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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 25 Feb 1960, p. 6

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PAGE SX TEECANADAN STAESMAN BOWMNVollowONTAg hTHRSDAYFEB. eth 1 Cow Pokes On The Range At Newcastle Whcat Others Say 'lher lived ini Guelph and Brantford for a nurnber of years, return- LICENCE SUSPENSION ing to Bethany in 1939 with her Napanee Post Express husband, Whio is the owner of The pinon o Trn pot prliment Evn veiennoKawartht Apiaries and also the MiTer opiniko Sfran proaocanl ve wenf0 tmaster. Mrniter Yaremko that a prof of insurance is necessary, Sthree-months suspension of a the driveF can spend six' She had ibeen a faithfui mem- S~driver's license nlay be tooý weeks, two months or even1 ber of St: Paul's Anglican harsh has raised some points six months getting his license Church, Past President and that need consideration. back after the original three- former secretary of its Wo- ~sActual loss of one 's license month period has lapsed. mans' Auxiliary, always ready for a specific period can be a The penalty imposed by the hardship varying with the de- magistrate is sufficient. If pendence o!f the driver upon automatic restoration o! one'sI his automobile for a liveli- license at the end o! the sus- hood. Mr. Yareniko suggested pension period were assured ".1'J that it might be better for alon a specific date, most of the e. penalty to involve complete hardship would be removed. suspension for a month or sixl We can imagine a traveller, weeks, followed by a perîod who must use his car, goin in which temporary right to to t.he expense o! birini a dri drive is restored for the dri-1 ver for. three months, or tak. ver who depends on his auto-'ing his wife wîth hlm for u mobile while he is at work.1 specific period to drive hi. Rather than relax existing car. But the uncertainty an," rules, Mr. Yaremko might difficulty at the end of thc consider eliminating the ad-, suspension period may con- ministrative obstacle course!stitute the difference between which must be run to win losing his job and holding it. back. one's license alter sus- i Mr. Yaremko suggested that pension. 'a comtpany may put up with As any driver who bas losti continuing to ernploy a man for BEST BUY - SAVE1 bis license by court order- for'a month or six weeks if he alty last.s much longer tbani but is unlikely to keep bim 2 ff re mnts nosth pn-bs os hs riers icnskeye .1 tha tie. f he has been in-1 on staff for tbree months un- voived in an accident at the der this handicap. We can BETBY- AE time of conviction with pro- 1impfgine a company putting up BS U AE2 perty damnage, bie must obtain with a difficuit situation for The littie fellow in the front row doesn't seemn left to right: Elizabeth Pearce, June Kclseep, Joan proof that hie is insured be- three months, provided ther he is license will be re- company officers know exact- audience gave themn a good hand during their act at1 front row: Lorie Darling, Sandra Gould, Francis Hoar bion to and acceptance by the unsettled condition and inde- BET UY-S E Newcastle Arena on Saturday. They are, back row,1 and Deborah Adaîr. Ontario Assigned Risks plan, finite suspension wbieh cause ETBY-SV 1 wbicb, again, takes a lot of most of the trouble not the secrotary and treasurer. A listi time. He must ap.ply for M bs exact penalty itself. of addresses of missionaries license from the Department.1 l e e S c hool Boa d P repa res wbo would be al-id to receive Tbe insuring cornpany rnst OBUAYBSBY- cboose a naine. tbe applicant must wade joHN? THOMAS WOTTEN Miss Jean Gay took roll caîl through volumes of red tape. r o r Pp lel h ift y ste m wheneach irl hnded er a No driver's license is senti Following an illness o! two T ie i cray qil blckto e sedmae aplcatonforit usngpasedaway in Port Perry fora op.SuplySerearyinman istnce te asit-Community Memorial Hospital, BEST BUY - SAVE lui re in S e ten m b e rJean Gay read a letter of sup- ance of the police who arrest- Saturday, February 13, 1960, GeA la M e re in S p te r b e rply needs asked for from our cd hlmi and not infrequently at the age of 76 Auxiliary, to be purchased by tbe good offices and assistance Mr. Wotten was born at En- eM a Durbam County District nolds, Trustee Strike pointed ed -16 gallons per minute- June. of bis member o! provincial field, a son of the late Thomas I Oshawa Presbyterial was an- Wotten and Marie Powell Wot- High Scbool Board at a meet- out thbat by September there putting aside doubt in the, nounceci for Feb. 24 at Sîm-rcoe ten. He aedct tMon ing in Millbrook on Wednes- will b. 1165 students from the minds o! some mem bers as to StreetReSS ulrOshawa. was edusiatsd at Mount day, Feb. l7th, regretfully ap- Bowmanville - Darlington-Or- the wîsdomn of building a Higb1Sre htrbOhwa hc Carmel. prvdasitsse o o-ono and Newcastle districts School unless tbere was an members to attendi to form On January 13, 1915, in Osh- mnanville Higb School to start to accommodate. Orono, bie abundant water supply. part of a choir for evening AcCou n a n cy aa, be was united in marriage in September 1960. statcd, could about 120 The Board was advised tbat to 11, wl-.,en dinner will be ser- RAY J. DILLING .'wtheMy roden rlngo A letter fromn Osbawa Board stëdents, leaving 1045 for tbe plans for Millbrook High vcd. Afternoon session 2:00 Certified Public Accountant for one year then moved to a- o! Education stateci that no Bowmanville sohool wbich was, Sebool are being drawn and pm ni oîx~gisal- ~ ~ r~Sre amna upem nCr-h r I relief from overcrowding ini constructed for approximnately purchase of the site is under- lio nti f ofiowhn isla - uffet MA reet86awimh. nea utl ilsdist :ri t- heyPo be xpemnile HigbSchool ca n 70 pls nowh75da. supper will be servc'd. Evening WM. J. H. COGGINS farmedc until twelve years ago, beom Osphate noetSe o ihth hf tember enolled Bowmanville Recreation Dý-. session is ai. 8:00 p.m. when Chartereci Accountant wben their son Henry marrieci fro OsawaColegitesnow Wih te siftsysem l Wllpartiment was granteci per- an address andi slicics on Japan Second Floor and took over tihe farm. At Ibis attended by sorne Darlington mean rnorning classes will be- mission to conduct golf les-1b isDliFok ilcre irr Bidn r.Wte o- W es3h But crowded. to 1 o'clo and c ntinue ,nsons in tbe girls' gym at B.11. given. Cor. King and Temperance Sts. ved to the farm known as the b ftronS.-the Recreation Depari.- World Day of Prayer Ser- . Phone MArket 3-3612 old Bruce place, but now own- SWIFT'S - SKINLESS Accordiflg to projected fig- sift will commence at 1 and ment to pay a fee o! $5 pr;rvice will bc ai. Ma-ple Grove, -,LÇ7 IEDLANDER cd by Mr. Murray Byers onBR A F S S tires prepared by Board secre- endi at 6 Every possible nf-ight adt be responsible March4,a 2:3'0, whcn aur Lt n nCneso .B E K A T S tary-Ireasurer Walter B. Rey- fort will be made in the sb ft for any damage resulting frornAxmaywî a: at HUNTER IL CO. os ad9o ocsn2 schedule oke oehrsuth clse. Axlaywl appr. Accountants and Audito)rs Mr. Wotten assisted Mr. By- d tso keeptgenthe tu-th casse tdthtPr Stewardship SocreLary Mrs. Licenseci Trustee in Bankruptcy crs until less Iban two years SWIFT'S PREMIUM - 1 denswbrion wi lted he I asrpotdIhtPot-arry Gay gave an article On 64 King St. E. RA 5-1621 ago wben failing bealth forced Hope Recreation Deuartment "Allocations". A loeCr was Osaahnal im 10o retire. In September FBAI iti copleed antheteah-are negti.tig wth or read fromn the Cerebral Palsy B. L. Yale, C.A. 1959, they moved inmb the vil- ers wbo will forma the staff Hope members o! the Board. Council tlianking us for our F. Friediander, B. Com., C.P.A. lage o! Blacksbock. W TSEVR ET- AALBEFR there. to woe-k out a 10-year lease Mrita dnt-01,.iil. Wotten was a member o!fg AALBEFRDetails o! the shift system for use o! part o! the Port EVERSW-EET.T heUntd hrc. ewa wil be worked out by Prin-ýHp Offering was taken and dedi- BI 1&COturpecii ubi HoeHigh School grounds Rste o!CPu principal Len Lucas.. Dip- Orono Chamber o! Com- W. Brown reportcd on beir re- 135 Simcoc St. N., Oshawa scbool for several years.k pell suggestcd, in fairness tomre eusedprisint presentation at the officiailA532 He is survived by bis wife, F e staf ad sudetstheshitsrecognize bonor students t board meeting. omnil BAL HS ON S houd e hagedabutJa- Oon Shol b hldngan "Blesi. ha the* Tie that Binds" Caîl ZEnith 45750 liam Jobnston (Ruby), Tyrone; uay-o iv te tuensannual banquetfo honor stu- was sunc iin keep'ing wikb our Partners: Mrs* Ray Bradburn (Helen) Barrister and Solicitor bal! o! tbe terrn on each shift. dnsac n aet ih Friendship Meeting \ith Evel- Hon. J. W. Monteith, F.C.A. Burketon; Mrs. John Archer 130 King St. E. Oshaiwa 16 Gals. a Minute thc first one to be beld Ibis yn Hawke andi Elca1nor Brown A. B. Monteîtb, B. Com., C.A. (Dorotby) Buirketon and one E W H À i Chairmnan Clare Aflin o!.eJl.TeCn.brblep i charge. Mrs. Hawke gave a G. W. Riebi, C.A., R.I.A. son Henry, Pri ii o RA 8-6246IfteJyTh hme eivs' uPeHl.Asn SV 5c-2OZTN Building Committee reportcd that' an event o! this kind fine Devotional "Don't lac Af- (Licenseci Trustee) Roy, predeceased bimi in 1943. SV e-2 Z I -the welI at Courtice bas test- could do a great deal towardraid o! Sentiment" based on G. E. Trethewey, C.A. The body rested at McDer- 5Tn '~ ' encouraging students 10 acb-' Scriptlfles taken fromn Romans. R. F. Lightfoot, C.A. mott-Panabaker Funeral Home 5TisLB Y B ieve and maintain an honori Miss Jean Gay favoured Port. Pcrry, where memnorial SAVE 16e - 12 OZ. PLA standing. The Board instruet-! with a piano solo. Eleanor C h ir o p ra cti c service was conducted by Rev. 4Jr IL ed secretary Reynolds to ad-'Brown took the Study Book- 4____Jars_________ . uedîyFeruB SBOWMANVILLE vise the Chamber of Com- cealing with customs o! the G. EDWIN MANN, DC. l6tb. SV l 0O.LY ]RYLMA 3-5589 merce o! its approval and ta bornes, the laws, music, super- Chiropractor Interment was in HamptonSAEie-2OZLA coimeîm itfontaingacionst ios, airags ec.trsiOficesCmctryoaîlberermwee:forJanar buinec. exMui gveObfmfisce:Elin ecor:f :rey t. usel b:eCeclibon Pks B TT RI T UR .,FR. ND SA .On thc business agenda were1 reading in "Bowling". Pbone MA 3-5509 Fred Cowling, Earl Bradburn, SAVE 16e - 14's TINS TH S R EM . F I A D SA e acont frJaurvbsiesIPayrfor a lclmsin Ofc or:By ATinsmntMurBRISLING Lrn Gif totalling $9,917.42. These were ary, Miss Amy Schauffler of fn isB ILN appovd b te Bar. TeOrono, and prayerby the Pre- D e jiifciSV 14 -1LBTI Matinee Salurday ai 2 p.m. apporovd mby ting .ile n a SAVE 14e -the LB.tTng 1111$ IS A p"~~ ~ ~ - held in Port Hope, on Wed- NexI meeting will be March DR. W.M.UDLDDSOBT A Y2 in NE LE ____________ Grnett Gy assitg . 40fKing: St. W. leBowalle MRS. ILLATANAUAVE 72 -ins OZTIN mi Ànesday, March 16. 2at Miss Jean a's iSArsVffc:Euy ui7eBcg. - 3/ Z I WONGERFUL PICORE! Garnett Goyne assisting. 40 K hUingSt. W omnil R.WLIMHN Specials 500 Magnesia Tablets 98e 300 A.S.A. Tablets 59e Vacuum Botties ------ 79e 1.26 value Ipana Faste 99e 1.26 value Colgate Faste ~----99C Dristan Tablets 1.25-2.25-3.75 Vicks Formula 44 1.19 Vicks Cough Syrup 69e 73e lVildroot Cream Oul 43e Crcam Oul Free 65e Palmolive Shave Crcam Mcn's Hair Brush Fiee 98e size Lustre Cream 79e 2.50 Lustre Creme $1.98 Give Extra IVitamins Mulein 1.95, 3.25. 5.50 [-aliborange 1.25, 2.10, 3.65 Trivisol 1.65, 2.95, 4.25 Polyvisol 2.10, 3.60, 5.25 Scott's Emulsion 1.00, 2.00 Alphamettes- 1.00, 1.85, 3.50 Cod Liver 011 90c, 1.50 Paramettes 2.00, 3.50, 6.00 Nyal Creophos-- 1.50 Deep Heet 98C Inra Rub 1.39 Anaigesie Daim 75o Gerlto-Llquid or Vieka Rob --64e, 1.09 Tabiets 1.35, 3.29, 5.49 Vlcks Nose Drozis - 64e Halibut 011 Capsules- Vlcks Sinus Tabs. - 65e 1.15, 2.29, 4.49 Vieks Inhaler -____49o HOT WATER BOTTLES XGuaranteed) 1.29 . 1,99 - 2.50 - 3.75 COWLING'S PHONE DUG1E FlT MIA 3-5695 DU STORE TEUSSES E. -*~~ COURTICE NE WTON VILLE 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. daily Closed Saturday and Sunday Office Phone - MA 3-5790 Mrs. William Hannah, a resi- denit of Manvers Township al her life, died in Civie Hospital, IMr. George Goddard passed House Phone - Newcastle 3551 Peterborough, on Saturd'ay, Home, at the Anden Nursing Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Hender- D.E .SSO February 13th, following a aomway ay Sympathy is son o! Port Hope, spent Sunday - LD.SDDS sotile. ws7 er extended to tbc famlly and re- with Mr. and Mrs. Fred Hen- Office in bis home o! age. latives. derson. 100 Liberty St. N., Bowmanville The former Vera Annide Sis- Mr. Archie Muir who bas MVr. Wilfred Wood is under Office Hours : son, she was the daughter o! been a patient in Oshawa Hos- the weather with an attack o! 9 a.m. ta 6 daily the late Stephen Sisson andi bis pital bas returned home. pleurisy. Phone MA 3-5604 wife Adelaide Devitt. Mr. and MrUs. Charlie ElliotI, Mrs. Ru-Lby Reed spent a fcw Closcd Wednsday - Sundays S b e attendeci Galloway's Lisa and Lorraine spent Sun. days with Mr. andi Mrs. GordonDRC.FCA RN,.DSsho adlae grdae with Mr. and Mrs. H. Tinney. Clysdalc o! Omcemee. DR.Offi.ceTRNDD from Victoria College, Toronto. Port Hope. On account of difficult roaci 23 King St. E. - Bowmanville St. was Agliaim membrco! Mr. and Mrs. Bob Bryans, conditions, Robert Robinson of Office Hours: t aysAgia brb Patti andi Gordie, Mr. and Mrs. Starkville bas beent staying 9 a.m. ta 6 p.m. daily Lifford, an-d was a life mem- ,J. Bryans spen't Sunday wiîb with bis grandmother Mrs. Closed Saîurday and Sundaybro c Women's Guild. Mr. an'd Mrs. Ray Walker and.Ralph Boughen ta lac able ta Telephone: Office MA 3-.5459 Widely known for ber cern- f amnily, Oshawa. attend High School. munity work andc good neigh- Mr. andi Mrs. Tom Reed and Miss Alice Nesbiît o! Tor- L eg a borly qualities, she will be hblidren have bad ber moîber, onto, spent the xeekend witb h greatly misseci by everyone *Mrs. Moffatit, with tbemn the ber sister, Miss Anne Neshitt. STRIKE and STRIKE who knew ber. past week. Mr. and Mrs. Rccd Mc. and Mrs. Donold Gardon Barristers, Solicitors She is surviveci by 'ber bus- spent the weekend in Madac an.d Miss Ruth Gordon o! Or- Notaries Public band William Hannah and one iwhcn she returned home, ana were Sunday visitars with W. R. Strike, Q.C. diaughter Mrs. Gardon Staples Courtice Home and Sebool Mr. andi iVrs. Wallace Bougb- A. A. H. Strike, B.A. (Mtuiel) o! Cavan and three members helci a very success- en. 40 King St. W. - Bowmanville, grandebildiren, Richard, John fui sale at noon hour at the Mr. Roy Elis is a patdent in Telephone MIA 3-5791 and Robert Staples o! Cavan; North Courtice Sehool. Hot Port Hope' hospital foilowing LARNC . A-N A also surviving are two bro- dogs, pop an'd ice creama were a surgical aperation. LA RrisErC Soitor ý thers, Kari Sisson o! Peter- available for the pupils for Mr. and Mrs. J. L. McCrone Nary Pub, Slico borougb; Dr. Elmo Sisson o!i lunch, o! Ajax, have moveci into Uic King St. W. _ Bowmanville Bowmanville, and ber aged Mr. and Mrs. James Ander- !arm home vacated by Mr. Phones: Officé MA 3-5688 mother who is 99 years o! age son, Trull's road north, celc- and Mrs. Lloyd Atchison. Residence MA 35553 and in a priv'ate nursing home brated their 26th wedding an- On Saturday, several mem- -PAI OGN in Peterborough. nivcrsary with a farnlly din- bers o! the Oddfellows Ladge MISSAH 1ODIS Due te, the beavy snowstormn ner party for 15 on Sunday. baci their annual outing when Barrister, Solicitor o! thc weekend, St. Mary's The couple reccived ntany gifîs they attendeci a hockey game Notary Public Cburch was snowed in an-d tbc aiso congratulations came from in Toronto. Temperance St. - Bowmanville funeral service was hcld fromi Miami and Detroit. Mrs. An- Mr. anid Mrs. C. M. Jones were E. RICHARD LOVEKIN St.* Peul's Anglican Cburch in derson is the forme-r Rosemarie Sunday guests o! their tele- U.E., B.A., LL.B. Bethbany on Tucsday, with the Gamamon ofWbitby. The couple phonc operator, Miss Ona Gar- Box 9, Newcastle Rev. G. E. Meades o! Babcay- have lived here for bbc past diner o! Garden Hill. Phone Newcastle 2246 geon, officiaîing. 10 ycars. They have five sons Don't forget the World Day Consultation by appointrment PaUlbearers were VictorSs and tbree daughtcrs and 15 o! Prayer service ta be held in on1y. son, Frank Hannab, Alban Sis- grandchildren. During the day the churcb hall on Friday, W. KAY LYCETT, BA. son, Wilfrcd Bowles, Max Ri-;; !ricnds and neigbbours called M2rch 4 at 3 p.m. Barrister and Solicitor shor and Ronald Barkwcll. te offer bcst wishes. Mr. Joe Dubeau was called In the offices o! Intermnent was in St. Mary'si Ebeniezer Explorers have bo Corn'wall on Saturd'av as bis R. R. Waddell, Q.C. Cemctery, Manvers township. been active latly with thiir brother was seriously ill. Main Street, Orono, Ontario meetings every Tucsday !rom 6 te 8 when about 18 young M ortgacige S O IU girls meet with Mrs. Garnett Lake Shore, Clarke SAIOAMLOI-OOO R.LEOU ARVI Goyn andMrs. Murray Os- AI A]LO -ORN ?«.EOYJ VS borne in charge. A sleigh ride Phone 1 r 16 with Mr. Keith Ormiston sup Mirý. and Mrs. Robin Alldred Fist Mortgage Funds Following an illness o! sev- plying th,. horses and sleigh and Bruce were Sunday visit- Residences - Farms eral weeks, Mirs. LcRoy Jarvis, was cnjoyed. aiso a Valentine ors with Mr. and Mrs. Les. All- Business Properties, died in Civic Hospital, Peter-il supçer which was arranged. dred, Orono. borough, on Friday, Februaryý Evening uxillaryCongratulations to Mr. and 0pfometry 12hi EvelngAuillry Mrs. D MeGregor on the birth DJUmeLrY Mrs. Jarvis, the former Ruby; 1Ebenezer Evening AuxiliarY o! a de.ughter. KEITH A. BILLETT, on.-May Sisson, daugbter o! the 'met for their February mcet- Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Alldred, Optornetrist 1 late John Sisson and the form- ing at the home o! President, spent Suntday cevening witb Mr. 141 King St. E. - Bowmanvifle er Eliza Jane Twigg, was borni Mrs. Wilf Brown. A rcading and Mrs. Sherman Burnett, Office Hours: By appointment!in Manvers township. She aI- o! several verses !rom thc Oshawa. Telephone MArkct 3-3252 tendcd Lifford Public Sehool Themne Hymn by S. R. Colins, Mr. and Mrs. Evercît Brown Monday ta Saturday Lindsay Collegiate and gradua-l to, be used at thc Presbyter- i r - Evel ine, Orono, visited on 9 a.m. bo 5 p.m. I ted from Peterborough Normal 'l, opened the meeting. te~na with Mr. andi Mrs. Bill Wednesdav£: 9 to 12 I School, later teacbing at Gallo- Reports were given th ae Thurs4aÇ evenings way's Sehool, in Peterborough 10 Tins GEERI SAVE 16e - 15 OZ. Tli 4 Tins YORK BE SAVE 16e 4 Pkgs. KELLOGG' SAVE 14e - 8 OZ. JAR 1 Jar, RED & W SAVE 16c - 20 OZ. TIN 8 Tins LIBBY'S SAVE 20c - 10e SIZE to lend a helping hand with Sisson and Mrs. William Mark any community project. (Dorothy) ail of Bethany. Surviving is her huéband The funeral service was held Gerald LeRoy Jarv'is, three froma St. Paul's Church inBe- da&ghters, Mrs. Ted Aider (El- _hn o ona atnoorn4 eoanor) of Willowdale; Mrs. with Rev. G. E .Meades'ç, Bob- Ralph Con.nor (Jean) of Scar caygeon off iciatàing. borough: Mrs. Hugh McCarthy Pallbearers were Allan Gray, (Katherine) of Calgary, Alta; Aiban Sisson, Vincent Jackson% a son, Gordon Jarvis of Toron- Morgan Bigelow, Mansel Wri- to and eight grandchildren; ai- ght and Harold Page. so three sisters, Mrs. Fred S. Interment at St. Mary's Cent., Gray (Aletha), Miss Mildred etery, Manvers towrnship. P 10e - GOLD SEAL FANCY RED - %'s TIN Salmon 2 for 1.00 35e - DOC. BALLARD'S - CHAMPION d e OFF PACK fl.l l l d ~~15 OZ . TIN 1( O 17e - REGULAR OR CHUBBY Tissue 6 for.00 16e - WHITE OR COLOURED - PUREX ;sue 8 rolis 1.*(0 25e - GEM rgarine I LB. PKG. 5 fr.00 !ualt ia Tieaî s 'k Shoulders lb.3 3c :t Pork Chops lb. 49C - 1 LB. PACK AUSAGE LB. Cello Pkg. (SAVE 29c) ALL 3 FOR N-12Lb. Pkg.' I %f Liver Sliced Ib.4*c,, &Ir 1 DOLLAR. BUYS' PRO WNED BEANS ISTIC 3EE CREANED HONEY *ER SIZE CROCKER CAKE MIXES CLUB DES MILLIONAIRE S' QUICK CHOCOLATE IS BABY FOODS :EF OR IRISE STEW "S CEREALS Sugar Srncks RITE INSTANT COFFEE FANCY TOMATO JUICE SARDINES Special "K" Corn Flakes 12 Bars WILDFIRE or LONGFELLOW CHOCOLATE BARS SAVE 16c, 9 OZ. TUMBLER 4 Jars RED & WHITE Homogenized PEANUT BUTTER CANADA'S FINERST IE. No. 1 POTATOES lBG2 for 1.00 JUICY, CALEFORNIA NAVEL ORANGES - - 3Doz. $100 HEALTHFLJL - NRLD - ONTARIO - PoIy Bag 0ONIO0N S . .. 3 Lbs. 19C NEW - IMPORTED - 8oi ]RADISHES- ONTARIO - ROT BOUSE Ceilo Bag - 2Forl19C » LI).23c SAVE 17e - 7 FLAVOURS 14 Pkqs. Red & White JELLY POWDERS S AVE 16e - HAND PICKED 8lhs. WHITE BEANS SAVE 5c - 8 OZ. PKG. 3 Pkvrs. Kraft Deluxe CHEESE SUCES SAVE 4c - SUNBEAM Rasub'erry JELLY EOLL La. 31c Frozen Foodi Birds Eye Beef, Chicken, Turkey PIES, 8 oz. 4 for $1.00 Birds Eye FRENCH FRIES 9 oz. pkg.---------- 6 for $1.00 THERE'S A RED AND WHITE STORE NEAR YOU BOWMANVILLE MAPLE GROVE - Wm. H. Tate - Maple Grove Groceteria KINGSWAY SUPER MARKET KING ST. - EAST 0F TOWN LINE ORONO BLACKSTOCK -Cornish Marketeria Blyth's Market Color Cartoon - "TEACHER'S PEST" COMING MON., "THE MUMMY" - Color - Aduit PAGE SIX IME CANADIAN STATESMAN, BO'Výý1Y, ONTAlUO THURSDAY, FEB. 25th, 19M

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