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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 10 Mar 1960, p. 9

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THURSDAY, MML loth, lUS TEE CANADIAN STATESMAN, EOWMANVILLE, ONTANIO PAGE NINU Dore Mutton 1 Mary Wilcox - Gordon Wilcox 4Tee1age Bowling I se Bonn -Ken Luxton1 Perhaps the effort to bowl in club edged Connie Osmond's Eni triong the morning instead of the teamn 4-3. Srne1 alternoon hati an effect on the, Girls' Teana Standing ieHna low scores turned in by the' M. Moore _______22i Carole Oke - boys, but the girls founti the V. Brown _______211i Jean Evans ___ earlier hour more agreeable, L. Brooklng 191 Marg Perris -- particularly Linda Braoking, H. Vanstone ______19 ~Car'ole Reynolds- who turneti in a tremendous C. Osmnond______ 14 Bill Charles 767 triple oq games of. 273, 249, B. 0k. ________ 10 Pat Bartels __ and 245. ;Virginia Brown had Ada Luxton garnes of 201 anti 275 in mak- With first place on the line. maBrmi lig up a 625 total. Other 200 Don Oke's league-leaders Em_______________________________________________ maWlnacott - games went to Shirley Coambs trounceed Jim. McKnight's run- AmoyCurinct (269), Cheryl Ann Luxton ners-up 7-0 to increase their Re urt ain __ (215,n Judy~' Paeden (208) once slim one-point margin ta Goodyear Hockey Ruth Yii ua eag e Munay(20).son's bowlers 5-2 to tie the los- Art 1 4 . iIS rla tern ostther Qne Eter 'wftJ the ladies' Bob Mitchell Helen Vansione's teani upset ers for thirti, and in the other coemandn leati as Friciay hîgh of 655, Rap Palmer 642, Duaine Palmer p les, s LndaBrokn g'da' re eitrtiterfrTh"e Fan Belte, first place "Jiggs" Cowling bagged a pair restore the three goal ble bowlers ta a 7-0 win over Jack Other top single efforts were MayiLuxton __ bolrdwe naOe's ponts of the schedule as finishers, in the regular sche- In the losing cause. "Mort" The lasers, stlll not ta be dien- Bond's crew, while Elton turned inl by Fred Luxton 263, Moarie y _______5-2_and __________Brown undle won over Philllps 5-2. dule defeateti the Hase 8-5 Richards, Bob Johnson anti led, climbed ta wlthln a single Brack's outfit upset Spicer Ada Luxton 253, Onie Etcher None of the bowlers were Sunday afternoon ta capture West blinkedtithe red llght In 5-2. The results, cut the pace- 252, Hilda Brock 250, Arnold able ta uit the 600 mark, the the best af five series anti the the opening perlot i wthout a goal of the Fan Beits, 88 setters' margin ta four points Sleep 249, Elton Brock 244 (59)ghes engRntHeo 5)ardnti caipionship three games ta reply from the Hase. Don "Buck" Cowle scareti at 10:26 over Muttan and seven over andi 255, Cee. Mutton 245 and (569),John Rdere an7)iaW Norman Vanstone (559). ane. The Rose matie the play- Forde n est found the and Cawling's second came at Brock. The loss by Bond, -Ruthi Mitchell 234. Norman Vanstone's 266 to0k ffs in their final league game range in the mitdle session ta the 12:54 mark. West beat tiropped that tearni ram third Teana Standings high single honours followed and knocketi the Office team run the margin ta 5-0, beforse goalie John Fowler, on a long to îifth lu the standing. Teams W L Pbs by Gary (215) Larr out aI the lonigi utdn"ak an oc~tebs- hard drive, insitie the post, 32 N~a' lbdfaS ie 13 5 F1 là 3..3303 b ayGrîffin (15, Lry oto tt a n nasudn"an"Ln nthdJas ola' cubd feae tto1 ____ 12 6 27 trTaylor anti Paul Sweets (214). tieath semni-final clash. How- ers' first tally at 12:45. seconds later ta again offset Pat Yea's bowlers 5-2 ta move Brock _____ 12 6 24 fe John Rundie (211), Bob Dunn ever, the Fan Beits, who ran Cowbing got the second Hase Hase goal. WIth Fowber out up into the fourth position.Nwan____10 82 B(208) anti Howard Rundîs up a big undefeateti streak. goal at 1:30 of the final per- Ir1rfavour of a sixth attacker, In the. îower hall af the boop, Bown 10_8__23 VW23) enaSanig after a slow start, were tao loti, anti whsn Paul MecCul- Bob Fairey broke in all ahane Fred Lxo' qaiuse a _____ 810 9 ~IIEPts' Rose club. antis later it put the Hose the easiest marker of the al- Bob Mitcheîls team droppeti Luxton 8_10_18 D. Oe-------------31 Raye West, leagus scoring right baek lu the game. How. ternoon. Na penalties werea52desintBu Em t-Ye810 8 D.Oe.. oeru3orteCîdrla oghaie5-nth23 sc ra h bule acblc i'sin-spildErs5montd-onts7 - 810181 J. McKnigt - -- 23champion, paceti the cham- ever, West completeti his hat- callet inl the cleanly playetid otit aeoe oeMthi L. Thompsan 211 pions with four goals, while trick i less than a minute ta contest. possession of the cellar. Averages ' T. Mason ___ ___ 21 Cec Mutton took bath high GmsAe J. Rundls 7 NI,.t Gam Çnarday. single anti high triple hon- Onie Etcher __ 18 233 ______________J. Phillilps 2 .Ui~~ours with a 275 game anti a Elton Brock __ 18 230 727 total. Eltan Brock rolbed Rap Palnier ___ 18 212 up a 683 triple, foilowed by Jack Bond 18_205 Duke Brunt ___ 18 205 Elm ra Wis O enng Pla oa o the aiternoon the Bombers Bob Yaks ____ 18 203 RED C OSS lmira WinsOpenig PlYofiwon a close 9ame by clefeating Jack Brough- 18 202 i orC To Break 'Juvs' 24 Game Sf reakt particîpate in Minor Hoc<- Cecil Mutton- 18 198 key Night on March 10th. Jas Arnolti Sleep - 18 191 By 3hm Clarke Elmira twine, as. he came up bis ines, but the first twa Hirok scoreti the Bomrsn Jas Nawan ___18 19 U 1 Acrawd af nearIy 800 ds.wlth sSnie great'saves, parti- periotis leIt Bawmanville with winning goal at the 19:15 mark Gardon Stringer... 18 186 apone aswth d w- cularly on Wiseman, andi littîs chance of overtaklng the of the first perioi. .Laurelsther12 190 mapoine Jufanls vatched Bow B Hughes, when Bow- fast skating ElmIra club. MorlLiysEtcher -- 18 185l ~~~~~manvil Jvnls vcaymnule were striving ta get The bar est crowd of te im G reLaa - 18 182 istring snapped at 24 Tuesday back into the gaine. season w' nesseti the battîs,HokyFe utn - 1 18 night, when Elmira powereti WhillsBîsch was coming up anti Elmnira certaly proved Inl the first Mitiget-Juven- Doug Reynolds- 15 182 vicor. heElirafrntliescontin- ativance notices, as thsy skated their playoff hopes alive by Rau Mutfon___ 18 1781 Despte utgorig Eraia u]lvswet trouh asur- well, cheeketi tenaciausly, andi defeating ths Generals 2-0 anti manill din'trae abeter owianill, tailni -0ai- ing froin Bisch, when lie was in the standings. Bradley MND ors kept the bocals disargan- blanket checklng of Elmira, . Bowmanville's' usuaily in- Raitiers' goals with George MONizeti for the blggest part 01 railieti in the final periodti t penetrable defence was wob- Kennedy picking up an as- the game. narrow the score ta 7-3, but bby ail night, anti Elmira cap- sist on his a st goal. The Elmira's elusîve Don Duke two goals by the winners, only italizeti whenever the occasion Raitiers coîbecteti three of the YSS wstremendous as hs callect- seven seconds apart tiisr*upt- presenteti itsf. five penalties hantiet aut i.n edthree goals, while Merrill eti Bownianvile's bid ta whit- The second game af thes er- the game. Yugtra olrsrth Sdiaott, anti Dave Garner rap- tle tiown the comm.anding ies, lu Elmira shoulti be a Ini the second Mitiget-Ju- in auto supplies at your peadJeGud o-gasb omr-il e o ertainly have ta came up with ths Rockets won a liard fought WsenTr tr pletd te wnne's corngthebuzer til let Emir acomplets reversai af their gaine by defeating ths Ma-Au S R IE T - " ias Elinira captureti theopn holding a conifortable 95frtar hait theaiigEro -. Robert Blackburn A D S R IE T 7 m . .ing victary in the 3-out of 5 edge. mira club. (2), Grant Flintoff anti Rich- Semi-Finai Series. Around the Rlnk Tii. crystai ball Is a mite ardi MacLean were ths goalU£ Brenton Hughes, andtiAex E irslnsaDkeGr- iaggy, but we pick Bowman- scorers for the Rackets. Davidi Wiseman with two eh at er, and Seiling figured inl 5 ville ta, even the erles wit Werry (Peter Grau), John.M M Gary McCullough furnished aI their goabs, and was im-la victory tuis Saturday nlght Twist anti Brian Rowe ac- Bawnianville's five goals. pressive throu-ghout. lin Elmira, tiespite their open- caunteti for the Maroons' three Larry Bisdh sparkbsd in the1 Coach Mike Osborne juggbed 1lug game setback. goals. The wi movedti hse àw iest esul .Rackets into Iirst place lu the à D'PE ls..pbayofl standings. Starters 9,S Tay OU£ 7, Games For Nsxt Saturday, TO _, %ecreation D eviews March l2th. '1 AN« ISWYSA to aDi antans League-A.Mà. Most PpuarCars - IN A% STEWv, By Douglas Rlgg 7?00-Braves vs. Flyers 1-7 , USUALIY GOE T T!oC R W S 9 ureîlef ~Brit aeifrVs7:45-Tee Pees vs. Huskies EXCHANGE .!52 CAR W AS Gof Lsson thy wll laythre fitee trd Brdet scredforthe8:35-Lions (exhibition (,)>~~ En a ws h gvsyu If you are interested inl at- minute periotis. Bruins. Each tearn calecteti gaine) Cb (Oubt gleaming wax finish. ing sponsoreti by hs Bown-n wilI be playeti by ths Lions In hs thirti Pes Wes gam Pee Wee League-A.M.L ville Recreation Departinent MidgetJuveiiile league and hs Red Wings tiefeateti the Gn a r LUBRICATION pîsase contact thie Recreation their gami asehedubedt t start Giante 3-2 anti moveci into i0:20-Rawks vs. Rangers OIL CHANGE Office lu the Lions Commun- at approximately 9:45 pin. third pbace ln ths standings 11:05--Bruins vs. Giants Gnrtr CAR WASH ity Centre or Mr. Ian Turner, If any ai he gaines are tieti ans point eheati of the Giants. 11:55-Bears vs. Leals 11K TIRES 62 Division St., Bowmanville. at the endi ai regulation Vims Paul Hugget accounteti for two Atanu League-P.M. F lyGaate adIf enough interest la shown sutiden deatix avertime will be golsanin' ih as s ca frthg 1:35-Bionbes vs. Barons adlessons will be helti for bath playeti. The first teaincr ig wt u ak scor R:5-ios s ornets -BATTERIES beginners anti goliers, under ig a goal will be tieclareti the afoalth inssistgo accuentr Lions Midget-Juvenfie League Compbetsly r c m a n ufactu prolessional leadership. winner. Wrfor VsKWns'goalWener P.M.adtse o oiia q Walraf Kn eoat ni225--onets va. Rackets at ett a'Oiia q Classes have been tenta- These gaines will bring ta, a TerryDevltt were the goal mentadr v.Opas" sernPackt"rdofarman Vvely set ta begin an Weti- close the 1959-60 Minor Roc- ucorers for the. Glants. G:0Ridr . room a"oe Pce' prom nestiay, March 16th, at hs key seasan lu Bowmanvilbe. Iu the tourth anti final Pes il'Brobl Bownianville High School, Tickets for Minor Hockey Wee gaine Vhs Rangers came In ths tirst Broomnbail gaine anti will be aI eight-weeks' Night will be available tramupwv lerirtofcawipayibstMnayenngD m . Sduration. Beginners classes al Minor Hockey players andu htia h e soîby fiea in th e as tioonyes play- 1MI I WI hIb~1 II INwill be heltiIrain seven ta coaches. Admission prices will Canadians 2-1. Mike Gibbs edti t a 0-0 ie. The ie was IIaVI bR W EN eight o'clock' on Wednesday b. Adults 50c. anti Chîltr(i chr ely n oadtefrtpitpce p W U and Thursday, while hs lad- 25c. All Minor Hockey Plaren (]Richard Bailey ati onald hsefrst poin thced pys CHEVROLET/PONTIAC 1940-51 $ vaned lases illbe elders be dmitedfr aiO for the Rangers, Oharlie Evans lhe ie lefttVhs Fabiens in CHEVROLET/PONTI11AC 1951-54 f roin eight ta nine o'clock on charge providing they show (Barry Whltemau) accounteti thirti place iu hs standings. Wednesday anti Thursday. their membershiii card at thefor h aain'al ol uVsscn robî HVOE/OTA 955 A maximum of 40 appl- cloor. rteCndas nyga.I h eodBomal CERLTPNIC15-8j ______________________________-__+_.__-0cats 1i'.be ccetedfor PesWe-Hocey antan Hocnkey game hs Presîsys tiefeateti 18 177IRick Gould '- là 153 18 177 Jim Cox 15 151 12 177 Ferne Bradley - 18 150 14 176 Everett Wlnacott - 15 150 18 14Marie Curtin - 15 148 98 74 Doreen Charles - 18 144 18 13Betty Braugh - 12 144 12 173 Cliff Evans - 18 138 12 172 Ivy Rundle - 18 125 85 170 Ruiby Spicer - 15 118 18 168 Kay Grahanm 12 107, 18 167 Ladies' hlgh slngle--Àda 15 166 Luxton 253. 18 163 Ladies' hlgh triple-Onle 18 .164 Etcher 655. 15 164 Men's high single -CecilL 15 164 Mutton 275. 15 164 Men'a high triple - Cecil 18 160 Mutton 727. 18 159.______________ 159 Air, Rail or Stearnshij 158 T1CK3T8 157 TCK S 157 TO EVERYWHERE 156 Consult 155 JURY & LOVELL 155 15 Ring st. W. MA 3-3361 153 owanvifle 1521 e careful homeowners nail down ity Cal UDL ON RAndolp C( high insurance costs with General's "Personal IJltrapolicy." If you are a careful, "preferred risk" hameowner you deserve important savings, too. You'II also receive General's exclusive GoId Card-proof that you take pride in your possessions. Cali us today for complete information! mEY Z C Adv. 491. h 5-4243 EflJTICE OSHAWA . .. .. .. .. .. ourse, starting Juns 24tiita mersforg <(Don Murphy) ac- lia-*'oui n *-"' netio June 29th. counteti for ths Bears' four ai themin ti he final perlat. W L T F A P Guaranteesi i TRADE4IN Application tarins are avail- goals. Randy Dewell anti Da- In Vhs third Bantam gaine IL sais ____5 ( O 14 4 10 £ re ALW N able at hs Recreation Office hs Cubs anti Pirates playeti Bears ___ 4 0 1 18 4 9.3 STANDARD - inOW t l hs Lions Cominunity Cen- Vo a 3-3 ie. Davidi Kerr (Bus- Wiugs 2 2 2 14 15 6 Guarantes. The tre or at the. Tawn Clerk's Of. ky ijugiies), Taullie Thomp- Glants ___ 2 2 i 6 4 5 htlatsVsb fice in te Town Hal. AU ap-son anti Bon Richards (Taul- Hawks - 2 3 0 12 144 htlasheI licetin fVhs o unsafl.Il ap lie Tliompson> were Vhs goal Canadians - 1 4 1 9 13 3 fieldi. Precislon For Yor OId Set tplicatotaeerin eautibe re- scours for the Cuba. Don Mc- Rangers 1 4 1 5 15 .3 fics no laVer tliau Wetinesday, l4urter (2) anti Bratiley Lucas Bruia - 0 3 2 8 16 2 HEAVY DUTY - March 30Vii. (Terry Walton) accounteti for Dantana Leagne on purchase of a new Minor Hockey Nlght ithirtes' tueeo alns. IT ersW LT FA P urne.E Arrangements are well un- - for sîxth pe ut ii. e s tnd pl ..5 0 023 6 10 trta rgn Recreation Dpr nts9hIngi. Tee Pees 412114 8 19650 PHILIPS dra o hsBwaveIn aBantam gam paye ins 42301 8 16 es Annual Minor Hockey Night Brtria ienonVsL avns s 2 31 81 tab etio snstadefeatedti he Pirates 4-0 tasCubs 2 - 1 14 419 4 Marc 30t, atMemoial re- a Cus - 13 1 1616 3 tina. Proceedings will get un- keeP the r chances alive fo Tigers 1 3 1 a 13 3 T ELE V I1SIO N dMray0t at 00pmnirianre opprtunity to ,play in Pirates __1 4 1 0173 The Atams wilb start theàj noHckyNgtThwn Large Selectlon of Modela nlght ait with their game be- movedti hs Lians unta a second LA iesMdgct-juvenile ginig t6:0 .m ndplyplace tie wlth the. Tee Pees. LeaguS th-res fitteen minute periatis. T Ahsftoo eRackts. T3i P1AilP fro 7 e$5 The Girls' Broomball Chamn- I h ist olaqu ogis3 1 US D " -pionship gaine is sciieduledti o gaine of hs afternoon Vhs in- Orph.ns - 2 1b1Iil 10 ô 17" and 21 z r «. follow at 7:00 p.m. andti hey *r dians tiefeatedth te Barons 1:0 Comets 2 2 0OIl 6 4 TIRE AND AUTO SUPPIT wilb play thres filteen minute 2t iov nto second place in Raidiers - 2 2 0 4 6 4 periotis. tuf4 e standings. Bobby ElU Generels -1 2 i 8 13 3 - The Pes Wee gaine wilb geV HEATING OLS (ony oyber> scoredti he MarDons - 1 3 0 7 132 Cowa n Eq w pment Co. underway at approximâtely INÀSu(-MuTR oe«'. w nning a1lfor the Indians GIiV rW oozbalLeagne S IUS :0~ ay thre fiften minte r-Cook oftue Barons piekediup Presleys - 4 10 93 8 134 King St. E. ,MA 59 laVheeite intepe- e the onby penalty ai the game Avalons -.......3 2?O8 66 DM MN U ILE u King west iThe Bantam gaine la scieti- for cross checking. Fabiens -____2 21 7 5 5 uled teotart at 9.00 paim. d la the ooad Atonu SamoBowie 4 09 1 THMDAY, MAX, loth, 1M TEE CANADME STATESMM, BOWMANVn£,.& JO PAGE NM

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