PAGE T~NTE CANADUAN STATESMM(, EOWM&<Vnl£, ONTARIO ?HfURSDAY, M«. 10th, Ixw ago? It dîdn't take too muclhi cho oh imagination for me to recall j ho B t .1 the blistering heat of last July,l - ,~ when Queen Elizabeth bore upj sa nobly in her secret early û peganc wileweof heReq uest For Buildi press wilted and cornplainedj I/ fil about the weather in oui~ IItiiîi1t iiiquarters aboard the air con- ta me typicallyCanadian, thatiBy Oshawa Hos pl the boom-boom of twenty-onei the second prince was delav-i Manmtr le u adiapoite Twold ed twenty-four hours becauselPu S D arlington 1< OIdMnWne lwu apitd 1fol ot be,0f a blizzard. ftorm that blocked our road, in the capital city when gunsý Though I love this land, 1' A c coaun ts amounting ta grant to Memorial Hospital, with 15-foot drifts and prom- 1 booîned the salute ta the newv1 long ago accepted the fact that'$29,038.30 were passed for pay-jand it is now before the Muni- isèd ta inake meteorologicalý heir, once rernoved, to Bni-,it is a land of extremes and ment at the meeting o! the cipal Board for approval,"1 IiistorY. The day before 1 had 1 tains tnrone. I felt a rather' J 've learned to ride mny hun- Darlington Township Council Reeve Rickard said. lheeded a radio' message fore-; affectionate anticipation ofiches about wealher conditions. held in the Township Hall,! It was pointed out that the castin Oth t b rmand for home) traveledthe leangthe and1 Stili. 1 should like to have a Hampton, on Thursday, March council had assured the Board Ilt wttman's tiniti o eli ýt pibredthe C nainhisamo- serious talk with that Indian 3rd. This total included: Gen- of Directors of Memorial Hos- Aike woa eacontuionhlit pwaslth-omb Conada in hs vho xvas purported to have eral, $19,437.99; Roads, $7,285.- pital, Bowmanville, that Darl- likea baco thùgh waýthr*swombsofewmotthscaught a jack rabbit last fall, 95; Relief, $2.250.04; and Wint- ington would make the grant fiuffed his hide the wTron*g way er Work, $1,064.32. lof $140,000 ta the building and predicted "heap bad win- Deputy Reve Arthur Blan- fund, and that if the counicil ter ahead". He didn't make it chard stated that one of the were to give a smafler amount S nearl, strong enough, he two extra bulldozers had been this would upset the plans for. SAT U R DAY EXC URSINONS should have said, 'heap, heap kept by the township in view the building:i bad xinter". of the storm predicted for the Reeve Rickard remarked that toThe storm did flot quite ar- cOming weekend. iOshawa Generai had claimed' rive on schedule and 1 feit "Darlington was the firsthat it receives almost as manyi not a litIle disappointed that township in this area ta have admissions from Darlington as I had made such a quick de- Its roads open alter the last Memorial Hospital, Bowman- cision to relurn home. I haci heavy snow storm, the worst ville, does. People in the west- plane tawrte uIlepiceonein 16 years," Reeve Garnet ern end o! the township use T O J? )N T abut he ereony that ikr stated. He added that Oshawa doctors. It is a dilfi-i aboudtthe plceemnyOtw the snow clearing had cost a lot cult situation, yet the township1 Good going and returning Saine Saturday only. when the official announce- o! money, but that people ap- cannot afford to give grants taj ment of the arrivai. of a new preciated the good service that chil wa inde.But had been given in this respect.. EXUSO AEFO:Royal cidwsmd.Bt Reeve Rîckard commended u N instead, I \vas setting the Deputy-Reeve Blanchard, theRe oflP Belleville . $4.65 Bowmanville $1.85 thermostat, warming milk for chairman of the Roads Coin- aur senior citizen and doing mittee, for the work done. He r Coborg .. 2.0 Osawa .40 the several prosaic chores one remarked that the Depuly Fort Hope . 2.65 WIiitby. . . . .2 undertakes before retining. Reeve had put in long hours ,-, ar M efr "The wind she biow lac aver the weekend at the tele- jhurricane . . . " Along about phones in the Township Hall. Metro Toronto Planning Corresponding fores f roa intermnediate points midnighit this aid habitant Members of counicil also Commissioner Murray Jones, poem began singing thraugh pointed out that Reeve Rick- told the Oshawa Regional FULL INFORMATION FROM AGENTS my braîn as a sudden gale rat- ard had spent considerable Planning Association Thurs- tled at the windows and pried time answerîng the calîs that day night, Feb. 18th, that the CAN DIN N TINAL CA ADIN ACIIC the shingles on the roof just came in, and said that on Sun- number one requirement for CANADIA NATION L CANA IAN PACJ'IFIC high enough ta let in a con- day lie was at the Township a einlpaigborws B. & W. stant drift of snow. This set- Hall from fine o'clock in the an pceutln inoad sasf ______________________________________________lied in the attic and finaily morIIiig until 10 o'ciock in the onadpequaenetandstaf found its way along a natur- eveniflg. napraetbs- The Township Clerk, Walter This was necessary, he said, Rundle offered ta make up an ta salve intricate problems, estimate o! the cost of winter such as employment distnibu- control up btaute middle of lion and population density, March. This would give the which arise in regionai plan- ONTI C'S GOT IT.people o! the township a pic- ning. ture of what a severe winter iMr. Jones cited polîtical or- -P ON T A C S G OT I 1046costs the munîcipaiity, lie as- ganization of municipalities as serted. a basic problem o! regional This would be a good thing, planning. "But the three-year Reeve Rickard said. He told existence o! your regiana] the council that at recent road planning association is a heal- conventions there had been thy sign," he said. "To change nesolutions passed to ask the yu soito bafra provncil gvennenlfor*a~structure (regional board with 80 per cent subsidy ta munîci- iepo rsta thpe- .. .. .palities for winter control. The idsrsoetha)ngteprs- nonthenn sections of the prov- entasoitn)mhtps- ince were particulanîy anxîousbybenosiet. that such subsidies be given, Responsibility La.eklag the Reeve explained. He claimed that planning .... .......Reeve Rickard reported to assodiations have not produced the meeting that he had gone as they might. Why? "Because ta Toronto earlien in the week they oflen have no similarly, and taiked with a nepresent- joint - organized govennmenb ative of the Ontario Hospital available ta report ta; respon- Services Commission regard- sibility is lackintg." the grant that the Oshawa Tefomtn aon- ....................General Hospital had request- boardi under the Ontario Act ed from Darlington Townshipwasgetdbu .Jos He had asked if the province guessed that the present or- bas zoned hospitals sa that ganization cauid, with co-op- Parisemae Con vers îbk municipalities in each anea erabion, do the same work and would be responsible for contin- gel the samne results. butions ta one hospital in, that John Pierson, from the de- zone, and flot ta any other hos.. partiment of planning and de- pital outside the apecial dist- velopinent, said that under ±. ¶'II EE BILI(JOIJN~~'Srict sa ntecAttions t fithe lan Terepresentative of the Act, the minister o! planning C o Hospital Services Commission could establish constitutiona] had informed hlm that such an forma flot in the act. made, Reeve Rickard said. The situation would then be pos- representative nîad been sym- sible without a change in the CO FO)qrTMORE PDLEASUREI p mtohead aproem regt ard- political systemn. The merger PAC)RE RIDNG COM ipromised apMen re nas an ilexTal. asgv MORE RIDING ing the grant o! $140,000 it had o!en ileTfl as aniv-mle EffrtISs ShdcBowmanville, as its share o! Urban Trend hll~aC8MwIS ' the coat of building an ad- Mr. Jones predicted that up- SlalM Siardition. The Township now was wards o! 90 per cent of Cana- faced with a request from the dians would be living in urban Oshawa General Hospital for areas befone long. The degree $92,000 for the building fund o! inter-dependence becomes thene, the Reeve stated. sîronger; and planning ana Rune Frot SMFram"We have given two read- the determining of the right suspensmings ta the By-law -for the de- governmenîal structure be- bentures a! $140,000 for the corne increasingiy important. Planning is the mold and the al outiet, the ceiling. dlay ta work with human be- Whîle I ran around withl ings, he said; and regional pots and pans trying ta catch planning develops a consciaus- the drops that were now play- ness in people of assistingc 0 These arc some ai the big reasons why you'lI enjoy driving Pontiac in 1960. A car ta give yau lasting pleasure - endica satisfaction. Count Up ail Pontiac's big advantages at your Pontiac deaier's - today. 6?ea~kPONTIC Fer_______ the. betin drame, see 'General Motors Fresents" wenoi Iy& check local listings for lime. sud chanei, Robson Motors Limited PONTIAC, BUICK, GMC TRUCKS & VAUXHALL DEALERS 166 King St. E. Bowmanville Phone MA 3-3321 & 3-3322 planning is ta relate yoursei! ta everyane else," suggested Mn. Jones, "andi then deben. :mine the moat national thing ;te do in terms o! thé area and do il. "Look' at the whole t se what ta do with the part; if bnied the allier way it la diffi- cuit ta came up with any vahid conclusions." Need Large Units Mr. Jones argued that an understanding o! the forces o! urbanization could anly be obtained by working in large uniba andi groupings. 'He iiiustrabed the point by saying that, "some problems in metro Toronto are not real- iy undenstood (e.g. empioy- ment distribution) withaut ex- amining them. in relation te certain aspects of Oshawa and district." "Tbhere's . nothing I'd like ta see more than an orgaânized negianal planning area in QOsh- awa," said Mn. Jones. "Inte- grateti planning of roada, ser- vices, education and transpor- tation couid then lie under- taken. Growth Fereseen "Our mutual probiems could be discussed and intelligent solutions arrived at. I cannot !onesee a stabic qualîty in the Oshawa area. The fada asm- ply do net support this. You are now at the f irat feeble step, juat beginning ta walk.. "I see a contmnuous belt o! urbanization f rom. Bowman- ville te Niagara. And I think it La a perfectly natural hap- pening. "We are not building tra- dibional cities taday; aur un- ban areas are like no others in civilization. "The big sbep is ta iearn the discipline o! correlabei plan- ning.') Safety Council Studies Traffic A survey of the Courtice, Maple Grave area la being made by the Darlington Safe- ty Council, and a study is be- lng made o! the rush hour tnaf!ic in the district with a vlew ta eliminating hazards.ý William L. Lycett 15 thel president o! the recently1 formed Dariin.gtan Safety Council, Miss Mary Niddery s the secretany-tneasurer, and other members o! the council are Mrs. Lloyd Courtice, Cour- tice, William (Jake) Laird, Maple Grave, Ernest Twist, -AULi-l.- 1L IC . . 6 , 1Bowmanville, andi H. snow!lakes that wene caught early in the branches o! the Faulty use of electnical ap- R. Corneil, O.P.P. apple trees, soan gathered pliances and wiring accounts C. E. Labourn, director of unto themnseives millions o!fano more than 6,000 fines an- Sa!eby Promotion fan the De- fnienda and relations untîl we nuaiiy, accarding ta, the Ahl parbment o! Transport, ad- couldn't see aur 15-foot ce- Canada Insurance Federation dressed, a meeting o! the Dan- dan hedge. Warst o! ail, they Resultant damnage is close tý lingtori Safety Council held at held a convention at bath front $10,000,000. the Assessans Office, the Town- and back doors and we found Officials of the Federatian, shîp Hall. Hampton, an Mon- ourselves pnisoners in aur own which represents more than day evening. Schaal sa!ety pa- home. 250 fire, automobile and cas- trois were discussed. Living in the great open ualty insurance campanies, spaces is far the moat part a said careless installation and pleasant experience, but when overioading are two commonI3 r in one's anly means o! commun- causes af fine. 10 Y .Pn ication by roaýd is blocked and Sa!ety experts necommend etry washarlor about a the following precautionsPr en d ton f sow, itydwèllling against fines in the home. r s ne suddenly becames a seriaus <1) Oniy qualified experts cansideratian. should be allowed ta ntl But 1 hadn't time ta waste wiinig.At G o y a on wish!ul thinking. I !ound' (2)When adding a new ap-, I could dig a small crack pliance ta home circuits, make1 Walter Pascoe and Mau- around the front doon with -a sure wining is heavy enough. rnice Cnook were presented teaspoon, tossing the wet Perioaic checks by quilified with 30 Year Service Pins by snow imb a pail aI my aide. electricians are advised. Charles Cattran, manager of After about an hour o! play- (3) Replace corda an lampa the Goodyear Tire and Rub- ing snow pies 1 graduabed to and appliance when wann; ber Company plant hene ne- a tabiespoon as the crack grew, they seldom are worth repair- cen.tly. wider. By mid-afternoon I had iîng. Mr. Pascoe la tihe Supervisor pushed the doon fan enough1 (4) Do not string wires aven o! Manu!acturen's Contacts open to stant clawing at the books; under rugs or where and Field Engineering. He b'as cold stu!! with my mlt. As constant wear, and exposure been with the Goodyear Comn- I dnagged it imb the house I may be hazardous.. pany since January 2nd, 1930, !ilied the pail lime afber lime, (5) Laundny or clothing and liefore that was emrplayed then dumped lb into the bath should neyer be hung an at Genenal Motors, *Ohawa, tub where the snow's sub- wires. for more thagi five years. mission te room temperature (6) Home-miade extensions When he started his Good- was depressingly slow. and repeins, aeidom are neli- year career Mr. Pascoe work- When I finally squeezed my able. ed in the Specifications De- shape between the stormn door (7) Neyer use impropen partment. Later he spent six and the jamb and neached for fuses or substitutes. Fuses months in the plant labora- a stiavel parked near the pnatect you by outtiftg off tory, and tîhen returned to the porcti, the voice o! a neigli- electricity wtien dmxger la Specificatians Depantment.'He bour canie ta me ovesr a present. was appointed Field Techni- drift. "IWhy don't yuu wait, (8) Turn appliances off clan in January 1941, andti t Fred wiil dig you out when he when not in use. his present position in Octo- gets aur driveway cleared." (9) Use only recognized ber, 1957. Wby was I working so hard? makea o! appliances. Heavier Ris work takes him te many I couldn't go anywhene when equipment 3hould carry a seal parts of Canada, and lie las I was free until the dqriNftso!apoval sucli as that o! been responsible for installa- were bulldiozed eway. the 'Underwriters' Laborater- tions o!f<Goodyear products in Well, God bless Fred and les. many plants.and mines. One God blesaur new prince, (10) Unless you are an ex-1 of the inost outstanding in-j but He also hears my suppli- pert, don't attempt to repair stallations was the five milesl es1~n h.~ g~ ~1f e, *eujlt eS w.p1MMM lot OL C@&WJrbolting in 1952 et' PUblic Asked For Assistance Every Tuesday On Feb. 23rd, the members 1of the Sunshine Class gathered at the home of Mrs. L. Deweil for their monthly meeting. During the evening sixty-nine cancer dressings were made. A vote of thanks was moved to the Haydon W.A. Ladies for swhite cotton sent in. -A letter from. Mr. Maurice -Stephens, Campaign Chairman, was read asking the Sunshine group for its customary assist- ance in a door-to-door canvass for funds for the furtherance of the work of the Canadian Cancer Society, to be held late in April. The meeting closed with a delicious lunch served by Lillian Syer and Helen Dunn. Beginning March 8th, the Rose Room at the Lions Centre wili be open to the public every Tuesday afternoon from 2:00 to 5:00 p.m. It is hoped that the ladies of Bowmanville and district who have an hour or > 0 to spare, will corne in and help make much needed cancer dressings. These dressings are quickly and easily assembled and instruction will gladly be given by the Sunshine mem- bers in charge for the after- noon. Ail materials are sup- plied by The Canadian Cancer Society. Air, Rail or Steamnship TI1CK E TS TO EVERYWHERE Consuit JURY & LOVELL 15 King St. W. MA 3-3361 Bowmanville 1 th~e &dItor' land, Newfoundland, where Mr. Pascoe did moet o! the e t r to s plicing. As a result o i ui < ~wide experiencehle was ne- ANS WERS o! a new manual last year on Mrh3 90 splicing conveyon belts.Pemt arh3190 Mr&. Pascoe was bQrn in Osh- ea Eitn well Public School and Osh-! etrwitrwosgs hen ýaI Board ~~~awa Collegiate.Hei married,sefa"omreveash S p o t , and his hobbies are photogna- desnat seemtn t have the I. 5., phy and stamp collecting. He courage o! his conviction ta is also a keen golfer. Mr reveal his name and face pub- ) n _ Pasco is a member of thelI lic opinion. IMasonic and Odd Fellows fra-' He seema rather confused both hospitals, the Reeve abat-1 ternal onders. and o! the û if his letter is a sample of bis ed. iciety of Automotive Engin-i thinking. It us true that I was authonized ta act as the Councillor Harold Muir saidl eers. ispokesmnan for the associationý hie wondered wha t arrange-I' Maurice crook carne ta Can- , as 1 have the moat lime ta ment Pickering, Ajax and Parti ada fromn Gibraltar when h e devote ta attending meetings Penny couincils have made in was a boy of 12. After finish- adwaee te atr regard ta their own hospitals ing school hie worked at farm: *eand watenetio.r atr and Oshawa Genenal. ing until lie started at the lo-1 However, I am not running "Should we subtract an cal Goodyear plant on April things single handed, although amount ta be given ta Oshawa 4th, 1927. He was firat em- I doexrspron]pios General fromn the grant ta Me- pioyed on the beamn punch as wexprs se ers woinins marial Hospital, but how 10 do heel clicker, and a yean later arewef as toe o te tioh il at tbis stage?" Reeve Rîck- was t.ansferred to the Receiv- to asbronhtote my attnto ard asked. ipassomonuttaetthe coroperortau- Danlington's. unmatured de- in Rosort bt ieft the rr- toi is wl eo benture principal is $377.120 Op an a horth 1me 0latlr. tCounfci, lisowelatwe o! and the total amaunt o! issue COn Jbanry 6 th, 1930, Mi'.j thfat lshatvrwe doano is $435,900, il was stated. Danl- Cakbgnbscnîuu am ta tvrw a ington also will have ta pay a Goodyear service. Since that is gospel, but neither do we ahane o! the cost o! the new tirne hie has worked an the believe that they are perfect, High School, and thenefone lb sole cure, heel clickers, lu- therefore, should be and, I cannot afford ta make bath bers, and for the last il years1 hink, are open ta suggestions grants o! $140,000 and $92,1000, on cieanîng molds. I or even debate. lb was pointed out. Mn. Croak us a veteran of You say Mr. "former reeve" Wonid Wan I and served aver- that the campaign slogaiýý seas. He was active in the "Economy" was pramted by lan ersformation o! Local 189 o! the me.. Where did you see that lannersUnited Rubber Workers' Un- sir? I cannot find it in our ion, and was the first presi, records. C' I dent. He is married and has :> ea <er two dau-ghters, and one son, S p ea er ll arred.He as ustfinish- ed serving several years as a others. steward o! Tninity United -The fîrst l1esson off regionalChurch. q A OINERAI. MOTORS VALUE 1'm a Man Who Wants To Be Sure,,.., iwhen it cornes 10 protection for myfamily and the income 1'm providing for my retirement «That's why life insurance is the backbone cf my inancial prograrn (Jader the same plan 1 can mnake sure ef money for my £amily, and also set up a dei nue incarne for retirement- au incoe1 can't loue, and eaunenver oullive.' Todayuis a good doy Io ftlaeto a London Li. raprsentive London Life Insurance Company Hcad Office. London, Ganada Next, yen are bol iýnm responsible for the sa*lai& j n.. creases o! township niploy. ees, but I deny, vehemently, that I lied anything ta do with lb, regandless o! wbether or flot I persanally apprave. As fan as the submibted questions are cancerned, can't O you make up your mind whe. ther tbey are pertinent or iw- pertinent? I'd suggest yeu. consult Your dictîonary. A councillor recently made a remark that if council had listened tb ?n. Lycett several years ago, the township wauid not be in such a mess today. Wene you penhaps in caunicil then and nowv feel a need t» be on the defensive? I don'b believe I have ever bad the pleasune o! meeting you Mn. former neeve, let alone have a discussion witI you, so jusb how would yc« knaw what would or wouud nol satisfy me? You say .4let's practice denxocnacy"l, don't you gel the message yet? That la exactiy whal we are ad- vocating, so jusb what is your beef? For the pauper's pay I re- ceive, I'd be happy ta turn over my job ta yau anytime you feel fit ta, pursue it, ta achieve the saine results that the ratepayers are seeking. Wîthaut malice, Mrs._B. Budai PAGE TEN a&» ,