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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 25 Feb 1960, p. 5

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-- - -. VHURSDAY, ME. 25th, 1960 ______________________________________________________ j 4A H UIV Magtebrs. Yarrow's mo- and Gordon Bray. It ws the Oshawa, weare SundygetofM.JakSnai etTus I ~~feeling of the Presbytery that Mrs. J. Gatcheil.dyinTrto Mr. dimoti and M . G ivMnan another sueh school be held M*adMs arneCm Mr. and Mrs. Lmmn c M.adMrs. E. FOIwuler, A Ilelgtefomad r. .Vik day. A re Increasea the presbytery will attend the bie, Oshawa, wer udyfmlTrno eeSna M.John Van Belois who forthcoming meeting of the guests of Mr. and( r.A .get fM.adMs ee 6 at Gardedn Hill n October was Oshawa Presbytery wasbeld given by Rev. Basil E. Uong' ronto, Feb. 29. Gathe and amiW. scheduled to have a second in the Harmony United of Orono, in which, by com- The Missicnary and Main- and Chris, Ohwwr ek oeaanfo Oshawa bs operation on Friday. . Church, Oshawa, on Wednes- parison with last year's report, tenance report showed that end guests of M.adMs ptlfei' mc mrvd W ho Plan Drive Here April 6 Sorry to her at ~Mrsý.tan ee VJhnMSh~a ices~~Or niceaehdbnachie- jack:Smith.atCl KeneyPot oeisin-,toibcairnian, a incuhetrogottepes ed throughout the presbytery, Mr leHu The valuable work of vol- and commended the Bow-man-idous work carried on by vol Iserious condition in Port Hope charge of the meeting. bytery area was indicated. the amount being some 10.1 MrAlnHubdatndadJyNsionMs.Rs unteers was emphasized by ville Branch of the Canadian iunteer workers, Mrs. Friendj hospital after a couple of oper- There were about 65 mem- H niae n on fcn e etoe atya. umbus, on Sunday onn. rcn uet fM.adMs 1rs. Edith Friend, in an ad- Cancer Society for its spion-isaid that Men miembers areliations. Mr. Kenn&dy was rais-ijbers present comirig from theCenbigheraieylo In the pastoral relations and dress o the ojectivs 0f te did ork, aîd theinsurance on some church home missions reports, there Soriry to reporthtltteEM.das drs nteojcie fteddwradteuntiriing'of great help during the an- ed at Oak Hill iust forth of1variousý pastoral charges, frn properties, some 10 charges' a oedscsino h Susan Van Dam is l nMm isMaynOieBak Canadian Cancer Society re- efforts oi its niembers. nual fund raising campPigckering on the west. Srugog having insurance of 66 per ftr upv o otmn orial Hospital, Bwnnil. tk r1rnkMloCd ffÎ cently in St. Joseph's Hal1, The headquarters of the On- but she pointed out t.hat the' Roads have been pioughed on the norf h. and NewtonviIle cn rls o h au fustre stminterndCeo r Suhi- Tecmuiy Plbra uwr una usso Bowanile. Mr. rindtaioDiisonis in Toronto,j women's services of the Can- and are open again for the bus- on the east. church property. Bpom anvilele Ctoi *riing o rghe andw i za t oits aims ndainvaCacerwocieyk ary es and workers. Pe!c n~dale Churches in Oshawa. A speedy recovery. r n-r.Gog lio spokmnle a th eeig 0f the oan i the o itims n aii an Cance rkcit' rr I d.1 k srtofthe Presbyter- Two visitors to the presby- meeting of committees shortly_ Mrs. Florence Cagilad1n aiy en' Lagu, nd ls ~zo;eJ ndobjctvesinlud euca trouh- On Wednesday evening the ial W.A.. Mrs. L. F. Richard- tery, Rev. L. W. Carlson and xill seek to solve the matter. an nformeatie, and 'cn pictueoand b eve in d ditionout the year. W.A. had a pot luck suppert A son of Whitbv, gave a report Fred ,Mclndoo, of Peterbor- By .M uirbsbe anheiSordatvofn Hop" turtotfn an cin0fare eacin Helps Boister Morale good crowd gathered. Rex. on the past vear's work. as did ough, told of the new oppor- caîedto s.uterveias asistnt 9maqin~e, E IU HLEYCP ACR Mrs. Stewart Chisholm, the Mrs. Friend told the metng' She told of the dressings iWright lias sli&s for a pro- Mrs. M. C. Fisher, oresident of tunities of using faiitiesfo minister at Whitby, and Rev. metn.made, the welfare work done,! gram. $2450 was realized. Ev- the Presbvteral W.M.S. Both workers' gatheings or minis- FOR ON.Jacksn, ofEACHIe president of the CWL, intro- Depend On Appeal ýthe educational literature pre- ieryone had a fine tirne. renorfs indicted encouraging tonal retreat, etc., at The lFriiaed . ack'honof Tyroe, duced Mrs. Anne Saunders, She explained that the great pared and distributed, and the1 Mr. and Mrs. Thckson viso- ý-"th in memhership and in House of the Four Seasons, a change of pastoral relation- a u publicity chairman of the, undertakings of the Canadian comforts and gifts given to1 ited with Mrs. Lockwood, Gar- work undertaken by these nearOUretsLaA MEMBonR ur tnhi Bowmanville Branch Of the'ý Cancer Society depend on the cancer patients. Volunteer vis- dien Hill, Thursday evening. woe'agop ikh Cuc . a o& adno ie hp Canadian Cancer Society. Mr,.; annual appeal for funds tOorsd uht ep h o- __________1ae It is the hope of the pres- 'iosdomc o epth o-Rev. W. A. Logan, in the!htr htsm amnwl Saunders spoke of the WOrk! be held this year in Aprîl, and al fptetMs.Fin l<'TD cal 189 were indicative of the bhisiatEuaton reo t, Ia worsho r Uaymn ie of the branch and announcecire irhaest gv e-itdotta noted that it will soon be time that the annual campaign te erou.sly to this worthwhile vsion mstbecatiuswhn deceased was held. Church men to be held at raiso funds for the Canadian caua. Te inensieure talking o p tits assoe Surviving, besides bier bus- to make plans for summer Campbeîîford soon. Cancer Society will be held carused oe nbvtevC aadianare n oatenoftheas diag- FRANCES 3. HONE band, are nine child'ren: Ar- cburch camping, but pointed Telde fHnoyU-C LE T RS CU nin tnoducning Mrn. riend tli nried y Mrs Frie nd, honow. lhuhthi ails Th et cure fFa-Rodrers) Campbellford: Mar- problems is the lack of god ited Church served the dole- Inrs. Saun Mrs . oînt dout iotod <>ftheres rearch be-j owces Josephine Hone, agdi5ore Mr. esyCni) leaders at the church camps _________ ogates a the noon meal.Counodyadli!o'I Eal ramn seta exin Memorial Hospital, Newvcastle; Lorie Ms. Tepsiiiyohodn a eleEglhFneDn that she bas been a prominent irg carried on at the Univer- Earrrarineent EsentTahyears * Chna Cup aof hocedsngu'a member of the Oshawa Br.aich'sity of Toronto into the cause Surgery 15 stili the most im- Bowmanville, on Tuesday, John Richardson) Hasti- : Tunior Boys' Camp at Camp TTr'~ laswatdfrol 12 of the Canaclian Carcer So ol this wirdcspread disease, )ortant treat'ment of cancer,Feraylt,6hus after ._arion (Mrs. Les Dunk---,t retoria late in August was BURK T ciety for many years. \Irs,. and for its' cure. Mrs. Friend asserted. She she had suffened fatal burns Campbellford; Helen (MTs. deferred for the time beinpg. geoeousadnlatr- Friend is the associate direc> PicssMraetHsia stressed the fart that earlv in lier home, R. R. 4, Bowman- Stgn Anderson) Oshawa; Ma- Film strips, records, end other by A. R. Hubbard chwefosiwesatts ton of nurses at the Oshawa 'k fteCn treatment is essential and ville. i bel of Toronto, Don and helps for Christian Education, SurIiv School and Cburc'h Afwmmesis-Cnco' lbslci Geea osiaMrs an e ealso spoe fth an-urqed that peopie have anv The latte Mrs.Hone was Daug. A' Q surviving are 16 are available from the Se r.,QrviSun- 10w, Iaw Price! Sun-dAoemembei donr tosphemtal ngr. S - beruildainsth differetby aborn in London, England, and grandchildren. taovtailab Q~ SELE Fr>undationththemewnerg. abnonmality investigated bMrs. dayofmherrng account of'- Mrs.hFnbedisaidnse was pats of th countiywhichmThto Canada at averv earlvy Funeral service was held on W. C. Ives, Bowmanville. irad cornition COE IN ODAf happy tobndin the owaS-partse s of teameocntr es, c Te best protection against age. In 1926 she married Char- 1Fniday, Februany l9tb, in the A report was given of the irec oltos OEI happ tobrig te Bwma-lae usd a tratmnt entesles Hone and for the past 251Morris Funeral Chapel with recent school for elders and E Don't forget the social even- vile atoli Wme's ea iforatondistribution, and cacrle n ruh ear r and Mins. Hon)e hav Capt. Norman Colos officiat- stewards which was beld ~~ at, tehm fMs .Cr gue mesagefromthe ao-work places. The nearest !is sicn7xamr ien d yadvised.rsed in the BowAmanville ing, assisted by Rev. G. E. the St. Andnew's United j1e nTusa vnniFb nAc Ic adian Cancer Society. She 1the Princess Margaret Hospi- Alaut hudb xm a~a ..ray2t t81 ..f g Sj w i ~ spoke of the province-wide tai i Torono, Mrs Fnied b eaiied aeîPi ort htte aeive. nemn a nBw hrcOhwb h vn uay2L t81 ..H acieemnt o te ntri IalinToonoMr. rindonce a year. For protection ie in Maple Grove andimanville Cemetery. gelism and social service comn- Choir practise will meet at achevmens f te ntaîosaid. She urged that anyor.e bten xmnain pol itby. Palîbeaners were Bill Beg- mittee, led by Rev. D. M. J. the home of Mrs. H. Graces Division of the organization between examiinthe greatewolk b istethinhpi tal and saihouId leann the seven dan- Beautiful floral tnibutes ley, Sid Pnice, Frank Williams, Buttars. Some 60 stewards and at 7:30 sharp, Thursday even- thait the s ota woudglady ger signals and go to a doctor from relatives, fniends neigh- Ross Stevens, Len Stainton 103 eIders attended, and and i.., 29rKng nop sh ho e vstaf ons tudg the upoIthe first appearance o sShaw's Sehool and Lo- and Ralph Campbell.lied by Rev.Dr.Win. ere,1 29 KmgSt. E. Bwmanvil __ Brr, Ms DveGaebil _____________________the______of__ hosptal.any of them, Mrs. Friend sta- People fnem Bownanville te e agr inl and district drive to Toronto SvnDne ini for treatment at the Princess The seven danger signaIs j~ '~ Margaret Hospital, Mrs. Friend are: 1. Unusual bleodîng ori e h e said. She aiso mentionod other dicare 2. A lump or tbick-(. (ê J jje ~ G t he ec of S rn -~cancer patients from a greaten ening inl the breast or else. Sdistance who are tneated there, whene. 3. A sorte that does not w t but who do not need te, be heal. 4. Persistent change init - 'ospitalized. The Canadian bowel or bladder habits. 5. Cancer Society maintains an Persistent boarseness or cough. excellent hostel whene these 6. Persistent indigestion or Mommies will he ça nrnauI of patients can stay while thev difficultY in swallowing. 7. NEN S R N have ta be ini Toronto for Caneinttwltormoe. Girls D . N W SPRiGn'60 DUSTf treatment, Mrs. Friend stated. Mrs. Friend advised people EiLeL rse n o e O Out Patients' Hospital waiting furt:bor informationý New foo uwsol SThis hostel was opened îast tc consult their docton, hlEer Noemer te peke sid c aunhaltdian C t, rThese Dresses from Walker's Novmbr, hespeke sa*.the Evergize r n-noncerboSOI /She told of the îoveîy colour Sr sanconSety. jf scheme of the decoration in SrksAlAe What littie girl wouldn't like ai crisp, Rew cot- le Sm.WIe' ewslcin ~S<,% . : ~the various nooms. The beds The speaker said tbat can- ton dress before Spring? Here are just four ofd 1 h~ ave sheets of pale blue, pink1 cen stnikes ail ages, and poin- dozens to choose f rom at Walker's. Momtnies î-Sprnn ooso e Jurmikinagiait or pastel green, she added.1ted out that anyone fnom the wl ie. pg' eosete r ro u o2 A mugora0cup There is a good cafeteria, and1 age of a few months to 90 wl iete o eos hyaefrmort 0 rSnN eim *. Mees the sumofat*; a hairdressing parler in the yeans may have it. She urgod regular best makers - carefully taitored of bfs*otosu ostel, Mrs. Friend said. that people guard against the "Don River", "Mission Valley"M and other Arn- Lr Atay bftmsUp' In speaking of the tremen- fear of cancer and remember encan fabric's - ail guaronteed washable. See the seven danger signals s0ý these new 1960 stylings, exceptional in value qeM & Air. Rail or Steamship they can be safeguarded bydmoeM cIrIypce TO EVERYWHERE Hope" depicted the great prlis!5 0 'w Consult ~~work done by volunteers thro- Mm i ohrl MA -44.AJ U R Y & LOVELL ugbout Ontario. It also show-, c thecI>nWIgtyl ________________ 1 Kng~ . A -361ed the work done byr a cured so she <pc« ieclr n IP>Tefein fS in ai "IFowmanvilleTSiG0D cancer patient on behaîf of rthot swit. ber berna - _______________Il______________ suiferons from the di-34 you'rs bfaei~arvs --- - -- - - - -- - - - . Chisholm on behaif f 0fe e& 0 Y , 4des --- --- -- --- -- --- m es dressodustees 0f "Ever 'ulllm UE FOR THE BEST . il ahlcWomen's League 'l il~ fteBwa-Siz« 7 t. 12 Ongy 4.44 ..glaze" otrs i r ay .11 PAINTthanked Mns. Friend for ber1 CANADA PAINT ilenlightening address. She said cr and ~hav e CWL members now .,e e an aea mucb clearer unden- CWakr'ebe CA ADAN WA LP PE Sstanding of the fine work do:one rom hes by te Canadian Cancer So-Spngsecinad elc CANADIN WALL APERS 11 cibyh r.Chsoi as n takdMis. Saunders for at- Iltending the meeting and Clar- pm IlSP EC1AÀL! ence Bell for running themo THIS WEEK ONLY ivt~rs. Young, the treasurer huewaigcmot il IIothe, Bowmanville Catholie . e Glièle" Womens League. heete iastrm fuIlntzier "SRD R aifcoyfinancial state-1 Rose, The Latex Floor Paint by Mifs. Young, soconded by pces lrlpiti le ts dotioulh nd wa med or Gdses1 a0. 39 Interior or Exterior Thesocretary, Mns. Joseph 3. BigColrSyewhteoftit 111 IIjg rnr Ifa - mnCudbee read a letter from J vergaefbieoi dbutr AS H tIGH ASweekend. i. #-l(mediumn)' Last Sunday Woolacott's store 1. TAENwas ibroken into while tbey 0 Sizes 9 to 11. »()o TADE-INwere at Mi1. and Mrs. Hanaka's. 1$0 0ALLOWANCE The robber came in a taxi fromn R S H E $ Port Hope anid tihrougb people 10noticing and contactin'g the,3 59e 1 ene taxi driver Mr. Woolacott and!I.5 og 1 eirPi For Your Old Set Alan Mercer wero able ta track' and catch the thief. Only the WALKING SHEE on purchase of a new silver in the f111 bhad been mis- sed. Enti'ance was made tro- 45 gouge - 15 denierPar 9 ugh the kitchen door by break- ing the glass in the door. Au dee»Se ,9 0 PL PSMiss Glenda Moncer, dfiugb- h"gntu SEAMLESS MEH 41960 P ILIPS errfMrnd rorCie~ e. 400 needie - 15 denier ai TELE V ISIO N Hospital, Peterborough, on Fi tldc lutaei day, whre she acident fwSA LS L Large days after boing in anasp ent o voriety printed ond wovenSE LSS P AN7 LreSelection of Models at Campbellcroft Hall wbere fobrics mos suited to tHis ;:400 needie - 13 denier Pi ______________________________ she biad been in a collsion with group - buttan-to-the-woist open- UETV-fm la a car driven by Sev Peroî ng, sizes 7 to 12, vr ations of the face, bruises and 8 & C - Styles as llustroted i. 17" and 21" Screen injured knee. Hon cousins a variely of fine, fine prinfed Gwen Mencer, Suzanne Thick- cottans - bock button-to-the-1 A K R S oDO son nd er iste Maiewaist opening, deep hemns, sizes rLIsing the road witb ber, escap- ai STORE HOURS: MON. - A. 9:00 - 6:00 pm Cow n quipmen C . ed injuxy. EuseL.............. 3.4STpm5KigS.E Co a tC .Our 4-H Club Achievemnent WEDNESDAY - 9:00 - 12:30 p.m. 134 King St. E. MA 3-5689 Day on Saturday had to be FRIDAY - 9:00 to 9:00 pan. A345 j toedutlMac 2 g.adMrs. E. Yerrow and TRI CANADIAN STATESMAN. llnWV,&NUmi.t.lP nvmAlprd% .- lm A d"10 imrm

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