THUIRSDAY, MAR. 3rd, 1060 THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVMLLF. ONTARIO -Mrs. Fred Knox bas return- ed frorn an enjoyabie boiiday i.n Arizonia. Mrs. Knox travel- led by 'plane. \Irs. Wesley T. Cawker has returned froin St. Petersburg, Floridia whcre she vacationed with ber sister, Mr. and Mrs. M. J. Tambl3n. \Ir. and Mrs. Ron Parker, Doug and John spent tbe weeker2d with Mrs. Parker's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Sm ith of Simcoe, ont. Mr. and Mrs. Norval Hodg- son and Deborah, Scarborougb; Mr. and Mrs. Ahex Malanuclk and Lyrnda, Toronto, werc Sun- day guesîs of Mi-. and Mrs. Jack Cbiids, Scugog Strcet. Friends gathercd aI Mrs. Ed Rundle's Sunday evening 1< honor ber wit*b a surprise par- ty on the occasion of ber 1211 Lcap Year bi-thday whicb fell on Monday, February 291h. Mr-. and Mrs. L. W. Luffman. Jobnny and Leslie, and Mr. Jini McDonald have returnec -froni a thnee-week visit with Mrs. Luffrnan's moîber, Mrs. Eva Roberts in Tarpon Springs, Floridia. Congratulations to Mi-. J. W. Miller, King St. East, and Mr. Harry Allun, Edsall Ave., who celèbrated their birthdays or Tuesday, Mancb ist. Il was MVr. Miller's 851h birlbday and 82nd for Mr. Allun. Councillor Keilh Lathangue, chairman of t(he roads and streets comiiltce, Thomas K. Stewart, superintendent of tbe department of works, and John Gcboers, the works foreman, altended the Good Roads Con- vention held at the Royal York IRolel, Toronto, last wcck. Congratulations to Mr. Jesse Arnes of Palmer Motor Sales who reccntly won the Chrysîci- Master Sahesmian Award for the third successive year. A presentation was made to Mr. Aies by the Toronto zone manager, Mr. Art Hcrald, at their convcntion i Peterbor- ough hast week. Hockey enthusiasts, particu- larly Juvenile fans, who are xiot able to make the trip to Collingwood th.s eveninig (to- night) wiil be able te hear the game broadcast over Station CKLB toniigbt (Tbursday) aI 8:30 p.rn. the gener- osity of Sitih Beverages and PLobson Motors Limiled who anc co-sponsors of this broad- Cast. > ~.and Mrs. Denver Daw- so ~ebrated their 301h wed- inW nniversary Sunday, Feb- ruai-y 28th., wben their famuly presented theni wiîh lovely gifts. Dinner guest were dau- -ghterrs Mardi; Mr. and Mns. 7 __Fred HunIer (Donna) and their thnee children Karen, Stephen and Michael, Wcston; and Mn. and Mrs. Bruce Riley (Barbai-a) of Toronito. Friends and relatives honor- ed Mr. and Mrs. Mirtt Harrison, Brown Street. last Sunday with a dininer party at "The Acres" on the occasion of Ihei- 25th wcdding annivcrsary. In the evening other relatives and fricnds, unable to attend the dininer, ealied at Vte Harrison home to offer thei- corngratu- lations and best wishes. Mn. and Mns. Harrison were the recipients of many hovely gifîs. Guests, other tihan those fri the Bowmanville ai-ca, wbo at- tendied the Geroux-Shane wed- ding in St. George's Anglican i- Church, Oshawa, on Saturday, yFebruary 2th., were Mr. and 1- Mrs. John Clar-ke, Port Hope, Mn. and Mis. David Kilpatrick, sOrono; Mrs. Garland Corby, yOshawa; Miss Mac Dumont, d Parry Sound; Mn. and Mrs. Harfrod and family, Toronto; Mri. and Mrs. William Longbot- tom, Wbitby. The London Lite Insurance sCompany recently announced tthe appointment of Albert W. Anderson as Vice-President and Secretary. Mr. Anderson was born in Bowrnanviile and is the son of the late Mr. and Mrs. C. H. Andersonh His fa- ther aI one lime operated a gcnt's clolhing store in the pre- mises now occupied iby Sted- 1man Store and was a Lieut.- Col, witb the 136th Battalion during World War 1. Police Chief Bernard R. Kit- ney wiil give an address des- cribing the work of the Bow- manville Traffic Clinic on Sun-1 day aftjernýoon aI 3:15 o'clock - 1in St. Josepb's Hall. Chief Kit-c incy will explain ail aspects of1 the subjecrts covered ini the Traffic Ciinic and tbe valuable information that is given 10 rnotorists. It is hoped tflat there will be a lange attend-t ance, and parents in particular are urged to be present. Bowmanville women with interesting hobbies are high- lighling the new "What's Newt WVith You" colunin in Chatel-t aine magazine. In Ibis monîh'sc issue Dr. Doris Tremeer is fea-s tured..Dr: Tremcer's hobby ofs spinning tbc combings from1 Ibein Samoyed dogs for makingj knitted gannients is well knownt locally. The iniformation for9 tbis article was also forwardeda by Mrs. Roy Lunncy and thiec acconpanying photo is the work of bier nep'hew, Mr. Bobt Carruthers.L Mr. Elmer Banting of Brook-v d'aie Kingsway Nurseries was1 in Toronto tbis week whereg hie attendèd the Caniadian As-c sociation of Nurserymen con- f vention at the King EdrwardE Hotel. Watching "Country Cal- endar", over TV channel CBLTz hast Sunday we werc pleassant-C iy sunprised to sec Mr. Banting L appear witb "The Gardiner", ' Mr. Eanle Cox. Mr. Banting, P Mr. George of Do-M wnham Nursery and a thi-d ti nurseryman were discussinga the problenis and pilfalîs of i the uninformed wbcn purchas-a ing nursery stock. Some valu- a able advice was given for pur- I chasers. No one can say wc bavcn'l had an "Old Fashioned Win- ber". To us aduits bbc snow be- cornes jusb a nuisance afler bbc first îorning glimpse o! bbc beautiful snowy transforma- lion. But ta bbc "young fi-y" it is heaven. The mounds o! pihed snow become "Alps" and tbcy climb laboriously Vo Vie tops and stand on Vie pcaks- king, or qucen, of ahh Viey survcy. Even Ibis wribcr remembers doing th rame thing. Until lasI ycan we had very littie snow yeaT afler ycar, for several wintiers and bbc kids who bad slcighs, Iobaggans and skis hef± by Santa could onhy look aI theni. So wbilc wc aduits may bave inconveniences and dis- coinforts fi-ni bbc stornis, ict's think a little o! tbc yougslers delight and watc'h their happy play. Heck, that slippery walk bomne doesn't seemn so bad a!- ber ail. nhe Fcbruary issue of bbc REHOBOTH CHRISTIAN REFORMED CHURCH Scugog Street, Bowmanville MORNING SERVICE - 10:00 a.m. - English EVENING SERVICE - 7:30 p.rn. - Dutch Sunday School irnrediately after Sunday morning service. "Back To God Hour" Broadcast CKLB, Oshawa, at 3 p.m. every Sunday 8:30 a.m every Sunday, CFRB --------- Trinity United Church Minister-Rev. Wm. K. Housiander, B.A., B.D. Organist-Mr. Arthur Collison, Mus. B., L.R.S .M. ia.n. - MORING WORSHIP ~"'The Lord Looketh on the Heari" 7 prn. - EVENING WORSMP "Why Are We Called Proiestants?" SUNDAY SCHOOL DEPARTMENTS 11:00 - Nursery - Beginners 11:20 arn. - Kindergarten - Primary 12:10 p.rn. - Junior, Intermediate, Senior EVERYONE WELCOME 'cS caI & tersonza/ ~ Phone MA 3-3303 M. J. Elliott Again Heads ýP.U.C. for '60 should realiy have been given, for her understanding patience while hydro business had kept him away froni their home so much. In ciosing he stressed thel importance of Hydro aste "lifeblood of our provinces economy", and suggested, that ail members of Hydro. both -»T nucd from page one) Iaiutn o$4733,werce cial Police had a busy year nsbip between Ro s s passcd. ini 1959. Corporal Gordon M. and ahl our members, Tenders for the supply of Keast is the Commanding 0f- found in the words of material an-d installation of a ficer of the 14 constables of :n, "The only way to 12 inch relief sewcr on Park Ibis unit which polices four friend is bo be one." Strcet, froni Duke bo Liberty townships, Danlinglon, Clarke, 'hai-man, Mr-. Pfaff then St. were rcceived as follows: Cartwright and Manvers, and on James S. Duncan, Airex Construction Co., the 834 miles of road if this an of Ontario Hyds-o, Georgetown, $2,456.00; Ai-n- district. ress bis thougbts on bbc strong Bros., Brampton, $1,- In 1959 there were 275 re- td service of Mr. 897.25. The conîract for th.,s, portable accidents, and 322 flow in this 151h ycar work was awarded Armistrong non-reportable accidents. A 'mmrissioner of Ontario Bros., Brampton, at a total non-reportable accident is one cosl of $1,897.25. with damnage of less than $109, Duncan pointed out Preliniinary plans for tbc no injuries, and not a bit and ýss SI-ike bad outiast- Sewage Treatment Plant Ex- i-un accident. Accidents of this ee chai-mca and four tension were studied and a type are investigated by the sioners, and had in fact new system. of sludge disposal O.P.P. but a report is not sub- longer on tbc Commis- known as the Atomized Sus- mitted byr theni. The report. an anyone except Sur pension Technique was dis- abe :accidents for the previous Beck. hiniseif, "and cussed. The manager reported ycar were 233 and the non- by the pace he main- that the consulting engineers, reportable accidents in 1958 .e is quite prepared to Proctor & Redfern, ai-e in- were 262. r the ahi-lime endur- vestigating this sysîci, and a There were 13 fatal acci- record." Mr. Duncan full report will be on band dents in 1959, and 16 people cd by staling that Mi-. at the next meeting. wcre killcd. Ia 1958 Ihere ,was considei-ed "the were also 16 people killed, ,Oe of public opinion" S but there werc 14 fatal acci- îrio Hydro, and a man * I l i dents. SI-angely enough the içÇed public service and number of persons injured in work above self-inclul- accidents in the district was and personal gaini and esneiboh 15ad cd by saying "This I M enthe sai14e in bolh 195a nd 'e is the secret of Ross19814inecyar sundoubted success."- (Continued frorn page one) - Officers of the Bownian- low Bowmanvîlle cili- the different counîries o! tbe lvileD60achae ofth 1959,P i. J. "Mult" ElliotI, East. He said too Ibat there wlai 19chelaid 19597 tiB of Bowmanville P. is a gi-caler interest in w hires.In 195 heclaid g,84 hlo>wed Mr. Duncan as fare than Viere bas eî-icargùnes. n th e harges rand started bycx- the past, and Vie nbieen ladudo « Hgwy rf naîePP- fic Act num-bcrcd 1,100. There 9wbere Bowmanvillc ulation of many lands are de- were 165 charges laid under id pointing out that ils manding a better standard Of the Liquor Conî-ol Act, and cf suburbs wcre OsIt- living. 11udrteCiia oe id Toronto. Mr-. ElliotI The speaker picturcd the hare i under irCi mina oe It Ross Slrikc had been enormous longing for educa- CharesAuolai uneci-miai table b Bownianville lion among the under-privil- 4Code Auto.Tficse ctlaied had to Ontario Hydro. eged masses of Easter-n peo- cing1959. Thaiee inde ýribed bow Mi-. Strike plc. He told of the sacrifices changes of rnpar drivingil n Bowrnanville's."fi-st parents are willing to make dicuncen drivingdrivuspngsin, frorn 1932 b h1936, and in~ order that Ibeir children liece a ne upnin sn a member of the may receive an education, and ec .U.C. for 28 years, and asscrîed that many men and In 1958 there werc 1,585 ah o! this lime ils woîen are laking advantaýge charges laid under tbc High- in1. of ail opportunîties foi- aduit way Traffic Act. Those laid dueed His Divots çducation. under the Liciuor Contrai Act nk wtb il teseen- Childi-en in Ibese count-ies were 120, and Ihere were 10 records as described anc cager to leara, Mi-. Bei- chargCoes lid u5. ndrVi e mm Duncan and myscîf, nett said. He bold of bow they thecodres 9 la thalerh esenl -acluarial tables welcome any chance o! bcing ndr.h taugt 1 rcd ad wite Crirninal Code Auto Traffic ed revision wilh regard agtoredndwi, and section nunibered 39. average length of ser- rua happily to school. uîiliîy comm'issionerse A vole of thanks on behaîf Fines irnposed in 1959 ai- EllotI Hewen ~of all present was lendercd 10 ounled bo $17,970, while those ribe how bunrdneds o! Mr-. Bennett for bis excellent irnposed ini 1958 totaled $23,- ,ville cilizens had ben- address, by L. W. Dippeli, 734- through Ross Slrike's principal o! Bowmanville as superinlenident c) High Scbool. L United Church Sun- As part of tbc celebrabion nol; bis work with Ro- of the Laynien's Weekcnd atlL gion ieam id the Fýreernasons, and Trinity United C'burch the 'r syrnpathelic advice I Sunday morning service was smany friends, and conducted- by Earl Osborne.W isT o h y ever beard one de- occasion was Ralph Wilson, L ry reniai-k about Ross, B.Sc., Toronto, who spoke For t-'îst. Euchre "and Ibis was froni eloquently on the Iopic "You snskeepcr o! bbc OsIt- Are Called." At a general meeting of .f Club sorneyears ago. Mn. Wilson, a graduate en- Branch 178 of Vie Canadian r, since Iben, Ross had gmneei, and Bachelor of Sci- Legion lasI Tbursday il was bbch size of bis divoîs, ence, bas given up bis pi-o- decided 10 sponsor a Pee Wec smoi-e Iban made up fession-al career bo devote aIbasebali team on motion by y bis prowess as skip his lime 10 men's work in re- Ross McKnight seconded byl ligion. He is bbc Secrelary of Jack Knighî. This tearn will bebiaîf of myseif and the Board o! Men of the Un- bae inaddtion 10 tbe Batan ile of Bowmanvillc, ited Churcb of Canada. Basr eba Lem whîch prlaed would like bo add Ibis There was also a large aI- udrte eincoosls bo alh the others for tendance in bbc evening ait season and will do s0 again i ycai's o! devoted pub- Ti-inily United Cburch for the 1960. !ce 10 your own îown." Faîuly Service condýucîcd by Two ncw members were in- lwas Aailble Rev. W. K. Housiander, the iliabcd, W. W. Colliei-, New- Llway Avaiabminister of the churcb. Music castle and W. I. Rogers, Bow- next b-ibule to Ross wam rvdelylteJno manville. AI Fletcher was ame from Harry Far- and Inlermediale Chou-s, andi initiated as an honora-y mcm- ice-President, Moloney an instructive film, "As the ber. President Ed Rundie con- Co. and represenla- T'wig Is Bent," was shown. ducted the ceremony assisted1 the Kunimercial Klub, by Vice-President Bill Bates 'as Ross Strike's brain- doRs tiebsbe and Sei-geant - aI - Ai-ms Jini [r.o Rosrdoerstaledsthat 'aWoodward. Gerald Tompkins,ý )pinion, W. Ross Sti-ike pwru idn o-e en a member of Brancb 387, le be reaes cotri e.U., the O.M.E.A., the A. Frankford, was introduced to de the greal ntcdoi- MEUand Hydro itmba -tbe meeting. to te grat ned frbbei-ood of common puripose, SprsOfc JkKngt anding between lte and I can do no better lb an Sot fie akKih ltui-ci and bbc pur- quole froni the message iii- congratulaled bbc members o! in te ciectrical field, scribcd on Ibis citation, cvcry 'bbc cuclire tearnwbo bad driv- tcchnologi;cah advances wr fwihi eriy en ct1 Peterborough on Satur-ý :îuosl bin mde orsd of wh of is eily-e. day, February 20 in lte face, o! iif ofsl bbcectriael sdb llo shr. very bad weather. Oneeof these lui-crs and thein i-e- Sets An Example tcanis consisting o! Bob Cale,ý ltives, I arn delightcd "To, your friends and ac- Jack Geddes, Sidney Murdoch ratulate you, Ross, and quaintances you exemplify tbe and Russell Hayes succeeded in 'ou for always being fine attributes o! a Canadian bringing home tbe District le wben Viere is work soldier, athîcte, barrister and Eucbre Trophy. The Zone ,One.ylpublic official, and have car- bowling tournamenl wiil take verbal bribule came ricd bbc manîtle o! cach wiîb place aI Liberty Bowl, Bow- .M.E.A. President, Bei-t dignity aifd bonor. The integ- manville, on Saturday, Mai-ch ,wbo is also, Chairman riîy o! your actions, your Sth, Jack Knighb said. nto, J{ydro. Mn. Mer- outstanding contributions ta Special events chai-ian, Bill rted by saying Ibat he Hydro in Ontario-sets an ex- Bates announccd that tickets ;Mn. Strike was gel- ample for alh o! us 10 follow." for Ladies' Nigbt, April l6th, raid Ibat Ibere was 10 Present Tokens of Esteem wcre now on sale; and tat eaker for eciof his Wb is ors n e-tickets for Vie dnaw for bhc bydrosewrd, r Mr 1960 Oldsmobile had been sahdocomissio--son asked Mr-. Strike to accepî rnetn htJn od >relieve him he said, ieciatonsc -_il"n t i wad _a nd cha thse.m Hed Hoistein-Friesian Journal co>n- tains an interesting write-up and Photo of Don Welsh. Dor wbo is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Les Welsh of R.R. 4, Bowman- Ville, was one of tbree wbc lied for first place in the Ail. 'Canadian Junior Judging Con- lest, each having 138 out of a possible 140 points. A total of 579 4-H boys and girls fror ail provinces but Newfound- land took part Don ait 17 hs president of the Dunharn 4-CH Club and bas tried the Ail- Canadian Contest five turnes previously, standing second in 1955. His interesîs extend to other phases of 4-H wonk. He was first in 1959 in the Dur- bain Potato Club and Durhamn Swine Club, second in the Durhami Grain Club and third in the Caîf Club. He was higb man in the Durhami Livestock Judging Competition in 1959, winning the E. A. Surnmers Memorial Trophy. Ross Strike 1 1 .- A meeting of the Bowrnan- provinciaily and rnunicipally, ville Public Utilities Commis- must provide the sanie fine sion was heid in the Coni- service and dedicated leader- * nission's office on the even- ship which had been given in ing of February 25, 1960. A1l the past. In the oid days, the 3members were present as. fol- fe;vor and enthusiasm of Hy- ]lows: Mr. M. J. Elliott, Chair- dro0 men moved mountains, he )man, Mn. W. R. Stnike, and saîd. We sbould shout our pro- Mr-. W. Carruthers, Mayor duct from the houselops. We The first matter of business have a gi-cat responsibility, 1was the appoinîment of a but we have an even gi-cater Chairman for the year 1960. opportunity, ho concluded. 1It was moved by W. R. Strîke, iand secondcd by W. Carru- thers that M. J. Elliott be ap- pointed chairmnan for 1960. The minutes of the regular O.P.P. Reports meeting were read, ahongwt the minutes of a spBu ear meeting held on December 7,Bu y Y a Electric Dept. accounts for the month of January 1960,Du ig 1 5 aniounîing to $26,499.22 were passed. Walcr DepI. accounts The Bowrnanvilie Detach- for the month of Januarv i1960, ment of the Ontaroi Provin-, j SI I Il ktdc TDA 0 employee atrptigh J oinsgrievance ini writing and sign mng it, may, assisted by hl * steward, take the matter ul U nion with the chairman of the Road and Streets Committee, togeth (Continued from page one) er with the suiperintendenit.1 a settlement has flot been rea regularly employed for not ched in five dtays the employe more thon 24 hours per week. is to take the matter up Wit: The Union agrees that there a c4)mifittee apPoinlted by th wvill be no intimidation, inter- Town Council at which tin ference, or coercion exercised ail, or any, of the people con on employees of the Corpora- cerned nBay be present. tion by any of its members, or Failing a settiemenit at i representatives, and that there level within two wveeks, t] will ibe no union activity, sol- matter may then bc referre icitation for membershiip, or to arbitration as defined i collection of dues on Corpora- the Ontario Labour Relation tion turne. It also agrees that Act. Any decisions reache there will be no meetings on shall be given in writing at a] Corporation premises except steps. with prior permission of the TeCroainra r emplyer.forward at any meeting wit] *The Corporation a.grees that the union any compiaint an( ifhere will &be no discrimina- if such is nMt settied it may b, tion, interference, restriction, referred to arbitcration. or coercion exercised by its rpresentatives with respect to The Union shail appoint any empioyee because of mem- committe of not more than twý bership, or non-membersbip in ernployees and the Corporatici the union wil deal with this conitte No rik Cluse or, any mairter that may ani No Stike Cause during the terni of this agree Roth parties agree that there ment, including the negotiatii. wiil bc no strikes or lock-outs of a new Collective Agreemeri during the terni of their agree- ment. The union agrees that A senioritty list wiil be estat the Corporntion bas thie right to lished ail covered by hiýis ag manage its affairs, to direct reemenit who have complete its forces, and Io hire, promnote, their probationary periods, ba. transfer, lay-off, suspend andc ed upon the empioyee's la. discipline employees, and to, date of hiring. The seniorit disciharge for just cause. hist will be revised and poste on January 2nd and June 1. The Corporalion agrees that of each year and a copy file these functions shall bce x- with the Union. ecuted in a manner consistent Probation Perlod with the general purpose aLnd inlent of the agreement, anfd A new employee shail beo subject to the right of an em- probation for three consecutiv ployee to lodge a grievance. montbs and during this tume h Dedutio of ues wil l ot be subject to the terni Deduct ~ Uion of Dusbftis agreement except in thl Any member of theUno wage rate on as provided else who wishes the Corporation to where in the agreement. deduet Union dues froni bis Two Weeks After 3 Years wages ard pay theni to the Un- Employees who bave cor ion on bis bebaif, may author- pleted1 one year of continuou je the Town Cierk in writing service will be aliowed on to do so for the duration of the weeks vacation with pay, Er agreement. ployees who have threeo Grievance Procedure more years of service will b Conplainls and grievances allowcd two weeks vacatio shall be deal with as follows: with pay. Vacations may b the employec assisted by a scheduled any tume in th steward shail first take the year, but every effort willib matter up with bis superin- madie to sehedule theni at tir tendent. Failing settiemenit at es suitabie to employees. Fo this stage witbin two days the each week of vacation to whic] - 9 Z-IUrà aruVrJ&w Rates of Pay Pay i'atei will be as folloýwsj for roads and streets: ýWorkmng s'ho 1, entitied an employee wlfl _be paid as vacation pay two per scnofhis earnings in the pre- svîous calendar year EIght PaId RoUdays The Corporation agrees to epay employees for each of the h following holidiays, wbich hey ewould have worked if it had enot been a holiday: Christmas, New Year's Day, Victoria Day, Civic Holiday, Thanksgiving sDay, Good Friday, Dominion eDay and Labour Day. In thç 1second year of the agreemient nand succedin years Boxîng sDay will be added to this list. 1 Any hours worked over and 1above the standard work week shail be considered overtime, and paid for at the rate of time 9and a haif. Double time wifl be paid for work performed on Christmas and New Year's Days. STARTING FRESH ý>FOR SPRINC! lst For that fresh, spring spark- Iing Iook, have ail your clothes expertly dry cleaned on here. Best of care given ive each garment. ns se Cliffcrest Cleaners 3_71 KING ST. E BOWMANVILLE m- PHONE MA 3-7061 oro in be PICK-UP AND DELIVERY ibe LORNE McQUARRIE, Prop. m- ai- )f is ý2 ýI e d ýs e 'S 8 e e 7 e r e zivwevei rpriiii-Arl Foreman, $1.60 an hour, start- ing January lSth, 1961, $1.70; Driver, $ 1.50 an hour, January 151h, $1.60 per hour; Mainten- ance Man, $ 1.50 per hour, Jan- uary lStb, 1961, $1.60 per hour; Labourer, $1.40 an hour, Jan- uary 151h, 1961, $1.50 an hour. Each new employee while on probation during the first year of this agreement will flot receive less than $1.25 per hour, and in the second yeat of thbe agreemient, not less tian $1.35 per hour. New employees will progress at the rate of fîve cents per hour per month until they reach the labour rate. Rates of pay for the gar- bage collection crew: Leadman% $66.40 weekly; January l5th, 1961, 68.40 wveekly; Driver, $63.90 weekiy: January l5th, 1961, $65,90; Weekly Labour- er, $6 1.40 weekly, January 151h, 1961, $63.40 weekly. TI RED FEELING? PAGE SEVE Lu