e..,; - .. .. - - ...-.- -.------ - - ..s -~ - lIE V. Dur ain oumity's Great Family Journal Farmers Co-Op Reports Good .Yea*r The 325 member Durham Fa rs' C -0 Id its twelfth annual meeting on Tus1 Or a rt t essful financial year. Sales were up by 00 o h e ear, 4,867 and savings - or net profits -,amoun o $12 a 'ain 116 8. The organization proved itself most crati u ing a men made by the directors that 1955 dividen e flot dCr eeting voted to pay the dividend amoun 5, e o a 3% patronage dividend loan this yea , 1l ear t space, completedetails will be published next week. The, photo shows guest speaker Julian Smith of the Marketing Division of United Co-operatives of Ontario, dis- 4'roblem of What tft t1 a Z A n.c' 1.. ', I j 7 "4 lOc Per Couv New High School Goes. toCourtice Ready by Fail.'61- ýy St. hl na ofteOer( crt a S i branch. i e i n a d to provide a well-equipped aiV b roers' Ma ro uct b f he Ont T in c f o Bowmanville which was g byMnhr.ur eSi t honday r . p e t Morrison of the.school here Mr. ~ spoke oft t ic of S ir h rt e o o io S ilable concerning donor John arîous confronti t orked inth dyyec r e The large aiz ee av at c t led it to The Statesman. t pur as ng power concentrat- n rasesi selling p It ed in the hands of a compara- of their own production to a tiveiy few èhain store buyers compensate for increased cost. nted a fr 1lyagre e od ie r e t process 0W tion g r e t r e eir ende ec regth woul t tter prices. fte farmer. e speaker ed t e speaker t rketing boa se statementSou 0 Y s A g oughou te viio that ths er- Most good re hyfaceup to e of ast' In Canada number of g d diidualityt ace, y1eid the pressure us ai a n alternative, a c plete _______________ img local complaints, wich loss of their industry. APPrcxiITIJtelY ten Years ago particUlar titis bas been rioted affet oly acam rat el Enýetaiznen; ws prvidthe coin opai ated self serve ii' Tmedium, and,. amaller size affect ~~~~~~ ~lunl onya opaaivl Etraimntws rvi-j sinall number of gro -rS. ed -bv Ms. W. Pring and Don F-ra~n~ir' landy peato started in itowns. Ini these areas thereis -4> 1OU..I0£ ./ JpeClUI'LaUFna I i X May Be Paved Îfîooý jrquesnd te valuenof soîoist M Lodayre ansDrdosbl ihteueofnt uoai hm ahr n payments and stated that un- Rev. F. Jackson wlio perform- fHea ds urhamnur aî gas . 7r hgro % ! hsdres T, oiuandytu The aniauint collecutd througl il1 on behaif o h ognz- eetre o $4,0 less farmers co-operated and ed feats of magie. The even- service ta 1the commuiybsrprsnsagea cnm.I 11e $400 lardi separation ta, :ion. grant for Darlington's share of Thlis S m e supported their marketing ing concuded wît a danceLeaderstgasbpiplinthg hutvsngiehndrdolasO agencies, government help after whicha many of those at-£+tiral gspplnst about $18.640, the Townshir do wit'h this maney,' Mrs. Bu, builit at Memorial Hospital, ontIl was the an wer re- He stated the farmer had the ficulty returning ta their Francis Jose was elected The introduction of cinor-hm landyeuîentoy Cl1erk, Walter Rundie stated ai dai asked. Reeve Garnet Rick- Bowmanville, and that flow ceived b>' Norman Han- knowledge to increase produc- homes, due ta the heavy snow president of the Durham 4-H ated self serve laundieusa-afwhrsaekte Towncei.ip Council hcld in thrEl considering the matter but lhas asking the township for a payera' Assn. on Monda>' _ btulsssmla f tor.Lanaders sotion ed the lyeacrs aotammga ie eainwihulmîe a Townîh.Iip Hall, Hampton. las' bigger problems ta deal with grant o! $92,060 for ils ibuild- at counili. He had asked a,., badromoftigheldprmn iaha enblt iywtin the reach o! evemainy Thursday. The information was first. ing fund. If Liberty St. might hao Arcltr,--mnile given in reply to a question Man>' Mone>' Problems Stupid Zoning By-Law paved durlng June or on Wd5If5y venn* Mch 5 ult nl from Mrs. B. Budai,, secty., of He mentioned the fact tllat Mrs Budai criticized what July of ibis year. i'au u,, il M,, n. on Wede sucday evay, ar hemch greter scpe tha woul the Darlington Ratepayers As- Darlington lias given two she termed "that stupid Zon- Roads Chairman Kelth ivieeliasd. eldsuc ces e Gry, hehutlisteindau okU epacia i h oe sociation, who addr>essed count-1 readdn'gs ta a by-law ta raîse igBY-Law." She asked cut Lathangue poiated ou etb buhdorainofcmecalbsns cil- "Why flot have something that joli tests have to be To FiIaizJI e'6 0 V 14 etthe club two years ago. 1 ments. Early in 1959thcon Frso!alawersfer rena R eports Profit sensible? We have suggest- m»ade before the hard Others elected ta the execu- laundry business .rial a ae tpsil ad A r n e o t r ft ions', she added. surfaclng Is laid. . A By-Law ta amend the ed and sealed. The amend- tive o! the organîzation for underway in Ontaria.TeepsIl ahno.Ti The Darlington RPA secret- He assured Mr. Hannan Garbage By-Law No. 1626 was ments dealt With methods o! the coming year are Lloyd are naw over 150 coinanr ae oteàricuin n f E O ~~ ~ for ~ 9.5 9 ary asked Reeve Riekard whY that council ivas most passed at the meeting of Bow- collection. Kellogg, vîce-president; Ron outlets in Ontario Withsvrlsaltolat rt eea O f $ 5 j5Q8.9 .5j forJlhe was willing ta came to a anxiojis to complete the manville Town Counicil held in First and second readings Brooks, secretary; and the being buit every week nVr losn olr.Tenx m genaral meeting o! thre arganîz- sraing as quleki>' as the Council Chamber on Mon- were given an E*propriation Agricultural Representative Un'ited Sta4és there aeoe otn atri htabue Thre tredit balance on De-'16; Light, water and power, ation, and not ta a Darlington possible. Until it ila com- day evening. After first, By-Law. This By-Larv deals A. 0. Dairymple, treasurer. 10,000 coin laundry otc s odrcrila rmaat camber 3lst, 1959, was $558.95, $2,740.08: Telepirone, $228.44- RPA executive meeting. pleted, the grader wiIi ha second, and third reading was ith eprpriation o! the east- Ron Brooks and Gerry Brown Represents Great Ecom'Tesveadryrcrib il wvas shown intie owa-ue,$789 Unmlmnt 'dontbonga the or-ni-iul 67.9 nepomn used to take out bumps given, 'tire new Garbage By- ern 3feet o! Block 7, Lot 7, were reappointed as auditors.~ yadlretr evc olae.Wti iesaeo ville Arena Operating Fn-ilnsurance, $72.64; Bank cirarg- (Contînuad on pageseven) 1 and' pot holeL a vsnubrd155 in o teproe !Wdnng Paswr md o ar h onityargetherdba Lncaa Statementfor755 pre- Pfroshpe Srpe.ieig Pln eemd frtetecom ed ariialSttemnt or1959, ar- s, $26.70; Freight and Ex- Popc tet sented at the meeting of Bow- press, $18.23; Canadian Auth- A* ~ IILatters wera received from coming season. A specia.l meet- coin laundry is very ra.I (Cniudopgesxe) manville Town Couiicil anaors and Publishers, $57.28; trac ve V Îd N Ie tu s K d two residents o! tire .twn re- ing will be held in Clarke Modyevening by Councillori Hockey, $4,060.09; Rentais, A ta tv W n o e t r s 'e Cross garcling drainage problems. Township Hall, Orono, on Wed- Glenirolme Hughies, cirairmani$4i.80; Skating, $535.40; Town The' Writer o! tire fîrst latter, nesday, Aprîl 2th for all the Announetp n n of the Arana Board. ýo! Bowmanville (PSI and Hos- G. Heath, also addressed coun& rnprnbers o! 4-H Clubs in Dur- Revenue for the yearpital Insurance), $189.78; Re- il and explained tirat his main bam. amounted ta $22,939.06, wiîich'ceiver-Gencral (incarne tax), di!ficulIty is due ta a small pipe ivroy l4tb *was tentatively set plus the batik balance on!$204.05; Warkni's Compen- isaed inea ewbuesthdte!te4-H Live- January Ist, 1959, of $3,51.7 andsatioîî, $38.12: Insurance, $2,- was built near iris. slock Judgin.g Competition. cash on hand -on Decamber 31, 704.46; Petty Cash, $60; Cawk- Previously hae could clear tire Coacbing 'for tibis avent is 1959,of $45.72 totalled $26,512.-' er's IGA, $30.60; S. J. Jackr- ditch himself, ha said. Ha sLneciuled for May 6th at tire 27.man& on,$5085 Ra Nedspainted out that a relief dain extension brancir office. It The revenue was derived as, (expenses, course), $50; Travel . running ta tire other sida of~ was decided to have tire two follows: Skatinig, $4,696.75:expense, $262.85; Ont aria thre street had flot worked since top sirowmen from each 4-H Rentai. $9,564.65. fockey,Arenas Association. $30; Office, trdtcronthtsd wa uisow nmasfotter $b,532.20; Canteen concession,[811.10; a ndi miscellaneous, levelled off over bot water owii, at thre Orono Fair. A $1,625; Skating Club, $1,316.40; $24.38. tanks. Ha added tiret no water Durhanm County Grand Cham- Taiephona, $19.06, and Family Councillor O. J. Presson, wiro runs off that sida Whan tirh ineflienmd rmtn Skatingi, $185. was cirairman of tira Arana snaw is plantiful as tire culvert gronup. benmdfrmIi f o 1 5 ~ Bard or ireles sixmonirsis ao sell Haaskd t rat a' Expanditures for 19o59, 1959,dot a si out tiret tire lar a cl aaisdtad t wsrpradtrttr àmounted tb $25,953.32. Telf15,pitdotta h agrcletb ntle. I a eotdta h wara: Arena supplies, $2 ,961.94; credit balance would have been Gordon Wîlcox, 53 Duka St., Millbrook Cal! Club with Re pa i rs and Maintenance, largcer if it hed flot been for in bis latter, informad council Mervin Smith as leader i.s al- $3,190.62; Printing and Adver- tire difficuities witir aquipment "-taevr'sinmatgna ready underway, and tira tiig*$40.86; Labour, $7335-learly lsa asano nd c ase ea t WSheep Club under tire leader- tisig, 3., .>'lest~ ~ from tire Ontario Streat scirool- sbip of Jim Coombes has aiea S'~ yard. onto iris property and star-ted operations. Tire Poul- Isaaps into iris cellar. Ha aiso try Club Witir Ron Brooks as I * sked that e larger culvert ba leader wil start off on Marcir D is a d ,3 i installad ta correct tira situa- 164ir. SETTE PIGES- Frmer inthisare wil beDeputy-Reeve Ivan Hobbs, Junior Fermer 4-H Seed Judg- SETTE PICE - at-ers n tis reawil ha(Continiued an page sevan> ing Competition is April lst. happy to learn that the price- of corn. and tomatoas . liras been sët the same as last year, accarding ta information received from Ed. Ruthven, director a iG r vMn of Zone 6, Vegetable Marketing Board. It îoto&s M i r v a now as thougli price of peas wiil go to arbitratio >s. Ed. came up with a new saying. There are n<>wFo d De d n Ca three ways to go ta the devil - wine, women and o nDe d'i Ca farmng -and.armig i themostborig. he men>' friençIs in tis: Linda, age 16, and Janice, age district, of George Black aea nina His sistar, Mrs, C. J. 8.. 44, 'R. R. 3, BowmnvlaLldTonoasourie ~TRRD GAME HERE - Naxt Tuesday at 8np.m.,al Ll aro Trroitet o! pur'ives chwan le sand district fans will have another war owere sddaneof yes- His etn tth otr ethW igl chancewmanvie Elmira Juveniles against our local terday by iris sudden deatir. s etnga heNrh squad. This wiIi be the third game of the best of Mr. Black wa found deed in cutt and Smithr Funaral Home. The officiailpnn fBw anil' ahO _fv, ere. ow avil pay heeonSirda is car, wirich wes s e t Service Will ire held tireaon Mtconoperated, sl ev anr a none nih. ives rie.Ba nvilely s therfseSt urday t the aide o! the road on- Higir- S atu.rday n'orning et 9:30' night Elmia unoubtely isthe astes outft tawey 2, abot an milewest 'ciok. 0narmoncwi ira n thi wee for archi8nant19. eith kngsandMarrsi hit this area this season, so corne out and see some o! thAeajuntoneo!milendes the Westiravan Memorial Gar- dent of the compani aigth noneet --top notch hockpov. Give aur lads your support. t . heig cirw 4 o1fet200arn.dans, Scarirorough.stedhacstmrardfid hoaentetd Wednesday. Mr. Black was tira Salas in this unique operto wl b wec ed hn - WIIAT A GAME - Doris Jo11 set a brand new One of Bresfin's store windows was tonverted into a self-explanatory It w«5 estimated tiretire Manager for McLaugirlin Coal struction and free ws evc llb rvdd record for ladies' bowling on Monday night at apa for Red Cross funds on Monday by a hardworkmng group from the S hbad bacnd eled bothave aHeSulas a Libr Jr uwad saa-eti eklgtn o Liberty Bowi. She was bowline in the Ladies' ciety. The Statesman photographer happened aicrng during the afteriioon when ruffered a heart attack. lem Lodge, AF. & A.lX, G.R. foto h uligwihpoie otatatv Major League and chalked up a 408 total, the hieh- Mrs. -Cliffard Gillespie and hier son, three-year-oid Michael, were studYing the Deetir was pronouncad by Dr. C. No. 31. A service will be appearance. At tirl oet h ag WabOMa est ever rolled by a ladv bawler in this area. For many dtais of Red Cross work, acconioanied by Mns. Harold Dunn. Our staff A. Ferciuharson, the coroner, hald et Nortircutt and Smith sign is heid up inicsosbt hudel those who dvc't unclerstand the '1ame. th%îd is iust ~ artist is responsibie for the crude lettering wlrich tells thre story of the RedJ Cross et thea scena. Funeral Homne tis evaning, the next few days I h pnn h Mr .Bleck is survived b>' ii Thursday, et 7:30 o'clock. Haeft . 42 points away froni a perfect game. We'll wager -Blitz which wiii be in full swing here Monday night fromn 7 to 8 p.m. Out- wife,'tbc former Audrey An- was also e membar of tha the building wiil be pitdwiegiiat I e she was exhausted from the strain. side of town,. the canvass will take longer due to the condition o! the roads. gui Watt, and two daugbters, Ohwa Roary Club, Canadian Tire builing *VOLUME 106 16 Pages BOWMANVILLE. ONTARIO, THURSDAY, MARCH lUth, 1960 Bequest Pays For New B.T.S.- Library ana tan , -1bà :