'IVURSDAY, MA. IOth, 1960THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO PG HRE~ tmrarn MP Vetoes CCF'S National <Health Pro gram Dr. R. P. Vivian, M.P. for ýhs session. Hie sought gev- D)urhani,waa among three doc- erninent consideratiorr of a tors and a dentist on the gev-i national plan of insuiing Can- ernmant aide of the Commons adians against medical, den- who left no doubt last weak tel and optical expenses. 4)f where they stand on a CCF Martin In Favor proposai for a national health' Former haalth mjnister Paul .~plan. AIl four opposed it. ~ -~XEs)sp They contended that such, ported the motion. He said the a plan ln Canada would have:piar ocan.oudb the sae resuit as it has had "that no individual is denied in Britain-lowered madical the best possible medical, den- standards. Thay added that tai and optical care possible Canadian enrolments of medi-Ireg rdless of financial circum- cal studenta aliaadv are de-,stances." clining and they traced theý The doctors stated their case draop to talk of "statism" in in clear lay languaga. mnedicine.: Dr. Vivian said ha fears In the end, the proposai byiplacing a stata medical care labor organizer Arnold Peters! prograrn "upon a relativaly (CCF-Timiskaming) was talk-, unsuspecting public at heaven cd aut-debated, for the fuli ýknows what cost" when thare time allotted to it, with littia aliaady ha sufficiant care pro- 'chance ef corning up again vided if "wa tidy up" sema cof Smoother Sledding! We find it easier sledding in our family. That is becausea egaod bank balance through regular saving bas given us security and peace cf mind. We're ail steady savais et THE CANADIAN BA4NK 0F COMMERCE JMONEY IN THE BANK MEANS PEACE OF M1140 -130YlVANVILLE BRANCH - A. L. HOQEY, Manager NEWCASTLE BRANCH - J. C. PORTER, Manager the big comunan-such as urbazi concentration of medl- Mal facilitiez. Dr. George C. Feirfield (PC- Portage-Neepews> sald the Canadien medicel profession already wes worried about the fact fewer men and wornen are entering the profession. Dr. Huh Horner (PC-Jas- per-Edson) seld doctors are individualists and want ta stey that way. Dr. Joseph Slogan (PC - Springfield), the dentist, saîd the insurance principle would flot woîk in dentistry because almost every one recaives den- tal treatment cf some form during hua life. Dr. Hoîner and Dr. Vivian prcposed that gorne form 0f insurance be set up for thosa who lose t'heir life savings ln paymng medical, hospitial and drug bills. "Disaster lInsurance" Dr. Vivian suggested pro- vision of "disaster type" in- surance either partly or coin- petely under government aus- pices. It would prevent a famn ily's savings frein being wip- ed out by the "'tremendeus cost of long-enduring illness- Mr. Peters had argued that "Canada can afford the best type ef health care for ail oui people irrespective of their earning power and that (if we can afford this care, wa should ba able to supply it." Dr. Fairfield described the CCF' resolution as "another et- tempt ta force everyone inta the same mould." The COF was attempting te stamp eut individuel initiative and am- bition and rewerd only the average. Fear Freedom Losa Dr. Vivian seid the doctors' greatest fear about a state- operated plan is the potentiel loss cf fîeedom to exercise their own medical judgement without political interfarence. The opposition did not stemi frein possible loss of incomen.1 In fact many physiciens would1 be "infinltely hatter off" un-1 der e state plan whera col- lections are assured. March 3, 1960, 11736 Groat Road, Ste. 107, Edmonton, Alberta. The Canadien Statesman, P. O. Box 190, Bownienville, Ontario. Gentlemen: Enclosed pleasa find our oheque for $4.00 te renew ciii copy cf the Canadien Sttes- man for another year. We certainily enjcy the hometown paper and would hate te miss aven oeaissue. We ara sorry te hear of the mnany atorms that Ontario hes, been heving. Thay tell us he in Edmnonton- that -titis bas been e mid winter haie this yeeî. It w'as only 28 degrees below. Give our hast te evaryone in Bowmanville and we hope to sae you aeh vary seen. Youîs truly, Roy and Marianne Swindeils 11736 Groat Road, Edmoenton, Alberta. The Red Cross is on the Job And you are there too-through your financial support. It is your help that keeps the Red Cross on the job- active and strong to carry on its many humanitarian endeavours. With your help in 1960 the Canadien Red Cross will continue to serve this community, this province and this nation. When help is needed in distant landsyou know the Red Cross wiIl be on the job! Money alone cannot buy the many services and programmes provided by the Red Cross. Combine It with the voluntary effort of millions of Canadians, and the Red Cross wil be able te meet its round-the*clock demands. You can do your share by giving a generous donation when a velu nteer Red Cross canvasser oeils on you. If you ,are flot at home when the canvasser catis, please send your contribution to the address below. Serve again by giving to the RED CROSS ?.0. BOX 141% BOWMANVILLE, ONT. 6ffl PRESIDENT DON MARSDEN PHONE MA XM8 Donations may be sent t. the abov - addrss or Toronto-Dominion Bank, BovrouinwilIa, ont. WHAT OTHEES SAY CAUSE FOR ANGER The Exeter Tixnes-Advocate Ontario hog producers have good cause for being irked at Agriculture Minister Goodfellow's veiled threats and accusations against the current marketing prôgram. I On a number of occasions that minister bas said the co-op's metbeds were not aboya suspicion and would have to be changed. He bas lef t a clear impression that he distrusts the board and dislikes its operation, but he has neyer given specific reasons for this attitude. Obviously, we are not in a position to know whether or flot the co-op's methods are under- handed. But we're prepared to suggest the min- ister 's are. Surely Mr. Goodfellow does not have to resort te veiled innuendoes and reprehensible insinua- tiozis te discredit the board. If its methods are illegal then he should be in a position te take forthright action. If the marketing plan is wrong then Mr. Good- fellow must share the blame for allowing it te be established. The scheme was developed under legisiation sponsored by Mr. Goodfellow's department and it bas passed the test of producer appreval in the vote of last year. While this vote was declared invalid, it was net because of the hog producers' actions but for technical reasons. Most observers agree the verdict provided by the producers was a fair expression of opinion. What then, is Mr. Goodfellow complaining about now? Must ha adopt smear tactics to rectify a situation of bis own creation? We suggest te Mr. Goodfellow that if bis oppenents in the legisiatura made such serieus charges against bis department witbout substantia- tien, he and bis cohorts would cry "foui" in axtreme anger. His tactics thus f ar bave been far from ethical. TYR9 Mi. and Mis. James Simip- son and famnily, Ottawa, spent the weekend with Mi. and Mis. Don Stiainton. Mi. sud Mis. Ross (Bill) Page and family, Haimpton, were aise tea guests cf thei Stainstons on Susnday. World Day et Prayer service was held in Tyrone Church. Frid'ay, March 4, with a veîy good attendance. Saveral et oui W.M.S. ladies took parts. Rev. F. J. Jackson gave a brief ad- diess on "Labourera Together with God." We wera pleased te have five Salemn ladies pie- sent, Mis. E. Twist, Mýis. K. Shackleton sang, "H ave You Pnayed i the Gaiden witlh Jesus" accompanied by Mis. G. Shacletoin. Tyrone Choir are starting the Organ Fund with a concert. Watch for announcament latier. The East and West Groupa cf W.A. are plannàng a Bazaar and tea for March 17. Choir practice will b4 heïd Thursday eveninsg at the home et Mr. and Mis. G. Brent. Mis. H. Phîlp, Mis. Leon Moore, Miss Mary Stevens weîe guests Sunidy evening of Mr and Mia. T. Stevens, Toronto, and astiended The Peopla's Ohurch, te hear Miss Gladys Aylwaird, wiio bas been a missionary in Noîthain Chi- na. After service they were lunch guests cf Mi. and Mis. Leslie Webb, Leaside. Mi. and Mis. Arthur Rahm, Mr. and is. H. Skinner, Mi. Lloyd Skinner, Mýis. W. Rahin, attended the funeral of the lata Cyril Avery lest week. West group of W.A. ara quilrt- ing a quilt at the home of Mis. H. Hall sud East group et W.A. are quilting a Red Cross quilt. NE WTON VILLE Miss Dorothy Stapleton of Kingston, spent the weekend at home. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Sauniders were weekend visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Lester of Agincourt. Mr. and Mis. George Fel- gate of Toronto were with Mr. and Mrs. Wilfred Wood over the weekend. Miss Carol Kellar cf Port Hope spent Sunday with Miss Donne Porter. Recent visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Clinton Brown were, Mrs. Cecil Dean and son Ron- ald cd Toronto. Mr. and Mis. Roland Bowen of Bronte and Mr. Herb Heard cf Port Hope. Miss Irene Lae et Morrish spent the weekend wibh Miss Car-olinre Clysdale Mi. Geo Staplaton and son Keith, attended e sale at the collsaumn, Toronito, and pur- dhiased a poiled Hereford bull consigned iby Mr. H. R. Gal- braith of Thamesville. MT. and Mrs. Keith Steph- enson, Debbie and Jili cf Cla- rkson, spent the weekend wlth Mrs. Geo. Ovens. Mr. and Mms. Clinton Brown and ýMi. and Mis. RolaTnd Bcw- en cf Bronte attended the Birch - Patteirson wadding at Orono on Saturd'ay. Miss Carol Reichrath spent the waekenàd with the MoMur- chies of Hillsburg Min Raum and Mr. and Mrs. He'hn cf -Toronto, were Sun- day visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Reichrath. World's Day of Prayer The World Day of Prayer Service was held P'rlday ai- ternoon in the Swiday School hall. Net ail women planning to attend were presenit throiigh road conditions but 22 wera prosent and a fine service was enjoyed wlth aavei'ei taling Part, Bey. R. C .White gave a brief addr.eu. He closed his re- marks by seylng thet sach Christilan engaged ln prayer to- dey was following the, exarnp1e of tii pialmist who ini psaim 109- 'l give myseif in pre«r- er." Inýjohng se the Christian has trie assurance, 1 That each claily happening han corne ta bea awhisper frasu tii, lips af God. 2 Thet ecci separate task ttc Which he is assigned is for hlm a listenlng post. 3 Ttiat c ansd every comtmon meumautance niay be a wiay- ~U. Jlm Caswefl sang very feelingly "Sweet Hour of Pray-à ONE Mi. and Mis. Sidney Martyn, Mi. Sid Morris, Oshawa; Mi. and Mia. G.* Kovac, with Mi. and Mrs. S. Goble. Congratulations te Mi. Herb Cameron on celabrating his 85th birthday. A family gather- ing w'as held Suniday at the home of Mi. and Mis. A. Wood. Congratulations fi, Mi. and Mrs. Horace Hall who oelebie- te thei 32nd weddin.g aninvar- savy Sundiayr when several of thair family were present. Mis. L._D. Sykes ieturned1 tic her home at Hampton a f ter spending 4 weeks witb Mr. and Mrs. G. Breuit. Mr'. sud 3Ms. Robert Burgess and faily, Bowrnanville were Satux'day visiters cf M.and Mis. F .L. Bysan. Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Hwrier, Dayid, Johin a±nd Ernie, Clark- son, were Sundey visitors cf Mr. and Mim. J. C. Cook. Miss Jacqueline Rosavear returned to ber adiiooi near Caxnpbeilford aftr spanding a week at her home, very ill. Misses Jean Robertson and Anne Moreland spent the we- ekend at Udney. Mis D. Badour and baby Brent, Oshawa, are with her Parents, Mir. and Mis. G. Brent. Mr. and Mrs. H. Murphy and childreui have been staying wiýtftiMis. Edàith Murphy Mr. and M.rs. J. Park and boys, Peterborough; Mx. sud Mis. David Park, Glenina and Tom, NI. sud Mis. J. Murdoch and boys, Bowmanrville; Mr. and Mis. G. Byam and baby, wer'e Sunday visitera of Mr. and Mms. W. Park. Mi. and Mis. George Ail- dread, visited Mis. Herb Mur- ray, Orono. Mi. and Miýs. D. Miller and Debbie, were supper guests of Mis. Elva Beckett, Oshawa. Mr. sud Mis. Don Real anid boys, Graenbank, visited ber parents, Mr. anid Mis. W. H. Taylor. Hydro Mgr. Presents Plan To Cost $6,700 Orono Hydre Commission met on Monday, Feb. lSth when the manager, E, Dent, submitted a proposed capital improvernent pa for Qthe year 1960. Tha total cost of the plan amounted te $6700 and was necessary said the man- ager te keep pave with the growing nead. Included in h.is pîogram was $1500 for transformais and $3000 te rebuild thea une àn Main street south. Other im- provements are Vo ha made in the business section, Somar- ville Drive, Main street noîth, Miii St. noirth, Victoria St. and on Church St. north. ý 1 i Mr. Dent aise pointad out. TEURSDAY, MAR. loth, 1960 For Those 'MEATLESS DAYS DURING LENT jjj COTTAGE CHEESE RINGS , 1 ibsp. Unflavored Gelalin <I 1/4 cup Cold -Water 2 cups Collage Cheese (Glan Rae Dairy)AG 3/4 isp. Sali Il~ i sp. Sugar i 1 fbsp. Lèmon Juice i I 1/ cup Cream li (Glen Rae Dairy) '/ CUP Mayonnaise Fruit or Vegelabie Saiad Soften galatin in cold water in top of double boilar. Place over boiling water until dissolvad. Combina remaining ingredients except saled; blend thoroughly. Add cheese ,mixture te geletin. Pour into individual ring molds. Fi centres with fruit or vegetable salad. GLEN RAE DAIRY 98 RING ST. W. - - - ~-4M - !L - - - ~ _ ~II NII~ ,444 trumnmest tno bond for Moi Thets your new A quiet new ride ...- a dashing new spirit ...- a aloek new look. Smnf wonder the dazziing new Plymouth inia adus.by itseif this year with a whole array of now Plymnouth léatures to make it no 1 Like orle-piece Unibody construction*. And Plyrnouth's new inc1inedý, economical sii- cylinder engine. Automatic swivel seats. And a Torsion-AIRE Bide that's botter than ever. See Plymouth seon ... the car that makes the big change@ins the low-prics fildi PI IsiT OU" SHOWROOMS I TEST..DRIVIE VOUa FÂVOURI&Tf TOD0V ALMER MOTOR SALE 120 King Street E Bowmanville os Phone MA 3 - 5487 that the reduction in rates in bo neesaxy. the Ontario system. 1969 had reduced revenue by HI. M. Mercer, chairman, said On motion cf R. C. Ferres- 16% and that this was crip- that we can't drop behind and ter and G. E. Simpson the plirig the operating and cap- that; the systemn must be kept manager was given a raise in ital improveinent fund for the1 in good shape. The manager salary of $200. local system. It was proposed1 was advised to contact the Some discussion followed et the Urne of the reductioni Ontario Hydro in connection on employing a helper and G. that the decrease was to Wa wîth the rates and that the E. Simpson stated that it 9%. The manager stated that whole issue be re-examined. should ha someone who Is domestic consumers were ac- A special meeting is to be willing to learn the operation. tually getting a 10% reduction called as soon as this informa- He also suggested that the commercial about 22% and tion is available. Commission advertise the power 26.5%. He said if the~ The accounts for February position and establish a pen- commission intended to keep were paid emounting Vo $2,- sion for the employee. This is ahead of iniprovements that1 410.98 cf which amount $1,- Vo be taken up at the special an adjustment cf rate would 552.19 was paid for hydro fromn meeting.-Times. 11 I mm Imm ----------- ------------ --------- PAtrE TRIRTEM MA 3-54