?EUSDYMAXl oh, lm Minor League Teams Advance into Finals *Ihcastle - As a result of Alldread (2) and Dennis gaigplayed last week thie Rudnwn whlle- Eric Naylor Cube and the Jeta advance was gvnthie only penalty on Into the. local MinoT league the Rcket teini. finals havxng elirninated the lI the second gazne Peter Rockets and the Rebeis li twa çm cllu sored the only jjstraight gamnes lithe smn- ga of the gamneadvaclng ç.~~ finals. thie Jets into the fnl il lI the . tit gaine Fred All- two traidit wlns over the dread scored the four Cuba Rebels. Six penalties were goels with an hossst frorn Dan- handed out during tuis xii ny Harris, while the two Roc- with ecd team gettigthrt. kets goals were scored by Ted Jets-Peter Mcdùllough and ZInack on assiste froni Eric George Hendry (2) anld Re- N'aylor. Cuba players were, bels--Terry Wuiton <2) and t iven three penalties,, Fred Glen Rowe. MME ONTARTO MUNICIAL BOARD IN THE MATTER 0F: Section 67 ai The Ontaria Municipal Board Act (R.S.O. 1950, c. 262), anti Sections 39 anti 41 ai The Ontario Water Re- sources Commission Act, 1957, c. 88, as amendeti - and - IN THE MATTER 0F: (a) an application by The Ontario Water Resources Commission on behaîf af the Corporation ai the Village ai Newcastle for authority for the said corporation ta enter into an agreement with thi. saiti Commission for the construction and opemation ai a water works system as set out in Schedule '"A" attacheti hereto aI an estimateti cost ai $170,355, anti (b) an application by the Corporation of the Village ai Newcastle for apprcwal afitis proposed By-law 725, being a by-law for imposing an owners and occupants ai all lands within the rnunicipalily a water works rate sufficient ta pay 63%7oaifIhe cost ai the saiti projeet. APPOINTMENT FOR HEARING THE ONTARIO MUNICIPAL BOARD hereby appoints N.nday, the 141h day of Marck, S1960, nt the heur ai 10:00 o'clock in the forenoon, in the Council Chambers, Village .1 Newcastle, for the hearing of ail parties intcrestcd i sup- porting or oppesing these applications. D4TED at Toronto this l9th day ai February, 1960 B. VICKERS, Acting Secretary '2 (SEAL) The Ontario Municipal Board NOTICE The above hearing is in respect ai an applica- tion madie for -authority ta enter into an agree- ;ment wîth The Ontario Water Resources Coin- mission for the construction ai a water works syslem aI an estimateti cost ai $170,355, and for repayment ai this amount over a period ai lhirty years. Ta repay Ibis amount andi apenale the system, the village will have ta raise $19,900 per year, and it is proposed to raise Ihis by levying an annual rate ai $38 on each poperty connectedti t the water distribution systein, plus $4 for a service connection; plus a moôntage charge ai 30c per foot and a levy ai .3 ' àmilîs on all assessinents. At these rates a house an a 66-foot lot, assess- ed for a total af $2,200 and connectedti t he system., would pay annually for water the follow- ing amounîs: (a) 3.3 n-ills on assessment ai $2,200 $ 7.26 (b) 66-foot f rontage @ 30 cents a foot 19.80 (c) House connection --- 4.00 (d) Minimum water rate--_ _ 38.00 $69.06 Ail properties in the village would be assessed for rate (a); ail properties fronting an the streets listed in Schedule "A" would be assessed for rates (a), (b) and (c). A list of the streets or parts ai streets an which il is proposedt t construct waterrnains, and a map ai the village showing the locations, are available for inspection at the Village Clerk's office. SCHEDULE "A" TO AppONITMENT FOR HEARINGO0F THE OnTALRIO MUICTIPAL BOÏARD DbATED ( 5) ( 6) c 7> c s> ( 9) (10) (11> <12> (13) (14) (15> (16> (17) <18) ON King Street (Hwy. No. 2)ý Beaver Street Beaver Street Mill Street Church Street North Street Manvers Street George Street George Street Emily Street Caroline Street Edward Street Robert Street 260 hons. serWices PROM Cununnham Property King Street Emily Street C.P.R. Station Emily Street Monroe Street North Street North Street mmi Steet North Street Church Street PM Street Chareh Street TO (Anthur St.) Concession Rd. Monroe st.. Robert st. Robert St. Robert st. Carolins St. Mll st. Manvers St. Reaver St. Beaver St. Mili St. Beaver St. Desver St. Teta notusteuh esTi 10,5 TEE CUAMAWA?« 'PA'iMU!rn1a t uÀot1a U~v I rnivopu -- --**.~.~-* ~ ~ ~, AJ~ VM~.Im, ~JL~ ~ Fergusan ~1~> DOWmGflVIIIC Il Gordon Agnew, Edilor ,Waterworks.. i On Manda y the Ontario Municipal Board wWl hold a public hearing in Newcastle ta decide whether the village 'ihould be allowed ta enter an agree- mnent with the Water Resources Com- mission ta instail and operate a' muni- cipal water supply i the village. and te decide whether ta approve the council'à bylaw 725 setting out the rates ta pay for the systein aver a thirty year he~i variaus reasons why Ncw- castle should have a municipal water supply have been gone over li the columns many turnes in the past and we wili flot dwell further hère. Any con- munity minded persan must see the value af the systen, and if saine council had had the foresight 30 years aga that our pres-nt council is showing, New- castle might have been a much differ- ent village to-dav, and we might also have had sewers by this turne, eliminat- ing aur present health hazards. Saine 20-add years aga the village council ef that day issued debenAtures for the purchase of a hydro electric distribution system. lI the intervening years it has been paid for and added ta until taday this village has ane af the finest systeins of any village of its size in Ontario and wha wauld be withaut hydro because il was an expensive un- dertaking? Around this turne, the council also purchased f ire protection equipment by debenture which has been p aid off, the equipinent built up and added ta aven the years and certainly a municipal water supply would b. a boon ta the fire-fighting equipment with its ample supply af water.% Last year, a well was drilled and developed which, when tested, proved .AChallen ge te supply sufficient water te a cern mulytwice the size of that planndi Acodng ta the. volume of watem pumped aven a 24 hour perlod it wil supply aven 200 gallons af water per1 capita per day and Information We2 received frein the Bawmnanville Public,ý Utilities Commission the average con-1 suixptian ai water li the Town ef Bow- manville for the first nine months of 1959 was 90 gallons per capita per day. Therefore, we have the water Sup-, ply developed. The preliminary survey ii has been made by the consulting engin. t eers, the village council ha. spent many9 Ixaurs at haine and in Taranto working eut the plan which will serve the Village2 for many years ta came.; True, it is go- c ing ta cast each ai us saine money, but what service can you get withaut money? This praject certainly presento a challenge ta the citizens ai this village. Are we going te go ahead or back?2 Same six*years aga a waterworks plan C was presented ta the electors of th. vil- lage and turned down after mare than $500 had been spent on a survey. This turne a survey bas also been madie, plus several thousand dollars spent on de- velaping a well. Are we going ta waste ý all luis rnoney, or are w. going ta show those who fallow li the future that we, the Newcastle residents af 1960, taok aur civic responsibilities seriously by making anc of the finest lasting contri- butions ever madie ta Ibis village? Whethçr or *not you agre. with the sentiments herein expressed it is your duty ta be at the Community Hall if at all passible on Monday mornlng ta express yaur approval or disapproval of the applications being made ta the Muni- Monday Is D -Day Expect Big Croi For Water Mee Newcastle - Monday morn-. withln the village a wat.r- lng, March l4th, at 10 o'clack works rate suif icient ta PSy Io 1l*.Day for tahe pops 63 percent of thie cost 'of saiti municipal waterworks systcm Project. for the village of Newcastie. It Io expecte th ae response The Ontario Municipal Board of the citizens of the. village will coiiduct a public hcaing for or against thus praject i thie natter of an applica- will have considemable bearlng tion by the Ontario Watcr Re- On thie decision of the board sources Commission on behalf who have already stutiiet ail of the village of Newcastle for aspects of the project includ- authority for the saiti Corpora. ing thie financial standing of tiQn ta enter into an agree. thie village anti its ability ta ment with the saiti Commis-py for such a project. The slan for the Construction anti Brd will make ite final de. opemation of a waterworks cîsian, aftcr studying thxe me- system. As well, the hearing suite of this hearing wlhen ail will deal with an -application citizefla wiil have an appor- by the Corporation of the Vil- tunity ta be heard in support- lage of Newcastle for approval ing or opposing taies. applica- of its by-law 725 being a by- tionis. law for im.posin.g on ownera lxi an interview with Reeve and occupants aofail landis D. J. Cunningham we were î lewcastle Social and1 fersona/il His maxiy friends in thxe vil- M. Rudeli wlll b.1 1yt lage wili be sormy ta learn earry to learn tlxat she is a 'hat Mr. Ellison Moise left patient in Mémxorial Hospital last Thursday ta enter thie in Bowmanvilie. Weston Sanitorum for treat- Mer.JonSau ad ment.MessJonSru ad Mr. andi Mrs. Don Williamns BIi Arka of Toronto, spent ofBowmanviile visited i wth the weekend vlsiting with Dr. ai Lr S. anti1%&s. Miklos anti en- Mr. and Mme. Gordon Agnew jce ae lîn t aeOh on Wednesday evening. oe o &inatheO - Miss Mary Pluister of Ta- awa Ski Club. ronta, spent tue weekend vis- Miss Frances Riekard en- iting with hem parents, Mn. tertained a dozen oi hem young anti Mrs. Pluister and family. friends at a party on Saturtiay Fnienis aof Miss Pat Rudeli on thxe occasion of her l2th daughter of Dr. anti Mrs. W. birthtiay. Soin, Daughter Night Planned By Lions Club Newcastle - Lion Charles Knox chainman aif the Lions Club Father andi Son niglxt prga nnounceti at the mc- gular mneeting >i tue club helti anTUrsday evening last the committee had dticidedti t make it a father, son or daughter night sa that Lions with a son coulti bring himi, If not bring a daughter anti if that stili leaves hini out he shoulti borrow one for the evening. lI any case, memi- bers will be chargeti with two meals. Lion CharnUe announc- cd a gooti program has been amrngeti that slxould be oi benefit ta fathers, sans anti daughtera for Uic special nigit Mardi l7th. Poliowing tue deliclous dli- ner serveti by members of Msr. Fisk's graup o! tue Un- ied Church Woman's Associa- tion, Lion president Chas, Me- gît conductedth te meeting andi welccmed four visitors froin thie Norwood Club who were sseeklng support for their clubs scandidate, Lion Bob Garden tfor Deputy District Governor. -A letter was aiea receiveti 1from tue Cobourg club seeking support for the chairman of 3the local Zone, Lion Wib. rTlhornas for this office. The 3electian for Deputy District Govemnor will take place at 1the Zone raily in Cobourg eApril 7th. e The president appointeti -Lions Bill Stanka, Gerry Du- ival and Truxixan Hnderson a -conimittce ta set a date and imakc plans for Uic club's an- fnual Ladies' Night 1The members dàcided te tpreselit five prizes taoc>utstafl- ding stutients at tue annual -Spring Commencemnent at thxe fOrano, Higli School. .Lion Ken Stephenson con- -ducted an ixpressive Initia- -tion on the. newest memben aio the. club, Lion Gary Han- rcock who receiveti bis Lions ePn ad ette . . ERDET) JOHNTOI representing The Lodn e. L. nsuace Comuy 15 Concesson St. E, E.wmmnvill Bewmanvile MA 3-3675. Oohawa RA 3-M18 '. il 'I vwd kting Infommed that nembera cf the. vilage council bave 'spent mxany long hours aven Uic past two yeare planning andi ne- planning tuis projeet. By cut- ting, out the less populateti sections they have eut the original estkniateti cost by many thousands ai dollars te the present estimnateti $170,- 355. Council lias also drawn up a plan fon payment whlch they believe ta be thie meut reasanable and fair to ail con- cerneti (Sciiedule A), publisai- ed ithe hcaring notice. Through thus echedule, pro- perty owners wiil be able ta figure the cost ta, thein oi the project right down to tue pen- ny. Reeve Cunninghiam usketi us te make it known to tic citîzens tuat taxis meeting was not just for objectors but shoulti b. representeti by at lest anc member cf .very household itue village, par- ticulanly thxe 260 bouses which will be connected ta the sys- teni anti who naturafly wil shoulder the big share ai tue costs of thxe system when in- staileti. This has been a gigantie undertaking for menibers o! the council wha have worketi hard for two years prepaning the plan anti it is only faim that council shoulti expect a large turnout oi citizens te, sec anti hear tue plane that have been mnade and te express their opinions for or againet tue projeet. The propaseti waterwarks systen will caver ail strecte north of Highway 401 te tue Canadian Pacifie Railway anti fmom Arthur St. (Newell Lun- ber Co.) on tahe east ta, juat west of Cunningham's drive- way near the top of the hWi on King St. te tue west. After the systeni has been installed ant i h inoperation citizens on any street outside the systeni whene 80 percent of tue property owncrs peti- tion for it may apply for ser- vice. Water mains wiil be laid on thxe local improvement plan, thus cxtcnding tue ser- vice ta areas wherc it is me- quireti until thxe entire- muni- cipality la senviedt. CGIT Plans For Bake Sale Newcastle - The newly formeti C.G.I.T. Group ield i ts second meeting in the. Sun. day Sehool rean ai the Unit- ed Ohunch, opening the meet- ing with gaes During tue meeting plana wcre discussed ior a bake sale and tea ta, be conducted by tue group on Mardi 25th. The girls aiso decîdedti t invite thie Explarer's graup te have lunch with therin lithe kitchen fol- lowing tucin meetings. 7W&s would awell their numbers and make taxe social hour more enjoyabie for alI. The C.G.I.T. la rather mail li numbers at tue present timie anti would welcome any teenage girls te join I the gnoilp, where they would be madeie oat welcome. M A 1 UAV~ 7k0/Vewcc4le 24p. SPECIAL PURCHASE - OAK LEAF Choice Cream Corn 7fol .00 ECONOMICAL SPREAD M argarine Monarch Reg. P. 5, forl.100 MIX'EM OR MATCH'EM CHICKEN NOODLE, CREAM 0F CHICKEN, CHICKEN WITH RICE, IMUSHROOM, OR VEGETABLE BEEF___ Aylmer Soups SNCREST CHOICE PEAS Çaranteecl ý2uality Ifleats DEVON BRAND RINDLESS' SPECIAL SIDE BACON MAPLE LEAF SPECIAL COTTAGE ROLLS CAL» WEL'S* PORK SAUSAGE IL pkg. 45 c Every Day Low Prices CUT BREAD COSTS! CARRY IT HOME AND SAVE! SLICED WHITE RICHMELLIO BREAD 24-oz. loaf 18 C FRESHLY GROUND RICHMELLO COFFEE IL.67c MSYMPH[ONY BRAN FACE TISSUES box 29C ROTHMAN'S KING SIZE FILTER CIGARETTES icarton of 200 3.09 ~ 8fori11.00 CHILDREN LOVE IT IN SANDWICHES ST. WILLIAM'S - WITH PECTIW STRAWBERRY JAM 24OZ. 4 BISCUIT FEATURE NIEW - DAVIDÎ & FRERE Chocolate Chip Cookies do0]MIS. c Ekrocluce Speci'als T OMAT OE S MM., GOLDEN YELLOW BAÀNANAàS lb. 1lc Mdlntosh APPLES 3 IL poly bag 19c SIZ19 1389 doz. .49C. values effective i Bowmanville until closing thme Saturday, Mafth Utl0160 AU merchandis sold at your Donion Store M& lu uacouditienally guaranteed t. give 10%satisfaction DOMMNON STOR9ES LIMITED Team Bantdms Cadilacs _ _ _ D w e c sl - Corvettes O WLldtes Newn N wcatleO Widas30 Nwate- OnTiursday The Newcastle boys doubledI Aces ________ 29 evening a Bowmanville Ban- the score li penalties ove? (Z e I Is TagùeBownianvme -, with Wayne Phone 3621 3 on': Lethe local anena on goals'> ~ ~ ~ sia2y5 Bob 3 8:0m= by Larry Rotigers, et un Day Slg Don Parker 251, Geog m John Adams,~ Doug Pickles- (4), wamng he penalty bencai bail 247, Albert Pac 247. G.ry Tuibb Mnd joo & dbm. for t»o minutes éach for the -Community and SlmMeilli 23. The. ft ed MÉl<fe gad givBill Bvontwu Bowin Reuiop (2) and PtrMéCullough. visitlig t«=i. Newcastle - Bessie Fergu- H~urricanes e ln the ladies Wednesday after- Spitfires 56' U Cv n i- naon league last week witli Mustangs 45 o OTo the folowing bwWerTU Convention 3 Cesie Th Jsa mk legue Newcastle - nei regular occasion wMf be Mra. Dulc15 Perguson 247, Ruth Couch (over 200) Jak erinr 245, mohily meeting of the. Woni- Cooke, &a misuionary on fur. 236, Jean McCullough 231 Joe Louis 245, Bil Harrison en Missioflary Society of theue hfo aa.I s l Alice Rowe 223, Betty Brown 212, Gary Barchard 2112, Dor- UnltdCuoiWBhl x h luhfenJpn tw I 221 and Kay Kimball 204. othy -Whitney 208 and MarySunday Solioci hall on March declded the .annual W.M.8 * * *Garrod 203. 3rd. Th¶e Preident, Mn,. Geo. Fainily Party wif be held la In ic eenge eage o B~ Team StSfldimg Allun opened thie meeting with May when members of the Inatuhey ftenaon Jaueohn Bug 45 wonds of welcome and an ap- Mission BnCGIT n Sames ut aternhîg h n Core s 3 _______ 7 propriate message foflowed EporrB ran f .G t.ed James hit the high s____es ___s 15 with prayer.Exlr'&gop bth mgaîn after e brief layoff scor- Brats ____~~.15 us othSciy.P* [ng a high single of 266. and a Rolling oveir 200 hi thi p'1.- The. members cd Oroup Iluasc h Scey lx total of 636 in the three day mixed league were Ken were li charge of thi. prorn were dlscusaed foi- Apill 28th gaines. Otiiers scorlng over 200 Whitney 259, a.eo. Kimiball .. t= evtinawie e the UcSociety will b. serv- li singe gamnes were Aflie 247, John Rickarti 228, Doug "Truth anid Freedom"! was lng dixiner to memberi of the Afldread 245, Don Rudnian Waitan 227, Hazel Munro 227, takeii by Mrs. Géqrge Allin County W.C.T.U. who will b. 218, Riokie Pearce 214 and Alice Rowe 209, p.rcy Mjare and Mre. Chas. Cowan. A chap- holding their Convention ln Gary Y&Cuilough 209. 201 and Barbara Alldread 201. ter of thie Study Book on the church on tliat date. ***Team Standintes "African Music" -was ably Itwsanone ta E lEveIngLeaues Hot Shots 64 presented by Mai. Howard Muriel Stevens, doughter of EvelngLegue }i-Jicks 6______ 0 Allili. Mm. and Mme. Roma Stevens of Bowlers scoring over 200 in Rosebuds 54 Durlnjg the business part af Bow'manville is a new canidi- thec Monday ladies' league last Misfits - _______ 54 eii meeting plans were dis- date for Misuionary Work ini week were Doreen Mr-Lean Alley Cat.s 49 cussed for the Baster Thank Angola Afies. Miss Stevens 232, Alice Rowe 219, Grace Underdoga 48 Offening meeting to b. held lse ii.frst Mlsslonary to go Oouch 214, Carolyn Garrod 212, Sugarjets -_______41 on Wednesday afternoon April out iran Vthe Oshawa Presby-. Ruth Couch 211 andi Bessie Shreddies- 22 th. Thec guest speaker on taxis terial for a flumber ci yeana =1 m .