey, R. establishment erects or en- P. Rickaby, B. L. Bur , K. larges its accommodations, Lathangue und W. G. Pascoe, when a'store's exterior is ex- while Nelson.- Osborne, W. B. tensively remodelled or rebuilt, Syer, Robert Dykstru, Peter or when a ncw class of retail Kowal and James Stutt were establishment cornes to town. newly elected to the Board. Mr. Bell statcd that on this Highlight -of the evening was basis, Citations for 1959 hadj the annual presentation of been earned by the Canadian' Chamber awards. Tire Associate Store, the F. F. In the Christmas Home Dec- Morris Co. Funeral êhapcl, orating Contest the first pnize Lander Hardware & Eiectric of $25 was won by Jack Ltd., Western Tireý & Auto Breugh, Horsey Street, and ut Suppiy Ltd.,. Mason & Dale his request, was donated ta Hardware Ltd., -Mn. Louis Las_ The Saivation Army. Second kunis, Ken's Mcn's Wean, and prize of $15 was won by Dr. Liberty Bowl Ltd. john Werry, King St. East, and In bis opcning nemanks, third pnize of $10 by Donald President bander observed that Wilcox of Lambs Lane. the prcviously distributcd an- The President's Tnophy for nuai report had shown anoth- the best Christmas window er year of progrcss and service ,was wan by Sheppard & Gilta the community. "Therae Lumber Ca. Past President m a n y wothwhile projeccts Elmer Banting -who danated (Continued on page seven) Hampton Mani Injured ln Car Accident Lorne Bradley, age 40, who, sustained a fractured skull and multiple chest injuries in a motor accident in Hampton at 12:30 early%Sunday morn- ing, is undergoing treatment in the Toronto General Hos- pital. SMr. Bradley's car evidently struck an icy patch on County Road 57 which goes through the village. Hise car skidded coompletely around, and as the doors flew open Ilr. and Mrs. Bradley were flung out. Mrs. (Continued on page seven) Patient ýBudget Day 'The township road crewý was highly comnmended by alil mnembers of Darlington Muni- cipal Council at the meeting bel in the Township Hall, ~n~p:l>J5'idaVafternoon. Reeve Garnet Rickard said the men deserve special credit for the job they have done this winter. and their work with the snowplow 'at al 'hours. He said that due to the storm, on the previous Sunday the road crew had worked ail night. "People do not realize the heurs these men put in," thTe Reeve stated. He told the meeting that a Bowmanville doctor had said, during the week, that their efforts had saved a life on Sunclay even*- ing by clehring the snow' to enable a patient te lie taken te hospital. Other memnbers of the coun- cil also praised the road crew for their unremâtting efforts. It was pointed out that they work long hours and Sunday without overtime pay, and it was unanimously feit by coun- cil that the *men menit great ~praise. ýTh is Afternoon ln Legisiature This afternoen, the Hon- enrable James N. Allan, Treasurer et the Prevince et Ontario, will present his budget addre -ss te the legisiature in Toronto. The Editor et The Canadian Statesman ne- ceived an advance copy on Wednesday, but can- net release the details until at least 3 p.m. this afternoon. ; However, wve doubt if the authorities will mind if we tell our readers that there will be ne increase lu provincial taxation this year. We might aIse take the liberty et suggesting te Premier Frost that Monday or Tucsday wouid bc a much better day for the budget. Then, the w.eeklies lu Ontario could give is mach more timely ceverage. Alex Carruth- ers, M.P.P.. for Durham, -please note. Ç/31ts and1 §Aieces FEEDS THE BIRDS - Miss Betty Henry of Sauina Rd. South bas six feeding stations for visiting hungry birds. So far this winter she has helped out about 50 grosbeaks a day, a dozen chickadees, two pairs of woodpeckers, one flicker, slate colored juncos among others. Apparently, the birds have a good communication system, something like the hobo grapevine, because they really come looking for foôd from the Henrys. t tt t t t MUTUAL AID EXERCISES - Newcastle's Fire Department is all agog preparing for the big mutual aid exercise on April 24th. Secretary- treasurer Ab. Naylor, in charge of arranging the affair, tells us that the old Walton building near the C.N.R. in the village will be completely burned down, in stages, during the afternoon. Brigades from local and f ar distant points will be on band for the demonstration which will include all of the latest equipment available. At the moment they are looking for old furniture to f ill some of the ronms, so if you have any to spare, contact Mr. Naylor at Newcastle. tt t t 1 t1 LOSE THEIR HOME - Bowmanville's Revolver' Club, numbering about 25 members, are out of a home and have no place to shoot. The club was formed in 1957 and every Mondayknight they have been practising the art in the basement of the Balmoral Hotel which they must now vacate. They are looking for a building, flot necessarily in town, 60 feet long, 12 feet wide, well lit and heated. Bruce Battams, the president, would be happy to hear from any interested, party. t t t t t ONE IN FOUR - Boyd Knox, son of Mr. and Mrs. Harry Knox, R. R. 1, Hampton, will be either one year dr four years old on Monday. It all depends how you f igure it. He was born in Memorial Hospital, Bowmanville, on February 29th, 1956. Hie hasn't had a birthday* since, but four years have gone by. t t t t. t PICK YOUR JOB --Rotanians from Bowmanville will visit Orono Higb School next Wednestlay for an unusual event. The Occupational Information Committee, under insurance agent and former N.H.L. official, Bill Mornison, will -endeavour ta, enlighten students on various future jobs. Experts in some fields will be on band from O.A.C., Guelph, and other outside points to give the pupils a com- plete picture of employrnent possibilities, academie requirements,,money-making hopes, etc. Ail par- ents are invited. The affair begins at 8 p.m. A wide range of occupations will be covered, but Bill Morrison says flot one student bas indicated any desire to follow in bis footsteps *on the ice try- ing ta control those pro hockey players. t1 t t PLENTY 0F ACTION - Collingwood Juveniles will be bere on Saturday at 8 p.m. ta take on our local team iii the next round of the Ontanio play- downs. The return game will be played in Collin-~ wood, probably next Thursday, and the teamrê will decide on Saturday where a third game - if necessary - will take place. Sa, for a great nigbt's entertainment be on hand hene Saturday to support aur boys. They really bave been turn- ing out some crowd pleasing hockey. If you can't go ta Collingwood flext Thursday, th'ere is a big game in Newcastle between Orono Orpbans and Wellington in the Intermediate "C" loop. On Wed- niesday, we'll bave some visitors here in the Inter- mediate "A" loop when Oshawa meets Napanee ini their playoffs. Lots of hockey action these days around bere. t t t t t NEED A CUI<BOARD - The local Red Cross Branch is sorely in need of a chest of drawers, a cupboard or wardrobe ta store the supplies that have been caming in for the ladies' work group. Givé Mrs. Ed. Rundle a call at MA 3-5430 if yotj can be]p. Also, the Cancer Society is asking for valu nteers'-ta drive area patients ta Toron ta for treatment. President Don Marsden at MA 3-3882 is the persan ta contact if you can help in this worthwhile work. t. t t t t A LOT 0F BULL - Roy Philp of Port Hope was a thnilled man recently. lie had two entries in the All Bull Sale of Shortharns at Winchester, Vir- ginia. Tbe six top sellers carne !rom Canada, with the second and third from Mr. Philp's farm,, selling at $1,100 and $1,075. Next week, we shall present a picture of the herd sire responsible for ail this. Gloriadale Farms, run by Mr. Philp, recently refus- ed $6,00 for this chappie. In this case, a lot of bull is valuable. VOLUME 106 16 Pages Miss Violet McFeeters of Sheppard & GilI Lumber Co. Ltd., Bowmanville, is shown receiving the coveted President's Trophy, during the annual Chamber of Commerce meeting on Thursday evening. Originàlly, it had been placed ini competition by -Elmer T. Banting, right, and is awarded to the commercial estab- lishmept which is outstanding in Christ mas decorations. Mr. Banting was assist- ed in the presentation by President Glenn Lander of the C. of C. "20 Questions" Beau tiful Quilt Presented to Red Cross by Brownie Pack an