5th. 1960 TEE CAKADIAN STATESMAN. BOWMANVILLE. ONTARTO PAGE THREI S 'yre sent s Lif e Membership On Tuesday, Feb. 16, St. divided among the world pop-, Mis. Wm. Adams, now called w' Paul's W.M.S. met at the home ulation. In a population of one; to higher service. Members t of Mis. Ross Stevens, Scugog tbousand, of which seventy1 were asked to join la sUlent Fe St. ercet wîe awayshuniprayers of thanksgiving for or, Mis. David Armistead pie-. Canadians present a pîcture 0f the devotion and loyalty af soi sided for the routine business. "Six Fat Cas"-Not an en- these lives in God's work and an The suppîx secretary report-J viable impression for a sup- Ita seek strength and guidance he ed a layette readv ta send boposedly Christian country. to carry on their good work. Gi Miss Hunt at Buins' Lake.ý A pleasant feature of the Donations were requested for1 i.Amita edi hafternoon was the presenta- a bale for overseas relief. jWorship Service-a study of Ition of a Life Membeîship to Lc On March 8th the W.M.S. tbe Lord's Prayer and its ap- Mis. O. R. Bragg. In making ai wiîî participate in a jointi pication in oui every-day the presentation Mis. Aimî- meeting wilh the W.A. Mrs. wrk tead recalled the many ways a Chas. Nayl )r will be the: Mrs. Cecil Dudley reviewed that Mss. Bragg has assisted a speaker. The next regular the Book of Acts stressing the varlous organizations espe-. meeting will be March 15. example of steadfastness in cially the Primary Class of the su, Mrs. Ross Stevens read a faith, prayer and works set Sunday School. wf paper showing how unequally, iby the apostles. Mis. Dudley Thanks weîe expiessed to lw foodl, clothing, housing and then called ta oui memory Mrs. Stevens for her hospital- mi transportation facilities, medi- the faithful stewardsh.-ip of ity and a friendly discussion , cal and nursingc services and talent of twa former mem of oui work was cariied on he commnodities i n general weîe bers, Mss. Geo. Mason andj aver the tea cups. Brooks-Langmaid Clan HoId Winter Reunion 'Twas a perfect wintei's place, end it proved ta be a night, and the clan responded vprY wise choice. ta tbe clarion eall; same eigh- Mr. T. Catie, diiector of phy- ty strong, to galher for a re- sical education of Osbawa union ai the Brooks - Lang-'Elementary Schools was pie- maid descendants. From To- sent, and canrlucted a program ranta, Pickering, Osbawa, 0f games, square dances and Bowmanville, and the sur-i entertainment for ail ages. îounding countryside, members 1 Membeis of the famniies journeyed te meet together. who had not met for somne Sauina Communityv Hall was* time, and a few wbo had neyer chosen as a suitable meeting met, enjoyed the pleasantries Ittere s Buy the family carton of 6 big botties Smith B3everages Ltd. Bowmanville Authorized Distributor yolu PUT YOUR IRtÎsI IN 1llgTH BROSe RED & BLUE BRAND BEEF ONLY 47 KING ST. E. STEAKS ROUND SIRLOIN T -B ON E wI1N G 3irloin Tip Roasi MA 3-5281 or ROAST 79c - . - "Lb.85C -FIEE DOOR PRIZE- Lean - Fresh HAMBURG Lean - Rindless EMPIRE IBREAKFAST BACON 31lb. for 1.00 12 lb. for 89c For Your Deep Freeze Dranded Steer Hunds lb. CUT AND WRAPPED TO YOUR SATISFACTIONI of meeting, mingling and vis- j iting. The f amily tîee of the Langmaid lineage had beeni prepared by Mis. Roy Lang- maid, and was on display for ail inteiested persons to stu- dy. It is literally a work of art, representing many hours of àresearch and ccompiling dating -back ta Joseph Langinaid, whÙ ilived from 1804 te 1882, and 1his wife, Mary Ann Coleman, who farmned on the homestead snear Zion. This faim is now owned by Mr. Cyril Mumford. 7 It is bope.d the Brooks fam- ily tîee may be developed also. John and Ann Brooks sailed for Canada, from Plymouth, Devonshire, England on Oct. 16, 1856, landing at Port Bow- manville,,and settling at Cour- tice, an the faim now occu- pied by the Mijir Bras. on Highway No. 2. Somne very old family Bibles and photo- graphs were dîsplayed. Af ter a very inteîesting and pleasant evening, al îetired ta the dining-hail, wheîe jus- tice was done to a sumnptuous lunch. On behaîf of those present Mis. S. E. Werry vaiced an expression of thanks and ap- preciatian to the commiittee in charge of this first, but we hope nat the last, mid-wintei gathering, which is in addi- tion to the anmal picnic in June. Brownie News The 3rd Brownie Pack ob- served World Thinkîng Day on Monday, Feb. 22 ta celc- brate the birthdays of Lord and Lady Baden-Powell, founden of the woîld Scout and Guide movements. Tie members invited their nioth- ers as guests. Candies were lit by the Brownies and their niothers in thought of Brown- ies aîound the world, and by Brown Owl Mss. K. Jobaston in remeinbiance of Lord and Lady Baden-Powell. As part of tîheir training, the girls knitted squares, which Mis. T. Sellers, Si. joined and backed to form a quilt. Brownie Susan Mea- dows on behaif of the Pack, presented this ta the Bow- mnanville and District Red Cross Branch. It was accepted by Mýis. D. Marsden, Cam- paiga Chaininan, and Mis. E. Rundle, Women's Work Chair- man, who thanked the Pack< on behaif of the Red Cross and assuied them it would bing comfort ta sanie needy persan, probably ovensoas. Tea was served by Brown Owl and Packy Donna Ma- guire. Filmns on Junior Red Cross work wcre shown by Mr. Reg. Harding. OBITUARY HAROLD G. CHRISTIE The death occurîed at Bow- inanville Memiorial Hospital, following an operation, on Sunday, Feb. 21, of Harold George Christie. The deceased, who was an employee of the Glen Rae Daiiy, Bowmanville, was la bis 5th yeaf. He lived at 212 C'hu.ich Street, Bow- mianville. A son of MVr. and Mis. Geo. Christie, he was bain in Tem- peranceville, New Brunswick, Aug. 24, 1910 and had been a resident of Ontario for eight years. He was a salesman for Glen Rae Dairy and was a member of Bawmanville Bap- tist Church. He leaves his wife, the for- mer Pauline Bradley a dau- ghter, Mis. C. Cummings (Au- drey) of Wa'odstock, N.B. and a son, Dalton, of Bowmanville. Also surviving are five sis- ters, Mis. Wesley Trail (Ada), Mss. Geiald Thoîntan (Vesta), Mxrs. Arnold Thornton (Joyce) and Mrs. Edison Bragdon (Grace), ail of New Bruns- wick and Mss. Harold Gray (Ella), of Bowmanville, and six brothers, Ray Christie, Austin Christie, John Chris- tie, Perley Christie, Robert Christie and Fiederick Chris- tie, all of New Brunswick, also foui grandchildren. The iexnains rested at the Morris Funeral Morne, Bow- manville, Mon. aftei-noon and evening and Uxen at the De- Witt Funeral Hiome, Wood- stock, N.B., where funeral service will be held Thursday afternoon. LONG SATJLT Allan and Jimie Young- man were Sunday visitais a' the home of Mfrs. A. J. McLag- gan. Mi. and Mis. Char-les Pen- warden and family wcre Sat- urday evenirig guests and Mr. and Mrs. MurTuy Adams andi boys of Bowinanville, Mr. andj Mis. E. Penwaren arid family,I Mn. and Mis. Clayton Brown and Linda, and Misses Norm a and Lida Davey were Sun-j leý day visitois of Mr. and Mis. Robert Cameron. Miss Sandra Gibson spent a few days recently at the home of MiU. and Mis. W. Mathews, Taunton. Mi. Norman Davis was a ueekend guest and Mn. and Lis. J. Parkinson and family, Fenella, were Thursday visit- rs of Mi. and Mis. Rye Gib- ;n. Mis. Pat Wright of Beth- uny was a recenit visitar with ler parents, Mr-. and Mis. Rye ibson. Club 50 The February meeting of ong Sault Club 50 was held i the home of Mrs. Stan Gob- e, Tyrone, with 14 members id two visitors present. After the meeting a very ;uccessful Valentine auction vas held and Inter a delicious unch was seived by the com- ittee in charge. The March meeting is to be lld on Tuesdjay, March Sth, tthe home of Mis. J. Wood- ey. WEDDING BROMELL - NIMIGON Bouquets of white 'mums and glowing white tapers in candelabra formed a lovely setting in Trinity United Church, Bowmanville, on Sat- urday, January 30tb., at 3:30 o'clock when Phyllis Mary, daughter of Mr. and Mis. John Nimigon, became the bride of Ms. William David BiomelI. The groom is the son of Mir. and Mis. Elgin Bîom.. eIl. Rev. Wm. K. Houslander was the officiating clergyman and the wedding music was! played by arganist Mr. Ar- thur Collison. I Given in mairiage by hei fathel. the bride wore a f loo, lcngth gown of white taffet., 1enhanced by peail embroid. ered lace motifs. The boat. necked bodice, designed witl long liIy-pointed. sleeves, was appliqued with shilar lacc and pearl motifs and her fin- ger-tip veil of white net waE caught ta a peai crown. Sh< wore the groom's gift, a pearl drop necklace and eariings, and carried a cascade af wbite carnations and red roses. The bîide's sister, Miss Edith Nimigon, as maid ai honor was in waltz-lengtî blue crystalette with match- ing blue net tiimming on the bodice. Bridesmaid Mss Win- nifred Schwartz, a cousin of the bride, wore a waltz-length dress of pink crystalette with matching net overskirt and softly pleatedI bodice. Both wore white floweîed band- eaux. Flower girls were Misses Darlene Masters and Cathy Porter wore identi cal pink and blue nylon patterned dresses and pink and blue matching flowered bandeaux. AUl the attendants carried nosegays of white and pink caSnatioais clrcled by white hyacinths. The groom's brother, Mr. Theighn Bromeil was best man and the ushers were Mr. Da- vid Vivian, the groom's bro- ther, Mr. Gary Bromeil and MT. Williaih Mihowich, a cou- sin of the bride. At the reception in Trinity United C'hurch Sunday Sehool the bride's mother îeceived in a street-length medium blue bengaline dress. To assist the groom's mother chose a pale pink street-length sheath. Both wore white hats, black accessories and their corsages were of white '.murns and pink roses. For the wedding trip to points in the United States the bride wo>re a white bro- cade sheath with boat neck- line dippin.g to a V-back, white hat and gloves, black suede bag and matching shoes. Mr. and Mis. Bromeil will re- side at 64 Jackmani Road. edical Mirror T-V Not Ail Good - Not AIl Bad 0 Heniorrhaids Q. What generai effeet doea viewing tel esision have on a child? la it good or bail? A. From one recent study it seems that viewing T-V is neither as bad as some say nor as "broadening" as others would have us believe. There was.no evidence that viewing led ta eye- strain, sleep disturbances, or lack of concentration in school. The investigators concluded that if television is a window on the world, it gives a view flot sa dif- ferent fromn that provided by books, comics, films and radio programs. On the other hand, the ability of T-V ta "broaden" a child's mid is flot vcry different from that oif any ntber form of mass media. Q. 1 underitand tisat some aur- geons remtove hernorrhoids in a way to prevent Mhenttrain COniflEbac k. Vould ait sur- geoes guarantee tise sanie re- sdts?-A reader. A. Certain general principles arc followed by ail surgeons in cor- recting hemnorrhoids although there might be variations in the exact procedure used by indi- vidual surgeons. Those hemor- rhoids removed wil not corne back but others can develop in the same area. There is neyer any absolute guarantee of complete SUCCeo. 2uestions d.ùectcd tb Science Edi- ,ors, P.O. Box 396; Madison Sq. Sta., N. Y. 10, N. Y. will be i- corporated la these columni when -~ M.A -33Il jâIl flAIlVILL1 'p Married In Trinity United Mr. and Mrs. William David Brorrell. zlownil above, were mnairicld iii Trinity United Church, Bow- manville, on Saturdla 'v, .anuary 3th, at 3:,iu~ Mis. Bromeli, former Phyllis Mary Nimigon, is thel daugrhter of Mr. and Ms-s. John Nimigon. Mr. Bromel is the son of Mir. and Mrs. Elgin Bromeli. -Photo by Rebdeî Lions Ladies Nighf Is Enjoyal!le E vent The annmal Ladlies' Nig1h! lovely bouquets that had h edci o evUl1iiIl ') 1' Tjsttathe Ladies. Mis. Glenn c sBowr-nanville Lioin Club 1 er wa i oth inescar 1the Lions CommunifY Cunti ereatae st a he ineiadi wsar-ost .suer - a h so ane.Mo enterîainrneii, andclle c{p ~Soc .1wesre enjayed bY Liolis ara Kc.N è,terwives, 250 in al. KE RO ciet The tables were aîntiey A (apacity cani-egratioll fil- th, decorated with lovelY bou- ledl Kedron Churich'on Sun- Me, s quets of yellow dal'oiils aiiv' dcay marning foi- the impies- its f mauve iris, liughted by ta1li,sive service for the Guides, Car 1 tapers of mauive and yello-.Bîownies, Scouts and Cubs af is -the Lions Cifub's colours. l'l 'the Camnmuîîiîy. The praces- ear head table was centred by zulsional hvmrn, "Onward Christ- syr *exquisite arrangement of min-1 ian Soldijers" was sung by the sup fiature yellow chîysanthemnums, cangregation as the colour givg 1in a crystal bowl. parties placed the'h flags at thel tier Those at the head table were District- Govern or R. E. * (Doc) Jamiesan, Cobocoili, ~ and Mis. Jamiesan, Glenn Lander, president ai the Bow\Vi manville Lions Club, and Mrv,, . rLander, George Vice, prosidenit zof the Bowmanville Rotai' i Club, and Mrs. Vice. Ed lin- C die- president of Brandli 178 of the Canadia-n Legion, and Mis. Rundle, Murrav Larmer, president of the Bowmanvilleý Kinsmen Club, and Mis.La mer, Ralph Kelly, tic Lain.-, Night chais-man, ai rd M s Kelly, Deputy District Gov - Lernor, Brentan Rickard, New-:E, castlce, anîd Mrs. Rickard W. Thomas, Cobaurg, Zone chair-iý man, and Mss. Thamnas. w The widaws of three forniwr:" members of thue club, NMrs. W.J H. Birks, is. J. J. Bî'owiL Il' and Mis. C. A. Bartîett, were IC II U RC special guests at the event. The president, Glenn Lan-j der, welcamed the ladies.I- give the toast ta Lions Inter- national. District Gavernar, . Jamieson replied on behaîf ao" f N O W O>VV~ .F Lions International. Every Mi. Lander turned the chair over ta Ralph Kelly, h loa called on Walter Rundie, file!oa lst vice-piesident, ta give the wash Toast ta the Ladies. Mis. Glen , Lan dei replied on behaîf ai all the ilions' wives. D A T A beautiful bouquet of yei- There low roses was prcsented toiî Mis. Lander by H. (Bud) Mo- water ses. Dan Allin conducted the~ you hý special draw. The fortunaÉei,,: must1 prize winners -ere: Mrs. Law- tpee rence Goddard . Mrs. L. MVI.ce Dewell, M-s. W. H. Birks, MiTS.i>j George White and Mis. Gien pLAN N MLANNIN( The Skyliners, a ladies We ini quartette fromn Scaiboiough washe presented several enjoyable...V vocal selections. The numibers senta sung by the Blend Bendeis. a sna Scarborough men's quarteî., advice weîe also n-uch enioved. Ex. tra applause was awaidcd ta their singing of "I Believe.' A'sU Dancing Wvas cnjoYcd until weW 12:30 ta the music of Ted TaY- lor's orchestra, Ajax. The Contes winnei Pupils Hold tes Mrs. I Celebration Bowmn For Royal Baby When the birth aif tBoe Queenýs infant son was an- naunced by the principal. Ja- E E T I cob Uitvulught, at Knox Chris.E E T I tian Sehool, Scuigog Road, lar1 We art week, the pupils had a cel-i ...c bratian. ...w Mi. Uitvlught as soon as 'rie wauld received a telephone call on below. Fîiday marning at about Il 'clack from bis wife tellinoI of the arrivaI of the newli- ______________ tle Prrince, gathereci thc teacn- ers and students and tald them the gcood news. "God Save the Queen*' and "0 Can- ada" werc sung bv alI. Then the children. whosci excitement and c-nthusiasmn was great, spontaneouslv sanc thc traditional hymn used ZIs a Baptism sang in their church -Our chîldien, Lord, in faith and prayer we now devote ta Thee. Lýet them Thxv Covenant preciaus share, and Thy salvation sec." The principal and teachers then distîibuted chocolate bar s totepup;lsas ti tn ce"- bration of the great evn.1i THIURSDAY, FEB. 25 St. Paul's WM. Cancer research is being rried oui in 7 af the 10 Can- an pr-ovinces. Most af the ne.v for its support is pro- led by the Canadian Cancer 2iety. The Canadian Cancer Sa- ýty was organized ln 1938 at erequest of the Canadian edical Association. One of ;main functions is ta teachi inaclians that early diagno- 0 f cancer depends on the rly repoîting of suspicious nptoms ta a dactor. It also pports cancer research and ves assistance ta) cancer pa- ints. 1 altar, foilowed by the different gîoups with thein leaders, in uniform. Girl Guide, Lynda Scott, read the Scripture lesson. Spe- cial music was piovided by the Brownies who filled the choir chancel. They sang "Ih. Lord is My Shepherd' with descant sung by Lynda Hopkins, un- der direction of Mis. R. S. Bi- shop, with Mis. R. C. Lee ac- companying them at the organ. Guide leaders are Mis. R. Patte and Mms. Crawford. Brown Owl is Mis. Parfitt, and Tawn-y Owl, Mis. William Mijîne, connected with the Osh- awa groups, the girls form the 2th Oshawa group. Registered leaders for the Cubs aie Mis. R. Dale leader, Mis, C. Hopkins assistant; and for the Scouts, William Werry leader, with Roy Robinson and Ross Pettes assistants. The sermon, preached by the minister, Rev. Ronald H. Love, was addîessed especially ta the Young people with the theme "Allegiance". A further feature of the ser- vice was a brief installation service for new stewards, in which Robert Dale, Douglas Love, L. Noble, Edward Maid- man and Orvil Selleck were officially installed on the Bo- aid of Stewards. Following th~e recessional hymn. the congregation remna- ined standing until the groups with their colour parties and lea'ders had withdrdwn. The Aduit Bible Class wil hoid a Sadie Hawkins euchre D)arty on Mon'ay evening. Febrî.ary 29th at the hoin, of Mr. and Mrs. Ross Lee. The charge will be lc per year for each year of your age. Come in country style dress, siiited to the occasion, or pay a smiall forfeit. Ladies are asked to Manv types of cancer can be cutred by radiation or sur- gery, or a combination of both. Regular medical check.-ups on persons over 40 years of age may reveal cancers in a cur- able stage. Cari Leslie RED CROSS BLITZ NIGHT MONDAI ARCH 141h -Am or LL '-é~ i S H-O-mmT 'OH ST. - BOWMANVILLE y... Coin Operated Laundry PERATING ... ything was checked out as of February 6th and bas been running 41hly since under the supervision of Mr. "Jerry" Westaway.. Many residents aie using the Wash-O-Mat and realizing that the weekly can be a pleasure in a social atniosphere. 4AGES... eaie 20 washers and 8 dryers . .. work tables . .. good supply of sof t rat 1350 ta 160' - that makes for the softest, nxost delightful wash iave ever seen . .. because of this soit wateî "non-sudsing" detergents lie used . . . this is available at the unit. We suggest you bring 25c swith you, other change may be obtained here. 'j OPENING CELEBRATION.. nvite you ta drap in and look things aver . . . better stili, try out the er and dryer units . . . write dawn any suggestions yau inay have we are planning an Opening Celebration in March when a reîu-e- tivc will bie present ta answer ail questions and give you expert e. This will be a two-day affair, 9 a.m. ta 9 p.m. SE CONTEST WINNERS ... 7ere happy ta receive sa many entries ta aur Wash-O-Mat Badminton st, and the information they contained. Listed helow are the five irs who may pick up their badminton sets and sign for sanie at The sman Office: D. Laverty, 3, anville, Ontario A.. Marjerrison, Lt Street, ianville, Ontario Miss Madlyn Wiicox, 41 King Street W., Bowmanville, Ontario Miss Mildred WiIlmott, 79 Church Street, Bowmanville, Ontario SHAVE'R DRAW.. . re cantinuing the Ronson Electnie Shaver Contest for another week ,en you drap in and browse around the unit . . . or use it . .. we like ta know what impressed you most . . . so fi lout the coupon Keith Kingsland WASH-O-MAT RONSON ELECTRIC SHAVER DRAW c/o P.O. BOX 190, BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO NAME ADDRESS ýT when I first saw it!: bring a pie for thxe social hour foilowing cards. Ail mêmbersG;uildettes of the congregation are cord- ially invîted to attend. g I The Community Club din- riomu uea ner which was cancelled for SadthscigSturdayy i~B ake Sa le Kedron Lower Hall on Feb- ruary 27 at 6 o'clock. . The Tea and Bake Sale held J. Stanr had the misfortune by the Guildettes of St. John's to injure his hand at work last Anglican Church in the par- week, necessitating surgery iýsh hall recently was a miost and a cast on his arm. Mr. and Mis. Art Rowan an successful event. All after- family, Yelverton, were Sun- no taysrano a day guests at the William Weî- trons enjoyed tea, and sic)t- ry home.. ped at the array of delectable Congratulations to Mi. and goods at the Home Bakin,- Mrs. James McNaily, proud Booth. parents of a baby boy, James Allan, born Thuîsday, Fébru- Mrs. Bruce Milne and Mrs. ary 18, Memorial Hospital, Ernest Blake were the tea Bowmanville, a brother for convenors. Mrs. Harold Lakc Gayle and Douglas. . was convenor of the Hoine Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Craig had 17 teenagers at their home Bakîng Booth. She was as- following the skatin*g pe-1y sisted by Mrs. M. Marchant. beld recenrtly for Teen Tow The president of the Gtiild- members. ettes, Mis. George Morris, wis Miss Karen Pascoe, Brooklin, general convenor. was a weekend guest of Miss Mis. W. J. E. Ormiston and Marlene Wood. Mrs. Elmer Henning presided Miss Yvonne Hicks was hon- over the tea cups. The serving oured with a supper party on table was centred by a beauti- the occasion of her birthday, fui bouquet of re<d and white given 'by her parents, Mi. and carnations in a silver bow'l, Mrs. Henry Hicks at their and lighted by tail red tapers home. Guests were Misses Kar- in silver candelabra. A group en Pascoe, Joan Hamilton, of the Guildettes assisted in Marlene and Sylvia Wood. serving. The motorist was trying to make amends to the houseNvife for having just run over her cat: "I'm very sorry, lady, but I'd be willing to replace ber." irate Housewife: "'Very well, then, get busy. There's a inouse in the kitchen." Mrs. L. A. MacDougal 79 Church Street Bowmanvillc, Ontario lb This is what I liked best about the WASH-O-MAI -------- - ------- - ------- - - - --------- or 'vr IF 'loir IVF ivr IV PAGE THRET ý5th, 1960 THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO ýGuess you'd caîl that exchange a game of cat and mause. With that, l'Il slink into the com- mercial.. Speaking of replac- ing, it's a fact you wouldn't have ta replace certain garm- ents so cften if they were given regular expert dry clean- ing care. Wby not start today ,to lengtben the life of youî clothes? We promise ta pamper ýthem like a kitten. 1 1