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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 3 Mar 1960, p. 6

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TH AAINSTATESMAN, BOWMANVILZONTARIO TUSA.MW ance when one has to dig, therei sn'tabidanue!te drtbotm cley, Recent Meetigsoean tmI aale i -s mking Friends As with kb day for water and coat Soon s utayahel hnischtleeon we shall grumible at too much * Iasdthre air odeesia, ee oe n ~e mud, but neyer mind the vv in Diras andtcardainas lc f akt e n on~ Sets ~ ~ ~ Road ~ ~ month of Spring is nearly here cdar axns v re los ono when the discomforts of Win- B>' ELSIE C. LUNNEY We bought a 50-1b. sack of, daila e lla orfin( O iti elwsrl Clarry ons $ 75, 00fRoly udgetby Thé Globe and Mail 'lhave had ol nodVSttm culycre ome day until then The binoculars on our table a few days, we had from five from the n a ohh n are las much a part of the to fine blue jays, an 0rNw, I hv heaesIwr iapitdbcu Sam e A m ount as Lasf 'leur aIUAYndknives andI forks. In fact, increased to Il. Don't sayI day. As Iae'ottefe adised~ ii Township Council at their1 bullt-up areas are as inipor- that they were paying for the cussion Council agreed that wenmasoso i cn meeting on Wednesday, Feb.1 tant as other Township roads. new machine thîs year. The some parts of the by-law con- JMSH O! th tihem u tinwhgedring foere 17th, passed the Road Budget j The Reeve asked if nothing budget, said Reeve Walkey, tradicted othes. iMr. RiddeU h ihs rgtig inr f for the year 1960. The total was to be done in oi]ing this was $75,000 whîch was the was asked to have the neces- Thn'ahocre t~ Te tc n he window in amaghe budget was set at $75,000 with year to wvhich Councillor Stone same as last year. saycagsmd n htmnilo us , Fletafld tin he indo amwrin th a supplementarv budget pro- answered that no oiling was In the supplementary by- At then be brought before 23rd, in Memorial Hospital bas ih sniewhih If ahe wri posed of $104,700 of' which ir.cluded this year. a an amount of $6,000 wa coundil at the next meeting followving a short illness, offeeders aned ewo the ird $90,000 is for the CNR Over- Councillnr Dent then stated set aside for construction when it would be given the fehrneTtmon o ed es tandhvetheid peet in, pass in the south of the Town. that it seemed a shame to let which was a carry-over fromn thirdi reading in which theCatherraine Thmoblvdtestanav their feetchin ship. the s!xth une silde after hav- 1959. ~~Reeve Walkey stated Hall is to be held in trust b ieo ae .Byc aieadterbace The breakdown on the bud. ing done so mucb work in im- that with the regular budget the Township of Clarke for Courtice. ovrou nr kwn.aty get is as follows:Simpson side- proving it. It is possible to and the supplementary the to- the Police Village of Orono. Aduhe fMs aemyms fyudntso road $1000; Prime and seal inilose ail we have gained, he tai aounted to $90,200 as The reeve, H. E. Walkey, askcd d auhtrofMr iane matyomis ifre d'o nd tasto Villages, $1500; Bridges andisaid. Deputy-reeve Savery compare to $91,000 in 1959. that the Police Trustees ex- Tosnadtclt ila1wa o r on rdtk Culverts, $15,000; New Ma-isaid that if the money was There is also an amount of ap- press their willingness to hav Thomson, the deceased was a look. For instance, right now &RA chine and overhaad, $22,000; flot available, what are youl proximately $90,000 for the the Hall held in trust for bon at Mothreilsownd he crinis teryeinrail Gravel, grading, etc., $13,500;!gOing Vo do. Councillor Dent CPR overhead bridge in tth h em.ind192.A siarried anadlasgow his crirson gry anincred-h Weed Spraying, $3,500; Cal-I aso asked that consideratinn south of the Township of which A lett r from the Orono for 12 years, she had lived in sun shinîng on him. AUE ATBTTR cium for dust, $3,000- Wintep be given this year to the the Township will assume an Police Trustees requested that this area for Il. years. She was One morning, I saw fourFUL Conrol $8000 MiorRepairs,! washout that was apparentiv amount of less than $5,000. the Tows.pofCrk a-amebrfth Pebye-eaepnegseas te $1,000 Superintendent, over- growing on the road by R. The Reeve then asked COUn- cp taprcl o ad nt e mÇhro h e ebte-first w e g badti easonhe.I o. O head, $6,000. MacDon-ald's north of the Stli cil svhat action they ished north of the Village for the Another day, it was three fe-ý lire. The Reeve stated th--s on the haîf-ton truck. The policeTute.I a oe eie e ubn h male purpie finches. The CoucilorDet qesiondjwould be looked into duringcierk said that the Township that there was a possibility of leaves a son, William.mae ofbt ths species the amount of $1500 for primel the road inspection,.a nabto ih qez etdiln nti rpry ansdin a bit of a tight scKune2e test drilling on thisStonecrte. Aso survivin- are lber mo- are a beautiful rosy red and! dal and Orono. He said thi- The Reeve asked the clerk,ths er. Cuclo SoeTe property is now owned ther in Scotland; a sister, Mrs. a flock of maie birds is a sight~ ETBY-SV 5 OAC that th far tnl2 te. roohadjH. E. Milison, bow the road suggeted ait the truck be by the Department of High- Victor Willis, of Toronto, and to behold.1 ETB SV 15 MO tha th Vllae fbOondgaet this yeir wntldaffL-ot used fýor running around 10- \ays and is contaned in the see itrs and two brothers I'm hoping it will be like et eat 2 prcet f te s-the m'Iii rate. Mr. Milison re- cal'y od that the Council pa.v aren south andnoth0fth SotLn.tecs fte adnl B se s t 0erent of the ntre To nipîed 'tbat it would not in car mileage for out of the C m tr and o h th e a yoaefc utn the situa- PKG.. ship and that it shouid as', h iirt. eddTwsprus nrfrigoid h--ghwny used to ruii. The funeral serviceW5tinfsthn ruhthrlef othe2r built up areas receivcisay however that other thingslt te mnypoie h onillor Dent supported tleheld at the- McIntosh Funeralhubdtenet ayTe som potio o th Tonshowre coming into the pictu ecek iopinted out that the request but there did cxist the Homne at 2 p.m. Friday, Feb. pair have been regular vîsi-' BEST BUY- SAVE 4c HEINZCOE Roacl budget. He stnted th2t which could increase the miii Township had a direct pay- question f hether the Policel26, fohiowecd by interment intosveydyin. otherroadsin th Townmentiwh onhthe dnew grer on lTruste ouid accept th'd Mout gLa nCemetery. *Rev.i We lenve the apples on our oter ads i o tn t the T o anship 'ate t is yr e tar.hcf they di n t e eve prtion twhie-h w as outsid'i Der.k Allen, m inister of St. w Id tr e an th s ae an15 O .f thin h ad t he-u r as ibuthe! n cb ei n r the M lio n Hb dget thawns yCoui l D e n the stated action w as taken on the re- conducted the services. tto t e t r m n ee.we e as i p rt n a heoutsC un i ogrtased iite a ynu s yandlmis of t e il ge o n l' r sb t ri nCh r h.ataci n. Bre w sa t 1 I ieot erha d t e on s n a ncd ed s inom th rond budgettatite o ude i the l sgame quet.The pallbearers were Gea. for the birds a year ago, we BEST BUY - SAVE 9c - "NEW "! HA IT N and efes informdai t was.ritu erantiona ist e ni ga- The Council appointed the Lowe, Teno Catto, E'ougi-as couid aiways count on the CHICKEN NOODLE -CHICKEN IHRC and referi in tet cn t reimeerond th t rpairs ouI, e fp three Orono Police TrUstecs Burley, Allen Wilson, J. Rek- apples to attract cedar wnx-ý and s eniin eithreeScentes toon ret.'endwoe far to a Board to handie the af- ker and Joseph Micaliff. wings, evening grosbeaks, ti e r C uîlrSone toofgeat.e" re we acrifiing fairs of the Co mimunity Cen- chikndees, tree sparrows, and j2 mcntone ifthe one wa safety and efficiencv for a tewe ti omd not available the work couid fraction of a miii" stated trusiness purpled so eie 2n rsbas not be done. Dent. Councillor Foster said The Rond Superintendent, C. Buiesi etr prl inces and red pos. op In referring to Vie Rond1 that if the truck was not safe Stapieton, reported to Coun- A year âgo Februarv, how-~ Committee report and budgetl to drive to Toronto then it cil that they were stîli îîaving £ O nf n y evier, a large flock of abouti BEST BUY - SAVE 6c 251l.Bg 18 - ~it was pointed out that the wasn't safe to drive on the trouble with the snow plow tC Dinianc 40 cedar wnxwings descend- 4.,, Committee was endeavour-ITonhip ronds. Stone said if whîch is mounted on the new - go on our trees in a two-day F v ~ s s7B j _ _ _ _ 5cenu ýlyl"lpr cnieigpr-gae n urhrsi ha tosagtcenn f number of jobs wvhich lover chasing a new truck then they appeared that the pîow waýs Certified Public Accountant fruit. Till then, nature handj F IO Uràb the pnst yeRr have not been should do it now. A sum of far too light for the worîk it 93 Church Street been a good supplier. Now wei conipleted. No new construc- $2500 wns added to the sup- had to do. He aiSo stated tant MArket 3-3861 felt responsible. ETBY-SV 4c- HIR tion of any size is inciuded plementnry budget for the three new steerings had al- WM. J. H. COGGINS So we bought suniflower' BS BU -SAE4 -SIR F'SF KE in the program of work. Coun- purchase of a new haif-ton ready been placed in the mn- Chartered Accountant seeds and sprend themn with fj cillor Stone sid lhe wouid have truck. This must meet with chine and that the snow plow Second Floor brend crumnbs on a board.ian PG liked to sce something donc the approval of thc Depart- company seemed to be back- New Library Building This became buricd in snowl I s a t Pc ' LJon the Sixth line hili îvhieh ment of Hîghways. ing out hy lnyîng some of the Cor. King and Temperance Sts. and we put out another. B efl u and veu' was at trnes in the winter Mr. W. J. idl then 'Met baeo the. oprtr.The PheM rkt361 spring the assorted boards BST UY- AV 12 -SMOI had o raelovrH e wasug wthouth cyl a endugedtht upnteeytigws intpcer- -IINTER& CO.i te e rswse 3S U A E1c-S baickwardstogiveyou eest d that they contact the tbey give the thîrd rending to keep after the Company YALE, FRIEDLANDER up by a flood.weunpicsLB 7 7 sce if the approach at 115 and Odd Fellows' Hall as a Cern- fect working order. Accountants and Auditors of fat, bones and a turkey TINa the sixth could not be irnprov- munity Hall under the corn- Mr. Lynil Lowery was ap- 6iesdTutci nkutycras n ntn foc srieed. mnt ete Act. He stated pointed Wnrbie Fly Inspector 64 King St. E. RA 5-1621 sional visitors, we now hnd erieReeve Wlky stated that' nt yC tetresurdcagshd o h onhp Oshawa, Ontario daiy conpany - the irresist-FETR - VE2 We always deOour best to he wvns intcrested Vo sce what been written in but that the Councillor Dent entered a F riedar B. Coral, C..A. ibaiery oodckes, ourte I' give Our policyholders fast, is o happen on the 6th and new debd had flot been pre- notice of motion th3t lhe in- dadr .CmCPA aiywopces orte toog nua7th in connection wîth the pared. He said that he would tended in the near future to MONTEITH -_ MONTEITH sparrows and four blue jnys.1i. ( J elwethyned ju. - Counties. Counciior Stone see that this was done imme- recommend that Council asic RIEHL & CO. A view of a rcnlly exten- (7/'resh -9)rod1 u J se hnte edi.I adhe would like to sce diateiy and that it was pro- that the Wiirnot Creek system Chartercd Accountants sive fceding station fixed uTuPk. ,ý you're thinking about pro- something donc on the 5th perly signcd. Mr-. Riddell then be included in the Central 135 Simncoe St. N., Oshawa by Mri. and Mrs. Sam Dcwei TROPIC BEAUTY - GOLDEN RIPE tection for your family, ine wcst of Orono to which -asked taat the third readingf Lake Ontario Conservation RA 5-3527 in Hampton, five miles northFAUE-SV 3 .p Councillor Dent agreecd and be given at this meeting in Authority. The Wilmot systemn Bowmanville of us, spurred me on. I par- 1 xIs a Call-anytimeli,< thing shouid be donc in con- through with the other proce- portant system within th2 Partners: which tbc chiekadees andI~ .D MT' nectiori with Vie approaches dures. We have already been Township and he feit it should Hon. J. W. Monteith, F.C;A. woodlpeckers lovcd. This was; BN ÀN Vo the bridge. held up for a number of ho included ini Vie Authority. A. B. Monteith, B. Com., C.A. -a bu-ch log, four inches inil Councillor Dent also cern- montbÈ, he said. Deputy-rccvc He pointcd out that this Au- G. W. Riehi, C.A., R.I.A. diarneter and about a foot and'. mentcd that the fourth line of Savcry and Councillor Stonelthority had alre2dy launched (Lîcensed Trustee) a hall long in which Mr.; M9oz a Clarke west of 115 wns rcndv stated that the third rendingl a large projeet which xiii cost G. E. Trethewey, C.A. Dewell bad bored holes and 21s 5 for prime and seal and that It couid not be given until the a sum of $70,000. He aiso re- R. F. Lightfoot, C.A. attached littie perches be- uuunm should be donc. The rond su- ncw decd was drawn and ferred to the pressing need for ro ac ath. or ufthend suspndth TD MOTDFAUE -SV STU R . J E perintendent feit that the rond agniri prescnted to Council. High School accommodation C]LIPRE LUA A IA'L~was in condition for such a Councillor Dent then statcdlin Clarke Township and asked hlo iic ~g from. a bmnnch by a lea- 1 For RED & WHITEN INSURANCE REAL ESTATE, poject. Dent was al'so doubt- that the changes that bad if Councili shouldfo'gv .EDthAN,»* Ver thong or cord through maiÀraH O INS - 2 2cT A B C fui that the budg-et should be been made stililcft the by-Iconsideration to this problem. Chiropractor This year, we wcnt at the CIP LRD XR AGE-P!'Bg1eOFPC KIng St. E. Bowmanville kcpt at the same level as lnst law conflicting in the variousi No action was taken by Couni- Office:-bird fccding ide- inTRArLARGE ycnr and wondcred if the parts. Ater considerabie dis- ci.-Timnes. 15 Eign St.dcor f HorsyiSt.. . f ___ E1L ElRiY HtEAcRrToS 25r 60 BAG Office Residence Township could carry on this __ hn A350 nd bave built a feeder whîch q yer ih h a* mun fie or: yAp.nmn resembles a fair sizcd bird, MA 3-5681 "NA 3-5493jycaf wi tey s a e arn ount A fic or:B Apitethouse but is open at two NUTRITIOUS - FRESH54 co m one alsoptye. ot -E W Ty IL E .ends. This we fnstcned on a ____ ___ cilor toneais poi tcdo ut M essrs. Bruce W atters and ope hospital with a broken crossalpolo a cth e do w nth cB O C L -mi.29F AT R- SA E e Jas. Hanna of Eiiott Lake leg. DR. W. M. RUDELL, D.D.S. bricks, rat.her than digging a FRFSH - ITAI IH-1 , oi a A E I K E spent the wcekend with the On Tbursday evening in the Office: Jury Jubilee Bldg,,s. hale. F16 OZ. JARRIH 1 o. BO MANVILLE momer's grand parents Mr. height of the snow stormi a- 4 King St. W. Bowmanville - *2 and M FordmoSetBrueOffice_______SPIil c J 3-5589 Mr nd Mrs Wiiis Farrowmong the many folk strandedOfie ousSa s MAare flot enjoying the best of tehighwutaynwasoev. losed Snturday and Sunday henlth and aeune ted C RteMr.Rteradsn Office Phone - MA 3-5790 TRIS THURS., R1. AN» SAT. to i- are ue c Charles. Because of the~ intens- House Phone - Newcastle 3551 N e R c r 2 a i Mrs. Fred Moore DU SAT.ity of the storm adtedevel- $5ew ARecordil at M.adMs rdMoeopment of car trouble, Mm. Rut- DR. E. W. SISSON ýQa ih - (at 7 and 10 p.m.) and famnily of Port Granby ter felttlhe could go no father. L.D.S., D.D.S. 171 have movcd to their xiew home Tbey sought and found accom- Office in bis home iue, PiNOik-4NnAMET-- One-A-Day Brand 300 A.S.A. Tablets- 59e0 Regular C'hurch Service was MISS APIIA I. HODGINS pereetda nrae0 97" OL Mulipl Vtamnu VacumBotle-- 9e The sympGthy of the corn- held at 10 a.rn. on Sunday the Barrister, Solicitor pecnt over the 1958 net in-' F LI r *ow els Mulipl Viamis Vcuu Botle ----- - 9e munity is cxtended te Miss 28th. There. was a vei-y good Notai-y Pubiic corne of $21,062,315.1 500 Milk cf Magnesia Donna Porter in tht. pnssing congregation and Rev. A. w. Temperance St. - Bowmanville Fordof anSale ased ic sed a USRLA 1.49 - 2.75- 4.49 - 8.75 Tablets 98o of ber father at a Peterboroughi Harding was in charge. E. RICHARD LOVKIN Fosrd of Ctnadamadrke oas-' S la.. Deep Haliborange 1.25, 2.10, 3.65 ej Reid of Ouoea is reiieving at A very pîcasant innovation U.E., B.A., LL.B. senger cars and trucks sold in2LBCLL 5 Bnthe school. was the attenclance of the Wel- Box 9, Newcastle Canada in 1959. Heet Scott's Emulsian 1.00. 2.00 Gay M. and Mrs. D. F. Cameron camne Company of Boy Scouts Phone Newcastle 2246 New passenger cars sold by 98e Wampoles Extract 1.59, 2.75 $1.00 lof Belleville witb Mi-s. G. W. and Cubs with their leaders. Consultation by appointment Ford of Canada dealers last ( BIRDS EYE - O.Ti -- Halibut Oul Jones on MonCay. Among the Cuhs xveip several oniy. _ year accountcd for 30.3 per- 7nAEE - -Fr infra Capsules 1.15, 2.29, 4.29 Analgesle Mu-s. Ceeil Buriey bas 'ieen boys frorn Mor-isb alf looking W. KAY LYCETT, B.A. cent of total registrations of 7 roz85 G u. M Rub Mulcin -- 1.95, 3.25, 5.50 Balai spending a few deys with Mr-. vcry smnart in their uniformrs. Barrîster and Solicitor oreth 27.c5 tpecart 2in> 135 Paramettes 2.00, 3.50, 6.00 75c aners. uEai-e MeEwan of Organist Mrs. Helen prHo-R.In thellffico oprdwt 75pretin( ' ID Y 2O.Pg _________________!Peterborough._______On Sunday tbey had arranged a speciai i--r R.NR.wadduckQ.C. 198, heFsrd. (7 ood B H KDE1)-0Ea. ýbrought Mu-s. Buricy bome. gi-arn, aise a ladiles choir. A Main Street, Orona, Onaie rcssî i or 5 65c Lifebuci' Shave Cream 73e Wlldroot Creain 011 Recernt visittrs xith Mr. and duet, "The Church in the Wild cfCanadaedealersf intl1959 ______________________________________ Flashllght Free 43e Cream 011 Free Mrs. Andircw Reichrath were Wood", was sweetîy e lE g r y a er 20.5peruc cf o ma- 98c rls Toth ast 79 VamHai Drsslg M-. nd Ms. as.Adns ad Msse Joa an Ruh Mi-yn, Ameica tyeegisktrcat-iHERSsRDofIPNorthIT Mr. aungisbJas.Adgmeans assean regadiRtations f orh TOREE' NEARDANYOU og rikTot Pse 79 amHirDesig Robei-t Jeffu-ey of Toronto; Mr. A children's bymen, "I amn se SADIE HAMILTON - ORONO pared with 20.1 percent in '~ vni 1 -Flashlight Free 49e Vain Free an-d Mrs. Percy Greenficld of glad that my Father in Heav- Phone 1 r 16 1958. Bowmarville: Mi-. Robert Mc- e", together with a short Fist Mortgage Funds Unit sales by Vie compnny -OM N IL tubes Colgates Faste 990 2 tubes Listerine Faste 79o Mu0rchyof HilLsui-g andTVIans stry toid y Mi-. Hrding be SENORACE CEA o STCK 15 Croch ath of ort fore tac se rn adiagmcm- Rsdne ars adissbidaisc e O M N IL m .T We---- aul ve ry sofo-yteHerforabtelemnmdea e- Business Properties passenger cars, trucks and SETO ANECRAof SIC th5 e aeunfvey ortnate ac oin service on tais me~rtractai-s, in Canada and over- MAPLE GROVE - M pe rN roeei wvhich overtook Mu-. Keith Bur- £ ices f91pretoe icy on Thuu'sdny. Wh'cn Keitb Snda Scoolxva bedSa V ~~~~~Il a.m. There xvas an increase KEITH A. BILLETT, O.D. 1958.KN SW Y UPR M KE wa n is ayoaed trcamtou in attendance- 43 wei-e i-- Optornctrist Unit sales cf new cars,KIGS. E ' 3-56 D M U _ ___ ___ ahierHeng tu inarous- sent. Mu-. George Hai-n2ss sup 141 King St. E. - Bowmnnviile trucks and tractors, includingKNG T.-E T0FTW E V~~W TRUSSES Heigotetfhe is car ings ermntend:nt conducted and one Office Hours: By appointment imuports, by the :ornpany, jinC SOC ons M reei PHONEri if there was anything he couid to eehhurte -3-22 Cnpa oaid 2,2,a ORONO C MA -559 D UG STORE RSE1JneHrs. ___________________________________a_9_______te 5 p.m. Tecornnany's formaI re- Blyth'KMarke ________a______________________________the______ Snow is vcry benutiful, but Wedncsdys: 9 ta 12 port ta S' '"ýeholdera will be, sul " heisnow ia Pqr o nmch cmn b. a real nuis- Thursday eveninga Ma"ii< n Mar&i PAGE SIX nnZV #%AWIVAVvà- %fi

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