PAGE EIGHT ~~~~~THE CA NqA DIANSTATESMAN. BOW MA&NVELL, ( T I OT U S A , E . 2t, 10 S PO RTO PIC S By Frnks Mobuun MA 3-7234 BADMINTON TOURNAMENTO shawa's Ken Smith has beeninut he w nner'sc irclen many times butu p until last weekendh e hadn eyer been ablet toc apture the Central Ontarioatriple crown - singles, doublesa and mixed doubles.L ast year Ken wonb ath doubles gyentsb buth e was umsuccessful ina b id toaretain his singles title.T his year, Smith went into training, deternined toa sweep everything.He got himself int e xcellent condition,l losing seven pounds in the processaand h edid sweep everyt- thing.A s expected the Oshawa Flying Club dominated thec championshipsa s LilB eamish added the ladies' singles crawnt at heir winnings.TThe ladies' doubles eluded the Oshawanst this year,a s Peterborough took that title and also thev veterans' men's doubles crown.F or Bowmanville's GaryT ighe, it was the firat time j in ine years thath e hasn't reached the finals inm en'sdi doubles competition.t1 t .t ti t tB BATS OFF TO B.B.C.F For several yearsw e had c mpeted i ntheC .O.B.A. t tournaments, but since becoming a reporter w e cntentedoc ourselves with sitting i nthe lounge, just watching the play.T1 This year this scribe set u pa p ress box in the refreshmentbf booth at court level, under the pretexto f helping out.N i ota nly was it a good spot toawatch badminton, buti itc ertainly made you awareaofiallt he work that went into t naking the tourney a s uccess.E very member of the Bowm-s manville Badminton Club must have contributed towardswi what was, i naur opinion, the bestC .O.B.A. tournament toa beh eld here, in the last few years.D espite Friday night's bad weather conditions, not onec eontestant failed t amakea n appearance. Ina il nearly 150e entries were involved, and everything went off fairly wello on schedule - certainly a t ribute toaeveryone connected witht the tournament, and inp articular we'd like toasay "Hats offt at he Bowmanville Badminton Club".t t t t t t JUVENILES MEET COLLINGWOOD NEXTB owmanville Juveniles will meet Collingwood in then next roundaof the O.M.H.A. playoffs. They play in Collingw- wood either tonighto r next Thursday, and here Saturdayn ight at 8 o cloek in a t wo-game total goals series. Collingw- wood eliminated Richmond Hil, takingb ath games, 5-2 and2 The local crew saw their victory streak broken at 20,b but ran their unbeaten skein toa22, playing t o5-5 ties withO shawa and St.M fichael's Juveniles last week.T hese twoc clubs provided the toughestcoampetition the Bowmanvillet teamb as met s ofar, producing a coupleo f real crowdp- leasing attractions.The pressure applied b ythe locals int the dying minutesaof each game wag tremendous and wella- apprecited b ythe fans. But we'dl ike toas eea fulla rena a s Bowmanville's Juveniles attempt toabring this towna urs second straight OntarioaChampianship.Haw a bout giving* t hem the support they deserve?i .i .i t t t TOWN LEAGUE HOCKEYT a-night's sudden death contest willdéecide whcht team will enter the Town League finals againt StephenF Puels.H ooper's Jewellers held the favoured Ken's Men'sW ear toaa first game tie and won the second, butK en'sr roared back last week toe ven u p the series. Game time is7 7o 'clock.i .t t ti t t GOODYEAR HOCKEY FINALST TheH ase squared the besto f five finals ataone wina apiece with a 9-7 victory over the Fan Belts last Sunday.T The important third game I sslated for this Sunday a ternoona t1 :30.S SPORTSMAN BOWLINGT OURNAMENTF riday night is the deadlîne for entering the SportsmanC igarettes 5-Pin Masters' Tournament. If y u haven't puty your nameaon the list, a tLiberty Bowl, we'd suggest thaty aoud o so mxnediately.M emorialAl renai i BowmanvilleI F Friday, Feh. 261h PUBLIC SKATING 8 to 10 P.M. PAGE EIGHT Town League Hockey Star of the Weel GARY «'HANW' LANE With elimination, facing his team, Gary "Hank" Laip couldn't have picked a better time te turn in his best eff, of the season, as Ken's defeated Hooper's in last, Thursday a Town League playoff. "Hank", a top performer with the Legionnaires, played a sound game on defence and scored twice, while assisting on two more. Perhaps the turning point ln the game came in the second period, when Lane went through the entire Jewellers club te tie the score. After that, Ken's were never headed. That's why "Hank" Lane won the Surplus Sales' Star of the Week Award. When you complain about poor mileage don't blame your car or the gasoline you're using, because chances are the blame generally lies in improper car maintenance or improper driv- ing habits. Under-inflated tires, for In- stance, can decrease your mile- age, as well as prematurely Bill Steven Wear out your tires. Its the same with a dirty air filter that can starve your mixture and consequently cut mileage by as much as 10%. Other factors can be a faulty manifold heat control valve . . . im, properly adjusted choke . . . faulty spark plugs . . . incorrect plug or point settings ... a plugged or bent tail pipe ... a faulty radiator thermostat that causes slow warmup ... or even the crank- case oil being tee, heavy. Your personal driving habits can also be te blame. Sustained driving at 60 miles per hour, or greater, increases gas consumption by 1V/o te 1517o - over driving at 50 miles an hour. City driving is also hard on gasoline. If you pace your driving to traffic and te traffic lights te avoid unnecessary stops you can save one gallon out of four. Fast stops and starts, jackrabbit get-aways and traffic weaving are other gas wasters. So drive intelligently. It's safer . . . easier and more economical. At Robson Motors Ltd. youll find that ali of our used cars have been thoroughly checked for these gas-robbing faults. They're all ready te give you miles and miles of dependable . . . economical transportation. The other factors are up te you. Bill jicuzès IS YOUR CAR SHOWING SIGNS OF RUST ? ... Get a Free Estimate from us on Body & Paint Work Guardian With the Experienced Paint Maintenance and Body Men we have . we can give you Fast. Guaranteed Service. liuÉon PC mrf;^r Rnwl;nmiý ed of il- lucked by Soden all night, came up with a great g. as did Terry "Jet" Black, really got flying in the half of the game. St. M ael's Russell, Speyer, Chri and Heenian were pa-rticul noticeable, with Chaýseewýi frequent sin bin visitor. Lineups St. Michaels-Goal, Soý Defence, Christie, Chasce% B-ellmore, Scandiffio, G, Forwards, Speyer, Loi Cochrane, Heenan., ICass Russell, Raino, Burkett. ]Bowm;anville - Goal, Thompson, Grant Wright; fence, Oàborne, Woodlock, verly, Yeo, Peterson, B well; Forwa.rds, Brenl Hughes, Gary McCulloi Gill, Brian Hughes, CI Flintoff, Wiseman, BI Rickard. e ORDER YOUR SEATS NOWI SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 27 O.M.H.A. PLAYOFFS HOCKEY 8:00 P.M. COLLINGWOOD JUVENILES SOMANVILLE JUVENILES ADrMSSION Legion Bowling Two teams wound up tied Averages fer the league-leadership fOl- Up To and Ineluding Feb. 16 lowing last Thursdiay's Legion Name Games Ave. bowling action. Doug Taylor's D. Taylor 50 222 team, trouneed Bill Bates' J. Martyn 45 221 bowlers 7-0 to draw even with 1 E Perfect 48 216 Keith Yeo's outfit, winnersI K ' . Yeo 51 208, over Ernie Perfect's outfit byï a 5-2 score. The loss left Per- A. Lobb 45 2081 fect seven points off the pace W. Bates 48 202 in third position. Bill Veitch's F. Samis 48 2001 cellar-dwellers moved tO W. Veitch 33 200! within two points of fifth, wih i T* Graham 51 198 a 5-2 upset win over FrankR. Wright 51 194 Samis' crew. 1 M, Grant 51 187 Jack Marttyn rolled games ý R. Stocker 51 187 of 218, 277 and 241 to, take C. Trewin 48 186 high triple honours with a L. Welsh 45 186 736 total. Ron Johnson had J. Geddes 51 185 672, while Arnold Lobb was R. Perfect 51 184 ,one pin back at 671 and Bob R. Cale --- 48 184 Cale totalled 660. J. Barclay --- 45 184 Norm Adair set the single H * Bennett 51 183 pace with a 301 game, follow- P. Bathgate 24 182 ed by Bob Cale 279, 1 K. Davies 3 179 Martyn 277, Arnold Lobb 2_î Yourth 14 178 Maxie Yourth 266, Ken Davies II. Beauprie 51 175 265, Ross Wright 263 and'N. Adair 45 175 Keith Yeo 259. V. Connors 45 17Î Team Standints J. Knight 45 167 R. Johnson 43 161 Pts R. Rogers 51 160 D. Taylor 371J. Newman 45 160 K. Yeo .--- 37iR. Lockhart 43 160 E. Perfect 30 R. Wheaton 50 151 B. Bates 19 1 C. Bonathon 24 151 F. Samis 13 N. Mooney 42 140i IB. veitch Il W. Wallis - 51 121 1, Tickets go on sale Wednesday. Booster ticket holders have until 7 p.m. Friday to pick up tickets CHILDREN#S SEATINC Wednesday, March 2nd 3:00 to 5:30 P.M. Children « « ' " ' 25e Adults accompanym*g children . . . 25e WEDNESDAY, MARCE 2ad HOCKEY O.H.& INTERMEDIATIR "Au 9:00 P.M OSHAWA MAJORS m .......... ou% ligricil 3 friulut LJUWIIEI .7a m e , Bob Williams finally came ý GBrnell 5 Il out of an all season slump to y 5 . win high single with 359. BobiSamis 4 1 gain after 36 sec- added two more scores of 228,lPerfect 3 1 ,120 for a erand total of 1111 to ý Leslie 1 period play, but win the high triple money.ý Averages ling scoo-ped the Jack Lander w-as second with n a scramble to . a 353 single game which us- Name Games back into con- ually would take the top prize. Bill Oke ------- - --- 12 Clark potted Jim Jack finished his night with Dr. H. Rundle 12 ound little over 779. Ralph Kelly had 729, Ernie Perfect 12 ýter, but Laurie Glen Hodgson 726, Jack Gay AI Osborne --- 12 . erry Marjerrison 720, Jirn Castle 719, Morley Doug Shirk ------ 12 r et 13:18 to re- Etcher 709 and Dýon Bagnell Dave McKn-ight 12 rellers' hopes. 701. Russ Hall-man 12 the game on !ce Ron McClean had a single Russ Oke --------- 12 rkers in the last game of 115 to top the 10w John Stainton ---- - -- 12 1e last one com- bowlers. Bob Kent had the Larry Piper 12 ý second low triple 429. Roly Pete'Dobbins 12 ne. Masters com- Coombs bowled 445. Pat Yeo ------- 12 -trick effort, Gi- Wild Bill Oke is still hold- Jack Lander 12 ne each notched Ing down No. 1 position in the Don Bagnell ------ - ---- 12 1 tallies, and averages. Bill has 232 follow- Murray Tighe --- 12 )oks and Abbott ed by D-r. Howard Rundle 230. - . Bill Rates --- - ------- 12 iplete the rout. Murray Larmer's team, is Murray Larmer 12 DEticK on Top with 9 points with Ralph Kelly - ----- --- 12 Bill Oke's aggregation haýing Jack Bond -------------- 12 the same number of point- George Stephens ---- 12 but less pins. More news n-'Xt Bud- Moses --------- ---- 12 week., Elton Brock 12 Team Standings Bill Westlake ---- 12 Team W L Pts Hap Palmer --------- 12 Larmer 9 3 9 Ed Leslie 9 i T e B. Oke 9 3 9 Bill Shotter 12 Janzen --- - --- 8 4 8 Frank Lewins 12 Brook ---- - ---- 8 4 8 Dr. K. Sle-mon 12 Hallman ---------- 7 5 7 Ted Bagnell 12 like s D. McKnight ------- 6 6 6 I-13nk Janzen ---- 12 Piper --------------- 6 6 6 Bill Nicholson --- 3 a real eggbeater R. Oke ---------------- - - - - - 6 6 6 Frank Williams - 12 digging out that R. McKnight 6 6 6 Ben Thompson 9 Dobbins 6 6 6 Si Trewin 12 illough was out-jOsborne 5 7 5 Ross Wright 12 Ken s Force Deciding G With elimination staring Dan Girardi turned the trick two up. them. in the face, Kens Men's again on Hank Lane's bla.3t, Prout hit agz Wear rallied in the last half two minutes later. Ron Bur- onds of third of the game to score a 13-6 gess found the corner on a win over Hooper's Jewellers, shot from. centre and "Clinv' "Jiýggs" Cowlir last Thursday night, at the Ferguson intercepted a clear- puck in from Memorial Arena. The win ing attempt to, put Hooper's put Hooper's evened the best of three set in front for the second time tention. John C at one win apiece with one at 12:25. Don Masters came Olinski's rebot game tied. The deciding con- back 32 seconds later to even a minute latE test will go tonight at 7:00 the count. Garbe sent Jej o'clock. Burgess notched his second into the clear The first period see-sawed at the five minute mark of vive the Jewe,' back and forth, as Hooper's the middle session to put the Ken's put th forged in front on Bob Sher- Jewellers ahead for the third with five marl idan's goal, Ken's tied it and time. But Lane weaved right six minutes, th, went ahead, Hooper's regain- through the entire Hooper's incr with one ed the lead again, and finally club for the best goal of the ing in the gami the Men's Wear evened the night, tD spark the Men's Wear. pleted a hat-ti score at 3-3, Don Prout was Masters completed a pass play rardi and Lang in the right spot to deflect with "Mort" Richards and their second Bob Abbott's drive past goal- Lane to, make it 5-4. Prout's "Squeak" Broo ie "Slip" Rowe at 6:05, and second tally at 18:24 sent Ken's scored to comp Thrilling Final Period Gives Juvenfles a 5-5 5-2, to leave the losers ail alone in the cellar. -Shirley Coombs rolled a big Teenage 262 garne to, take high single honours, followed by Helen Bowling Vanstone 217, Linda Brooking 212, Brenda Oke 211, Mary Mundav 207, Sharon McMur. Don Okes outfit opened UP ter 204, and Sharon Burgess a two point lead over thleir and Audrey Spicer both with nearest rivais in the Teenage 201 scores. Bowling League, SaturdaY Linda Brooking had a 508 afternoon, defeating Johnttriple while Audrey Spicer to- Phillip's team, 7-0. Larry talled 541. Thompson paced his crew to Girls' Team Standings a 7-0 shutout win over John M. Moore - - - ------------- 15 Rundle's club to move into the runner-up position by singl, H- Vanstone -- - --------- _ 14 point over Jim Mcenight's V. rown ------- 10 bowlers who won over Tom L. Brooking 9 Masons tearn 5-2. C. Osmond ------------------ -_ 9 Larry Thompson was the B. Oke ------------- ------ --------- only bowler to go over the 600 mark, and he even beat COBOURG BOPS BANTAMS the 700 barrier witýh games of 239, 274 and 221 for a fine TWICE 734 triple. Other high singrle Cobourg defeated Bowman- games were rolled by Lee ville on successive days 4-2 Rackham 231, Tom Callan and 6-3 in exhibition Bantem 227, Tom Mason 225, L Tay- hockey 'over the weekend. In lor 221, Ron Carter 213, Don Cobourg, Friday night, the Tordiff 207 and John Oke 206. homesters built up a 3-0 edge Boys' Team Standings and held on grirnly as the lo- D. Oke ----------- - ------ - --------------- 19 cals stormed back, late in the L. Thompson 17 game.,Dave Kerr notched both J. McKnight 16 Bowmanville goals, with Geo. T. Mason ----- 11 BaU assisting on the f'-st, ai-id J. Rundle 0 Bob Sleep in on the second. J. Phillips -- - ------ 0 At the Memorial Arena, here Marilyn Mçores team defea- Siaturday afternoon, Bowman- ted Virginia Brown's bowlers ville grabbed an early 2-0 5-2 to take over the girls' lead, but the free-wheeling league leadership, as Helen visi-tors pumped in six mark- Vanstone's club were handed ers to, register the win. Kerr a 5-2 upset by Linda Brook- again scored twice, while Sleep ing's outfit, to slip to added Pý single and assisted second. Connie Osmonds teamlon the other two. BaU picked defeated Brenda Okels crew up a pair of assists. ln Exhibition with St. M and he was a in the corners, c rubber. Gary McCull lFtv lim irlarkp .fhp nihli,-.r nilf. fmm hphinrll isy jim uiarxe me rubbe-r oui irom. t>enina Bill Osborne launched a the net, and Ben had no chance rocket Saturday night at 17:50 on the play. Brenton Hughes took Bill Osborne's pass !n- o£ the third, enabling Bow- . ý manville Juveniles to gain a sr_-c the blueline, swept in breath-taking 5-5 tie here front, and flipped the puck over a flopping Soden, at 9:59. with St. Michael's Juveniles. With Chascewski sitting out Russell gave the visitors the a holding penalty, John lead early in the final period, Clark's low, screened shot when he tipped the puck be- from 25 feet out eluded So- hind Wright, after Speyer had den and put Bowmanville shot, This goal stirred Bow- aheàà 3-1. manville to their siege of St. Mike's citadel, where Casey Christie launched a point Soden was forced to, make blast, which hit a leg, and sorne fantastic saves. De;pite Cassidy swatted in at 1:07 of the continuous assault on So- the second, slicing Bowman- den by the locals, it appeared ville's lead to one. It took tliat Bowmanville's undefeat- only seven seconds for Brian ed streak was about to be- Hughes to increase the lead come non-existent. to 4-2 as he unloaded a slap For ten minutes, the agile shot from. just outside the 1 Soden plugged the ever wi. blueline. St. lffichael's Chris- dening gap in the St. Mich- tie dropped to block the shot, ael's arinour, as his mates but the puck escaped the large reeled beneath the furious at- defenceman, and the obscured tack, but refused to topple. Soden in the net. Burkett, and Gary McCullough, w-ho play- Heenan combined at : 8, as ed a powerful garne, was vie- Burkett blasted the puck be- timized, twice, his first after hind a 'helpless Ben Thomp-ý bursting in on Soden, only son, from the left si-de of the to have the St. Michaells goal- cage. Heenan slid the puck to le make an unbelievable lung- Burkett after circling the net. ing save on his screaming Russell got his first of two drýve to the bottom corner. for St. Michaels, at 12:25, Gary had another opportun- after Grant Wright replaced ity to, tie the game, only to Ben In the net. Wright had have Soden deflect a whininçr little chance on this one as blast wide of the cage witý Russell belted the rubber be- his glove, after Gary outdis- hind him, after Gary cireled tanced his pursuers. the net. Soden made a beau- Zveri the foot stomping, vo- tifur stick save on Brenton cal encouragement by nearly Hughes near the end of the 400 howling fans appeared to Period, from the left side be as futile as the locals' last about 20 feet out. period heroics, until Bill Os- With the score reading 4-4, borne's guided missile with the stage was set for the fran. two minutes and one second tic final twenty minutes in remaining. Churning up the V,ýhich Bowmanville outsîhot left boards, Bill cut towards the visitors 17-5, but seemed centre sharply as he crossed destined to defeat after Rus- the blueline, and boomed a seips goal at 3:49 loomed low screened backhander into larger as the clock ran out. the bottom left hand corner. The locals concentrated drive The eestatic throng threatened païd off however, and a juloi1% to blow the lid completely off ant crowd saw the boys ex- the arena followin-g this goal. tend their unbeaten streak to Bowmanville swarmed around 22 games on the strength of the St. Michael's end for the Bill Osbornels goal. best part of the final two min- utes, with Alex Wiseman just Around the Rink failing to, steer a rebound be- St. Michael's Soden was tre. hind Soden. mendous in goal, as he hand- Homesters Take Lead led 37 shots during the game, Jim Rickard sent Bowrnan- and almost succeeded in hold- ville into a 1-0 lead at 3:01 of ing the Bowmanville crew at the first, when lie slammed bay during the final twenty the puck home after taking a minutes. John Clarke came up pass from Terry "Jet" Black with another fine game as he from, behind the net. Alex picked up a goal and an as- Wiseman drcw an assist on sist, on a line with Brian I the goal. Ch,,%scewski put the Hughes, and Grant Flintoff. ! isitors on even terms at 9:04 Bryan Hughes played a when he jammed the dise be- strong game, and his second hind Ben Thompson from the period goal was a dandy. Bri- side of the cage. Loftus dug 1 an revels in the rough going, but ame, who last ist,,,ILadies' Major Bowling lar., Bernice Budays bowlers Brock's crew 2-1 and Olli -,ki Yý handed Nora Norris' tearn alPatfield's; pin-spillers climbeý 3-0 setback to incre-ase their out of the cellar by virtue o first place margin la 2-1 upset victory over Dori >den to ' two Joll's team. ; points. The loss pushed the 7,7ski, Norris team, who have been Mary Wilcox rolled a fin lary; shutout twice in a row, deep-,285 game to take high singl «Us, er into the cellar. Dot Brooks' honours followed by Bernic sidy, outfit broke back into the win.Buday (271), Myra Hiopp column a 2-1 decision over1260 and Onie Etcher 257. Ben Onie Etéher's crew. Kay Beau-1 Bernice Buday smashe De- prie's squad dropped a 2-1 out a 720 triple, with othe Co- game to Lola Wrights club,ýhigh totals going to Mary wii ýoth- to remain the only team with- cox 705, Helen Dunn 682 an ton out a win. Em Stringer's team Em Stringer 623. ýugh, downed Donna Preston's bOw- Games of 200 and over: IV. lark, lers 2-1 to stay within tw() Wilcox 285, 223, H. Gilhool lack, points of the leaders. JOyce 211, H. Dunn 253, 251, J. Ba Lyle's team. edged. H'ld3 ker 233, G. Luxton 202, 0. Et cher 257, D. Brooks 204, 204 E. Etcher 225, B. Brown 20E 202, J. Sellers 216, E. Wool ner 204,202, D. Joll 228, 202 LIBERTY W. Bâtes 219, S. Davis 250, 0 Patfield 254, E. Bromell, 212 204, E. Striniger 221, 204, S Bickell 253, D. Preston 204 BOW L LTD. M. King 207, E. Cox 232, M Harrison 206, 200, N. Gay 247 BASE UNE !223, M. Hopps 260, H. Viviay. 205, J. Lyle 226, 223, K. Ste. à%lleys Available phens 216, B. Westlake 213 1. Coverlv 204, H. Brock 226 202, P. Haynes 202, 211, M r lHenderson 220, B. Buclay 271 i255, E. Holroyd 209, S. Brocà 218. 30W LING Teanx Standings P t.ý 4b 2C Bernice Budiay 9 Dot Brooks 7 Lola Wright 7 Em Stringer 7 Hilda Brock 6 Onie Etcher 6 Doris Joll 6 Joyce Lyle ------ 6 Donna Preston 6 Ollie Patfield 5 Kay Beauprie 5 Norma Norris 3ý Averages Onie Etcher 223 Mary Wilcox 210 Dot Brooks 208 Hilda Brock 207 Bernice Budlay 199 Helen Dunn --- _ 19g Kay Beauprie 197 Joyce Lyle 195 Em Stringer 193 Peggy Haynes 189 Norma Gay 189 Doris Joll 188 Pat Bartels 187 Grace Blackburn 186- Lola Wright 1861 Ena Etcher 1851 Donna Preston -- 184 Marg Perris --- - 184 Essie COx 175 Ollie Patfield --- - 18a Norma Norris 183 'Shirley Davis 183 Kay Stephens 182 Audrey Bickell 181 Wilma Bates 180 Helen GilhOOIY -- 177 Babe Brown 177 Marg King 176 Myra Hoppq 175 June Baker 173 Marion Slaght 173 Shirley Bickell 172 Joyce Major --- 171 Mary Harrison 171 Betfy Westlake 171 Bernice Terry 1701 Hellen Vivian 170 J Em Bromell 167 il Gin Ellis -------- 167 ',velyn Embley » 166 ýudrey Osmo nd 166 Tfelen Nickoison 166 ýleanor Larmer 166 7Meen Holroyd 165 13arb Rathgate 165 Vivian Cowan 163 'ý'ally Bissonette 163 Thelma Forrester 162 Sadie Bucknell 162 Hilda Simnick 161 i2 Ber-n,-e Partner ifil ï Jean Sellers _ 161,1 Adults à0c TRIO COTTAS-Amazingly different e POMPOFF THEDY & CO.-Spoin's Royal family of Comedy e GUY THERON & CO. -The finest bicycle act ever developed e FRANK'S RETRIEVERS --Greatest retrieving act in sport show historye JIMMY RISK and NORMA-Sensational horseshoe pitching ai its best e 808 HAWTHORNE-World's casting champion e THE SLICKERS-- The most populor performing seuls ever a WAMBOLDT SISTERS & PETERS BROTHERS -Combine for exciting cas of log roiling and canoe tilting e SQUARE DANCING- Guy and colourful e GO-KART RACING- ,A thrill-a-minutel Wommues Twice Daily (Except Suacloy) 2.15 pm. and LIS pm Prices--ivemings and Scthrdoy afteracons-Ail Sauts Roserved iceserved Secits $1.25-Box Seuls $1.75 Plus Admission ta Building- Aduits 50e [on advanced solesonly) Children 250 Admission go Buildings Only-Aduits 75e, Children 25é Admission ticket Inclucles karkies Fines! Springlime I"hibillor-Seven pecit sbm la me--bMnp q« from Il am go Il p.m. (Daily except Sunday) Fer c"rMi« tickets, wrîte («closing cbeq» ne au" éçàr) tu 1 N Avdanadian Natbml 8p*tmerý Show tâfli COLISEU#4. lotob THMDAY, FEB. 25th, IM ONTARIO 1 ITown League Hockey 191 Poor Mileage Canto Be Your Fault OPEN E EVERY BAY Phone MA 3-5663 ADMISSION Children 35e - Spectators 10e Adults 50e Children 25e New Car Sales are above ail expectations conseciuentir we have a good celection or A-1, reconditioned, tuaranteed USED cÀ&Rç Turnover of these used cars han also been abové averate. If you are lnterested lu a cood Used Car BOW 18 thO «Eue tO contact One of Our salesmen. NAPANEE AIMUSSION Aduits - 7se Children - ne 1