TEUESDAY, ME. 25th, 1960 [ I & Çk9ersonal Phone MA 3-3303 Bowmanville Choral GroupI1 ;dent of the Canadiain Sheep bave been invited to presentý Breeclers' Association at the 1x*Iýncert in Tyrone in April. annual meeting held last week imr. Frank West]ake, Solina, lin the Royal York Hetel, Tor- apent the weekend at F. R. onto. Another local breeder, Cook's because of road con Mr. Harold Skinner, Tyrone, dlitions. was elected an Ontario director Mr. and Mrs. Austin Turner, along with Ray Clarkson, N~wcst1, wre undy gest Brampton, and Louis Emke, Wîth Mr. and Mrs. Gordon C. Elmwood, Ont. Martin. Last Saturday, Mr. and Mrs. Miss Ann Brown. Toronto, Stuart R. James visited their was a guest thîs week of her sonf Norman, Queen's Univer uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. sity Kingston and attended the Wally Braden, Frederick Ave. Universitys " Open House " Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Ames eaid Mr. and Mrs. Nelson Os- borne have returned from a niost enjoyaible vacation in South Carolinea. Mr. and Mrs. A. S. Badger and B'arby, Woodstock. were meent visitors with bis par- ents, Mr. and Mrs. G. Badger, King Srteet East. Mis. F. R. Cook, Mrs. Sid Mitchell, Mrs. R. E. Landi and children Katby and Steven.1 apent Tuesday afternoon with Mrs. F. E. Cook. Mr. and Mis. Waly Braden were in Kingston ast Tues- day attending the funeral of the latter's aunt Mrs. Gertrude May Berry, a sister of Mr. E. R. Brewn. Mr. and Mrs. W. Mairs and Mr. and Mrs. G. Badger attend- ed tht wedding of Mr. Badger's nephew at St. George's Angli- can Church, Willowdaie on Saturdeay, February 2th. Mr. and Mis. T. R. Wideman have returned from a twe- week motor trip to Florida, Virginia and other Southern States. Mr. and Mrs. Ivan Eliicott, Sandra and Donald, Peterbor- ough, visited ber mother, Mis. N. C. Yellowlees on Sunday anmd also were callers at Mi. and Mrs. Fr'ank Wright's. Mrs. J. Reyneldts witbh her daughter, Mi. and Mis. Roy Falls ai-id Wendy of Streets- ville, motiored te Sarnia hast weekend for a visit with ber diaughter, Mr. and Mrs. John Cattran. Mr. Bert Purdy and sons Jack and Clifford were in Bob- caygeon on Monday attending the funeral of Mrs. Purdy's 4>rother, Mr. William James Edgar. Mrs. Purdy, because ef, 111nesa, was unable te attend. Mrs. Walter Snider, Court-ý Ice, and her sister, Mrs. J. C.! M~ontgomery of West Hill, en- joyed a visit with Mrs. Sniders son Don and his wife, Port Carling. Don and Edna are teaching at "0len Orchard and Port Cazi- this year. Correction - The requiesi for t onie man arbitration board in P"-g f a three man arbitra- tg-. board, which was turned idw&n ly Bowmanville Town Couneil last week, came from the Ontario Police Association rit the Bowmanville Police Association., as reported last week. Mr. and Mrs. Baden Pingle and Miss Margot Rankine were, guests Thursday evening atth Junior Residence, Ontario Hos-_ -'gtCpmg ceremony of Miss Patricia Pingle. Pat was one of a class of ten girls to receive their caps. Thex' were aise presented with F1oren7e Nightingale lamps and wvhite Testaments. Mr. Lloyd Ayre, local sheep breeder, was elected vice-pres-, REHOBOTH REFORMED Scugog Street, MORNING SERVICE - EVENING SERVICE.- Sunday School in Sunday morni ""Back To God E CKLB, Oshawa, at 3 8:30 a.m. every 5 ýTrijnity Unil Mnster-Rev. Wm. K. 1 Organist-Mr. Arthur Cel -1,11 a.m. - MORNING WCI Laymen's "You Have Bi Speaker: MR. RALPI 7 p.m. - EVENING WOI ,le( Family1 Film - "AS THE1 The Junior and Intermed Saturday, 6:30 p. Guest Speaker: REV. REG. SUNDAY SCHOOL 4:00 a.m. - Nursery - Be 12:10 p.m. - Junior, Inte EVERYONEV Tney were overnignt guests of 3Mr. and Mrs. Arnold Anderson and Joanne and on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Anderson attended Chalmers Uni t c d Church te hear Rev. F. Ban- ister former minister at St. Paui's United Church bere. On Thursday, February lEth., IMrs. Aver-y Jobnston celebra- ted her 90th birtbday at Strat- haven Rest Home, King Street East, Sharing a beautiful cake with ber were her daughter. Mis. R. Virtue of Oshawa and ber granddaughter, Miss Dor- otby Virtue. Mrs. Fred Wright was also an afternoon visitor. Mrs. Johnston received many beautiful bouquets, plants and cards from relati v es and friends. Congratulations te Mr. anmd Mrs. F. C. Vanstone, King Street West, who celebrated their 53rd wedding anniversary on Saturday, February 2th, and te Mr. and Mrs. H. C. Os- berne, King Street East, who werc mnarried 56 years age on February l7th. Mrs. Osborne's many friends wili be happy to learn she is making remark- able progrcss foilowing sur- gery in Memorial Hospital last Friday. At Ifbe amnual meeting of th, Federation of Ontario Natur- alists beld recently in Rich- mond Hill, Dr. A. E. Aluin of Fort William was eiected re- gionai vice - president f o r Nortbeastern Ontario. Dr. AMin wbo was boni in the Hampton district and attc-nded B.H.S., is director of tht provincial lab- oratry at Fort William. His wife, tht former Do: ton, is a sister cf? Stocker. Mrs. Rar and Mr. L. Kirktor Barrie Mý Accepted "Golden lb wa.s ecent1v thut the Pcthîck Home, Barrie. has cepted as a memb( Order of The Goldei interntational affiliai pendable funeral dii )rothy Kirk- Virs. R. W. tmce Dîlling By Rule" an no uit cd kFumieral sbeen ac- er of The en Rule, ami. iton of de- iec tors. THE CANADIAN STTSMN OWMAUVI.L% ,ONTARIO - S ubsîdized Coul to Japan Has Cost Our Workers Jobs 'Ste Ico Head TelIls Editors Canadian steel industries arer largely goe. In Europe and state of affairs wil be allowed being jeopardized by Canadian Asia - certainly in steel - te continue is anyene's guess. Government subsidies on cealimany of the plants are every "Sustaining our living stand- shipments to Japan te such an bit as good as ours. Techno- ards on meney berrewed extent that it bas meant lest logical data bave been mest abroad is the very opposite te jobs for some Canadians. This freely given away in the in- wbat every sensible, thrifty fact was brought te light when terest cf international pacifi- man prescribes for himself. V. S. Sculiy, president of the cation. and capital bas been Why thîs is net evident tu gigantic Steel Company of donated or loaned in stupen- everyene, I can't say," con- Canada, addrcssed members of dous amounts. cluded the speaker, "but I the Ontario Weekly Newspap-. "In other words we must honestly believe that unless we crs' Association recently in ýcompete in our home markets Canadians are prepared to face Hamilton. when our output per man heur the facts now, it may very weil copn:costs substantiaiiy more than bappen that we will net have Mr. Scuhly, whose I paythat of our overseas compet- an opportunity te choose later celebrates its 5th anniversary 'iter.1lwln hi iiuoso. this year, proved te be a most rsHwlogtsrdcuusn. interesting and informative speaker. Tht editors were toid, among other things, that news-Yo n u i a s papers and industry had been iYo n M scin infiuencing factors of the! ,Canadian way et lite". Tht whole context of the ad- Idress was of importance, but tbe "Punch" is contained in tbc follewing excerpts and wili give much food for tbeugbt to ail wbo are interestcd in tht economnic welfare ef Canada. -.. "You may be surprised te know that in Western Canada - -- today Canadian-made steel- produets are being displaced by - 1products of Japanese plants M:, operated by workers whose e:- ~~ . wages are about one-sixtb of ~ "- ~~ ours. This sounds bad enougbh,- l'i but lb is not ail," said Mr. Scul- &" "t... ly. "Our government is subsi-- dizing tht export to Japan of X. Camadian coal te make bbhe- steel to make the products to be sold in British Columbia and Alberta to pay for the col Perhaps the econemisbs aniong yotm can figure that onteout? ~ - And don't forget that as a re- suIt cf these curieus convolu-1 The guitar strumming youngsters pictured abovei tiens, seme Canadian workers' are two-year-old Donnie on the left and three and a bave lest their jobs. half-year-old Tommy Martin. They are the smnall sons "Tht advantages that North of Mr'. and iVirs. Alec Martin, Newcastle. Their grand- American manufacturers used te have by way of better bools, parents are Mr. and Mrs. Gordon C. Martin, Bowman- know-how, and capital haveville, and Mr. and Mrs. Alex Foldeak of Toronto. Demonstrate Make-Up Wm. G. Laird' At Drama Workshop ýWins Top Prize Tlhe Durhani Drama Work-î t BoumanvileHiehScool~ For Photo Art Cenre n Bwmavîhe, ~tlRice. She lias had muchi ex- Mr. Wmn. G. Laird, R.R. 2, have as their guest on Thuri'- dlay, March 3rd. Mis. Austin perience in tht Art cf Make- Bowmanvilie, captured first Hiltz ot Oshawa. Mrs. Hiltz up and shouid have an inter- prize, Botanical Section, of tht will give a demonstration of esbîng demonstration in store. Federation et Ontario Natural- Make-Upbothgeneal nd Te deonstabio wi ists' Photographic Exhibition MakeUpbot geera an Th demnstatin wll e- eldat Richmond Hill on Sat- charactertypes. This meeting'gna ..i htLes e-ud sbould be of interest te any- re, Bowmanville, on Thiurs- y t~ur Oh ont involved or interested mIn day, March 3, but the regular Mr. Laird's winning entry play production. and tbe meet- session of tht Workshop wilî was titled "Ice Framed". The ingisope t th pbliut a! begin a sa at 74 p.m. subjeet was an ice-coated milk- ingl chaope of tht, p uiasusai 7:5 weed pad found near bis home cmilcarecf50.eicudn sharp. Anyone is welcome te this winter. cofft. corne and observe bbc Work- In Mrs. Ilitz s weIl known in shop in session or te come at l this cempetitien each tht comimunity as she taught 9 p.m. Ior the demonstration. entrant may submit four col- eured sldes, but net ail are necessarily accepted, and it is considered an honour te have Quetco ark ilmat leust ont admitted in tht ýQueIio Par Filmexhibition. Mr. Laird, whe b las Mr. swal Pehick sonof'been '"sfootiiig" coloureci sldes Mr. Oan d rs. hldon tcf ,, oi- about the past eight years, cor. n a s m embero n oer T hrif R o aryhad threc of his slides cet of Enniskillen, bas thus be 5LI d. that extends.around the world: The other two received hon- and which has been in~ exist- The Rotary Club held its re- Oddly enough, game animais orable mention. One was ence for more than three de- gular weekly luncheon meet- are nlot plentiful. but there is "Polythemus Moth" and the cades. ing last Fricbav <Feb. l9th) at woncierful bass and pickerel other "Autumn Parachutes" - the Flying Dutchman with fishing a study of a milkweed that had Jut nefuerl irctr' Presîdent George Vice presid. h pr sa vlen-o gone te seed. each cornunitv may belong iing. Te ai s a les, ncanof- and they must be of high etli- srai n aeadcn ical standing te receive this' Rotai-ian A. H. Stevens Of ing partiesmuist carry ail theirBr w e distinction. Only the wrîtten,. Oshawa hiad been schedul2d tent~ and supplies with them» RIie ew apprvalof anylocl pr- o scakon Rotar.y's Voca-l Tkir courses are registered sons in positions to speak with toalSric rorm bu ih ^the par uhuiis be-I Brwni Pa kiangd hel authority made this ~~~~affilia- had suffered a heart attack a fr etn out, and thereiaco ind ThnngDy tion possible. fei 1w days previously. Programn a daily aeroplarne inspection programme with their leaders. Chairman Tom Palmer came to sec that the parties are t inkigDymsapFbu ______________________ upwith a splendid last-min- in trouble, as well as te guardi ary 22 is the day te send Our u tc eplaement-a movie -11i against iorest fires. thoughts winging to sister sound anld colour on Quetico Teflnful upre Brownies ail ovcr te world. National Park. Tefl u] upre CHRISTIANDr. Bill Rudeil, onie of a everything that had been saidi A display of Brownie papier part.y five Bow1,manlvll, about Quetico Park. andi doils wearing their uniiforms, 'I l IN/~ men who had vacationed at showed beautiful land andl also the flags of ail their sis- CHURCH uetico îast sumnmer. intro- air views taken at ail fouri ter countries was interesting. duced the film. He stated thatIseasons.1 Brewnie games were enjoy- Bowmianville ýthis newest national park liesI President Vice extended ai edelle game which repre- 100 miles west of Port Arthur i vote of thanks te Tom Palmer rîented the four directions of on the Canada--U.S, border. and Bill Rudeli, and to Jim th compass xvas played by al O-n the other side of the bor- Stutt who served as projec- the Br&wnies der lies Superior National tionist. In closing eacb Brownie -10:00 a.m. English Park, and the two parks have! Bill Thiesburger, Chairmnan took home witbh ler a cupcake 7 1. a ombined area cf more than of the Special Events Coin- with a candie decoration te -7:30 p.m. . Dutch two million acr'es. mitte.-, announced that thei light at home so that the Brow- The park entry can be club had cleared almpost .$5501 nie magic might shine through- nmditeyafer*reached by the splendid newl as its share of the joint Lions- 1eut the world smdael fervice highiway to St eepý Rock Mines Rotary "Millonaires' Night". Brownie Pack 2 had -been ing srie at Atikokan, but there are noý roads and no buildings with-1 Hockey draw tickets were' working industriously before in the park which, is te be won by Doin Morris and Doc-"hiigDa"t prae preered n tsoriinl tate.tr et Slemon, Rotarian tray decorations for ail the preeredinitsorgial c. visitors were Dick Fleming of patients at Stratihaven Nurs- Ajax and Jack Pobe of Peter- ing Home .This symbolizes the Rour nBroaacasi t borough. theme of guiding; To hnko i Frend Ho or IIes bfor myeJI p.m. every Sunday *,.l Guide Companies lst and Sundy, CRB A rc ~'-" M o2nd with their leaders held a Sundy, FRB M rs LaBnenocksey fi S combined meeting on Think- mng Day in which the 5th An- W ith artyniversary of Guiding in Canada .~Vit Paty Plan Draw was stressed. Mrs. Wilfrid La Bine ws ulations was received from ch honoured at a surprise party rv ar. iterTedOoGlScu *ed at ber residence. 187 King F Company. ed C h ur Sre as.OtTesa v The hockey mothers met in: Our Gold e n Anniversary ing. Mr. and Mrs. La Bine and Jaîtuary and February in the Company the newly formed [-louslander, B.A, B.D. their chîldren are leaving f'-' green room at the Lions Cen- 3rd Companmy bad te forego lMonday te take up residence tre. their meeting this week on ac- llison, Mus. B., L.R.S.M. in Hull. Que. The enjoyable The afternoons were spenti counit of a large gathering at farewell surprise party for mending hockey socks and on the Lions Centre wbere tbey Mrs. La Bine xvas organized another afternoon, see f meet. )RSHIP by Mrs. Stewart Chisholm and the mothers met at Mrs. E. This Company with Mrs. giMrs. John Sweep. and 24 other Rundle's and repaired somne'Harold Bennett, Mrs. Ke Service 1friends of Mrs. La Bine, sweaters. Nicks, Miss Elaine Bennetta A lovely pale blue blanket These socks and sweaters, their Guidters, assisted by Ms een Clled"andl three wall plaques, de- are lef t at the arena. It was Iý B. Baverstock are at presn leen Caled" ipictinga flight of. beautifully decided te waît until faîl be- h olding our interest as this is FI WILSON, B.A. Sc. coloured pheasants. were pi-e- fore purchasin-g new socks. the first time Bowmanviile R IPsented te Mrs. La Bine by Tickets were given eout te bhas had enough interest shown )RSHIP Mrs. Chisholm on bebaîf f 1selioit a draw te be made: in Guiding te warrant a third lieri' iends. Mrs. La Bine ici March l9th at the Eastern On- Compa.ny of Guidles -'we wish expressing bier thanks said tarie playdowns. The prîzes them well. Night ~~how much she bas enjoyed are a five piece steel bridge __________ 1'WIG IS BENT" living it Bowmnanville. Sn set and a set of four TV ta- diteChir whlsig asked aIl those at the party bles and stand. Canadian- Cancer Society ýdiae Chirs ill ing te s.ay goed-bye te everyone The next meeting xiii be volunteers operate more than: ,,for lier, and te thank eveiy-. March lSth and ail ticket 70 cancer dressing stationsý -Men s ]Banquet ene forath ie nesss nene is te be handed in that where cancer dressigs are rBENNETT of Toronto frorn Bowmanville people. md itiue DEPATMETS urig te eenig gme1 CLOSE PORT HOPE PLANT - About 21 em- DEPARTMENTSwc:e, enjoyed Pr:ze winne:s, eginners w1ý. 2- Mrs. Johnt Regaan, Mràz. ployees of Canadian Canners in Port Hope receiv- ýn -PriaryJiiiL Laverty, Mrs. La Bine, ed some sad news last week. They were infermed n -PriaryMrs. Martin Molloy and Mrs. that the canning plant will close as seon as the ermediate, Senior Bert Stapletu-n. Luckv tea cup present stec fipre inapeadgae VELCOME winners were Mrs. Bill Cowles fritju ck of îmenpoted ineappe adgre- and M ss Jo ýh Nowhan. A fruiwt jutcerha be n prcs str ite evr J idelicious lunch waâ £erved. b wt h ua re nti itit ,r.MWMR um v un Hamtpton Mon SC Oflu king for our benefit. pbei. "Those who abuse freedom should be prosecuted, tapecual. Dq>uty..Reevà Arthiur Blan- Term ly so when it is the people's chard told Mrs. Budal that hie freedom tihey are dragging has mat wi4ih thts Planning (Cotinedfro pae cnl)own i heir wake. On bebif Board anddlhe aured lher the whni ue roChae on) f lthe ratepayers of Dr- members aw» trying bard to preitably undCaerke," ]mgton we 9a1 a nd lirn]Y do w la beot for the towri- prtiebM.L nderk, " n- for freedom of the individual, ghip. urguedai or xnmers tond Ifor our hmn dntanid we Mm Budef agreed that no tinue te give their moral andioofteevle ihuaseakehwmnyppe financial support, and to <'ofheevlewthuaseake hwmnyppe cheerfully assume the tasks fgt could aifford to erect a boeuse that the Board of Directors may "The cOuflil 15id eP0SziblO with the requùred 1500 feet. assîgn to them." for appointing the Planning Ç<unillor Hérold Muir said Secetry-ange Ke Mr-Board, we elect the counefi. We that 13 muncipalities could1 ri efcalyapgrsendot- communicate our theughts te not be wrong. annual report and audited you, and you thie counicil When Mrs. Budai repeatedt financial statement, and re- interpret it te the ' Planning a question from the written list1 ported on various develop- Board. This however, does as to wheit dîiffèrence there is ments that have occurred since net mean that they xvii l ot between the Official Plan and the first of the year. He then hear from us even if in an Ii- By-law 2111, Reeve Rickard led a discussion on a variety direct nianner. called on Walter Rundde, the of ois and urged the estab- Respectively, . B Bid Towrnshlp Clerk, te ainswer. lishing of an active and ag- secretaLry, the Darlington Rat- TwsiIneio gressîve Civie Affairs Commit- payers Association". "TeOfficall nnion s tee to assist and encourage Reeve Riekard Replies teeiofteow hp'ine- Town Council and its various Reeve Rckiard said couniltient of ahe ding l i evelopent Boards and Commissions, all of uelto eadn h eeomn which are overworked and flot would have no hesitancy in an- of the municipality in future sufficiently appreciated. He swering the questions submit- years," Mr. Rundie sadd. Het *singled out the Bowjxianville ted by the Darlington Rate- pointed out that after it is ap-1 Planning Board for special payers Association, but would pri>ved by the Township Coun-( praise and commented "Here l have to obtain information to cil it is forwaoeded to the Min-s is a group of dedicated men! reply to some of them. ister of Planning and Develop-( who,. without pay and veryi He suggested that rather ment th-rough which the policy1 littie thanký,A<ve'planned andý than turn the council meeting Administrative Parts dîrected the town's growth. into a question and answerS Other communities, with no1 period, he would be glad te go The by-law is the instru- better plans than our own, to the Darlington Ratepayers ment hrough wihich 'le policy have paid thousands of dollars, Association and answer ail the for the development of thie te professional consultants", questions. "We are glad te get towshp is enforced. It is theV Coffee and doughnuts were the questions, but to give the administrative part of the pol-N served at the conclusion of the replies te 20 now, off the cuff, icy." MVr. Rundle stated. He 1 meeting and group discussions is difficuit. added that alI by-laws can bec of various business matters con. Darlington Ceuncil met th amended or repealed. Any amn-1 tinued for another hlaf heur. Planning Board the other night endments or repeals must be ' and one anid a haif heurs were approved by the Municipal Bo- spent discussing one point ji ard, he said. the Officiai Plan, Reeve Rick- Must Be Approved 20 ard stated Reeve Rickard stated that 0_ Taking Away Rights the Official Plan must be ap- -On Mrs Budai asserted that th-e provedi before the Zoning By-t q ~ueUt Upî anning Board is taking away Law, 2111, can be amended. the rights of the people alto- Mrs. Budai asked Reeve Rick- (Continued fromn page one) gether, and they are only priv- ard if he would attend, an ex- oped by others. Democracy is ilged to pay taxes but cannot ecutive meeting of the Darlin'g- t rooted not onfly in thp person- seil a lot off their lan-d. She ton Ratepayers Association in ai rights of the cornmon man, stated that t'here are other addition te a general meeting, but even more in thie personai changes desired by the RPA and hie accepted the invita- interests and responsibilities of, that the organization wouid tion.h the cemmon man. like to discuss with the Town-E "So as our democratic rigît. ship Council. In 1959 Canadian steel millsLs we demiand to either repeal We Have a Plan produced 5.8 million ingotE the by-law or amend it so that Asked by the Reeve if heltons, an output 36 perceT it does not impede freedom of RPA has diefinite suggestions greater than in 1958 and 12a the individuai te the extent, M/rs. Budai told him "We are per cent above the previousE tihat they have but contempt for ready tomorrow, We are noti record total ini 1056. t COMPETITIVE PRICES PLUS PERSONAL 'SERVICE SPECIAL VALUES AND) REMINDERS FOR TRIS WEEK IMoney - Saving SPECIALSI %imýi.ej» eTee Brand - 100's - 300'% A.SSA. Tahiels .go 25c, 59c Evelyn Howard Theatrical - 1 lb. reg 89e Cold Cream *----69C Nvea Special *--*98C 73c tube NIVEA CREME plus 49c size HAND LOTION 'W-m!osoNDED Pot .20c Off reg. 98c size SUPERS1RENGT H Pepsodent Dental Cream - 78c W-Owffý 0 9e size plus 39c size .mYOWEItJCHalo Shampoo ---u79c Tour Fainily's Health is Important TARE VITAMINS NOW! Vita Diet Capsules 81.95 - $4.50 Viterra "Plus" Capsules $6.45 Pardec. P.D.- ------ --- 9.85 NIEWI for ALL types of hc ON[Y ~139 Giant 22-ounce size - Reg. 1.49 Listerine Antiseptic 1.291 Lady Esther 4-Purpose - Reg. 85e size Face Cream --*--69C Reg. 65c Hinds Honey & Almond Cream 2 For98 I.DA. BRANDS at Regular Prices -Brotmehida Chest Ruli------------ 59c Bronl!ida Cougli Syrup 85e Bronchida CoId Capsules ---- 1.25 Idaphedrin Nasal Spray--------95c eIdaphedrin Nose Drops ----- ------ -65e <, Baby Cough Syrup --------------60e FORTIFY WITH VITANINS FrostOsoc Drps------1.45, 2.40, 4.25, 6.00 a ! Mead's Oleum Percomorphum 1.45, 3.75, 5.85; I.D.A. Brand Idamait -----------79c, 1.29, 2.29 Allenbury's Haliborange 1.25, 2.10, 3.65: Mead's 10-D Cod Liver Oil 1.05, 2.35: Geviral Capsules --. . 3.18, 8.78! I.D.A. Ilalibut Liver Oit Capsules 1.15, 2.29, 4.29 Vita Diet -------- ------------------- 1.95, 4.50 Ayerst Parainettes - 2.00, 3.50, 6.00 One-A-Day Multiple Vitamins - - 1.49, 2.75,. 4.49, 8.75 Seott's Emulsion -- - 1.00, 2.00 Lederpiex 1.95, 8.30, 4.60 TOUER DRUGGIU1 toch ci f* yiin umastiail wtamins. COOU tuas c a *do>. mernpe GIN PILLS Fem neiwivs Economy $1.09 ou 10s HMi. sa 69« ZÔIay m8399 PRESCRIPTIONS A SPECIALTY Alex. McGregor Drugs We Deliver Your Local ID.A Drug Store Phone MA 3-5792 (Continued from page one) Bradley la in Memorial Moi- pital, Bowmanville. Rosa Alan Wlliams, age 18. Third Avenue, Bowmanville, who was drivig behind the Bradley car, also skidded as he tried to avoid hitting the Bradley vehicle. He was able te get almost clear, but struck the side of the. oar causing sligt damnage. Constable R. S. Diamend of the Bowmanville Detachment cf the Ontario Provincial Po- lice investigated the acciden~t. There was an accident on Friday afternoon at 4.45 e'clock at the north junction. of 115 and 35 hig-ixays. à truck owned by the Depart- ment of Lands and Forests, driven by J. W. Fisher, Dowîî- sview, was in collision with a car driven by William Allen, R. R. 3, Pontypool. Botli cars sustained miner damage. Con- stable S. J. Respond, OPP, was the investigating efficer. At 7:25 p.rn. Friday thers was a collision due te the poor visibility in the snow storm on No. 2 highway between an oul tank truck, owned by Yeo Brothers, and driven by Har- vey K. Yeo, Odell Street, Bow- manville, and a Volkswagen, driven by Hendricus Jansen, Guelph Street, Oshawa, There was considerable damage te the Volkswagen, but only ýminor damage to the tank truck. The accident happened two mi-les west of the CPR bridge, Bowmanville. Consta- bic L. R. James, OPP, inves- tigated. There was a collision on Ne 115 highway just north o highwýay 401 at 6:30 p.m. on Friday. The cars involved wvere driven. by Dorothy Latcbford, Belleville, and Ross Douglas McKay, Cannifton. There was considerable dam. age te both cars. Constable Bruce Tilson, OPP, investiga- Led. PAGE «Vim 7 Phone MA 3-57921 1